Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
nodefac.h Abstract:
This module defines the CDavnodefactory class, which implements the NodeFactory API, used to parse XML. It also exports the wrapper functions that the C code uses to parse XML data. We need wrapper functions around the C++ API.
Rohan Kumar [RohanK] 14-Sept-1999
Revision History:
#ifndef _NODE_FACTORY_
#define _NODE_FACTORY_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <objbase.h>
#include "xmlparser.h"
#if DBG
#define XmlDavDbgPrint(_x_) DbgPrint _x_
#define XmlDavDbgPrint(_x_)
typedef enum _CREATE_NODE_ATTRIBUTES { CreateNode_isHidden = 0, CreateNode_isCollection, CreateNode_ContentLength, CreateNode_CreationTime, CreateNode_DisplayName, CreateNode_LastModifiedTime, CreateNode_Status, CreateNode_Win32FileAttributes, CreateNode_Win32CreationTime, CreateNode_Win32LastAccessTime, CreateNode_Win32LastModifiedTime, CreateNode_ResourceType, CreateNode_AvailableSpace, CreateNode_TotalSpace, CreateNode_Owner, CreateNode_Timeout, CreateNode_LockToken, CreateNode_Max } CREATE_NODE_ATTRIBUTES;
// IMPORTANT!!! The next two typedefs have been copied from standard files.
// This was done because including the standard header files was causing many
// compilation errors. This should be changed at some point.
typedef short CSHORT; typedef struct _TIME_FIELDS { CSHORT Year; // range [1601...]
CSHORT Month; // range [1..12]
CSHORT Day; // range [1..31]
CSHORT Hour; // range [0..23]
CSHORT Minute; // range [0..59]
CSHORT Second; // range [0..59]
CSHORT Milliseconds;// range [0..999]
CSHORT Weekday; // range [0..6] == [Sunday..Saturday]
// Copied from a standard header file. Must be fixed.
#define InsertTailList(ListHead, Entry) { \
PLIST_ENTRY _EX_Blink; \ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_ListHead; \ _EX_ListHead = (ListHead); \ _EX_Blink = _EX_ListHead->Blink; \ (Entry)->Flink = _EX_ListHead; \ (Entry)->Blink = _EX_Blink; \ _EX_Blink->Flink = (Entry); \ _EX_ListHead->Blink = (Entry); \ }
#define RemoveEntryList(Entry) { \
PLIST_ENTRY _EX_Blink; \ PLIST_ENTRY _EX_Flink; \ _EX_Flink = (Entry)->Flink; \ _EX_Blink = (Entry)->Blink; \ _EX_Blink->Flink = _EX_Flink; \ _EX_Flink->Blink = _EX_Blink; \ }
// The CDavNodeFactory class which implements the NodeFactory API for parsing
// the XML responses from the DAV server.
class CDavNodeFactory : public IXMLNodeFactory {
public: ULONG m_ulRefCount; PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES m_DavFileAttributes;
// These are used in the CreateNode function to parse the XML responses.
BOOL m_FoundEntry, m_CreateNewEntry; ULONG m_FileIndex; CREATE_NODE_ATTRIBUTES m_CreateNodeAttribute; PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES m_DFAToUse; PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES m_CollectionDFA; DWORD m_MinDisplayNameLength;
CDavNodeFactory() : m_ulRefCount(0), m_DavFileAttributes(NULL), m_FoundEntry(FALSE), m_FileIndex(0), m_DFAToUse(NULL), m_CollectionDFA(NULL), m_MinDisplayNameLength((DWORD)-1), m_CreateNewEntry(FALSE), m_CreateNodeAttribute(CreateNode_Max) {}
// IUnknown interface methods.
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef( VOID ); virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release( VOID );
virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObject );
// IXMLNodeFactory interface methods.
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE NotifyEvent( IXMLNodeSource __RPC_FAR *pSource, XML_NODEFACTORY_EVENT iEvt ); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE BeginChildren( IXMLNodeSource __RPC_FAR * pSource, XML_NODE_INFO __RPC_FAR * pNodeInfo );
virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EndChildren( IXMLNodeSource __RPC_FAR * pSource, BOOL fEmptyNode, XML_NODE_INFO __RPC_FAR * pNodeInfo ); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Error( IXMLNodeSource __RPC_FAR *pSource, HRESULT hrErrorCode, USHORT cNumRecs, XML_NODE_INFO __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *apNodeInfo ); virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreateNode( IN IXMLNodeSource __RPC_FAR *pSource, IN PVOID pNodeParent, IN USHORT cNumRecs, IN XML_NODE_INFO __RPC_FAR **aNodeInfo ); };
extern "C" {
ULONG DavPushData( IN PCHAR DataBuff, IN OUT PVOID *Context1, IN OUT PVOID *Context2, IN ULONG NumOfBytes, IN BOOL isLast );
ULONG DavParseData( PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES DavFileAttributes, PVOID Context1, PVOID Conttext2, ULONG *NumOfFileEntries );
ULONG DavParseDataEx( IN OUT PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES DavFileAttributes, IN PVOID Context1, IN PVOID Context2, OUT ULONG *NumOfFileEntries, OUT DAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ** pCollectionDFA );
VOID DavFinalizeFileAttributesList( PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES DavFileAttributes, BOOL fFreeHeadDFA );
VOID DavCloseContext( PVOID Context1, PVOID Context2 );
// IMPORTANT!!! The next prototype has been copied from a standard ".h" file.
// This was done because including the standard header file was causing many
// compilation errors. This should be changed at some point.
ULONG DbgPrint( PSTR Format, ... );
ULONG DavParsedateTimetzTimeString( PWCHAR TimeString, PLARGE_INTEGER lpft );
ULONG DavParseRfc1123TimeString( PWCHAR TimeString, PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES DavFileAttributes, CREATE_NODE_ATTRIBUTES CreateNodeAttribute );
// These calls are wrapper routines used by the C code to parse XML using the
// NodeFactory C++ API that we are implementing.
ULONG DavPushData( IN PCHAR DataBuff, IN OUT PVOID *Context1, IN OUT PVOID *Context2, IN ULONG NumOfBytes, IN BOOL isLast );
ULONG DavParseData( PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES DavFileAttributes, PVOID Context1, PVOID Conttext2, ULONG *NumOfFileEntries );
ULONG DavParseDataEx( IN OUT PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES DavFileAttributes, IN PVOID Context1, IN PVOID Context2, OUT ULONG *NumOfFileEntries, OUT DAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ** pCollectionDFA );
VOID DavFinalizeFileAttributesList( PDAV_FILE_ATTRIBUTES DavFileAttributes, BOOL fFreeHeadDFA );
VOID DavCloseContext( PVOID Context1, PVOID Context2 );
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // _NODE_FACTORY_