#include "brian.h"
// Local constants and procedure declarations.
#define CHAR_POSITION 51
ULONG PrintDwords ( IN PULONG BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountWords );
ULONG PrintWords ( IN PUSHORT BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountWords );
ULONG PrintBytes ( IN PCHAR BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountChars );
VOID PrintChars( IN PCHAR BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountChars );
VOID ClearBuffer( IN ULONG Index );
VOID DisplayBuffer ( IN ULONG Index, IN ULONG StartOffset, IN ULONG DisplayLength, IN ULONG DisplaySize );
VOID CopyBuffer( IN ULONG SrcIndex, IN ULONG DstIndex, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG SrcOffset, IN ULONG DstOffset );
VOID FillBuffer ( IN ULONG Index, IN PVOID Structure, IN ULONG Length );
NTSTATUS FullAllocMem( IN ULONG ZeroBits, IN OUT PSIZE_T RegionSize, OUT PULONG BufferIndex, IN BOOLEAN VerboseResults, IN BOOLEAN DisplayParms );
NTSTATUS FullDeallocMem( IN ULONG Index, IN BOOLEAN VerboseResults, IN BOOLEAN DisplayParms );
VOID InitBuffers ( ) { NtCreateEvent( &BufferEvent, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_EXECUTE, NULL, SynchronizationEvent, TRUE );
RtlZeroMemory( Buffers, sizeof( Buffers )); }
VOID UninitBuffers ( ) { USHORT Index;
// Deallocate any buffers remaining.
for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_BUFFERS; Index++) {
DeallocateBuffer( Index ); } }
NTSTATUS AllocateBuffer ( IN ULONG ZeroBits, IN OUT PSIZE_T RegionSize, OUT PULONG BufferIndex ) { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID BufferAddress; ULONG Index;
BufferAddress = NULL;
// Wait for the buffer event.
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( BufferEvent, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return Status; }
try {
// Find an available index. Return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES
// if not found.
for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_BUFFERS; Index++) {
if (!Buffers[Index].Used) {
break; } }
if (Index >= MAX_BUFFERS) {
// Otherwise allocate the virtual memory. If no error occurs, then
// store the data in the buffer array.
} else if ((Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &BufferAddress, ZeroBits, RegionSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE )) == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
Buffers[Index].Buffer = BufferAddress; Buffers[Index].Length = (ULONG) *RegionSize; Buffers[Index].Used = TRUE; }
// Set the buffer event back to the signalled state.
*BufferIndex = Index;
try_return( NOTHING );
try_exit: NOTHING; } finally {
if (AbnormalTermination()) {
printf( "\nAllocate Buffer: Abnormal termination\n" ); }
NtSetEvent( BufferEvent, NULL ); } return Status; }
NTSTATUS DeallocateBuffer ( IN ULONG Index ) { NTSTATUS Status;
// Wait for the buffer event.
if ((Status = NtWaitForSingleObject( BufferEvent, FALSE, NULL )) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return Status; }
try {
if (Index <= MAX_BUFFERS && Buffers[Index].Used) {
SIZE_T RegionSize = Buffers[Index].Length;
Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID *) &Buffers[Index].Buffer, &RegionSize, MEM_RELEASE );
Buffers[Index].Used = FALSE; }
try_return( NOTHING );
try_exit: NOTHING; } finally {
if (AbnormalTermination()) {
printf( "\nDeallocate Buffer: Abnormal termination\n" ); }
NtSetEvent( BufferEvent, NULL ); }
return Status; }
BOOLEAN BufferInfo ( IN ULONG Index, OUT PVOID *BufferAddress, OUT PULONG RegionSize ) {
if (Index >= MAX_BUFFERS || !Buffers[Index].Used) {
return FALSE; }
*BufferAddress = Buffers[Index].Buffer; *RegionSize = Buffers[Index].Length;
return TRUE; }
VOID InputClearBuffer( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { ULONG Index; BOOLEAN LastInput; BOOLEAN ParmSpecified;
Index = 0;
ParmSpecified = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE;
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while (TRUE) { ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if (*ParamBuffer) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch( *ParamBuffer ) {
// Check buffer index.
case 'b' : case 'B' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
Index = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParmSpecified = TRUE;
default :
// Swallow to the next white space and continue the
// loop.
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); }
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if ( LastInput ) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else {
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!ParmSpecified) {
printf( "\n Usage: clb -b<digits> \n" ); printf( "\n -b<digits> Buffer index" ); printf( "\n\n" );
// Else call our copy buffer routine.
} else {
ClearBuffer( Index ); }
return; }
VOID ClearBuffer( IN ULONG Index ) { //
// Check for an invalid index.
if (!Buffers[Index].Used) {
printf( "\nClearBuffer: Invalid buffer" );
} else {
RtlZeroMemory( Buffers[Index].Buffer, Buffers[Index].Length ); }
return; }
VOID DisplayBuffer ( IN ULONG Index, IN ULONG StartOffset, IN ULONG DisplayLength, IN ULONG DisplaySize ) { //
// If the index is unused, display message but take no action.
if (!Buffers[Index].Used) {
printf( "\nDisplayBuffer: Index refers to invalid buffer" );
// Else if the start offset is invalid, then display error
// message.
} else if (StartOffset >= Buffers[Index].Length) {
printf( "\nDisplayBuffer: Start offset is invalid" );
// Else compute the legal display length and output to the screen.
} else {
ULONG LegalLength; ULONG FullLines; PCHAR BufferAddress; ULONG SpacesFilled;
// The legal display length is the minimum of the remaining
// bytes in the buffer and the desired display length.
LegalLength = Buffers[Index].Length - StartOffset; LegalLength = min( LegalLength, DisplayLength ); BufferAddress = Buffers[Index].Buffer;
// Display the display information.
printf( "\nIndex -> %u, Buffer Base -> %p, ", Index, BufferAddress ); printf( "Buffer Offset -> %08lx, Bytes -> %u", StartOffset, LegalLength ); printf( "\n" );
BufferAddress += StartOffset;
// Compute the number and display the full lines.
FullLines = LegalLength / 16;
while (FullLines--) {
if (DisplaySize == sizeof( UCHAR )) {
PrintBytes( BufferAddress, 16 );
} else if (DisplaySize == sizeof( WCHAR )) {
PrintWords( (PVOID) BufferAddress, 8 );
} else {
PrintDwords( (PVOID) BufferAddress, 4 ); }
printf( " " );
PrintChars( BufferAddress, 16 ); BufferAddress += 16; }
// Display the remaining bytes.
if (DisplaySize == sizeof( UCHAR )) {
SpacesFilled = PrintBytes( BufferAddress, LegalLength % 16 );
} else if (DisplaySize == sizeof( WCHAR )) {
SpacesFilled = PrintWords( (PVOID) BufferAddress, LegalLength % 8 );
} else {
SpacesFilled = PrintDwords( (PVOID) BufferAddress, LegalLength % 4 ); }
if (SpacesFilled) {
SpacesFilled = CHAR_POSITION - SpacesFilled; while ( SpacesFilled-- ) {
printf( " " ); } }
PrintChars( BufferAddress, LegalLength % 16 ); printf( "\n\n" ); }
return; }
ULONG PrintBytes ( IN PCHAR BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountChars ) { ULONG CountSpaces; ULONG RemainingChars;
// Initialize the local variables.
CountSpaces = CountChars * 3 + (CountChars ? 1 : 0); RemainingChars = CountChars - min( CountChars, 8 ); CountChars = min( CountChars, 8 );
// Print the first 8 bytes (if possible).
if (CountChars) {
printf( "\n" );
while (CountChars--) {
printf( "%02x ", *((PUCHAR) BufferAddress++) ); }
// If more bytes, then add a blank space and print the rest of the
// bytes.
printf( " " );
while (RemainingChars--) {
printf( "%02x ", *((PUCHAR) BufferAddress++) ); }
// Return the number of spaces used.
return CountSpaces; }
ULONG PrintWords ( IN PWCHAR BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountWords ) { ULONG CountSpaces; ULONG RemainingWords;
// Initialize the local variables.
CountSpaces = CountWords * 5 + (CountWords ? 1 : 0); RemainingWords = CountWords - min( CountWords, 4 ); CountWords = min( CountWords, 4 );
// Print the first 4 words (if possible).
if (CountWords) {
printf( "\n" );
while (CountWords--) {
printf( "%04x ", *((PWCHAR) BufferAddress++) ); }
// If more bytes, then add a blank space and print the rest of the
// bytes.
printf( " " );
while (RemainingWords--) {
printf( "%04x ", *((PWCHAR) BufferAddress++) ); } }
// Return the number of spaces used.
return CountSpaces; }
ULONG PrintDwords ( IN PULONG BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountDwords ) { ULONG CountSpaces; ULONG RemainingDwords;
// Initialize the local variables.
CountSpaces = CountDwords * 7 + (CountDwords ? 1 : 0); RemainingDwords = CountDwords - min( CountDwords, 8 ); CountDwords = min( CountDwords, 8 );
// Print the first 2 Dwords (if possible).
if (CountDwords) {
printf( "\n" );
while (CountDwords--) {
printf( "%08x ", *((PULONG) BufferAddress++) ); }
// If more bytes, then add a blank space and print the rest of the
// bytes.
printf( " " );
while (RemainingDwords--) {
printf( "%08x ", *((PULONG) BufferAddress++) ); } }
// Return the number of spaces used.
return CountSpaces; }
VOID PrintChars( IN PCHAR BufferAddress, IN ULONG CountChars ) { ULONG RemainingChars;
// Initialize the local variables.
RemainingChars = CountChars - min( CountChars, 8 ); CountChars = min( CountChars, 8 );
// Print the first 8 bytes (if possible).
if (CountChars) {
while (CountChars--) {
if (*BufferAddress > 31 && *BufferAddress != 127) {
printf( "%c", *BufferAddress );
} else {
printf( "." );
// If more bytes, then add a blank space and print the rest of the
// bytes.
printf( " " );
while (RemainingChars--) {
if (*BufferAddress > 31 && *BufferAddress != 127) {
printf( "%c", *BufferAddress );
} else {
printf( "." ); }
BufferAddress++; } }
return; }
VOID InputDisplayBuffer( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer, IN ULONG DisplaySize ) { ULONG DisplayLength; ULONG DisplayOffset; ULONG BufferIndex; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput;
// Set the defaults.
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while (TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if (*ParamBuffer) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch( *ParamBuffer ) {
// Check the buffer index.
case 'b' : case 'B' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
BufferIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE;
// Check the display length.
case 'l' : case 'L' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
DisplayLength = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Check the display offset.
case 'o' : case 'O' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
DisplayOffset = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
default :
// Swallow to the next white space and continue the
// loop.
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); } }
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if ( LastInput ) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else { }
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!ParamReceived) {
printf( "\n Usage: db [options]* -i<digits> [options]*\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -b<digits> Buffer index" ); printf( "\n -l<digits> Display length" ); printf( "\n -o<digits> Display starting offset" ); printf( "\n\n" );
// Else call our display buffer routine.
} else {
DisplayBuffer( BufferIndex, DisplayOffset, DisplayLength, DisplaySize ); } }
VOID InputCopyBuffer( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { ULONG SrcIndex; ULONG DstIndex; ULONG Length; ULONG SrcOffset; ULONG DstOffset; BOOLEAN DstSpecified; BOOLEAN SrcSpecified; BOOLEAN LastInput;
// Set the defaults.
DstSpecified = FALSE; SrcSpecified = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE;
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while(TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if ( *ParamBuffer ) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch( *ParamBuffer ) {
// Check the destination index.
case 'd' : case 'D' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
DstIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
DstSpecified = TRUE;
// Check source starting offset.
case 'f' : case 'F' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
SrcOffset = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Check copy length.
case 'l' : case 'L' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
Length = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Check the source index.
case 's' : case 'S' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
SrcIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
SrcSpecified = TRUE;
// Check destination offset.
case 't' : case 'T' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
DstOffset = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
default :
// Swallow to the next white space and continue the
// loop.
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if ( LastInput ) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else {
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!SrcSpecified || !DstSpecified) {
printf( "\n Usage: cb [options]* -d<digits> [options]* -s<digits> [options]*\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -d<digits> Destination index" ); printf( "\n -f<digits> Source offset" ); printf( "\n -l<digits> Transfer length" ); printf( "\n -s<digits> Source index" ); printf( "\n -t<digits> Destination offset" ); printf( "\n\n" );
// Else call our copy buffer routine.
} else {
CopyBuffer( SrcIndex, DstIndex, Length, SrcOffset, DstOffset );
} }
VOID CopyBuffer( IN ULONG SrcIndex, IN ULONG DstIndex, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG SrcOffset, IN ULONG DstOffset ) { //
// Check for an invalid source index.
if (!Buffers[SrcIndex].Used) {
printf( "\nCopyBuffer: Invalid source buffer" );
// Otherwise check for an invalid destination index.
} else if (!Buffers[DstIndex].Used) {
printf( "\nCopyBuffer: Invalid destination buffer" );
// Test for an invalid source offset.
} else if (SrcOffset >= Buffers[SrcIndex].Length) {
printf( "\nCopyBuffer: Source offset is invalid" );
// Test for an invalid destination offset.
} else if (DstOffset >= Buffers[DstIndex].Length) {
printf( "\nCopyBuffer: Destination offset is invalid" );
// This statement handles the case of two correct indexes and offsets.
} else {
ULONG LegalLength; PCHAR SrcAddress; PCHAR DstAddress;
// Adjust the length according to the source buffer size.
LegalLength = Buffers[SrcIndex].Length - SrcOffset; LegalLength = min( LegalLength, Length ); Length = Buffers[DstIndex].Length - DstOffset; LegalLength = min( LegalLength, Length );
SrcAddress = Buffers[SrcIndex].Buffer + SrcOffset; DstAddress = Buffers[DstIndex].Buffer + DstOffset;
// Display the header information.
printf( "\nSource index -> %2u, Source base -> %p, Source offset -> %08lx, ", SrcIndex, Buffers[SrcIndex].Buffer, SrcOffset );
printf( "\n Dest index -> %2u, Dest base -> %p, Dest offset -> %08lx, ", DstIndex, Buffers[DstIndex].Buffer, DstOffset );
printf( "\nLength -> %u", Length );
// Perform the transfer for non-zero lengths only.
if (Length) {
RtlMoveMemory( DstAddress, SrcAddress, Length ); } }
return; }
VOID InputAllocMem( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { ULONG ZeroBits; SIZE_T RegionSize; ULONG BufferIndex; BOOLEAN VerboseResults; BOOLEAN DisplayParms; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput;
// Set the defaults.
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while (TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if ( *ParamBuffer ) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
// Update zero bits.
case 'b' : case 'B' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
ZeroBits = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE;
// Update the region size.
case 'r' : case 'R' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
RegionSize = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE;
case 'v' : case 'V' :
// Legal values for params are T/t or F/f.
if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') {
VerboseResults = TRUE; ParamBuffer++;
} else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') {
VerboseResults = FALSE; ParamBuffer++;
ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'y' : case 'Y' :
// Set the display parms flag and jump over this
// character.
DisplayParms = TRUE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
default :
// Swallow to the next white space and continue the
// loop.
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if ( LastInput ) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else {
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!ParamReceived) {
printf( "\n Usage: am [options]*\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -b<digits> Zero bits" ); printf( "\n -r<digits> Region size" ); printf( "\n -v[t|f] Verbose results" ); printf( "\n -y Display parameters to query" ); printf( "\n\n" );
// Else call our allocation routine.
} else {
FullAllocMem( ZeroBits, &RegionSize, &BufferIndex, VerboseResults, DisplayParms );
} }
NTSTATUS FullAllocMem( IN ULONG ZeroBits, IN OUT PSIZE_T RegionSize, OUT PULONG BufferIndex, IN BOOLEAN VerboseResults, IN BOOLEAN DisplayParms ) { NTSTATUS Status;
if (DisplayParms) {
printf( "\nAlloc Memory Parameters" ); printf( "\n Zero Bits -> %ld", ZeroBits ); printf( "\n Region Size -> %ld", *RegionSize ); printf( "\n\n" ); }
// Try to get the next buffer.
Status = AllocateBuffer( ZeroBits, RegionSize, BufferIndex );
// Print the results if verbose.
if (VerboseResults) {
printf( "\nAllocMem: Status -> %08lx", Status ); printf( "\n RegionSize -> %08lx", *RegionSize ); printf( "\n BufferIndex -> %ld", *BufferIndex ); printf( "\n\n" ); }
return Status; }
VOID InputDeallocMem( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { ULONG BufferIndex; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput; BOOLEAN VerboseResults; BOOLEAN DisplayParms;
// Set the defaults.
VerboseResults = ALLOC_VERBOSE_DEFAULT; DisplayParms = ALLOC_DISPLAY_PARMS_DEFAULT; ParamReceived = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE;
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while (TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if (*ParamBuffer) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
// Find the Index value.
case 'b' : case 'B' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
BufferIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE;
case 'v' : case 'V' :
// Legal values for params are T/t or F/f.
if (*ParamBuffer == 'T' || *ParamBuffer == 't') {
VerboseResults = TRUE; ParamBuffer++;
} else if (*ParamBuffer == 'F' || *ParamBuffer == 'f') {
VerboseResults = FALSE; ParamBuffer++;
ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
case 'y' : case 'Y' :
// Set the display parms flag and jump over this
// character.
DisplayParms = TRUE; ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE; break;
default :
// Swallow to the next white space and continue the
// loop.
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); } }
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if ( LastInput ) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else {
} }
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!ParamReceived) {
printf( "\n Usage: dm [options]*\n" ); printf( "\n Options:" ); printf( "\n -b<digits> Buffer Index number" ); printf( "\n -v[t|f] Verbose results" ); printf( "\n -y Display parameters to query" ); printf( "\n\n" );
// Else call our allocation routine.
} else {
FullDeallocMem( BufferIndex, VerboseResults, DisplayParms ); } }
NTSTATUS FullDeallocMem( IN ULONG Index, IN BOOLEAN VerboseResults, IN BOOLEAN DisplayParms ) { NTSTATUS Status;
if (DisplayParms) {
printf( "\nDealloc Memory Parameters" ); printf( "\n Buffer Index -> %ld", Index ); printf( "\n\n" ); }
// Try to free the desired buffer.
Status = DeallocateBuffer( Index );
// Print the results if verbose.
if (VerboseResults) {
printf( "\nDeallocMem: Status -> %08lx", Status ); printf( "\n\n" ); }
return Status; }
VOID InputFillBuffer( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { ULONG BufferIndex; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput; BOOLEAN HaveStructure = FALSE;
PVOID StructurePointer; ULONG StructureSize;
ParamReceived = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE; BufferIndex = DISPLAY_INDEX_DEFAULT;
RtlZeroMemory( &EnumUsnData, sizeof( MFT_ENUM_DATA )); RtlZeroMemory( &ReadUsnJournal, sizeof( READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA )); RtlZeroMemory( &CreateUsnJournal, sizeof( CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA )); RtlZeroMemory( &LargeIntegerInput, sizeof( LARGE_INTEGER )); RtlZeroMemory( &AllocatedRangeBuffer, sizeof( FILE_ALLOCATED_RANGE_BUFFER ));
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while (TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if (*ParamBuffer) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch( *ParamBuffer ) {
BOOLEAN SwitchBool;
// Check the buffer index.
case 'b' : case 'B' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
BufferIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE;
// Check the structure to fill.
case 's' : case 'S' :
SwitchBool = TRUE; ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
// Perform switch on character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' : case 'b' : case 'B' :
HaveStructure = TRUE;
StructurePointer = &LargeIntegerInput; StructureSize = sizeof( LARGE_INTEGER );
ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' :
ParamBuffer++; LargeIntegerInput.QuadPart = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
default :
case 'c' : case 'C' :
HaveStructure = TRUE;
StructurePointer = &AllocatedRangeBuffer; StructureSize = sizeof( FILE_ALLOCATED_RANGE_BUFFER );
ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' :
ParamBuffer++; AllocatedRangeBuffer.FileOffset.QuadPart = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'b' : case 'B' :
ParamBuffer++; AllocatedRangeBuffer.Length.QuadPart = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
default :
default :
default :
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); }
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if ( LastInput ) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else { } }
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!ParamReceived) {
printf( "\n Usage: fb -b<digits> -s<struct>[options]* \n" ); printf( "\n -sa[options] Get Volume Bitmap" ); printf( "\n a<digits> Starting lcn" ); printf( "\n -sb[options] Query Retrieval Pointers" ); printf( "\n a<digits> Starting vcn" ); printf( "\n -sc[options] Query Allocated Ranges" ); printf( "\n a<digits> FileOffset" ); printf( "\n b<digits> Length" );
printf( "\n\n" );
// Else fill the buffer.
} else if (HaveStructure) {
FillBuffer( BufferIndex, StructurePointer, StructureSize ); } }
VOID InputFillBufferUsn( IN PCHAR ParamBuffer ) { ULONG BufferIndex; BOOLEAN ParamReceived; BOOLEAN LastInput; BOOLEAN HaveStructure = FALSE;
PVOID StructurePointer; ULONG StructureSize;
ParamReceived = FALSE; LastInput = TRUE; BufferIndex = DISPLAY_INDEX_DEFAULT;
RtlZeroMemory( &EnumUsnData, sizeof( MFT_ENUM_DATA )); RtlZeroMemory( &ReadUsnJournal, sizeof( READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA )); RtlZeroMemory( &CreateUsnJournal, sizeof( CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA )); RtlZeroMemory( &DeleteUsnJournal, sizeof( DELETE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA ));
// While there is more input, analyze the parameter and update the
// query flags.
while (TRUE) {
ULONG DummyCount;
// Swallow leading white spaces.
ParamBuffer = SwallowWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
if (*ParamBuffer) {
// If the next parameter is legal then check the paramter value.
// Update the parameter value.
if ((*ParamBuffer == '-' || *ParamBuffer == '/') && (ParamBuffer++, *ParamBuffer != '\0')) {
// Switch on the next character.
switch( *ParamBuffer ) {
BOOLEAN SwitchBool;
// Check the buffer index.
case 'b' : case 'B' :
// Move to the next character, as long as there
// are no white spaces continue analyzing letters.
// On the first bad letter, skip to the next
// parameter.
BufferIndex = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer );
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount );
ParamReceived = TRUE;
// Check the structure to fill.
case 's' : case 'S' :
SwitchBool = TRUE; ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
// Perform switch on character.
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' :
HaveStructure = TRUE;
StructurePointer = &EnumUsnData; StructureSize = sizeof( MFT_ENUM_DATA );
ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' :
ParamBuffer++; EnumUsnData.LowUsn = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'b' : case 'B' :
ParamBuffer++; EnumUsnData.HighUsn = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'c' : case 'C' :
ParamBuffer++; EnumUsnData.StartFileReferenceNumber = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
default :
case 'b' : case 'B' :
HaveStructure = TRUE;
StructurePointer = &ReadUsnJournal; StructureSize = sizeof( READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA );
ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' :
ParamBuffer++; ReadUsnJournal.StartUsn = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'b' : case 'B' :
ParamBuffer++; ReadUsnJournal.ReasonMask = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'c' : case 'C' :
ParamBuffer++; ReadUsnJournal.ReturnOnlyOnClose = AsciiToInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'd' : case 'D' :
ParamBuffer++; ReadUsnJournal.Timeout = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'e' : case 'E' :
ParamBuffer++; ReadUsnJournal.BytesToWaitFor = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'f' : case 'F' :
ParamBuffer++; ReadUsnJournal.UsnJournalID = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
default :
case 'c' : case 'C' :
HaveStructure = TRUE;
StructurePointer = &CreateUsnJournal; StructureSize = sizeof( CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA );
ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' :
ParamBuffer++; CreateUsnJournal.MaximumSize = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
case 'b' : case 'B' :
ParamBuffer++; CreateUsnJournal.AllocationDelta = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
default :
case 'd' : case 'D' :
HaveStructure = TRUE;
StructurePointer = &DeleteUsnJournal; StructureSize = sizeof( DELETE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA );
ParamBuffer++; if (*ParamBuffer && *ParamBuffer != ' ' && *ParamBuffer != '\t') {
switch (*ParamBuffer) {
case 'a' : case 'A' :
ParamBuffer++; DeleteUsnJournal.UsnJournalID = AsciiToLargeInteger( ParamBuffer ); break;
default :
default :
default :
ParamBuffer = SwallowNonWhite( ParamBuffer, &DummyCount ); }
// Else the text is invalid, skip the entire block.
// Else if there is no input then exit.
} else if ( LastInput ) {
// Else try to read another line for open parameters.
} else { } }
// If no parameters were received then display the syntax message.
if (!ParamReceived) {
printf( "\n Usage: fbusn -b<digits> -s<struct>[options]* \n" ); printf( "\n -sa[options] Enum Usn Data" ); printf( "\n a<digits> Low usn" ); printf( "\n b<digits> High usn" ); printf( "\n c<digits> File ref" ); printf( "\n -sb[options] Read Usn Data" ); printf( "\n a<digits> Start usn" ); printf( "\n b<digits> Reason mask" ); printf( "\n c<digits> Return only on close" ); printf( "\n d<digits> Timeout" ); printf( "\n e<digits> Bytes to wait for" ); printf( "\n f<digits> Journal id" ); printf( "\n -sc[options] Create Usn Data" ); printf( "\n a<digits> Maximum size" ); printf( "\n b<digits> Allocation delta" ); printf( "\n -sd[options] Delete Usn Journal Data" ); printf( "\n a<digits> Usn journal id" );
printf( "\n\n" );
// Else fill the buffer.
} else if (HaveStructure) {
FillBuffer( BufferIndex, StructurePointer, StructureSize ); } }
VOID FillBuffer ( IN ULONG Index, IN PVOID Structure, IN ULONG Length ) { //
// If the index is unused, display message but take no action.
if (!Buffers[Index].Used) {
printf( "\nFillBuffer: Index refers to invalid buffer" );
// Else copy as much of the data as will fit into the buffer.
} else {
if (Length > Buffers[Index].Length) {
Length = Buffers[Index].Length; }
RtlCopyMemory( Buffers[Index].Buffer, Structure, Length ); }
return; }