*** Copyright (C) 1996-97 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. *** *** The information and source code contained herein is the exclusive *** property of Intel Corporation and may not be disclosed, examined *** or reproduced in whole or in part without explicit written authorization *** from the company. **/
Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains definition for ExportEntryTable and AbiosServices Table.
Allen Kay (akay) 14-Aug-97
typedef VOID (*PFUNCTION) ( );
// define ntdetect.exe base address
#define DETECTION_ADDRESS 0x10000 // NTDETECT base address
// Define IO export functions.
typedef enum _EXPORT_ENTRY { ExRebootProcessor, ExGetSector, ExGetKey, ExGetCounter, ExReboot, ExAbiosServices, ExDetectHardware, ExHardwareCursor, ExGetDateTime, ExComPort, ExIsMcaMachine, ExGetStallCount, ExInitializeDisplayForNt, ExGetMemoryDescriptor, ExGetEddsSector, ExGetElToritoStatus, ExGetExtendedInt13Params, ExNetPcRomServices, ExAPMAttemptReconnect, ExBiosRedirectService, ExMaximumRoutine } EXPORT_ENTRY;
// Define ABIOS services table.
typedef enum _ABIOS_SERVICES { FAbiosIsAbiosPresent, FAbiosGetMachineConfig, FAbiosInitializeSpt, FAbiosBuildInitTable, FAbiosInitializeDbsFtt, FAbiosMaximumRoutine } ABIOS_SERVICES;