Option Explicit
'*********************************************************************** ' ' ClusResGroups and related tests ' '*********************************************************************** ' 'Following are marks for lines to be included in translated script version of test StartTest
'---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub StartTest()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oLogView
'Set oLogView = CreateObject("Atl1.LogView")
'oLogView.logFileName = "d:\nt\private\cluster\admin\msclus\vbscript\vbResGroups.log" 'oLogView.logFileName = "d:\\projects\\msclust\\vb\\jsResGroups.log" ResGroupsTest oLogView End Sub
Sub ResGroupsTest(oLogView) On Error Resume Next
Dim oCluster Dim collResGroups
'oLogView.AddResult1 1, "Creating object MSCluster.Cluster" 'JS_TRY< Set oCluster = CreateObject("MSCluster.Cluster") 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Cluster creation failed:" & Err.Description Exit Sub Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Instance of Cluster created" End If
'JS_TRY< oCluster.Open ("GALENB-CLUS") 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Cluster open failed:" & Err.Description Exit Sub Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Cluster IGORPCLUS opened successfuly" End If
'JS_TRY< Set collResGroups = oCluster.ResourceGroups 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Cluster:ResGroups failed:" & Err.Description Exit Sub Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Cluster:ResGroups retrieved" End If
RunResGroupsTests oLogView, collResGroups
End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub RunResGroupsTests(oLogView, collResGroups) On Error Resume Next
Dim count Dim oResGroup
'JS_TRY< count = collResGroups.count 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroups:Count failed:" & Err.Description Exit Sub Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroups:Count: " & count End If
'test collection's Refresh TestRefresh oLogView, collResGroups
'---------- Create new group 'JS_TRY< Set oResGroup = collResGroups.CreateItem("8TestGroup") 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroups:CreateItem(8TestGroup) failed:" & Err.Description Exit Sub 'nothing to test Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroups:CreateItem(8TestGroup) succeeded"
TestResGroup oLogView, oResGroup
TestPreferredOwners oLogView, oResGroup
'JS_TRY< collResGroups.DeleteItem ("8TestGroup") 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroups:DeleteItem(8TestGroup) failed:" & Err.Description Err.Clear 'clean exit Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroups:DeleteItem(8TestGroup) succeeded" End If End If
End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub TestResGroup(oLogView, oResGroup) On Error Resume Next ' all common stuff is tested in common test
Dim state Dim oCluster Dim groupName
'----------- test renaming 'oLogView.AddResult1 1, "Testing ClusResGroup.Name member" 'JS_TRY groupName = oResGroup.Name 'JS_CATCH If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Get ClusResGroup.Name failed:" & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Name: " & groupName 'JS_TRY oResGroup.Name = "8TestAnotherName" 'JS_CATCH If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Renaming ClusResGroup.Name failed:" & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "New ClusResGroup.Name: " & oResGroup.Name 'JS_TRY oResGroup.Name = groupName 'JS_CATCH If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Renaming to original name failed:" & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Original ClusResGroup.Name restored: " & groupName End If End If End If
'----------- state 'JS_TRY< state = oResGroup.state 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.State failed:" & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.State: " & state 'should be offline - freshly created If state = 1 Then 'ClusterGroupOffline TestGroupResources oLogView, oResGroup Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 3, "Created group " & oResGroup.Name & " not in expected offline state. Current state: " & state End If 'no offline End If
End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub TestGroupResources(oLogView, oResGroup) On Error Resume Next
Dim collResources Dim oResource Dim lCount Dim oOwnerNode Dim state Dim oAnotherOwner 'this time as VARIANT
'JS_TRY< Set collResources = oResGroup.Resources lCount = collResources.count 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Get ClusResGroup.Resources failed:" & Err.Description Exit Sub Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Get ClusResGroup.Resources succeeded. Number of resources: " & lCount 'add item 'JS_TRY< Set oResource = collResources.CreateItem("8TestResource", "Generic Application", 0) collResources.Refresh 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroupResource.CreateItem failed:" & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroupResource.CreateItem( Generic application) succeeded" End If
If collResources.count <> 1 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Resources.CreateItem: added resource not in collection" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Resources.CreateItem: count = 1" End If
'JS_TRY< collResources.DeleteItem ("8TestResource") collResources.Refresh 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Resources.DeleteItem failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Resources.DeleteItem succeeded" End If If collResources.count <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Resources.DeleteItem: refresh after DeleteItem failure" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Resources.DeleteItem Refresh count = 0" End If
'------------ online 'JS_TRY< MsgBox "Online" oResGroup.Online( 10000 ) 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Online Error " & Err.Description 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Online failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else MsgBox "Online succeeded" 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Online succeeded" End If
'------------ offline 'JS_TRY< oResGroup.Offline 10000 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Offline failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Offline succeeded" End If
'------------- OwnerNode 'JS_TRY< Set oOwnerNode = oResGroup.OwnerNode 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.OwnerNode failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.OwnerNode succeeded" End If
'------------- move 'JS_TRY< oResGroup.Move 10000 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Move failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Move succeeded" Set oAnotherOwner = oResGroup.OwnerNode If oAnotherOwner.Name <> oOwnerNode.Name Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "New owner of test group: " & oAnotherOwner.Name Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "New owner of test group after Move is the same as original: " & oAnotherOwner.Name End If End If
'move back 'JS_TRY< oResGroup.Move 10000, oOwnerNode 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Move to original node failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Move to original node succeeded" Set oAnotherOwner = oResGroup.OwnerNode If oAnotherOwner.Name = oOwnerNode.Name Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "New owner of test group is original node " & oAnotherOwner.Name Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "New owner of test group after Move differs original: " & oAnotherOwner.Name End If End If
Set oAnotherOwner = Nothing
'move it again and bring online on original node 'JS_TRY< oResGroup.Move 10000 oResGroup.Online 10000, oOwnerNode 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroup.Move/Online failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroup.Move/Online succeeded" 'check that node is online on expected node state = oResGroup.state If state <> 0 Then 'ClusterGroupOnline 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "State after ClusResGroup.Move/Online differs from expected online: " & state Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "State after ClusResGroup.Move/Online as expected: online" End If
Set oAnotherOwner = oResGroup.OwnerNode If oAnotherOwner.Name = oOwnerNode.Name Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "New owner of test group is original node " & oAnotherOwner.Name Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "New owner of test group after Move differs original: " & oAnotherOwner.Name End If End If
oResGroup.Offline 10000
End If
End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub TestPreferredOwners(oLogView, oResGroup) On Error Resume Next
Dim collPreferredOwnerNodes Dim lCount Dim oClusNode 'try this as VARIANT
'JS_TRY< Set collPreferredOwnerNodes = oResGroup.PreferredOwnerNodes 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "Get ClusResGroup.PreferredOwnerNodes failed: " & Err.Description Exit Sub Else
TestRefresh oLogView, collPreferredOwnerNodes
'JS_TRY< 'check number of preferred owners in collection lCount = collPreferredOwnerNodes.count 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Count failed: " & Err.Description Exit Sub Else 'add node to the group 'JS_TRY< Set oClusNode = oResGroup.OwnerNode collPreferredOwnerNodes.InsertItem oClusNode 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.InsertItem failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.InsertItem succeeded" 'check that Modified flag is set If collPreferredOwnerNodes.Modified <> 0 Then 'we expect true here 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify set after InsertItem" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 3, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify NOT set after InsertItem" End If collPreferredOwnerNodes.Refresh If collPreferredOwnerNodes.Modified <> 0 Then 'we expect false here 'oLogView.AddResult1 3, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify set after Refresh after InsertItem" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify not set after Refresh after InsertItem" End If 'check number of items in collection If collPreferredOwnerNodes.count = 1 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.count is 1" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.count is NOT 1: " & collPreferredOwnerNodes.count End If
'--------- now remove item from collection 'JS_TRY< collPreferredOwnerNodes.RemoveItem oClusNode.Name 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.RemoveItem failed: " & Err.Description Err.Clear Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.RemoveItem succeeded" 'check that Modified flag is set If collPreferredOwnerNodes.Modified <> 0 Then 'we expect true here 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify set after RemoveItem" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 3, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify NOT set after RemoveItem" End If collPreferredOwnerNodes.Refresh If collPreferredOwnerNodes.Modified <> 0 Then 'we expect false here 'oLogView.AddResult1 3, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify set after Refresh after RemoveItem" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "Flag ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.Modify not set after Refresh after RemoveItem" End If 'check number of items in collection If collPreferredOwnerNodes.count = 0 Then 'oLogView.AddResult1 8, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.count is 0" Else 'oLogView.AddResult1 2, "ClusResGroupPreferredOwnerNodes.count is NOT 0" End If End If End If End If
End If
End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------- '----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub TestRefresh(oLogObject, colCollection)
On Error Resume Next
Dim origCount Dim afterCount
'JS_TRY< origCount = colCollection.count colCollection.Refresh afterCount = colCollection.count 'JS_CATCH> If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'oLogObject.AddResult1 2, "Refresh failed with error:" & Err.Description Else If origCount <> afterCount Then 'counts are not equal 'oLogObject.AddResult1 2, "Count changes after Refresh:" & origCount & " differs from " & afterCount Else 'oLogObject.AddResult1 8, "Refresh succeeded" End If End If
End Sub '----------------------- End of file -----------------------------------
'***************************************************************************** '* '* Translated by VB2script translator on Thu Feb 18 17:31:58 1999 '* from file resgroups.bas '* '*****************************************************************************