Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Test Routines for the EventLog.
THINGS I WANT THIS TO DO... AddReg <ServerName> <logname> <EntryName> <EventMessageFile> <CategoryMessageFile> <CategoryCount> <ParameterMessageFile> <TypesSupported> - Creates A Registry Entry.
eltest addreg application mytest mf= eltest.dll cat=
CreateMessageFile <??? Is this possible ???>
WriteEvent <ServerName> <EventSource> <Type> <Category> <EventId> <UserSid?> <NumStrings> <Strings> <RawData>
ReadLog <Server> <LogFile> <ReadFlags> <RecordOffset> <bufSize> If LogFile isn't one of the popular ones, then it could be a backup logfile.
GetNumEvents <Server> <LogFile>
GetOldest <Server> <LogFile>
Clear <Server> <LogFile>
Backup <Server> <LogFile> <BackupFile>
LOOPTESTS.... I should be able to run this test like mprtest such that it doesn't leave the test process until told. This way we can register an event source, then if we call WriteEvent without a specified EventSource, it will use the stored source. Calling RegisterEventSource twice without calling DeRegisterSource would be an error. (Or better yet, I could keep a table of sources and handles).
RegisterEventSource <EventSource> DeRegisterSource <EventSource>
BOOL CloseEventLog ( HANDLE hEventLog ) BOOL DeregisterEventSource ( HANDLE hEventLog )
BOOL NotifyChangeEventLog( HANDLE hEventLog, HANDLE hEvent ) BOOL GetNumberOfEventLogRecords ( HANDLE hEventLog, PDWORD NumberOfRecords ) BOOL GetOldestEventLogRecord ( HANDLE hEventLog, PDWORD OldestRecord ) BOOL ClearEventLogW ( HANDLE hEventLog, LPCWSTR BackupFileName ) BOOL BackupEventLogW ( HANDLE hEventLog, LPCWSTR BackupFileName ) HANDLE OpenEventLogW ( LPCWSTR UNCServerName, LPCWSTR ModuleName ) HANDLE RegisterEventSourceW ( LPCWSTR UNCServerName, LPCWSTR ModuleName ) HANDLE OpenBackupEventLogW ( LPCWSTR UNCServerName, LPCWSTR FileName ) BOOL ReadEventLogW ( HANDLE hEventLog, DWORD dwReadFlags, DWORD dwRecordOffset, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, DWORD *pnBytesRead, DWORD *pnMinNumberOfBytesNeeded ) BOOL ReportEventW ( HANDLE hEventLog, WORD wType, WORD wCategory OPTIONAL, DWORD dwEventID, PSID lpUserSid OPTIONAL, WORD wNumStrings, DWORD dwDataSize, LPCWSTR *lpStrings OPTIONAL, LPVOID lpRawData OPTIONAL )
Dan Lafferty (danl) 09-March-1994
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
09-Mar-1994 danl created
#define UNICODE 1
#include <nt.h> // DbgPrint prototype
#include <ntrtl.h> // DbgPrint prototype
#include <nturtl.h> // needed for winbase.h
#include <stdlib.h> // atoi
#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <conio.h> // getch
#include <string.h> // strcmp
#include <windows.h> // win32 typedefs
#include <tstr.h> // Unicode
#include <debugfmt.h> // FORMAT_LPTSTR
#define APPLICATION_LOG "Application"
#define SYSTEM_LOG "System"
#define SECURITY_LOG "Security"
#define REG_APPLICATION_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Application\\"
#define REG_SYSTEM_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\System\\"
#define REG_SECURITY_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\EventLog\\Security\\"
#define EVENT_SOURCE_NAME "tevent"
#define MSG_DLL "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\tevent.dll"
#define VALUE_EVENT_MF TEXT("EventMessageFile")
#define VALUE_CATEGORY_MF TEXT("CategoryMessageFile")
#define VALUE_PARAMETER_MF TEXT("ParameterMessageFile")
#define VALUE_TYPES_SUPPORTED TEXT("TypesSupported")
#define VALUE_CATEGORY_COUNT TEXT("CategoryCount")
VOID AddRegUsage(VOID);
DWORD AddSourceToRegistry( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR LogName, IN LPTSTR EventSourceName, IN LPTSTR *argv, IN DWORD argc );
BOOL ConvertToUnicode( OUT LPWSTR *UnicodeOut, IN LPSTR AnsiIn );
DWORD DelSourceInRegistry( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR LogName, IN LPTSTR EventSourceName );
VOID DisplayStatus ( IN LPTSTR ServiceName, IN LPTSTR DisplayName, IN LPSERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus );
BOOL MakeArgsUnicode ( DWORD argc, PCHAR argv[] );
BOOL ProcessArgs ( LPTSTR ServerName, DWORD argc, LPTSTR argv[] );
VOID Usage( VOID);
VOID ConfigUsage(VOID);
VOID CreateUsage(VOID);
VOID QueryUsage(VOID);
LONG wtol( IN LPWSTR string );
VOID UserInputLoop( LPTSTR ServerName ); DWORD ReadLogFile( LPTSTR ServerName, LPTSTR LogName, IN LPTSTR *argv, IN DWORD argc ); VOID ReadLogUsage(VOID);
VOID DisplayRecord( PEVENTLOGRECORD pElRecord, BOOL PrintTheHeader );
/****************************************************************************/ VOID __cdecl main ( DWORD argc, PCHAR argvAnsi[] )
Routine Description:
Allows manual testing of the EVENTLOG API.
Return Value:
--*/ { UCHAR i; DWORD j; DWORD argIndex; LPTSTR pServerName=NULL; LPTSTR *argv;
if (argc <2) { Usage(); return; }
// Make the arguments unicode if necessary.
#ifdef UNICODE
if (!MakeArgsUnicode(argc, argvAnsi)) { return; } #endif
argv = (LPTSTR *)argvAnsi;
argIndex = 1; if (STRNCMP (argv[1], TEXT("\\\\"), 2) == 0) { pServerName = argv[1]; argIndex = 2; // skip over servername.
// Check to see if we are to run in Loop Mode, or in single function
// mode. In Loop Mode, we go into a loop, and ask the user for
// input until the user decides to quit.
// Process Arguments:
// INDEX 0 1 2 3
// EL <ServerName> <Function> <FunctionOptions...>
if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("Loop")) == 0) { UserInputLoop(pServerName); } else { ProcessArgs(pServerName, argc-argIndex, &(argv[argIndex])); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// Free up the unicode strings if there are any
for(j=0; j<argc; j++) { LocalFree(argv[j]); } #endif
return; }
VOID UserInputLoop( LPTSTR ServerName )
Routine Description:
This function sits in a loop, gathering input from the user, and processing that input until the user indicates that it should stop. The following user commands indicate that we should stop: done exit stop quit
Return Value:
--*/ { UCHAR i; DWORD j; LPTSTR *argv; UCHAR buffer[255]; LPSTR argvA[20]; DWORD argc=0; BOOL KeepGoing;
do { //------------------------------
// Get input from the user
buffer[0] = 90-2;
printf("\nwaiting for instructions... \n"); _cgets(buffer);
if (buffer[1] > 0) { //--------------------------------------
// put the string in argv/argc format.
buffer[1]+=2; // make this an end offset
argc=0; for (i=2,j=0; i<buffer[1]; i++,j++) { argc++; argvA[j] = &(buffer[i]); while ((buffer[i] != ' ') && (buffer[i] != '\0')) { i++; } buffer[i] = '\0'; }
// Make the arguments unicode if necessary.
#ifdef UNICODE
if (!MakeArgsUnicode(argc, argvA)) { return; }
// If the first argument doesn't indicate that
// we should stop, then process the arguments.
argv = (LPTSTR *)argvA;
if((STRICMP (argv[0], TEXT("done")) == 0) || (STRICMP (argv[0], TEXT("stop")) == 0) || (STRICMP (argv[0], TEXT("exit")) == 0) || (STRICMP (argv[0], TEXT("quit")) == 0)) { KeepGoing = FALSE; } else { KeepGoing = ProcessArgs(ServerName, argc, argv); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// Free up the unicode strings if there are any
for(j=0; j<argc; j++) { LocalFree(argv[j]); } #endif
} } while (KeepGoing);
/****************************************************************************/ BOOL ProcessArgs ( LPTSTR ServerName, DWORD argc, LPTSTR argv[] )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
{ DWORD status; DWORD specialFlag = FALSE; DWORD argIndex; // index to unchecked portion of arglist.
argIndex = 0;
// If we are adding a registry entry, the get a handle to it.
// Otherwise, get a handle to the LogFile.
// AddSourceToRegistry
if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("AddReg")) == 0 ) {
// Must have at least "AddReg logname EntryName"
if (argc < (argIndex + 3)) { AddRegUsage(); goto CleanExit; }
status = AddSourceToRegistry( ServerName, argv[argIndex+1], // LogName
argv[argIndex+2], // SourceName
&argv[argIndex+1], argc-(argIndex+2) ); } //-----------------------
// DeleteFromRegistry
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("DelReg")) == 0) { //
// Must have at least "DelReg logname EntryName"
if (argc < (argIndex + 3)) { goto CleanExit; }
status = DelSourceInRegistry( ServerName, argv[argIndex+1], // LogName
argv[argIndex+2] // SourceName
} //-----------------------
// WriteEvent
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("WriteEvent")) == 0) { printf("In WriteEvent\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } } //-----------------------
// ReadLog
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("ReadLog")) == 0) { printf("In ReadLog\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } //
// Must have at least "ReadLog logname"
if (argc < (argIndex + 2)) { ReadLogUsage(); goto CleanExit; }
status = ReadLogFile( ServerName, // ServerName
argv[argIndex+1], // LogName
&argv[argIndex+1], // argv
argc-(argIndex+1)); // argc
} //-----------------------
// GetNumEvents
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("GetNumEvents")) == 0) { printf("in GetNumEvents\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } } //-----------------------
// GetOldest
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("GetOldest")) == 0) { printf("in GetOldest\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } } //-----------------------
// ClearLog
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("ClearLog")) == 0) { printf("in ClearLog\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } } //-----------------------
// Backup
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("Backup")) == 0) { printf("in Backup\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } } //-----------------------
// RegisterSource
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("RegisterSource")) == 0) { printf("in RegisterSource\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } } //-----------------------
// DeRegisterSource
else if (STRICMP (argv[argIndex], TEXT("DeRegisterSource")) == 0) { printf("in DeRegisterSource\n"); if (ServerName != NULL) { printf("ServerName = "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n",ServerName); } } //****************
// Exit Program
else if (STRICMP (argv[0], TEXT("Exit")) == 0) { //
return(FALSE); } else { printf("Bad argument\n"); Usage(); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL MakeArgsUnicode ( DWORD argc, PCHAR argv[] )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i;
// ScConvertToUnicode allocates storage for each string.
// We will rely on process termination to free the memory.
for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
if(!ConvertToUnicode( (LPWSTR *)&(argv[i]), argv[i])) { printf("Couldn't convert argv[%d] to unicode\n",i); return(FALSE); }
} return(TRUE); }
BOOL ConvertToUnicode( OUT LPWSTR *UnicodeOut, IN LPSTR AnsiIn )
Routine Description:
This function translates an AnsiString into a Unicode string. A new string buffer is created by this function. If the call to this function is successful, the caller must take responsibility for the unicode string buffer that was allocated by this function. The allocated buffer should be free'd with a call to LocalFree.
NOTE: This function allocates memory for the Unicode String.
AnsiIn - This is a pointer to an ansi string that is to be converted.
UnicodeOut - This is a pointer to a location where the pointer to the unicode string is to be placed.
Return Value:
TRUE - The conversion was successful.
FALSE - The conversion was unsuccessful. In this case a buffer for the unicode string was not allocated.
--*/ {
NTSTATUS ntStatus; DWORD bufSize; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; ANSI_STRING ansiString;
// Allocate a buffer for the unicode string.
bufSize = (strlen(AnsiIn)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
*UnicodeOut = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, (UINT)bufSize);
if (*UnicodeOut == NULL) { printf("ScConvertToUnicode:LocalAlloc Failure %ld\n",GetLastError()); return(FALSE); }
// Initialize the string structures
RtlInitAnsiString( &ansiString, AnsiIn);
unicodeString.Buffer = *UnicodeOut; unicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)bufSize; unicodeString.Length = 0;
// Call the conversion function.
ntStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString ( &unicodeString, // Destination
&ansiString, // Source
(BOOLEAN)FALSE); // Allocate the destination
if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) {
printf("ScConvertToUnicode:RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString Failure %lx\n", ntStatus);
return(FALSE); }
// Fill in the pointer location with the unicode string buffer pointer.
*UnicodeOut = unicodeString.Buffer;
/****************************************************************************/ VOID DisplayStatus ( IN LPTSTR ServiceName, IN LPTSTR DisplayName, IN LPSERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus )
Routine Description:
Displays the service name and the service status.
| |SERVICE_NAME: messenger |DISPLAY_NAME: messenger | TYPE : WIN32 | STATE : ACTIVE,STOPPABLE, PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN | EXIT_CODE : 0xC002001 | CHECKPOINT : 0x00000001 | WAIT_HINT : 0x00003f21 |
ServiceName - This is a pointer to a string containing the name of the service.
DisplayName - This is a pointer to a string containing the display name for the service.
ServiceStatus - This is a pointer to a SERVICE_STATUS structure from which information is to be displayed.
Return Value:
--*/ {
printf("\nSERVICE_NAME: "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n", ServiceName); if (DisplayName != NULL) { printf("DISPLAY_NAME: "FORMAT_LPTSTR"\n", DisplayName); }
printf(" TYPE : %lx ", ServiceStatus->dwServiceType);
switch(ServiceStatus->dwServiceType){ case SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS: printf("WIN32_OWN_PROCESS \n"); break; case SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS: printf("WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS \n"); break; case SERVICE_WIN32: printf("WIN32 \n"); break; case SERVICE_ADAPTER: printf("ADAPTER \n"); break; case SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER: printf("KERNEL_DRIVER \n"); break; case SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER: printf("FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER \n"); break; case SERVICE_DRIVER: printf("DRIVER \n"); break; default: printf(" ERROR \n"); }
printf(" STATE : %lx ", ServiceStatus->dwCurrentState);
switch(ServiceStatus->dwCurrentState){ case SERVICE_STOPPED: printf("STOPPED "); break; case SERVICE_START_PENDING: printf("START_PENDING "); break; case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: printf("STOP_PENDING "); break; case SERVICE_RUNNING: printf("RUNNING "); break; case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: printf("CONTINUE_PENDING "); break; case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: printf("PAUSE_PENDING "); break; case SERVICE_PAUSED: printf("PAUSED "); break; default: printf(" ERROR "); }
// Print Controls Accepted Information
if (ServiceStatus->dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP) { printf("\n (STOPPABLE,"); } else { printf("\n (NOT_STOPPABLE,"); }
if (ServiceStatus->dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE) { printf("PAUSABLE,"); } else { printf("NOT_PAUSABLE,"); }
if (ServiceStatus->dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN) { printf("ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)\n"); } else { printf("IGNORES_SHUTDOWN)\n"); }
// Print Exit Code
printf(" WIN32_EXIT_CODE : %d\t(0x%lx)\n", ServiceStatus->dwWin32ExitCode, ServiceStatus->dwWin32ExitCode); printf(" SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : %d\t(0x%lx)\n", ServiceStatus->dwServiceSpecificExitCode, ServiceStatus->dwServiceSpecificExitCode );
// Print CheckPoint & WaitHint Information
printf(" CHECKPOINT : 0x%lx\n", ServiceStatus->dwCheckPoint); printf(" WAIT_HINT : 0x%lx\n", ServiceStatus->dwWaitHint );
return; }
VOID Usage( VOID) { printf("DESCRIPTION:\n"); printf("\tEL is a command line program used for testing the eventlog \n"); printf("USAGE:\n"); printf("\tEL <ServerName> [Function] <FunctionOptions...> \n\n"); printf("\tThe option <server> has the form \"\\\\ServerName\"\n"); printf("\tFurther help on Functions can be obtained by typing: \"el [Function]\"\n"); printf("\tFunctions:\n" "\t AddReg-----------Creates a registry entry for an event source.\n" "\t DelReg-----------Deletes a registry entry.\n" "\t WriteEvent-------Writes an event.\n" "\t ReadLog----------Reads from the logfile.\n" "\t GetNumEvents-----Gets the number of events in the specified log.\n" "\t GetOldest--------Gets the record number for the oldest record" "\t in the log\n" "\t ClearLog---------Clears the specified Log.\n" "\t Backup-----------Copies the specified log to a new file.\n" "\t RegisterSource---Registers a name for the event source.\n" "\t The handle is stored internally.\n" "\t DeRegisterSource-Closes handle opened with RegSource.\n" "\t NotifyChange-----A thread is created which gets notified of EL changes.\n");
printf("\n"); }
VOID AddRegUsage(VOID) {
printf("\nAdds a subkey under one of the logfiles listed in the registry.\n"); printf("SYNTAX: \n eltest addreg <ServerName> logfile <SubKeyName> <option1> <option2>...\n"); printf("ADDREG OPTIONS:\n"); printf("NOTE: The option name includes the equal sign.\n");
printf(" MsgFile= Name of Event Message File\n" " CatFile= Name of Category Message File\n" " ParamFile= Name of Parameter Message File\n" " CatCount= Category Count\n" " Type= <error|warning|information|AuditSuccess|AuditFailure|All>\n"); printf("EXAMPLE:\n eltest addreg application myapp MsgFile= MyMsgs.dll" " Type= error Type= warning\n");
VOID ConfigUsage(VOID) { printf("Modifies a service entry in the registry and Service Database.\n"); printf("SYNTAX: \nsc config <service> <option1> <option2>...\n"); printf("CONFIG OPTIONS:\n"); printf("NOTE: The option name includes the equal sign.\n" " type= <own|share|kernel|filesys|rec|adapt|error>\n" " start= <boot|system|auto|demand|disabled|error>\n" " error= <normal|severe|critical|error|ignore>\n" " binPath= <BinaryPathName>\n" " group= <LoadOrderGroup>\n" " tag= <yes|no>\n" " depend= <Dependencies(space seperated)>\n" " obj= <AccountName|ObjectName>\n" " DisplayName= <display name>\n" " password= <password> \n"); } VOID CreateUsage(VOID) { printf("Creates a service entry in the registry and Service Database.\n"); printf("SYNTAX: \nsc create <service> <option1> <option2>...\n"); printf("CREATE OPTIONS:\n"); printf("NOTE: The option name includes the equal sign.\n" " type= <own|share|kernel|filesys|rec|error>\n" " start= <boot|system|auto|demand|disabled|error>\n" " error= <normal|severe|critical|error|ignore>\n" " binPath= <BinaryPathName>\n" " group= <LoadOrderGroup>\n" " tag= <yes|no>\n" " depend= <Dependencies(space seperated)>\n" " obj= <AccountName|ObjectName>\n" " DisplayName= <display name>\n" " password= <password> \n"); }
VOID ReadLogUsage(VOID) {
printf("\nReads a logfile and dumps the contents.\n"); printf("SYNTAX: \n eltest readlog <ServerName> logfile <option1> <option2>...\n"); printf("READLOG OPTIONS:\n"); printf("NOTE: The option name includes the equal sign.\n");
printf(" ReadFlag= <fwd|back|seek|seq> (default = fwd) \n" " RecordNum= record number where read should start (default=0)\n" " BufSize= size of the buffer (default = 10000)\n"); printf("EXAMPLE:\n eltest addreg application myapp MsgFile= MyMsgs.dll" " Type= error Type= warning\n"); }
DWORD AddSourceToRegistry( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR LogName, IN LPTSTR EventSourceName, IN LPTSTR *argv, IN DWORD argc )
Routine Description:
This function writes to the registry all the information to register this application as an event source.
Return Value:
LPTSTR EventMessageFile=NULL; LPTSTR CategoryMessageFile=NULL; LPTSTR ParameterMessageFile=NULL; DWORD dwTypes=0; DWORD dwCategoryCount=0; DWORD i;
// Look at the LogName, and generate the appropriate registry key
// path for that log.
if (STRICMP(LogName, ApplLogName) == 0) { STRCPY(tempName, ApplLogRegName); } else if (STRICMP(LogName, SysLogName) == 0) { STRCPY(tempName, SysLogRegName); } else if (STRICMP(LogName, SecLogName) == 0) { STRCPY(tempName, SecLogRegName); } else { printf("AddSourceToRegistry: Invalid LogName\n"); return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } STRCAT(tempName, EventSourceName);
// Get Variable Arguments
for (i=0; i<argc ;i++ ) { if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("EventMsgFile=")) == 0) { EventMessageFile = argv[i+1]; i++; } if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("CategoryMsgFile=")) == 0) { CategoryMessageFile = argv[i+1]; i++; } if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("ParameterMsgFile=")) == 0) { ParameterMessageFile = argv[i+1]; i++; } if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("Type=")) == 0) { //--------------------------------------------------------
// We want to allow for several arguments of type= in the
// same line. These should cause the different arguments
// to be or'd together.
if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("error")) == 0) { dwTypes |= EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("warning")) == 0) { dwTypes |= EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("information")) == 0) { dwTypes |= EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("AuditSuccess")) == 0) { dwTypes |= EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("AuditFailure")) == 0) { dwTypes |= EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("All")) == 0) { dwTypes |= (EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE | EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE | EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE | EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS | EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE); } else { printf("Invalid Type\n"); AddRegUsage(); return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } i++; } if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("CategoryCount=")) == 0) { dwCategoryCount = ATOL(argv[i+1]); i++; }
// Connect to the registry on the correct machine.
printf("Connect to Registry\n"); dwStatus = RegConnectRegistry(ServerName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hRegistry); if (dwStatus != NO_ERROR) { printf("RegConnectRegistry Failed %d\n",GetLastError()); return(dwStatus); }
// Create the new key for this source
printf("Create Key\n"); dwStatus = RegCreateKey(hRegistry, tempName, &hKey); if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Couldn't create Source Key in registry %d\n",dwStatus); return(dwStatus); } if (EventMessageFile != NULL) { printf("Set EventMessageFile\n"); dwStatus = RegSetValueEx( hKey, VALUE_EVENT_MF, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)EventMessageFile, STRLEN(EventMessageFile) + sizeof(TCHAR));
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("RegSetValue (messageFile) failed %d\n",GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; } } //
// Set the Category Message File
if (CategoryMessageFile != NULL) { printf("Set Category Message File\n"); dwStatus = RegSetValueEx( hKey, VALUE_CATEGORY_MF, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)CategoryMessageFile, STRLEN(CategoryMessageFile) + sizeof(TCHAR));
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("RegSetValue (category mf) failed %d\n",GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; } }
// Set the Parameter Message File
if (ParameterMessageFile != NULL) { printf("Set Parameter Message File\n"); dwStatus = RegSetValueEx( hKey, VALUE_PARAMETER_MF, 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (LPBYTE)ParameterMessageFile, STRLEN(ParameterMessageFile) + sizeof(TCHAR));
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("RegSetValue (Parameter mf) failed %d\n",GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; } }
// Set the Types Supported
if (dwTypes != 0) { printf("Set Types Supported\n"); dwStatus = RegSetValueEx( hKey, VALUE_TYPES_SUPPORTED, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwTypes, sizeof(DWORD));
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("RegSetValue (TypesSupported) failed %d\n",GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; }
// Set the Category Count
if (dwCategoryCount != 0) { printf("Set CategoryCount\n"); dwStatus = RegSetValueEx( hKey, VALUE_CATEGORY_COUNT, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwCategoryCount, sizeof(DWORD));
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("RegSetValue (CategoryCount) failed %d\n",GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; } } dwStatus = NO_ERROR; CleanExit: RegCloseKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hRegistry); return(dwStatus); }
DWORD DelSourceInRegistry( IN LPTSTR ServerName, IN LPTSTR LogName, IN LPTSTR EventSourceName )
Routine Description:
This function writes to the registry all the information to register this application as an event source.
Return Value:
--*/ { LPTSTR tempName; HKEY hParentKey; BOOL status=FALSE; DWORD dwStatus; HKEY hRegistry=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
// Look at the LogName, and generate the appropriate registry key
// path for that log.
if (STRICMP(LogName, ApplLogName) == 0) { tempName = ApplLogRegName; } else if (STRICMP(LogName, SysLogName) == 0) { tempName = SysLogRegName; } else if (STRICMP(LogName, SecLogName) == 0) { tempName = SecLogRegName; } else { printf("AddSourceToRegistry: Invalid LogName\n"); return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// Connect to the registry on the correct machine.
dwStatus = RegConnectRegistry(ServerName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &hRegistry); if (dwStatus != NO_ERROR) { printf("RegConnectRegistry Failed %d\n",GetLastError()); return(status); }
// Open the Parent Key of the key we want to delete.
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyEx( hRegistry, tempName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hParentKey);
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Couldn't open Parent of key to be deleted. %d\n",dwStatus); goto CleanExit; } //
// Delete the subkey.
dwStatus = RegDeleteKey(hParentKey, EventSourceName); if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Couldn't delete "FORMAT_LPTSTR" key from registry %d\n", EventSourceName, dwStatus); }
RegCloseKey(hParentKey); CleanExit: RegCloseKey(hRegistry); return(status); }
DWORD ReadLogFile( LPTSTR ServerName, LPTSTR LogName, IN LPTSTR *argv, IN DWORD argc )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwReadFlag = EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ; DWORD dwRecordNum = 0; DWORD BufSize = 10000; DWORD numBytesRead; DWORD numBytesReqd; LPVOID pElBuffer = NULL; PEVENTLOGRECORD pElRecord; BOOL PrintTheHeader; DWORD i; HANDLE hEventLog=NULL;
// Get Variable Arguments
for (i=0; i<argc ;i++ ) { if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("ReadFlag=")) == 0) { if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("fwd")) == 0) { dwReadFlag |= EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("back")) == 0) { dwReadFlag |= EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("seek")) == 0) { dwReadFlag |= EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ; } if (STRICMP(argv[i+1],TEXT("seq")) == 0) { dwReadFlag |= EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ; } i++; } if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("RecordNum=")) == 0) { dwRecordNum = ATOL(argv[i+1]); i++; } if (STRICMP(argv[i], TEXT("BufSize=")) == 0) { BufSize = ATOL(argv[i+1]); i++; } hEventLog = OpenEventLog(ServerName,LogName); if (hEventLog == NULL) { printf("OpenEventLog failed %d\n",GetLastError()); return(0); } pElBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, BufSize); if (pElBuffer == NULL) { printf("ReadLogFile: LocalAlloc Failed %d\n",GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; }
// Read and Display the contents of the eventlog
PrintTheHeader = TRUE; TryAgain: while(ReadEventLog( hEventLog, dwReadFlag, dwRecordNum, pElBuffer, BufSize, &numBytesRead, &numBytesReqd)) {
pElRecord = (PEVENTLOGRECORD) pElBuffer; while ((PBYTE) pElRecord < (PBYTE) pElBuffer + numBytesRead) { //
// Print the record to the display
DisplayRecord(pElRecord,PrintTheHeader); PrintTheHeader = FALSE; //
// Move to the next event in the buffer
pElRecord = (PEVENTLOGRECORD)((PBYTE) pElRecord + pElRecord->Length); } } switch(GetLastError()) { case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: //
// Increase the size of the buffer and try again
if (numBytesReqd > BufSize) { LocalFree(pElBuffer); BufSize = numBytesReqd; pElBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, BufSize); if (!pElBuffer) { printf("ReadLogFile: LocalAlloc Failed %d\n",GetLastError()); } goto TryAgain; } else { printf("ReadLogFile #1: THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN\n"); } break; case ERROR_EVENTLOG_FILE_CHANGED: //
// The current read position for this handle has been overwritten.
// Reopen the file and print a message to the effect that some
// records may have been missed.
printf("ReadLogFile: Current Read position has been overwritten\n");
hEventLog = OpenEventLog(ServerName,LogName); if (hEventLog == NULL) { printf("OpenEventLog failed %d\n",GetLastError()); goto CleanExit; } goto TryAgain; case ERROR_HANDLE_EOF: printf("EOF\n"); break; default: printf("UnknownError: %d\n",GetLastError()); break; } } CleanExit: if (pElBuffer != NULL) { LocalFree(pElBuffer); } if (hEventLog != NULL) { CloseEventLog(hEventLog); } return(0); }
VOID DisplayRecord( PEVENTLOGRECORD pElRecord, BOOL PrintTheHeader )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { if (PrintTheHeader) { printf("RecNum/tTimeGen/tWriteTime/tEventID/tType/tNumStr/tCat/n"); } printf("%d/t%d/t%d/t%d/t%d/t%d/t%d\n", pElRecord->RecordNumber, pElRecord->TimeGenerated, pElRecord->TimeWritten, pElRecord->EventID, pElRecord->EventType, pElRecord->NumStrings, pElRecord->EventCategory); }
LONG wtol( IN LPWSTR string ) { LONG value = 0;
while((*string != L'\0') && (*string >= L'0') && ( *string <= L'9')) { value = value * 10 + (*string - L'0'); string++; }
return(value); }