*ehvcccvb.cpp - EH copy-ctor iterator helper function for class w/ virtual bases * * Copyright (c) 2000-2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * *Purpose: * These functions are called when constructing and destructing arrays of * objects. Their purpose is to assure that constructed elements get * destructed if the constructor for one of the elements throws. * * Must be compiled using "-d1Binl" to be able to specify __thiscall * at the user level * *Revision History: * 04-27-00 JJS File created * ****/
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <eh.h>
#if defined (_M_IX86)
#define CALLTYPE __thiscall
#define CALLTYPE __stdcall
#ifdef _WIN32
void __stdcall __ArrayUnwind( void* ptr, // Pointer to array to destruct
size_t size, // Size of each element (including padding)
int count, // Number of elements in the array
void(CALLTYPE *pDtor)(void*) // The destructor to call
void __stdcall __ehvec_copy_ctor_vb( void* dst, // Pointer to destination array
void* src, // Pointer to source array
size_t size, // Size of each element (including padding)
int count, // Number of elements in the array
void(CALLTYPE *pCopyCtor)(void*,void*), // Constructor to call
void(CALLTYPE *pDtor)(void*) // Destructor to call should exception be thrown
){ int i; // Count of elements constructed
int success = 0;
__try { // Construct the elements of the array
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { #pragma warning(disable:4191)
(*(void(CALLTYPE*)(void*,void*,int))pCopyCtor)( dst, src, 1 );
#pragma warning(default:4191)
dst = (char*)dst + size; src = (char*)src + size; } success = 1; } __finally { if (!success) __ArrayUnwind(dst, size, i, pDtor); } }
void __stdcall __ehvec_copy_ctor_vb( void* dst, // Pointer to destination array
void* src, // Pointer to source array
size_t size, // Size of each element (including padding)
int count, // Number of elements in the array
void(CALLTYPE *pCopyCtor)(void*, void*), // Constructor to call
void(CALLTYPE *pDtor)(void*) // Destructor to call should exception be thrown
){ int i; // Count of elements constructed
try { // Construct the elements of the array
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { (*pCopyCtor)( dst, src ); dst = (char*)dst + size; src = (char*)src + size; } } catch(...) { // If a constructor throws, unwind the portion of the array thus
// far constructed.
for( i--; i >= 0; i-- ) { dst = (char*)dst - size; try { #pragma warning(disable:4191)
(*(void(CALLTYPE*)(void*,void*,int))pCopyCtor)( dst, src, 1 );
#pragma warning(default:4191)
} catch(...) { // If the destructor threw during the unwind, quit
terminate(); } }
// Propagate the exception to surrounding frames
throw; } }