� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Cartridge Node Implementation.
Rohde Wakefield [rohde] 07-Aug-97
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Ca.h"
#include "PrCar.h"
int CUiCar::m_nResultIcon = AddResultImage( IDI_NODETAPE ); int CUiCar::m_nResultIconX = AddResultImage( IDI_NODETAPEX ); int CUiCar::m_nResultIconD = AddResultImage( IDI_NODETAPED ); // Not used
int CUiCar::m_nScopeCloseIcon = AddScopeImage( IDI_NODETAPE ); int CUiCar::m_nScopeCloseIconX = AddScopeImage( IDI_NODETAPE ); int CUiCar::m_nScopeOpenIcon = CUiCar::m_nScopeCloseIcon; int CUiCar::m_nScopeOpenIconX = CUiCar::m_nScopeCloseIconX;
// CoComObjectRoot
// FinalConstruct
// Initialize this level of the object hierarchy
HRESULT CUiCar::FinalConstruct( ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::FinalConstruct", L"" );
m_rTypeGuid = &cGuidCar; m_bIsContainer = FALSE;
HRESULT hr = CSakNode::FinalConstruct( );
m_bSupportsPropertiesSingle = TRUE; m_bSupportsPropertiesMulti = TRUE; m_bSupportsDeleteSingle = FALSE; m_bSupportsDeleteMulti = FALSE; m_bSupportsRefreshSingle = TRUE; m_bSupportsRefreshMulti = FALSE;
// Toolbar values
INT i = 0;
#if 0 // MS does not want this button to show
m_ToolbarButtons[i].nBitmap = 0; m_ToolbarButtons[i].idCommand = TB_CMD_CAR_COPIES; m_ToolbarButtons[i].idButtonText = IDS_TB_TEXT_CAR_COPIES; m_ToolbarButtons[i].idTooltipText = IDS_TB_TIP_CAR_COPIES; i++; #endif
m_ToolbarBitmap = IDB_TOOLBAR_CAR; m_cToolbarButtons = i;
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::FinalConstruct", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
// FinalRelease
// Clean up this level of the object hierarchy
void CUiCar::FinalRelease( ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::FinalRelease", L"" );
CSakNode::FinalRelease( );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::FinalRelease", L"" ); }
// ISakNode
// GetContextMenu
// Return an HMENU to be used for context menus on this node.
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::GetContextMenu( BOOL /*bMultiSelect*/, HMENU* phMenu ) { return( LoadContextMenu( IDR_CAR, phMenu ) ); }
// InvokeCommand
// User has selected a command from the menu. Process it here.
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::InvokeCommand( SHORT sCmd, IDataObject* pDataObject ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::InvokeCommand", L"sCmd = <%d>", sCmd );
CString theString; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch (sCmd) { case ID_CAR_COPIES: ShowCarProperties( pDataObject, 1 ); break; }
#if 0
switch (sCmd) { case ID_CAR_ROOT_DELCARTRIDGE: theString.Format (L"Del Cartridge menu command for Car: %d", sCmd); AfxMessageBox(theString); break; default: theString.Format (L"Unknown menu command for Car: %d", sCmd); AfxMessageBox(theString); break; } #endif
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::InvokeCommand", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CUiCar::OnToolbarButtonClick( IDataObject *pDataObject, long cmdId ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::OnToolbarButtonClick", L"cmdId = <%d>", cmdId ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { switch ( cmdId ) { case TB_CMD_CAR_COPIES: ShowCarProperties( pDataObject, 1 ); break; } } WsbCatch( hr ); WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::OnToolbarButtonClick", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return hr; }
HRESULT CUiCar::ShowCarProperties (IDataObject *pDataObject, int initialPage) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::ShowCarProperties", L"initialPage = <%d>", initialPage );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
CComPtr<ISakNode> pSakNode; WsbAffirmHr( _InternalQueryInterface( IID_ISakNode, (void **) &pSakNode ) ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pSakSnapAsk->ShowPropertySheet( pSakNode, pDataObject, initialPage ) );
} WsbCatch (hr);
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::ShowCarProperties", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return hr; }
// InitNode
// Initialize single COM object.
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::InitNode( ISakSnapAsk* pSakSnapAsk, IUnknown* pHsmObj, ISakNode* pParent ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::InitNode", L"pSakSnapAsk = <0x%p>, pHsmObj = <0x%p>, pParent = <0x%p>", pSakSnapAsk, pHsmObj, pParent ); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
// Note that this node must have it's objectId set before initnode is called.
// Init the lower layers.
WsbAffirmHr( CSakNode::InitNode( pSakSnapAsk, 0, pParent ) );
// Set Display Type
CString tempString; tempString.LoadString( IDS_CAR_TYPE ); WsbAffirmHr( put_Type( (OLECHAR *)(LPCWSTR)tempString ) );
WsbAffirmHr( RefreshObject() );
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::InitNode", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::RefreshObject() { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::RefreshObject", L"" ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
CMediaInfoObject mio; try {
CComPtr<IHsmServer> pHsmServer; WsbAffirmHrOk( m_pSakSnapAsk->GetHsmServer( &pHsmServer ) );
CComPtr<IRmsServer> pRmsServer; WsbAffirmHrOk( m_pSakSnapAsk->GetRmsServer( &pRmsServer ) );
// Create a GUI media object and initialize it with the info
WsbAffirmHr( mio.Initialize( m_ObjectId, pHsmServer, pRmsServer ) );
// Copy information from the media info object to the node object
m_RmsIdMaster = mio.m_RmsIdMaster; m_Type = mio.m_Type; m_FreeSpace = mio.m_FreeSpace, m_Capacity = mio.m_Capacity; m_LastHr = mio.m_LastHr; m_ReadOnly = mio.m_ReadOnly; m_Recreating = mio.m_Recreating; m_MasterName = mio.m_MasterName; m_Modify = mio.m_Modify; m_NextDataSet = mio.m_NextDataSet; m_LastGoodNextDataSet = mio.m_LastGoodNextDataSet; m_Disabled = mio.m_Disabled;
WsbAffirmHr( put_Description( (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)mio.m_MasterDescription ) ); WsbAffirmHr( put_DisplayName( (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)mio.m_Description ) );
// Update the media copy info
for( int i = 0; i < HSMADMIN_MAX_COPY_SETS; i++ ) {
m_CopyInfo[i] = mio.m_CopyInfo[i];
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::RefreshObject", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CUiCar::GetCopySetP( IN int CopySet, OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the state of the given copy set.
CopySet - copy set of interest.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::GetCopySetP", L"CopySet = <%d>, pszValue = <0x%p>", CopySet, pszValue );
// Three states - Up-to-date, Out-of-date, Error
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { USHORT status; CString statusString;
status = RsGetCopyStatus( m_CopyInfo[ CopySet - 1 ].m_RmsId, m_CopyInfo[ CopySet - 1 ].m_Hr, m_CopyInfo[ CopySet - 1 ].m_NextDataSet, m_LastGoodNextDataSet ); WsbAffirmHr( RsGetCopyStatusString( status, statusString ) );
*pszValue = SysAllocString( statusString ); WsbAffirmPointer( *pszValue );
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::GetCopySetP", L"hr = <%ls>, pszValue = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ), WsbPtrToStringAsString( pszValue ) ); return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CopySet1P_SortKey( OUT BSTR * pszValue ) { return( get_CopySet1P( pszValue ) ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CopySet2P_SortKey( OUT BSTR * pszValue ) { return( get_CopySet2P( pszValue ) ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CopySet3P_SortKey( OUT BSTR * pszValue ) { return( get_CopySet3P( pszValue ) ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CopySet1P( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the state of the first copy set.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ return( GetCopySetP( 1, pszValue ) ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CopySet2P( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the state of the second copy set.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ return( GetCopySetP( 2, pszValue ) ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CopySet3P( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the state of the third copy set.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ return( GetCopySetP( 3, pszValue ) ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_MediaTypeP( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the type of media.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { CString retval; int resourceId = IDS_MEDTYPE_UNKNOWN;
switch( m_Type ) { case HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_FIXED_MAG: resourceId = IDS_MEDTYPE_FIXED; break;
case HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE_TAPE: resourceId = IDS_MEDTYPE_TAPE; break; }
retval.LoadString( resourceId ); *pszValue = SysAllocString( retval ); WsbAffirmPointer( *pszValue );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CapacityP( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the capacity of the cartridge.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { CString retval; WsbAffirmHr( RsGuiFormatLongLong4Char( m_Capacity, retval ) );
*pszValue = SysAllocString( retval ); WsbAffirmPointer( *pszValue );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_CapacityP_SortKey( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the capacity of the cartridge.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { *pszValue = SysAlloc64BitSortKey( m_Capacity ); WsbAffirmPointer( *pszValue );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_FreeSpaceP( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the free space on the cartridge.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { CString retval; WsbAffirmHr( RsGuiFormatLongLong4Char( m_FreeSpace, retval ) );
*pszValue = SysAllocString( retval ); WsbAffirmPointer( *pszValue );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_FreeSpaceP_SortKey( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the free space on the cartridge.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { *pszValue = SysAlloc64BitSortKey( m_FreeSpace ); WsbAffirmPointer( *pszValue );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_StatusP( OUT BSTR * pszValue )
Routine Description:
Returns a string (BSTR) that describes the state of the media.
pszValue - return string representing the state.
Return Value:
S_OK - Handled.
E_UNEXPECTED - Some error occurred.
{ AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { USHORT status; CString statusString; status = RsGetCartStatus( m_LastHr, m_ReadOnly, m_Recreating, m_NextDataSet, m_LastGoodNextDataSet ); WsbAffirmHr( RsGetCartStatusString( status, statusString ) );
*pszValue = SysAllocString( statusString ); WsbAffirmPointer( *pszValue );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::get_StatusP_SortKey( OUT BSTR * pszValue ) { return( get_StatusP( pszValue ) ); }
// AddPropertyPages
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::AddPropertyPages( IN RS_NOTIFY_HANDLE handle, IN IUnknown* pUnkPropSheetCallback, IN IEnumGUID* pEnumObjectId, IN IEnumUnknown* pEnumUnkNode ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::AddPropertyPages", L"" );
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
// Make sure we can still contact the engine before doing this
// If not running, we shouldn't even exist so update parent
CComPtr<IHsmServer> pHsmServer; HRESULT hrRunning = m_pSakSnapAsk->GetHsmServer( &pHsmServer ); if( S_FALSE == hrRunning ) {
m_pSakSnapAsk->UpdateAllViews( m_pParent );
} WsbAffirmHrOk( hrRunning );
// Create an object to hold the pages
CUiCarSheet *pCarPropertySheet = new CUiCarSheet; WsbAffirmAlloc( pCarPropertySheet ); WsbAffirmHr( pCarPropertySheet->InitSheet( handle, pUnkPropSheetCallback, (CSakNode *) this, m_pSakSnapAsk, pEnumObjectId, pEnumUnkNode ) );
// Tell the object to add it's pages
WsbAffirmHr( pCarPropertySheet->AddPropertyPages( ) );
} WsbCatch ( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::AddPropertyPages", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return ( hr ); }
STDMETHODIMP CUiCar::GetResultIcon( IN BOOL bOK, OUT int* pIconIndex ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCar::GetResultIcon", L"" );
try {
if( m_Disabled ) {
*pIconIndex = m_nResultIconD;
} else {
// Check to make sure it's not deleted (or being deleted)
// If so, put on the X
USHORT status; status = RsGetCartStatus( m_LastHr, m_ReadOnly, m_Recreating, m_NextDataSet, m_LastGoodNextDataSet ); switch( status ) { case RS_MEDIA_STATUS_ERROR_MISSING: bOK = FALSE; break;
} WsbAffirmHr( CSakNodeImpl<CUiCar>::GetResultIcon( bOK, pIconIndex ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCar::GetResultIcon", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
// Class CUiCarSheet
HRESULT CUiCarSheet::InitSheet( RS_NOTIFY_HANDLE handle, IUnknown* pUnkPropSheetCallback, CSakNode* pSakNode, ISakSnapAsk* pSakSnapAsk, IEnumGUID* pEnumObjectId, IEnumUnknown* pEnumUnkNode ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCarSheet::InitSheet", L"handle <0x%p>, pUnkPropSheetCallback <0x%p>, pSakNode <0x%p>, pSakSnapAsk <0x%p>, pEnumObjectId <0x%p>, pEnumUnkNode <0x%p>", handle, pUnkPropSheetCallback, pSakNode, pSakSnapAsk, pEnumObjectId, pEnumUnkNode);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
WsbAffirmHr( CSakPropertySheet::InitSheet( handle, pUnkPropSheetCallback, pSakNode, pSakSnapAsk, pEnumObjectId, pEnumUnkNode ) );
m_pPropPageStatus = NULL; m_pPropPageCopies = NULL; m_pPropPageRecover = NULL;
// Save the object id (used in single select)
WsbAffirmHr( pSakNode->GetObjectId ( & m_mediaId ) );
// Get the Hsm Server
CComPtr <IHsmServer> pHsmServer; WsbAffirmHrOk( pSakSnapAsk->GetHsmServer( &pHsmServer ) );
// Get Number of Media Copies from engine and save
CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pPool; WsbAffirmHr( RsGetStoragePool( pHsmServer, &pPool ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pPool->GetNumMediaCopies( &m_pNumMediaCopies ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCarSheet::InitSheet", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CUiCarSheet::GetNumMediaCopies (USHORT *pNumMediaCopies) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCarSheet::GetNumMediaCopies", L"pNumMediaCopies = <0x%p>", pNumMediaCopies); *pNumMediaCopies = m_pNumMediaCopies; WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCarSheet::GetNumMediaCopies", L"*pNumMediaCopies = <%hu>", *pNumMediaCopies ); return( S_OK ); }
HRESULT CUiCarSheet::AddPropertyPages() { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCarSheet::AddPropertyPages", L""); HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // set the dll context so that MMC can find the resource.
// --------------------- Status Page ----------------------------------
long resourceId = ( IsMultiSelect() != S_OK ) ? IDD_PROP_CAR_STATUS : IDD_PROP_CAR_STATUS_MULTI; m_pPropPageStatus = new CPropCartStatus( resourceId ); WsbAffirmAlloc( m_pPropPageStatus );
WsbAffirmHr( AddPage( m_pPropPageStatus ) );
// --------------------- Copies Page ----------------------------------
resourceId = ( IsMultiSelect() != S_OK ) ? IDD_PROP_CAR_COPIES : IDD_PROP_CAR_COPIES_MULTI; m_pPropPageCopies = new CPropCartCopies( resourceId ); WsbAffirmAlloc( m_pPropPageCopies );
WsbAffirmHr( AddPage( m_pPropPageCopies ) );
// --------------------- Recovery Page ----------------------------------
// Only show this page for single select
if( IsMultiSelect() != S_OK ) {
m_pPropPageRecover = new CPropCartRecover(); WsbAffirmAlloc( m_pPropPageRecover );
WsbAffirmHr( AddPage( m_pPropPageRecover ) ); }
} WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCarSheet::AddPropertyPages", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) ); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CUiCarSheet::GetMediaId (GUID *pMediaId) { WsbTraceIn( L"CUiCarSheet::GetMediaId", L""); *pMediaId = m_mediaId; WsbTraceOut( L"CUiCarSheet::GetMediaId", L"*pMediaId <%ls>", WsbGuidAsString( *pMediaId )); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CUiCarSheet::OnPropertyChange( RS_NOTIFY_HANDLE hNotifyHandle ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
// Call the base class to notify MMC and refresh the result pane
CSakPropertySheet::OnPropertyChange( hNotifyHandle );
// Refresh all our pages
if( m_pPropPageStatus ) m_pPropPageStatus->Refresh(); if( m_pPropPageCopies ) m_pPropPageCopies->Refresh(); if( m_pPropPageRecover ) m_pPropPageRecover->Refresh();
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr ); }
// CMediaInfoObject
CMediaInfoObject::CMediaInfoObject( ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CMediaInfoObject::CMediaInfoObject", L""); m_MediaId = GUID_NULL; m_RmsIdMaster = GUID_NULL; m_NumMediaCopies = 0; for( int index = 0; index < HSMADMIN_MAX_COPY_SETS; index++ ) {
m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_ModifyTime = WsbLLtoFT( 0 ); m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Hr = S_OK; m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId = GUID_NULL;
} WsbTraceOut( L"CMediaInfoObject::CMediaInfoObject", L""); }
CMediaInfoObject::~CMediaInfoObject( ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CMediaInfoObject::~CMediaInfoObject", L"");
// Release the entity first
if( m_pMediaInfo ) { m_pMediaInfo = 0; }
// Close the DB
if( m_pDb ) { m_pDb->Close( m_pDbSession ); }
WsbTraceOut( L"CMediaInfoObject::~CMediaInfoObject", L""); }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::First( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
WsbAffirmPointer( m_pMediaInfo ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->First( ) );
// Get information
WsbAffirmHr( InternalGetInfo( ) );
} WsbCatch ( hr ); return( hr ); }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::Next( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { WsbAffirmPointer( m_pMediaInfo ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->Next() );
// Get information
WsbAffirmHr( InternalGetInfo() );
} WsbCatch ( hr ); return hr; } HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::DeleteCopy( int Copy ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { GUID mediaSubsystemId; WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->GetCopyMediaSubsystemId( (USHORT)Copy, &mediaSubsystemId ));
// If the cartridge cannot be found we assume it
// was already deallocated through the media manager UI.
HRESULT hrRecycle = m_pRmsServer->RecycleCartridge( mediaSubsystemId, 0 ); WsbAffirm( S_OK == hrRecycle || RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_NOT_FOUND == hrRecycle, hrRecycle );
WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->DeleteCopy( (USHORT)Copy ) ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->Write( ) ); } WsbCatch (hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::RecreateMaster( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try {
SHORT copyToUse = 0; //
// Before we do recreate master, let's make sure there
// is an up-to-date copy available
BOOL goodCopyAvailable = FALSE; USHORT status; CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pRmsCart; LONG type;
for( int index = 0; index < m_NumMediaCopies && !goodCopyAvailable; index++ ) {
status = RsGetCopyStatus( m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId, m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Hr, m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_NextDataSet, m_LastGoodNextDataSet );
// Enabled?
if( ! m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Disabled ) {
pRmsCart.Release( ); HRESULT hrFind = m_pRmsServer->FindCartridgeById( m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId, &pRmsCart ); if( SUCCEEDED( hrFind ) ) {
// Available without user intervention?
WsbAffirmHr( pRmsCart->GetLocation( &type, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
switch( (RmsElement) type ) {
case RmsElementShelf: case RmsElementOffSite: case RmsElementUnknown: break;
default: goodCopyAvailable = TRUE;
} } } } }
if( !goodCopyAvailable ) {
CRecreateChooseCopy dlg( this ); if( IDOK == dlg.DoModal( ) ) {
copyToUse = dlg.CopyToUse( );
} else {
// Otherwise, cancel
WsbThrow( E_FAIL );
WsbAffirmHr( RsCreateAndRunMediaRecreateJob( m_pHsmServer, m_pMediaInfo, m_MediaId, m_Description, copyToUse ) );
} WsbCatch ( hr ); return hr; }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::Initialize( GUID mediaId, IHsmServer *pHsmServer, IRmsServer *pRmsServer ) {
// Initialize can be called any number of times
// Note: Initialize with GUID_NULL to start with the first record
WsbTraceIn( L"CMediaInfoObject::Initialize", L"mediaId = <%ls>, pHsmServer = <0x%p>, pRmsServer = <%0x%0.8x>", WsbGuidAsString( mediaId ), pHsmServer, pRmsServer ); HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrInternal = S_OK;
try {
m_pHsmServer = pHsmServer; m_pRmsServer = pRmsServer;
// If already initialized, don't re-open
if( !m_pDb ) { WsbAffirmHr( pHsmServer->GetSegmentDb( &m_pDb ) ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pDb->Open( &m_pDbSession ) ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pDb->GetEntity( m_pDbSession, HSM_MEDIA_INFO_REC_TYPE, IID_IMediaInfo, (void**)&m_pMediaInfo ) ); }
// Get the number of media sets
CComPtr<IHsmStoragePool> pPool; WsbAffirmHr( RsGetStoragePool( m_pHsmServer, &pPool ) ); WsbAffirmHr( pPool->GetNumMediaCopies( &m_NumMediaCopies ) );
// If the caller supplied a GUID, find the corresponding record. If not, start at
// the beginning.
if( IsEqualGUID( mediaId, GUID_NULL ) ) { // Don't throw an error on First, it's OK to not have any media
try {
if( SUCCEEDED( m_pMediaInfo->First() ) ) {
WsbAffirmHr( InternalGetInfo () ); }
} WsbCatch( hrInternal ); } else {
WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->SetId( mediaId ) ); WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->FindEQ( ) );
WsbAffirmHr( InternalGetInfo () ); } } WsbCatch( hr );
WsbTraceOut( L"CMediaInfoObject::Initialize", L"hr = <%ls>", WsbHrAsString( hr ) );
return( hr ); }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::InternalGetInfo( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CWsbStringPtr name; CWsbStringPtr description; LONGLONG logicalValidBytes; GUID storagePool;
try {
// Get information about the last known good master so that we
// have a true reference whether a copy is up-to-date or not,
// and whether a recreated master is complete or not.
GUID unusedGuid1; GUID unusedGuid2; // NOTE: Use multiples so the trace in GetLastKnownGoodMasterInfo works
GUID unusedGuid3; // NOTE: Use multiples so the trace in GetLastKnownGoodMasterInfo works
LONGLONG unusedLL1; LONGLONG unusedLL2; // NOTE: Use multiples so the trace in GetLastKnownGoodMasterInfo works
BOOL unusedBool; HRESULT unusedHr; FILETIME unusedFt; HSM_JOB_MEDIA_TYPE unusedJMT;
m_Disabled = FALSE;
WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->GetLastKnownGoodMasterInfo( &unusedGuid1, &unusedGuid2, &unusedGuid3, &unusedLL1, &unusedLL2, &unusedHr, &description, 0, &unusedJMT, &name, 0, &unusedBool, &unusedFt, &m_LastGoodNextDataSet ) ); name.Free( ); description.Free( );
// Get the standard media info
WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->GetMediaInfo( &m_MediaId, &m_RmsIdMaster, &storagePool, &m_FreeSpace, &m_Capacity, &m_LastHr, &m_NextDataSet, &description, 0, &m_Type, &name, 0, &m_ReadOnly, &m_Modify, &logicalValidBytes, &m_Recreating ) );
m_Name = name; m_Description = description;
// Get info about the copy sets. Note that we grab all
// info, not just up to the number of copys set by user
USHORT index; USHORT status; for( index = 0; index < HSMADMIN_MAX_COPY_SETS; index++ ) {
description.Free( ); name.Free( );
m_CopyInfo[index].m_Disabled = FALSE;
// copy sets are 1 based.
WsbAffirmHr( m_pMediaInfo->GetCopyInfo( (USHORT)( index + 1 ), &(m_CopyInfo[index].m_RmsId), &description, 0, &name, 0, &(m_CopyInfo[index].m_ModifyTime), &(m_CopyInfo[index].m_Hr), &(m_CopyInfo[index].m_NextDataSet) ) );
status = RsGetCopyStatus( m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId, m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Hr, m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_NextDataSet, m_LastGoodNextDataSet );
if ( status != RS_MEDIA_COPY_STATUS_NONE ) {
if( m_pRmsServer ) {
// Make sure the cartridge is still available.
CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pRmsCart; HRESULT hrFind = m_pRmsServer->FindCartridgeById( m_CopyInfo[index].m_RmsId, &pRmsCart ); if( FAILED( hrFind ) ) {
// Didn't find cartridge, may have been deallocated
// Show that there is a problem and use what info we have
m_CopyInfo[index].m_Hr = hrFind;
} else {
// Is Cartridge disabled?
CComPtr<IRmsComObject> pCartCom; WsbAffirmHr( pRmsCart.QueryInterface( &pCartCom ) ); if( pCartCom->IsEnabled( ) == S_FALSE ) {
m_CopyInfo[index].m_Disabled = TRUE;
} } } } }
if( m_pRmsServer ) {
// Get the corresponding RmsCartridge object
CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pRmsCart; HRESULT hrFind = m_pRmsServer->FindCartridgeById( m_RmsIdMaster, &pRmsCart );
if( SUCCEEDED( hrFind ) ) {
// Is Cartridge disabled?
CComPtr<IRmsComObject> pCartCom; WsbAffirmHr( pRmsCart.QueryInterface( &pCartCom ) ); if( pCartCom->IsEnabled( ) == S_FALSE ) {
m_Disabled = TRUE;
// Fill out internal info
CWsbBstrPtr bstr; WsbAffirmHr( pRmsCart->GetName( &bstr ) ); if( wcscmp( bstr, L"" ) == 0 ) {
m_MasterName.Format( IDS_CAR_NAME_UNKNOWN );
} else {
m_MasterName = bstr;
bstr.Free( ); WsbAffirmHr( pRmsCart->GetDescription( &bstr ) ); m_MasterDescription = bstr;
} else {
// Didn't find cartridge, may have been deallocated
// Show that there is a problem and use what info we have
m_LastHr = hrFind;
} }
} WsbCatch( hr ); return( hr ); }
// CRecreateChooseCopy dialog
CRecreateChooseCopy::CRecreateChooseCopy(CMediaInfoObject * pMio, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CRecreateChooseCopy::IDD, pParent), m_pMio( pMio ), m_CopyToUse( 0 ) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CRecreateChooseCopy)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
void CRecreateChooseCopy::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CRecreateChooseCopy)
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CRecreateChooseCopy, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CRecreateChooseCopy)
// CRecreateChooseCopy message handlers
SHORT CRecreateChooseCopy::CopyToUse( void ) { WsbTraceIn( L"CRecreateChooseCopy::CopyToUse", L"" );
SHORT copyToUse = m_CopyToUse;
WsbTraceOut( L"CRecreateChooseCopy::CopyToUse", L"copyToUse = <%hd>", copyToUse ); return( copyToUse ); }
void CRecreateChooseCopy::OnClickList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { WsbTraceIn( L"CRecreateChooseCopy::OnClickList", L"" );
int index = pNMLV->iItem; BOOL enableOk = FALSE;
if( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < m_pMio->m_NumMediaCopies ) ) {
if( ! m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Disabled ) {
USHORT status; status = RsGetCopyStatus( m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId, m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Hr, m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_NextDataSet, m_pMio->m_LastGoodNextDataSet );
switch( status ) {
// Do not allow
enableOk = TRUE; m_CopyToUse = (USHORT)( index + 1 ); break;
} } }
GetDlgItem( IDOK )->EnableWindow( enableOk );
*pResult = 0; WsbTraceOut( L"CRecreateChooseCopy::OnClickList", L"" ); }
BOOL CRecreateChooseCopy::OnInitDialog() { WsbTraceIn( L"CRecreateChooseCopy::OnInitDialog", L"" ); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try {
// Disable the OK button until something appropriate is selected
GetDlgItem( IDOK )->EnableWindow( FALSE );
// Set the style appropriately
ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle( m_List.GetSafeHwnd( ), LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT );
// Also need to calculate some buffer space
// Use 8 dialog units (for numeral)
CRect padRect( 0, 0, 8, 8 ); MapDialogRect( padRect );
// Set up columns
CString title; int column = 0; int width, widthDateTitle, widthSum = 0;
m_ColCopy = column++; title.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_COL_COPY_WIDTH ); width = m_List.GetStringWidth( title ) + padRect.Width( ); widthSum += width; title.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_COL_COPY_TITLE ); m_List.InsertColumn( m_ColCopy, title, LVCFMT_LEFT, width );
m_ColName = column++; title.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_COL_NAME_WIDTH ); width = m_List.GetStringWidth( title ) + padRect.Width( ); widthSum += width; title.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_COL_NAME_TITLE ); m_List.InsertColumn( m_ColName, title, LVCFMT_LEFT, width );
m_ColStatus = column++; title.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_COL_STATUS_WIDTH ); width = m_List.GetStringWidth( title ) + padRect.Width( ); widthSum += width; title.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_COL_STATUS_TITLE ); m_List.InsertColumn( m_ColStatus, title, LVCFMT_LEFT, width );
m_ColDate = column++; title.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_COL_DATE_TITLE ); m_List.InsertColumn( m_ColDate, title ); widthDateTitle = m_List.GetStringWidth( title );
// Date gets what is left in width
CRect viewRect; m_List.GetClientRect( &viewRect ); m_List.SetColumnWidth( m_ColDate, max( widthDateTitle, viewRect.Width( ) - widthSum ) );
// Fill in list view
CComPtr<IRmsCartridge> pRmsCart; CWsbBstrPtr name; USHORT status; CString statusString1, statusString2; LONG type; for( int index = 0; index < m_pMio->m_NumMediaCopies; index++ ) {
title.Format( IDS_RECREATE_COPY_FORMAT, index + 1 ); m_List.InsertItem( index, title );
status = RsGetCopyStatus( m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId, m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Hr, m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_NextDataSet, m_pMio->m_LastGoodNextDataSet ); WsbAffirmHr( RsGetCopyStatusString( status, statusString1 ) );
if( RS_MEDIA_COPY_STATUS_NONE == status ) {
title = statusString1;
} else {
type = RmsElementUnknown; pRmsCart.Release( ); HRESULT hrFind = m_pMio->m_pRmsServer->FindCartridgeById( m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId, &pRmsCart );
if( SUCCEEDED( hrFind ) ) {
name.Free( ); WsbAffirmHr( pRmsCart->GetName( &name ) ); m_List.SetItemText( index, m_ColName, name );
WsbAffirmHr( pRmsCart->GetLocation( &type, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
if( m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Disabled ) {
} else {
switch( (RmsElement) type ) {
case RmsElementShelf: case RmsElementOffSite: statusString2.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_LOCATION_OFFLINE ); break;
case RmsElementUnknown: statusString2.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_LOCATION_UNKNOWN ); break;
default: statusString2.LoadString( IDS_RECREATE_LOCATION_ONLINE );
AfxFormatString2( title, IDS_RECREATE_STATUS_FORMAT, statusString1, statusString2 );
CTime time( m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_ModifyTime ); m_List.SetItemText( index, m_ColDate, time.Format( L"%c" ) );
} m_List.SetItemText( index, m_ColStatus, title );
} WsbCatch( hr ); WsbTraceOut( L"CRecreateChooseCopy::OnInitDialog", L"" ); return TRUE; }
void CRecreateChooseCopy::OnOK() { //
// Before passing on the OK, check to see if the selected copy is
// cause for one last warning before continuing i.e. out-of-date or
// errored copy
BOOL okToContinue = FALSE; int index = m_CopyToUse - 1;
if( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < m_pMio->m_NumMediaCopies ) ) {
if( ! m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Disabled ) {
USHORT status; status = RsGetCopyStatus( m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_RmsId, m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_Hr, m_pMio->m_CopyInfo[ index ].m_NextDataSet, m_pMio->m_LastGoodNextDataSet );
switch( status ) {
// Do not allow
okToContinue = TRUE; break;
CString confirm, format; format.LoadString( IDS_CONFIRM_MEDIA_RECREATE ); LPCWSTR description = m_pMio->m_Description; AfxFormatStrings( confirm, format, &description, 1 );
if( IDYES == AfxMessageBox( confirm, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) ) {
okToContinue = TRUE;
} } break;
} } }
if( okToContinue ) {
} }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::DoesMasterExist( ) { return( ( GUID_NULL != m_MediaId ) && ( RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_NOT_FOUND != m_LastHr ) ? S_OK : S_FALSE ); } HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::DoesCopyExist(INT Copy) { return( ( GUID_NULL != m_CopyInfo[Copy].m_RmsId ) && ( RMS_E_CARTRIDGE_NOT_FOUND != m_CopyInfo[Copy].m_Hr ) ? S_OK : S_FALSE ); }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::IsCopyInSync(INT Copy) { if( RS_MEDIA_COPY_STATUS_INSYNC == RsGetCopyStatus( m_CopyInfo[Copy].m_RmsId, S_OK, // ignore errors in copy
m_CopyInfo[Copy].m_NextDataSet, m_LastGoodNextDataSet ) ) {
return S_OK;
return( S_FALSE ); }
HRESULT CMediaInfoObject::IsViewable( BOOL ConsiderInactiveCopies ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
if( S_OK == DoesMasterExist( ) ) {
hr = S_OK;
} else {
// Look to see if any of the copies exist
INT lastCopy = ConsiderInactiveCopies ? HSMADMIN_MAX_COPY_SETS : m_NumMediaCopies;
for( INT index = 0; index < lastCopy; index++ ) {
if( S_OK == DoesCopyExist( index ) ) {
hr = S_OK; break;
} } }
return( hr ); }