Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Header files for KD extension
Stephane Plante (splante) 21-Mar-1997
Based on Code by: Peter Wieland (peterwie) 16-Oct-1995
User Mode.
Revision History:
#ifndef _KDEXT_H_
#define _KDEXT_H_
// Various Defines
#define Move(dst, src) \
try { \ b = ReadMemory( (ULONG_PTR) (src), &(dst), sizeof(dst), NULL ); \ if (!b) { \ return; \ } \ } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { \ return; \ }
#define MoveBlock( dst, src, size ) \
try { \ b = ReadMemory( (ULONG_PTR) (src), &(ds), size, NULL ); \ if (!b) { \ return; \ } \ } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { \ return; \ }
// Various Structures
typedef struct _EXTERNAL_HELP_TABLE {
PUCHAR ExternalName; PUCHAR ExternalDescription;
// Verbose flags (for contexts)
#define VERBOSE_CONTEXT 0x01
#define VERBOSE_CALL 0x02
#define VERBOSE_HEAP 0x04
#define VERBOSE_OBJECT 0x08
#define VERBOSE_NSOBJ 0x10
#define VERBOSE_RECURSE 0x20
// Verbose flags (for device extensions)
#define VERBOSE_1 0x01
#define VERBOSE_2 0x02
#define VERBOSE_3 0x04
#define VERBOSE_4 0x08
#define VERBOSE_ALL 0x0f
// Verbose Flags (for walking the tree)
#define VERBOSE_LOOP 0x10
#define VERBOSE_THERMAL 0x20
#define VERBOSE_PRESENT 0x40
// Various data and externs
extern UCHAR Buffer[2048];
BOOL GetUlong( IN PCHAR Name, IN PULONG Value );
BOOL GetUlongPtr( IN PCHAR Name, IN PULONG_PTR Address );
BOOL ReadPhysicalOrVirtual( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Size, IN OUT PULONG ReturnLength, IN BOOL Virtual );
VOID displayAcpiDeviceExtension( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID displayAcpiDeviceExtensionBrief( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID displayAcpiDeviceExtensionFlags( IN PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension );
VOID displayAcpiDeviceExtensionName( IN ULONG_PTR DeviceExtensionAddress );
VOID displayThermalInfo( IN PTHRM_INFO Thrm, IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID displayThermalInfoEx( IN PTHRM_INFO Thrm, IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpAccessFieldObject( IN ULONG_PTR AccessFieldAddress, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpAccessFieldUnit( IN ULONG_PTR AccessFieldAddress, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpAcpiDeviceNode( IN PACPI_DEVICE_POWER_NODE DeviceNode, IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpAcpiDeviceNodes( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpAcpiExtension( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpAcpiGpeInformation( VOID );
VOID dumpAcpiInformation( VOID );
VOID dumpAcpiPowerList( PUCHAR ListName );
VOID dumpAcpiPowerLists( VOID );
VOID dumpAcpiPowerNode( IN PACPI_POWER_DEVICE_NODE PowerNode, IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpAcpiPowerNodes( VOID );
VOID dumpAmlTerm( IN ULONG_PTR AmlTermAddress, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpCall( IN ULONG_PTR CallAddress, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpContext( IN ULONG_PTR ContextAddress, IN ULONG Verbose );
VOID dumpDeviceListEntry( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry, IN ULONG_PTR Address );
VOID dumpFieldAddress( IN ULONG_PTR FieldAddress, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpIrpListEntry( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry, IN ULONG_PTR Address );
VOID dumpMemory( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Length, IN PUCHAR FileName );
VOID dumpNSObject( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpNSTree( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Level );
VOID dumpObject( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN POBJDATA Object, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpObjectOwner( IN ULONG_PTR ObjOwnerAddress, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpPM1StatusRegister( IN ULONG Value, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpPM1ControlRegister( IN ULONG Value, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpPnPResources( IN ULONG_PTR Address );
VOID dumpPObject( IN ULONG_PTR Address, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpScope( IN ULONG_PTR ScopeAddress, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpStack( IN ULONG_PTR ContextAddress, IN PCTXT Context, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpTerm( IN ULONG_PTR TermAddress, IN ULONG Verbose, IN ULONG IndentLevel );
VOID dumpIrqArb( IN PVOID IrqArb );
PUCHAR TempToKelvins( IN ULONG Temp );
PUCHAR TimeToSeconds( IN ULONG Time );