#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <cluster.h>
#include <clusrpc.h>
#include <clnetcfg.h>
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#define NM_WCSLEN(_string) ((lstrlenW(_string) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR))
CLNET_CONFIG_LISTS ConfigLists; LPWSTR NodeName = L"TestComputer"; LPWSTR NodeId = L"1";
#if 0
#include <dm.h>
#include <dmp.h>
HKEY DmpRoot; LIST_ENTRY KeyList; CRITICAL_SECTION KeyLock; HDMKEY DmClusterParametersKey; HDMKEY DmResourcesKey; HDMKEY DmResourceTypesKey; HDMKEY DmGroupsKey; HDMKEY DmNodesKey; HDMKEY DmNetworksKey; HDMKEY DmNetInterfacesKey; HDMKEY DmQuorumKey; HANDLE ghQuoLogOpenEvent=NULL;
typedef struct _DMP_KEY_DEF { HDMKEY *pKey; LPWSTR Name; } DMP_KEY_DEF;
VOID ClNetPrint( IN ULONG LogLevel, IN PCHAR FormatString, ... ) { CHAR buffer[256]; DWORD bytes; va_list argList;
va_start(argList, FormatString);
bytes = FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, FormatString, 0, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &argList );
if (bytes != 0) { printf("%s", buffer); }
} // ClNetPrint
VOID ClNetLogEvent( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId ) { return;
} // ClNetLogEvent
VOID ClNetLogEvent1( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId, IN LPCWSTR Arg1 ) { return;
} // ClNetLogEvent1
VOID ClNetLogEvent2( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId, IN LPCWSTR Arg1, IN LPCWSTR Arg2 ) { return;
} // ClNetLogEvent2
VOID ClNetLogEvent3( IN DWORD LogLevel, IN DWORD MessageId, IN LPCWSTR Arg1, IN LPCWSTR Arg2, IN LPCWSTR Arg3 ) { return;
} // ClNetLogEvent3
void PrintConfigEntry( PCLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY ConfigEntry ) { PNM_NETWORK_INFO Network = &(ConfigEntry->NetworkInfo); PNM_INTERFACE_INFO Interface = &(ConfigEntry->InterfaceInfo);
printf("\t*************\n"); printf("\tNet Id\t\t%ws\n", Network->Id); printf("\tName\t\t%ws\n", Network->Name); printf("\tDesc\t\t%ws\n", Network->Description); printf("\tRole\t\t%u\n", Network->Role); printf("\tPriority\t%u\n", Network->Priority); printf("\tTransport\t%ws\n", Network->Transport); printf("\tAddress\t\t%ws\n", Network->Address); printf("\tMask\t\t%ws\n", Network->AddressMask); printf("\tIf Id\t\t%ws\n", Interface->Id); printf("\tName\t\t%ws\n", Interface->Name); printf("\tDesc\t\t%ws\n", Interface->Description); printf("\tNodeId\t\t%ws\n", Interface->NodeId); printf("\tAdapter\t\t%ws\n", Interface->Adapter); printf("\tAddress\t\t%ws\n", Interface->Address); printf("\tEndpoint\t%ws\n", Interface->ClusnetEndpoint); printf("\tState\t\t%u\n\n", Interface->State);
return; }
void PrintResults(void) { PCLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY configEntry; PLIST_ENTRY listEntry;
printf("Renamed interface list:\n");
for ( listEntry = ConfigLists.RenamedInterfaceList.Flink; listEntry != &ConfigLists.RenamedInterfaceList; listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) { configEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY, Linkage ); PrintConfigEntry(configEntry); }
printf("Deleted interface list:\n");
for ( listEntry = ConfigLists.DeletedInterfaceList.Flink; listEntry != &ConfigLists.DeletedInterfaceList; listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) { configEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY, Linkage ); PrintConfigEntry(configEntry); }
printf("Updated interface list:\n");
for ( listEntry = ConfigLists.UpdatedInterfaceList.Flink; listEntry != &ConfigLists.UpdatedInterfaceList; listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) { configEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY, Linkage ); PrintConfigEntry(configEntry); }
printf("Created interface list:\n");
for ( listEntry = ConfigLists.CreatedInterfaceList.Flink; listEntry != &ConfigLists.CreatedInterfaceList; listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) { configEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY, Linkage ); PrintConfigEntry(configEntry); }
printf("Created network list:\n");
for ( listEntry = ConfigLists.CreatedNetworkList.Flink; listEntry != &ConfigLists.CreatedNetworkList; listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) { configEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY, Linkage ); PrintConfigEntry(configEntry); }
printf("Unchanged interface list:\n");
for ( listEntry = ConfigLists.InputConfigList.Flink; listEntry != &ConfigLists.InputConfigList; listEntry = listEntry->Flink ) { configEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( listEntry, CLNET_CONFIG_ENTRY, Linkage ); PrintConfigEntry(configEntry); }
return; }
void ConsolidateLists( PLIST_ENTRY MasterList, PLIST_ENTRY OtherList ) { PLIST_ENTRY entry;
while (!IsListEmpty(OtherList)) { entry = RemoveHeadList(OtherList); InsertTailList(MasterList, entry); }
return; } #if 0
DWORD DmpOpenKeys( IN REGSAM samDesired ) /*++
Routine Description:
Opens all the standard cluster registry keys. If any of the keys are already opened, they will be closed and reopened.
samDesired - Supplies the access that the keys will be opened with.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
Win32 error code otherwise.
{ DWORD i; DWORD status;
status = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Cluster", 0, samDesired, &ClusterRegKey);
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { for (i=0; i<sizeof(DmpKeyTable)/sizeof(DMP_KEY_DEF); i++) {
*DmpKeyTable[i].pKey = DmOpenKey(DmClusterParametersKey, DmpKeyTable[i].Name, samDesired); if (*DmpKeyTable[i].pKey == NULL) { Status = GetLastError(); CsDbgPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, ("[DM]: Failed to open key %1!ws!, status %2!u!\n", DmpKeyTable[i].Name, Status)); CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR( Status ); return(Status); } } } return status; }
HDMKEY DmOpenKey( IN HDMKEY hKey, IN LPCWSTR lpSubKey, IN DWORD samDesired )
Routine Description:
Opens a key in the cluster registry. If the key exists, it is opened. If it does not exist, the call fails.
hKey - Supplies the key that the open is relative to.
lpSubKey - Supplies the key name relative to hKey
samDesired - Supplies desired security access mask
Return Value:
A handle to the specified key if successful
NULL otherwise. LastError will be set to the specific error code.
Parent = (PDMKEY)hKey;
//check if the key was deleted and invalidated
if (ISKEYDELETED(Parent)) { Status = ERROR_KEY_DELETED; goto FnExit; } //
// Allocate the DMKEY structure.
NameLength = (lstrlenW(Parent->Name) + 1 + lstrlenW(lpSubKey) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR); Key = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(DMKEY)+NameLength); if (Key == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR(Status); goto FnExit; }
// Open the key on the local machine.
Status = RegOpenKeyEx(Parent->hKey, lpSubKey, 0, samDesired, &Key->hKey); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto FnExit; }
// Create the key name
lstrcpyW(Key->Name, Parent->Name); if (Key->Name[0] != UNICODE_NULL) { lstrcatW(Key->Name, L"\\"); } lstrcatW(Key->Name, lpSubKey); Key->GrantedAccess = samDesired;
EnterCriticalSection(&KeyLock); InsertHeadList(&KeyList, &Key->ListEntry); InitializeListHead(&Key->NotifyList); LeaveCriticalSection(&KeyLock);
FnExit: if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (Key) LocalFree(Key); SetLastError(Status); return(NULL); } else return((HDMKEY)Key);
DWORD NmpQueryString( IN HDMKEY Key, IN LPCWSTR ValueName, IN DWORD ValueType, IN LPWSTR *StringBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD StringBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD StringSize )
Routine Description:
Reads a REG_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ registry value. If the StringBuffer is not large enough to hold the data, it is reallocated.
Key - Open key for the value to be read.
ValueName - Unicode name of the value to be read.
ValueType - REG_SZ or REG_MULTI_SZ.
StringBuffer - Buffer into which to place the value data.
StringBufferSize - Pointer to the size of the StringBuffer. This parameter is updated if StringBuffer is reallocated.
StringSize - The size of the data returned in StringBuffer, including the terminating null character.
Return Value:
The status of the registry query.
--*/ { DWORD status; DWORD valueType; WCHAR *temp; DWORD oldBufferSize = *StringBufferSize; BOOL noBuffer = FALSE;
if (*StringBufferSize == 0) { noBuffer = TRUE; }
*StringSize = *StringBufferSize;
status = DmQueryValue( Key, ValueName, &valueType, (LPBYTE) *StringBuffer, StringSize );
if (status == NO_ERROR) { if (!noBuffer ) { if (valueType == ValueType) { return(NO_ERROR); } else { return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } }
status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
if (status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { temp = MIDL_user_allocate(*StringSize);
if (temp == NULL) { *StringSize = 0; return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
if (!noBuffer) { MIDL_user_free(*StringBuffer); }
*StringBuffer = temp; *StringBufferSize = *StringSize;
status = DmQueryValue( Key, ValueName, &valueType, (LPBYTE) *StringBuffer, StringSize );
if (status == NO_ERROR) { if (valueType == ValueType) { return(NO_ERROR); } else { *StringSize = 0; return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } }
} // NmpQueryString
DWORD NmpGetNetworkDefinition( IN LPWSTR NetworkId, OUT PNM_NETWORK_INFO NetworkInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads information about a defined cluster network from the cluster database and fills in a structure describing it.
NetworkId - A pointer to a unicode string containing the ID of the network to query.
NetworkInfo - A pointer to the network info structure to fill in.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
{ DWORD status; HDMKEY networkKey = NULL; DWORD valueLength, valueSize; DWORD i; PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM interfaceEnum;
ZeroMemory(NetworkInfo, sizeof(NM_NETWORK_INFO));
// Open the network's key.
networkKey = DmOpenKey(DmNetworksKey, NetworkId, KEY_READ);
if (networkKey == NULL) { status = GetLastError(); ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to open network key, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
// Copy the ID value.
NetworkInfo->Id = MIDL_user_allocate(NM_WCSLEN(NetworkId));
if (NetworkInfo->Id == NULL) { status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error_exit; }
wcscpy(NetworkInfo->Id, NetworkId);
// Read the network's name.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( networkKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NET_NAME, REG_SZ, &(NetworkInfo->Name), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of name value failed for network %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the description value.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( networkKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NET_DESC, REG_SZ, &(NetworkInfo->Description), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of description value failed for network %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the role value.
status = DmQueryDword( networkKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NET_ROLE, &(NetworkInfo->Role), NULL );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of role value failed for network %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the priority value.
status = DmQueryDword( networkKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NET_PRIORITY, &(NetworkInfo->Priority), NULL );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of priority value failed for network %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the address value.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( networkKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NET_ADDRESS, REG_SZ, &(NetworkInfo->Address), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of address value failed for network %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the address mask.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( networkKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NET_ADDRESS_MASK, REG_SZ, &(NetworkInfo->AddressMask), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of address mask value failed for network %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); goto error_exit; }
// Read the transport name.
valueLength = 0;
status = NmpQueryString( networkKey, CLUSREG_NAME_NET_TRANSPORT, REG_SZ, &(NetworkInfo->Transport), &valueLength, &valueSize );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Query of transport value failed for network %1!ws!, status %2!u!.\n", NetworkId, status ); goto error_exit; }
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetFreeNetworkInfo(NetworkInfo); }
if (networkKey != NULL) { DmCloseKey(networkKey); }
} // NmpGetNetworkDefinition
DWORD NmpEnumNetworkDefinitions( OUT PNM_NETWORK_ENUM * NetworkEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reads information about defined cluster networks from the cluster database. and builds an enumeration structure to hold the information.
NetworkEnum - A pointer to the variable into which to place a pointer to the allocated network enumeration.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if the routine succeeds. A Win32 error code otherwise.
{ DWORD status; PNM_NETWORK_ENUM networkEnum = NULL; PNM_NETWORK_INFO networkInfo; WCHAR networkId[CS_NETWORK_ID_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD i; DWORD valueLength; DWORD numNetworks; DWORD ignored; FILETIME fileTime;
*NetworkEnum = NULL;
// First count the number of networks.
status = DmQueryInfoKey( DmNetworksKey, &numNetworks, &ignored, // MaxSubKeyLen
&ignored, // Values
&ignored, // MaxValueNameLen
&ignored, // MaxValueLen
&ignored, // lpcbSecurityDescriptor
&fileTime );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to query Networks key information, status %1!u!\n", status ); return(status); }
if (numNetworks == 0) { valueLength = sizeof(NM_NETWORK_ENUM);
} else { valueLength = sizeof(NM_NETWORK_ENUM) + (sizeof(NM_NETWORK_INFO) * (numNetworks-1)); }
valueLength = sizeof(NM_NETWORK_ENUM) + (sizeof(NM_NETWORK_INFO) * (numNetworks-1));
networkEnum = MIDL_user_allocate(valueLength);
if (networkEnum == NULL) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to allocate memory.\n"); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
ZeroMemory(networkEnum, valueLength);
for (i=0; i < numNetworks; i++) { networkInfo = &(networkEnum->NetworkList[i]);
valueLength = sizeof(networkId);
status = DmEnumKey( DmNetworksKey, i, &(networkId[0]), &valueLength, NULL );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClNetPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[NM] Failed to enumerate network key, status %1!u!\n", status ); goto error_exit; }
status = NmpGetNetworkDefinition(networkId, networkInfo);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; }
networkEnum->NetworkCount++; }
*NetworkEnum = networkEnum;
if (networkEnum != NULL) { ClNetFreeNetworkEnum(networkEnum); }
return(status); }
Read the cluster registry data and bulid up an input list similar to what happens in the cluster service.
{ DWORD status; PNM_NETWORK_ENUM * networkEnum; PNM_INTERFACE_ENUM * interfaceEnum; LPWSTR localNodeId;
status = DmpOpenKeys(MAXIMUM_ALLOWED); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR( status ); return(status); }
status = ClNetConvertEnumsToConfigList(networkEnum, interfaceEnum, localNodeId, &Lists->InputConfigList);
return status; } #endif
int _cdecl main( int argc, char** argv ) { DWORD status; DWORD i; WSADATA wsaData; WORD versionRequested; int err; SOCKET s; DWORD bytesReturned; DWORD matchedNetworkCount; DWORD newNetworkCount;
ClNetInitialize( ClNetPrint, ClNetLogEvent, ClNetLogEvent1, ClNetLogEvent2, ClNetLogEvent3 );
// ReadRegData( &ConfigLists );
versionRequested = MAKEWORD(2,0);
err = WSAStartup(versionRequested, &wsaData);
if (err != 0) { status = WSAGetLastError(); printf("wsastartup failed, %u\n", status); return(1); }
if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) { status = WSAGetLastError(); printf("socket failed, %u\n", status); return(1); }
// Init COM
status = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_MULTITHREADED ); if ( !SUCCEEDED( status )) { printf("Couldn't init COM %08X\n", status ); return 1; }
for (i=0; ; i++) { printf("\nIteration #%u\n\n", i);
status = ClNetConfigureNetworks( NodeId, NodeName, L"4303", TRUE, &ConfigLists, &matchedNetworkCount, &newNetworkCount );
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Config failed, status %u\n", status); return(1); }
printf("Config succeeded - matched Networks = %u, new Networks = %u\n\n", matchedNetworkCount, newNetworkCount);
ClNetFreeConfigList(&ConfigLists.RenamedInterfaceList); ClNetFreeConfigList(&ConfigLists.DeletedInterfaceList);
ConsolidateLists( &ConfigLists.InputConfigList, &ConfigLists.UpdatedInterfaceList ); ConsolidateLists( &ConfigLists.InputConfigList, &ConfigLists.CreatedInterfaceList ); ConsolidateLists( &ConfigLists.InputConfigList, &ConfigLists.CreatedNetworkList );
printf("Waiting for PnP event\n");
err = WSAIoctl( s, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &bytesReturned, NULL, NULL );
if (err != 0) { status = WSAGetLastError(); printf("wsastartup failed, %u\n", status); return(1); }
printf("PnP notification received\n"); }
CoUninitialize(); return(0); }