#define _SIMPLE_QUEUE_H 1
Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Simple non-blocking queue, that allows multiple concurrent data providers and singe data consumer
GorN 9-Feb-1999
Revision History:
#define COUNT_DROPPED_PACKETS 1 // Enable dropped packet counting
// The queue can store blocks of variable sizes
// each block is prefixed by this structure
typedef struct _SIMPLEQUEUE_BLOCK_HEADER { DWORD PayloadSize; // this is the size of the block
// as it was passed to us by the client
#define SQB_ALIGNMENT ( sizeof(DWORD) )
#define SQB_INFLATE_SIZE( size )( (size + SQB_ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(SQB_ALIGNMENT - 1) )
#define SQB_PAYLOADSIZE( ptr ) ( SQB_HEADER(ptr)->PayloadSize )
#define SQB_NEXTBLOCK( ptr ) ( (PVOID)( (PUCHAR)(ptr) + SQB_BLOCKSIZE( ptr ) ) )
#define SQB_PAYLOAD( ptr ) ( (PVOID)(SQB_HEADER(ptr) + 1) )
// The following function will be called if there are dropped data and
// the last time we reported dropped data was NotifyInterval
// or more seconds before.
typedef void (*DROPPED_DATA_NOTIFY) ( IN PWCHAR QueueName, IN DWORD DroppedDataCount, IN DWORD DroppedDataSize);
// The following function will be called if there are data available
// in the queue. It will not be called again until
// Read/CompleteRead operations empty the queue.
DWORD SimpleQueueInitialize( IN OUT PSIMPLEQUEUE q, IN DWORD cbSize, IN PWCHAR Name,
IN DATA_AVAILABLE_CALLBACK DataAvailableCallback, IN DROPPED_DATA_NOTIFY DroppedDataNotifyCallback, IN DWORD NotifyInterval // in seconds //
); /*++
Routine Description:
Initializes a queue Arguments:
q - a queue to be initialized cbSize - size of the queue in bytes Name - Name of the queue. It will be supplied to DroppedDataNotifyCallback
DataAvailableCallback - This function will be called if there are data available in the queue. This function will not be called again until Read/CompleteRead operations empty the queue. DroppedDataNotifyCallback - This function will be called if there are dropped data and the last time we reported dropped data was NotifyInterval or more seconds before. NotifyInterval - We will not report dropped data unless it has been longer than NotifyInterval seconds since the last report Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - success error code - called failed */
VOID SimpleQueueDelete( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q ); /*++
Routine Description:
Destroys a queue Arguments:
q - a queue to be destroyed Return Value:
None Comments:
This routine will destroy queue's CriticalSection and deallocate queue's memory. It is the responsibility of the caller to guarantee that nobody will be using the queue after this function is called */
BOOL SimpleQueueTryAdd( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q, IN DWORD PayloadSize, IN PVOID Payload ); /*++
Routine Description:
Tries to add data in a queue Arguments:
q - a queue PayloadSise - size of the chunk to be added to a queue Payload - pointer to a buffer that countains data to be added Return Value:
TRUE - if the data were put into the queue successfully FALSE - otherwise Comments:
DataAvailableCallback will be called if there are data available. DataAvailableCallback will not be called during subsequent add requests until Read/CompleteRead operations empty the queue. */
BOOL SimpleQueueReadAll( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q, OUT PVOID* begin, OUT PVOID* end ); /*++
Routine Description:
Allows to read all available blocks Arguments:
q - a queue begin - receives a pointer to the first queue block end - receives a pointer past the end of the last queue block Return Value:
TRUE - if we get at least one block FALSE - if the queue is empty Comments:
This function not always give you ALL available blocks in the queue. It gives you all blocks up until the hard end of the queue buffer or the writing head of the queue, whatever is smaller. If the function returns success, it guarantees that begin < end. When you finished processing of the data, you need to call SimpleQueueReadComplete function. You can walk over these block using SQB_NEXTBLOCK macro.
BOOL SimpleQueueReadOne( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q, OUT PVOID* begin, OUT PVOID* end ); /*++
Routine Description:
Allows to read a single block of data Arguments:
q - a queue begin - receives a pointer to the beginning of the first available queue block end - receives a pointer past the end of this block Return Value:
TRUE - success FALSE - if the queue is empty Comments:
When you finished processing of the data, you need to call SimpleQueueReadComplete function. */
BOOL SimpleQueueReadComplete( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q, IN PVOID newtail ); /*++
Routine Description:
Use this function to signal that the block of data was consumed Arguments:
q - a queue end - receives a pointer past the end of the last consumed block. Usually this is a value returned by the PVOID end parameter of ReadOne and ReadAll Return Value:
TRUE - There are more data FALSE - if the queue is empty Important!!! If the result of this function is TRUE, the caller should consume the data using ReadOne or ReadAll functions followed by the calls to ReadComplete until it returns FALSE. Otherwise, no futher DataAvailable notifications will be produced bu SimpleQueueTryAdd */
VOID CheckForDroppedData( IN PSIMPLEQUEUE q, IN BOOL Now ); /*++
Routine Description:
This function checks whether there were some data dropped and if the time is right, calls DropNotifyCallback function. Arguments:
q - a queue Now - If TRUE, than DropNotifyCallback will be called immediately if there are dropped data. If FALSE, DropNotifyCallback will be called only if it is more then DroppedNotifyInterval seconds elapsed, since the last time we called DropNotifyCallback Return Value:
None */
#define CheckForDroppedData(x,y)
typedef struct _SIMPLEQUEUE { CRITICAL_SECTION Lock; PWCHAR Name; // arbitrary string
PUCHAR Begin; // queue buffer start
PUCHAR End; // queue buffer end
PUCHAR Head; // writing head
PUCHAR Tail; // consuming end
PUCHAR Wrap; // wrap == 0, if tail < head
// otherwise if it points past the end of
// the last block before queue buffer end
BOOL Empty; // This flag is properly maintained by the queue,
// but not required for the queue to operate
// Can be removed if nobody needs it
BOOL Enabled; // Add operation to the queue will fail
// if the enabled flag is not set
UINT32 ReadInProgress; // DataAvailableCallback notification
// was issued and processing is not
// complete.
// This flag is reset by ReadComplete
// when there are no more data
ULARGE_INTEGER NextDroppedDataNotify; DROPPED_DATA_NOTIFY DroppedDataNotifyCallback; ULARGE_INTEGER DroppedDataNotifyInterval;
DWORD DroppedDataCount; // These two variable are reset each time
DWORD DroppedDataSize; // we call DroppedDataNotifyCallback