Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Does any x86-specific initialization, then starts the common ARC osloader
John Vert (jvert) 4-Nov-1993
Revision History:
--*/ #include "bldrx86.h"
#include "acpitabl.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "bootstatus.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <netboot.h>
#include <ramdisk.h>
BOOLEAN BlpPaeSupported( VOID );
BOOLEAN BlpChipsetPaeSupported( VOID );
ARC_STATUS Blx86GetImageProperties( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, OUT PBOOLEAN IsPae, OUT PBOOLEAN SupportsHotPlugMemory );
BOOLEAN Blx86IsKernelCompatible( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, IN BOOLEAN ProcessorSupportsPae, IN OUT PBOOLEAN UsePae );
BOOLEAN Blx86NeedPaeForHotPlugMemory( VOID );
UCHAR BootPartitionName[80]; UCHAR KernelBootDevice[80]; UCHAR OsLoadFilename[100]; UCHAR OsLoaderFilename[100]; UCHAR SystemPartition[100]; UCHAR OsLoadPartition[100]; UCHAR OsLoadOptions[100]; UCHAR ConsoleInputName[50]; UCHAR MyBuffer[SECTOR_SIZE+32]; UCHAR ConsoleOutputName[50]; UCHAR X86SystemPartition[sizeof("x86systempartition=") + sizeof(BootPartitionName)];
extern BOOLEAN ForceLastKnownGood; extern ULONG BlHighestPage; extern PHARDWARE_PTE PDE;
extern ULONG BootFlags;
extern PDESCRIPTION_HEADER BlFindACPITable( IN PCHAR TableName, IN ULONG TableLength );
VOID BlStartup( IN PCHAR PartitionName )
Routine Description:
Does x86-specific initialization, particularly presenting the boot.ini menu and running NTDETECT, then calls to the common osloader.
PartitionName - Supplies the ARC name of the partition (or floppy) that setupldr was loaded from.
Return Value:
Does not return
{ ULONG Argc = 0; PUCHAR Argv[10]; ARC_STATUS Status; ULONG BootFileId= 0; PCHAR BootFile = NULL; ULONG Read; PCHAR p; ULONG i; ULONG DriveId; ULONG FileSize; ULONG Count; LARGE_INTEGER SeekPosition; PCHAR LoadOptions = NULL; PUCHAR LoadOptionsArg = OsLoadOptions; ULONG LoadOptionsSize; ULONG LoadOptionsMax = sizeof(OsLoadOptions); BOOLEAN UseTimeOut=TRUE; BOOLEAN AlreadyInitialized = FALSE; extern BOOLEAN FwDescriptorsValid; PCHAR BadLinkName = NULL;
// If this is an SDI boot, initialize the ramdisk "driver" now.
// NB. PartitionName is the name of the device from which the loader
// was loaded. It is NOT the name of the device from which the OS will
// be loaded. If we're doing a straight ramdisk boot, this will NOT be
// ramdisk(0) -- it will be net(0) or a physical disk name. Only if
// we're doing a real SDI boot will this be ramdisk(0). (See
// NtProcessStartup() in boot\lib\i386\entry.c.)
if ( strcmp(PartitionName,"ramdisk(0)") == 0 ) { RamdiskInitialize( NULL, TRUE ); }
// Open the boot partition so we can load boot drivers off it.
Status = ArcOpen(PartitionName, ArcOpenReadWrite, &DriveId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint(TEXT("Couldn't open drive %s\n"),PartitionName); BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_DRIVE_ERROR),PartitionName); goto BootFailed; }
// Initialize dbcs font and display support.
TextGrInitialize(DriveId, NULL);
// Initialize ARC StdIo functionality
strncpy((PCHAR)ConsoleInputName,"consolein=multi(0)key(0)keyboard(0)", sizeof(ConsoleInputName)); ConsoleInputName[sizeof(ConsoleInputName)-1] = '\0'; // null terminate
strncpy((PCHAR)ConsoleOutputName,"consoleout=multi(0)video(0)monitor(0)", sizeof(ConsoleOutputName)); ConsoleOutputName[sizeof(ConsoleOutputName)-1] = '\0'; Argv[0]=ConsoleInputName; Argv[1]=ConsoleOutputName; BlInitStdio (2, (PCHAR *)Argv);
// Announce the loader
// Check ntldr partition for hiberation image
BlHiberRestore(DriveId, &BadLinkName);
// Re-open the boot partition as a temporary work around
// for NTFS caching bug.
Status = ArcOpen(PartitionName, ArcOpenReadWrite, &DriveId);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint(TEXT("Couldn't open drive %s\n"),PartitionName); BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_DRIVE_ERROR),PartitionName); goto BootFailed; }
// It is possible that the link file points to the hiber file on a scsi
// disk. In that case, we need to load NTBOOTDD.SYS in order to access the
// hiber file and try again.
if ((BadLinkName != NULL) && ((_strnicmp(BadLinkName,"scsi(",5)==0) || (_strnicmp(BadLinkName,"signature(",10)==0))) { ULONG HiberDrive;
// Before loading NTBOOTDD we must load NTDETECT as that figures
// out the PCI buses
if (BlDetectHardware(DriveId, "/fastdetect")) { if (AEInitializeIo(DriveId) == ESUCCESS) { AlreadyInitialized = TRUE;
// Now that NTBOOTDD.SYS is loaded, we can try again.
Status = ArcOpen(BadLinkName, ArcOpenReadWrite, &HiberDrive); if (Status == ESUCCESS) { BlHiberRestore(HiberDrive, NULL); ArcClose(HiberDrive); } }
do {
if (BlBootingFromNet) { PCHAR BootIniPath;
// If we are booting from the network and
// NetBootIniContents has been specified, we
// will just its contents for boot.ini
if (NetBootIniContents[0] != '\0') { BootFile = (PCHAR)NetBootIniContents; } else { //
// NetBootIniContents is empty, therefore
// we need to open the boot.ini file from the
// network. The acutal file to open is either
// specificied in NetBootIniPath or is the
// default of NetBootPath\boot.ini
if (NetBootIniPath[0] != '\0') { BootIniPath = (PCHAR)NetBootIniPath; } else { _snprintf((PCHAR)MyBuffer, sizeof(MyBuffer), "%sboot.ini", NetBootPath); MyBuffer[sizeof(MyBuffer)-1] = '\0'; // null terminate
BootIniPath = (PCHAR)MyBuffer; } Status = BlOpen( DriveId, BootIniPath, ArcOpenReadOnly, &BootFileId ); }
} else { Status = BlOpen( DriveId, "\\boot.ini", ArcOpenReadOnly, &BootFileId ); }
if (BootFile == NULL) {
BootFile = (PCHAR)MyBuffer; RtlZeroMemory(MyBuffer, SECTOR_SIZE+32);
if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BootFile[0]='\0'; } else { //
// Determine the length of the boot.ini file by reading to the end of
// file.
FileSize = 0; do { Status = BlRead(BootFileId, BootFile, SECTOR_SIZE, &Count); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlClose(BootFileId); BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_READ_ERROR),Status); BootFile[0] = '\0'; FileSize = 0; Count = 0; goto BootFailed; }
FileSize += Count; } while (Count != 0);
if (FileSize >= SECTOR_SIZE) {
// We need to allocate a bigger buffer, since the boot.ini file
// is bigger than one sector.
BootFile=FwAllocateHeap(FileSize); }
if (BootFile == NULL) { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_READ_ERROR),ENOMEM); BootFile = (PCHAR)MyBuffer; BootFile[0] = '\0'; goto BootFailed; } else {
SeekPosition.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek(BootFileId, &SeekPosition, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_READ_ERROR),Status); BootFile = (PCHAR)MyBuffer; BootFile[0] = '\0'; goto BootFailed; } else { Status = BlRead( BootFileId, BootFile, FileSize, &Read );
SeekPosition.QuadPart = 0; Status = BlSeek(BootFileId, &SeekPosition, SeekAbsolute); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_READ_ERROR),Status); BootFile = (PCHAR)MyBuffer; BootFile[0] = '\0'; goto BootFailed; } else { BootFile[Read]='\0'; } } }
// Find Ctrl-Z, if it exists
p=BootFile; while ((*p!='\0') && (*p!=26)) { ++p; } if (*p != '\0') { *p='\0'; } BlClose(BootFileId); } }
// We require a boot.ini file when booting from the network
if (BlBootingFromNet && *BootFile == '\0') { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_READ_ERROR),Status); goto BootFailed; }
p=BlSelectKernel(DriveId,BootFile, &LoadOptions, UseTimeOut); if ( p == NULL ) { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_INVALID_BOOT_INI_FATAL)); goto BootFailed; }
#if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
// We may have loaded boot.ini from the hard drive but if the selection was
// for a remote boot installation then we need to load the rest from the net.
if((DriveId != NET_DEVICE_ID) && (!_strnicmp(p,"net(",4))) { BlPrint("\nWarning:Booting from CSC without access to server\n"); strcpy(BootPartitionName,"net(0)"); BlBootingFromNet = TRUE; NetworkBootRom = FALSE;
// p points to something like: "net(0)\COLINW3\IMirror\Clients\cwintel\BootDrive\WINNT"
// NetBootPath needs to contain "\Clients\cwintel\"
// ServerShare is used inside lib\netboot.c to find the correct file if CSC
// is used.
q = strchr(p+sizeof("net(0)"), '\\'); q = strchr(q+1, '\\'); strcpy(NetBootPath,q); q = strrchr( NetBootPath, '\\' ); q[1] = '\0'; } #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
if (!AlreadyInitialized) {
// BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_NTDETECT_MSG));
if (!BlDetectHardware(DriveId, LoadOptions)) { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_NTDETECT_FAILURE)); return; }
// Initialize SCSI boot driver, if necessary.
if (_strnicmp(p,"scsi(",5)==0 || _strnicmp(p,"signature(",10)==0) { AEInitializeIo(DriveId); }
ArcClose(DriveId); //
// Indicate that fw memory descriptors cannot be changed from
// now on.
FwDescriptorsValid = FALSE; } else { ARC_DISPLAY_CLEAR(); }
// Set AlreadyInitialized Flag to TRUE to indicate that ntdetect
// routines have been run.
AlreadyInitialized = TRUE;
// Only time out the boot menu the first time through the boot.
// For all subsequent reboots, the menu will stay up.
i=0; while (*p !='\\') { KernelBootDevice[i] = *p; i++; p++; } KernelBootDevice[i] = '\0';
// If the user hasn't chosen an advanced boot mode then we will present
// them with the menu and select our default.
if(BlGetAdvancedBootOption() == -1) { PVOID dataHandle; ULONG abmDefault; BSD_LAST_BOOT_STATUS LastBootStatus = BsdLastBootGood;
// Open the boot status data.
Status = BlLockBootStatusData(0, (PCHAR)KernelBootDevice, p, &dataHandle);
if(Status == ESUCCESS) {
// Check the status of the last boot. This will return both the
// status and the advanced boot mode we should enter (based on the
// status and the "enable auto advanced boot" flag.
abmDefault = BlGetLastBootStatus(dataHandle, &LastBootStatus);
if(LastBootStatus == BsdLastBootFailed) {
// If we should attempt an ABM mode then present the user with
// the menu.
if(abmDefault != -1) { ULONG menuTitle; UCHAR timeout;
if(LastBootStatus == BsdLastBootFailed) { menuTitle = BL_ADVANCEDBOOT_AUTOLKG_TITLE; } else if(LastBootStatus == BsdLastBootNotShutdown) { menuTitle = BL_ADVANCEDBOOT_AUTOSAFE_TITLE; } else { //
// give a default value to menu title
menuTitle = 0; }
// Read the timeout value.
Status = BlGetSetBootStatusData(dataHandle, TRUE, RtlBsdItemAabTimeout, &timeout, sizeof(UCHAR), NULL);
if(Status != ESUCCESS) { timeout = 30; }
abmDefault = BlDoAdvancedBoot(menuTitle, -1, TRUE, timeout); }
BlAutoAdvancedBoot(&LoadOptions, LastBootStatus, abmDefault); }
BlUnlockBootStatusData(dataHandle); } }
// We are fooling the OS Loader here. It only uses the osloader= variable
// to determine where to load HAL.DLL from. Since x86 systems have no
// "system partition" we want to load HAL.DLL from \nt\system\HAL.DLL.
// So we pass that it as the osloader path.
_snprintf((PCHAR)OsLoaderFilename, sizeof(OsLoaderFilename), "osloader=%s\\System32\\NTLDR", p); OsLoaderFilename[sizeof(OsLoaderFilename) - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
_snprintf((PCHAR)SystemPartition, sizeof(SystemPartition), "systempartition=%s", (PCHAR)KernelBootDevice); SystemPartition[sizeof(SystemPartition) - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
_snprintf((PCHAR)OsLoadPartition, sizeof(OsLoadPartition), "osloadpartition=%s", (PCHAR)KernelBootDevice); OsLoadPartition[sizeof(OsLoadPartition) - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
_snprintf((PCHAR)OsLoadFilename, sizeof(OsLoadFilename), "osloadfilename=%s", p); OsLoadFilename[sizeof(OsLoadFilename) - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
// Need to make sure we have enough room for any loader options
if (LoadOptions) { LoadOptionsSize = strlen(LoadOptions) + sizeof("osloadoptions="); if (LoadOptionsSize > LoadOptionsMax) { LoadOptionsArg = (PUCHAR) BlAllocateHeap(LoadOptionsSize); if (LoadOptionsArg == NULL) { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_READ_ERROR), ENOMEM); goto BootFailed; } LoadOptionsMax = LoadOptionsSize; } } else { LoadOptions = ""; } _snprintf((PCHAR)LoadOptionsArg, LoadOptionsMax, "osloadoptions=%s", LoadOptions); OsLoadOptions[LoadOptionsMax - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
strncpy((PCHAR)ConsoleInputName,"consolein=multi(0)key(0)keyboard(0)", sizeof(ConsoleInputName)); ConsoleInputName[sizeof(ConsoleInputName) - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
strncpy((PCHAR)ConsoleOutputName,"consoleout=multi(0)video(0)monitor(0)", sizeof(ConsoleOutputName)); ConsoleOutputName[sizeof(ConsoleOutputName) - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
_snprintf((PCHAR)X86SystemPartition, sizeof(X86SystemPartition), "x86systempartition=%s", PartitionName); X86SystemPartition[sizeof(X86SystemPartition) - 1] = '\0'; // null terminate
Argv[Argc++]=OsLoaderFilename; Argv[Argc++]=SystemPartition; Argv[Argc++]=OsLoadFilename; Argv[Argc++]=OsLoadPartition; Argv[Argc++]=LoadOptionsArg; Argv[Argc++]=X86SystemPartition;
Status = BlOsLoader( Argc, (PCHAR *)Argv, NULL );
BootFailed: ForceLastKnownGood = FALSE; if (Status != ESUCCESS) {
DbgBreakPoint(); #endif
if (BootFlags & BOOTFLAG_REBOOT_ON_FAILURE) { ULONG StartTime = ArcGetRelativeTime(); BlPrint(TEXT("\nRebooting in 5 seconds...\n")); while ( ArcGetRelativeTime() - StartTime < 5) {} ArcRestart(); }
// Boot failed, wait for reboot
if (!BlIsTerminalConnected()) { //
// typical case. wait for user to press a key and then
// restart
while(!BlGetKey()); } else { //
// headless case. present user with mini sac
while(!BlTerminalHandleLoaderFailure()); } ArcRestart();
} else { //
// Need to reopen the drive
Status = ArcOpen((PCHAR)BootPartitionName, ArcOpenReadOnly, &DriveId); if (Status != ESUCCESS) { BlPrint(BlFindMessage(BL_DRIVE_ERROR),BootPartitionName); goto BootFailed; } } } while (TRUE);
VOID DoApmAttemptReconnect( VOID ) { APM_ATTEMPT_RECONNECT(); }
BOOLEAN Blx86NeedPaeForHotPlugMemory( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine whether any hot plug memory described in the SRAT table extends beyond the 4gb mark and thus implies a need for PAE.
Return Value:
TRUE: Machine supports hot plug memory beyond the 4gb mark, PAE should be turned on if possible.
FALSE: Machine doesn't support hot plug memory beyond the 4gb mark.
SratTable = (PACPI_SRAT) BlFindACPITable("SRAT", sizeof(ACPI_SRAT)); if (SratTable == NULL) { return FALSE; }
SratTable = (PACPI_SRAT) BlFindACPITable("SRAT", SratTable->Header.Length); if (SratTable == NULL) { return FALSE; }
SratEnd = (PACPI_SRAT_ENTRY)(((PUCHAR)SratTable) + SratTable->Header.Length); for (SratEntry = (PACPI_SRAT_ENTRY)(SratTable + 1); SratEntry < SratEnd; SratEntry = (PACPI_SRAT_ENTRY)(((PUCHAR) SratEntry) + SratEntry->Length)) { if (SratEntry->Type != SratMemory) { continue; }
if (SratEntry->MemoryAffinity.Flags.HotPlug && SratEntry->MemoryAffinity.Flags.Enabled) { ULONGLONG Extent;
// Check if hot plug region ends beyond the 4gb mark.
Extent = SratEntry->MemoryAffinity.Base.QuadPart + SratEntry->MemoryAffinity.Length; if (Extent > 0x100000000) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; }
ARC_STATUS Blx86CheckForPaeKernel( IN BOOLEAN UserSpecifiedPae, IN BOOLEAN UserSpecifiedNoPae, IN PCHAR UserSpecifiedKernelImage, IN PCHAR HalImagePath, IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN ULONG SystemDeviceId, OUT PULONG HighestSystemPage, OUT PBOOLEAN UsePaeMode, IN OUT PCHAR KernelPath )
Routine Description:
There are two kernels: one, ntkrnlpa.exe, is compiled for PAE mode. The other, ntoskrnl.exe, is not.
This routine is responsible for deciding which one to load.
UserSpecifiedPae - Indicates whether the user requested PAE mode via the /PAE loader switch.
UserSpecifiedNoPae - Indicates whether the user requrested non-PAE mode via the /NOPAE loader switch.
UserSpecifiedKernelImage - Points to the user-specified kernel image name, indicated via the /KERNEL= switch, or NULL if none was specified.
HalImagePath - Points to the hal image that will be used.
LoadDeviceId - The ARC device handle of the kernel load device.
SystemDeviceId - The ARC device handle of the system device.
HighestSystemPage - Out parameter returning the highest physical page found in the system.
UsePaeMode - Indicates whether the kernel should be loaded in PAE mode.
KernelPath - On input, the directory path of the kernel images. Upon successful return, this will contain the full kernel image path.
Return Value:
ESUCCESS : A compatible kernel has been located, and its path resides in the output buffer pointed to by KernelPath.
EINVAL: A compatible kernel could not be located. This will be a fatal condition.
EBADF: hal is corrupt or missing. This will be a fatal condition.
{ BOOLEAN foundMemoryAbove4G; BOOLEAN usePae; BOOLEAN processorSupportsPae; BOOLEAN halSupportsPae; BOOLEAN osSupportsHotPlugMemory; BOOLEAN compatibleKernel; ULONG lastPage; PLIST_ENTRY link; PLIST_ENTRY listHead; PMEMORY_ALLOCATION_DESCRIPTOR descriptor; PCHAR kernelImageNamePae; PCHAR kernelImageNameNoPae; PCHAR kernelImageName; PCHAR kernelImageNameTarget; ARC_STATUS status; ULONG highestSystemPage; ULONG pagesAbove4Gig;
kernelImageNameNoPae = "ntoskrnl.exe"; kernelImageNamePae = "ntkrnlpa.exe"; kernelImageNameTarget = KernelPath + strlen( KernelPath );
// Determine the highest physical page. Also, count the number of pages
// at or above the 4G mark.
highestSystemPage = 0; pagesAbove4Gig = 0; listHead = &BlLoaderBlock->MemoryDescriptorListHead; link = listHead->Flink; while (link != listHead) {
lastPage = descriptor->BasePage + descriptor->PageCount - 1; if (lastPage > highestSystemPage) {
// We have a new highest system page, record it.
highestSystemPage = lastPage; }
if (lastPage >= (1024 * 1024)) {
// This descriptor includes one or more pages at or above
// the 4G mark.
if (descriptor->BasePage >= (1024 * 1024)) {
// All of the pages in this descriptor lie at or above 4G.
pagesAbove4Gig += descriptor->PageCount;
} else {
// Only some of the pages in this descriptor lie at or above
// 4G.
pagesAbove4Gig += lastPage - (1024 * 1024) + 1; } }
link = link->Flink; } *HighestSystemPage = highestSystemPage;
// Record whether there is a non-trivial amount of memory above 4G on this
// machine. Note that most machines with "exactly" 4G of ram actually move
// a small amount of ram to above the 4G mark.
// Because running a PAE kernel inflicts a performance hit, we would rather
// ignore some amount of memory x rather than move into PAE mode to use it.
// Right now, x is set to 64MB, or 16384 pages.
if (pagesAbove4Gig > 16384) { foundMemoryAbove4G = TRUE; } else { foundMemoryAbove4G = FALSE; }
// Find out if this processor can handle PAE mode.
processorSupportsPae = BlpPaeSupported();
// Find out whether this chipset supports PAE
if (!BlpChipsetPaeSupported()) { processorSupportsPae = FALSE; }
// Start out with a pae flag based on whether memory above 4G was located
// or whether a /PAE switch was passed on the command line.
// It used to be the case that we would default to PAE mode if memory
// above 4G physical was found in the machine. The decision was made
// to NEVER default to PAE mode, rather to use PAE only when the
// user specifically asks for it.
// If we revert back to the previous way of doing things, uncomment the
// following line and remove the subsequent one.
// if (foundMemoryAbove4G || UserSpecifiedPae) {
if (UserSpecifiedPae) { usePae = TRUE; } else { usePae = FALSE; }
// Determine whether the HAL image can support PAE mode and
// whether the underlying OS supports hot plug memory.
status = Blx86GetImageProperties( SystemDeviceId, HalImagePath, &halSupportsPae, &osSupportsHotPlugMemory ); if (status != ESUCCESS) {
// Apparently the HAL image supplied is invalid.
return(EBADF); }
// If machine has the ability for memory to be hot plugged over
// the 4gb mark, then this is interpreted as a user request for
// PAE support. This request will be ignored if not supported by
// the underlying hardware or operating system.
if (osSupportsHotPlugMemory && Blx86NeedPaeForHotPlugMemory()) { usePae = TRUE; }
if (halSupportsPae == FALSE) {
// The HAL cannot support operation in PAE mode. Override
// processorSupportsPae to FALSE in this case, meaning that we must
// not under any circumstances try to use PAE mode.
processorSupportsPae = FALSE; }
// If the processor doesn't handle PAE mode or if the user specified
// a /NOPAE switch on the loader command line, then disable PAE mode.
if (processorSupportsPae == FALSE || UserSpecifiedNoPae) {
usePae = FALSE; }
// Choose the image name based on the data accumulated thus far.
if (UserSpecifiedKernelImage != NULL) { kernelImageName = UserSpecifiedKernelImage; } else if (usePae != FALSE) { kernelImageName = kernelImageNamePae; } else { kernelImageName = kernelImageNameNoPae; }
// Build the path for this kernel and determine its suitability.
strcpy( kernelImageNameTarget, kernelImageName ); compatibleKernel = Blx86IsKernelCompatible( LoadDeviceId, KernelPath, processorSupportsPae, &usePae ); if (compatibleKernel == FALSE) {
// This kernel is not compatible or does not exist. If the failed
// kernel was user-specified, fall back to the default, non-PAE
// kernel and see if that is compatible.
if (UserSpecifiedKernelImage != NULL) {
kernelImageName = kernelImageNameNoPae; strcpy( kernelImageNameTarget, kernelImageName ); compatibleKernel = Blx86IsKernelCompatible( LoadDeviceId, KernelPath, processorSupportsPae, &usePae );
} }
if (compatibleKernel == FALSE) {
// At this point we have tried one of the default kernel image names,
// as well as any user-specified kernel image name. There remains
// one final default image name that hasn't been tried. Determine
// which one that is and try it.
if (kernelImageName == kernelImageNameNoPae) { kernelImageName = kernelImageNamePae; } else { kernelImageName = kernelImageNameNoPae; }
strcpy( kernelImageNameTarget, kernelImageName ); compatibleKernel = Blx86IsKernelCompatible( LoadDeviceId, KernelPath, processorSupportsPae, &usePae ); }
if (compatibleKernel != FALSE) {
*UsePaeMode = usePae; status = ESUCCESS; } else { status = EINVAL; }
return status; }
BOOLEAN Blx86IsKernelCompatible( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, IN BOOLEAN ProcessorSupportsPae, OUT PBOOLEAN UsePae )
Routine Description:
This routine examines the supplied kernel image and determines whether it is valid and compatible with the current processor and, if so, whether PAE mode should be enabled.
LoadDeviceId - The ARC device handle of the kernel load device.
ImagePath - Pointer to a buffer containing the full path of the kernel to check.
ProcessorSupportsPae - TRUE if the current processor supports PAE mode, FALSE otherwise.
UsePae - Upon successful return, indicates whether the kernel is PAE enabled.
Return Value:
TRUE: The supplied kernel image is compatible with the current processor, and *UsePae has been updated as appropriate.
FALSE: The supplied kernel image is invalid or is not compatible with the current processor.
{ BOOLEAN isPaeKernel; BOOLEAN supportsHotPlugMemory; ARC_STATUS status;
status = Blx86GetImageProperties( LoadDeviceId, ImagePath, &isPaeKernel, &supportsHotPlugMemory ); if (status != ESUCCESS) {
// This kernel is invalid or does not exist. Therefore, it is
// not compatible.
return FALSE; }
if (isPaeKernel == FALSE) {
// This is a non-PAE kernel. All supported processors can run in
// non-PAE mode. Indicate that PAE mode should not be used and that
// this kernel is compatible.
*UsePae = FALSE; return TRUE;
} else {
// This is a PAE kernel.
if (ProcessorSupportsPae == FALSE) {
// This is a PAE kernel but the processor will not run in that
// mode. Indicate that this kernel is not compatible.
return FALSE;
} else {
// This is a PAE kernel and a PAE processor. Indicate that PAE
// mode should be used and that this kernel is compatible.
*UsePae = TRUE; return TRUE; } } }
ARC_STATUS Blx86GetImageProperties( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath, OUT PBOOLEAN IsPae, OUT PBOOLEAN SupportsHotPlugMemory )
Routine Description:
This routine examines the supplied image and determines whether it is valid and, if so, whether it is PAE compatible by examining the IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE bit.
LoadDeviceId - The ARC device handle of the image device.
ImagePath - Pointer to a buffer containing the full path of the kernel to check.
IsPae - Upon successful return, indicates whether the image is PAE compatible.
SupportsHotPlugMemory - Upon successful return, indicates whether the image indicates an OS that supports hot plug memory.
Return Value:
ESUCCESS - The supplied kernel image is valid, and *IsPae has been updated according to the image header.
Otherwise, the Arc status of the failed operation is returned.
{ CHAR localBufferSpace[ SECTOR_SIZE * 2 + SECTOR_SIZE - 1 ]; PCHAR localBuffer; ARC_STATUS status; ULONG fileId; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS ntHeaders; USHORT imageCharacteristics; ULONG bytesRead;
// File I/O here must be sector-aligned.
localBuffer = (PCHAR) (((ULONG)localBufferSpace + SECTOR_SIZE - 1) & ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1));
// Read in the PE image header.
status = BlOpen( LoadDeviceId, ImagePath, ArcOpenReadOnly, &fileId ); if (status != ESUCCESS) { return status; }
status = BlRead( fileId, localBuffer, SECTOR_SIZE * 2, &bytesRead ); BlClose( fileId );
if (bytesRead != SECTOR_SIZE * 2) { status = EBADF; }
if (status != ESUCCESS) { return status; }
// If the file header has the IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE
// characteristic set then this is a PAE image.
ntHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader( localBuffer ); if (ntHeaders == NULL) { return EBADF; }
imageCharacteristics = ntHeaders->FileHeader.Characteristics; if ((imageCharacteristics & IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE) != 0) {
// This is a PAE image.
*IsPae = TRUE;
} else {
// This is not a PAE image.
*IsPae = FALSE; }
// Hot Plug Memory is only supported post 5.0
if (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion > 5 || ((ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion == 5) && (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.MinorOperatingSystemVersion > 0 ))) { *SupportsHotPlugMemory = TRUE; } else { *SupportsHotPlugMemory = FALSE; }
return ESUCCESS; }
BOOLEAN BlpChipsetPaeSupported( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Scans PCI space to see if the current chipset is supported for PAE mode.
Return Value:
TRUE - PAE is supported
FALSE - PAE is not supported
{ ULONG DevVenId=0; ULONG i;
PCIDEVICE BadChipsets[] = { {0, 0, 0x1a208086}, // MCH
{0, 0, 0x1a218086}, // MCH
{0, 0, 0x1a228086}, // MCH
{0, 30, 0x24188086}, // ICH
{0, 30, 0x24288086} // ICH
for (i=0; i<sizeof(BadChipsets)/sizeof(PCIDEVICE); i++) { HalGetBusData(PCIConfiguration, BadChipsets[i].Bus, BadChipsets[i].Device, &DevVenId, sizeof(DevVenId)); if (DevVenId == BadChipsets[i].DevVen) { return(FALSE); } }
return(TRUE); }
ARC_STATUS BlpCheckVersion( IN ULONG LoadDeviceId, IN PCHAR ImagePath ) { CHAR localBufferSpace[ SECTOR_SIZE * 2 + SECTOR_SIZE - 1 ]; PCHAR localBuffer; ARC_STATUS status; ULONG fileId; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS ntHeaders; ULONG bytesRead; ULONG i,j,Count; HARDWARE_PTE_X86 nullpte;
// File I/O here must be sector-aligned.
localBuffer = (PCHAR) (((ULONG)localBufferSpace + SECTOR_SIZE - 1) & ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1));
// Read in the PE image header.
status = BlOpen( LoadDeviceId, ImagePath, ArcOpenReadOnly, &fileId ); if (status != ESUCCESS) { return status; }
status = BlRead( fileId, localBuffer, SECTOR_SIZE * 2, &bytesRead ); BlClose( fileId );
if (bytesRead != SECTOR_SIZE * 2) { status = EBADF; }
if (status != ESUCCESS) { return status; } ntHeaders = RtlImageNtHeader( localBuffer ); if (ntHeaders == NULL) { return EBADF; } //
// Setup the mm remapping checks for post 5.0 or pre 5.0
if (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion < 5 || ((ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.MajorOperatingSystemVersion == 5) && (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.MinorOperatingSystemVersion == 0 ))) {
BlOldKernel=TRUE; BlKernelChecked=TRUE; BlHighestPage = ((16*1024*1024) >> PAGE_SHIFT) - 40;
// Virtual was moved up for the dynamic load case. It was 64MB off
// in 5.0 and prior
RtlZeroMemory (&nullpte,sizeof (HARDWARE_PTE_X86));
if (BlVirtualBias != 0 ) {
// PDE entries represent 4MB. Zap the new ones.
for (Count = 0; Count < 4;Count++){ PDE[i++]= PDE[j++]; } for (Count = 0; Count < 12; Count++) { PDE[i++]= nullpte; } } }
return (ESUCCESS); }
VOID SetX86WatchDog( ULONG TimeOut ) { static PULONG CountRegister = NULL; PWATCHDOG_TIMER_RESOURCE_TABLE WdTable = NULL;
if (CountRegister == NULL) { WdTable = (PWATCHDOG_TIMER_RESOURCE_TABLE) BlFindACPITable( "WDRT", sizeof(WATCHDOG_TIMER_RESOURCE_TABLE) ); if (WdTable == NULL) { return; } CountRegister = MmMapIoSpace( WdTable->CountRegisterAddress.Address, WdTable->CountRegisterAddress.BitWidth>>3, TRUE ); if (CountRegister == NULL) { return; } }
WRITE_REGISTER_ULONG( CountRegister, TimeOut ); }