// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// File: DfsMigrate.cxx
// Contents: Contains the routines to migrate existing DFS root
// information in the registry to a different location,
// to allow multiple roots per server.
// Classes: none.
// History: Feb. 8 2000, Author: udayh
// dfsdev: need to add code to delete, on failure, any intermediate stuff
// we create during migration
#include "DfsGeneric.hxx"
#include "DfsInit.hxx"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#include "DfsStore.hxx"
DFSSTATUS MigrateFTDfs( LPWSTR MachineName, HKEY DfsKey, LPWSTR DfsLogicalShare, LPWSTR DfsRootShare );
DFSSTATUS MigrateStdDfs( LPWSTR MachineName, HKEY DfsKey, LPWSTR DfsLogicalShare, LPWSTR DfsRootShare, BOOLEAN fDoCleanup);
// Function: MigrateDfs
// Arguments: MachineName - Name of the machine to target.
// Can be NULL for local machine.
// Error code other wise.
// Description: This routine contacts the specified machine, and checks
// if the registry information indicates the machine is
// hosting a standalone or domain DFS. It moves this
// information appropriately under the new StandaloneRoot
// or DomainRoots key, so that we can have multiple roots
// on the machine.
DFSSTATUS MigrateDfs( LPWSTR MachineName ) { LPWSTR DfsRootShare = NULL; LPWSTR FtDfsValue = NULL;
ULONG DataSize = 0; ULONG DataType = 0; ULONG RootShareLength = 0; ULONG FtDfsValueSize; DWORD Status;
HKEY OldKey;
PRINTF("Migrate DFS Called. This will migrate the DFS on %wS\n", (MachineName != NULL) ? MachineName : L"this machine");
Status = DfsStore::GetOldDfsRegistryKey( MachineName, TRUE, NULL, &OldKey );
// If we opened the DFS hierarchy key properly, get the maximum
// size of any of the values under this key. This is so that we
// know how much memory to allocate, so that we can read any of
// the values we desire.
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = RegQueryInfoKey( OldKey, // Key
NULL, // Class string
NULL, // Size of class string
NULL, // Reserved
NULL, // # of subkeys
NULL, // max size of subkey name
NULL, // max size of class name
NULL, // # of values
NULL, // max size of value name
&DataSize, // max size of value data,
NULL, // security descriptor
NULL ); // Last write time
// We want to read the value of the DfsRootShare. If the value
// is still a string, this is indeed an old style DFS and needs
// to be migrated. If the value is something else, this is
// already a migrated machine, so do nothing.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Space for null terminator
DataSize += sizeof(WCHAR); RootShareLength = DataSize; DfsRootShare = (LPWSTR) new BYTE[DataSize]; if (DfsRootShare == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { Status = RegQueryValueEx( OldKey, DfsRootShareValueName, NULL, &DataType, (LPBYTE)DfsRootShare, &RootShareLength); } } //
// check if the value is a string.
if ((Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (DataType == REG_SZ)) {
DWORD Migrated; ULONG MigrateSize;
MigrateSize = sizeof(Migrated); Status = RegQueryValueEx( OldKey, DfsMigratedValueName, NULL, &DataType, (PBYTE)&Migrated, &MigrateSize);
if (Status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
FtDfsValueSize = DataSize; FtDfsValue = (LPWSTR) new BYTE[DataSize]; if (FtDfsValue == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { //
// Now check if this is a Domain Based root.
Status = RegQueryValueEx( OldKey, DfsFtDfsValueName, NULL, &DataType, (LPBYTE)FtDfsValue, &FtDfsValueSize); //
// At this point we do know we have a machine that
// needs to be migrated. If the machine was hosting
// a standalone root, call MigrateFTDfs to take care
// of the domain based dfs root migration. Else, this
// is a standalone root, so call the standalone root
// migration routine.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = MigrateFTDfs( MachineName, OldKey, FtDfsValue, DfsRootShare ); } else { Status = MigrateStdDfs( MachineName, OldKey, DfsRootShare, DfsRootShare, FALSE ); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD DfsMigrated = 1; //
// ignore error returns here...
RegSetValueEx( OldKey, DfsMigratedValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE)&DfsMigrated, sizeof(DfsMigrated)); } } } else { //
// Already Migrated
// dfsutil from creating an old fashioned root.
Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }else { //
// there is no root here: do whatever is necessary to block
// dfsutil from creating an old fashioned root.
// We are done, close the key we opened.
RegCloseKey( OldKey ); }
// dfsdev: if we fail, we need to cleanup any of the work we have
// done so far!
// release any of the resources we had allocated, since we are
// about to return back to the caller.
if ( DfsRootShare != NULL ) { delete [] DfsRootShare; }
if ( FtDfsValue != NULL ) { delete [] FtDfsValue; }
return Status; }
// Function: MigratefFTDfs
// Arguments:
// HKEY DfsKey - The open key to the top of DFS registry hierarchy
// LPWSTR DfsLogicalShare - the logical domain based share.
// LPWSTR DfsRootShare - the share on this machine backing the name
// LPWSTR FtDfsDN - The distinguished name in the AD for the DFS.
// Error code other wise.
// Description: This routine moves the domain based DFS root information
// in the registry under a new key, so that we can support
// multiple roots per machine.
DFSSTATUS MigrateFTDfs( LPWSTR MachineName, HKEY DfsKey, LPWSTR DfsLogicalShare, LPWSTR DfsRootShare ) { DWORD Status; HKEY NewBlobKey; //
// We open the ft parent, which holds all the ft roots.
DFSLOG("Migrating FT Dfs\n");
Status = DfsStore::GetNewADBlobRegistryKey( MachineName, TRUE, NULL, &NewBlobKey );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsStore::SetupADBlobRootKeyInformation( NewBlobKey, DfsLogicalShare, DfsRootShare );
RegCloseKey( NewBlobKey ); }
// dfsdev: if we fail, we need to cleanup any of the work we have
// done so far!
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegDeleteValue( DfsKey, DfsFtDfsConfigDNValueName); RegDeleteValue( DfsKey, DfsFtDfsValueName ); }
DFSLOG("Migrating FT Dfs: Status %x\n", Status); return Status; }
// Function: MigratefStdDfs
// Arguments:
// HKEY DfsKey - The open key to the top of DFS registry hierarchy
// LPWSTR DfsLogicalShare - the logical dfs share.
// LPWSTR DfsRootShare - the share on this machine backing the name
// Error code other wise.
// Description: This routine moves the registry based DFS root information
// in the registry under a new key, so that we can support
// multiple roots per machine.
DFSSTATUS MigrateStdDfs( LPWSTR MachineName, HKEY DfsKey, LPWSTR DfsLogicalShare, LPWSTR DfsRootShare, BOOLEAN fDoCleanup) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY StdDfsKey = NULL; HKEY StdDfsShareKey = NULL; ULONG RootShareValue = 1; size_t LogicalShareCchLength = 0; size_t PhysicalShareCchLength = 0; DFSLOG("Migrating Std Dfs\n"); //
// Open the new standalone DFS parent, which holds all the
// standalone roots and their metadata as its children.
Status = DfsStore::GetNewStandaloneRegistryKey( MachineName, TRUE, NULL, &StdDfsKey );
// We now create an unique metadata name for our root, and add
// it as a child to the parent key we created.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Status = RegCreateKeyEx( StdDfsKey, DfsLogicalShare, 0, L"", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &StdDfsShareKey, NULL ); //
// We have successfully created the child root. Now, just copy
// all the link information under the old root key to the new
// root key. If we successfully copy, we can delete the old
// standalone root and all its children.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = SHCopyKey( DfsKey, DfsOldStandaloneChild, StdDfsShareKey, NULL ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(fDoCleanup) { Status = SHDeleteKey( DfsKey, DfsOldStandaloneChild ); } } //
// Now setup the values for the new root so that we know
// the shares that are backing this new root.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsStringCchLength( DfsRootShare, MAXUSHORT, &PhysicalShareCchLength );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Allow an extra character for NULL terminator.
PhysicalShareCchLength++; Status = RegSetValueEx( StdDfsShareKey, DfsRootShareValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)DfsRootShare, PhysicalShareCchLength * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsStringCchLength( DfsRootShare, MAXUSHORT, &LogicalShareCchLength );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Allow an extra character for NULL terminator.
LogicalShareCchLength++; Status = RegSetValueEx( StdDfsShareKey, DfsLogicalShareValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)DfsLogicalShare, LogicalShareCchLength * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } }
RegCloseKey( StdDfsShareKey ); }
RegCloseKey( StdDfsKey ); }
DFSLOG("Migrating Std Dfs: Status %x\n", Status); return Status; }