Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Shishir Pardikar [Shishirp] 01-jan-1995
Revision History:
Joe Linn [JoeLinn] 23-jan-97 Ported for use on NT
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma code_seg("PAGE")
#define WIN32_APIS
#include "cshadow.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
// #include "error.h"
#include <vmmreg.h> // Must be after error.h
#include "vxdwraps.h"
#define SIGN_BIT 0x80000000
#define HIGH_ONE_SEC 0x98
#define LOW_ONE_SEC 0x9680
#pragma intrinsic (memcmp, memcpy, memset, strcat, strcmp, strcpy, strlen)
#define cBackSlash '\\'
#define cNull 0
#ifdef MAYBE
ULONG UlGetDefaultShadowStore(LPSTR lpDrive); #endif //MAYBE
AssertData AssertError extern char pathbuff[MAX_PATH+1]; extern char vszShadowDir[MAX_SHADOW_DIR_NAME+1]; char vszEnableShadow[]="EnableShadow"; char vszEnableRemoteLog[]="EnableRemoteLog"; char vszEnableDisconnect[]="EnableDisconnect"; char vszMaxShadowStoreHex[]="MaxShadowStoreHex"; char vszMaxLogfileSize[]="MaxLogfileSize"; char vszExcludeList[] = "ExcludeExtensions"; char vszIncludeList[] = "IncludeExtensions"; char vszExclDelim[]=" ;,"; char vszRemoteAccess[]="System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\RemoteAccess"; char vszRemoteConnection[]="Remote Connection"; char vszEnableSpeadOpt[]="EnableSpeadOpt"; char vszDefShadowDir[] = "c:\\shadow"; char vszCSCDirName[] = "CSC\\";
USHORT *rgwzHeuristicExtensionTab[] = { L".exe", L".dll" };
int PUBLIC GetServerPart( LPPE lppeServer, USHORT *lpBuff, int cBuff ) { return(PpeToSvr(lppeServer, (LPSTR)lpBuff, cBuff, UNICODE)); }
ULONG PUBLIC GetNextPathElement( LPPP lppp, ULONG indx, USHORT *lpBuff, ULONG cBuff ) { LPPE lppe;
#if VERBOSE > 3
KdPrint(("GetNextPathElement: input index=%d \r\n", indx)); #endif //VERBOSE > 3
lppe = (LPPE)&(((LPBYTE)(lppp->pp_elements))[indx]); if (lpBuff) { Assert(cBuff); memset(lpBuff, 0, cBuff);
memcpy(lpBuff, lppe->pe_unichars, min(lppe->pe_length-2, (int)cBuff)); // UniToBCS(lpBuff, lppe->pe_unichars, lppe->pe_length-2, cBuff-1, BCS_OEM);
} #if VERBOSE > 3
KdPrint(("GetNextPathElement: output index=%d \r\n", indx)); #endif //VERBOSE > 3
indx += lppe->pe_length; return ((indx < IFSPathLength(lppp))?indx:0xffff); }
VOID PUBLIC GetLeafPtr ( PIOREQ pir, USHORT *lpBuff, ULONG cBuff ) { LPPE lpLast; Assert(cBuff); lpLast = IFSLastElement((LPPP)(pir->ir_ppath)); memset(lpBuff, 0, cBuff); memcpy(lpBuff, lpLast->pe_unichars, min(lpLast->pe_length-2, (int)cBuff)); }
VOID PUBLIC BreakPath( LPPP lppp, ULONG indx, USHORT *pusCookie ) { USHORT u; LPPE lppe;
#if VERBOSE > 3
UniToBCSPath(pathbuff, &lppp->pp_elements[0], MAX_PATH, BCS_OEM); KdPrint(("BreakPath In %s \r\n", pathbuff)); #endif //VERBOSE > 3
*pusCookie = lppp->pp_totalLength; *(pusCookie+1) = lppp->pp_prefixLength; *(pusCookie+2) = 0; if (IFSPathLength(lppp) > indx) { if (!indx) { lppp->pp_totalLength = lppp->pp_prefixLength = 4; } else { for (lppe = lppp->pp_elements, u=0;;) { u += lppe->pe_length; // This condition must happen
if (u >= indx) { lppp->pp_totalLength = u+4; lppp->pp_prefixLength = u - lppe->pe_length+4; break; } lppe = IFSNextElement(lppe); } } *(pusCookie+2) = *(USHORT *)&(((LPBYTE)(lppp->pp_elements))[indx]); *(USHORT *)&(((LPBYTE)(lppp->pp_elements))[indx]) = 0; } #if VERBOSE > 3
KdPrint(("BreakPath saved=%x \r\n", uSav)); UniToBCSPath(pathbuff, &lppp->pp_elements[0], MAX_PATH, BCS_OEM); KdPrint(("BreakPath out %s \r\n", pathbuff)); #endif //VERBOSE > 3
VOID PUBLIC MendPath( LPPP lppp, ULONG indx, USHORT *pusCookie ) { lppp->pp_totalLength = *pusCookie ; lppp->pp_prefixLength = *(pusCookie+1); if (indx < IFSPathLength(lppp)) { *(USHORT *)&(((LPBYTE)(lppp->pp_elements))[indx]) = *(pusCookie+2); } #if VERBOSE > 3
UniToBCSPath(pathbuff, &lppp->pp_elements[0], MAX_PATH, BCS_OEM); KdPrint(("MendPath %s \r\n", pathbuff)); #endif //VERBOSE > 3
int PUBLIC GetPathLevel( LPPP ppath ) { PathElement *ppe; int level = 1;
ppe = ppath->pp_elements;
while(ppe->pe_length) { ++level; ppe = IFSNextElement(ppe); } return (level); }
int PUBLIC HexToA( ULONG ulHex, LPSTR lpName, int count) { int i; LPSTR lp = lpName+count-1; UCHAR uch;
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { uch = (UCHAR)(ulHex & 0xf) + '0'; if (uch > '9') uch += 7; // A becomes '0' + A + 7 which is 'A'
*lp = uch; --lp; ulHex >>= 4; } *(lpName+count) = cNull; return 0; }
ULONG PUBLIC AtoHex( LPSTR lpStr, int count ) { int i; LPSTR lp = lpStr; UCHAR uch; ULONG ulHex = 0L;
for (i=0; i<count; ++i) { uch = *lp; if (uch>= '0' && uch <= '9') ulHex += (uch - '0'); else if (uch >= 'A' && uch <= 'F') ulHex += (uch - '0' - 7); else break; ++lp; ulHex <<= 4; } return ulHex; }
int PpeToSvr( LPPE lppe, LPSTR lpBuff, int cBuff, ULONG type ) { LPSTR lpTmp = lpBuff; memset(lpTmp, 0, cBuff); if (type != UNICODE) { if (cBuff <= (lppe->pe_length+IFSNextElement(lppe)->pe_length)/2) return 0; *lpTmp = '\\'; UniToBCS(lpTmp+1, lppe->pe_unichars, lppe->pe_length-2, cBuff, BCS_OEM); lpTmp += (lppe->pe_length)/2; lppe = IFSNextElement(lppe); *lpTmp = '\\'; UniToBCS(lpTmp+1, lppe->pe_unichars, lppe->pe_length-2, cBuff, BCS_OEM); } else { USHORT *lpUni;
lpUni = (USHORT *)lpTmp; if (cBuff < (lppe->pe_length+IFSNextElement(lppe)->pe_length)) return 0; *lpUni = '\\'; memcpy(lpUni+1, lppe->pe_unichars, lppe->pe_length); lpUni = (USHORT *)((LPSTR)lpUni+lppe->pe_length); lppe = IFSNextElement(lppe); *lpUni = '\\'; memcpy(lpUni+1, lppe->pe_unichars, lppe->pe_length); } return (1); }
int IPathCompare( LPPP lpppDst, LPPP lpppSrc ) { LPPE lppeDst, lppeSrc; if (lpppDst->pp_totalLength != lpppSrc->pp_totalLength) return -1; if (lpppDst->pp_prefixLength != lpppSrc->pp_prefixLength) return -1;
lppeDst = lpppDst->pp_elements; lppeSrc = lpppSrc->pp_elements; for (;;) { if (!lppeDst->pe_length || !lppeSrc->pe_length) break; if (lppeDst->pe_length != lppeSrc->pe_length) return -1; if (wstrnicmp(lppeDst->pe_unichars, lppeSrc->pe_unichars, lppeSrc->pe_length)) return -1; lppeDst = IFSNextElement(lppeDst); lppeSrc = IFSNextElement(lppeSrc); } return 0; }
int wstrnicmp( const USHORT *pStr1, const USHORT *pStr2, ULONG count ) { USHORT c1, c2; int iRet; ULONG i=0;
for(;;) { c1 = *pStr1++; c2 = *pStr2++; c1 = _wtoupper(c1); c2 = _wtoupper(c2); if (c1!=c2) break; if (!c1) break; i+=2; if (i >= count) break; } iRet = ((c1 > c2)?1:((c1==c2)?0:-1)); return iRet; }
int mystrnicmp( const char *pStr1, const char *pStr2, unsigned count ) #else
_CRTIMP int __cdecl mystrnicmp( const char *pStr1, const char *pStr2, size_t count ) #endif //ifndef CSC_RECORDMANAGER_WINNT
{ char c1, c2; int iRet; ULONG i=0;
for(;;) { c1 = *pStr1++; c2 = *pStr2++; c1 = _mytoupper(c1); c2 = _mytoupper(c2); if (c1!=c2) break; if (!c1) break; if (++i >= count) break; } iRet = ((c1 > c2)?1:((c1==c2)?0:-1)); return iRet; }
ULONG strmcpy( LPSTR lpDst, LPSTR lpSrc, ULONG cTchar ) { ULONG i;
if (!cTchar) return 0; for(i=cTchar;i;--i) if (!(*lpDst++ = *lpSrc++)) break; lpDst[cTchar-i] ='\0';
return(cTchar-i); }
ULONG wstrlen( USHORT *lpuStr ) { ULONG i;
for (i=0; *lpuStr; ++lpuStr, ++i); return (i); }
int DosToWin32FileSize( ULONG uDosFileSize, int *lpnFileSizeHigh, int *lpnFileSizeLow ) { int iRet;
if (uDosFileSize & SIGN_BIT) { *lpnFileSizeHigh = 1; *lpnFileSizeLow = uDosFileSize & SIGN_BIT; iRet = 1; } else { *lpnFileSizeHigh = 0; *lpnFileSizeLow = uDosFileSize; iRet = 0; } return (iRet); }
int Win32ToDosFileSize( int nFileSizeHigh, int nFileSizeLow, ULONG *lpuDosFileSize ) { int iRet; *lpuDosFileSize = nFileSizeLow; if (nFileSizeHigh == 1) { *lpuDosFileSize += SIGN_BIT; iRet = 1; } else iRet = 0; return (iRet); }
int CompareTimes( _FILETIME ftDst, _FILETIME ftSrc ) { int iRet = 0;
if (ftDst.dwHighDateTime > ftSrc.dwHighDateTime) iRet = 1; else if (ftDst.dwHighDateTime == ftSrc.dwHighDateTime) { if (ftDst.dwLowDateTime > ftSrc.dwLowDateTime) iRet = 1; else if (ftDst.dwLowDateTime == ftSrc.dwLowDateTime) iRet = 0; else iRet = -1; } else iRet = -1; return (iRet); }
int CompareTimesAtDosTimePrecision( _FILETIME ftDst, _FILETIME ftSrc ) { dos_time dostDst, dostSrc; int diff;
dostDst = IFSMgr_Win32ToDosTime(ftDst); dostSrc = IFSMgr_Win32ToDosTime(ftSrc);
diff = (int)(*(ULONG *)&dostDst - *(ULONG *)&dostSrc);
if (diff > 1) return 1; else if (diff < -1) return -1; else return 0; }
int CompareSize( long nHighDst, long nLowDst, long nHighSrc, long nLowSrc ) { int iRet = 0;
if (nHighDst > nHighSrc) iRet = 1; else if (nHighDst == nHighSrc) { if (nLowDst > nLowSrc) iRet = 1; else if (nLowDst == nLowSrc) iRet = 0; else iRet = -1; } else iRet = -1; return (iRet); }
void InitFind32FromIoreq ( PIOREQ pir, LPFIND32 lpFind32, ULONG uFlags ) { if (uFlags & IF32_LOCAL) { memset(lpFind32, 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); InitFind32Names(lpFind32, ((pir->ir_attr & FILE_FLAG_KEEP_CASE)&&(uFlags&IF32_LAST_ELEMENT))? pir->ir_uFName: IFSLastElement(pir->ir_ppath)->pe_unichars, (pir->ir_attr & FILE_FLAG_IS_LFN)? NULL:IFSLastElement((LPPP)(pir->ir_ppath))->pe_unichars); }
if (!(uFlags & IF32_DIRECTORY)) { lpFind32->dwFileAttributes = ((((pir->ir_attr) & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_EVERYTHING); } else { lpFind32->dwFileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; }
if (uFlags & IF32_LOCAL) { //CODE.IMPROVEMENT very ugly.....define a platform specific macro....
lpFind32->ftCreationTime = IFSMgr_NetToWin32Time(IFSMgr_Get_NetTime()); #else
//lpFind32->ftCreationTime = IFSMgr_NetToWin32Time(IFSMgr_Get_NetTime());
KeQuerySystemTime(((PLARGE_INTEGER)(&lpFind32->ftCreationTime))); #endif //ifndef CSC_RECORDMANAGER_WINNT
lpFind32->ftLastAccessTime = lpFind32->ftLastWriteTime = lpFind32->ftCreationTime; }
lpFind32->nFileSizeHigh = lpFind32->nFileSizeLow = 0; }
void InitIoreqFromFind32 ( LPFIND32 lpFind32, PIOREQ pir ) { pir->ir_attr = lpFind32->dwFileAttributes; pir->ir_size = lpFind32->nFileSizeLow; }
void InitFind32Names( LPFIND32 lpFind32, USHORT *lpcFileName, USHORT *lpcAlternateFileName ) { int len;
memset(lpFind32->cFileName, 0, sizeof(lpFind32->cFileName)); memset(lpFind32->cAlternateFileName, 0, sizeof(lpFind32->cAlternateFileName));
len = wstrlen(lpcFileName)*2; len = min(len, (sizeof(lpFind32->cFileName)-2)); memcpy(lpFind32->cFileName, lpcFileName, len);
if (lpcAlternateFileName) { len = wstrlen(lpcAlternateFileName)*2; len = min(len, (sizeof(lpFind32->cAlternateFileName)-2)); memset(lpFind32->cAlternateFileName, 0, sizeof(lpFind32->cAlternateFileName)); UniToUpper(lpFind32->cAlternateFileName, lpcAlternateFileName, len); } }
void Find32ToSearchEntry(LPFIND32 lpFind32, srch_entry *pse) { dos_time sDosTime; pse->se_attrib = (UCHAR)(lpFind32->dwFileAttributes); sDosTime = IFSMgr_Win32ToDosTime(lpFind32->ftLastWriteTime); pse->se_time = sDosTime.dt_time; pse->se_date = sDosTime.dt_date; Win32ToDosFileSize(lpFind32->nFileSizeHigh , lpFind32->nFileSizeLow , &(pse->se_size)); memset(pse->se_name, 0, sizeof(pse->se_name)); UniToBCS(pse->se_name , lpFind32->cAlternateFileName , wstrlen(lpFind32->cAlternateFileName) * 2 , sizeof(pse->se_name)-1, BCS_OEM); }
void PUBLIC Find32AFromFind32( LPFIND32A lpFind32ADst, LPFIND32 lpFind32WSrc, int type ) { // Copy everything except the names, we know the size of that is the
// same for both structures
memcpy(lpFind32ADst, lpFind32WSrc, sizeof(_WIN32_FIND_DATAA) -sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cFileName) -sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cAlternateFileName));
// Cleanup the destineation names so we don't get into NULL termination problems
memset(lpFind32ADst->cFileName, 0, sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cFileName)); memset(lpFind32ADst->cAlternateFileName, 0, sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cAlternateFileName));
UniToBCS(lpFind32ADst->cFileName // Destination ANSI string
, lpFind32WSrc->cFileName // Source unicode string
, sizeof(lpFind32WSrc->cFileName) // bytes in the source
- sizeof(lpFind32WSrc->cFileName[0]) , sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cFileName) // max size of dst string wo NULL
-sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cFileName[0]) , type // ANSI or OEM
UniToBCS(lpFind32ADst->cAlternateFileName , lpFind32WSrc->cAlternateFileName , sizeof(lpFind32WSrc->cAlternateFileName) - sizeof(lpFind32WSrc->cAlternateFileName[0]) , sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cAlternateFileName) -sizeof(lpFind32ADst->cAlternateFileName[0]) , BCS_OEM); }
void PUBLIC Find32FromFind32A( LPFIND32 lpFind32WDst, LPFIND32A lpFind32ASrc, int type ) { memcpy(lpFind32WDst, lpFind32ASrc, sizeof(_WIN32_FIND_DATAA) -sizeof(lpFind32ASrc->cFileName) -sizeof(lpFind32ASrc->cAlternateFileName));
memset(lpFind32WDst->cFileName, 0, sizeof(lpFind32WDst->cFileName)); memset(lpFind32WDst->cAlternateFileName, 0, sizeof(lpFind32WDst->cAlternateFileName)); BCSToUni(lpFind32WDst->cFileName , lpFind32ASrc->cFileName , sizeof(lpFind32ASrc->cFileName) - sizeof(lpFind32ASrc->cFileName[0]) , type);
BCSToUni(lpFind32WDst->cAlternateFileName , lpFind32ASrc->cAlternateFileName , sizeof(lpFind32ASrc->cAlternateFileName) - sizeof(lpFind32ASrc->cAlternateFileName[0]) , BCS_OEM); }
//** AddPathElement
// This routine adds a path element to an existing parsed path structure
// flag = 0 - no mapping
// 1 - map from OEM to unicode
void AddPathElement( path_t ppath, string_t pstr, int flag) { PathElement *ppe; int len, unilen; ppe = IFSLastElement(ppath); ppath->pp_prefixLength+=ppe->pe_length; //update the prefix marker
ppe = IFSNextElement(ppe);
//add the new element
if (flag) { //map to unicode
len = strlen((char *)pstr); unilen = BCSToUni(ppe->pe_unichars, (char *) pstr, len, BCS_OEM); } else { //already in unicode
unilen = wstrlen(pstr)*sizeof(USHORT); memcpy(ppe->pe_unichars, pstr, unilen); } ppe->pe_length = (USHORT)(unilen+sizeof(USHORT)); //include the length word
//update the header
ppath->pp_totalLength+=ppe->pe_length; //update total length
//mark the end
ppe = IFSNextElement(ppe); ppe->pe_length = 0; }
//** MakePath
// Builds a parsed path from a ASCII string in the format "\\FOO\BAR.."
// ppath - points to a path buffer at least PATH_BUFF_SIZE
// ppath - OEM path string
void MakePPath( path_t ppath, LPBYTE ps ) { LPBYTE pc = ps;
MakeNullPPath(ppath); //initialize the path
while(*pc == '\\') //skip past leading '\'
{ pc++; }
if (ps[0] =='\\') //ps points to first name
{ ps++; }
for (;;) { if (*pc == '\\') { *pc = 0; AddPathElement(ppath, (string_t)ps, 1); *pc = '\\'; ps = ++pc; } else if (*pc == 0) { AddPathElement(ppath, (string_t)ps, 1); break; } pc++; } }
//** MakePathW
// Builds a parsed path from a unicode string in the format "\\FOO\BAR.."
// ppath - points to a path buffer at least PATH_BUFF_SIZE
// ppath - OEM path string
void MakePPathW( path_t ppath, USHORT *puName ) { USHORT *pu = puName;
MakeNullPPath(ppath); //initialize the path
while(*pu == L'\\') //skip past leading '\'
{ pu++; }
if (pu[0] == L'\\') //ps points to first name
{ pu++; }
for (;;) { if (*pu == L'\\') { *pu = 0;
AddPathElement(ppath, (string_t)puName, 0);
*pu = L'\\';
puName = ++pu; } else if (*pu == 0) { AddPathElement(ppath, (string_t)puName, 0);
break; }
pu++; } }
//** DeleteLastElement
// removes the last element from a parsed path
void DeleteLastElement( path_t ppath ) { PathElement *ppe, *ppelast; ppe = IFSLastElement(ppath); ppath->pp_totalLength -= ppe->pe_length; ppe->pe_length = 0;
//set the new prefix length
ppe = ppath->pp_elements; ppath->pp_prefixLength = 4;
while(ppe->pe_length) { ppelast = ppe; ppe = IFSNextElement(ppe); if (ppe) ppath->pp_prefixLength += ppelast->pe_length; } }
int ResNameCmp( LPPE lppeSrc, LPPE lppeDst ) { int i;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { if (lppeSrc->pe_length != lppeDst->pe_length) break; if (wstrnicmp(lppeSrc->pe_unichars , lppeDst->pe_unichars , lppeSrc->pe_length-sizeof(lppeDst->pe_length))) break; lppeSrc = IFSNextElement(lppeSrc); lppeDst = IFSNextElement(lppeDst); } return (!(i==2));//return 0 if equal
int Conv83ToFcb( LPSTR lp83Name, LPSTR lpFcbName ) { int i, j; char ch; memset(lpFcbName, ' ', 11); for(i=0; ((ch=lp83Name[i]) && (i<8)); ++i) { if (ch=='.') break; lpFcbName[i] = ch; } if (lp83Name[i]=='.') { // Step over the dot
++i; // point to the extension area in the FCB format
j = 8; for(;((ch=lp83Name[i]) && (j<11)); ++i, ++j) { lpFcbName[j] = ch; } return (i); } else { return (i); } }
int Conv83UniToFcbUni( USHORT *lp83Name, USHORT *lpFcbName ) { int i, j; USHORT uch;
for (i=0; i<11; ++i) { lpFcbName[i] = (USHORT)' '; }
for(i=0; ((uch=lp83Name[i]) && (i<8)); ++i) { if (uch==(USHORT)'.') break; lpFcbName[i] = uch; } if (lp83Name[i]=='.') { // Step over the dot
++i; // point to the extension area in the FCB format
j = 8; for(;((uch=lp83Name[i]) && (j<11)); ++i, ++j) { lpFcbName[j] = uch; } return (i); } else { return (i); } }
void FillRootInfo( LPFIND32 lpFind32 ) { memset(lpFind32, 0, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); lpFind32->dwFileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; lpFind32->cFileName[0] = lpFind32->cAlternateFileName[0] = '\\'; }
int ReadInitValues() { VMMHKEY hKeyShadow; LPSTR lpWindir = NULL; int iSize = sizeof(int), lenWindir=0; DWORD dwType; extern int fLog, fShadow, fDiscon, fSpeadOpt, vlenShadowDir; extern ULONG ulMaxStoreSize, ulMaxLogfileSize; extern LPSTR vlpszShadowDir; if (_RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_SHADOW, &hKeyShadow) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { #ifdef CSC_RECORDMANAGER_WINNT
memset(vszShadowDir, 0, sizeof(vszShadowDir)); iSize = MAX_SHADOW_DIR_NAME+1; if(_RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, REG_STRING_DATABASE_LOCATION, NULL, &dwType, vszShadowDir, &iSize)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { Assert(strlen(vszDefShadowDir) <= MAX_SHADOW_DIR_NAME); KdPrint(("ReadInitValues: No vszShadowDb value in registry\r\n")); memcpy(vszShadowDir, vszDefShadowDir, strlen(vszDefShadowDir)); } #else
#ifdef OLDCODE
lpWindir = (LPSTR)GetConfigDir();
if (!lpWindir) { // VMM promises this to be valid!!!
Assert(FALSE); return (0); }
lenWindir = strlen(lpWindir); vlpszShadowDir = AllocMem(lenWindir+strlen(vszCSCDirName)+3);
if (!vlpszShadowDir) { KdPrint(("ReadInitValues: Failed memroy allocation while\r\n")); return (0); }
memcpy(vlpszShadowDir, lpWindir, lenWindir);
if ((*(lpWindir+lenWindir-1))!='\\') { *(vlpszShadowDir+lenWindir)='\\'; }
// NB vszCSCDirName has a trailing backslash
strcat(vlpszShadowDir, vszCSCDirName); vlenShadowDir = strlen(vlpszShadowDir);
KdPrint(("ReadInitValues: ShadowDbDir is %s\r\n", vlpszShadowDir)); #endif // OLDCODE
#ifdef MAYBE
// we should let the agent decide whether shadowing should be on or off
_RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, vszEnableShadow, NULL, &dwType, &fShadow, &iSize); #endif // MAYBE
iSize = sizeof(int); _RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, vszEnableRemoteLog, NULL, &dwType, &fLog, &iSize); iSize = sizeof(int); _RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, vszEnableDisconnect, NULL, &dwType, &fDiscon, &iSize); iSize = sizeof(int); _RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, vszEnableSpeadOpt, NULL, &dwType, &fSpeadOpt, &iSize); iSize = sizeof(ULONG); _RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, vszMaxShadowStoreHex, NULL, &dwType, &ulMaxStoreSize, &iSize); iSize = sizeof(ULONG); if(_RegQueryValueEx(hKeyShadow, vszMaxLogfileSize, NULL, &dwType, &ulMaxLogfileSize, &iSize)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { ulMaxLogfileSize = MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE; } else if (ulMaxLogfileSize < MIN_LOGFILE_SIZE) { ulMaxLogfileSize = MIN_LOGFILE_SIZE; } _RegCloseKey(hKeyShadow); ulMaxStoreSize = 0xffffffff; #ifdef MAYBE
ulMaxStoreSize = UlGetDefaultShadowStore(vszShadowDir); #endif //MAYBE
return(1); } return (0); }
BOOL IsSlowLink() { VMMHKEY hKeyRemote; int iSize = sizeof(int), fRemote=0; DWORD dwType; if (_RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, vszRemoteAccess, &hKeyRemote) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _RegQueryValueEx(hKeyRemote, vszRemoteConnection, NULL, &dwType, &fRemote, &iSize); _RegCloseKey(hKeyRemote); } return (fRemote); }
BOOL FHasWildcard( USHORT *lpuName, int cMax ) { int i; BOOL fRet = FALSE; USHORT uT;
for (i=0; i<cMax; ++i) { uT = *(lpuName+i); if (!uT) break; if (fRet = ((uT==(USHORT)'*')||(uT == (USHORT)'?'))) break; } return (fRet); }
int IncrementTime( LPFILETIME lpFt, int secs ) { lpFt->dwHighDateTime += secs*(HIGH_ONE_SEC+1); return(0); //stop complaining about no return value
int FParentMatch( LPPP lpp1, LPPP lpp2 ) { PathElement *ppe1, *ppe2, *ppe1Last, *ppe2Last; int fMatch = FALSE;
//If either of them is root then say they have invalid parents
if (IFSIsRoot(lpp1) || IFSIsRoot(lpp2)) return 0;
ppe1Last = IFSLastElement(lpp1); ppe2Last = IFSLastElement(lpp2);
ppe1 = lpp1->pp_elements; ppe2 = lpp2->pp_elements;
while((ppe1!=ppe1Last) && (ppe2!= ppe2Last)) { if (ppe1->pe_length!=ppe1->pe_length) return 0; if (wstrnicmp(ppe1->pe_unichars, ppe2->pe_unichars, ppe1->pe_length-2)) return 0; ppe1 = IFSNextElement(ppe1); ppe2 = IFSNextElement(ppe2); }
return ((ppe1==ppe1Last) && (ppe2==ppe2Last)); }
LPSTR mystrpbrk( LPSTR lpSrc, LPSTR lpDelim ) { char c, c1; LPSTR lpSav; BOOL fBegin = FALSE;
for(;c = *lpSrc; ++lpSrc) { // skip leading blanks
if (!fBegin) { if (c==' ') continue; else fBegin = TRUE; }
lpSav = lpDelim; while (c1 = *lpDelim++) { if (c==c1) return (lpSrc); } lpDelim = lpSav; } return (NULL); }
LPWSTR wstrpbrk( LPWSTR lpSrc, LPWSTR lpDelim ) { USHORT c, c1; LPWSTR lpSav; BOOL fBegin = FALSE;
for(;c = *lpSrc; ++lpSrc) { // skip leading blanks
if (!fBegin) { if (c==L' ') { continue; } else { fBegin = TRUE; } }
lpSav = lpDelim;
while (c1 = *lpDelim++) { if (c==c1) { return (lpSrc); } }
lpDelim = lpSav; } return (NULL); }
int OfflineToOnlinePath ( path_t ppath ) { if (!IFSIsRoot(ppath) && IsOfflinePE(ppath->pp_elements)) { OfflineToOnlinePE(ppath->pp_elements); ppath->pp_totalLength -= sizeof(USHORT); ppath->pp_prefixLength-= sizeof(USHORT); } return(0); //stop complaining about no return value
int OnlineToOfflinePath ( path_t ppath ) { // Must have space for one extra character
OnlineToOfflinePE(ppath->pp_elements); ppath->pp_totalLength += sizeof(USHORT); ppath->pp_prefixLength += sizeof(USHORT); return(0); //stop complaining about no return value
BOOL IsOfflinePE ( LPPE lppe ) { return(lppe->pe_unichars[1] == UCHAR_OFFLINE); }
int OfflineToOnlinePE ( LPPE lppe ) { ULONG size;
size = wstrlen(lppe->pe_unichars)*2+2; mymemmove(&(lppe->pe_unichars[1]) ,&(lppe->pe_unichars[2]) ,size-2*sizeof(USHORT)); lppe->pe_length-= sizeof(USHORT); return(0); //stop complaining about no return value
int OnlineToOfflinePE ( LPPE lppe ) { ULONG size;
size = wstrlen(lppe->pe_unichars)*2+2; // Must have space for one extra character
mymemmove(&(lppe->pe_unichars[2]) ,&(lppe->pe_unichars[1]) ,size-sizeof(USHORT));
lppe->pe_unichars[1] = UCHAR_OFFLINE; lppe->pe_length += sizeof(USHORT); return(0); //stop complaining about no return value
BOOL IsOfflineUni( USHORT *lpuName ) { return(lpuName[2] == UCHAR_OFFLINE); }
int OfflineToOnlineUni( USHORT *lpuName, ULONG size) { if (!size) { size = wstrlen(lpuName)*2+2; } mymemmove(&(lpuName[2]) ,&(lpuName[3]) ,size-3*sizeof(short)); return(0); //stop complaining about no return value
int OnlineToOfflineUni( USHORT *lpuName, ULONG size) { if (!size) { size = wstrlen(lpuName)*2+2; }
// Must have space for one extra character
mymemmove(&(lpuName[3]) ,&(lpuName[2]) ,size-2*sizeof(USHORT));
lpuName[2] = UCHAR_OFFLINE; return(0); //stop complaining about no return value
LPVOID mymemmove( LPVOID lpDst, LPVOID lpSrc, ULONG size ) { int i;
if (!size) return (lpDst);
// if lpDst does not fall within the source array, just do memcpy
if (!( ( lpDst > lpSrc ) && ( ((LPBYTE)lpDst) < ((LPBYTE)lpSrc)+size ) )) { memcpy(lpDst, lpSrc, size); } else { // do reverse copy
for (i=size-1;i>=0;--i) { *((LPBYTE)lpDst+i) = *((LPBYTE)lpSrc+i); } } return (lpDst); }
#ifdef MAYBE
ULONG UlGetDefaultShadowStore(LPSTR lpDrive) { int indx; ULONG ulSize=0; ULONG uSectorsPerCluster, uBytesPerSector, uFreeClusters, uTotalClusters; if (indx = GetDriveIndex(lpDrive)) { if (GetDiskFreeSpace(indx , &uSectorsPerCluster , &uBytesPerSector , &uFreeClusters , &uTotalClusters) >= 0) { ulSize = (uTotalClusters * uSectorsPerCluster * uBytesPerSector * 10)/100; } } return ulSize; } #endif //MAYBE
int GetDriveIndex(LPSTR lpDrive) { int c; if (*(lpDrive+1)==':') { c = *lpDrive; c = _mytoupper(c); return (c - 'A'+1); } return (0); } #endif
BOOL HasHeuristicTypeExtensions( USHORT *lpwzFileName ) { ULONG lenName = wstrlen(lpwzFileName); int i;
if (lenName > 4) { for (i=0; i<(sizeof(rgwzHeuristicExtensionTab)/sizeof(USHORT *)); ++i) { if (!wstrnicmp(&lpwzFileName[lenName-4], rgwzHeuristicExtensionTab[i], 4*sizeof(USHORT))) { return (TRUE); } } } return (FALSE); }
VOID IncrementFileTime( _FILETIME *lpft ) { DWORD dwTemp = lpft->dwLowDateTime;
// if it rolled over, there was a carry
if (lpft->dwLowDateTime < dwTemp) lpft->dwHighDateTime++;
BOOL CreateStringArrayFromDelimitedList( IN LPWSTR lpwzDelimitedList, IN LPWSTR lpwzDelimiters, IN LPWSTR *lprgwzStringArray, OUT LPDWORD lpdwCount ) {
LPWSTR lpStart, lpEnd, lpTmp; USHORT c; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
*lpdwCount = 0;
lpStart = lpwzDelimitedList; lpEnd = lpStart + wstrlen(lpwzDelimitedList); // points to null
// strip out the trailing spaces
for(;(lpStart<lpEnd);--lpEnd) { c = *(lpEnd-1);
if (c != L' ') { *lpEnd = 0; break; } }
// bailout if this is an empty string
if (lpStart == lpEnd) { fRet = TRUE; goto done; }
for (lpTmp = lpStart;(lpTmp && (lpEnd > lpStart)); lpStart = lpTmp+1) {
lpTmp = lpStart;
c = *lpStart;
if (c == L' ') { continue; }
Assert(*lpStart != L' ');
lpTmp = wstrpbrk(lpStart, lpwzDelimiters);
if (lprgwzStringArray) {
if (lpTmp) { *lpTmp = 0; // create a string out of it
// plug the start pointer into the array
lprgwzStringArray[*lpdwCount] = lpStart; }
} fRet = TRUE; done: return (fRet); }
BOOL IsValidName(LPSTR lpName) { int len = strlen(lpName), ch, i=0;
if (len != INODE_STRING_LENGTH) { return FALSE; }
while (len--) { ++i;
ch = *lpName++; if (!(((ch>='0') && (ch <='9'))|| ((ch>='A') && (ch <='F'))|| ((ch>='a') && (ch <='f')))) { return FALSE; } }
if (i != INODE_STRING_LENGTH) { return FALSE; }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL DeleteDirectoryFiles( LPCSTR lpszDir ) { _WIN32_FIND_DATAA sFind32; char buff[MAX_PATH+32]; CSCHFILE hFind; int lenDir; BOOL fOK = TRUE;
strcpy(buff, lpszDir); lenDir = strlen(buff);
if (!lenDir) { return (FALSE); }
if ((hFind = FindFirstFileLocal(buff, &sFind32))) { if (buff[lenDir-1] != '\\') { buff[lenDir++] ='\\'; buff[lenDir]=0; } do { buff[lenDir] = 0;
if (!(sFind32.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && IsValidName(sFind32.cFileName)) { strcat(buff, sFind32.cFileName);
if(DeleteFileLocal(buff, ATTRIB_DEL_ANY) < 0) { fOK = FALSE; break; } } } while(FindNextFileLocal(hFind, &sFind32) >= 0);
FindCloseLocal(hFind); } return (fOK); }