Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements resource and resource type IOCTL interfaces in the CLUSAPI.
John Vert (jvert) 10/9/1996
Revision History:
--*/ #include "clusapip.h"
DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceControl( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD nInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides for arbitrary communication and control between an application and a specific instance of a resource.
hResource - Supplies a handle to the resource to be controlled.
hHostNode - Supplies a handle to the node on which the resource control should be delivered. If this is NULL, the node where the resource is online is used.
dwControlCode- Supplies the control code that defines the structure and action of the resource control. Values of dwControlCode between 0 and 0x10000000 are reserved for future definition and use by Microsoft. All other values are available for use by ISVs.
lpInBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the input buffer to be passed to the resource.
nInBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by lpInBuffer.
lpOutBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the output buffer to be filled in by the resource.
nOutBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the available space pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
lpBytesReturned - Returns the number of bytes of lpOutBuffer actually filled in by the resource.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; HNODE_RPC hDestNode; DWORD Status; DWORD Required; PVOID Buffer; DWORD Dummy; DWORD BytesReturned;
Buffer = lpOutBuffer; if ((Buffer == NULL) && (nOutBufferSize == 0)) { Buffer = &Dummy; }
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(hHostNode)) { hDestNode = ((PCNODE)hHostNode)->hNode; WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeResourceControl(Resource->hResource, hDestNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Resource->Cluster); } else {
WRAP(Status, (ApiResourceControl(Resource->hResource, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Resource->Cluster); } if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) { if ( (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (lpOutBuffer == NULL) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if ( !BytesReturned ) { BytesReturned = Required; } }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpBytesReturned) ) { *lpBytesReturned = BytesReturned; } else { if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (BytesReturned > nOutBufferSize) ) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceTypeControl( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceTypeName, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD nInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides for arbitrary communication and control between an application and a specific instance of a resource type.
lpszResourceTypename - Supplies the name of the resource type to be controlled.
hHostNode - Supplies a handle to the node on which the resource type control should be delivered. If this is NULL, the node where the application is bound performs the request.
dwControlCode- Supplies the control code that defines the structure and action of the resource type control. Values of dwControlCode between 0 and 0x10000000 are reserved for future definition and use by Microsoft. All other values are available for use by ISVs
lpInBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the input buffer to be passed to the resource type.
nInBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by lpInBuffer.
lpOutBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the output buffer to be filled in by the resource type.
nOutBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the available space pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
lpBytesReturned - Returns the number of bytes of lpOutBuffer actually filled in by the resource type.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCLUSTER Cluster; HNODE_RPC hDestNode; DWORD Status; DWORD Required; PVOID Buffer; DWORD Dummy; DWORD BytesReturned;
Buffer = lpOutBuffer; if ((Buffer == NULL) && (nOutBufferSize == 0)) { Buffer = &Dummy; }
Cluster = (PCLUSTER)hCluster; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(hHostNode)) { hDestNode = ((PCNODE)hHostNode)->hNode; WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeResourceTypeControl(Cluster->hCluster, lpszResourceTypeName, hDestNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Cluster); } else { WRAP(Status, (ApiResourceTypeControl(Cluster->hCluster, lpszResourceTypeName, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Cluster); }
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) { if ( (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (lpOutBuffer == NULL) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if ( !BytesReturned ) { BytesReturned = Required; } }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpBytesReturned) ) { *lpBytesReturned = BytesReturned; } else { if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (BytesReturned > nOutBufferSize) ) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterGroupControl( IN HGROUP hGroup, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD nInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides for arbitrary communication and control between an application and a specific instance of a group.
hGroup - Supplies a handle to the group to be controlled.
hHostNode - Supplies a handle to the node on which the group control should be delivered. If this is NULL, the node where the group is owned is used.
dwControlCode- Supplies the control code that defines the structure and action of the resource control. Values of dwControlCode between 0 and 0x10000000 are reserved for future definition and use by Microsoft. All other values are available for use by ISVs.
lpInBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the input buffer to be passed to the group.
nInBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by lpInBuffer.
lpOutBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the output buffer to be filled in by the group.
nOutBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the available space pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
lpBytesReturned - Returns the number of bytes of lpOutBuffer actually filled in by the resource.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCGROUP Group; HNODE_RPC hDestNode; DWORD Status; DWORD Required; PVOID Buffer; DWORD Dummy; DWORD BytesReturned;
Buffer = lpOutBuffer; if ((Buffer == NULL) && (nOutBufferSize == 0)) { Buffer = &Dummy; }
Group = (PCGROUP)hGroup; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(hHostNode)) { hDestNode = ((PCNODE)hHostNode)->hNode; WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeGroupControl(Group->hGroup, hDestNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Group->Cluster); } else {
WRAP(Status, (ApiGroupControl(Group->hGroup, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Group->Cluster); } if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) { if ( (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (lpOutBuffer == NULL) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if ( !BytesReturned ) { BytesReturned = Required; } }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpBytesReturned) ) { *lpBytesReturned = BytesReturned; } else { if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (BytesReturned > nOutBufferSize) ) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterNodeControl( IN HNODE hNode, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD nInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides for arbitrary communication and control between an application and a specific instance of a node.
hNode - Supplies a handle to the node to be controlled.
hHostNode - Supplies a handle to the node on which the node control should be delivered. If this is NULL, the node where the application is bound performs the request.
dwControlCode- Supplies the control code that defines the structure and action of the resource control. Values of dwControlCode between 0 and 0x10000000 are reserved for future definition and use by Microsoft. All other values are available for use by ISVs.
lpInBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the input buffer to be passed to the node.
nInBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by lpInBuffer.
lpOutBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the output buffer to be filled in by the node.
nOutBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the available space pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
lpBytesReturned - Returns the number of bytes of lpOutBuffer actually filled in by the node.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCNODE Node; HNODE_RPC hDestNode; DWORD Status; DWORD Required; PVOID Buffer; DWORD Dummy; DWORD BytesReturned;
Buffer = lpOutBuffer; if ((Buffer == NULL) && (nOutBufferSize == 0)) { Buffer = &Dummy; }
Node = (PCNODE)hNode; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(hHostNode)) { hDestNode = ((PCNODE)hHostNode)->hNode; WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeNodeControl(Node->hNode, hDestNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Node->Cluster); } else {
WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeControl(Node->hNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Node->Cluster); } if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) { if ( (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (lpOutBuffer == NULL) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if ( !BytesReturned ) { BytesReturned = Required; } }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpBytesReturned) ) { *lpBytesReturned = BytesReturned; } else { if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (BytesReturned > nOutBufferSize) ) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterNetworkControl( IN HNETWORK hNetwork, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD nInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned )
Routine Description:
Provides for arbitrary communication and control between an application and a specific instance of a network.
hNetwork - Supplies a handle to the network to be controlled.
hHostNode - Supplies a handle to the node on which the node control should be delivered. If this is NULL, the node where the application is bound performs the request.
dwControlCode- Supplies the control code that defines the structure and action of the resource control. Values of dwControlCode between 0 and 0x10000000 are reserved for future definition and use by Microsoft. All other values are available for use by ISVs.
lpInBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the input buffer to be passed to the network.
nInBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by lpInBuffer.
lpOutBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the output buffer to be filled in by the network.
nOutBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the available space pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
lpBytesReturned - Returns the number of bytes of lpOutBuffer actually filled in by the network.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCNETWORK Network; HNODE_RPC hDestNode; DWORD Status; DWORD Required; PVOID Buffer; DWORD Dummy; DWORD BytesReturned = 0;
Buffer = lpOutBuffer; if ((Buffer == NULL) && (nOutBufferSize == 0)) { Buffer = &Dummy; }
Network = (PCNETWORK)hNetwork;
// another node was specified so redirect the request to it
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(hHostNode)) {
hDestNode = ((PCNODE)hHostNode)->hNode; WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeNetworkControl(Network->hNetwork, hDestNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Network->Cluster); } else {
WRAP(Status, (ApiNetworkControl(Network->hNetwork, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), Network->Cluster); }
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) {
if ( (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (lpOutBuffer == NULL) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if ( !BytesReturned ) { BytesReturned = Required; } }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpBytesReturned) ) { *lpBytesReturned = BytesReturned; } else { if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (BytesReturned > nOutBufferSize) ) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } }
return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterNetInterfaceControl( IN HNETINTERFACE hNetInterface, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD nInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned )
Routine Description:
Provides for arbitrary communication and control between an application and a specific instance of a network interface.
hNetInterface - Supplies a handle to the netinterface to be controlled.
hHostNode - Supplies a handle to the node on which the node control should be delivered. If this is NULL, the node where the application is bound performs the request.
dwControlCode- Supplies the control code that defines the structure and action of the resource control. Values of dwControlCode between 0 and 0x10000000 are reserved for future definition and use by Microsoft. All other values are available for use by ISVs.
lpInBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the input buffer to be passed to the network.
nInBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by lpInBuffer.
lpOutBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the output buffer to be filled in by the network.
nOutBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the available space pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
lpBytesReturned - Returns the number of bytes of lpOutBuffer actually filled in by the network.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCNETINTERFACE NetInterface; HNODE_RPC hDestNode; DWORD Status; DWORD Required; PVOID Buffer; DWORD Dummy; DWORD BytesReturned = 0;
Buffer = lpOutBuffer; if ((Buffer == NULL) && (nOutBufferSize == 0)) { Buffer = &Dummy; }
NetInterface = (PCNETINTERFACE)hNetInterface;
// another node was specified so redirect the request to it
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(hHostNode)) {
hDestNode = ((PCNODE)hHostNode)->hNode; WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeNetInterfaceControl(NetInterface->hNetInterface, hDestNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), NetInterface->Cluster); } else {
WRAP(Status, (ApiNetInterfaceControl(NetInterface->hNetInterface, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), NetInterface->Cluster); }
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) {
if ( (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (lpOutBuffer == NULL) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if ( !BytesReturned ) { BytesReturned = Required; } }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpBytesReturned) ) { *lpBytesReturned = BytesReturned; } else { if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (BytesReturned > nOutBufferSize) ) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } }
return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterControl( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN OPTIONAL HNODE hHostNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN DWORD nInBufferSize, OUT LPVOID lpOutBuffer, IN DWORD nOutBufferSize, OUT LPDWORD lpBytesReturned ) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides for arbitrary communication and control between an application and a specific instance of a cluster.
hCluster - Supplies a handle to the cluster to be controlled.
hHostNode - Supplies a handle to the node on which the cluster control should be delivered. If this is NULL, the node where the application is bound performs the request.
dwControlCode- Supplies the control code that defines the structure and action of the cluster control. Values of dwControlCode between 0 and 0x10000000 are reserved for future definition and use by Microsoft. All other values are available for use by ISVs.
lpInBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the input buffer to be passed to the cluster.
nInBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by lpInBuffer.
lpOutBuffer- Supplies a pointer to the output buffer to be filled in by the cluster.
nOutBufferSize- Supplies the size, in bytes, of the available space pointed to by lpOutBuffer.
lpBytesReturned - Returns the number of bytes of lpOutBuffer actually filled in by the cluster.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ HNODE_RPC hDestNode; DWORD Status; DWORD Required; PVOID Buffer; DWORD Dummy; DWORD BytesReturned; PCLUSTER pCluster;
Buffer = lpOutBuffer; if ((Buffer == NULL) && (nOutBufferSize == 0)) { Buffer = &Dummy; }
pCluster = GET_CLUSTER(hCluster);
if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(hHostNode)) { hDestNode = ((PCNODE)hHostNode)->hNode; WRAP(Status, (ApiNodeClusterControl(pCluster->hCluster, hDestNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), pCluster); } else {
WRAP(Status, (ApiClusterControl(pCluster->hCluster, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, nInBufferSize, Buffer, nOutBufferSize, &BytesReturned, &Required)), pCluster); } if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) { if ( (Status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (lpOutBuffer == NULL) ) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if ( !BytesReturned ) { BytesReturned = Required; } }
if ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpBytesReturned) ) { *lpBytesReturned = BytesReturned; } else { if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (BytesReturned > nOutBufferSize) ) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } }