// Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// PropListSrc.cpp
// Header File:
// PropList.h
// Description:
// Implementation of the CClusPropList class.
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 31-MAY-2000
#include <StrSafe.h>
#include <PropList.h>
#include "clstrcmp.h"
// Constant Definitions
const int BUFFER_GROWTH_FACTOR = 256;
// CchMultiSz
// Description:
// Length of all of the substrings of a multisz string minus the final NULL.
// (i.e., includes the nulls of the substrings, excludes the final null)
// multiszlen( "abcd\0efgh\0\0" => 5 + 5 = 10
// Arguments:
// psz [IN] The string to get the length of.
// Return Value:
// Count of characters in the multisz or 0 if empty.
static size_t CchMultiSz( IN LPCWSTR psz ) { Assert( psz != NULL );
size_t _cchTotal = 0; size_t _cchChars;
while ( *psz != L'\0' ) { _cchChars = wcslen( psz ) + 1;
_cchTotal += _cchChars; psz += _cchChars; } // while: pointer not stopped on EOS
return _cchTotal;
} //*** CchMultiSz
// NCompareMultiSz
// Description:
// Compare two MULTI_SZ buffers.
// Arguments:
// pszSource [IN] The source string.
// pszTarget [IN] The target string.
// Return Value:
// If the string pointed to by pszSource is less than the string pointed
// to by pszTarget, the return value is negative. If the string pointed
// to by pszSource is greater than the string pointed to by pszTarget,
// the return value is positive. If the strings are equal, the return value
// is zero.
static int NCompareMultiSz( IN LPCWSTR pszSource, IN LPCWSTR pszTarget ) { Assert( pszSource != NULL ); Assert( pszTarget != NULL );
while ( ( *pszSource != L'\0' ) && ( *pszTarget != L'\0') ) { //
// Move to end of strings.
while ( ( *pszSource != L'\0' ) && ( *pszTarget != L'\0') && ( *pszSource == *pszTarget ) ) { ++pszSource; ++pszTarget; } // while: pointer not stopped on EOS
// If strings are the same, skip past terminating NUL.
// Otherwise exit the loop.
if ( ( *pszSource == L'\0' ) && ( *pszTarget == L'\0') ) { ++pszSource; ++pszTarget; } // if: both stopped on EOS
else { break; } // else: stopped because something is not equal -- wr are done.
} // while: pointer not stopped on EOS
return *pszSource - *pszTarget;
} //*** NCompareMultiSz
// CClusPropValueList class
// CClusPropValueList::ScMoveToFirstValue
// Description:
// Move the cursor to the first value in the value list.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS Position moved to the first value successfully.
DWORD CClusPropValueList::ScMoveToFirstValue( void ) { Assert( m_cbhValueList.pb != NULL );
DWORD _sc;
m_cbhCurrentValue = m_cbhValueList; m_cbDataLeft = m_cbDataSize; m_fAtEnd = FALSE;
if ( m_cbhCurrentValue.pSyntax->dw == CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK ) { _sc = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } // if: no items in the value list
else { _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // else: items exist in the value list
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropValueList::ScMoveToFirstValue
// CClusPropValueList::ScMoveToNextValue
// Description:
// Move the cursor to the next value in the list.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS Position moved to the next value successfully.
// ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS Already at the end of the list.
// ERROR_INVALID_DATA Not enough data in the buffer.
DWORD CClusPropValueList::ScMoveToNextValue( void ) { Assert( m_cbhCurrentValue.pb != NULL );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; size_t _cbDataSize; CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER _cbhCurrentValue;
_cbhCurrentValue = m_cbhCurrentValue;
// Don't try to move if we're already at the end.
if ( m_fAtEnd ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: already at the end of the list
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the value header.
if ( m_cbDataLeft < sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pValue ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Calculate how much to advance buffer pointer.
_cbDataSize = sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( _cbhCurrentValue.pValue->cbLength );
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the value header,
// the data itself, and the endmark.
if ( m_cbDataLeft < _cbDataSize + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Move past the current value to the next value's syntax.
_cbhCurrentValue.pb += _cbDataSize;
// This test will ensure that the value is always valid since we won't
// advance if the next thing is the endmark.
if ( _cbhCurrentValue.pSyntax->dw != CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK ) { m_cbhCurrentValue = _cbhCurrentValue; m_cbDataLeft -= _cbDataSize; _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // if: next value's syntax is not the endmark
else { m_fAtEnd = TRUE; } // else: next value's syntax is the endmark
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropValueList::ScMoveToNextValue
// CClusPropValueList::ScCheckIfAtLastValue
// Description:
// Indicate whether we are on the last value in the list or not.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS Not currently at the last value in the list.
// ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS Currently at the last value in the list.
// ERROR_INVALID_DATA Not enough data in the buffer.
DWORD CClusPropValueList::ScCheckIfAtLastValue( void ) { Assert( m_cbhCurrentValue.pb != NULL );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER _cbhCurrentValue; size_t _cbDataSize;
_cbhCurrentValue = m_cbhCurrentValue;
// Don't try to recalculate if we already know
// we're at the end of the list.
if ( m_fAtEnd ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: already at the end of the list
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the value header.
if ( m_cbDataLeft < sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pValue ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Calculate how much to advance buffer pointer.
_cbDataSize = sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( _cbhCurrentValue.pValue->cbLength );
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the value header,
// the data itself, and the endmark.
if ( m_cbDataLeft < _cbDataSize + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Move past the current value to the next value's syntax.
_cbhCurrentValue.pb += _cbDataSize;
// We are on the last value if the next thing after this value
// is an endmark.
if ( _cbhCurrentValue.pSyntax->dw == CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK ) { _sc = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; } // if: next value's syntax is the endmark
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropValueList::ScCheckIfAtLastValue
// CClusPropValueList::ScAllocValueList
// Description:
// Allocate a value list buffer that's big enough to hold the next
// value.
// Arguments:
// cbMinimum [IN] Minimum size of the value list.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropValueList::ScAllocValueList( IN size_t cbMinimum ) { Assert( cbMinimum > 0 );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; size_t _cbTotal = 0;
// Add the size of the item count and final endmark.
cbMinimum += sizeof( CLUSPROP_VALUE ); _cbTotal = m_cbDataSize + cbMinimum;
if ( m_cbBufferSize < _cbTotal ) { PBYTE _pbNewValuelist = NULL;
cbMinimum = max( BUFFER_GROWTH_FACTOR, cbMinimum ); _cbTotal = m_cbDataSize + cbMinimum;
// Allocate and zero a new buffer.
_pbNewValuelist = new BYTE[ _cbTotal ]; if ( _pbNewValuelist != NULL ) { ZeroMemory( _pbNewValuelist, _cbTotal );
// If there was a previous buffer, copy it and the delete it.
if ( m_cbhValueList.pb != NULL ) { if ( m_cbDataSize != 0 ) { CopyMemory( _pbNewValuelist, m_cbhValueList.pb, m_cbDataSize ); } // if: data already exists in buffer
delete [] m_cbhValueList.pb; m_cbhCurrentValue.pb = _pbNewValuelist + (m_cbhCurrentValue.pb - m_cbhValueList.pb); } // if: there was a previous buffer
else { m_cbhCurrentValue.pb = _pbNewValuelist + sizeof( DWORD ); // move past prop count
} // else: no previous buffer
// Save the new buffer.
m_cbhValueList.pb = _pbNewValuelist; m_cbBufferSize = _cbTotal; } // if: allocation succeeded
else { _sc = TW32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } // else: allocation failed
} // if: buffer isn't big enough
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropValueList::ScAllocValueList
// CClusPropValueList::ScGetResourceValueList
// Description:
// Get value list of a resource.
// Arguments:
// hResource [IN] Handle for the resource to get properties from.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropValueList::ScGetResourceValueList( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hResource != NULL ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_RESOURCE << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get values.
_sc = ScAllocValueList( _cb ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterResourceControl( hResource, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhValueList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cb ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocValueList( _cb ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterResourceControl( hResource, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhValueList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cb ) ); } // if: ScAllocValueList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocValueList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeleteValueList(); } // if: error getting properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cb ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cb ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropValueList::ScGetResourceValueList
// CClusPropValueList::ScGetResourceTypeValueList
// Description:
// Get value list of a resource type.
// Arguments:
// hCluster [IN] Handle for the cluster in which the resource
// type resides.
// pwszResTypeName [IN] Name of the resource type.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropValueList::ScGetResourceTypeValueList( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR pwszResTypeName, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hCluster != NULL ); Assert( pwszResTypeName != NULL ); Assert( *pwszResTypeName != L'\0' ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_RESOURCE_TYPE << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get values.
_sc = ScAllocValueList( _cb ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterResourceTypeControl( hCluster, pwszResTypeName, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhValueList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cb ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocValueList( _cb ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterResourceTypeControl( hCluster, pwszResTypeName, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhValueList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cb ) ); } // if: ScAllocValueList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocValueList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeleteValueList(); } // if: error getting properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cb ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cb ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropValueList::ScGetResourceTypeValueList
// CClusPropList class
// CClusPropList::ScCopy
// Description:
// Copy a property list. This function is equivalent to an assignment
// operator. Since this operation can fail, no assignment operator is
// provided.
// Arguments:
// pcplPropList [IN] The proplist to copy into this instance.
// cbListSize [IN] The total size of the prop list.
// Return Value:
// Win32 status code.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScCopy( IN const PCLUSPROP_LIST pcplPropList, IN size_t cbListSize ) { Assert( pcplPropList != NULL );
// Clean up any vestiges of a previous prop list.
if ( m_cbhPropList.pb != NULL ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: the current list is not empty
// Allocate the new property list buffer. If successful,
// copy the source list.
m_cbhPropList.pb = new BYTE[ cbListSize ]; if ( m_cbhPropList.pb != NULL ) { CopyMemory( m_cbhPropList.pList, pcplPropList, cbListSize ); m_cbBufferSize = cbListSize; m_cbDataSize = cbListSize; m_cbDataLeft = cbListSize; _sc = ScMoveToFirstProperty(); } // if: new succeeded
else { _sc = TW32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } // else:
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScCopy
// CClusPropList::ScAppend
// Description:
// Append to a property list.
// Arguments:
// rclPropList [IN] The proplist to append onto this instance.
// Return Value:
// Win32 status code.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAppend( IN const CClusPropList & rclPropList ) { DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; size_t _cbPropertyCountOffset; size_t _cbIncrement; size_t _cbDataLeft; PBYTE _pbsrc = NULL; PBYTE _pbdest = NULL;
// Compute the number of bytes to get past the count of properties that
// is at the head of the list. This is typically sizeof DWORD.
_cbPropertyCountOffset = sizeof( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount );
// Compute the allocation increment. This is used when growing our buffer
// and is the amount of data to copy from the passed in list. This includes
// the trailing endmark. m_cbDataSize does not include the leading property
// count DWORD.
_cbIncrement = rclPropList.m_cbDataSize;
// How much space remains in our current buffer?
_cbDataLeft = m_cbBufferSize - m_cbDataSize;
// If the size of the list to append is larger than what we have remaining
// then we need to grow the list.
if ( _cbIncrement > _cbDataLeft ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( m_cbDataSize + _cbIncrement ) ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; } // if:
} // if:
_pbdest = (PBYTE) &m_cbhPropList.pb[ _cbPropertyCountOffset + m_cbDataSize ];
_pbsrc = (PBYTE) &rclPropList.m_cbhPropList.pList->PropertyName;
CopyMemory( _pbdest, _pbsrc, _cbIncrement );
// Grow our data size to match our new size.
m_cbDataSize += _cbIncrement;
// Increment our property count to include the count of properties appended to the end
// of our buffer.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount += rclPropList.m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount;
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAppend
// CClusPropList::ScMoveToFirstProperty
// Description:
// Move the cursor to the first propery in the list.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS Position moved to the first property successfully.
// ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS There are no properties in the list.
// ERROR_INVALID_DATA Not enough data in the buffer.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScMoveToFirstProperty( void ) { Assert( m_cbhPropList.pb != NULL ); Assert( m_cbDataSize >= sizeof( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount ) );
DWORD _sc; size_t _cbDataLeft; size_t _cbDataSize; CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER _cbhCurrentValue;
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the list header.
if ( m_cbDataSize < sizeof( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data
// Set the property counter to the number of properties in the list.
m_nPropsRemaining = m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount;
// Point the name pointer to the first name in the list.
m_cbhCurrentPropName.pName = &m_cbhPropList.pList->PropertyName; m_cbDataLeft = m_cbDataSize - sizeof( m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount );
// Check to see if there are any properties in the list.
if ( m_nPropsRemaining == 0 ) { _sc = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; goto Cleanup; } // if: no properties in the list
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the first property name.
if ( m_cbDataLeft < sizeof( *m_cbhCurrentPropName.pName ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Calculate how much to advance the buffer pointer.
_cbDataSize = sizeof( *m_cbhCurrentPropName.pName ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( m_cbhCurrentPropName.pName->cbLength );
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the name header
// and the data itself.
if ( m_cbDataLeft < _cbDataSize ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Point the value buffer to the first value in the list.
_cbhCurrentValue.pb = m_cbhCurrentPropName.pb + _cbDataSize; _cbDataLeft = m_cbDataLeft - _cbDataSize; m_pvlValues.Init( _cbhCurrentValue, _cbDataLeft );
// Indicate we are successful.
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScMoveToFirstProperty
// CClusPropList::ScMoveToNextProperty
// Description:
// Move the cursor to the next property in the list.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS Position moved to the next property successfully.
// ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS Already at the end of the list.
// ERROR_INVALID_DATA Not enough data in the buffer.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScMoveToNextProperty( void ) { Assert( m_cbhPropList.pb != NULL ); Assert( m_pvlValues.CbhValueList().pb != NULL );
DWORD _sc; size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbDataLeft; size_t _cbDataSize; CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER _cbhCurrentValue; CLUSPROP_BUFFER_HELPER _cbhPropName;
_cbhCurrentValue = m_pvlValues; _cbDataLeft = m_pvlValues.CbDataLeft();
// If we aren't already at the last property, attempt to move to the next one.
_sc = TW32( ScCheckIfAtLastProperty() ); if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: already at the last property (probably)
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the value header.
if ( _cbDataLeft < sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pValue ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Careful! Add offset only to cbhCurrentValue.pb. Otherwise
// pointer arithmetic will give undesirable results.
while ( _cbhCurrentValue.pSyntax->dw != CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK ) { //
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the value
// and an endmark.
_cbDataSize = sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( _cbhCurrentValue.pValue->cbLength ); if ( _cbDataLeft < _cbDataSize + sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pSyntax ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data left
// Advance past the value.
_cbhCurrentValue.pb += _cbDataSize; _cbDataLeft -= _cbDataSize; } // while: not at endmark
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto Cleanup; } // if: error occurred in loop
// Advanced past the endmark.
// Size check already performed in above loop.
_cbDataSize = sizeof( *_cbhCurrentValue.pSyntax ); _cbhCurrentValue.pb += _cbDataSize; _cbDataLeft -= _cbDataSize;
// Point the name pointer to the next name in the list.
_cbhPropName = _cbhCurrentValue; Assert( _cbDataLeft == m_cbDataSize - (_cbhPropName.pb - m_cbhPropList.pb) );
// Calculate the size of the name with header.
// Make sure the buffer is big enough for the name and an endmark.
if ( _cbDataLeft < sizeof( *_cbhPropName.pName ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data
_cbNameSize = sizeof( *_cbhPropName.pName ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( _cbhPropName.pName->cbLength ); if ( _cbDataLeft < _cbNameSize + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ) ) { _sc = TW32( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); goto Cleanup; } // if: not enough data
// Point the value buffer to the first value in the list.
_cbhCurrentValue.pb = _cbhPropName.pb + _cbNameSize; m_cbhCurrentPropName = _cbhPropName; m_cbDataLeft = _cbDataLeft - _cbNameSize; m_pvlValues.Init( _cbhCurrentValue, m_cbDataLeft );
// We've successfully advanced to the next property,
// so there is now one fewer property remaining.
--m_nPropsRemaining; Assert( m_nPropsRemaining >= 1 );
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScMoveToNextProperty
// CClusPropList::ScMoveToPropertyByName
// Description:
// Find the passed in property name in the proplist. Note that the
// cursor is reset to the beginning at the beginning of the routine and
// the current state of the cursor is lost.
// Arguments:
// pwszPropName [IN] Name of the property
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS if the property was found, other Win32 code if not.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScMoveToPropertyByName( IN LPCWSTR pwszPropName ) { Assert( m_cbhPropList.pb != NULL );
DWORD _sc;
_sc = ScMoveToFirstProperty(); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { do { //
// See if this is the specified property. If so, we're done.
if ( ClRtlStrICmp( m_cbhCurrentPropName.pName->sz, pwszPropName ) == 0 ) { break; } // if: property found
// Advance to the next property.
_sc = ScMoveToNextProperty(); // No TW32 because we expect an error when at the end
} while ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ); // do-while: not end of list
} // if: successfully moved to the first property
return _sc;
} //*** ClusPropList::ScMoveToPropertyByName( LPCWSTR )
// CClusPropList::ScAllocPropList
// Description:
// Allocate a property list buffer that's big enough to hold the next
// property.
// Arguments:
// cbMinimum [IN] Minimum size of the property list.
// Return Value:
// Other Win32 error codes
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAllocPropList( IN size_t cbMinimum ) { Assert( cbMinimum > 0 );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; size_t _cbTotal = 0;
// Add the size of the item count and final endmark.
cbMinimum += sizeof( CLUSPROP_VALUE ); _cbTotal = m_cbDataSize + cbMinimum;
if ( m_cbBufferSize < _cbTotal ) { PBYTE _pbNewProplist = NULL;
cbMinimum = max( BUFFER_GROWTH_FACTOR, cbMinimum ); _cbTotal = m_cbDataSize + cbMinimum;
// Allocate and zero a new buffer.
_pbNewProplist = new BYTE[ _cbTotal ]; if ( _pbNewProplist != NULL ) { ZeroMemory( _pbNewProplist, _cbTotal );
// If there was a previous buffer, copy it and the delete it.
if ( m_cbhPropList.pb != NULL ) { if ( m_cbDataSize != 0 ) { CopyMemory( _pbNewProplist, m_cbhPropList.pb, m_cbDataSize ); } // if: data already exists in buffer
delete [] m_cbhPropList.pb; m_cbhCurrentProp.pb = _pbNewProplist + (m_cbhCurrentProp.pb - m_cbhPropList.pb); } // if: there was a previous buffer
else { m_cbhCurrentProp.pb = _pbNewProplist + sizeof( DWORD ); // move past prop count
} // else: no previous buffer
// Save the new buffer.
m_cbhPropList.pb = _pbNewProplist; m_cbBufferSize = _cbTotal; } // if: allocation succeeded
else { _sc = TW32( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); } // else: allocation failed
} // if: buffer isn't big enough
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAllocPropList
// CClusPropList::ScAddProp
// Description:
// Add a string property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// pwszValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// pwszPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS or other Win32 error code.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue, IN LPCWSTR pwszPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
if (( pwszPrevValue != NULL ) && ( wcscmp( pwszValue, pwszPrevValue ) == 0 )) { _fValuesDifferent = FALSE; } // if: we have a prev value and the values are the same
// If we should always add, or if the new value and the previous value
// are not equal, add the property to the property list.
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || _fValuesDifferent ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbDataSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbDataSize = (wcslen( pwszValue ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszValue ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_SZ ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( _cbDataSize ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pStringValue; CopyProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, pwszValue, _cbDataSize ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddProp( LPCWSTR )
// CClusPropList::ScAddMultiSzProp
// Description:
// Add a string property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// pwszValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// pwszPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS or other Win32 error code.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddMultiSzProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue, IN LPCWSTR pwszPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
if ( ( pwszPrevValue != NULL ) && ( NCompareMultiSz( pwszValue, pwszPrevValue ) == 0 ) ) { _fValuesDifferent = FALSE; } // if: we have a prev value and the values are the same
// If we should always add, or if the new value and the previous value
// are not equal, add the property to the property list.
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || _fValuesDifferent ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbDataSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbDataSize = static_cast< DWORD >( (CchMultiSz( pwszValue ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszValue ) ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_SZ ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( _cbDataSize ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pMultiSzValue; CopyMultiSzProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, pwszValue, _cbDataSize ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddMultiSzProp( LPCWSTR )
// CClusPropList::ScAddExpandSzProp
// Description:
// Add an EXPAND_SZ string property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// pwszValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// pwszPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddExpandSzProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LPCWSTR pwszValue, IN LPCWSTR pwszPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
if ( ( pwszPrevValue != NULL ) && ( wcscmp( pwszValue, pwszPrevValue ) == 0 ) ) { _fValuesDifferent = FALSE; } // if: we have a prev value and the values are the same
// If we should always add, or if the new value and the previous value
// are not equal, add the property to the property list.
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || _fValuesDifferent ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbDataSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbDataSize = (wcslen( pwszValue ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszValue ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_SZ ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( _cbDataSize ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pStringValue; CopyExpandSzProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, pwszValue, _cbDataSize ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddExpandSzProp( LPCWSTR )
// CClusPropList::ScAddProp
// Description:
// Add a DWORD property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// nValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// nPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN DWORD nValue, IN DWORD nPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || ( nValue != nPrevValue ) ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_DWORD ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pDwordValue; CopyProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, nValue ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddProp( DWORD )
// CClusPropList::ScAddProp
// Description:
// Add a LONG property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// nValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// nPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LONG nValue, IN LONG nPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || ( nValue != nPrevValue ) ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_LONG ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pLongValue; CopyProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, nValue ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddProp( LONG )
// CClusPropList::ScAddProp
// Description:
// Add a binary property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// pbValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// cbValue [IN] Count of bytes in pbValue.
// pbPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// cbPrevValue [IN] Count of bytes in pbPrevValue.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN const unsigned char * pbValue, IN size_t cbValue, IN const unsigned char * pbPrevValue, IN size_t cbPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
// Determine if the buffer has changed.
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || (cbValue != cbPrevValue) ) { _fChanged = TRUE; } // if: always adding the property or the value size changed
else if ( ( cbValue != 0 ) && ( cbPrevValue != 0 ) ) { _fChanged = memcmp( pbValue, pbPrevValue, cbValue ) != 0; } // else if: value length changed
if ( _fChanged ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_BINARY ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( cbValue ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pBinaryValue; CopyProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, pbValue, cbValue ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddProp( PBYTE )
// CClusPropList::ScAddProp
// Routine Description:
// Add a ULONGLONG property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// ullValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// ullPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS or other Win32 error codes.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN ULONGLONG ullValue, IN ULONGLONG ullPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || ( ullValue != ullPrevValue ) ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_ULARGE_INTEGER ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pULargeIntegerValue; CopyProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, ullValue ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddProp( ULONGLONG )
// CClusPropList::ScAddProp
// Routine Description:
// Add a LONGLONG property to a property list if it has changed.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// llValue [IN] Value of the property to set in the list.
// llPrevValue [IN] Previous value of the property.
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS or other Win32 status codes.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScAddProp( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN LONGLONG llValue, IN LONGLONG llPrevValue ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
if ( m_fAlwaysAddProp || ( llValue != llPrevValue ) ) { size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbValueSize;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_LARGE_INTEGER ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pULargeIntegerValue; CopyProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, llValue ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if: ScAllocPropList successfully grew the proplist
} // if: the value has changed
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScAddProp( LONGLONG )
// CClusPropList::ScSetPropToDefault
// Description:
// Add a property to the property list so that it will revert to its
// default value.
// Arguments:
// pwszName [IN] Name of the property.
// cpfPropFmt [IN] Format of property
// Return Value:
// ERROR_SUCCESS or other Win32 status codes.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScSetPropToDefault( IN LPCWSTR pwszName, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT cpfPropFmt ) { Assert( pwszName != NULL );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; size_t _cbNameSize; size_t _cbValueSize; PCLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME _pName; PCLUSPROP_VALUE _pValue;
// Calculate sizes and make sure we have a property list.
_cbNameSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_PROPERTY_NAME ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( (wcslen( pwszName ) + 1) * sizeof( *pwszName ) ); _cbValueSize = sizeof( CLUSPROP_BINARY ) + sizeof( CLUSPROP_SYNTAX ); // value list endmark
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Set the property name.
_pName = m_cbhCurrentProp.pName; CopyProp( _pName, CLUSPROP_TYPE_NAME, pwszName ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbNameSize;
// Set the property value.
_pValue = m_cbhCurrentProp.pValue; CopyEmptyProp( _pValue, CLUSPROP_TYPE_LIST_VALUE, cpfPropFmt ); m_cbhCurrentProp.pb += _cbValueSize;
// Increment the property count and buffer size.
m_cbhPropList.pList->nPropertyCount++; m_cbDataSize += _cbNameSize + _cbValueSize; } // if:
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScSetPropToDefault
// CClusPropList::CopyProp
// Description:
// Copy a string property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// cptPropType [IN] Type of string.
// psz [IN] String to copy.
// cbsz [IN] Count of bytes in pwsz string. If specified as 0,
// the the length will be determined by a call to strlen.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_SZ pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE cptPropType, IN LPCWSTR psz, IN size_t cbsz // = 0
) { Assert( pprop != NULL ); Assert( psz != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_SZ; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropType ); if ( cbsz == 0 ) { cbsz = (wcslen( psz ) + 1) * sizeof( *psz ); } // if: zero size specified
Assert( cbsz == (wcslen( psz ) + 1) * sizeof( *psz ) ); pprop->cbLength = static_cast< DWORD >( cbsz ); _hr = THR( StringCbCopyW( pprop->sz, cbsz, psz ) ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { //
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pStringValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pStringValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( cbsz ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK; }
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyProp
// CClusPropList::CopyMultiSzProp
// Description:
// Copy a MULTI_SZ string property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// cptPropType [IN] Type of string.
// psz [IN] String to copy.
// cbsz [IN] Count of bytes in psz string. If specified as 0,
// the the length will be determined by calls to strlen.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyMultiSzProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_MULTI_SZ pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE cptPropType, IN LPCWSTR psz, IN size_t cbsz ) { Assert( pprop != NULL ); Assert( psz != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_MULTI_SZ; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropType ); if ( cbsz == 0 ) { cbsz = (CchMultiSz( psz ) + 1) * sizeof( *psz ); } // if: zero size specified
Assert( cbsz == (CchMultiSz( psz ) + 1) * sizeof( *psz ) ); pprop->cbLength = static_cast< DWORD >( cbsz ); CopyMemory( pprop->sz, psz, cbsz );
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pMultiSzValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pMultiSzValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( cbsz ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK;
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyMultiSzProp
// CClusPropList::CopyExpandSzProp
// Description:
// Copy an EXPAND_SZ string property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// cptPropType [IN] Type of string.
// psz [IN] String to copy.
// cbsz [IN] Count of bytes in psz string.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyExpandSzProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_SZ pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE cptPropType, IN LPCWSTR psz, IN size_t cbsz ) { Assert( pprop != NULL ); Assert( psz != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_EXPAND_SZ; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropType ); if ( cbsz == 0 ) { cbsz = (wcslen( psz ) + 1) * sizeof( *psz ); } // if: cbsz == 0
Assert( cbsz == (wcslen( psz ) + 1) * sizeof( *psz ) ); pprop->cbLength = static_cast< DWORD >( cbsz ); _hr = THR( StringCbCopyW( pprop->sz, cbsz, psz ) ); if ( SUCCEEDED( _hr ) ) { //
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pStringValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pStringValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( cbsz ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK; }
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyExpandSzProp
// CClusPropList::CopyProp
// Description:
// Copy a DWORD property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// cptPropType [IN] Type of DWORD.
// nValue [IN] Property value to copy.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_DWORD pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE cptPropType, IN DWORD nValue ) { Assert( pprop != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_DWORD; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropType ); pprop->cbLength = sizeof( DWORD ); pprop->dw = nValue;
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pDwordValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pDwordValue ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK;
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyProp( DWORD )
// CClusPropList::CopyProp
// Description:
// Copy a LONG property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// cptPropType [IN] Type of LONG.
// nValue [IN] Property value to copy.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_LONG pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE cptPropType, IN LONG nValue ) { Assert( pprop != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_LONG; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropType ); pprop->cbLength = sizeof( DWORD ); pprop->l = nValue;
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pLongValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pLongValue ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK;
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyProp( LONG )
// CClusPropList::CopyProp
// Description:
// Copy a ULONGLONG property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// proptype [IN] Type of LONG.
// ullValue [IN] Property value to copy.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_ULARGE_INTEGER pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN ULONGLONG ullValue ) { Assert( pprop != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_ULARGE_INTEGER; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( proptype ); pprop->cbLength = sizeof( ULONGLONG ); //
// pprop may not have the correct alignment for large ints; copy as two
// DWORDs to be safe
pprop->li.u = ((ULARGE_INTEGER *)&ullValue)->u;
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pULargeIntegerValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pULargeIntegerValue ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK;
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyProp( ULONGLONG )
// CClusPropList::CopyProp
// Description:
// Copy a LONGLONG property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// proptype [IN] Type of LONG.
// llValue [IN] Property value to copy.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_LARGE_INTEGER pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE proptype, IN LONGLONG llValue ) { Assert( pprop != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_LARGE_INTEGER; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( proptype ); pprop->cbLength = sizeof( LONGLONG ); //
// pprop may not have the correct alignment for large ints; copy as two
// DWORDs to be safe
pprop->li.u = ((LARGE_INTEGER *)&llValue)->u;
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pLargeIntegerValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pLargeIntegerValue ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK;
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyProp( LONGLONG )
// CClusPropList::CopyProp
// Description:
// Copy a binary property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// cptPropType [IN] Type of string.
// pb [IN] Block to copy.
// cbsz [IN] Count of bytes in pb buffer.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_BINARY pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE cptPropType, IN const unsigned char * pb, IN size_t cb ) { Assert( pprop != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = CLUSPROP_FORMAT_BINARY; pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropType ); pprop->cbLength = static_cast< DWORD >( cb ); if ( cb > 0 ) { CopyMemory( pprop->rgb, pb, cb ); } // if: non-zero data length
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pBinaryValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pStringValue ) + ALIGN_CLUSPROP( cb ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK;
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyProp( PBYTE )
// CClusPropList::CopyEmptyProp
// Description:
// Copy an empty property to a property structure.
// Arguments:
// pprop [OUT] Property structure to fill.
// cptPropType [IN] Type of property.
// cpfPropFmt [IN] Format of property.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CClusPropList::CopyEmptyProp( OUT PCLUSPROP_VALUE pprop, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE cptPropType, IN CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT cptPropFmt ) { Assert( pprop != NULL );
pprop->Syntax.wFormat = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropFmt ); pprop->Syntax.wType = static_cast< WORD >( cptPropType ); pprop->cbLength = 0;
// Set an endmark.
_cbhProps.pValue = pprop; _cbhProps.pb += sizeof( *_cbhProps.pValue ); _cbhProps.pSyntax->dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_ENDMARK;
} //*** CClusPropList::CopyEmptyProp
// CClusPropList::ScGetNodeProperties
// Description:
// Get properties on a node.
// Arguments:
// hNode [IN] Handle for the node to get properties from.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScGetNodeProperties( IN HNODE hNode, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hNode != NULL ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_NODE << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD _cbProps = 256;
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get properties.
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterNodeControl( hNode, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterNodeControl( hNode, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ) ); } // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: error getting properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScGetNodeProperties
// CClusPropList::ScGetGroupProperties
// Description:
// Get properties on a group.
// Arguments:
// hGroup [IN] Handle for the group to get properties from.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScGetGroupProperties( IN HGROUP hGroup, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hGroup != NULL ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_GROUP << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD _cbProps = 256;
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get properties.
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterGroupControl( hGroup, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterGroupControl( hGroup, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ) ); } // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: error getting properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScGetGroupProperties
// CClusPropList::ScGetResourceProperties
// Description:
// Get properties on a resource.
// Arguments:
// hResource [IN] Handle for the resource to get properties from.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScGetResourceProperties( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hResource != NULL ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_RESOURCE << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD _cbProps = 256;
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get properties.
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterResourceControl( hResource, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterResourceControl( hResource, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ) ); } // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: error getting properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScGetResourceProperties
// CClusPropList::ScGetResourceTypeProperties
// Description:
// Get properties on a resource type.
// Arguments:
// hCluster [IN] Handle for the cluster in which the resource
// type resides.
// pwszResTypeName [IN] Name of the resource type.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScGetResourceTypeProperties( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR pwszResTypeName, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hCluster != NULL ); Assert( pwszResTypeName != NULL ); Assert( *pwszResTypeName != L'\0' ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_RESOURCE_TYPE << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD _cbProps = 256;
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get properties.
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterResourceTypeControl( hCluster, pwszResTypeName, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterResourceTypeControl( hCluster, pwszResTypeName, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ) ); } // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: error getting properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScGetResourceTypeProperties
// CClusPropList::ScGetNetworkProperties
// Description:
// Get properties on a network.
// Arguments:
// hNetwork [IN] Handle for the network to get properties from.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScGetNetworkProperties( IN HNETWORK hNetwork, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hNetwork != NULL ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_NETWORK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
DWORD _sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD _cbProps = 256;
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get properties.
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterNetworkControl( hNetwork, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterNetworkControl( hNetwork, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ) ); } // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: error getting private properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScGetNetworkProperties
// CClusPropList::ScGetNetInterfaceProperties
// Description:
// Get properties on a network interface.
// Arguments:
// hNetInterface [IN] Handle for the network interface to get properties from.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScGetNetInterfaceProperties( IN HNETINTERFACE hNetInterface, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hNetInterface != NULL ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_NETINTERFACE << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
DWORD _sc= ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD _cbProps = 256;
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get properties.
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterNetInterfaceControl( hNetInterface, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterNetInterfaceControl( hNetInterface, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ) ); } // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: error getting private properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScGetNetInterfaceProperties
// CClusPropList::ScGetClusterProperties
// Description:
// Get properties on a cluster.
// Arguments:
// hCluster [IN] Handle for the cluster to get properties from.
// dwControlCode [IN] Control code for the request.
// hHostNode [IN] Handle for the node to direct this request to.
// Defaults to NULL.
// lpInBuffer [IN] Input buffer for the request. Defaults to NULL.
// cbInBufferSize [IN] Size of the input buffer. Defaults to 0.
// Return Value:
// None.
DWORD CClusPropList::ScGetClusterProperties( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN HNODE hHostNode, IN LPVOID lpInBuffer, IN size_t cbInBufferSize ) { Assert( hCluster != NULL ); Assert( (dwControlCode & (CLUSCTL_OBJECT_MASK << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT)) == (CLUS_OBJECT_CLUSTER << CLUSCTL_OBJECT_SHIFT) );
DWORD _sc= ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD _cbProps = 256;
// Overwrite anything that may be in the buffer.
// Allows this class instance to be reused.
m_cbDataSize = 0;
// Get properties.
_sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32E( ClusterControl( hCluster, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ), ERROR_MORE_DATA ); if ( _sc == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { _sc = TW32( ScAllocPropList( _cbProps ) ); if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _sc = TW32( ClusterControl( hCluster, hHostNode, dwControlCode, lpInBuffer, static_cast< DWORD >( cbInBufferSize ), m_cbhPropList.pb, static_cast< DWORD >( m_cbBufferSize ), &_cbProps ) ); } // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
} // if: buffer too small
} // if: ScAllocPropList succeeded
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DeletePropList(); } // if: error getting private properties.
else { m_cbDataSize = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); m_cbDataLeft = static_cast< size_t >( _cbProps ); } // else: no errors
return _sc;
} //*** CClusPropList::ScGetClusterProperties