// Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CBaseClusterAction.cpp
// Description:
// Contains the definition of the CBaseClusterAction class.
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 06-MAR-2001
// Vij Vasu (Vvasu) 08-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header.
#include "Pch.h"
// For the CBaseClusterAction class
#include "CBaseClusterAction.h"
// For the CEnableThreadPrivilege class.
#include "CEnableThreadPrivilege.h"
// Global variables
// Name of the cluster configuration semaphore.
const WCHAR * g_pszConfigSemaphoreName = L"Global\\Microsoft Cluster Configuration Semaphore";
// Macros definitions
// Name of the main cluster INF file.
// CBaseClusterAction::CBaseClusterAction
// Description:
// Default constructor of the CBaseClusterAction class
// Arguments:
// pbcaiInterfaceIn
// Pointer to the interface class for this library.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any thrown by underlying functions
CBaseClusterAction::CBaseClusterAction( CBCAInterface * pbcaiInterfaceIn ) : m_ebcaAction( eCONFIG_ACTION_NONE ) , m_pbcaiInterface( pbcaiInterfaceIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; UINT uiErrorLine = 0; LPBYTE pbTempPtr = NULL; DWORD sc = ERROR_SUCCESS; SmartSz sszTemp; CRegistryKey rkInstallDirKey;
// Perform a sanity check on the parameters used by this class
if ( pbcaiInterfaceIn == NULL ) { LogMsg( "[BC] The pointer to the interface object is NULL. Throwing an exception." ); THROW_ASSERT( E_INVALIDARG, "The pointer to the interface object is NULL" ); } // if: the input pointer is NULL
// Get the cluster installation directory.
// Open the registry key.
rkInstallDirKey.QueryValue( CLUSREG_INSTALL_DIR_VALUE_NAME , &pbTempPtr , &dwBufferSize );
// Memory will be freed when this function exits.
sszTemp.Assign( reinterpret_cast< WCHAR * >( pbTempPtr ) );
// Copy the path into the member variable.
m_strClusterInstallDir = sszTemp.PMem();
// First, remove any trailing backslash characters from the quorum directory name.
// Set the index to the last non-null character.
idxLastChar = ARRAYSIZE( szQuorumDirName ) - 1;
--idxLastChar; // idxLastChar now points to the last non-null character
// Iterate till we find the last character that is not a backspace.
while ( ( idxLastChar >= 0 ) && ( szQuorumDirName[ idxLastChar ] == L'\\' ) ) { --idxLastChar; }
// idxLastChar now points to the last non-backslash character. Terminate the string after this character.
szQuorumDirName[ idxLastChar + 1 ] = L'\0';
// Determine the local quorum directory.
m_strLocalQuorumDir = m_strClusterInstallDir + L"\\"; m_strLocalQuorumDir += szQuorumDirName; }
LogMsg( "[BC] The cluster installation directory is '%s'. The localquorum directory is '%s'." , m_strClusterInstallDir.PszData() , m_strLocalQuorumDir.PszData() );
// Open the main cluster INF file.
m_strMainInfFileName = m_strClusterInstallDir + L"\\" CLUSTER_INF_FILE_NAME;
m_sihMainInfFile.Assign( SetupOpenInfFile( m_strMainInfFileName.PszData() , NULL , INF_STYLE_WIN4 , &uiErrorLine ) );
if ( m_sihMainInfFile.FIsInvalid() ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
LogMsg( "[BC] Could not open INF file '%s'. Error code = %#08x. Error line = %d. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception).", m_strMainInfFileName.PszData(), sc, uiErrorLine ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ), IDS_ERROR_INF_FILE_OPEN );
} // if: INF file could not be opened.
LogMsg( "[BC] The INF file '%s' has been opened.", m_strMainInfFileName.PszData() );
// Associate the cluster installation directory with the directory id CLUSTER_DIR_DIRID
SetDirectoryId( m_strClusterInstallDir.PszData(), CLUSTER_DIR_DIRID );
// Set the id for the local quorum directory.
SetDirectoryId( m_strLocalQuorumDir.PszData(), CLUSTER_LOCALQUORUM_DIRID );
// Create a semaphore that will be used to make sure that only one commit is occurring
// at a time. But do not acquire the semaphore now. It will be acquired later.
// Note that if this component is in an STA then, more than one instance of this
// component may have the same thread excecuting methods when multiple configuration
// sessions are started simultaneously. The way CreateMutex works, all components that
// have the same thread running through them will successfully acquire the mutex.
SmartSemaphoreHandle smhConfigSemaphoreHandle( CreateSemaphore( NULL // Default security descriptor
, 1 // Initial count.
, 1 // Maximum count.
, g_pszConfigSemaphoreName // Name of the semaphore
) );
// Check if creation failed.
if ( smhConfigSemaphoreHandle.FIsInvalid() ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
LogMsg( "[BC] Semaphore '%ws' could not be created. Error %#08x. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception).", g_pszConfigSemaphoreName, sc ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ), IDS_ERROR_SEMAPHORE_CREATION ); } // if: semaphore could not be created.
m_sshConfigSemaphoreHandle = smhConfigSemaphoreHandle;
// Open and store the handle to the SCM. This will make life a lot easier for
// other actions.
m_sscmhSCMHandle.Assign( OpenSCManager( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS ) );
// Could we get the handle to the SCM?
if ( m_sscmhSCMHandle.FIsInvalid() ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
LogMsg( "[BC] Error %#08x occurred trying get a handle to the SCM. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception).", sc ); THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ), IDS_ERROR_OPEN_SCM ); }
} //*** CBaseClusterAction::CBaseClusterAction
// CBaseClusterAction::~CBaseClusterAction
// Description:
// Destructor of the CBaseClusterAction class
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CBaseClusterAction::~CBaseClusterAction( void ) throw() { TraceFunc( "" ); TraceFuncExit();
} //*** CBaseClusterAction::~CBaseClusterAction
// CBaseClusterAction::Commit
// Description:
// Acquires a semaphore to prevent simultaneous configuration and commits
// the action list.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CAssert
// If this object is not in the correct state when this function is
// called.
// Any exceptions thrown by functions called.
void CBaseClusterAction::Commit( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
DWORD dwSemaphoreState;
// Call the base class commit method.
LogMsg( "[BC] Initiating cluster configuration." );
// Acquire the cluster configuration semaphore.
// It is ok to use WaitForSingleObject() here instead of MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
// since we are not blocking.
dwSemaphoreState = WaitForSingleObject( m_sshConfigSemaphoreHandle, 0 ); // zero timeout
// Did we get the semaphore?
if ( ( dwSemaphoreState != WAIT_ABANDONED ) && ( dwSemaphoreState != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) ) { DWORD sc;
if ( dwSemaphoreState == WAIT_FAILED ) { sc = TW32( GetLastError() ); } // if: WaitForSingleObject failed.
else { sc = TW32( ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION ); } // else: could not get lock
LogMsg( "[BC] Could not acquire configuration lock. Error %#08x. Aborting (throwing an exception).", sc ); THROW_CONFIG_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ), IDS_ERROR_SEMAPHORE_ACQUISITION ); } // if: semaphore acquisition failed
// Assign the locked semaphore handle to a smart handle for safe release.
SmartSemaphoreLock sslConfigSemaphoreLock( m_sshConfigSemaphoreHandle.HHandle() );
LogMsg( "[BC] The configuration semaphore has been acquired. Committing the action list." );
// Commit the action list.
} //*** CBaseClusterAction::Commit
// CBaseClusterAction::Rollback
// Description:
// Performs the rolls back of the action committed by this object.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any exceptions thrown by functions called.
void CBaseClusterAction::Rollback( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Call the base class rollback method.
// Rollback the actions.
} //*** CBaseClusterAction::Rollback
// CBaseClusterAction::SetDirectoryId
// Description:
// Associate a particular directory with an id in the main INF file.
// Arguments:
// pcszDirectoryNameIn
// The full path to the directory.
// uiIdIn
// The id to associate this directory with.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If SetupSetDirectoryId fails.
// Remarks:
// m_sihMainInfFile has to be valid before this function can be called.
void CBaseClusterAction::SetDirectoryId( const WCHAR * pcszDirectoryNameIn , UINT uiIdIn ) { TraceFunc1( "pcszDirectoryNameIn = '%ws'", pcszDirectoryNameIn );
if ( SetupSetDirectoryId( m_sihMainInfFile, uiIdIn, pcszDirectoryNameIn ) == FALSE ) { DWORD sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
LogMsg( "[BC] Could not associate the directory '%ws' with the id %#x. Error %#08x. Cannot proceed (throwing an exception).", pcszDirectoryNameIn, uiIdIn, sc );
THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( sc ), IDS_ERROR_SET_DIRID ); } // if: there was an error setting the directory id.
LogMsg( "[BC] Directory id %d associated with '%ws'.", uiIdIn, pcszDirectoryNameIn );
} //*** CBaseClusterAction::SetDirectoryId