Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is the main entry point for the service control manager for the web dav mini-redir service.
Rohan Kumar [RohanK] 08-Feb-2000
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntumrefl.h>
#include <usrmddav.h>
#include <svcs.h>
// Allocate global data in this file.
#include "global.h"
DWORD DavStop = 0;
// The amount of time in seconds a server entry is cached in the ServerNotFound
// cache.
ULONG ServerNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec = 0;
// Should we accept/claim the OfficeWebServers and TahoeWebServers?
ULONG AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers = 0;
// Should we LOCK (using the DAV LOCK Verb) the file on the server on the
// CreateFile path when needed? To know when exactly a LOCK is sent to the
// server, look at the (LOCKing) comments in the davcreat.c file.
ULONG DavSupportLockingOfFiles = 1;
DWORD DavNotRunningAsAService( VOID );
DWORD WINAPI DavFakeServiceController( LPVOID Parameter );
BOOL DavCheckLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled( VOID );
VOID DavReadRegistryValues( VOID );
VOID WINAPI DavServiceHandler ( DWORD dwOpcode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called by the Service Controller at various times when the service is running.
dwOpcode - Reason for calling the service handler.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD err; switch (dwOpcode) {
// Lack of break is intentional!
case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: DavPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DavServiceHandler: WebClient service is stopping.\n")); UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING); if (g_WorkersActive) { err = DavTerminateWorkerThreads(); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/DavTerminateWorkerThreads: " "Error Val = %u.\n", err)); } g_WorkersActive = FALSE; }
if (g_RpcActive) { DavSvcsGlobalData->StopRpcServer(davclntrpc_ServerIfHandle); g_RpcActive = FALSE; }
// Close and free up the DAV stuff.
if (g_socketinit) { err = CleanupTheSocketInterface(); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/CleanupTheSocketInterface: " "Error Val = %u.\n", err)); } g_socketinit = FALSE; }
if (DavReflectorHandle != NULL) { err = UMReflectorStop(DavReflectorHandle); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/UMReflectorStop: Error Val = %u.\n", err)); } err = UMReflectorUnregister(DavReflectorHandle); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/UMReflectorUnregister: Error Val = 0x%x.\n", err)); } DavReflectorHandle = NULL; }
if (g_RedirLoaded) { err = WsUnloadRedir(); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/WsUnloadRedir: Error Val = %u.\n", err)); } g_RedirLoaded = FALSE; }
if (g_DavServiceLockSet) { DeleteCriticalSection ( &(g_DavServiceLock) ); g_DavServiceLockSet = FALSE; }
DavPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DavServiceMain: WebClient service is stopped.\n"));
#if DBG
DebugUninitialize(); #endif
// Refresh our status to the SCM.
SetServiceStatus(g_hStatus, &g_status);
// This may not be needed, but refresh our status to the service
// controller.
DavPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DavServiceHandler: WebClient service received SCM " "Opcode = %08lx\n", dwOpcode));
ASSERT (g_hStatus);
SetServiceStatus (g_hStatus, &g_status);
return; }
VOID SvchostPushServiceGlobals( PSVCHOST_GLOBAL_DATA pGlobals ) { DavSvcsGlobalData = pGlobals; }
VOID WINAPI ServiceMain ( DWORD dwNumServicesArgs, LPWSTR *lpServiceArgVectors ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called by the Service Control Manager when starting this service.
dwNumServicesArgs - Number of arguments. lpServiceArgVectors - Array of arguments.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD err = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD exitErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY KeyHandle = NULL; ULONG maxThreads = 0, initialThreads = 0, RedirRegisterCount = 0; BOOL RunningAsAService = TRUE;
#if DBG
DebugInitialize(); #endif
// Make sure svchost.exe gave us the global data
ASSERT(DavSvcsGlobalData != NULL); #if DBG
{ DWORD cbP = 0; WCHAR m_szProfilePath[MAX_PATH]; cbP = GetEnvironmentVariable(L"USERPROFILE", m_szProfilePath, MAX_PATH); m_szProfilePath[cbP] = L'\0'; DavPrint((DEBUG_MISC, "DavServiceMain: USERPROFILE: %ws\n", m_szProfilePath)); } #endif
g_RedirLoaded = FALSE; g_WorkersActive = FALSE; g_registeredService = FALSE;
// Initialize the SERVICE_STATUS structure g_status.
ZeroMemory (&g_status, sizeof(g_status)); g_status.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS;
g_status.dwCheckPoint = 1;
g_status.dwWaitHint = DAV_WAIT_HINT_TIME;
DavPrint((DEBUG_MISC, "DavServiceMain: lpServiceArgVectors[0] = %ws\n", lpServiceArgVectors[0])); if ( lpServiceArgVectors[0] && ( wcscmp(lpServiceArgVectors[0], L"notservice") == 0 ) ) {
DavPrint((DEBUG_MISC, "DavServiceMain: WebClient is not running as a Service.\n"));
} else {
DavPrint((DEBUG_MISC, "DavServiceMain: WebClient is running as a Service.\n"));
try { InitializeCriticalSection ( &(g_DavServiceLock) ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { err = GetExceptionCode(); DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/InitializeCriticalSection: Exception Code =" " = %08lx.\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
g_DavServiceLockSet = TRUE;
// Register the service control handler.
g_hStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(SERVICE_DAVCLIENT, DavServiceHandler); if (g_hStatus) { g_registeredService = TRUE; DavPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DavServiceMain: WebClient service is pending start.\n")); } else { DavPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DavServiceMain: WebClient service failed to register.\n")); goto exitServiceMain; } }
// Attempt to load the mini-redir driver. If this fails, no point in us
// starting up.
while (TRUE) { err = WsLoadRedir(); if (err == ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING || err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_MISC, "DavServiceMain/WsLoadRedir. Succeeded\n")); break; }
// If the transports are not ready, the MiniRedir returns an
// error STATUS_REDIRECTOR_NOT_STARTED which maps to the Win32 error
// ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND. In this case we sleep for 3 seconds and try
// again with the hope that the transports will be ready soon. Also,
// we update the service status to inform the SCM that we are doing
// some work. We try this 5 times (till RedirRegisterCount == 4) and
// if are unsuccessful, we give up.
if (err == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { RedirRegisterCount++;
DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/WsLoadRedir. RedirRegisterCount = %d\n", RedirRegisterCount));
if (RedirRegisterCount >= 4) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/WsLoadRedir(1). Error Val = %d\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
// Sleep for 3 seconds.
(g_status.dwCheckPoint)++; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING);
} else { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/WsLoadRedir(2). Error Val = %d\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
g_RedirLoaded = TRUE;
(g_status.dwCheckPoint)++; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING);
// Initialize the global NT-style redirector device name string.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&RedirDeviceName, DD_DAV_DEVICE_NAME_U);
// Try to register the mini-redir.
err = UMReflectorRegister(DD_DAV_DEVICE_NAME_U, UMREFLECTOR_CURRENT_VERSION, &(DavReflectorHandle)); if ((DavReflectorHandle == NULL) || (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS) { err = ERROR_BAD_DRIVER; } DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/UMReflectorRegister. Error Val = %d\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
(g_status.dwCheckPoint)++; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING);
// Try to start the mini-redir.
err = UMReflectorStart(UMREFLECTOR_CURRENT_VERSION, DavReflectorHandle); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/UMReflectorStart. Error Val = %u.\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
(g_status.dwCheckPoint)++; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING); //
// Initialize the socket interface.
err = InitializeTheSocketInterface(); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/InitializeTheSocketInterface: Error Val = %u.\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
// Setup the DAV/WinInet environment.
err = DavInit(); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/DavInit: Error Val = %u.\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
// Start the worker thread. This will handle completion routines queued
// from other worker threads and from the request ioctl threads.
(g_status.dwCheckPoint)++; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING); err = DavInitWorkerThreads(initialThreads, maxThreads); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/DavInitWorkerThread: Error Val = %u.\n", err)); goto exitServiceMain; }
g_WorkersActive = TRUE;
(g_status.dwCheckPoint)++; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING);
g_LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled = DavCheckLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled();
// Immediately report that we are running. All non-essential initialization
// is deferred until we are called by clients to do some work.
DavPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DavServiceMain: WebClient service is now running.\n")); (g_status.dwCheckPoint)++; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING);
// Setup RPC server for this service.
if (!g_RpcActive) { err = DavSvcsGlobalData->StartRpcServer(L"DAV RPC SERVICE", davclntrpc_ServerIfHandle); if (err == STATUS_SUCCESS) { g_RpcActive = TRUE; } else { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/SetupRpcServer: Error Val = %u.\n", err)); } }
UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING); return;
if (g_WorkersActive) { exitErr = DavTerminateWorkerThreads(); if (exitErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/DavTerminateWorkerThreads: " "Error Val = %u.\n", exitErr)); } g_WorkersActive = FALSE; }
// Close and free up the DAV stuff.
if (g_socketinit) { exitErr = CleanupTheSocketInterface(); if (exitErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/CleanupTheSocketInterface: " "Error Val = %u.\n", exitErr)); } g_socketinit = FALSE; }
if (g_RpcActive) { DavSvcsGlobalData->StopRpcServer(davclntrpc_ServerIfHandle); g_RpcActive = FALSE; }
if (DavReflectorHandle != NULL) { exitErr = UMReflectorStop(DavReflectorHandle); if (exitErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/UMReflectorStop: Error Val = %u.\n", exitErr)); } exitErr = UMReflectorUnregister(DavReflectorHandle); if (exitErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/UMReflectorUnregister: Error Val = 0x%x.\n", exitErr)); } DavReflectorHandle = NULL; }
if (g_RedirLoaded) { exitErr = WsUnloadRedir(); if (exitErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavServiceMain/WsUnloadRedir: Error Val = %u.\n", exitErr)); } g_RedirLoaded = FALSE; }
if (g_DavServiceLockSet) { DeleteCriticalSection ( &(g_DavServiceLock) ); g_DavServiceLockSet = FALSE; }
// Let the SCM know why the service did not start.
if (err != NO_ERROR) { g_status.dwWin32ExitCode = err; g_status.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = NO_ERROR; UpdateServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED); }
DavPrint((DEBUG_INIT, "DavServiceMain: WebClient service is stopped.\n"));
#if DBG
DebugUninitialize(); #endif
return; }
DWORD DavNotRunningAsAService( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: The DavClient is not being run as a Service.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS - No problems. Win32 Error Code - Something went wrong.
--*/ { DWORD WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE Thread; DWORD ThreadId; PWCHAR NotSrv = L"notservice"; //
// Create a thread for the fake service controller.
Thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, DavFakeServiceController, 0, 0, &ThreadId ); if (Thread == NULL) { WStatus = GetLastError(); DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "DavNotRunningAsAService/CreateThread: Error Val = %d.\n", WStatus)); return WStatus; }
// Call the Sevice Main function of the DavClient service.
ServiceMain( 2, &(NotSrv) ); return WStatus; }
DWORD WINAPI DavFakeServiceController( LPVOID Parameter ) /*++
Routine Description: The Fake service control for the DavClient when it is not running as a service. This is used to send a STOP signal to the DavClient.
Arguments: Parameter - Dummy parameter.
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS - No problems. --*/ { while (DavStop == 0) { Sleep(1000); }
DavServiceHandler( SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP );
return 0; }
BOOL DavCheckLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled( VOID )
Routine Description:
This function calls NtQueryInformationProcess() to determine if LUID device maps are enabled
Return Value:
TRUE - LUID device maps are enabled
FALSE - LUID device maps are disabled
NTSTATUS Status; ULONG LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled; BOOL Result;
Status = NtQueryInformationProcess( NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessLUIDDeviceMapsEnabled, &LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled, sizeof(LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled), NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { Result = FALSE; } else { Result = (LUIDDeviceMapsEnabled != 0); }
return( Result ); }
VOID _cdecl main ( IN INT ArgC, IN PCHAR ArgV[] ) /*++
Routine Description: Main (DavClient) runs as either a service or an exe.
Arguments: ArgC - Number of arguments. ArgV - Array of arguments.
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS - No problems. Win32 Error Code - Something went wrong.
--*/ {
BOOL RunningAsAService = TRUE; BOOL ReturnVal = FALSE; SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW DavServiceTableEntry[] = { { SERVICE_DAVCLIENT, ServiceMain }, { NULL, NULL } };
// Are we running as a service or an exe ?
if ( ArgV[1] != NULL ) { if ( strstr(ArgV[1], "notservice") != NULL) { RunningAsAService = FALSE; } }
if (RunningAsAService) {
ReturnVal = StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(DavServiceTableEntry); if ( !ReturnVal ) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "main/StartServiceCtrlDispatcher: Error Val = %d.\n", GetLastError())); }
} else {
DWORD WStatus;
WStatus = DavNotRunningAsAService(); if ( WStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DavPrint((DEBUG_ERRORS, "main/DavNotRunningAsAService: Error Val = %d.\n", WStatus)); }
return; }
VOID DavReadRegistryValues( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function reads some values from the registry and sets the globals in the WebClient service.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None.
--*/ { ULONG WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY KeyHandle = NULL; ULONG ValueType = 0, ValueSize = 0;
WStatus = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DAV_PARAMETERS_KEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &(KeyHandle)); if (WStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { KeyHandle = NULL; ServerNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec = 60; AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers = 0; WStatus = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("ERROR: DavReadRegistryValues/RegOpenKeyExW. WStatus = %d\n", WStatus); goto EXIT_THE_FUNCTION; }
// If we fail in getting the values from the registry, set them to default
// values.
ValueSize = sizeof(ServerNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec);
WStatus = RegQueryValueExW(KeyHandle, DAV_SERV_CACHE_VALUE, 0, &(ValueType), (LPBYTE)&(ServerNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec), &(ValueSize)); if (WStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ServerNotFoundCacheLifeTimeInSec = 60; WStatus = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("ERROR: DavReadRegistryValues/RegQueryValueExW(1). WStatus = %d\n", WStatus); }
ValueSize = sizeof(AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers); WStatus = RegQueryValueExW(KeyHandle, DAV_ACCEPT_TAHOE_OFFICE_SERVERS, 0, &(ValueType), (LPBYTE)&(AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers), &(ValueSize)); if (WStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { AcceptOfficeAndTahoeServers = 0; WStatus = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("ERROR: DavReadRegistryValues/RegQueryValueExW(2). WStatus = %d\n", WStatus); }
ValueSize = sizeof(DavSupportLockingOfFiles); WStatus = RegQueryValueExW(KeyHandle, DAV_SUPPORT_LOCKING_OF_FILES, 0, &(ValueType), (LPBYTE)&(DavSupportLockingOfFiles), &(ValueSize)); if (WStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavSupportLockingOfFiles = 1; WStatus = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("ERROR: DavReadRegistryValues/RegQueryValueExW(3). WStatus = %d\n", WStatus); }
ValueSize = sizeof(DavFileSizeLimitInBytes); WStatus = RegQueryValueExW(KeyHandle, DAV_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT, 0, &(ValueType), (LPBYTE)&(DavFileSizeLimitInBytes), &(ValueSize)); if (WStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavFileSizeLimitInBytes = 0x2faf080; WStatus = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("ERROR: DavReadRegistryValues/RegQueryValueExW(4). WStatus = %d\n", WStatus); }
ValueSize = sizeof(DavFileAttributesLimitInBytes); WStatus = RegQueryValueExW(KeyHandle, DAV_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE_LIMIT, 0, &(ValueType), (LPBYTE)&(DavFileAttributesLimitInBytes), &(ValueSize)); if (WStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DavFileAttributesLimitInBytes = 0xf4240; WStatus = GetLastError(); DbgPrint("ERROR: DavReadRegistryValues/RegQueryValueExW(5). WStatus = %d\n", WStatus); }
if (KeyHandle) { RegCloseKey(KeyHandle); }
return; }