Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. !include master.env
  2. #
  3. # Libs to link together a FW image
  4. #
  5. EFI_LIBS = \
  6. output\lib\lib.lib
  7. #
  8. # We sometimes link the shell's tools into this build, so include
  9. # libs for all the tools and the shell.
  10. #
  11. # (Note this is for debugging, and a real build should remove
  12. # this as to be sure it's not mistakenly including any parts of
  13. # the shell)
  14. #
  15. !include $(EFI_SOURCE)\shell\inc\shelllib.mak
  16. #
  17. #
  18. #
  21. all: makemaker
  22. $(OUTPUTS): $(EFI_LIBS)
  23. $(LINK) $(L_FLAGS) $(NT_LIBS) $(EFI_LIBS) /entry:MainEntry /out:$@ /pdb:$*.pdb
  24. #
  25. #? Everything to build
  26. #
  27. makemaker:
  28. $(BUILD_TOOL)\genmake
  29. $(MAKE) -f output\lib\makefile all
  30. $(MAKE) -f output\shell\makefile all
  31. $(MAKE) -f output\apps\test\makefile all
  32. $(MAKE) -f output\apps\test2\makefile all
  33. $(MAKE) -f output\apps\test3\makefile all
  34. $(MAKE) -f output\apps\test4\makefile all
  35. $(MAKE) -f output\apps\fpswa\makefile all
  36. $(MAKE) -f output\apps\osloader\makefile all
  37. bsc:
  38. - dir /s /b *.sbr > temp.rm
  39. $(BSCMAKE) /n /o bin\$(TARGET_BASENAME).bsc "@temp.rm"
  40. - del temp.rm
  41. clean:
  42. - rd /s /q output
  43. - rd /s /q bin
  44. - del VC?0.*
  45. - del $(TARGET_BASENAME).*
  46. floppy: bin\efildr bin\bootsect.com
  47. - copy bin\efildr a:\efildr
  48. bin\efildr.dll: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\efildr.obj output\lib\lib.lib
  49. link /nologo /MACHINE:IX86 /subsystem:console /NODEFAULTLIB /INCREMENTAL:NO /MAP /FIXED /BASE:0x00400000 /ENTRY:EfiLoader output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\efildr.obj output\lib\lib.lib /OUT:bin\efildr.dll
  50. bin\efildr.efi: bin\efildr.dll
  51. $(FWIMAGE) app bin\efildr.dll bin\efildr.efi
  52. bin\Bios32.efi: bin\Bios32.exe
  53. $(FWIMAGE) app bin\Bios32.exe bin\Bios32.efi
  54. bin\efildr32: bin\efildr.efi bin\Bios32.efi
  55. $(BUILD_TOOL)\efildrimage bin\efildr32 bin\efildr.efi bin\Bios32.efi
  56. bin\bootsect.com: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\bootsect.obj
  57. $(MASMLINK) /tiny output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\bootsect.obj,bin\bootsect.com,bin\bootsect.map,,,
  58. bin\start.com: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\start.obj
  59. $(MASMLINK) /tiny output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\start.obj,bin\start.com,bin\start.map,,,
  60. bin\efi32.com: output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\efi32.obj
  61. $(MASMLINK) /tiny output\corefw\fw\platform\BuildTip\bios32\ia32\efi32.obj,bin\efi32.com,bin\efi32.map,,,
  62. bin\efildr: bin\start.com bin\efi32.com bin\efildr32
  63. copy /b bin\start.com+bin\efi32.com+bin\efildr32 bin\efildr
  64. createfloppy:
  65. - $(BUILD_TOOL)\dskimage $(BUILD_TOOL)\efiboot.img a: /f1.44
  66. floppytools:
  67. - copy bin\cp.efi a:
  68. - copy bin\date.efi a:
  69. - copy bin\dblk.efi a:
  70. - copy bin\dmem.efi a:
  71. - copy bin\dmpstore.efi a:
  72. - copy bin\getmtc.efi a:
  73. - copy bin\load.efi a:
  74. - copy bin\ls.efi a:
  75. - copy bin\memmap.efi a:
  76. - copy bin\mkdir.efi a:
  77. - copy bin\mm.efi a:
  78. - copy bin\mode.efi a:
  79. - copy bin\nshell.efi a:
  80. - copy bin\osloader.efi a:
  81. - copy bin\pci.efi a:
  82. - copy bin\rm.efi a:
  83. - copy bin\shellenv.efi a:
  84. - copy bin\stall.efi a:
  85. - copy bin\time.efi a:
  86. - copy bin\type.efi a:
  87. - copy bin\ver.efi a: