� 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Module Name:
Declaration of the CRmsCartridge class
Brian Dodd [brian] 15-Nov-1996
Revision History:
#ifndef _RMSCARTG_
#define _RMSCARTG_
#include "resource.h" // resource symbols
#include "RmsSInfo.h" // CRmsStorageInfo
#include "RmsLocat.h" // CRmsLocator
Class Name:
Class Description:
A CRmsCartridge represents a unit of removalble media. This can be a tape cartridge, removable hard disk, optical platter (of various formats), Compact Disk, or DVD Optical Disc. A Cartridge is normally designated as either scratch or private. The Cartrige name or GUID is used by an application when referencing a particular unit of removable media.
Cartridge information is maintained by the Removable Media Service, and the Cartriges's properties are recreated or updated by auditing the contents of the Library.
class CRmsCartridge : public CComDualImpl<IRmsCartridge, &IID_IRmsCartridge, &LIBID_RMSLib>, public CRmsStorageInfo, // inherits CRmsComObject
public CWsbObject, // inherits CComObjectRoot
public CComCoClass<CRmsCartridge,&CLSID_CRmsCartridge> { public: CRmsCartridge() {} BEGIN_COM_MAP(CRmsCartridge) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, IRmsCartridge) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IRmsCartridge) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IRmsComObject) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IRmsStorageInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IPersist, IPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbCollectable) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbPersistStream) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IWsbTestable) END_COM_MAP()
// CComObjectRoot
public: STDMETHOD(FinalConstruct)(void); STDMETHOD(FinalRelease)(void);
// IPersist
public: STDMETHOD(GetClassID)(CLSID *pClsid);
// IPersistStream
public: STDMETHOD(GetSizeMax)(ULARGE_INTEGER* pSize); STDMETHOD(Load)(IStream* pStream); STDMETHOD(Save)(IStream* pStream, BOOL clearDirty);
// IWsbCollectable
public: STDMETHOD(CompareTo)( IN IUnknown *pCollectable, OUT SHORT *pResult); WSB_FROM_CWSBOBJECT;
// IWsbTestable
public: STDMETHOD(Test)(USHORT *pPassed, USHORT *pFailed);
// IRmsCartridge
public: STDMETHOD(GetCartridgeId)(GUID *pCartId); STDMETHOD(SetCartridgeId)(GUID cartId);
STDMETHOD(GetMediaSetId)(GUID *pMediaSetId); STDMETHOD(SetMediaSetId)(GUID mediaSetId);
STDMETHOD(GetName)(BSTR *pName); STDMETHOD(SetName)(BSTR name);
STDMETHOD(GetDescription)(BSTR *pDescription); STDMETHOD(SetDescription)(BSTR description);
STDMETHOD(GetTagAndNumber)(BSTR *pTag, LONG *pNumber); STDMETHOD(SetTagAndNumber)(BSTR tag, LONG number);
STDMETHOD(GetBarcode)(BSTR *pBarcode); // Same as Tag
// OnMediaIdentifier is used by DataMover
STDMETHOD(GetOnMediaIdentifier)(BYTE *pIdentifier, LONG *pSize, LONG *pType); STDMETHOD(SetOnMediaIdentifier)(BYTE *pIdentifier, LONG size, LONG type);
// OnMediaLabel is used by DataMover
STDMETHOD(GetOnMediaLabel)(BSTR *pLabel); STDMETHOD(SetOnMediaLabel)(BSTR label);
STDMETHOD(GetStatus)(LONG *pStatus); STDMETHOD(SetStatus)(LONG status);
STDMETHOD(GetType)(LONG *pType); STDMETHOD(SetType)(LONG type);
STDMETHOD(GetBlockSize)(LONG *pBlockSize); STDMETHOD(SetBlockSize)(LONG blockSize);
STDMETHOD(IsTwoSided)(void); STDMETHOD(SetIsTwoSided)(BOOL flag);
STDMETHOD(IsMounted)(void); STDMETHOD(SetIsMounted)(BOOL flag);
STDMETHOD(IsAvailable)(void); STDMETHOD(SetIsAvailable)(BOOL flag);
STDMETHOD(GetHome)(LONG *pType, GUID *pLibId, GUID *pMediaSetId, LONG *pPos, LONG *pAlt1, LONG *pAlt2, LONG *pAlt3, BOOL *pInvert); STDMETHOD(SetHome)(LONG type, GUID libId, GUID mediaSetId, LONG pos, LONG alt1, LONG alt2, LONG alt3, BOOL invert);
STDMETHOD(GetLocation)(LONG *pType, GUID *pLibId, GUID *pMediaSetId, LONG *pPos, LONG *pAlt1, LONG *pAlt2, LONG *pAlt3, BOOL *pInvert); STDMETHOD(SetLocation)(LONG type, GUID libId, GUID mediaSetId, LONG pos, LONG alt1, LONG alt2, LONG alt3, BOOL invert);
STDMETHOD(GetMailStop)(BSTR *pMailStop); STDMETHOD(SetMailStop)(BSTR mailStop);
STDMETHOD(GetDrive)(IRmsDrive **ptr); STDMETHOD(SetDrive)(IRmsDrive *ptr);
STDMETHOD(GetInfo)(UCHAR *pInfo, SHORT *pSize); STDMETHOD(SetInfo)(UCHAR *pInfo, SHORT size);
STDMETHOD(GetOwnerClassId)(CLSID *pClassId); STDMETHOD(SetOwnerClassId)(CLSID classId);
STDMETHOD(GetPartitions)(IWsbIndexedCollection **ptr);
STDMETHOD(GetVerifierClass)(CLSID *pClassId); STDMETHOD(SetVerifierClass)(CLSID classId);
STDMETHOD(GetPortalClass)(CLSID *pClassId); STDMETHOD(SetPortalClass)(CLSID classId);
STDMETHOD( Mount )( OUT IRmsDrive **ppDrive, IN DWORD dwOptions = RMS_NONE, IN DWORD threadId = 0); STDMETHOD( Dismount )( IN DWORD dwOptions = RMS_NONE ); STDMETHOD( Home )( IN DWORD dwOptions = RMS_NONE );
STDMETHOD( CreateDataMover )( /*[out]*/ IDataMover **ptr ); STDMETHOD( ReleaseDataMover )( IN IDataMover *ptr );
STDMETHOD( GetManagedBy )(OUT LONG *pManagedBy); STDMETHOD( SetManagedBy )(IN LONG managedBy);
// CRmsCartridge
private: HRESULT updateMountStats( IN BOOL bRead, IN BOOL bWrite );
private: enum { // Class specific constants:
Version = 1, // Class version, this should be
// incremented each time the
// the class definition changes.
MaxInfo = RMS_STR_MAX_CARTRIDGE_INFO // Size of the application specific
// information buffer. Currently
// fixed in size.
}; CWsbBstrPtr m_externalLabel; // A string representing bar code or
// SCSI volume-tag information.
LONG m_externalNumber; // A numeric value representing
// SCSI volume-tag sequence number.
LONG m_sizeofOnMediaId; // The size of the on media identification buffer.
LONG m_typeofOnMediaId; // The type of the on media identification.
BYTE *m_pOnMediaId; // Raw on media identification buffer.
CWsbBstrPtr m_onMediaLabel; // The UNICODE label written on the media.
RmsStatus m_status; // Cartridge status (see RmsStatus).
RmsMedia m_type; // The type of Cartridge (see RmsMedia).
LONG m_BlockSize; // Media block size.
BOOL m_isTwoSided; // TRUE if the Cartridge represents two-sided media
// Note: Currently nobody sets this value -
// this should be fixed if found to be important
BOOL m_isMounted; // TRUE if the Cartridge is mounted in a drive.
BOOL m_isInTransit; // TRUE if the Cartridge is in transit between locations.
BOOL m_isAvailable; // TRUE if the Cartridge is not in use by any application
// (Note: Available here does not ensure online)
BOOL m_isMountedSerialized; // TRUE if the cartridge has been mounted as serialized
CRmsLocator m_home; // The preferred storage location
// for the Cartridge (see CRmsLocator).
CRmsLocator m_location; // The current location of the
// Cartridge (see CRmsLocator).
CRmsLocator m_destination; // The target destination location of the
// Cartridge (see CRmsLocator). Valid when
// m_isInTransit bit is set.
CWsbBstrPtr m_mailStop; // A string describing the shelf (local)
// or off-site location of a Cartridge.
// This is displayed when the Cartridge
// needs to be mounted with human
// intervention. [This field is
// created by the Import/Export dialog.]
CComPtr<IRmsDrive> m_pDrive; // The drive in which the cartridge is mounted.
SHORT m_sizeofInfo; // The size of valid data in the application
// specific information buffer.
UCHAR m_info[MaxInfo]; // Application specific information.
CLSID m_ownerClassId; // The Class ID for the application that
// owns/created the cartridge resource.
CComPtr<IWsbIndexedCollection> m_pParts; // A collection of Partitions. These
// represent the partitions on a tape
// or sides of an optical platter.
CLSID m_verifierClass; // The interface to the on-media
// ID verification function.
CLSID m_portalClass; // The interface to a site specific import
// and export storage location
// specification dialog.
BYTE * m_pDataCache; // Cache used to handle I/O for block boudary conditions
ULONG m_DataCacheSize; // Max size of the cache
ULONG m_DataCacheUsed; // The number of bytes of the cache containing valid data
ULARGE_INTEGER m_DataCacheStartPBA; // The corresponding starting PBA for the cache
RmsMode m_MountMode; // The mount mode specified for the cartridge.
RmsMediaManager m_ManagedBy; // The media manager that controls the cartridge.
static int s_InstanceCount; // Counter of the number of object instances.
#endif // _RMSCARTG_