Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WinDbg Extension Api for interpretting ACPI data structures
Stephane Plante (splante) 21-Mar-1997
Based on Code by: Peter Wieland (peterwie) 16-Oct-1995
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
UCHAR BuildBuffer[2048];
VOID dumpAcpiBuildListHeader( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine displays the top line in the build list dump
Return value:
--*/ { dprintf("Request Wd Cu Nx BuildCon NsObj Status Union Special\n"); }
VOID dumpAcpiBuildList( IN PUCHAR ListName ) /*++
This routine fetects a single Power Device List from the target and displays it
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL status; LIST_ENTRY listEntry; ULONG_PTR address; ULONG returnLength;
// Handle the queue list
address = GetExpression( ListName ); if (!address) {
dprintf( "dumpAcpiBuildList: could not read %s\n", ListName );
} else {
dprintf("%s at %08lx\n", ListName, address ); status = ReadMemory( address, &listEntry, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY), &returnLength ); if (status == FALSE || returnLength != sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)) {
dprintf( "dumpAcpiBuildList: could not read LIST_ENTRY at %p\n", address );
} else {
dumpAcpiBuildListHeader(); dumpBuildDeviceListEntry( &listEntry, address, 0 ); dprintf("\n");
} }
VOID dumpAcpiBuildLists( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine dumps all of the devices lists used by the Build DPC
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL status; LIST_ENTRY listEntry; ULONG_PTR address; ULONG returnLength; ULONG value;
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiDeviceTreeLock", &address ); if (status == FALSE) {
dprintf("dumpAcpiBuildLists: Could not read ACPI!AcpiDeviceTreeLock\n"); return;
dprintf("ACPI Build Tree Information\n"); if (address) {
dprintf(" + ACPI!AcpiDeviceTreeLock is owned");
// The bits other then the lowest is where the owning thread is
// located. This function uses the property that -2 is every bit
// except the least significant one
if ( (address & (ULONG_PTR) -2) != 0) {
dprintf(" by thread at %p\n", (address & (ULONG_PTR) - 2) );
} else {
} else {
dprintf(" - ACPI!AcpiDeviceTreeLock is not owned\n");
status = GetUlongPtr( "ACPI!AcpiBuildQueueLock", &address ); if (status == FALSE) {
dprintf("dumpAcpiBuildLists: Could not read ACPI!AcpiBuildQueueLock\n"); return;
} if (address) {
dprintf(" + ACPI!AcpiBuildQueueLock is owned\n");
if ( (address & (ULONG_PTR) -2) != 0) {
dprintf(" by thread at %p\n", (address & (ULONG_PTR) - 2) );
} else {
} else {
dprintf(" - ACPI!AcpiBuildQueueLock is not owned\n" );
status = GetUlong( "ACPI!AcpiBuildWorkDone", &value ); if (status == FALSE) {
dprintf("dumpAcpiBuildLists: Could not read ACPI!AcpiBuildWorkDone\n"); return;
} dprintf(" + AcpiBuildWorkDone = %s\n", (value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ) );
status = GetUlong( "ACPI!AcpiBuildDpcRunning", &value ); if (status == FALSE) {
dprintf("dumpAcpiBuildLists: Could not read ACPI!AcpiBuildDpcRunning\n"); return;
} dprintf(" + AcpiBuildDpcRunning = %s\n", (value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ) );
dumpAcpiBuildList( "ACPI!AcpiBuildQueueList" ); dumpAcpiBuildList( "ACPI!AcpiBuildDeviceList" ); dumpAcpiBuildList( "ACPI!AcpiBuildOperationRegionList" ); dumpAcpiBuildList( "ACPI!AcpiBuildPowerResourceList" ); dumpAcpiBuildList( "ACPI!AcpiBuildRunMethodList" ); dumpAcpiBuildList( "ACPI!AcpiBuildSynchronizationList" ); dumpAcpiBuildList( "ACPI!AcpiBuildThermalZoneList" ); }
VOID dumpBuildDeviceListEntry( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry, IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called to dump a list of devices in one of the queues
ListEntry - The head of the list Address - The original address of the list (to see when we looped around
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG_PTR displacement; ACPI_BUILD_REQUEST request; BOOL stat; PACPI_BUILD_REQUEST requestAddress; UCHAR buffer1[80]; UCHAR buffer2[80]; UCHAR buffer3[5]; ULONG i = 0; ULONG returnLength;
memset( buffer3, 0, 5); memset( buffer2, 0, 80); memset( buffer1, 0, 80);
// Look at the next address
ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink;
while (ListEntry != (PLIST_ENTRY) Address) {
// Crack the listEntry to determine where the powerRequest is
requestAddress = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, ACPI_BUILD_REQUEST, ListEntry );
// Read the queued item
stat = ReadMemory( (ULONG_PTR) requestAddress, &request, sizeof(ACPI_BUILD_REQUEST), &returnLength ); if (stat == FALSE || returnLength != sizeof(ACPI_BUILD_REQUEST)) {
dprintf( "dumpBuildDeviceListEntry: Cannot read BuildRequest at %08lx\n", requestAddress ); return;
if (request.CallBack != NULL) {
GetSymbol( request.CallBack, buffer1, &displacement );
} else {
buffer1[0] = '\0';
} if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_VALID_TARGET) {
GetSymbol( request.TargetListEntry, buffer2, &displacement );
} else {
buffer2[0] = '\0';
// Dump the entry for the device
if (!Verbose) {
dprintf( "%08lx %2x %2x %2x %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx", requestAddress, request.WorkDone, request.CurrentWorkDone, request.NextWorkDone, request.BuildContext, request.CurrentObject, request.Status, request.String ); if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_VALID_TARGET) {
dprintf( " T: %08lx (%s)", request.TargetListEntry, buffer2 );
} else if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_DEVICE) {
dprintf( " O: %08lx", requestAddress + FIELD_OFFSET( ACPI_BUILD_REQUEST, DeviceRequest.ResultData ) );
} else if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_RUN) {
memcpy( buffer3, request.RunRequest.ControlMethodNameAsUchar, 4); dprintf( " R: %4s", buffer3 ); if (request.RunRequest.Flags & RUN_REQUEST_CHECK_STATUS) {
dprintf(" Sta");
} if (request.RunRequest.Flags & RUN_REQUEST_MARK_INI) {
dprintf(" Ini");
} if (request.RunRequest.Flags & RUN_REQUEST_RECURSIVE) {
dprintf(" Rec");
} else if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_SYNC) {
dprintf( " S: %08lx", request.SynchronizeRequest.SynchronizeListEntry ); if (request.SynchronizeRequest.Flags & SYNC_REQUEST_HAS_METHOD) {
memcpy( buffer3, request.SynchronizeRequest.SynchronizeMethodNameAsUchar, 4); dprintf( " %4s", buffer3 ); }
if (request.CallBack != NULL) {
dprintf(" C: %s(%08lx)", buffer1, request.CallBackContext);
} dprintf("\n");
} else {
dprintf( "%08lx\n" " BuildContext: %08lx\n" " ListEntry: F - %08lx B - %08lx\n" " CallBack: %08lx (%s)\n" " CallBackContext: %08lx\n" " WorkDone: %lx\n" " CurrentWorkDone: %lx\n" " NextWorkDone: %lx\n" " CurrentObject: %08lx\n" " Status: %08lx\n" " Flags: %08lx\n" " Spare: %08lx\n", requestAddress, request.BuildContext, request.ListEntry.Flink, request.ListEntry.Blink, request.CallBack, buffer1, request.CallBackContext, request.WorkDone, request.CurrentWorkDone, request.NextWorkDone, request.CurrentObject, request.Status, request.Flags, request.String ); if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_VALID_TARGET) {
dprintf( " TargetListEntry: %08lx (%s)\n", request.TargetListEntry, buffer2 );
} else if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_DEVICE) {
dprintf( " ResultData: %08lx\n", requestAddress + FIELD_OFFSET( ACPI_BUILD_REQUEST, DeviceRequest.ResultData ) );
} else if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_RUN) {
dprintf( " ControlMethodName: %4s\n" " ControlMethodFlags: %08lx", request.RunRequest.ControlMethodName ); if (request.RunRequest.Flags & RUN_REQUEST_CHECK_STATUS) {
dprintf(" Sta");
} if (request.RunRequest.Flags & RUN_REQUEST_MARK_INI) {
dprintf(" Ini");
} if (request.RunRequest.Flags & RUN_REQUEST_RECURSIVE) {
dprintf(" Rec");
} dprintf("\n");
} else if (request.Flags & BUILD_REQUEST_SYNC) {
dprintf( " SynchronizeListEntry: %08lx\n" " MethodName: %4s\n", request.SynchronizeRequest.SynchronizeListEntry, request.SynchronizeRequest.SynchronizeMethodNameAsUchar );
} dprintf("\n");
// Point to the next entry
ListEntry = request.ListEntry.Flink;
} // while