� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Abstract classes that provides persistence methods.
Chuck Bardeen [cbardeen] 29-Oct-1996
Revision History:
#ifndef _WSBPSTBL_
#define _WSBPSTBL_
#include "wsbpstrg.h"
// The name of the stream that is created when objects are persisted
// to structured storage files.
// The size of the overhead associated with persisting an object.
// Times used for autosave functionality
#define DEFAULT_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL (5 * 60 * 1000) // 5 minutes
#define MAX_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // 24 hours
// Macros to help determine how much space is needed to persist an
// object or a portion of an object.
#define WsbPersistSize(a) (WSB_PERSIST_BASE_SIZE + a)
#define WsbPersistSizeOf(a) (WsbPersistSize(sizeof(a)))
Enumeration Name: WSB_PERSIST_STATE
An enumeration that indicates the state of the persistance object. The states actually used depend on the type of persistance which is used.
--*/ typedef enum { WSB_PERSIST_STATE_UNINIT = 0, // Uninitialized
WSB_PERSIST_STATE_NORMAL = 1, // Normal state
WSB_PERSIST_STATE_NOSCRIBBLE = 2, // No scribble state
WSB_PERSIST_STATE_RELEASED = 3 // File was released
Class Name: CWsbPersistStream
Class Description:
An object persistable to/from a stream.
This is really an abstract class, but is constructable so that other class can delegate to it.
class WSB_EXPORT CWsbPersistStream : public CComObjectRoot, public IPersistStream, public IWsbPersistStream { BEGIN_COM_MAP(CWsbPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersist) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbPersistStream) END_COM_MAP()
// CComObjectRoot
public: STDMETHOD(FinalConstruct)(void); void FinalRelease(void);
#if defined(WSB_TRACK_MEMORY)
ULONG InternalAddRef( ); ULONG InternalRelease( ); #endif
// IPersistStream
public: STDMETHOD(IsDirty)(void);
// IWsbPersistStream
public: STDMETHOD(SetIsDirty)(BOOL bIsDirty);
protected: BOOL m_isDirty; };
Class Name: CWsbPersistable
Class Description:
A object persistable to/from a stream, storage, or file.
This is really an abstract class, but is constructable so that other class can delegate to it. CWsbPersistStream should be used instead of this class unless storage and/or file persistence is absolutely necessary! If the object is persisted as part of a parent object, then only the parent object (or its parent) needs to support persistence to storage and/or file.
class WSB_EXPORT CWsbPersistable : public CWsbPersistStream, public IPersistFile, public IWsbPersistable { BEGIN_COM_MAP(CWsbPersistable) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IPersist, CWsbPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IPersistStream, CWsbPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IWsbPersistStream, CWsbPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersistFile) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbPersistable) END_COM_MAP()
// CComObjectRoot
public: STDMETHOD(FinalConstruct)(void); void FinalRelease(void);
// IPersistFile
public: STDMETHOD(GetCurFile)(LPOLESTR* pszFileName); STDMETHOD(Load)(LPCOLESTR pszFileName, DWORD dwMode); STDMETHOD(Save)(LPCOLESTR pszFileName, BOOL bRemember); STDMETHOD(SaveCompleted)(LPCOLESTR pszFileName);
// IWsbPersistStream
STDMETHOD(IsDirty)(void) { return(CWsbPersistStream::IsDirty()); } STDMETHOD(SetIsDirty)(BOOL bIsDirty) { return(CWsbPersistStream::SetIsDirty(bIsDirty)); }
// IWsbPersistable
public: STDMETHOD(GetDefaultFileName)(LPOLESTR* pszFileName, ULONG ulBufferSize); STDMETHOD(ReleaseFile)(void); STDMETHOD(SetDefaultFileName)(LPOLESTR pszFileName);
protected: WSB_PERSIST_STATE m_persistState; CWsbStringPtr m_persistFileName; CWsbStringPtr m_persistDefaultName; CComPtr<IStorage> m_persistStorage; CComPtr<IStream> m_persistStream; };
// Persistence Helper Functions
extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, BOOL* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, GUID* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, LONG* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, SHORT* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, BYTE* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, UCHAR* pValue, ULONG bufferSize); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, OLECHAR** pValue, ULONG bufferSize); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, ULONG* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, USHORT* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, LONGLONG* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, ULONGLONG* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, DATE* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, FILETIME* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbLoadFromStream(IStream* pStream, ULARGE_INTEGER* pValue);
extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, BOOL value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, GUID value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, LONG value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, SHORT value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, BYTE value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, UCHAR* value, ULONG bufferSize); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, OLECHAR* value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, ULONG value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, USHORT value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, LONGLONG value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, ULONGLONG value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, DATE value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, FILETIME value); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSaveToStream(IStream* pStream, ULARGE_INTEGER value);
extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbBstrFromStream(IStream* pStream, BSTR* pValue); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbBstrToStream(IStream* pStream, BSTR value);
extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbPrintfToStream(IStream* pStream, OLECHAR* fmtString, ...); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbStreamToFile(HANDLE hFile, IStream* pStream, BOOL AddCR);
extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSafeCreate(OLECHAR *, IPersistFile* pIPFile); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSafeLoad(OLECHAR *, IPersistFile* pIPFile, BOOL UseBackup); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbSafeSave(IPersistFile* pIPFile); extern WSB_EXPORT HRESULT WsbMakeBackupName(OLECHAR* pSaveName, OLECHAR* pExtension, OLECHAR** ppBackupName);
#endif // _WSBPSTBL_