Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
APIs for the server-side RPC support for the Checkpoint Manager
John Vert (jvert) 1/14/1997
Revision History:
--*/ #include "cpp.h"
error_status_t CppDepositCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData, BOOLEAN fCryptoCheckpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC to allow other nodes to checkpoint data to the quorum disk.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose data is being checkpointed
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint
CheckpointData - pipe through which checkpoint data can be retrieved.
fCryptoCheckpoint - Indicates if the checkpoint is a crypto checkpoint
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR FileName = NULL; LPWSTR DirectoryName = NULL; BOOL Success; PFM_RESOURCE Resource;
Resource = OmReferenceObjectById(ObjectTypeResource, ResourceId); if (Resource == NULL) { Status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto FnExit; }
Status = CppGetCheckpointFile(Resource, dwCheckpointId, &DirectoryName, &FileName, NULL, fCryptoCheckpoint); OmDereferenceObject(Resource); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CP] CppDepositCheckpoint - CppGetCheckpointFile failed %1!d!\n", Status); goto FnExit; } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CP] CppDepositCheckpoint checkpointing data to file %1!ws!\n", FileName); //
// Create the directory.
if (!QfsCreateDirectory(DirectoryName, NULL)) { Status = GetLastError(); if (Status != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CP] CppDepositCheckpoint unable to create directory %1!ws!, error %2!d!\n", DirectoryName, Status); goto FnExit; } else { //the directory exists, set Status to ERROR_SUCCESS
Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } else {
// The directory was newly created. Put the appropriate ACL on it
// so that only ADMINs can read it.
Status = QfsSetFileSecurityInfo(DirectoryName, GENERIC_ALL, GENERIC_ALL, 0);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CP] CppDepositCheckpoint- unable to set ACL on directory %1!ws!, error %2!d!\n", DirectoryName, Status); goto FnExit; } } //
// Pull the checkpoint data file across RPC
Status = DmPullFile(FileName, CheckpointData); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CP] CppDepositCheckpoint - DmPullFile %1!ws! failed %2!d!\n", FileName, Status); }
FnExit: RELEASE_LOCK(gQuoLock);
//clean up
if (DirectoryName) LocalFree(DirectoryName); if (FileName) LocalFree(FileName); //
// Adjust the return status if the quorum volume is truly offline and that is why this
// call failed.
if ( ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( CppIsQuorumVolumeOffline() == TRUE ) ) Status = ERROR_NOT_READY;
//At this point, CppDepositCheckpoint should either
//a) throw the error code as an exception, or
//b) drain the [in] pipe and then return the error code normally
//but if it returns without draining the pipe, and the RPC runtime throws
//the pipe-discipline exception.
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) RpcRaiseException(Status);
return(Status); }
error_status_t s_CpDepositCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC to allow other nodes to checkpoint data to the quorum disk.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose data is being checkpointed
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint
CheckpointData - pipe through which checkpoint data can be retrieved.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
return CppDepositCheckpoint(IDL_handle, ResourceId, dwCheckpointId, CheckpointData, FALSE ); }
error_status_t s_CpDepositCryptoCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC to allow other nodes to checkpoint data to the quorum disk.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose data is being checkpointed
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint
CheckpointData - pipe through which checkpoint data can be retrieved.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
return CppDepositCheckpoint(IDL_handle, ResourceId, dwCheckpointId, CheckpointData, TRUE ); }
error_status_t CppRetrieveCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, BOOLEAN fCryptoCheckpoint, BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC through which data checkpointed to the quorum disk can be retrieved by other nodes.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose checkpoint data is to be retrieved
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint
fCryptoCheckpoint - Indicates if the checkpoint is a crypto checkpoint
CheckpointData - pipe through which checkpoint data should be sent
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ DWORD Status; LPWSTR FileName=NULL; HANDLE hFile; BOOL Success; PFM_RESOURCE Resource;
ACQUIRE_SHARED_LOCK(gQuoLock); Resource = OmReferenceObjectById(ObjectTypeResource, ResourceId); if (Resource == NULL) { Status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto FnExit; }
Status = CppGetCheckpointFile(Resource, dwCheckpointId, NULL, &FileName, NULL, fCryptoCheckpoint); OmDereferenceObject(Resource); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CP] CppRetrieveCheckpoint - CppGetCheckpointFile failed %1!d!\n", Status); goto FnExit; } ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_NOISE, "[CP] CppRetrieveCheckpoint retrieving data from file %1!ws!\n", FileName);
// Push the checkpoint data file across RPC
Status = DmPushFile(FileName, CheckpointData, TRUE); // TRUE == encrypt the data on the wire
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClRtlLogPrint(LOG_CRITICAL, "[CP] CppRetrieveCheckpoint - DmPushFile %1!ws! failed %2!d!\n", FileName, Status); }
FnExit: RELEASE_LOCK(gQuoLock); //cleanup
if (FileName) LocalFree(FileName);
// Adjust the return status if the quorum volume is truly offline and that is why this
// call failed.
if ( ( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) && ( CppIsQuorumVolumeOffline() == TRUE ) ) Status = ERROR_NOT_READY;
return(Status); }
error_status_t s_CpRetrieveCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC through which data checkpointed to the quorum disk can be retrieved by other nodes.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose checkpoint data is to be retrieved
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint
CheckpointData - pipe through which checkpoint data should be sent
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
return CppRetrieveCheckpoint(IDL_handle, ResourceId, dwCheckpointId, FALSE, CheckpointData );
error_status_t s_CpRetrieveCryptoCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, BYTE_PIPE CheckpointData ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC through which data checkpointed to the quorum disk can be retrieved by other nodes.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose checkpoint data is to be retrieved
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint
CheckpointData - pipe through which checkpoint data should be sent
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
return CppRetrieveCheckpoint(IDL_handle, ResourceId, dwCheckpointId, TRUE, CheckpointData );
error_status_t CppDeleteCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, LPCWSTR lpszQuorumPath, BOOL fCryptoCheckpoint ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC through which the checkpoint file corresponding to a given checkpointid for a resource is deleted.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose checkpoint file is to be deleted.
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint. If 0, all checkpoints must be deleted.
lpszQuorumPath - The path to the cluster files from where these files must be deleted.
fCryptoCheckpoint - Indicates if the checkpoint is a crypto checkpoint Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
--*/ { DWORD Status; PFM_RESOURCE Resource = NULL;
Resource = OmReferenceObjectById(ObjectTypeResource, ResourceId); if (Resource == NULL) { Status = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto FnExit; }
if (fCryptoCheckpoint) { Status = CpckDeleteCheckpointFile(Resource, dwCheckpointId, lpszQuorumPath); } else { Status = CppDeleteCheckpointFile(Resource, dwCheckpointId, lpszQuorumPath); }
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto FnExit; }
FnExit: if (Resource) OmDereferenceObject(Resource); return(Status); }
error_status_t s_CpDeleteCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, LPCWSTR lpszQuorumPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC through which the checkpoint file corresponding to a given checkpointid for a resource is deleted.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose checkpoint file is to be deleted.
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint. If 0, all checkpoints must be deleted.
lpszQuorumPath - The path to the cluster files from where these files must be deleted. Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
--*/ { CP_VALIDATE_ID_STRING ( ResourceId );
return CppDeleteCheckpoint(IDL_handle, ResourceId, dwCheckpointId, lpszQuorumPath, FALSE); }
error_status_t s_CpDeleteCryptoCheckpoint( handle_t IDL_handle, LPCWSTR ResourceId, DWORD dwCheckpointId, LPCWSTR lpszQuorumPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
Server side RPC through which the crypto checkpoint file corresponding to a given checkpointid for a resource is deleted.
IDL_handle - RPC binding handle, not used.
ResourceId - Name of the resource whose checkpoint file is to be deleted.
dwCheckpointId - Unique identifier of the checkpoint. If 0, all checkpoints must be deleted.
lpszQuorumPath - The path to the cluster files from where these files must be deleted. Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
--*/ { CP_VALIDATE_ID_STRING ( ResourceId );
return CppDeleteCheckpoint(IDL_handle, ResourceId, dwCheckpointId, lpszQuorumPath, TRUE); }