Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Control Method Battery Miniport Driver
Ron Mosgrove (Intel)
Kernel mode
Revision History:
#include "CmBattp.h"
#if DBG
ULONG CmBattDebug = CMBATT_ERROR; #else
// Turn off all debug info by default for free builds.
ULONG CmBattDebug = 0; #endif //DBG
#endif //DEBUG
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
ULONG CmBattPrevPowerSource = 1; #endif //_WIN32_WINNT
UNICODE_STRING GlobalRegistryPath;
PVOID CmBattPowerCallBackRegistration; PCALLBACK_OBJECT CmBattPowerCallBackObject; KDPC CmBattWakeDpcObject; KTIMER CmBattWakeDpcTimerObject;
// Prototypes
NTSTATUS CmBattOpenClose( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp );
VOID CmBattUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject );
NTSTATUS CmBattGetBatteryStatus( PCM_BATT CmBatt, IN ULONG BatteryTag );
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,DriverEntry)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattQueryTag)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattQueryInformation)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattQueryStatus)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattSetStatusNotify)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattDisableStatusNotify)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattUnload)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattOpenClose)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattIoctl)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,CmBattGetBatteryStatus)
NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the ACPI Embedded Controller Driver
DriverObject - Pointer to driver object created by system.
RegistryPath - Pointer to the Unicode name of the registry path for this driver.
Return Value:
The function value is the final status from the initialization operation.
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttributes; UNICODE_STRING callBackName;
// Save the RegistryPath.
GlobalRegistryPath.MaximumLength = RegistryPath->Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); GlobalRegistryPath.Length = RegistryPath->Length; GlobalRegistryPath.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( PagedPool, GlobalRegistryPath.MaximumLength, 'MtaB');
if (!GlobalRegistryPath.Buffer) {
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_ERROR),("CmBatt: Couldn't allocate pool for registry path."));
RtlCopyUnicodeString(&GlobalRegistryPath, RegistryPath);
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE, ("CmBatt DriverEntry - Obj (%08x) Path \"%ws\"\n", DriverObject, RegistryPath->Buffer)); //
// Set up the device driver entry points.
DriverObject->DriverUnload = CmBattUnload; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = CmBattIoctl; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = CmBattOpenClose; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = CmBattOpenClose;
DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_POWER] = CmBattPowerDispatch; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_PNP] = CmBattPnpDispatch; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL] = CmBattSystemControl; DriverObject->DriverExtension->AddDevice = CmBattAddDevice;
// Register a callback that tells us when the system is in the
// process of sleeping or waking.
RtlInitUnicodeString( &callBackName, L"\\Callback\\PowerState" ); InitializeObjectAttributes( &objAttributes, &callBackName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_PERMANENT, NULL, NULL ); status = ExCreateCallback( &CmBattPowerCallBackObject, &objAttributes, FALSE, TRUE ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
CmBattPowerCallBackRegistration = ExRegisterCallback( CmBattPowerCallBackObject, (PCALLBACK_FUNCTION) CmBattPowerCallBack, DriverObject ); if (CmBattPowerCallBackRegistration) { KeInitializeDpc (&CmBattWakeDpcObject, (PKDEFERRED_ROUTINE) CmBattWakeDpc, DriverObject); KeInitializeTimer (&CmBattWakeDpcTimerObject); } else { ObDereferenceObject (CmBattPowerCallBackObject); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR, ("CmBattRegisterPowerCallBack: ExRegisterCallback failed.\n")); } } else { CmBattPowerCallBackObject = NULL; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR, ("CmBattRegisterPowerCallBack: failed status=0x%08x\n", status)); }
VOID CmBattUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject ) /*++
Routine Description:
Cleanup all devices and unload the driver
DriverObject - Driver object for unload
Return Value:
--*/ {
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE, ("CmBattUnload: \n"));
if (CmBattPowerCallBackObject) { ExUnregisterCallback (CmBattPowerCallBackRegistration); ObDereferenceObject (CmBattPowerCallBackObject); }
if (GlobalRegistryPath.Buffer) { ExFreePool (GlobalRegistryPath.Buffer); }
if (DriverObject->DeviceObject != NULL) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR, ("Unload called before all devices removed.\n")); } }
NTSTATUS CmBattOpenClose( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the routine called as a result of a Open or Close on the device
DeviceObject - Battery for request Irp - IO request
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - no way to fail this puppy If Device has received a query remove, this will fail. STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE
--*/ { PCM_BATT CmBatt; NTSTATUS status; PIO_STACK_LOCATION irpStack;
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE, ("CmBattOpenClose\n"));
CmBatt = (PCM_BATT) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// A remove lock is not needed in this dispatch function because
// all data accessed is in the device extension. If any other functionality was
// added to this routine, a remove lock might be neccesary.
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Success by default.
ExAcquireFastMutex (&CmBatt->OpenCloseMutex); if (CmBatt->OpenCount == (ULONG) -1) { // A query remove has come requested
status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_PNP, ("CmBattOpenClose: Failed (UID = %x)(device being removed).\n", CmBatt->Info.Tag)); } else { irpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); if (irpStack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_CREATE) { CmBatt->OpenCount++; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_PNP, ("CmBattOpenClose: Open (DeviceNumber = %x)(count = %x).\n", CmBatt->DeviceNumber, CmBatt->OpenCount)); } else if (irpStack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_CLOSE) { CmBatt->OpenCount--; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_PNP, ("CmBattOpenClose: Close (DeviceNumber = %x)(count = %x).\n", CmBatt->DeviceNumber, CmBatt->OpenCount)); } } ExReleaseFastMutex (&CmBatt->OpenCloseMutex);
// Complete Irp.
Irp->IoStatus.Status = status; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return status;
NTSTATUS CmBattIoctl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp ) /*++
Routine Description:
IOCTL handler. As this is an exclusive battery device, send the Irp to the battery class driver to handle battery IOCTLs.
DeviceObject - Battery for request Irp - IO request
Return Value:
Status of request
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE, ("CmBattIoctl\n"));
CmBatt = (PCM_BATT) DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
// Aquire remove lock
InterlockedIncrement (&CmBatt->InUseCount); if (CmBatt->WantToRemove == TRUE) { if (0 == InterlockedDecrement(&CmBatt->InUseCount)) { KeSetEvent (&CmBatt->ReadyToRemove, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } Status = STATUS_DEVICE_REMOVED; Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest (Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); return Status; }
if (CmBatt->Type == CM_BATTERY_TYPE) { Status = BatteryClassIoctl (CmBatt->Class, Irp);
// Is it a Direct Access IOCTL?
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
CmBattPrint((CMBATT_BIOS), ("CmBattIoctl: Received Direct Access IOCTL %x\n", IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode));
switch (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode) { case IOCTL_CMBATT_UID: if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == sizeof (ULONG)) { Status = CmBattGetUniqueId (CmBatt->Pdo, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof (ULONG); } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; }; break; case IOCTL_CMBATT_STA: if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == sizeof (ULONG)) { Status = CmBattGetStaData (CmBatt->Pdo, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof (ULONG); } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; }; break; case IOCTL_CMBATT_PSR: if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == sizeof (ULONG)) { if (AcAdapterPdo != NULL) { Status = CmBattGetPsrData (AcAdapterPdo, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); } else { Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof (ULONG); } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; }; break; case IOCTL_CMBATT_BTP: if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength == sizeof (ULONG)) { Status = CmBattSetTripPpoint (CmBatt, *((PULONG) (Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer))); Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; }; break; case IOCTL_CMBATT_BIF: if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == sizeof (CM_BIF_BAT_INFO)) { Status = CmBattGetBifData (CmBatt, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof (CM_BIF_BAT_INFO); } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; }; break; case IOCTL_CMBATT_BST: if (IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == sizeof (CM_BST_BAT_INFO)) { Status = CmBattGetBstData (CmBatt, Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof (CM_BST_BAT_INFO); } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; } } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; }; break;
default: CmBattPrint((CMBATT_ERROR), ("CmBattIoctl: Unknown IOCTL %x\n", IrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode));
// We just handled this IOCTL. Complete it.
Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; IoCompleteRequest (Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } } #endif //DIRECT_ACCESS
// Not for the battery. Pass it down the stack.
IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation (Irp); Status = IoCallDriver (CmBatt->LowerDeviceObject, Irp);
// Release Removal Lock
if (0 == InterlockedDecrement(&CmBatt->InUseCount)) { KeSetEvent (&CmBatt->ReadyToRemove, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS CmBattQueryTag ( IN PVOID Context, OUT PULONG TagPtr ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to retrieve the batteries current tag value
The battery class driver will serialize all requests it issues to the miniport for a given battery.
Context - Miniport context value for battery TagPtr - Pointer to return current tag
Return Value:
Success if there is a battery currently installed, else no such device.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PCM_BATT CmBatt = (PCM_BATT) Context; ULONG BatteryStatus;
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattQueryTag - Tag (%d), Battery %x, Device %d\n", *TagPtr, CmBatt, CmBatt->DeviceNumber));
// Check if battery is still there
CmBatt->ReCheckSta = FALSE; Status = CmBattGetStaData (CmBatt->Pdo, &BatteryStatus);
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { if (BatteryStatus & STA_DEVICE_PRESENT) {
// If the tag isn't assigned, assign a new one
if (CmBatt->Info.Tag == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) {
// See if there is a battery out there.
CmBatt->TagCount += 1; if (CmBatt->TagCount == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) { CmBatt->TagCount += 1; }
CmBatt->Info.Tag = CmBatt->TagCount;
RtlZeroMemory (&CmBatt->Alarm, sizeof(BAT_ALARM_INFO)); CmBatt->Alarm.Setting = CM_ALARM_INVALID; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE, ("CmBattQueryTag - New Tag: (%d)\n", CmBatt->Info.Tag)); InterlockedExchange (&CmBatt->CacheState, 0); CmBatt->DischargeTime = KeQueryInterruptTime(); }
} else {
} }
// Done
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattQueryTag: Returning Tag: 0x%x, status 0x%x\n", CmBatt->Info.Tag, Status));
*TagPtr = CmBatt->Info.Tag; return Status; }
NTSTATUS CmBattQueryInformation ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, IN BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL Level, IN LONG AtRate OPTIONAL, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PULONG ReturnedLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to retrieve battery information
The battery class driver will serialize all requests it issues to the miniport for a given battery.
We return invalid parameter when we can't handle a request for a specific level of information. This is defined in the battery class spec.
Context - Miniport context value for battery BatteryTag - Tag of current battery Level - type of information required AtRate - Used only when Level==BatteryEstimatedTime Buffer - Location for the information BufferLength - Length in bytes of the buffer ReturnedLength - Length in bytes of the returned data
Return Value:
Success if there is a battery currently installed, else no such device.
--*/ { PCM_BATT CmBatt = (PCM_BATT) Context; ULONG ResultData; NTSTATUS Status; PVOID ReturnBuffer; ULONG ReturnBufferLength; WCHAR scratchBuffer[CM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR buffer2[CM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; UNICODE_STRING tmpUnicodeString; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; ANSI_STRING ansiString;
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattQueryInformation - Tag (%d) Device %d, Informationlevel %d\n", BatteryTag, CmBatt->DeviceNumber, Level));
// Be sure there's a battery out there
// This also checks BatteryTag
Status = CmBattVerifyStaticInfo (CmBatt, BatteryTag); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
ResultData = 0; ReturnBuffer = NULL; ReturnBufferLength = 0; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Get the info requested
switch (Level) { case BatteryInformation: //
// This data structure is populated by CmBattVerifyStaticInfo
ReturnBuffer = (PVOID) &CmBatt->Info.ApiInfo; ReturnBufferLength = sizeof (CmBatt->Info.ApiInfo); break;
case BatteryGranularityInformation: //
// Get the granularity from the static info structure
// This data structure is populated by CmBattVerifyStaticInfo
{ ScalePtr[0].Granularity = CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_1; ScalePtr[0].Capacity = CmBatt->Info.ApiInfo.DefaultAlert1; ScalePtr[1].Granularity = CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_2; ScalePtr[1].Capacity = CmBatt->Info.ApiInfo.DesignedCapacity;
ReturnBuffer = ScalePtr; ReturnBufferLength = 2 * sizeof (BATTERY_REMAINING_SCALE); } break;
case BatteryTemperature: Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break;
case BatteryEstimatedTime: //
// Return unknown time if battery has been discharging less than 15 seconds
if (KeQueryInterruptTime() > (CmBatt->DischargeTime + CM_ESTIMATED_TIME_DELAY)) {
// The BatteryEstimatedTime for the control method batteries is defined
// by the following formula:
// EstimatedTime [min] = RemainingCapacity [mAh|mWh] * 60 [min/hr] * 60 [sec/min]
// ----------------------------------
// PresentRate [mA|mW]
// Rerun _BST since we don't have a timeout on this data.
// Also Calculate API status values from CM values
CmBattGetBatteryStatus (CmBatt, CmBatt->Info.Tag);
// If AtRate is zero, we need to use the present rate
if (AtRate == 0) { AtRate = CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus.Rate; }
if (AtRate >= 0) { AtRate = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_RATE; } if ((AtRate != BATTERY_UNKNOWN_RATE) && (CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus.Capacity != BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY)) {
// Calculate estimated time.
// Make sure we don't overflow...
if (CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus.Capacity > (0xffffffff/3600)) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattQueryInformation: Data Overflow in calculating Remaining Capacity.\n")); } #endif //DEBUG
ResultData = (ULONG) (CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus.Capacity * 3600) / (-AtRate);
} else { //
// We don't know have enough information to calculate the value.
// If this battery is incapable of returning estimated time, return with
if (CmBatt->Info.Status.BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_DISCHARGING) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_WARN, ("CmBattQueryInformation: Can't calculate EstimatedTime.\n")); } #endif //DEBUG
if (CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus.Rate == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_RATE && (CmBatt->Info.Status.BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_DISCHARGING)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_WARN, ("---------------------- PresentRate = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_RATE\n")); } if (CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus.Capacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_WARN, ("---------------------- RemainingCapacity = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY\n")); }
ResultData = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_TIME; } } else { // if (KeQueryInterruptTime() > CmBatt->DischargeTime + CM_ESTIMATED_TIME_DELAY)
// Return unknown time if battery has been discharging less than 15 seconds
ReturnBuffer = &ResultData; ReturnBufferLength = sizeof(ResultData); break;
case BatteryDeviceName: //
// Model Number must be returned as a wide string
unicodeString.Buffer = scratchBuffer; unicodeString.MaximumLength = CM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
RtlInitAnsiString (&ansiString, CmBatt->Info.ModelNum); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&unicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE);
ReturnBuffer = unicodeString.Buffer; ReturnBufferLength = unicodeString.Length; break;
case BatteryManufactureDate: Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST; break;
case BatteryManufactureName: //
// Oem Info must be returned as wide string
unicodeString.Buffer = scratchBuffer; unicodeString.MaximumLength = CM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
RtlInitAnsiString (&ansiString, CmBatt->Info.OEMInfo); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&unicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE);
ReturnBuffer = unicodeString.Buffer; ReturnBufferLength = unicodeString.Length; break;
case BatteryUniqueID: //
// Concatenate the serial #, OEM info, and Model #
unicodeString.Buffer = scratchBuffer; unicodeString.MaximumLength = CM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
tmpUnicodeString.Buffer = buffer2; tmpUnicodeString.MaximumLength = CM_MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
RtlInitAnsiString (&ansiString, CmBatt->Info.SerialNum); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&unicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE);
if (CmBatt->Info.OEMInfo[0]) { RtlInitAnsiString (&ansiString, CmBatt->Info.OEMInfo); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&tmpUnicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (&unicodeString, &tmpUnicodeString); }
RtlInitAnsiString (&ansiString, CmBatt->Info.ModelNum); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString (&tmpUnicodeString, &ansiString, FALSE); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString (&unicodeString, &tmpUnicodeString);
ReturnBuffer = unicodeString.Buffer; ReturnBufferLength = unicodeString.Length; break;
default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
// Done, return buffer if needed
*ReturnedLength = ReturnBufferLength; if (BufferLength < ReturnBufferLength) { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && ReturnBuffer) { RtlCopyMemory (Buffer, ReturnBuffer, ReturnBufferLength); // Copy what's needed
} return Status; }
NTSTATUS CmBattQueryStatus ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, OUT PBATTERY_STATUS BatteryStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to retrieve the batteries current status
The battery class driver will serialize all requests it issues to the miniport for a given battery.
Context - Miniport context value for battery BatteryTag - Tag of current battery BatteryStatus - Pointer to structure to return the current battery status
Return Value:
Success if there is a battery currently installed, else no such device.
--*/ { PCM_BATT CmBatt = (PCM_BATT) Context; NTSTATUS Status;
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattQueryStatus - Tag (%d) Device %x\n", BatteryTag, CmBatt->DeviceNumber));
Status = CmBattGetBatteryStatus (CmBatt, BatteryTag);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlCopyMemory (BatteryStatus, &CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus, sizeof(BATTERY_STATUS)); } CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattQueryStatus: Returning [%#08lx][%#08lx][%#08lx][%#08lx]\n", BatteryStatus->PowerState, BatteryStatus->Capacity, BatteryStatus->Voltage, BatteryStatus->Rate));
return Status; }
NTSTATUS CmBattSetStatusNotify ( IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG BatteryTag, IN PBATTERY_NOTIFY Notify ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to set the batteries current notification setting. When the battery trips the notification, one call to BatteryClassStatusNotify is issued. If an error is returned, the class driver will poll the battery status - primarily for capacity changes. Which is to say the miniport should still issue BatteryClass- StatusNotify whenever the power state changes.
The class driver will always set the notification level it needs after each call to BatteryClassStatusNotify.
The battery class driver will serialize all requests it issues to the miniport for a given battery.
Context - Miniport context value for battery BatteryTag - Tag of current battery BatteryNotify - The notification setting
Return Value:
--*/ { PCM_BATT CmBatt; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Target; LONG ActualAlarm; // Value after adjusting for limit conditions.
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Tag (%d) Target(0x%x)\n", BatteryTag, Notify->LowCapacity));
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; CmBatt = (PCM_BATT) Context;
Status = CmBattVerifyStaticInfo (CmBatt, BatteryTag); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
// If _BTP doesn't exist, don't call it again.
if (!CmBatt->Info.BtpExists) { return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; }
if ((Notify->HighCapacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY) || (Notify->LowCapacity == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY)) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_WARN, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Failing request because of BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY.\n")); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
if (CmBatt->Info.Status.BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) { Target = Notify->HighCapacity; } else if (CmBatt->Info.Status.BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_DISCHARGING) { Target = Notify->LowCapacity; } else { // No trip point needs to be set, the battery will trip as soon as it starts
// charging or discharging.
// but it doesn't hurt to set the trip point just in case the battery
// system screws up and doesn't send the notification when the status changed.
Target = Notify->LowCapacity; }
ActualAlarm = Target;
// If the battery operates on mA we need to convert the trip point from mW
// to mA. The formula for doing this is:
// mA = mW / V or mA = (mW / mV) * 1000
if (CmBatt->Info.StaticData.PowerUnit & CM_BIF_UNITS_AMPS) { if ((CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage == CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) || (CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage == 0)) {
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Can't calculate BTP, DesignVoltage = 0x%08x\n", CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage)); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } //
// Calculate optimized Ah target
if (CmBatt->Info.Status.BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) {
// (ActualAlarm * 1000 + 500) / DesignVoltage + 1 will generate
// the correct battery trip point, except in cases when
// (ActualAlarm * 1000)+ 500) is evenly divisible by the
// DesignVoltage. In that case, it will be 1 mAh higher than
// it should be.
// This is in the form of a single expression rather than an
// "if" statement to encourage the compiler to use the remainder
// from the original div operation rather than performing div
// twice
ActualAlarm = (ActualAlarm * 1000 + 500) / CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage + ( ((ActualAlarm * 1000 + 500) % CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage == 0)? 0 : 1 );
} else {
// (ActualAlarm * 1000 - 500) / DesignVoltage will generate
// the correct battery trip point, except in cases when
// (ActualAlarm * 1000)+ 500) is evenly divisible by the
// DesignVoltage. In that case, it will be 1 mAh higher than
// it should be
ActualAlarm = (ActualAlarm * 1000 - 500) / CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage - ( ((ActualAlarm * 1000 - 500) % CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage == 0)? 1 : 0);
} else { // Increment or decrement the alarm value by 1 since the input to this
// function is < or >, but _BTP is <= or >=
if (CmBatt->Info.Status.BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) { ActualAlarm++; } else { if (ActualAlarm > 0) { ActualAlarm--; } } }
if (ActualAlarm == CmBatt->Alarm.Setting) { //
// Don't need to reset the alarm to the same value.
CmBattPrint(CMBATT_LOW, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Keeping original setting: %X\n", CmBatt->Alarm.Setting )); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //
// Save current setting, so we won't waste time setting it twice.
CmBatt->Alarm.Setting = ActualAlarm;
// Set the alarm
Status = CmBattSetTripPpoint (CmBatt, ActualAlarm);
if ((ActualAlarm == 0) && (Target != 0)) { // If the driver really wanted to be notified when the capacity
// reached 0, return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED because seting _BTP to zero
// disables notification. The battery class will perform polling since
// STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED was returned.
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { //
// Something failed in the Trip point call, get out
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: SetTripPoint failed - %x\n", Status)); CmBatt->Alarm.Setting = CM_ALARM_INVALID; return Status; }
// Make sure that the trip point hasn't been passed already.
Status = CmBattGetBstData (CmBatt, &bstData);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { //
// Something failed in the Trip point call, get out
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: GetBstData - %x\n", Status)); } else { if (CmBatt->Info.Status.BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) { if (bstData.RemainingCapacity >= (ULONG)ActualAlarm) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_WARN, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Trip point already crossed (1): TP = %08x, remaining capacity = %08x\n", ActualAlarm, bstData.RemainingCapacity)); CmBattNotifyHandler (CmBatt, BATTERY_STATUS_CHANGE); } } else { if ((bstData.RemainingCapacity <= (ULONG)ActualAlarm) && (Target != 0)) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_WARN, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Trip point already crossed (1): TP = %08x, remaining capacity = %08x\n", ActualAlarm, bstData.RemainingCapacity)); CmBattNotifyHandler (CmBatt, BATTERY_STATUS_CHANGE); } }
CmBattPrint(CMBATT_LOW, ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Want %X CurrentCap %X\n", Target, CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus.Capacity ));
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattSetStatusNotify: Set to: [%#08lx][%#08lx][%#08lx] Status %x\n", Notify->PowerState, Notify->LowCapacity, Notify->HighCapacity));
return Status; }
NTSTATUS CmBattDisableStatusNotify ( IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called by the class driver to disable the notification setting for the battery supplied by Context. Note, to disable a setting does not require the battery tag. Any notification is to be masked off until a subsequent call to CmBattSetStatusNotify.
The battery class driver will serialize all requests it issues to the miniport for a given battery.
Context - Miniport context value for battery
Return Value:
--*/ { PCM_BATT CmBatt; NTSTATUS Status;
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattDisableStatusNotify\n"));
CmBatt = (PCM_BATT) Context;
// If _BTP doesn't exist, don't call it again.
if (!CmBatt->Info.BtpExists) { return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; }
if (CmBatt->Alarm.Setting != CM_BATT_CLEAR_TRIP_POINT) { CmBatt->Alarm.Setting = CM_BATT_CLEAR_TRIP_POINT; //
// Clear the trip point.
Status = CmBattSetTripPpoint (CmBatt, CM_BATT_CLEAR_TRIP_POINT);
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_MINI), ("CmBattDisableStatusNotify: SetTripPoint failed - %x\n", Status)); CmBatt->Alarm.Setting = CM_ALARM_INVALID; } } else { //
// Don't need to disable alarm is it's already been disabled.
return Status; }
NTSTATUS CmBattGetBatteryStatus ( PCM_BATT CmBatt, IN ULONG BatteryTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called to setup the status data required by the IOCTL API defined for the battery class. This is the data defined in the BATTERY_STATUS structure.
CmBatt - The extension for this device.
Return Value:
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE, ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus - CmBatt (%08x) Tag (%d)\n", CmBatt, BatteryTag));
Status = CmBattVerifyStaticInfo (CmBatt, BatteryTag); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
if (CmBatt->Sleeping) { //
// Return cached data, and ensure that this gets requeried when we are fully awake.
CmBattNotifyHandler (CmBatt, BATTERY_STATUS_CHANGE); return Status; }
CmBattStatus = &CmBatt->Info.Status; Status = CmBattGetBstData(CmBatt, CmBattStatus); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { InterlockedExchange (&CmBatt->CacheState, 0); return Status; }
ApiStatus = &CmBatt->Info.ApiStatus; LastPowerState = ApiStatus->PowerState; RtlZeroMemory (ApiStatus, sizeof(BATTERY_STATUS));
// Decode the state bits
if (((CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_DISCHARGING) && (CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) )) { CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_ERROR), ("************************ ACPI BIOS BUG ********************\n" "* CmBattGetBatteryStatus: Invalid state: _BST method returned 0x%08x for Battery State.\n" "* One battery cannot be charging and discharging at the same time.\n", CmBattStatus->BatteryState)); } // ASSERT(!((CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_DISCHARGING) &&
// (CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) ));
if (CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_DISCHARGING) { ApiStatus->PowerState |= BATTERY_DISCHARGING; if (!(LastPowerState & BATTERY_DISCHARGING)) { //
// Keep track of when battery started discharging.
CmBatt->DischargeTime = KeQueryInterruptTime(); } } else if (CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) { ApiStatus->PowerState |= (BATTERY_CHARGING | BATTERY_POWER_ON_LINE); }
if (CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CRITICAL) ApiStatus->PowerState |= BATTERY_CRITICAL;
ApiStatus->Voltage = CmBattStatus->PresentVoltage;
// Run the _PSR method on the AC adapter to get the current power status.
// Otherwise, we don't know if it is connected, unless the battery reports charging.
// This isn't enough information for the upper software to work properly, so
// just find out for sure.
if (AcAdapterPdo != NULL) {
CmBattGetPsrData (AcAdapterPdo, &AcStatus);
} else { // If the AcAdapterPdo is NULL, then we need to assume the AC status from
// the battery charging status.
if (CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_CHARGING) { AcStatus = 1; } else { AcStatus = 0; } }
if (AcStatus == 0x01) { ApiStatus->PowerState |= BATTERY_POWER_ON_LINE;
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA), ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus: AC adapter is connected\n")); } else {
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA), ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus: AC adapter is NOT connected\n")); }
// The following is an awful hack put into the win98 version that really
// shouldn't be there. The purpose of this is reduce the delay in notification
// when AC status changes, but this doesn't help the problem of delays when
// other events such as battery insertion or removal happen. In addition it
// violates the priciple of WDM drivers being binary compatible, and this fix
// does nothing for any other battery driver that may later be added by a third
// party. This should be handled by the OS maintianing an outstanding long term
// status or tag request to the composite battery at all times. That would
// involve starting the Irps then recycleing it in the completion routine doing
// what this hack does if there was a change to report.
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
// JASONCL: check for a power source change and notify vpowerd if there has been one.
if ( ((AcStatus & 0x01) && (CmBattPrevPowerSource == 0)) || (!(AcStatus & 0x01) && (CmBattPrevPowerSource == 1)) ) {
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA), ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus: Detected Power Source Change\n"));
CmBattPrevPowerSource = AcStatus & 0x01;
CmBattNotifyVPOWERDOfPowerChange (1);
// Decode the power/current
if (CmBatt->Info.StaticData.PowerUnit == CM_BIF_UNITS_AMPS) { //
// This battery expresses power in terms of amps. The system expects
// it to be Watts, so we have to do a conversion. The Conversion is:
// mW = mA * Volts or mW = mA * mV / 1000
// Using DesignVoltage for conversions since presentvoltage
// may vary over time, giving inconsistent results.
if ((CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) && (CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage != 0)) { if (CmBattStatus->RemainingCapacity != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) {
ApiStatus->Capacity = (CmBattStatus->RemainingCapacity * CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus - Can't calculate RemainingCapacity \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("---------------------- RemainingCapacity = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n"));
if (CmBattStatus->PresentRate != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) {
if (CmBattStatus->PresentRate > ((MAXULONG - 500)/ CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage)) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus - Can't calculate Rate \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("---------------------- Overflow: PresentRate = 0x%08x\n", CmBattStatus->PresentRate));
ApiStatus->Rate = (CmBattStatus->PresentRate * CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus - Can't calculate Rate \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("---------------------- Present Rate = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n"));
} else { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus - Can't calculate RemainingCapacity and Rate \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("---------------------- DesignVoltage = 0x%08x\n", CmBatt->Info.StaticData.DesignVoltage)); ApiStatus->Capacity = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY;
} else { //
// This battery expresses power in terms of Watts
ApiStatus->Capacity = CmBattStatus->RemainingCapacity; ApiStatus->Rate = CmBattStatus->PresentRate; if (CmBattStatus->PresentRate > CM_MAX_VALUE) { ApiStatus->Rate = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_RATE; if (CmBattStatus->PresentRate != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) { CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus - Rate is greater than CM_MAX_VALUE\n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("---------------------- PresentRate = 0x%08x\n", CmBattStatus->PresentRate)); } } }
// If the rate is "unkown" set it to zero
if (ApiStatus->Rate == BATTERY_UNKNOWN_RATE) {
// This is only allowed when -c-h-a-r-g-i-n-g- not discharging.
// Batteries are allowed to return UNKNOWN_RATE when AC is online
// but they aren't being charged.
if (CmBattStatus->BatteryState & CM_BST_STATE_DISCHARGING) {
CmBattPrint( CMBATT_ERROR, ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus: battery rate is unkown when battery " "is not charging!\n") );
} else { //
// The OS expects the PresentRate to be a signed value, with positive values
// indicating a charge and negative values indicating a discharge. Since the
// control methods only return unsigned values we need to do the conversion here.
if (ApiStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_DISCHARGING) { ApiStatus->Rate = 0 - ApiStatus->Rate;
} else if (!(ApiStatus->PowerState & BATTERY_CHARGING) && (ApiStatus->Rate != 0)) { CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_BIOS), ("CmBattGetBatteryStatus: battery is not charging or discharging, but rate = %x\n", ApiStatus->Rate)); ApiStatus->Rate = 0; } else { // Rate already equals 0. Battery is not Charging or discharging.
} }
NTSTATUS CmBattVerifyStaticInfo ( IN PCM_BATT CmBatt, IN ULONG BatteryTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
In order to detect battery changes, we'll check to see if any part of the data returned by the cm is different from what we had read in the past.
CmBatt - Battery to read BatteryTag - Tag of battery as expected by the caller
Return Value:
Returns a boolean to indicate to the caller that IO was performed. This allows the caller to iterate on changes it may be making until the battery state is correct.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; CM_BIF_BAT_INFO NewInfo; ULONG StaResult; PBATTERY_INFORMATION ApiData = &CmBatt->Info.ApiInfo; PCM_BIF_BAT_INFO BIFData = &CmBatt->Info.StaticData;
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE, ("CmBattVerifyStaticInfo - CmBatt (%08x) Tag (%d) Device %d\n", CmBatt, BatteryTag, CmBatt->DeviceNumber));
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ((CmBatt->Info.Tag == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID) || (BatteryTag != CmBatt->Info.Tag)) { return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; }
if ((CmBatt->CacheState == 2) && (!CmBatt->ReCheckSta)) { return Status; }
if (CmBatt->Sleeping) { //
// Return cached data, and ensure that this gets requeried when we are fully awake.
CmBattNotifyHandler (CmBatt, BATTERY_STATUS_CHANGE); return Status; }
// Check to make sure that the battery does exist
// before continuing
if (CmBatt->ReCheckSta) { CmBatt->ReCheckSta = FALSE; Status = CmBattGetStaData (CmBatt->Pdo, &StaResult); if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { if (!(StaResult & STA_DEVICE_PRESENT)) { CmBatt->Info.Tag = BATTERY_TAG_INVALID; Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; return Status; } } }
// The first time through the loop, CacheState will be 1
// If a notification occurs, this will be reset to 0, and the loop will run again.
// If no notification occurs, it will increment to 2, the "Valid" value.
while (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (InterlockedIncrement (&CmBatt->CacheState) == 1)) {
// Go get fresh data
// Issue the Control method
if (CmBatt->ReCheckSta) { CmBatt->ReCheckSta = FALSE; Status = CmBattGetStaData (CmBatt->Pdo, &StaResult);
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { if (!(StaResult & STA_DEVICE_PRESENT)) { CmBatt->Info.Tag = BATTERY_TAG_INVALID; Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; } } }
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { Status = CmBattGetBifData(CmBatt, &NewInfo); }
if (NT_SUCCESS (Status)) {
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA | CMBATT_BIOS), ("CmBattGetStaticInfo: _BIF Returned: PowerUnit=%x DesignCapacity=%x LastFull=%x\n", NewInfo.PowerUnit, NewInfo.DesignCapacity, NewInfo.LastFullChargeCapacity ));
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA | CMBATT_BIOS), (" ---------------- Technology=%x Voltage=%x DesignWarning=%x\n", NewInfo.BatteryTechnology, NewInfo.DesignVoltage, NewInfo.DesignCapacityOfWarning ));
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA | CMBATT_BIOS), (" ---------------- DesignLow=%x Gran1=%x Gran2=%x\n", NewInfo.DesignCapacityOfLow, NewInfo.BatteryCapacityGran_1, NewInfo.BatteryCapacityGran_2 ));
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA | CMBATT_BIOS), (" ---------------- ModelNumber=%s \n", NewInfo.ModelNumber)); CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA | CMBATT_BIOS), (" ---------------- SerialNumber=%s \n", NewInfo.SerialNumber)); CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA | CMBATT_BIOS), (" ---------------- BatteryType=%s \n", NewInfo.BatteryType)); CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_TRACE | CMBATT_DATA | CMBATT_BIOS), (" ---------------- OEMInformation=%s \n", NewInfo.OEMInformation));
// Update static area with the new data
if ((CmBatt->Info.Tag == CmBatt->Info.StaticDataTag) && (CmBatt->Info.StaticDataTag != BATTERY_TAG_INVALID)) { if (RtlCompareMemory (&NewInfo, BIFData, sizeof(NewInfo)) == sizeof(NewInfo)) { //
// Nothing has changed. Don't need to update anything.
continue; } else { //
// Something has changed. The tag should have been invalidated.
CmBattPrint ((CMBATT_BIOS | CMBATT_ERROR), ("CmBattVerifyStaticInfo: Static data changed without recieving notify 0x81.\n"));
} CmBatt->Info.StaticDataTag = CmBatt->Info.Tag;
RtlCopyMemory (BIFData, &NewInfo, sizeof(CM_BIF_BAT_INFO));
RtlZeroMemory (ApiData, sizeof(BATTERY_INFORMATION)); ApiData->Capabilities = BATTERY_SYSTEM_BATTERY; ApiData->Technology = (UCHAR) BIFData->BatteryTechnology;
// Use first four chars of BatteryType as Chemistry string
ApiData->Chemistry[0] = BIFData->BatteryType[0]; ApiData->Chemistry[1] = BIFData->BatteryType[1]; ApiData->Chemistry[2] = BIFData->BatteryType[2]; ApiData->Chemistry[3] = BIFData->BatteryType[3]; ApiData->CriticalBias = 0; ApiData->CycleCount = 0;
if (BIFData->PowerUnit & CM_BIF_UNITS_AMPS) {
// This battery reports in mA we need to convert all the capacities to
// mW because this is what the OS expects. The algorithm for doing this
// is:
// mW = mA * Volts or mW = mA * mV / 1000
if (BIFData->DesignVoltage != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) {
// Convert the DesignCapacity
if (BIFData->DesignCapacity != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) { ApiData->DesignedCapacity = (BIFData->DesignCapacity * BIFData->DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { ApiData->DesignedCapacity = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetStaticInfo - Can't calculate DesignCapacity \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("-------------------- DesignCapacity = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n")); }
// Convert the LastFullChargeCapacity
if (BIFData->LastFullChargeCapacity != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) { ApiData->FullChargedCapacity = (BIFData->LastFullChargeCapacity * BIFData->DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { ApiData->FullChargedCapacity = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetStaticInfo - Can't calculate LastFullChargeCapacity \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("-------------------- LastFullChargeCapacity = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n")); }
// Convert the DesignCapacityOfWarning
if (BIFData->DesignCapacityOfWarning != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) { ApiData->DefaultAlert2 = (BIFData->DesignCapacityOfWarning * BIFData->DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { ApiData->DefaultAlert2 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetStaticInfo - Can't calculate DesignCapacityOfWarning \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("-------------------- DesignCapacityOfWarning = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n")); }
// Convert the DesignCapacityOfLow
if (BIFData->DesignCapacityOfLow != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) { ApiData->DefaultAlert1 = (BIFData->DesignCapacityOfLow * BIFData->DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { ApiData->DefaultAlert1 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetStaticInfo - Can't calculate DesignCapacityOfLow \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("-------------------- DesignCapacityOfLow = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n")); }
// Convert the BatteryCapacityGran_1
if (BIFData->BatteryCapacityGran_1 != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) { CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_1 = (BIFData->BatteryCapacityGran_1 * BIFData->DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_1 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetStaticInfo - Can't calculate BatteryCapacityGran_1 \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("-------------------- BatteryCapacityGran_1 = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n")); }
// Convert the BatteryCapacityGran_2
if (BIFData->BatteryCapacityGran_2 != CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE) { CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_2 = (BIFData->BatteryCapacityGran_2 * BIFData->DesignVoltage + 500) / 1000; } else { CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_2 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetStaticInfo - Can't calculate BatteryCapacityGran_2 \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("-------------------- BatteryCapacityGran_2 = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n")); } } else {
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("CmBattGetStaticInfo - Can't calculate Capacities \n")); CmBattPrint (CMBATT_ERROR_ONLY, ("-------------------- DesignVoltage = CM_UNKNOWN_VALUE\n"));
ApiData->DesignedCapacity = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; ApiData->FullChargedCapacity = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; ApiData->DefaultAlert1 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; ApiData->DefaultAlert2 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_1 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_2 = BATTERY_UNKNOWN_CAPACITY; } } else { ApiData->DesignedCapacity = BIFData->DesignCapacity; ApiData->FullChargedCapacity = BIFData->LastFullChargeCapacity; ApiData->DefaultAlert1 = BIFData->DesignCapacityOfLow; ApiData->DefaultAlert2 = BIFData->DesignCapacityOfWarning; CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_1 = BIFData->BatteryCapacityGran_1; CmBatt->Info.ApiGranularity_2 = BIFData->BatteryCapacityGran_2;
CmBatt->Info.ModelNum = (PUCHAR) &BIFData->ModelNumber; CmBatt->Info.ModelNumLen = (ULONG) strlen (CmBatt->Info.ModelNum);
CmBatt->Info.SerialNum = (PUCHAR) &BIFData->SerialNumber; CmBatt->Info.SerialNumLen = (ULONG) strlen (CmBatt->Info.SerialNum);
CmBatt->Info.OEMInfo = (PUCHAR) &BIFData->OEMInformation; CmBatt->Info.OEMInfoLen = (ULONG) strlen (CmBatt->Info.OEMInfo);
if ((CmBatt->Info.Tag) == BATTERY_TAG_INVALID || (BatteryTag != CmBatt->Info.Tag)) { // If the tag has been invalidated since we started, fail the request.
if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { // If somthing failed, make sure the cache is marked as invalid.
InterlockedExchange (&CmBatt->CacheState, 0); }
CmBattPrint (CMBATT_TRACE ,("CmBattGetStaticInfo: Exit\n")); return Status; }