* This file is a ring 3 layer to call down to the VxD. */
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "assert.h"
#include "lib3.h"
#include "debug.h"
Globals declared within this file */ static char vszShadowDevice[] = "\\\\.\\shadow"; // name of vxd
// must be declared in your OWN code...
/* assert/debug stuff */ AssertData; AssertError;
//this variable is used as the receiver of the BytesReturned for DeviceIoControl Calls
//the value is never actually used
ULONG DummyBytesReturned, uShadowDeviceOpenCount=0;
//HACKHACKHACK the agent will wait up to 7 minutes for the rdr to show up
LONG NtWaitLoopMax = 7 * 60; LONG NtWaitLoopSleep = 5;
Call once to get the file handle opened to talk to the VxD */
HANDLE OpenShadowDatabaseIOex(ULONG WaitForDriver, DWORD dwFlags) { HANDLE hShadowDB; LONG WaitLoopRemaining = NtWaitLoopMax; DWORD dwError; char buff[64];
#if 0
if ((hShadowDB = CreateFileA(vszShadowDevice, FILE_EXECUTE, //GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
#if 0
if (WaitForDriver && (WaitLoopRemaining > 0)) { Sleep(NtWaitLoopSleep * 1000); WaitLoopRemaining -= NtWaitLoopSleep; goto WAITLOOP_HACK; } #endif
dwError = GetLastError();
// DEBUG_PRINT(("lib3:CreateFile on CSC device failed Error = %d\r\n", dwError));
return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; /* failure */ }
return hShadowDB; /* success */ }
HANDLE __OpenShadowDatabaseIO(ULONG WaitForDriver) { return OpenShadowDatabaseIOex(WaitForDriver, 0); }
Call after we're all done to close down the IOCTL interface. */ void CloseShadowDatabaseIO(HANDLE hShadowDB) { CloseHandle(hShadowDB); InterlockedDecrement(&uShadowDeviceOpenCount); }
int BeginInodeTransactionHSHADOW( VOID ) { int iRet; iRet = DoShadowMaintenance(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, SHADOW_BEGIN_INODE_TRANSACTION); if (!iRet) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } return (iRet); }
int EndInodeTransactionHSHADOW( VOID ) { int iRet;
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); } return (iRet); }
* Given an hDir and filename, find the hShadow, should it exist. */ int GetShadowW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPHSHADOW lphShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, unsigned long *lpuStatus ) { int iRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; } memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.lpFind32 = lpFind32; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_GETSHADOW ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (iRet) { *lpuStatus = sSI.uStatus; *lphShadow = sSI.hShadow; }
if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(sSI.dwError); }
return (iRet); }
* Given an hDir and filename, get SHADOWINFO if it exists */ int GetShadowExW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { int iRet; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(lpSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); lpSI->hDir = hDir; lpSI->lpFind32 = lpFind32; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_GETSHADOW ,(LPVOID)(lpSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(lpSI->dwError); } return (iRet); }
* Call down to the VxD to add a file to the shadow. * lphShadow is filled in with the new HSHADOW. * Set uStatus as necessary (ie: SPARSE or whatever...) */ int CreateShadowW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, unsigned long uStatus, LPHSHADOW lphShadow ) { int iRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.uStatus = uStatus; sSI.lpFind32 = lpFind32; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_SHADOW_CREATE ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (iRet) { *lphShadow = sSI.hShadow; }
if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(sSI.dwError); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir and hShadow, nuke the shadow */ int DeleteShadow( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow ) { SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE; int iRet;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.hShadow = hShadow; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_SHADOW_DELETE ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(sSI.dwError); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir and hShadow, get WIN32_FIND_DATAW about the file. */ int GetShadowInfoW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, unsigned long *lpuStatus ) { int iRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.hShadow = hShadow; sSI.lpFind32 = lpFind32; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_SHADOW_GET_SHADOW_INFO ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); *lpuStatus = sSI.uStatus; if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(sSI.dwError); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir and hShadow, get WIN32_FIND_DATAW about the file and the SHADOWINFO */ int GetShadowInfoExW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { int iRet; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(lpSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); lpSI->hDir = hDir; lpSI->hShadow = hShadow; lpSI->lpFind32 = lpFind32; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_SHADOW_GET_SHADOW_INFO ,(LPVOID)(lpSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(lpSI->dwError); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir and hShadow, set WIN32_FIND_DATAW or uStatus about the file. * Operation depends on uOp given. */ int SetShadowInfoW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, unsigned long uStatus, unsigned long uOp ) { SHADOWINFO sSI; int iRet; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.hShadow = hShadow; sSI.lpFind32 = lpFind32; sSI.uStatus = uStatus; sSI.uOp = uOp; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_SHADOW_SET_SHADOW_INFO ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
if (!iRet) { SetLastError(sSI.dwError); }
return (iRet); }
* Fills out a GLOBALSTATUS passed in. */ int GetGlobalStatus( HANDLE hShadowDB, LPGLOBALSTATUS lpGS ) { BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE; int iRet;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; } iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_GETGLOBALSTATUS ,(LPVOID)(lpGS), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir, enumerate the directory. A SHADOWINFO will be filled in. * You must pass in a LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW that has cFileName and fileAttributes * set properly. The cookie returned must be used in findNext calls. */ int FindOpenShadowW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, unsigned uOp, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { BOOL retVal; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(lpSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); lpSI->uOp = uOp; lpSI->hDir = hDir; lpSI->lpFind32 = lpFind32;
retVal = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_FINDOPEN_SHADOW ,(LPVOID)(lpSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); lpSI->lpFind32 = NULL;
if(!retVal) {
memset(lpSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); }
if (!retVal) { SetLastError(lpSI->dwError); }
if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
return retVal; }
* Continue enumeration based on handle returned above. */ int FindNextShadowW( HANDLE hShadowDB, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE uEnumCookie, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { BOOL retVal; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(lpSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); lpSI->uEnumCookie = uEnumCookie; lpSI->lpFind32 = lpFind32; retVal = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_FINDNEXT_SHADOW ,(LPVOID)(lpSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
return retVal; }
* Finished enumeration, return the handle. */ int FindCloseShadow( HANDLE hShadowDB, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE uEnumCookie ) { SHADOWINFO sSI; int iRet;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; } memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.uEnumCookie = uEnumCookie; iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_FINDCLOSE_SHADOW ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); }
return (iRet); }
* Call down to the VxD to add a hint of some sort to the database. * cFileName is the string to match against. * lphShadow is filled in with the new HSHADOW. * hDir = 0 means global hint. Otherwise, this is the root to take it from. */ int AddHintW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, TCHAR *cFileName, LPHSHADOW lphShadow, unsigned long ulHintFlags, unsigned long ulHintPri ) { int iRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); wcsncpy(sFind32.cFileName, cFileName, MAX_PATH-1); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.lpFind32 = (LPFIND32)&sFind32; sSI.ulHintFlags = ulHintFlags; sSI.ulHintPri = ulHintPri;
iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_ADD_HINT ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (iRet) { *lphShadow = sSI.hShadow; } if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); } return (iRet); }
* Call down to the VxD to delete a hint of some sort from the database. * cFileName is the string to match against. * hDir = 0 means global hint. Otherwise, this is the root to take it from. */ int DeleteHintW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, TCHAR *cFileName, BOOL fClearAll ) { int iRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); wcsncpy(sFind32.cFileName, cFileName, MAX_PATH-1);
sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.lpFind32 = (LPFIND32)&sFind32;
// nuke or just decrement?
if (fClearAll) { sSI.ulHintPri = 0xffffffff; } iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_DELETE_HINT ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); } return iRet; }
* given an hDir, enumerate the directory. A SHADOWINFO will be filled in. * You must pass in a LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW that has cFileName and fileAttributes * set properly. The cookie returned must be used in findNext calls. */ int FindOpenHintW( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE *lpuEnumCookie, HSHADOW *hShadow, unsigned long *lpulHintFlags, unsigned long *lpulHintPri ) { SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL retVal;
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.uOp = FINDOPEN_SHADOWINFO_ALL; sSI.hDir = hDir; // sSI.ulHintFlags = 0xF;
sSI.ulHintFlags = HINT_TYPE_FOLDER; sSI.lpFind32 = lpFind32;
retVal = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_FINDOPEN_HINT ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if(retVal) { *lpuEnumCookie = sSI.uEnumCookie; *hShadow = sSI.hShadow; *lpulHintFlags = sSI.ulHintFlags; *lpulHintPri = sSI.ulHintPri; } else { *lpuEnumCookie = 0; *hShadow = 0; } return retVal; }
* Continue enumeration based on handle returned above. */ int FindNextHintW( HANDLE hShadowDB, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE uEnumCookie, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFind32, HSHADOW *hShadow, unsigned long *lpuHintFlags, unsigned long *lpuHintPri ) { SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL retVal; memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.uEnumCookie = uEnumCookie; sSI.lpFind32 = lpFind32; retVal = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_FINDNEXT_HINT ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); *hShadow = sSI.hShadow; *lpuHintFlags = sSI.ulHintFlags; *lpuHintPri = sSI.ulHintPri;
return retVal; }
* Finished enumeration, return the handle. */ int FindCloseHint( HANDLE hShadowDB, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE uEnumCookie ) { SHADOWINFO sSI; int iRet; memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.uEnumCookie = uEnumCookie; return(DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_FINDCLOSE_HINT ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL)); }
* Call down to the VxD to add a hint on the inode. * This ioctl does the right thing for user and system hints * If successful, there is an additional pincount on the inode entry * and the flags that are passed in are ORed with the original entry */ int AddHintFromInode( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, unsigned long *lpulPinCount, unsigned long *lpulHintFlags ) { int iRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.hShadow = hShadow; sSI.ulHintFlags = *lpulHintFlags; sSI.uOp = SHADOW_ADDHINT_FROM_INODE;
iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_DO_SHADOW_MAINTENANCE ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); } if (!iRet) { SetLastError(sSI.dwError); } else { *lpulHintFlags = sSI.ulHintFlags; *lpulPinCount = sSI.ulHintPri; } return (iRet); }
* Call down to the VxD to add a hint on the inode. * This ioctl does the right thing for user and system hints * If successful, there is an one pincount less than the original * and the ~ of flags that are passed in are ANDed with the original entry */ int DeleteHintFromInode( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, unsigned long *lpulPinCount, unsigned long *lpulHintFlags ) { int iRet; SHADOWINFO sSI; BOOL fDBOpened = FALSE;
if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { hShadowDB = OpenShadowDatabaseIO(); if (hShadowDB == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } fDBOpened = TRUE; }
memset(&sSI, 0, sizeof(SHADOWINFO)); sSI.hDir = hDir; sSI.hShadow = hShadow; sSI.ulHintFlags = *lpulHintFlags; sSI.uOp = SHADOW_DELETEHINT_FROM_INODE;
iRet = DeviceIoControl(hShadowDB , IOCTL_DO_SHADOW_MAINTENANCE ,(LPVOID)(&sSI), 0 , NULL, 0 , &DummyBytesReturned, NULL); if (fDBOpened) { CloseShadowDatabaseIO(hShadowDB); } if (!iRet) { SetLastError(sSI.dwError); } else { *lpulHintFlags = sSI.ulHintFlags; *lpulPinCount = sSI.ulHintPri; } return (iRet); }
* Given an hDir and filename, find the hShadow, should it exist. */ int GetShadowA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPHSHADOW lphShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, unsigned long *lpuStatus ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; Find32AToFind32W(lpFind32, lpFind32W); } iRet = GetShadowW(hShadowDB, hDir, lphShadow, lpFind32W, lpuStatus); if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* Given an hDir and filename, get SHADOWINFO if it exists */ int GetShadowExA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { int iRet;
WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; Find32AToFind32W(lpFind32, lpFind32W); } iRet = GetShadowExW(hShadowDB, hDir, lpFind32W, lpSI);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* Call down to the VxD to add a file to the shadow. * lphShadow is filled in with the new HSHADOW. * Set uStatus as necessary (ie: SPARSE or whatever...) */ int CreateShadowA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, unsigned long uStatus, LPHSHADOW lphShadow ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; Find32AToFind32W(lpFind32, lpFind32W); } iRet = CreateShadowW(hShadowDB, hDir, lpFind32W, uStatus, lphShadow);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir and hShadow, get WIN32_FIND_DATAA about the file. */ int GetShadowInfoA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, unsigned long *lpuStatus ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; }
iRet = GetShadowInfoW(hShadowDB, hDir, hShadow, lpFind32W, lpuStatus);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir and hShadow, get WIN32_FIND_DATAA about the file and the SHADOWINFO */ int GetShadowInfoExA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; }
iRet = GetShadowInfoExW(hShadowDB, hDir, hShadow, lpFind32W, lpSI);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir and hShadow, set WIN32_FIND_DATAA or uStatus about the file. * Operation depends on uOp given. */ int SetShadowInfoA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, HSHADOW hShadow, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, unsigned long uStatus, unsigned long uOp ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; Find32AToFind32W(lpFind32, lpFind32W); }
iRet = SetShadowInfoW(hShadowDB, hDir, hShadow, lpFind32W, uStatus, uOp);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir, enumerate the directory. A SHADOWINFO will be filled in. * You must pass in a LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA that has cFileName and fileAttributes * set properly. The cookie returned must be used in findNext calls. */ int FindOpenShadowA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, unsigned uOp, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; Find32AToFind32W(lpFind32, lpFind32W); }
iRet = FindOpenShadowW(hShadowDB, hDir, uOp, lpFind32W, lpSI);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* Continue enumeration based on handle returned above. */ int FindNextShadowA( HANDLE hShadowDB, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE uEnumCookie, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, LPSHADOWINFO lpSI ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; }
iRet = FindNextShadowW(hShadowDB, uEnumCookie, lpFind32W, lpSI);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* Call down to the VxD to add a hint of some sort to the database. * cFileName is the string to match against. * lphShadow is filled in with the new HSHADOW. * hDir = 0 means global hint. Otherwise, this is the root to take it from. */ int AddHintA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, char *cFileName, LPHSHADOW lphShadow, unsigned long ulHintFlags, unsigned long ulHintPri ) { int iRet = 0; unsigned short wBuff[MAX_PATH];
if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cFileName, strlen(cFileName), wBuff, sizeof(wBuff)/sizeof(WCHAR))) { iRet = AddHintW(hShadowDB, hDir, wBuff, lphShadow, ulHintFlags, ulHintPri); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
return (iRet); }
* Call down to the VxD to delete a hint of some sort from the database. * cFileName is the string to match against. * hDir = 0 means global hint. Otherwise, this is the root to take it from. */ int DeleteHintA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, char *cFileName, BOOL fClearAll ) { int iRet = 0; unsigned short wBuff[MAX_PATH];
if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, cFileName, strlen(cFileName), wBuff, sizeof(wBuff)/sizeof(WCHAR))) { iRet = DeleteHintW(hShadowDB, hDir, wBuff, fClearAll); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
return (iRet); }
* given an hDir, enumerate the directory. A SHADOWINFO will be filled in. * You must pass in a LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA that has cFileName and fileAttributes * set properly. The cookie returned must be used in findNext calls. */ int FindOpenHintA( HANDLE hShadowDB, HSHADOW hDir, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE *lpuEnumCookie, HSHADOW *lphShadow, unsigned long *lpulHintFlags, unsigned long *lpulHintPri ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; Find32AToFind32W(lpFind32, lpFind32W); }
iRet = FindOpenHintW(hShadowDB, hDir, lpFind32W, lpuEnumCookie, lphShadow, lpulHintFlags, lpulHintPri);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }
* Continue enumeration based on handle returned above. */ int FindNextHintA( HANDLE hShadowDB, CSC_ENUMCOOKIE uEnumCookie, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA lpFind32, HSHADOW *hShadow, unsigned long *lpuHintFlags, unsigned long *lpuHintPri ) { int iRet; WIN32_FIND_DATAW sFind32, *lpFind32W = NULL;
if (lpFind32) { lpFind32W = &sFind32; }
iRet = FindNextHintW(hShadowDB, uEnumCookie, lpFind32W, hShadow, lpuHintFlags, lpuHintPri);
if (lpFind32) { Assert(lpFind32W); Find32WToFind32A(lpFind32W, lpFind32); }
return (iRet); }