Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements replay of records during replica recovery
Ahmed Mohamed (ahmedm) 1-Feb-2000
Revision History:
--*/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntdef.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ntddvol.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "fs.h"
#include "fsp.h"
#include "fsutil.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
NTSTATUS fs_replay_create(VolInfo_t *volinfo, fs_log_rec_t *lrec, int nid, int mid) { NTSTATUS err; fs_create_msg_t msg; fs_create_reply_t reply; WCHAR name[MAXPATH]; int name_sz = sizeof(name); HANDLE vfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, mid); fs_log_rec_t myRec;
name[0] = '\0'; memcpy(&msg.xid, lrec->id, sizeof(msg.xid)); msg.flags = lrec->flags; msg.attr = lrec->attrib;
// note: use id instead of fs_id since we don't have fs_id till
// a prepare has committed.
FsLogReplay(("fs_replay_create: try %I64x:%I64x\n", lrec->id[0], lrec->id[1]));
err = xFsGetPathById(vfd, &lrec->id, name, &name_sz);
msg.name = xFsBuildRelativePath(volinfo, mid, name); msg.name_len = (USHORT) wcslen(msg.name); msg.fnum = INVALID_FHANDLE_T;
ios.Information = sizeof(reply); err = FspCreate(volinfo, NULL, nid, (PVOID) &msg, sizeof(msg), (PVOID) &reply, &ios.Information, (PVOID)&myRec); }
FsLogReplay(("fs_replay_create: %S err %x\n", name, err));
return err; }
NTSTATUS fs_replay_setattr(VolInfo_t *volinfo, fs_log_rec_t *lrec, int nid, int mid) { NTSTATUS err; fs_setattr_msg_t msg; WCHAR name[MAXPATH]; int name_sz = sizeof(name); HANDLE vfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, nid); fs_log_rec_t myRec;
// find path for fs_id
FsLogReplay(("fs_replay_setattr: try %I64x:%I64x\n", lrec->fs_id[0], lrec->fs_id[1]));
err = xFsGetPathById(vfd, &lrec->fs_id, name, &name_sz); if (err == STATUS_SUCCESS) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK ios;
ios.Information = 0;
// todo: we need to read current attr from master and apply it into nid disk.
// FileAttributes are not enough, we could have time changes which need to be
// in sync in all disks.
memcpy(&msg.xid, lrec->id, sizeof(msg.xid)); msg.fs_id = &lrec->fs_id; msg.name = xFsBuildRelativePath(volinfo, nid, name); msg.name_len = (USHORT) wcslen(msg.name); memset(&msg.attr, 0, sizeof(msg.attr)); msg.attr.FileAttributes = lrec->attrib;
err = FspSetAttr2(volinfo, NULL, nid, (PVOID) &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL, &ios.Information, (PVOID)&myRec); } FsLogReplay(("replay_setattr: %I64x err %x\n", lrec->fs_id[0], err));
return err;
NTSTATUS fs_replay_mkdir(VolInfo_t *volinfo, fs_log_rec_t *lrec, int nid, int mid) { NTSTATUS err; fs_create_msg_t msg; WCHAR name[MAXPATH]; int name_sz = sizeof(name); HANDLE vfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, mid); fs_log_rec_t myRec;
name[0] = '\0';
// note: use id instead of fs_id since we don't have fs_id till
// a prepare has committed.
FsLogReplay(("fs_replay_mkdir: %I64x:%I64x\n", lrec->id[0], lrec->id[1]));
err = xFsGetPathById(vfd, &lrec->id, name, &name_sz);
ios.Information = 0;
memcpy(&msg.xid, lrec->id, sizeof(msg.xid)); msg.name = xFsBuildRelativePath(volinfo, mid, name); msg.name_len = (USHORT) wcslen(msg.name); msg.flags = lrec->flags; msg.attr = lrec->attrib;
err = FspMkDir(volinfo, NULL, nid, (PVOID) &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL, &ios.Information, (PVOID)&myRec);
FsLogReplay(("Replay Mkdir %S err %x\n", name, err));
return err; }
NTSTATUS fs_replay_remove(VolInfo_t *volinfo, fs_log_rec_t *lrec, int nid, int mid) { NTSTATUS err; fs_remove_msg_t msg; // we find the objectid in the old replica, since file is already delete in master
HANDLE ovfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, nid); WCHAR name[MAXPATH]; int name_sz = sizeof(name); fs_log_rec_t myRec;
name[0] = '\0';
FsLogReplay(("fs_relay_remove: %I64x:%I64x\n", lrec->fs_id[0], lrec->fs_id[1]));
err = xFsGetPathById(ovfd, &lrec->fs_id, name, &name_sz);
ios.Information = 0;
memcpy(&msg.xid, lrec->id, sizeof(msg.xid)); msg.fs_id = &lrec->fs_id; msg.name = xFsBuildRelativePath(volinfo, nid, name); msg.name_len = (USHORT) wcslen(msg.name);
err = FspRemove(volinfo, NULL, nid, (PVOID) &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL, &ios.Information, (PVOID)&myRec);
FsLogReplay(("Replay remove %S err %x\n", name, err));
return err; }
NTSTATUS fs_replay_rename(VolInfo_t *volinfo, fs_log_rec_t *lrec, int nid, int mid) { NTSTATUS err; fs_rename_msg_t msg; HANDLE vfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo,mid); HANDLE ovfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, nid); WCHAR old_name[MAXPATH]; WCHAR new_name[MAXPATH]; int old_name_sz = sizeof(old_name); int new_name_sz = sizeof(new_name); fs_log_rec_t myRec;
new_name[0] = old_name[0] = '\0';
FsLogReplay(("fs_relay_rename: %I64x:%I64x\n", lrec->fs_id[0], lrec->fs_id[1]));
// get old name
err = xFsGetPathById(ovfd, &lrec->fs_id, old_name, &old_name_sz); if (err == STATUS_SUCCESS) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK ios;
ios.Information = 0;
// get the new name
err = xFsGetPathById(vfd, &lrec->fs_id, new_name, &new_name_sz);
if (err == STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { NTSTATUS e; // if we can't find file in the master disk, we must
// rename the file, pick a name based on file id
StringCchPrintfW(new_name, MAXPATH, L"%s%I64x%I64x", old_name, lrec->fs_id[0],lrec->fs_id[1]); new_name_sz = wcslen(new_name); err = STATUS_SUCCESS; mid = nid; }
if (err == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
memcpy(&msg.xid, lrec->id, sizeof(msg.xid)); msg.fs_id = &lrec->fs_id; msg.sname = xFsBuildRelativePath(volinfo, nid, old_name); msg.sname_len = (USHORT) wcslen(msg.sname); msg.dname = xFsBuildRelativePath(volinfo, mid, new_name); msg.dname_len = (USHORT) wcslen(msg.dname); err = FspRename(volinfo, NULL, nid, (PVOID) &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL, &ios.Information, (PVOID)&myRec); } }
FsLogReplay(("Replay rename %S -> %S err %x\n", old_name, new_name, err));
return err; }
NTSTATUS fs_replay_write(VolInfo_t *volinfo, fs_log_rec_t *lrec, int nid, int mid) { NTSTATUS err; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ios; HANDLE shdl = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE dhdl = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char *buf = NULL; fs_io_msg_t msg; HANDLE ovfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, nid); HANDLE vfd = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, mid); fs_log_rec_t myRec;
FsLogReplay(("fs_replay_write: %I64x:%I64x\n", lrec->fs_id[0], lrec->fs_id[1]));
// get the new file first
err = xFsGetHandleById(vfd, &lrec->fs_id, FILE_READ_EA|FILE_GENERIC_READ, &shdl);
ios2.Information = 0;
// get old file
err = xFsGetHandleById(ovfd, &lrec->fs_id, FILE_READ_EA|FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, &dhdl); if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { // this is a very bad error, must abort now
FsLogReplay(("Aborting replay_write err %x\n", err)); err = STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; goto done; }
// we need to read the new data from the sfd first
if (lrec->length > 0) { // allocate buf
buf = VirtualAlloc(NULL, lrec->length, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (buf == NULL) { FsLogError(("Unable to allocate write buffer to replay\n")); err = STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; goto done; }
off.LowPart = lrec->offset; off.HighPart = 0;
// read local data. xxx: what if the file is locked?
err = NtReadFile(shdl, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ios, buf, lrec->length, &off, NULL);
if (err == STATUS_PENDING) { EventWait(shdl); err = ios.Status; }
if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { FsLogReplay(("Read failed for replay 0x%x\n", err)); err = STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; goto done; } } else { buf = NULL; ios.Information = 0; } memcpy(&msg.xid, lrec->id, sizeof(msg.xid)); msg.fs_id = &lrec->fs_id; msg.offset = lrec->offset; msg.size = (UINT32)ios.Information; msg.buf = buf; msg.context = (PVOID) dhdl; msg.fnum = INVALID_FHANDLE_T;
err = FspWrite(volinfo, NULL, nid, (PVOID) &msg, sizeof(msg), NULL, &ios2.Information, (PVOID)&myRec); // check if we have the same size, otherwise abort
if ((ULONG)ios2.Information != lrec->length) { FsLogError(("Write sz mismatch, %d expected %d\n", (ULONG)ios2.Information, lrec->length)); err = STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; } } else if (err != STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { err = STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; }
done: if (buf != NULL) { VirtualFree(buf, 0, MEM_RELEASE); }
if (shdl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) xFsClose(shdl);
if (dhdl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) xFsClose(dhdl);
FsLogReplay(("Replay write offset %d len %d err %x\n", lrec->offset, lrec->length, err));
return err; }
FsReplayHandler_t FsReplayCallTable[] = { fs_replay_create, fs_replay_setattr, fs_replay_write, fs_replay_mkdir, fs_replay_remove, fs_replay_rename };
NTSTATUS FsReplayFid(VolInfo_t *volinfo, UserInfo_t *uinfo, int nid, int mid) { int i; // WCHAR path[MAXPATH];
// WCHAR *name;
int name_len; NTSTATUS err = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Open on replica nid all currently open files.
for (i = 0; i < FsTableSize; i++) { HANDLE fd; UINT32 disp, share, access, flags;
if (uinfo->Table[i].Flags == 0) { continue; }
if (uinfo->Table[i].Fd[nid] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { continue; }
// Perform replays on completely open handles only. partially opened handles
// should be taken care of by the send*() functions.
if (uinfo->Table[i].hState != HandleStateOpened) { continue; }
#if 0
// todo: this should be in a for loop
fd = uinfo->Table[i].Fd[mid]; if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) continue; // get path name
name_len = sizeof(path); err = xFsGetHandlePath(fd, path, &name_len); if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { FsLogReplay(("FsReplayFid %d failed on handlpath %x\n", mid, err)); // todo: the master might have failed, we should just
// try to go to a differnet replica if possible
return err; } // issue open against nid, but first get filename from master
name = xFsBuildRelativePath(volinfo, mid, path); #endif
DecodeCreateParam(uinfo->Table[i].Flags, &flags, &disp, &share, &access);
err = xFsOpen(&fd, FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, nid), uinfo->Table[i].FileName, wcslen(uinfo->Table[i].FileName), access, share, 0);
if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { FsLogReplay(("FsReplayFid mid %d nid %d open file '%S' failed %x\n", mid, nid, uinfo->Table[i].FileName, err)); // Cleanup all open handles we have before returning an
// error. We cleanup this node later, so that's ok.
return err; }
FsLogReplay(("FsReplayFid mid %d nid %d file '%S' flags %x\n", mid, nid, uinfo->Table[i].FileName, uinfo->Table[i].Flags));
// we now add the open handle to the nid slot
FS_SET_USER_HANDLE(uinfo, nid, i, fd);
// todo: issue locks
} return err; }
NTSTATUS FsReplayXid(VolInfo_t *volinfo, int nid, PVOID arg, int action, int mid) { fs_log_rec_t *p = (fs_log_rec_t *) arg; NTSTATUS err = ERROR_SUCCESS; fs_id_t *fs_id; HANDLE vhdl;
vhdl = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, nid); if (vhdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FsLogUndo(("FsUndoXid Failed to get crs handle %d\n", nid)); return STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; }
vhdl = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, mid); if (vhdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FsLogReplay(("FsReplayXid Failed to get crs handle %d\n", mid)); return STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; }
// note: use id instead of fs_id since we don't have fs_id till
// a prepare has committed.
fs_id = &p->id;
FsLogReplay(("Replay cmd %d mid %d nid %d objid %I64x:%I64x\n", p->command, mid, nid, (*fs_id)[0], (*fs_id)[1]));
err = FsReplayCallTable[p->command](volinfo, p, nid, mid);
FsLogReplay(("Replay Status %x\n", err));
return err; }
NTSTATUS FsQueryXid(VolInfo_t *volinfo, int nid, PVOID arg, int action, int mid) { fs_log_rec_t *p = (fs_log_rec_t *) arg; NTSTATUS err = ERROR_SUCCESS; fs_id_t *fs_id; HANDLE vhdl; WCHAR name[MAXPATH]; int name_sz = sizeof(name);
ASSERT(nid == mid); vhdl = FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, nid); if (vhdl == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FsLogUndo(("FsUndoXid Failed to get crs handle %d\n", nid)); return STATUS_TRANSACTION_ABORTED; }
fs_id = &p->fs_id;
FsLogReplay(("Query cmd %d nid %d objid %I64x:%I64x\n", p->command, nid, (*fs_id)[0], (*fs_id)[1]));
switch(p->command) { case FS_CREATE: case FS_MKDIR: // issue a lookup,
// note: use id instead of fs_id since we don't have fs_id till
// a prepare has committed.
fs_id = &p->id; err = xFsGetPathById(vhdl, fs_id, name, &name_sz); if (err == STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) err = STATUS_CANCELLED; break; case FS_REMOVE: err = xFsGetPathById(vhdl, fs_id, name, &name_sz); if (err == STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) err = STATUS_SUCCESS; else if (err == STATUS_SUCCESS) err = STATUS_CANCELLED; break; default: // can't make any determination
err = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; break; }
FsLogReplay(("Commit Status %x\n", err));
return err; }
////////////////////////// Recovery Callback ////////////////////////////
NTSTATUS WINAPI FsCrsCallback(PVOID hd, int nid, CrsRecord_t *arg, int action, int mid) { NTSTATUS err = STATUS_SUCCESS; VolInfo_t *volinfo = (VolInfo_t *) hd;
switch(action) {
err = FsReplayXid(volinfo, nid, arg, action, mid); break;
err = FsUndoXid(volinfo, nid, arg, action, mid); break;
err = FsQueryXid(volinfo, nid, arg, action, mid); break;
case CRS_ACTION_DONE: FsLogReplay(("Vol %S done recovery nid %d mid %d\n", volinfo->Root, nid, mid));
// we now need to walk our current open table and join this new replica.
{ UserInfo_t *u = volinfo->UserList;
for (; u != NULL; u = u->Next) { err = FsReplayFid(volinfo, u, nid, mid); if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) break; } } break;
FsLogReplay(("FullCopy Disk%d -> Disk%d\n", mid, nid));
// We need to open new directory handles instead of using current ones. Otherwise,
// our enum on directory might not be consistent
if (0) { WCHAR path[MAXPATH]; HANDLE mvfd, ovfd; UINT32 disp;
// open root volume directory
disp = FILE_OPEN; StringCchPrintfW(path, MAXPATH, L"\\??\\%s\\%s\\", FS_GET_VOL_NAME(volinfo, mid), volinfo->Root); err = xFsCreate(&mvfd, NULL, path, wcslen(path), FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE|FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &disp, FILE_GENERIC_READ|FILE_GENERIC_WRITE|FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE, NULL, 0); if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { FsLogReplay(("Failed to open mid %d '%S' err %x\n", mid, path, err)); return err; }
// open root volume directory
disp = FILE_OPEN; StringCchPrintfW(path, MAXPATH, L"\\??\\%s\\%s\\", FS_GET_VOL_NAME(volinfo, nid), volinfo->Root); err = xFsCreate(&ovfd, NULL, path, wcslen(path), FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE|FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &disp, FILE_GENERIC_READ|FILE_GENERIC_WRITE|FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE, NULL, 0); if (err != STATUS_SUCCESS) { xFsClose(mvfd); FsLogReplay(("Failed to open nid %d '%S' err %x\n", mid, path, err)); return err; }
err = xFsCopyTree(mvfd, ovfd); xFsClose(mvfd); xFsClose(ovfd); } else { err = xFsCopyTree(FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo, mid), FS_GET_VOL_HANDLE(volinfo,nid));
} FsLogReplay(("SlowStart Crs%d status %x\n", nid, err));
default: FsLogReplay(("Unknown action %d\n", action)); ASSERT(FALSE); }
return err; }