Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains all the code that deals with the system having to determine System Power State to Device Power State mappings
Stephane Plante (splante)
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
October 29th, 1998
#include "pch.h"
// Quick Lookup table to map S-States to SxD methods
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ACPISystemPowerGetSxD)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ACPISystemPowerProcessRootMapping)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ACPISystemPowerProcessSxD)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ACPISystemPowerQueryDeviceCapabilities)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE,ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilities)
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStates( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE SystemState, OUT ULONG *SupportedDeviceStates ) /*++
Routine Description:
This recursive routine looks at all the children of the current device extension and determines what device states might be supported at the specified system state. This is accomplished by looking at the _SxD methods and looking at the power plane information
DeviceExtension - The device whose children we want to know information about SystemState - The system state we want to know about SupportedDeviceStates - Set bits represent supported D-states
Return Value:
ASSERT( SystemState >= PowerSystemWorking && SystemState <= PowerSystemShutdown ); ASSERT( SupportedDeviceStates != NULL );
// Setup the data structure that we will use to walk the device extension
// tree
ACPIExtListSetupEnum( &eled, &(DeviceExtension->ChildDeviceList), &AcpiDeviceTreeLock, SiblingDeviceList, WALKSCHEME_REFERENCE_ENTRIES );
// Look at all children of the current device extension
for (childExtension = ACPIExtListStartEnum( &eled ); ACPIExtListTestElement( &eled, (BOOLEAN) NT_SUCCESS(status) ); childExtension = ACPIExtListEnumNext( &eled) ) {
// Recurse first
status = ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStates( childExtension, SystemState, SupportedDeviceStates ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Get the _SxD mapping for the device
status = ACPISystemPowerGetSxD( childExtension, SystemState, &deviceState ); if (NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
// We support this D-state
*SupportedDeviceStates |= (1 << deviceState );
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_SXD, childExtension, " S%x->D%x\n", (SystemState - 1), (deviceState - 1) ) );
// Don't bother looking at the _PRx methods
} else if (status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
// If we hit another error, then we should continue now
// Note that continuing will cause us to terminate the loop
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_FAILURE, childExtension, " - ACPISystemPowerdetermineSupportedDeviceStates = %08lx\n", status ) ); continue;
} else {
// If we got here, then that means that the childExtension doesn't
// have a _SxD method, which is okay. We reset the status so that
// the loop test will succeed, or at least won't fail because there
// wasn't an _SxD method.
// We are going to play with the power nodes, so we must be holding
// the power lock
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// Look at all the device states that might be supported via
// the _PR methods
for (deviceState = PowerDeviceD0; deviceState <= PowerDeviceD2; deviceState++) {
prSystemState = ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedSystemState( childExtension, deviceState ); if (prSystemState >= SystemState) {
// This d-state maps to a deeper S-state than what we
// are looking for, so we should be implicitly supporting
// this d-state for the current S-state
*SupportedDeviceStates |= (1 << deviceState);
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_SXD, childExtension, " PR%x maps to S%x, so S%x->D%x\n", (deviceState - 1), (prSystemState - 1), (SystemState - 1), (deviceState - 1) ) );
// Done with the lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Done
DEVICE_POWER_STATE ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedDeviceWakeState( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine looks at the PowerInformation structure and determines the D-State that is supported by the wake state
As a rule of thumb, if the S-State is not supported, then we return PowerDeviceUnspecified
Note: The parent is holding the AcpiPowerLock
DeviceExtension - The extension that we wish to check
Return Value:
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState = PowerDeviceMaximum; PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE deviceNode;
deviceNode = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerNode[PowerDeviceUnspecified]; while (deviceNode != NULL) {
// Does the current device node support a lower device then the
// current maximum device state?
if (deviceNode->AssociatedDeviceState < deviceState) {
// Yes, so this is the new maximum system state
deviceState = deviceNode->AssociatedDeviceState;
} deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
// PowerSystemMaximum is not a valid entry. So if that is what we would
// return, then change that to return PowerSystemUnspecified
if (deviceState == PowerDeviceMaximum) {
deviceState = PowerDeviceUnspecified;
} return deviceState; }
SYSTEM_POWER_STATE ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedSystemState( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE DeviceState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine looks at the PowerInformation structure and determines the S-State that is supported by the D-state
As a rule of thumb, if the D-State is not supported, then we return PowerSystemUnspecified
Note: The parent is holding the AcpiPowerLock
DeviceExtension - The extension that we wish to check DeviceState - The state that we wish to sanity check
Return Value:
--*/ { PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE deviceNode; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState = PowerSystemMaximum;
if (DeviceState == PowerDeviceD3) {
goto ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedSystemStateExit;
deviceNode = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.PowerNode[DeviceState]; while (deviceNode != NULL) {
// Does the current device node support a lower system then the
// current maximum system state?
if (deviceNode->SystemState < systemState) {
// Yes, so this is the new maximum system state
systemState = deviceNode->SystemState;
} deviceNode = deviceNode->Next;
ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedSystemStateExit: //
// PowerSystemMaximum is not a valid entry. So if that is what we would
// return, then change that to return PowerSystemUnspecified
if (systemState == PowerSystemMaximum) {
systemState = PowerSystemUnspecified;
} return systemState; }
Routine Description:
This is the worker function that is called when we want to run an SxD method. We give the function an S-State, and we get back a D-State.
DeviceExtension - The device to run the SxD on SystemState - The S-state to determine the D-State for DeviceState - Where we store the answer
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS status; ULONG value;
// Assume that we don't find an answer
*DeviceState = PowerDeviceUnspecified;
// We want this code to run even though there is no namespace object
// for the device. Since we don't want to add a check to GetNamedChild
// that checks for null, we need to handle this special case here
if ( (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_NO_OBJECT) || (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_FAILED_INIT) ) {
// Evaluate the control method
status = ACPIGetIntegerSync( DeviceExtension, AcpiSxDMethodTable[SystemState], &value, NULL ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Convert this number to a D-State
*DeviceState = ACPIDeviceMapPowerState( value );
} else if (status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
// HACKHACK --- Program Management wants us to force the PCI Root Bus
// mappings for S1 to be D1. So look for a device node that has
// both the PCI flag and the HID flag set, and if so, return that
// we support D1
if (SystemState == PowerSystemSleeping1 && (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_MASK_HID) && (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_CAP_PCI) ) {
*DeviceState = PowerDeviceD1; status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
#if DBG
} else {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "ACPISystemPowerGetSxD: Cannot run _S%cD - 0x%08lx\n", (SystemState == 0 ? 'w' : '0' + (UCHAR) (SystemState - 1) ), status ) ); #endif
// Done
return status; }
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerInitializeRootMapping( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES DeviceCapabilities ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is responsible for initializing the S->D mapping for the root device extension
DeviceExtension - Pointer to the root device extension DeviceCapabilitites - DeviceCapabilitites
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN sxdFound; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceMap[PowerSystemMaximum]; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE sysIndex;
// Can we actually do any real work here?
if ( (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_BUILT_POWER_TABLE) || (DeviceExtension->DeviceState != Started) ) {
goto ACPISystemPowerInitializeRootMappingExit;
// Initialize the root mapping
RtlZeroMemory( deviceMap, sizeof(DEVICE_POWER_STATE) * PowerSystemMaximum );
// Copy the mapping from the device extension. See the comment at the
// end as to why we don't grab a spinlock
IoCopyDeviceCapabilitiesMapping( DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.DevicePowerMatrix, deviceMap );
// Make sure that S0->D0
deviceMap[PowerSystemWorking] = PowerDeviceD0;
// Special case the fact that someone one might want to have the
// HAL return a different template. If the capabilities that we got
// handed have some values in them, have them override our defaults
for (sysIndex = PowerSystemSleeping1; sysIndex <= PowerSystemShutdown; sysIndex++) {
if (DeviceCapabilities->DeviceState[sysIndex] != PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
deviceMap[sysIndex] = DeviceCapabilities->DeviceState[sysIndex];
// Porcess the SxD methods if there are any
status = ACPISystemPowerProcessSxD( DeviceExtension, deviceMap, &sxdFound ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "- ACPISystemPowerProcessSxD = %08lx\n", status ) ); return status;
// Make sure that the Shutdown case doesn't map to PowerDeviceUnspecified
// If it does, then it should really map to PowerDeviceD3
if (deviceMap[PowerSystemShutdown] == PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
deviceMap[PowerSystemShutdown] = PowerDeviceD3;
// Look at all the children capabilities to help us decide the root
// mapping
status = ACPISystemPowerProcessRootMapping( DeviceExtension, deviceMap ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, " - ACPISystemPowerProcessRootMapping = %08lx\n", status ) ); goto ACPISystemPowerInitializeRootMappingExit;
// If we have reached this point, then we have build the SxD table
// and never need to do so again
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(DeviceExtension->Flags), DEV_PROP_BUILT_POWER_TABLE, FALSE );
#if DBG
// We haven't updated the device extension yet, so we can still do this
// at this point in the game
ACPIDebugDeviceCapabilities( DeviceExtension, DeviceCapabilities, "Initial" ); ACPIDebugPowerCapabilities( DeviceExtension, "Before Update" ); #endif
// Copy the mapping to the device extension
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql ); IoCopyDeviceCapabilitiesMapping( deviceMap, DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.DevicePowerMatrix ); KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
#if DBG
ACPIDebugPowerCapabilities( DeviceExtension, "After Update" ); #endif
ACPISystemPowerInitializeRootMappingExit: //
// Hmm.. I'm tempted to grab a spinlock here, but since we cannot
// updating the capabilities for this device, I think it is safe
// to not do so. We need to grab the spinlock when setting these
// values so that we can sync with the power code
// Copy the power capabilities to their final location
IoCopyDeviceCapabilitiesMapping( DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.DevicePowerMatrix, DeviceCapabilities->DeviceState ); #if DBG
ACPIDebugDeviceCapabilities(DeviceExtension, DeviceCapabilities, "Done" ); #endif
// Done
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerProcessRootMapping( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE DeviceMap[PowerSystemMaximum] ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called by the FDO to figure out what the minimal set of capabilities for each s state are. These then become the root capabilitites
DeviceExtension - The root device extension DeviceMap - The current mapping
Return Value:
--*/ { DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceState; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemState; ULONG supportedDeviceStates;
// Loop on all the system supported states
for (systemState = PowerSystemSleeping1; systemState <= PowerSystemShutdown; systemState++) {
// Do we support this state?
if (!(AcpiSupportedSystemStates & (1 << systemState) ) ) {
// We always support the D3 state
supportedDeviceStates = (1 << PowerDeviceD3);
// Determine the supported Device states for this System state
status = ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStates( DeviceExtension, systemState, &supportedDeviceStates ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_WARNING, DeviceExtension, "Cannot determine D state for S%x - %08lx\n", (systemState - 1), status ) ); DeviceMap[systemState] = PowerDeviceD3; continue;
// Starting from the device states that we currently are set to
// (which we would have gotten by running the _SxD method on the
// \_SB), look to see if we can use a lower D-state instead.
// Note: It is *VERY* important to remember that *ALL* devices can
// support D3, so the following loop will *always* terminate in the
// D3 case.
for (deviceState = DeviceMap[systemState]; deviceState <= PowerDeviceD3; deviceState++) {
// Is this a supported device state?
if (!(supportedDeviceStates & (1 << deviceState) ) ) {
// no? then look at the next one
// This is the D-state that we need to use
DeviceMap[systemState] = deviceState; break;
// Always return success
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerProcessSxD( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE CurrentMapping[PowerSystemMaximum], IN PBOOLEAN MatchFound ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the current S-to-D mapping with the information in the ACPI namespace. If it finds any _SxD routines, then it tells the caller
DeviceExtension - Device to check CurrentMapping - The current mapping to modify MatchFound - Where to indicate if we have found a match or not
Return Value:
PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT( MatchFound != NULL );
// Assume no match
*MatchFound = FALSE;
// Loop for all the S-States that we care about
for (sState = PowerSystemWorking; sState < PowerSystemMaximum; sState++) {
// Does the system support this S-State?
if (!(AcpiSupportedSystemStates & (1 << sState)) ) {
// This S-state is not supported by the system. Mark it as such
CurrentMapping[sState] = PowerDeviceUnspecified; continue;
// Evaluate the control method
status = ACPISystemPowerGetSxD( DeviceExtension, sState, &dState ); if (status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
// Not a critical error
} if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "ACPISystemPowerProcessSxD: Cannot Evaluate _SxD - 0x%08lx\n", status ) ); continue;
// Match found
*MatchFound = TRUE;
// Is this value greater then the number within the table?
if (dState > CurrentMapping[sState]) {
// Yes, so we have a new mapping
CurrentMapping[sState] = dState;
// Done
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerQueryDeviceCapabilities( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES DeviceCapabilities ) /*++
Routine Description:
Any routine that needs to know the device capabilities will call this function for the power capabilities
DeviceExtension - The extension whose capabilities we want DeviceCapabilities - Where to store the capabilities
Return Value:
--*/ { #if DBG
BOOLEAN dumpAtEnd = FALSE; #endif
DEVICE_CAPABILITIES parentCapabilities; NTSTATUS status; PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES baseCapabilities;
// We only need to do this once
if (!(DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_BUILT_POWER_TABLE) ) {
#if DBG
ACPIDebugDeviceCapabilities( DeviceExtension, DeviceCapabilities, "From PDO" ); #endif
// Our next action depends on wether or not we are a filter (only)
// or a PDO
if ( (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_FILTER) && !(DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_PDO) ) {
// In this case, our base capabilities are the ones that have
// already been passed to us
baseCapabilities = DeviceCapabilities;
} else {
// We must get the capabilities of the parent device
status = ACPIInternalGetDeviceCapabilities( DeviceExtension->ParentExtension->DeviceObject, &parentCapabilities ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, " - Could not get parent caps - %08lx\n", status ) ); return status;
// our base capabilities are the one that we just fetched
baseCapabilities = &parentCapabilities;
#if DBG
ACPIDebugDeviceCapabilities( DeviceExtension, baseCapabilities, "From Parent" ); #endif
#if DBG
ACPIDebugPowerCapabilities( DeviceExtension, "Before Update" ); #endif
// Update our capabilities with those of our parent
status = ACPISystemPowerUpdateDeviceCapabilities( DeviceExtension, baseCapabilities, DeviceCapabilities ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, " - Could not update caps - %08lx\n", status ) );
// If this is a pdo, then this is a fatal error
if ( (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_PDO) ) {
} return status;
} #if DBG
ACPIDebugPowerCapabilities( DeviceExtension, "After Update" ); dumpAtEnd = TRUE; #endif
// Never do this again
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(DeviceExtension->Flags), DEV_PROP_BUILT_POWER_TABLE, FALSE );
// Hmm.. I'm tempted to grab a spinlock here, but since we cannot
// updating the capabilities for this device, I think it is safe
// to not do so. We need to grab the spinlock when setting these
// values so that we can sync with the power code
// Okay, at this point, we think the device extension's capabilities
// are appropriate for the stack at hand. Let's copy them over
IoCopyDeviceCapabilitiesMapping( DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.DevicePowerMatrix, DeviceCapabilities->DeviceState );
// then set those capabilities as well.
DeviceCapabilities->SystemWake = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SystemWakeLevel; DeviceCapabilities->DeviceWake = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.DeviceWakeLevel;
// Set the other capabilities
DeviceCapabilities->DeviceD1 = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportDeviceD1; DeviceCapabilities->DeviceD2 = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportDeviceD2; DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD0 = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD0; DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD1 = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD1; DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD2 = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD2; DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD3 = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD3;
#if DBG
if (dumpAtEnd) {
ACPIDebugDeviceCapabilities( DeviceExtension, DeviceCapabilities, "Done" );
} #endif
// Done
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerUpdateDeviceCapabilities( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES BaseCapabilities, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES DeviceCapabilities ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the DevicePowerMatrix of the device extension with the current S to D mapping for the device.
The BaseCapabilities are used as the template. That is, they provide values that we then modify.
The DeviceCapabilities are the actual capabilities that are returned to the OS. Note that it is possible for the BaseCapabilities to the be same pointer as the DeviceCapabilities (if its a Filter).
DeviceExtension - The device whose capabilities we want BaseCapabilities - The base values DeviceCapabilities - The device capabilities
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN matchFound; DEVICE_POWER_STATE currentDState; DEVICE_POWER_STATE currentMapping[PowerSystemMaximum]; DEVICE_POWER_STATE devIndex; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceWakeLevel = PowerDeviceUnspecified; DEVICE_POWER_STATE filterWakeLevel = PowerDeviceUnspecified; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE sysIndex; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE supportedState; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemWakeLevel = PowerSystemUnspecified; ULONG interestingBits; ULONG mask; ULONG supported = 0; ULONG supportedPr = 0; ULONG supportedPs = 0; ULONG supportedWake = 0;
// We should remember what the capabilities of the device. We need
// to remember because we will be modifying these capabilities in
// the next call (if required)
IoCopyDeviceCapabilitiesMapping( BaseCapabilities->DeviceState, currentMapping );
// Sanity checks
if (currentMapping[PowerSystemWorking] != PowerDeviceD0) {
#if DBG
ACPIDebugDeviceCapabilities( DeviceExtension, BaseCapabilities, "PowerSystemWorking != PowerDeviceD0" ); #endif
// ASSERT( currentMapping[PowerSystemWorking] == PowerDeviceD0 );
currentMapping[PowerSystemWorking] = PowerDeviceD0;
// Get the D-States that are supported by this extension
status = ACPIDevicePowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStates( DeviceExtension, &supportedPr, &supportedPs ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Hmm...
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "ACPIDevicePowerDetermineSupportedDeviceStates = 0x%08lx\n", status ) ); return status;
// The supported index is the union of which _PR and which _PS are
// present
supported = (supportedPr | supportedPs);
// At this point, if there are no supported bits, then we should check
// the device capabilities and what our parent supports
if (!supported) {
// Do some special checkin if we are a filter. We can only do the
// following if the caps indicate that there is a D0 or D3 support
if ( (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_FILTER) && !(DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_PDO) && !(DeviceCapabilities->DeviceD1) && !(DeviceCapabilities->DeviceD2) ) {
// This is a filter, and we don't know any of its power caps, so
// the thing to do (because of Video) is to decide to not touch
// the mapping
goto ACPISystemPowerUpdateDeviceCapabilitiesExit;
// Assume that we support D0 and D3
supported = (1 << PowerDeviceD0) | (1 << PowerDeviceD3);
// Do we support D1?
if (DeviceCapabilities->DeviceD1) {
supported |= (1 << PowerDeviceD1);
// Do we support D2?
if (DeviceCapabilities->DeviceD2) {
supported |= (1 << PowerDeviceD2);
// We also need to update the Wake Capabilities. We do this so
// that we get the correct SystemWakeLevel based on the information
// present
status = ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilities( DeviceExtension, BaseCapabilities, DeviceCapabilities, currentMapping, &supportedWake, &systemWakeLevel, &deviceWakeLevel, &filterWakeLevel ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilities = 0x%08lx\n", status ) ); return status;
// Now, we must look at the base capabilities and determine
// if we need to modify them
for (sysIndex = PowerSystemSleeping1; sysIndex <= PowerSystemShutdown; sysIndex++) {
// Does the system support this S-State?
if (!(AcpiSupportedSystemStates & (1 << sysIndex) ) ) {
// See if there is an _SxD for this state
status = ACPISystemPowerGetSxD( DeviceExtension, sysIndex, &devIndex ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// We have found a match. Is it better then the current mapping?
if (devIndex > currentMapping[sysIndex]) {
// Yes, so we have a new mapping
currentMapping[sysIndex] = devIndex;
} continue;
} else if (status != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "ACPISystemPowerUpdateDeviceCapabilities: Cannot Evalutate " "_SxD - 0x%08lx\n", status ) );
// What is the base d-state for the current mapping
currentDState = currentMapping[sysIndex];
// Remember that we didn't find a match
matchFound = FALSE;
// Calculate the interesting pr bits. Do this by ignoring any bit
// less then the one indicated by the current mapping
mask = (1 << currentDState) - 1; interestingBits = supported & ~mask;
// While there are interesting bits, look to see if they are
// available for the current state
while (interestingBits) {
// Determine what the highest possible D state that we can
// have on this device. Clear what we are looking at from
// the interesting bits
devIndex = (DEVICE_POWER_STATE) RtlFindLeastSignificantBit( (ULONGLONG) interestingBits ); mask = (1 << devIndex); interestingBits &= ~mask;
// If this S-state is less than the wake level of the device
// then we should try to find a D-state that we can wake from
if (sysIndex <= systemWakeLevel) {
// If we can wake from a deeper state, then lets consider
// those bits
if ( (supportedWake & interestingBits) ) {
// Don't consider anything deeper than the deviceWake,
// although this should be taken care in the supportedWake
// test
if (devIndex == filterWakeLevel) {
matchFound = TRUE; currentMapping[sysIndex] = devIndex;
// If our only choice is D3, than we automatically match that
// since all S states can map to D3.
if (devIndex == PowerDeviceD3) {
matchFound = TRUE; currentMapping[sysIndex] = devIndex; break;
// If we are looking at a _PR entry, then we need to determine
// if the power plane actually supports this S state
if (supportedPr == 0) {
// We are looking at a _PS entry, and automatically match
// those
matchFound = TRUE; currentMapping[sysIndex] = devIndex; break;
// We must holding a spinlock for the following
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// What system state does this pr state support. If the
// If the function does not support the D state, then Power
// SystemUnspecified is returned. The only time that we
// expect this value is when devIndex == PowerDeviceD3
supportedState = ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedSystemState( DeviceExtension, devIndex ); if (supportedState == PowerSystemUnspecified) {
// Paranoia
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "D%x returned PowerSystemUnspecified!\n", (devIndex - 1) ) ); KeBugCheckEx( ACPI_BIOS_ERROR, ACPI_CANNOT_MAP_SYSTEM_TO_DEVICE_STATES, (ULONG_PTR) DeviceExtension, 0, devIndex );
// Done with the power lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// The only way to match is if the return value from
// ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedSystemState returns an S
// state greater than or equal to the one that we are currently
// processing.
if (supportedState >= sysIndex) {
matchFound = TRUE; currentMapping[sysIndex] = devIndex; break;
} // while
// If we didn't find a match at this point, that should be fatal
if (!matchFound) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "No match found for S%x\n", (sysIndex - 1) ) ); KeBugCheckEx( ACPI_BIOS_ERROR, ACPI_CANNOT_MAP_SYSTEM_TO_DEVICE_STATES, (ULONG_PTR) DeviceExtension, 1, sysIndex );
} // for
// Now, we re-run the wake capabilities to make sure that we get the correct
// device wake level
status = ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilities( DeviceExtension, BaseCapabilities, DeviceCapabilities, currentMapping, &supportedWake, &systemWakeLevel, &deviceWakeLevel, &filterWakeLevel ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
ACPIDevPrint( ( ACPI_PRINT_CRITICAL, DeviceExtension, "ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilities = 0x%08lx\n", status ) ); return status;
// We must holding a spinlock for the following
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// Copy the mapping back onto the device
IoCopyDeviceCapabilitiesMapping( currentMapping, DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.DevicePowerMatrix );
// Remember the system wake level, device wake level, and what
// the various support Wake and Power states are
DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.DeviceWakeLevel = deviceWakeLevel; DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SystemWakeLevel = systemWakeLevel; DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportDeviceD1 = ( ( supported & ( 1 << PowerDeviceD1 ) ) != 0); DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportDeviceD2 = ( ( supported & ( 1 << PowerDeviceD2 ) ) != 0); DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD0 = ( ( supportedWake & ( 1 << PowerDeviceD0 ) ) != 0); DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD1 = ( ( supportedWake & ( 1 << PowerDeviceD1 ) ) != 0); DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD2 = ( ( supportedWake & ( 1 << PowerDeviceD2 ) ) != 0); DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SupportWakeFromD3 = ( ( supportedWake & ( 1 << PowerDeviceD3 ) ) != 0);
// Done with the power lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Again, because we allowed device extension with no name space objects
// to use this function, we must make sure not to set the ACPI_POWER
// property unless they have a name space object
if (!(DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_PROP_NO_OBJECT)) {
// Set the ACPI Power Management bits
ACPIInternalUpdateFlags( &(DeviceExtension->Flags), DEV_PROP_ACPI_POWER, FALSE );
// Done
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilities( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES BaseCapabilities, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES DeviceCapabilities, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE CurrentMapping[PowerSystemMaximum], IN ULONG *SupportedWake, IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE *SystemWakeLevel, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE *DeviceWakeLevel, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE *FilterWakeLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine calculates the Wake Capabilities of the device based on the present capabilities
DeviceExtension - The device whose capabilities we want BaseCapabilities - The base values ParentCapabilities - The capabilities for the device CurrentMapping - The current S->D mapping SupportedWake - BitMap of the supported Wake states SystemWakeLevel - The S-State that we can wake up from DeviceWakeLevel - The D-State that we can wake up from
Return Value:
--*/ {
if ( (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_FILTER) && !(DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_TYPE_PDO) ) {
return ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilitiesForFilters( DeviceExtension, BaseCapabilities, DeviceCapabilities, CurrentMapping, SupportedWake, SystemWakeLevel, DeviceWakeLevel, FilterWakeLevel );
} else {
if (FilterWakeLevel != NULL) {
*FilterWakeLevel = PowerDeviceUnspecified;
return ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilitiesForPDOs( DeviceExtension, BaseCapabilities, DeviceCapabilities, CurrentMapping, SupportedWake, SystemWakeLevel, DeviceWakeLevel, FilterWakeLevel ); }
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilitiesForFilters( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES BaseCapabilities, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES DeviceCapabilities, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE CurrentMapping[PowerSystemMaximum], IN ULONG *SupportedWake, IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE *SystemWakeLevel, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE *DeviceWakeLevel, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE *FilterWakeLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine calculates the Wake Capabilities of the device based on the present capabilities. This version of the function uses the devices states that the device can wake from to determine what the appropriate system level is.
DeviceExtension - The device whose capabilities we want BaseCapabilities - The base values DeviceCapabilities - The capabilities for the device CurrentMapping - The current S->D mapping
SupportedWake - BitMap of the supported Wake states SystemWakeLevel - The S-State that we can wake up from DeviceWakeLevel - The D-State that we can wake up from
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN noPdoWakeSupport = FALSE; BOOLEAN foundDState = FALSE; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceWake; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceTempWake; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status; PACPI_POWER_INFO powerInfo; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemWake; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE tempWake;
// Use the capabilities from the Device
deviceWake = DeviceCapabilities->DeviceWake; systemWake = DeviceCapabilities->SystemWake;
// Does the device support wake from D0? D1? D2? D3?
if (DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD0) {
*SupportedWake |= (1 << PowerDeviceD0 );
} if (DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD1) {
*SupportedWake |= (1 << PowerDeviceD1 );
} if (DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD2) {
*SupportedWake |= (1 << PowerDeviceD2 );
} if (DeviceCapabilities->WakeFromD3) {
*SupportedWake |= (1 << PowerDeviceD3 );
// If we don't support any wake states in the PDO (ie: DeviceWake or
// SystemWake is 0) then we should remember that for future considerations
if (deviceWake == PowerDeviceUnspecified || systemWake == PowerSystemUnspecified) {
noPdoWakeSupport = TRUE; deviceWake = PowerDeviceUnspecified; systemWake = PowerSystemUnspecified;
// If we support the device wake (ie: there is a _PRW), then we
// should take the minimum of the systemWake we got from the parent
// and the value that is stored in the _PRW
if ( (DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_CAP_WAKE) ) {
// Need power lock for the following.
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// Remember the current system wake level
tempWake = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SystemWakeLevel;
// See what D-state (if any) that the power plane information
// maps to
deviceTempWake = ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedDeviceWakeState( DeviceExtension );
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Take the minimum
if (tempWake < systemWake || noPdoWakeSupport) {
systemWake = tempWake;
// Did the PRW have useful information for us?
if (deviceTempWake != PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
// Note that in this case, they are basically overriding all
// other supported wake up states, so the thing to do is only
// remember this wake level
foundDState = TRUE; deviceWake = deviceTempWake;
// See if there is a device wake specified for this S-state?
status = ACPISystemPowerGetSxD( DeviceExtension, tempWake, &deviceTempWake ); if (status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
status = ACPISystemPowerGetSxD( DeviceExtension, systemWake, &deviceTempWake );
} if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Note that in this case, they are basically overriding all other
// supported Wake up states, so the thing to do is only remember
// this wake level
foundDState = TRUE; deviceWake = deviceTempWake;
if (!foundDState) {
// Crossreference the system wake level with the matrix
// Need spinlock to do this
deviceWake = CurrentMapping[systemWake];
// If this value isn't known, then we guess that it can
// from D3. In other words, unless they have made some
// explicity mechanism to tell which D-state to wake from,
// assume that we can do it from D3
if (deviceWake == PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
deviceWake = PowerDeviceD3;
// We should only check to see if the D-state is a wakeable state
// in the parent only if the parent claims to support wake
if (!noPdoWakeSupport) {
// The logic behind the following is that if we are a filter, even
// if we support device wake (that is the _PRW is in the PCI device
// itself, not for the root PCI bus), than we still need to make sure
// that the D-State that we mapped to is one that is supported by
// the hardware.
for (;deviceWake < PowerDeviceMaximum; deviceWake++) {
// If we we support this wake state, then we can stop
if (*SupportedWake & (1 << deviceWake) ) {
// If we got here, and the D-state is PowerDeviceMaximum, then we
// don't really support wake on the device
if (deviceWake == PowerDeviceMaximum || deviceWake == PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
deviceWake = PowerDeviceUnspecified; systemWake = PowerSystemUnspecified; *SupportedWake = 0;
} else {
// In this situation, we will end up only supporting this wake state
*SupportedWake = (1 << deviceWake );
} else {
// See if there is a device wake specified for this S-state
status = ACPISystemPowerGetSxD( DeviceExtension, systemWake, &deviceTempWake ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Find the best supported wake level
for (;deviceTempWake > PowerDeviceUnspecified; deviceTempWake--) {
if ( (*SupportedWake & (1 << deviceTempWake) ) ) {
deviceWake = deviceTempWake; break;
// Make sure that the system wake level is a valid one
for (; systemWake > PowerSystemUnspecified; systemWake--) {
// Since S-States that we don't support map to
// PowerDeviceUnspecified, we cannot consider any of those S
// states in this test. We also cannot consider them for other
// obvious reasons as well
if (!(AcpiSupportedSystemStates & (1 << systemWake) ) || (CurrentMapping[systemWake] == PowerDeviceUnspecified) ) {
// Does this S-state support the given S-State?
if (CurrentMapping[systemWake] <= deviceWake) {
// Does the device state for the current system wake mapping
// allow wake-from sleep?
if (*SupportedWake & (1 << CurrentMapping[systemWake]) ) {
// Yes? then we had better update our idea of what the
// device wake state should be...
deviceWake = CurrentMapping[systemWake]; break;
// If we got into a situation were we cannot find a single S-state
// that we can wake from, then we must make sure that the device
// wake is null
if (systemWake == PowerSystemUnspecified) {
// Remember that the device wake and supported wake states
// are null
deviceWake = PowerDeviceUnspecified; *SupportedWake = 0;
// Return the proper device wake and system wake values
if (SystemWakeLevel != NULL) {
*SystemWakeLevel = systemWake;
} if (DeviceWakeLevel != NULL) {
*DeviceWakeLevel = deviceWake;
} if (FilterWakeLevel != NULL) {
*FilterWakeLevel = deviceWake;
// Done
NTSTATUS ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilitiesForPDOs( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES BaseCapabilities, IN PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES DeviceCapabilities, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE CurrentMapping[PowerSystemMaximum], IN ULONG *SupportedWake, IN SYSTEM_POWER_STATE *SystemWakeLevel, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE *DeviceWakeLevel, IN DEVICE_POWER_STATE *FilterWakeLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine calculates the Wake Capabilities of the device based on the present capabilities. This version of the function uses the system state that the device can wake from to determine what the appropriate device level is.
DeviceExtension - The device whose capabilities we want BaseCapabilities - The base values DeviceCapabilities - The capabilities for the device CurrentMapping - The current S->D mapping SupportedWake - BitMap of the supported Wake states SystemWakeLevel - The S-State that we can wake up from DeviceWakeLevel - The D-State that we can wake up from
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOLEAN foundDState = FALSE; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceWake; DEVICE_POWER_STATE deviceTempWake; DEVICE_POWER_STATE filterWake = PowerDeviceUnspecified; KIRQL oldIrql; NTSTATUS status; SYSTEM_POWER_STATE systemWake;
// Use the capabilities of the device
if (!(DeviceExtension->Flags & DEV_CAP_WAKE) ) {
deviceWake = PowerDeviceUnspecified; systemWake = PowerSystemUnspecified; goto ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilitiesForPDOsExit;
// Hold the lock for the following
KeAcquireSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, &oldIrql );
// Use the wake level that we know about. If this wakelevel
// isn't supported, than there is a bios error
systemWake = DeviceExtension->PowerInfo.SystemWakeLevel; deviceTempWake = ACPISystemPowerDetermineSupportedDeviceWakeState( DeviceExtension );
// Done with the lock
KeReleaseSpinLock( &AcpiPowerLock, oldIrql );
// Sanity check
if (!(AcpiSupportedSystemStates & (1 << systemWake) ) ) {
#if 0
if (!(AcpiOverrideAttributes & ACPI_OVERRIDE_MP_SLEEP) ) {
} #endif
deviceWake = PowerDeviceUnspecified; systemWake = PowerSystemUnspecified; goto ACPISystemPowerUpdateWakeCapabilitiesForPDOsExit;
if (deviceTempWake != PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
// Note that in this case, they are basically overriding all
// other supported wake up states, so the thing to do is only
// remember this wake level
foundDState = TRUE; deviceWake = deviceTempWake; filterWake = deviceTempWake; *SupportedWake = (1 << deviceWake );
// See if there is an SxD method that will give us a hint
status = ACPISystemPowerGetSxD( DeviceExtension, systemWake, &deviceTempWake ); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Note that in this case, they are basically overriding all other
// supported Wake up states, so the thing to do is only remember
// this wake level
deviceWake = deviceTempWake; filterWake = deviceTempWake; foundDState = TRUE;
if (!foundDState) {
// Crossreference the system wake level with the matrix
// Need spinlock to do this
deviceWake = CurrentMapping[systemWake];
// If this value isn't known, then we guess that it can
// from D3. In other words, unless they have made some
// explicity mechanism to tell which D-state to wake from,
// assume that we can do it from D3
if (deviceWake == PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
deviceWake = PowerDeviceD3;
// Set the return values
if (deviceWake != PowerDeviceUnspecified) {
*SupportedWake = (1 << deviceWake );
} else {
*SupportedWake = 0; }
if (SystemWakeLevel != NULL) {
*SystemWakeLevel = systemWake;
} if (DeviceWakeLevel != NULL) {
*DeviceWakeLevel = deviceWake;
} if (FilterWakeLevel != NULL) {
*FilterWakeLevel = filterWake;
// Done