/*++ BUILD Version: 0009 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1987-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the Session setup related routines
Balan Sethu Raman (SethuR) 06-Mar-95 Created
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <exsessup.h>
#include "ntlsapi.h"
#include "mrxsec.h"
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, BuildTreeConnectSecurityInformation)
extern BOOLEAN EnablePlainTextPassword; extern BOOLEAN MRxSmbExtendedSignaturesEnabled;
NTSTATUS BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation( PSMB_EXCHANGE pExchange, PBYTE pSmbBuffer, PULONG pSmbBufferSize) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine builds the security related information for the session setup SMB
pServer - the server instance
pSmbBuffer - the SMB buffer
pSmbBufferSize - the size of the buffer on input ( modified to size remaining on output)
Return Value:
RXSTATUS - The return status for the operation
Eventhough the genral structure of the code tries to isolate dialect specific issues as much as possible this routine takes the opposite approach. This is because of the preamble and prologue to security interaction which far outweigh the dialect specific work required to be done. Therefore in the interests of a smaller footprint this approach has been adopted.
STRING CaseSensitiveResponse; STRING CaseInsensitiveResponse;
PVOID pSecurityBlob; USHORT SecurityBlobSize;
PSMBCE_SERVER pServer = SmbCeGetExchangeServer(pExchange); PSMBCE_SESSION pSession = SmbCeGetExchangeSession(pExchange); PSMBCEDB_SERVER_ENTRY pServerEntry = SmbCeGetExchangeServerEntry(pExchange);
KAPC_STATE ApcState; BOOLEAN AttachToSystemProcess = FALSE; ULONG BufferSize = *pSmbBufferSize;
PAGED_CODE(); RxDbgTrace( +1, Dbg, ("BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation -- Entry\n"));
SmbLog(LOG, BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation, LOGPTR(pSession) LOGULONG(pSession->LogonId.HighPart) LOGULONG(pSession->LogonId.LowPart));
if ((pServer->DialectFlags & DF_EXTENDED_SECURITY) && !FlagOn(pSession->Flags,SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_REMOTE_BOOT_SESSION)) {
// For uplevel servers, this gets handled all at once:
PREQ_NT_EXTENDED_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX pExtendedNtSessionSetupReq; PBYTE pBuffer = pSmbBuffer;
// Position the buffer for copying the security blob
pExtendedNtSessionSetupReq = (PREQ_NT_EXTENDED_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX)pSmbBuffer;
pSecurityBlob = pBuffer ; SecurityBlobSize = (USHORT) BufferSize ;
Status = BuildExtendedSessionSetupResponsePrologue( pExchange, pSecurityBlob, &SecurityBlobSize, &ResponseContext);
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { SmbPutUshort( &pExtendedNtSessionSetupReq->SecurityBlobLength, SecurityBlobSize);
BufferSize -= SecurityBlobSize; }
} else { if (!MRxSmbUseKernelModeSecurity && !FlagOn(pSession->Flags,SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_REMOTE_BOOT_SESSION)) { //NTRAID-455636-2/2/2000-yunlin We should consolidate three routines calling LSA into one
Status = BuildExtendedSessionSetupResponsePrologueFake(pExchange);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto FINALLY; } }
Status = BuildNtLanmanResponsePrologue( pExchange, &UserName, &DomainName, &CaseSensitiveResponse, &CaseInsensitiveResponse, &ResponseContext);
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { // If the security package returns us the credentials corresponding to a
// NULL session mark the session as a NULL session. This will avoid
// conflicts with the user trying to present the credentials for a NULL
// session, i.e., explicitly specified zero length passwords, user name
// and domain name.
RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("Session %lx UN Length %lx DN length %ld IR length %ld SR length %ld\n", pSession,UserName.Length,DomainName.Length, CaseInsensitiveResponse.Length,CaseSensitiveResponse.Length));
if ((UserName.Length == 0) && (DomainName.Length == 0) && (CaseSensitiveResponse.Length == 0) && (CaseInsensitiveResponse.Length == 1)) { RxDbgTrace(0,Dbg,("Implicit NULL session setup\n")); pSession->Flags |= SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_NULL_CREDENTIALS; pSession->SessionKeyState = SmbSessionKeyAvailible; } else { if( pServerEntry->SecuritySignaturesEnabled == TRUE && pServerEntry->SecuritySignaturesActive == FALSE && !FlagOn(pSession->Flags, SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_GUEST_SESSION)) {
RtlZeroMemory(SessionKey, sizeof(SessionKey)); RtlCopyMemory(SessionKey, pSession->LanmanSessionKey, MSV1_0_LANMAN_SESSION_KEY_LENGTH);
SmbInitializeSmbSecuritySignature(pServer, SessionKey, CaseInsensitiveResponse.Buffer, CaseInsensitiveResponse.Length); } else{ SmbInitializeSmbSecuritySignature(pServer, pSession->UserSessionKey, CaseSensitiveResponse.Buffer, CaseSensitiveResponse.Length); }
if( MRxSmbExtendedSignaturesEnabled ) { pSession->SessionKeyState = SmbSessionKeyAuthenticating; ClearFlag( pSession->Flags, SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_SESSION_KEY_HASHED ); } else { pSession->SessionKeyState = SmbSessionKeyAvailible; } } else { pSession->SessionKeyState = SmbSessionKeyAvailible; } } } }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PBYTE pBuffer = pSmbBuffer;
if (pServer->Dialect == NTLANMAN_DIALECT) { if (FlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_EXTENDED_SECURITY) && !FlagOn(pSession->Flags,SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_REMOTE_BOOT_SESSION)) {
// Already done above
// It it is a NT server both the case insensitive and case sensitive passwords
// need to be copied. for share-level, just copy a token 1-byte NULL password
// Position the buffer for copying the password.
pBuffer += FIELD_OFFSET(REQ_NT_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX,Buffer); BufferSize -= FIELD_OFFSET(REQ_NT_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX,Buffer); SmbPutUlong(&pNtSessionSetupReq->Reserved,0);
if (pServer->SecurityMode == SECURITY_MODE_USER_LEVEL){ RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation -- NtUserPasswords\n"));
if (pServer->EncryptPasswords) {
SmbPutUshort( &pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseInsensitivePasswordLength, CaseInsensitiveResponse.Length);
SmbPutUshort( &pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseSensitivePasswordLength, CaseSensitiveResponse.Length);
Status = SmbPutString( &pBuffer, &CaseInsensitiveResponse, &BufferSize);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SmbPutString( &pBuffer, &CaseSensitiveResponse, &BufferSize); } } else if (EnablePlainTextPassword) { if (pSession->pPassword != NULL) { if (FlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_UNICODE)) { PBYTE pTempBuffer = pBuffer;
*pBuffer = 0; pBuffer = ALIGN_SMB_WSTR(pBuffer); BufferSize -= (ULONG)(pBuffer - pTempBuffer);
SmbPutUshort( &pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseInsensitivePasswordLength, 0);
SmbPutUshort( &pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseSensitivePasswordLength, pSession->pPassword->Length + 2);
Status = SmbPutUnicodeString( &pBuffer, pSession->pPassword, &BufferSize); } else { SmbPutUshort( &pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseInsensitivePasswordLength, pSession->pPassword->Length/2 + 1);
SmbPutUshort( &pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseSensitivePasswordLength, 0);
Status = SmbPutUnicodeStringAsOemString( &pBuffer, pSession->pPassword, &BufferSize); } } else { SmbPutUshort(&pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseSensitivePasswordLength,0); SmbPutUshort(&pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseInsensitivePasswordLength,1); *pBuffer++ = '\0'; BufferSize -= sizeof(CHAR); } } else { Status = STATUS_LOGIN_WKSTA_RESTRICTION; } } else { RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation -- NtSharePasswords\n"));
SmbPutUshort(&pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseInsensitivePasswordLength, 1); SmbPutUshort(&pNtSessionSetupReq->CaseSensitivePasswordLength, 1); *pBuffer = 0; *(pBuffer+1) = 0; pBuffer += 2; BufferSize -= 2; } } } else { PREQ_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX pSessionSetupReq = (PREQ_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX)pSmbBuffer;
// Position the buffer for copying the password.
if ( (pServer->SecurityMode == SECURITY_MODE_USER_LEVEL) && (CaseInsensitiveResponse.Length > 0)) {
if (pServer->EncryptPasswords) { // For other lanman servers only the case insensitive password is required.
SmbPutUshort( &pSessionSetupReq->PasswordLength, CaseInsensitiveResponse.Length);
// Copy the password
Status = SmbPutString( &pBuffer, &CaseInsensitiveResponse, &BufferSize); } else { if (EnablePlainTextPassword) { if (pSession->pPassword != NULL) { SmbPutUshort( &pSessionSetupReq->PasswordLength, pSession->pPassword->Length/2 + 1);
Status = SmbPutUnicodeStringAsOemString( &pBuffer, pSession->pPassword, &BufferSize); } else { SmbPutUshort(&pSessionSetupReq->PasswordLength,1); *pBuffer++ = '\0'; BufferSize -= sizeof(CHAR); } } else { Status = STATUS_LOGIN_WKSTA_RESTRICTION; } } } else { // Share level security. Send a null string for the password
SmbPutUshort(&pSessionSetupReq->PasswordLength,1); *pBuffer++ = '\0'; BufferSize -= sizeof(CHAR); } }
// The User name and the domain name strings can be either copied from
// the information returned in the request response or the information
// that is already present in the session entry.
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (!FlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_EXTENDED_SECURITY) || FlagOn(pSession->Flags,SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_REMOTE_BOOT_SESSION))) { if ((pServer->Dialect == NTLANMAN_DIALECT) && (pServer->NtServer.NtCapabilities & CAP_UNICODE)) { // Copy the account/domain names as UNICODE strings
PBYTE pTempBuffer = pBuffer;
RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation -- account/domain as unicode\n")); *pBuffer = 0; pBuffer = ALIGN_SMB_WSTR(pBuffer); BufferSize -= (ULONG)(pBuffer - pTempBuffer);
Status = SmbPutUnicodeString( &pBuffer, &UserName, &BufferSize);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SmbPutUnicodeString( &pBuffer, &DomainName, &BufferSize);
} } else { // Copy the account/domain names as ASCII strings.
RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation -- account/domain as ascii\n")); Status = SmbPutUnicodeStringAsOemString( &pBuffer, &UserName, &BufferSize);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = SmbPutUnicodeStringAsOemString( &pBuffer, &DomainName, &BufferSize); } } }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *pSmbBufferSize = BufferSize; } }
// Free the buffer allocated by the security package.
if ((pServer->DialectFlags & DF_EXTENDED_SECURITY) && !FlagOn(pSession->Flags,SMBCE_SESSION_FLAGS_REMOTE_BOOT_SESSION)) { BuildExtendedSessionSetupResponseEpilogue(&ResponseContext); } else { BuildNtLanmanResponseEpilogue(pExchange, &ResponseContext); }
// Detach from the rdr process.
FINALLY: RxDbgTrace( -1, Dbg, ("BuildSessionSetupSecurityInformation -- Exit, status=%08lx\n",Status)); return Status; }
NTSTATUS BuildTreeConnectSecurityInformation( PSMB_EXCHANGE pExchange, PBYTE pBuffer, PBYTE pPasswordLength, PULONG pSmbBufferSize) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine builds the security related information for the session setup SMB
pServer - the server instance
pLogonId - the logon id. for which the session is being setup
pPassword - the user supplied password if any
pBuffer - the password buffer
pPasswordLength - where the password length is to be stored
pSmbBufferSize - the size of the buffer on input ( modified to size remaining on output)
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - The return status for the operation
Eventhough the genral structure of the code tries to isolate dialect specific issues as much as possible this routine takes the opposite approach. This is because of the preamble and prologue to security interaction which far outweigh the dialect specific work required to be done. Therefore in the interests of a smaller footprint this approach has been adopted.
--*/ { NTSTATUS FinalStatus,Status;
UNICODE_STRING UserName,DomainName; STRING CaseSensitiveChallengeResponse,CaseInsensitiveChallengeResponse;
ULONG PasswordLength = 0;
PSMBCE_SERVER pServer = SmbCeGetExchangeServer(pExchange); PSMBCE_SESSION pSession = SmbCeGetExchangeSession(pExchange);
KAPC_STATE ApcState; BOOLEAN AttachToSystemProcess = FALSE;
if (pServer->EncryptPasswords) {
Status = BuildNtLanmanResponsePrologue( pExchange, &UserName, &DomainName, &CaseSensitiveChallengeResponse, &CaseInsensitiveChallengeResponse, &ResponseContext);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (FlagOn(pServer->DialectFlags,DF_MIXEDCASEPW)) { RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("BuildTreeConnectSecurityInformation -- case sensitive password\n")); // Copy the password length onto the SMB buffer
PasswordLength = CaseSensitiveChallengeResponse.Length;
// Copy the password
Status = SmbPutString( &pBuffer, &CaseSensitiveChallengeResponse, pSmbBufferSize); } else { RxDbgTrace( 0, Dbg, ("BuildTreeConnectSecurityInformation -- case insensitive password\n")); // Copy the password length onto the SMB buffer
PasswordLength = CaseInsensitiveChallengeResponse.Length;
// Copy the password
Status = SmbPutString( &pBuffer, &CaseInsensitiveChallengeResponse, pSmbBufferSize); }
BuildNtLanmanResponseEpilogue(pExchange, &ResponseContext); }
} else { if (pSession->pPassword == NULL) { // The logon password cannot be sent as plain text. Send a Null string as password.
PasswordLength = 1; if (*pSmbBufferSize >= 1) { *((PCHAR)pBuffer) = '\0'; pBuffer += sizeof(CHAR); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } } else { if (EnablePlainTextPassword) { OEM_STRING OemString;
OemString.Length = OemString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(*pSmbBufferSize - sizeof(CHAR)); OemString.Buffer = pBuffer; Status = RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &OemString, pSession->pPassword, FALSE);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PasswordLength = OemString.Length+1; } } else { Status = STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE; } }
// reduce the byte count
*pSmbBufferSize -= PasswordLength; }
return Status; }