// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// main.cpp
// Description:
// The entry point for the application that launches unattended
// installation of the cluster. This application parses input parameters,
// CoCreates the Configuration Wizard Component, passes the parsed
// parameters and invokes the Wizard. The Wizard may or may not show any
// UI depending on swithes and the (in)availability of information.
// Maintained By:
// Geoffrey Pease (GPease) 22-JAN-2000
// Vijay Vasu (VVasu) 22-JAN-2000
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 22-JAN-2000
// David Potter (DavidP) 22-JAN-2000
#include "pch.h"
#include <initguid.h>
#include <guids.h>
#include "UINotification.h"
#include "Callback.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
// {F4A50885-A4B9-4c4d-B67C-9E4DD94A315E}
DEFINE_GUID( CLSID_TaskType, 0xf4a50885, 0xa4b9, 0x4c4d, 0xb6, 0x7c, 0x9e, 0x4d, 0xd9, 0x4a, 0x31, 0x5e);
// KB: Turn this on to run all tests. Some of these might return errors, but none
// of them should cause the program to crash.
// KB: Turn this on to run a regression pass.
// Declarations
// Globals
HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; LONG g_cObjects = 0; IServiceProvider * g_psp = NULL;
BOOL g_fWait = FALSE; // global synchronization
OBJECTCOOKIE g_cookieCluster = NULL;
// Register the DLL
HRESULT HrRegisterTheDll( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
// Make sure the DLL is properly registered.
hLib = LoadLibrary( L"..\\..\\..\\..\\dll\\obj\\i386\\ClusCfgServer.dll" ); if ( hLib == NULL ) goto Win32Error;
pDllRegisterServer = reinterpret_cast< PDLLREGISTERSERVER >( GetProcAddress( hLib, "DllRegisterServer" ) ); if ( pDllRegisterServer == NULL ) goto Win32Error;
hr = THR( pDllRegisterServer( ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: if ( hLib != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( hLib ); }
HRETURN( hr );
Win32Error: hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError( ) ) ); goto Cleanup; }
// This tests the Object Manager code path to retrieve information
// from a soon-to-be or existing cluster node.
HRESULT HrTestAddingNode( BSTR bstrNodeNameIn ) { TraceFunc( "" );
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwHigh; DWORD dwLow;
SDriveLetterMapping dlmDriveLetterUsage;
BSTR bstrName = NULL;
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IUnknown * punk2 = NULL; IObjectManager * pom = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni2 = NULL; IClusCfgClusterInfo * pccci = NULL;
// Get OS Version stuff
DWORD dwMajorVersionOut; DWORD dwMinorVersionOut; WORD wSuiteMaskOut; BYTE bProductTypeOut; BSTR bstrCSDVersionOut;
// Contact the Object Manager
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Try to find my test machine.
hr = E_PENDING; while ( hr == E_PENDING ) { DebugMsg( "Trying to FindObject( ... %s ... )", bstrNodeNameIn );
hr = pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, g_cookieCluster, bstrNodeNameIn, DFGUID_NodeInformation, &cookie, &punk ); if ( hr == E_PENDING ) { Assert( punk == NULL ); Sleep( 1000 ); // 1 Second
continue; }
THR( hr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &pccni ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// Interrogate the information retrieved.
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
DebugMsg( "bstrName = %s", bstrName );
#if defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS)
hr = THR( pccni->SetName( L"gpease-wolf1.NTDEV.MICROSOFT.COM" ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
DebugMsg( "Successfully called SetName( )." ); #endif
hr = STHR( pccni->IsMemberOfCluster( ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
DebugMsg( "IsMemberOfCluster == %s", BOOLTOSTRING( hr == S_OK ) );
if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = THR( pccni->GetClusterConfigInfo( &pccci ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
DebugMsg( "Succesfully called GetClusterConfigInfo( )" ); }
hr = THR( pccni->GetOSVersion( &dwMajorVersionOut, &dwMinorVersionOut, &wSuiteMaskOut, &bProductTypeOut, &bstrCSDVersionOut ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
DebugMsg( "Successfully called GetOSVersion( )" );
hr = THR( pccni->GetClusterVersion( &dwHigh, &dwLow ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
DebugMsg( "Version: dwHigh = %#x, dwLow = %#x", dwHigh, dwLow );
hr = THR( pccni->GetDriveLetterMappings( &dlmDriveLetterUsage ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// TODO: gpease 08-MAR-2000
// Make this dump the table.
DebugMsg( "Succesfully called GetDriveLetterMappings( )" );
// Try getting the same object.
hr = THR( pom->GetObject( DFGUID_NodeInformation, cookie, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgNodeInfo, &pccni2 ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
DebugMsg( "GetObject succeeded." );
// They should be the same object.
hr = THR( pccni->TypeSafeQI( IUnknown, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pccni2->TypeSafeQI( IUnknown, &punk2 ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
AssertMsg( punk == punk2, "These should be the same!" );
Cleanup: if ( pom != NULL ) { pom->Release( ); } if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release( ); } if ( punk2 != NULL ) { punk2->Release( ); } if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release( ); } if ( bstrName != NULL ) { TraceSysFreeString( bstrName ); } if ( pccci != NULL ) { pccci->Release( ); } if ( pccni2 != NULL ) { pccni2->Release( ); }
HRETURN( hr ); }
// This tests the Analyze Cluster Tasks.
HRESULT HrTestTaskAnalyzeCluster( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
OBJECTCOOKIE cookie; DWORD dwCookie;
CUINotification * puin;
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IObjectManager * pom = NULL; ITaskManager * ptm = NULL; ITaskAnalyzeCluster * ptac = NULL; IConnectionPoint * pcp = NULL; INotifyUI * pnui = NULL; IClusCfgCallback * pcccb = NULL;
// Gather the manager needed to complete this task.
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_TaskManager, ITaskManager, &ptm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Ask the object manager to create a cookie for the task
// to use as a completion cookie.
hr = THR( pom->FindObject( CLSID_TaskType, g_cookieCluster, L"AnalyzeTask", IID_NULL, &cookie, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Create a notification object that will be called when
// the task is completed.
hr = THR( CUINotification::S_HrCreateInstance( &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
puin = reinterpret_cast< CUINotification * >( punk ); THR( puin->HrSetCompletionCookie( cookie ) );
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( INotifyUI, &pnui ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// Register the notification object with the Notification Manager.
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_NotificationManager, IConnectionPoint, &pcp ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pcp->Advise( pnui, &dwCookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Ask the Task Manager to create the Analyze Cluster Task.
hr = THR( ptm->CreateTask( TASK_AnalyzeCluster, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( ITaskAnanlyzeCluster, &ptac ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// The the task what cookie to use for the notification.
hr = THR( ptac->SetCookie( cookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Tell the task which cluster to analyze.
hr = THR( ptac->SetClusterCookie( g_cookieCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Create a callback object.
Assert( punk == NULL ); hr = THR( CCallback::S_HrCreateInstance( &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk = TraceInterface( L"CCallback", IUnknown, punk, 1 );
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgCallback, &pcccb ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// The the action where to call us back.
hr = THR( ptac->SetCallback( pcccb ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Reset g_fWait and submit the task.
g_fWait = TRUE; hr = THR( ptm->SubmitTask( ptac ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Wait for the task to complete.
while( g_fWait ) { Sleep( 1 ); // sleep a millisecond
// Unregister the notification object.
hr = THR( pcp->Unadvise( dwCookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: if ( pcp != NULL ) { pcp->Release( ); } if ( pom != NULL ) { pom->Release( ); } if ( ptm != NULL ) { ptm->Release( ); } if ( ptac != NULL ) { ptac->Release( ); } if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release( ); } if ( pnui != NULL ) { pnui->Release( ); } if ( pcccb != NULL ) { pcccb->Release( ); }
HRETURN( hr );
// This tests the Commit Cluster Changes Tasks.
HRESULT HrTestTaskCommitClusterChanges( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
OBJECTCOOKIE cookie; DWORD dwCookie;
CUINotification * puin;
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IObjectManager * pom = NULL; ITaskManager * ptm = NULL; ITaskCommitClusterChanges * ptccc = NULL; IConnectionPoint * pcp = NULL; INotifyUI * pnui = NULL; IClusCfgCallback * pcccb = NULL;
// Gather the manager needed to complete this task.
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_TaskManager, ITaskManager, &ptm ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Ask the object manager to create a cookie for the task
// to use as a completion cookie.
hr = THR( pom->FindObject( CLSID_TaskType, g_cookieCluster, L"CommitClusterChanges", IID_NULL, &cookie, NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Create a notification object that will be called when
// the task is completed.
hr = THR( CUINotification::S_HrCreateInstance( &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
puin = reinterpret_cast< CUINotification * >( punk ); THR( puin->HrSetCompletionCookie( cookie ) );
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( INotifyUI, &pnui ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// Register the notification object with the Notification Manager.
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_NotificationManager, IConnectionPoint, &pcp ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pcp->Advise( pnui, &dwCookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Ask the Task Manager to create the Analyze Cluster Task.
hr = THR( ptm->CreateTask( TASK_CommitClusterChanges, &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( ITaskCommitClusterChanges, &ptccc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// The the task what cookie to use for the notification.
hr = THR( ptccc->SetCookie( cookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Tell the task which cluster to commit.
hr = THR( ptccc->SetClusterCookie( g_cookieCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Create a callback object.
Assert( punk == NULL ); hr = THR( CCallback::S_HrCreateInstance( &punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk = TraceInterface( L"CCallback", IUnknown, punk, 1 );
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgCallback, &pcccb ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// The the action where to call us back.
hr = THR( ptccc->SetCallback( pcccb ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Reset g_fWait and submit the task.
g_fWait = TRUE; hr = THR( ptm->SubmitTask( ptccc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Wait for the task to complete.
while( g_fWait ) { Sleep( 1 ); // sleep a millisecond
// Unregister the notification object.
hr = THR( pcp->Unadvise( dwCookie ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
Cleanup: if ( pcp != NULL ) { pcp->Release( ); } if ( pom != NULL ) { pom->Release( ); } if ( ptm != NULL ) { ptm->Release( ); } if ( ptccc != NULL ) { ptccc->Release( ); } if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release( ); } if ( pnui != NULL ) { pnui->Release( ); } if ( pcccb != NULL ) { pcccb->Release( ); }
HRETURN( hr );
// This tests the object manager's node enumerator.
HRESULT HrTestEnumNodes( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
ULONG celtFetched;
BSTR bstrName = NULL;
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IObjectManager * pom = NULL; IEnumNodes * pen = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL;
// Gather the manager needed to complete this task.
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Ask the object manager to create a cookie for the task
// to use as a completion cookie.
hr = THR( pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, g_cookieCluster, NULL, DFGUID_EnumNodes, &cookieDummy, // not needed, but the proxy code wants something
&punk ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumNodes, &pen ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Enumerate the nodes.
Assert( hr == S_OK ); while ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = STHR( pen->Next( 1, &pccni, &celtFetched ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) break; // exit loop
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pccni->GetName( &bstrName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
DebugMsg( "Node Name: %s", bstrName );
TraceSysFreeString( bstrName );
pccni->Release( ); pccni = NULL; }
hr = S_OK;
Cleanup: if ( pom != NULL ) { pom->Release( ); } if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release( ); } if ( pen != NULL ) { pen->Release( ); } if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release( ); } if ( bstrName != NULL ) { TraceSysFreeString( bstrName ); }
HRETURN( hr ); }
// This tests all the object manager's enumerators. It should be executed
// while the object cache is empty.
HRESULT HrTestEmptyEnumerations( void ) { TraceFunc( "" );
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IObjectManager * pom = NULL; IEnumNodes * pen = NULL; IClusCfgNodeInfo * pccni = NULL; IEnumClusCfgManagedResources * peccmr = NULL; IEnumClusCfgNetworks * peccn = NULL; IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo * pccmri = NULL; IClusCfgNetworkInfo * pccneti = NULL;
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// This should fail.
hr = pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, NULL, NULL, DFGUID_EnumNodes, &cookie, &punk ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { hr = S_OK; // ignore the failure.
goto EnumResources; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumNodes, &pen ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// If it didn't fail, then this shouldn't AV.
Assert( hr == S_OK ); while ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = STHR( pen->Next( 1, &pccni, NULL ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) break;
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
pccni->Release( ); pccni = NULL; }
EnumResources: //
// This should fail.
hr = pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, NULL, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableResources, &cookie, &punk ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { hr = S_OK; // ignore the failure.
goto EnumNetworks; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgManagedResources, &peccmr ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// If it didn't fail, then this shouldn't AV.
Assert( hr == S_OK ); while ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = STHR( peccmr->Next( 1, &pccmri, NULL ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) break;
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
pccmri->Release( ); pccmri = NULL; }
EnumNetworks: //
// This should fail.
hr = pom->FindObject( CLSID_NodeType, NULL, NULL, DFGUID_EnumManageableNetworks, &cookie, &punk ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { hr = S_OK; // ignore the failure.
goto Cleanup; }
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IEnumClusCfgNetworks, &peccn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// If it didn't fail, then this shouldn't AV.
Assert( hr == S_OK ); while ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = STHR( peccn->Next( 1, &pccneti, NULL ) ); if ( hr == S_FALSE ) break;
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
pccneti->Release( ); pccneti = NULL; }
hr = S_OK;
Cleanup: if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release( ); } if ( peccmr != NULL ) { peccmr->Release( ); } if ( peccn != NULL ) { peccn->Release( ); } if ( pccni != NULL ) { pccni->Release( ); } if ( pccmri != NULL ) { pccmri->Release( ); } if ( pccneti != NULL ) { pccneti->Release( ); } if ( pen != NULL ) { pen->Release( ); } if ( pom != NULL ) { pom->Release( ); }
HRETURN( hr ); }
// This tests the Cluster Configuration object in the object manager.
HRESULT HrTestClusterConfiguration( BSTR bstrClusterNameIn, BSTR bstrAccountNameIn, BSTR bstrPasswordIn, BSTR bstrDomainIn, ULONG ulClusterIPIn, ULONG ulClusterSubnetIn, OBJECTCOOKIE * pcookieClusterOut ) { TraceFunc( "" );
ULONG ulClusterIP; ULONG ulClusterSubnet;
BSTR bstrClusterName = NULL; BSTR bstrAccountName = NULL; BSTR bstrPassword = NULL; BSTR bstrDomain = NULL;
IUnknown * punk = NULL; IObjectManager * pom = NULL; IClusCfgClusterInfo * pccci = NULL; IClusCfgCredentials * piccc = NULL;
// Retrieve the Object Manager
hr = THR( g_psp->TypeSafeQS( CLSID_ObjectManager, IObjectManager, &pom ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Ask the Object Manager for the cluster configuration object.
hr = E_PENDING; while ( hr == E_PENDING ) { // Don't wrap. this can fail with E_PENDING.
hr = pom->FindObject( CLSID_ClusterConfigurationType, NULL, bstrClusterNameIn, DFGUID_ClusterConfigurationInfo, pcookieClusterOut, &punk ); if ( hr == E_PENDING ) { Sleep( 1000 ); // 1 Second
continue; }
THR( hr ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; } // while: pending
hr = THR( punk->TypeSafeQI( IClusCfgClusterInfo, &pccci ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
punk->Release( ); punk = NULL;
// Exercise the forming and joining flags.
hr = THR( pccci->SetForming( TRUE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
#if defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS)
// This will fail.
hr = pccci->SetJoining( TRUE ); Assert( FAILED( hr ) ); #endif
hr = THR( pccci->SetForming( FALSE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pccci->SetJoining( TRUE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
#if defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS)
// This will fail.
hr = pccci->SetForming( TRUE ); Assert( FAILED( hr ) ); #endif
hr = THR( pccci->SetJoining( FALSE ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
// Test account info.
hr = THR( pccci->GetClusterServiceAccountCredentials( &piccc ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( piccc->SetCredentials( bstrAccountNameIn, bstrDomainIn, bstrPasswordIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( piccc->GetCredentials( &bstrAccountName, &bstrDomain, &bstrPassword ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
Assert( StrCmp( bstrAccountNameIn, bstrAccountName ) == 0 ); Assert( StrCmp( bstrPasswordIn, bstrPassword ) == 0 ); Assert( StrCmp( bstrDomainIn, bstrDomain ) == 0 );
piccc->Release(); piccc = NULL;
//. Test cluster name.
hr = THR( pccci->SetName( bstrClusterNameIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pccci->GetName( &bstrClusterName ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
Assert( StrCmp( bstrClusterNameIn, bstrClusterName ) == 0 );
// Test IP/subnet.
hr = THR( pccci->SetIPAddress( ulClusterIPIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pccci->SetSubnetMask( ulClusterSubnetIn ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pccci->GetIPAddress( &ulClusterIP ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pccci->GetSubnetMask( &ulClusterSubnet ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
Assert( ulClusterIP == ulClusterIPIn ); Assert( ulClusterSubnet == ulClusterSubnetIn );
Cleanup: if ( punk != NULL ) { punk->Release( ); } if ( bstrClusterName != NULL ) { TraceSysFreeString( bstrClusterName ); } if ( bstrAccountName != NULL ) { TraceSysFreeString( bstrAccountName ); } if ( bstrPassword != NULL ) { TraceSysFreeString( bstrPassword ); } if ( bstrDomain != NULL ) { TraceSysFreeString( bstrDomain ); } if ( pom != NULL ) { pom->Release( ); } if ( piccc != NULL ) { piccc->Release( ); } if ( pccci != NULL ) { pccci->Release( ); }
HRETURN( hr ); }
// int
// _cdecl
// main( void )
// Description:
// Program entrance.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK (0) - Success.
// other HRESULTs - Error.
int _cdecl main( void ) { TraceInitializeProcess( NULL, 0 );
HRESULT hr; ULONG ulClusterIP; ULONG ulClusterSubnet;
ulClusterIP = inet_addr( "" ); ulClusterSubnet = inet_addr( "" );
hr = THR( CoInitialize( NULL ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
#if 0
hr = THR( HrRegisterTheDll( ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; #endif
// Start up the middle tier.
hr = THR( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ServiceManager, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, TypeSafeParams( IServiceProvider, &g_psp ) ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
#if 0 || defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS)
hr = THR( HrTestEmptyEnumerations( ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; #endif
#if 0 || defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS) || defined(REGRESSION_PASS)
hr = THR( HrTestClusterConfiguration( L"GPEASEDEV-CLUS.NTDEV.MICROSOFT.COM", L"ntdev", L"ntdevntdev", L"ntdev", ulClusterIP, ulClusterSubnet, &g_cookieCluster ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; #endif
#if 1 || defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS) || defined(REGRESSION_PASS)
hr = THR( HrTestAddingNode( L"GPEASE-WOLF1.NTDEV.MICROSOFT.COM" ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup;
#if 0 || defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS)
// KB: Since HrTestAddingNode( ) changes the name of the node when
// TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS is on, it doesn't make sense to try to
// connect to another node.
hr = THR( HrTestAddingNode( L"GALENB-CLUS.NTDEV.MICROSOFT.COM" ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; #endif
#endif // HrTestAddingNode
#if 1 || defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS) || defined(REGRESSION_PASS)
// KB: HrTestAddingNode() must be run before this or the test
// will failed.
hr = THR( HrTestEnumNodes( ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; #endif // HrTestEnumNodes
#if 0 || defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS) || defined(REGRESSION_PASS)
hr = THR( HrTestTaskAnalyzeCluster( ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; #endif // HrTestTaskAnalyzeCluster
#if 0 || defined(TURN_ON_ALL_TESTS) || defined(REGRESSION_PASS)
hr = THR( HrTestTaskCommitClusterChanges( ) ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) goto Cleanup; #endif // HrTestTaskCommitClusterChanges
Cleanup: if ( g_psp != NULL ) { g_psp->Release( ); }
CoUninitialize( );
TraceTerminateProcess( NULL, 0 );
return 0;