// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// File: DfsRootFolder.cxx
// Contents: implements the base DFS Folder class
// Classes: DfsRootFolder.
// History: Dec. 8 2000, Author: udayh
#include "DfsRootFolder.hxx"
#include "dfsfilterapi.hxx"
#include "rpc.h"
#include "rpcdce.h"
#include "DfsStore.hxx"
#include "srvfsctl.h" //for calling into srv.sys
#include "dfsfsctl.h"
#include "DfsReparse.hxx"
// logging includes.
#include "DfsRootFolder.tmh"
#define FILETIMETO64(_f) (*(UINT64 *)(&(_f)))
extern "C" { DWORD I_NetDfsIsThisADomainName( IN LPWSTR wszName); }
NTSTATUS StripAndReturnLastPathComponent( PUNICODE_STRING pPath, PUNICODE_STRING pLeaf) ;
// Function: DfsRootFolder - Contstruct for the rootFolder class
// Arguments: NameContext - the Dfs Name context
// pLogicalShare - the Logical Share name
// ObType - the object type. Set to the derived class type.
// pStatus - status of this call.
// Returns: NONE
// Description: This routine initializes the class variables of the
// the root folder, and initialize the name context and
// logical share name to the passed in values.
// It also allocated and initializes the lock for the root
// folder, as well as all the locks that will be assigned
// to the child folders.
// We then create a metadata name table and a logical namespace
// prefix table.
DfsRootFolder::DfsRootFolder( IN LPWSTR NameContext, IN LPWSTR RootRegKeyNameString, IN PUNICODE_STRING pLogicalShare, IN PUNICODE_STRING pPhysicalShare, IN DfsObjectTypeEnumeration ObType, OUT DFSSTATUS *pStatus ) : DfsFolder (NULL, NULL, ObType ) { ULONG LockNum = 0;
DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &_DfsNameContext, NULL ); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &_LogicalShareName, NULL ); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &_RootRegKeyName, NULL ); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &_PhysicalShareName, NULL ); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &_ShareFilePathName, NULL ); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &_DirectoryCreateRootPathName, NULL ); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &_DfsVisibleContext, NULL );
_DirectoryCreateError = STATUS_SUCCESS; _ShareAcquireStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; _pMetadataNameTable = NULL; _pLogicalPrefixTable = NULL; _IgnoreNameContext = FALSE; _CreateDirectories = DfsCheckCreateDirectories(); pStatistics = NULL; _pChildLocks = NULL; _pRootLock = NULL; _ChildCount = 0;
_CurrentErrors = 0;
_RootFlags = 0;
_PrefetchNeeded = FALSE; _LogicalShareAddedToTable = FALSE;
_RootFlavor = 0;
_fRootLockInit = FALSE;
_fpLockInit = FALSE;
_TooManyEventLogErrors = FEWERRORS_ON_ROOT;
ZeroMemory(&_fChildLocksInit, sizeof(_fChildLocksInit));
Status = DfsCreateUnicodeStringFromString( &_DfsNameContext, NameContext );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DfsGetNetbiosName( &_DfsNameContext, &_DfsNetbiosNameContext, NULL );
Status = DfsCreateUnicodeString( &_LogicalShareName, pLogicalShare ); }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = DfsCreateUnicodeStringFromString( &_RootRegKeyName, RootRegKeyNameString ); }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = DfsCreateUnicodeString( &_PhysicalShareName, pPhysicalShare ); }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { pStatistics = new DfsStatistics();
if (pStatistics == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _pRootLock = new CRITICAL_SECTION; if ( _pRootLock == NULL ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _fRootLockInit = (BOOLEAN) InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( _pRootLock, 0); if(!_fRootLockInit) { Status = GetLastError(); } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _pLock = new CRITICAL_SECTION; if ( _pLock == NULL ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _fpLockInit = (BOOLEAN) InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( _pLock, DFS_CRIT_SPIN_COUNT );
if(!_fpLockInit) { Status = GetLastError(); }
if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _Flags = DFS_FOLDER_ROOT;
// Allocate the child locks, and initiailize them.
_pChildLocks = new CRITICAL_SECTION[ NUMBER_OF_SHARED_LINK_LOCKS ]; if ( _pChildLocks != NULL ) { for ( LockNum = 0; LockNum < NUMBER_OF_SHARED_LINK_LOCKS; LockNum++ ) { _fChildLocksInit[LockNum] = (BOOLEAN) InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( &_pChildLocks[LockNum],DFS_CRIT_SPIN_COUNT ); if(!_fChildLocksInit[LockNum]) { Status = GetLastError(); break; } } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Initialize the prefix and nametable for this root.
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = DfsInitializePrefixTable( &_pLogicalPrefixTable, FALSE, NULL ); }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = DfsInitializeNameTable( 0, &_pMetadataNameTable ); }
// We have not assigned any of the child locks: set the lock index
// to 0. This index provides us a mechanism of allocating locks
// to the child folders in a round robin way.
_ChildLockIndex = 0; _LocalCreate = FALSE;
// we start by assuming we have to use the PDC for AD Blobs.
_RootScalability = FALSE;
pPrevRoot = pNextRoot = NULL;
*pStatus = Status; }
// Function: CreateLinkFolder - Create a DfsFolder and initialize it.
// Arguments: ChildName - metadata name of the child
// pLinkName - the logical namespace name, relative to root
// ppChildFolder - the returned child folder
// Returns: Status: Success or error status
// Description: This routine Creates a link folder and adds it to the
// parent Root's table.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::CreateLinkFolder( IN LPWSTR ChildName, IN PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, OUT DfsFolder **ppChildFolder, IN BOOLEAN CalledByApi ) { DfsFolder *pChildFolder = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; const TCHAR * apszSubStrings[4];
DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "Create Link Folder: MetaName %ws, Link %wZ\n", ChildName, pLinkName );
// Create a new child folder. Allocate a lock for this child
// and pass the lock along to the Folder constructor.
pChildFolder = new DfsFolder (this, GetChildLock() );
if ( pChildFolder == NULL ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { //
// We successfully created the folder. Now set the metadata
// and logical name of the child folder.
Status = pChildFolder->InitializeMetadataName( ChildName ); if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = pChildFolder->InitializeLogicalName( pLinkName ); } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// We now acquire the child folder's write lock, and insert
// the child into the parent's metadata and logical namespace
// tables.
// When adding/removing the child in one of these tables,
// it is necessary to acquire the child folder lock since
// we are setting state in the folder indicating whether the
// child is in any of these tables.
Status = pChildFolder->AcquireWriteLock();
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = InsertLinkFolderInMetadataTable( pChildFolder );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { IncrementChildCount(); Status = InsertLinkFolderInLogicalTable( pChildFolder ); }
pChildFolder->ReleaseLock(); } }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFSSTATUS DfStatus;
DfStatus = SetupLinkReparsePoint( pChildFolder->GetFolderLogicalNameString() ); if(DfStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { apszSubStrings[0] = pChildFolder->GetFolderLogicalNameString(); apszSubStrings[1] = GetDirectoryCreatePathName()->Buffer; GenerateEventLog(DFS_ERROR_CREATE_REPARSEPOINT_FAILURE, 2, apszSubStrings, DfStatus); }
if(CalledByApi) { Status = DfStatus; }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(DfStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Setup link reparse point child %p, link %wZ, Status %x\n", pChildFolder, pLinkName, Status); }
// If we are successful, return the newly created child folder.
// We currently have a reference on the folder (the reference on
// the folder when the folder was created)
// If we encountered an error, and the childFolder has been created,
// get rid of out reference on this folder. This will usually
// destroy the childFolder.
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *ppChildFolder = pChildFolder;
LoadServerSiteData(pChildFolder); } else { if ( pChildFolder != NULL ) { pChildFolder->ReleaseReference(); } }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Create Link Folder: MetaName %ws, Child %p Status %x\n", ChildName, pChildFolder, Status );
return Status; }
// Function: UpdateLinkFolder - Update a DfsFolder.
// Arguments: ChildName - metadata name of the child
// pLinkName - the logical namespace name, relative to root
// pChildFolder - the child folder
// Returns: Status: Success or error status
// Description: This routine TBD
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::UpdateLinkFolder( IN LPWSTR ChildName, IN PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, IN DfsFolder *pChildFolder ) { BOOLEAN Removed = FALSE;
pChildFolder->RemoveReferralData( NULL, &Removed );
pStatistics->UpdateLinkModified(); if (Removed == TRUE) { pStatistics->UpdateForcedCacheFlush(); }
// Create directories too. Delete old directories.
// Function: RemoveAllLinkFolders - Remove all folders of this root
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Status: Success or error status
// Description: This routine TBD
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::RemoveAllLinkFolders( BOOLEAN IsPermanent) {
DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DfsFolder *pChildFolder; ULONG Count = 0;
while (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = LookupFolder(&pChildFolder); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = RemoveLinkFolder(pChildFolder, IsPermanent);
pChildFolder->ReleaseReference(); Count++; } }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH( Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Remove all link folders Count %d Status %x\n", Count, Status);
return Status; }
// Function: RemoveLinkFolder - Update a DfsFolder.
// Arguments: ChildName - metadata name of the child
// pLinkName - the logical namespace name, relative to root
// pChildFolder - the child folder
// Returns: Status: Success or error status
// Description: This routine TBD
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::RemoveLinkFolder( IN DfsFolder *pChildFolder, BOOLEAN IsPermanent ) {
if (IsPermanent == TRUE) { //
// try to tear down the link reparse point: return status ignored.
Status = TeardownLinkReparsePoint( pChildFolder->GetFolderLogicalNameString() );
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!] Tear down reparse for %p, status %x \n", pChildFolder, Status ); }
Status = pChildFolder->AcquireWriteLock();
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
Status = RemoveLinkFolderFromMetadataTable( pChildFolder );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DFSSTATUS LinkRemoveStatus;
DecrementChildCount(); LinkRemoveStatus = RemoveLinkFolderFromLogicalTable( pChildFolder ); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(LinkRemoveStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Remove Link From logical %p, status %x \n", pChildFolder, LinkRemoveStatus ); }
pChildFolder->ReleaseLock(); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pStatistics->UpdateLinkDeleted(); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Remove Link Folder %p, status %x \n", pChildFolder, Status );
return Status; }
// Function: SetDfsReparsePoint
// Arguments: DirHandle - handle on open directory
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine takes a handle to an open directory and
// makes that directory a reparse point with the DFS tag
NTSTATUS DfsRootFolder::SetDfsReparsePoint( IN HANDLE DirHandle ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus; REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER ReparseDataBuffer; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; //
// Attempt to set a reparse point on the directory
RtlZeroMemory( &ReparseDataBuffer, sizeof(ReparseDataBuffer) );
ReparseDataBuffer.ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFS; ReparseDataBuffer.ReparseDataLength = 0;
NtStatus = NtFsControlFile( DirHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT, &ReparseDataBuffer, REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE + ReparseDataBuffer.ReparseDataLength, NULL, 0 );
return NtStatus; }
// Function: MorphLinkCollision
// Arguments: DirectoryName - Name of directory to morph.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine takes a NT pathname to a directory. It
// renames that directory with a morphed name.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::MorphLinkCollision( PUNICODE_STRING ParentDirectory, PUNICODE_STRING DirectoryToRename ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Status = RenamePath(ParentDirectory, DirectoryToRename);
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::TeardownLinkReparsePoint( LPWSTR LinkNameString ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE DirectoryHandle = NULL; UNICODE_STRING LinkName;
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &LinkName, LinkNameString);
if ((IsRootFolderShareAcquired() == TRUE) && (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS)) {
NtStatus = DfsOpenDirectory ( GetDirectoryCreatePathName(), FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, &DirectoryHandle, NULL );
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Delete empty parent directories as well.
NtStatus = DfsDeleteLinkReparsePointAndParents( &LinkName, DirectoryHandle ); DfsCloseDirectory( DirectoryHandle ); } Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::SetupLinkReparsePoint( LPWSTR LinkNameString ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE DirectoryHandle = NULL; UNICODE_STRING LinkName;
// We don't want to create any reparse points
// if we're not supposed to.
if (IsRootCreateDirectories() == FALSE) return ERROR_SUCCESS; Status = GetRootShareAcquireStatus(); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &LinkName, LinkNameString); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = DfsOpenDirectory ( GetDirectoryCreatePathName(), FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, &DirectoryHandle, NULL );
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = CreateLinkReparsePoint( &LinkName, DirectoryHandle );
DfsCloseDirectory( DirectoryHandle ); } else { Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); } } }
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastCreateDirectoryError(Status); } return Status;
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::CreateLinkReparsePoint( PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, HANDLE RelativeHandle ) {
DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx(&LastComp, NULL);
NtStatus = CreateLinkDirectories( pLinkName, RelativeHandle, &DirectoryHandle, &IsNewlyCreated, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = SetDfsReparsePoint( DirectoryHandle);
NtClose( DirectoryHandle);
if((RetryCount == 0) && (NtStatus == STATUS_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY)) { StripAndReturnLastPathComponent(pLinkName, &LastComp);
MorphStatus = MorphLinkCollision(pLinkName, &LastComp);
if(MorphStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RetryCount++; goto Retry; } } }
DosStatus = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(DosStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!] DirectoryName of interest %wZ: Create Reparse point Status %x\n", pLinkName, DosStatus);
return DosStatus; }
NTSTATUS DfsRootFolder::CreateLinkDirectories( PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, HANDLE RelativeHandle, PHANDLE pDirectoryHandle, PBOOLEAN pIsNewlyCreated, ULONG ShareMode ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE CurrentDirectory = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE LocalRelativeHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOLEAN DfsMountPoint = FALSE; BOOLEAN NewlyCreated = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING RemainingName; UNICODE_STRING TempString; UNICODE_STRING DirectoryToCreate; UNICODE_STRING TrackDirectory;
TrackDirectory = *pLinkName; TrackDirectory.Length = 0;
LocalRelativeHandle = RelativeHandle;
NtStatus = DfsGetFirstComponent(pLinkName, &DirectoryToCreate, &RemainingName);
while ( NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = DfsOpenDirectory( &DirectoryToCreate, ShareMode, LocalRelativeHandle, &CurrentDirectory, &NewlyCreated ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
if(LocalRelativeHandle != RelativeHandle) { DfsCloseDirectory( LocalRelativeHandle ); }
LocalRelativeHandle = CurrentDirectory; CurrentDirectory = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if(RemainingName.Length == 0) { break; }
NtStatus = DfsGetNextComponent(&RemainingName, &DirectoryToCreate, &TempString); RemainingName = TempString; } else if(NtStatus == STATUS_NOT_A_DIRECTORY) { Status = MorphLinkCollision(&TrackDirectory, &DirectoryToCreate); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } }
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { IsDirectoryMountPoint(LocalRelativeHandle, &DfsMountPoint);
if(LocalRelativeHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DfsCloseDirectory( LocalRelativeHandle ); LocalRelativeHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } else { if(pDirectoryHandle) { *pDirectoryHandle = LocalRelativeHandle; } else { DfsCloseDirectory( LocalRelativeHandle ); }
if(pIsNewlyCreated) { *pIsNewlyCreated = NewlyCreated; } }
} else {
if(LocalRelativeHandle != RelativeHandle) { if(LocalRelativeHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DfsCloseDirectory( LocalRelativeHandle ); LocalRelativeHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(NtStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "CreateLinkDirectory: %wZ: Status %x\n", pLinkName, NtStatus ); return NtStatus; }
//the code below attempt to see if the directory, pointed to by pDirectory
//name is a mount point. The name comes in looking like \\??\\c:\directoryname.
//To see if this name is a mount point, we have to open up the parent directory,
//and then try to create the subdirectory. In the name above, \\??\\c:\ is the
//parent directory and directoryname is the subdirectory.WHACKWHACKDOTWHACKDIROFFSET
//is the length of \\??\\c:\. This is the RootDir in the below code. The remaining
//name is the rest of the string
RootDir = RemainingName = * pDirectoryName;
//setup the root directory length (i.e \\??\\c:\)
//next, setup the renmaining piece of the directory
//open the root directory
InitializeObjectAttributes ( &ObjectAttributes, &RootDir, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, //Attributes
NULL, //Root handle
NULL ); //Security descriptor.
if(NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
//now, if there is still a path left, try to create this directory.
if(RemainingName.Length != 0) { NtStatus = CreateLinkDirectories(&RemainingName, DirHandle, NULL, NULL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE); }
CloseHandle(DirHandle); }
return NtStatus; }
// Function: AcquireRootShareDirectory
// Arguments: none
// Returns: Status: success if we passed all checks.
// Description: This routine checks to see if the share backing the
// the dfs root actually exists. If it does, it confirms
// that the filesystem hosting this directory supports
// reparse points. Finally, it tells the driver to attach
// to this directory.
// If all of this works, we have acquired the root share.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::AcquireRootShareDirectory(void) {
ZeroMemory (&LogicalVol, sizeof(LogicalVol));
pUseShare = GetRootPhysicalShareName();
pLogicalShare = GetLogicalShare();
DFS_TRACE_LOW(REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!] AcquireRoot Share called for root %p, name %wZ\n", this, pUseShare); //
// if either the root share is already acquired, or the library
// was told that we are not interested in creating directories, we
// are done.
if ( (IsRootFolderShareAcquired() == TRUE) || (IsRootCreateDirectories() == FALSE) ) { DFS_TRACE_LOW(REFERRAL_SERVER, "Root %p, Share Already acquired\n", this); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //
// first we get the logical share
// Then we call into initialize directory information to setup the
// physical share path etc.
Status = InitializeDirectoryCreateInformation();
// If the directory create path is invalid, we are done.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pDirectoryName = GetDirectoryCreatePathName();
if ( (pDirectoryName == NULL) || (pDirectoryName->Buffer == NULL) || (pDirectoryName->Length == 0) ) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
} }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Now allocate space to fill the attribute information we
// will query.
// dfsdev: document why we allocate an additional max_path.
pAttribInfoSize = sizeof(FILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION) + MAX_PATH; pAttribInfo = (PFILE_FS_ATTRIBUTE_INFORMATION)new BYTE [pAttribInfoSize]; if (pAttribInfo != NULL) { InitializeObjectAttributes ( &ObjectAttributes, pDirectoryName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, //Attributes
NULL, //Root handle
NULL ); //Security descriptor.
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Query for the basic information, which has the attributes.
NtStatus = NtQueryVolumeInformationFile( DirHandle, &IoStatusBlock, pAttribInfo, pAttribInfoSize, FileFsAttributeInformation );
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// If the attributes indicate reparse point, we have a reparse
// point directory on our hands.
if ( (pAttribInfo->FileSystemAttributes & FILE_SUPPORTS_REPARSE_POINTS) == 0) { NtStatus = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; apszSubStrings[0] = pUseShare->Buffer; apszSubStrings[1] = pDirectoryName->Buffer; GenerateEventLog(DFS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM, 2, apszSubStrings, 0); } }
CloseHandle (DirHandle);
} else { Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!] - NTOPEN failed share for root %p, (%wZ) (%wZ) status %x NtStatus %x\n", this, pUseShare, pDirectoryName, Status, NtStatus);
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = IsRootShareMountPoint(pDirectoryName); }
if( NtStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); }
delete [] pAttribInfo; pAttribInfo = NULL; DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "AcquireRoot - IsRootShareMountPoint failed share for root %p, (%wZ) (%wZ) status %x NtStatus %x\n", this, pUseShare, pDirectoryName, Status, NtStatus);
} else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!] Root %p, Share check status %x\n", this, Status); //
// Now check if we already know about parts of this path.
// if there is overlap with other paths that we already know about,
// we cannot handle this root, so reject it.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsAddKnownDirectoryPath( pDirectoryName, pUseShare ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Inserted = TRUE; } else { Status = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; apszSubStrings[0] = pUseShare->Buffer; apszSubStrings[1] = pDirectoryName->Buffer; GenerateEventLog(DFS_ERROR_OVERLAPPING_DIRECTORIES, 2, apszSubStrings, 0); } DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Root %p, Share add known directory status %x\n", this, Status); }
// if we are here: we know this is a reparse point, and we have
// inserted in the user mode database.
// now call into the driver so it may attach to this filesystem.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsUserModeAttachToFilesystem( pDirectoryName, pUseShare); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Root %p, user mode attach status %x\n", this, Status);
if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PhysicalShareInDFS = TRUE;
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(pUseShare, pLogicalShare, TRUE )) { Status = DfsUserModeAttachToFilesystem( &LogicalVol, pLogicalShare); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _LogicalShareAddedToTable = TRUE;
} } } }
if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = SendShareToSrv(pUseShare, TRUE); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Root %p, user mode SendShareToSrv status %x\n", this, Status); }
// if we are successful, we acquired the root share, now mark
// our state accordingly.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetRootFolderShareAcquired(); SetRootShareAcquireStatus(Status); } else { //
// otherwise, clear up some of the work we just did.
ClearRootFolderShareAcquired(); SetRootShareAcquireStatus(Status); if (Inserted == TRUE) { DfsRemoveKnownDirectoryPath( pDirectoryName, pUseShare); }
if(PhysicalShareInDFS == TRUE) { DFSSTATUS LocalStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
LocalStatus = DfsUserModeDetachFromFilesystem( pDirectoryName, pUseShare); }
if(_LogicalShareAddedToTable == TRUE) { DFSSTATUS LocalStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
LocalStatus = DfsUserModeDetachFromFilesystem( &LogicalVol, pUseShare); } } DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]AcquireRoot share for root %p, (%wZ) status %x\n", this, pUseShare, Status); return Status; }
// Function: ReleaseRootShareDirectory
// Arguments: none
// Returns: Status: success if we are successful
// Description: This routine checks to see if the share backing the
// the dfs root was acquired by us earlier. If so, we
// tell the driver to releast its reference on this
// share, and remove this information from our tables,
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::ReleaseRootShareDirectory(void) {
DFS_TRACE_LOW(REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]ReleaseRoot share for root %p\n", this); if (IsRootFolderShareAcquired() == TRUE) { //
// get the logical share, and the physical directory backing the
// share.
ZeroMemory (&LogicalVol, sizeof(LogicalVol)); pUseShare = GetRootPhysicalShareName(); pLogicalShare = GetLogicalShare(); pDirectoryName = GetDirectoryCreatePathName();
if ( (pDirectoryName == NULL) || (pDirectoryName->Buffer == NULL) || (pDirectoryName->Length == 0) ) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = SendShareToSrv(pUseShare, FALSE);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]SendShareToSrv path %wZ, %wZ: Status %x\n", pDirectoryName, pUseShare, Status ); } //
// now, signal the driver to detach itself from this share.
//dfsdev: if this fails, we are in an inconsistent state, since
// we just removed it from our table above!
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsUserModeDetachFromFilesystem( pDirectoryName, pUseShare); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]user mode detach path %wZ, %wZ: Status %x\n", pDirectoryName, pUseShare, Status );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(_LogicalShareAddedToTable == TRUE) { DFSSTATUS LocalStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
LocalStatus = DfsUserModeDetachFromFilesystem( &LogicalVol, pUseShare); } }
// now, find the information in our database. if we did not find an
// exact match, something went wrong and signal that.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFSSTATUS RemoveStatus;
RemoveStatus = DfsRemoveKnownDirectoryPath( pDirectoryName, pUseShare );
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]RemoveKnownDirectory path %wZ, %wZ: Status %x\n", pDirectoryName, pUseShare, RemoveStatus ); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ClearRootFolderShareAcquired(); } } DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Release root share %p, Status %x\n", this, Status );
return Status; }
// Function: AddMetadataLink
// Arguments:
// pLogicalName: the complete logical unc name of this link.
// ReplicaServer: the target server for this link.
// ReplicaPath: the target path on the server.
// Comment : comment to be associated with this link.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine Adds a link to the metadata.
// In future, ReplicaServer and ReplicaPath's
// can be null, since we will allow links with
// no targets.
// dfsdev: make sure we do the right thing for
// compat.
// Assumptions: the caller is responsible for mutual exclusion.
// The caller is also responsible for ensuring
// this link does not already exist in the
// the metadata.
// The caller is also responsible to make sure that this
// name does not overlap an existing link.
// (for example if link a/b exisits, link a or a/b/c are
// overlapping links and should be disallowed.)
UUID NewUid;
Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
Status = UuidCreate(&NewUid); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->GenerateLinkMetadataName( &NewUid, &LinkMetadataName); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// First get a handle to the
// metadata. The handle has different meaning to different
// underlying stores: for example the registry store may
// use the handle as a key, while the ad store may use the
// handle as a pointer in some cache.
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { GetVisibleNameContextLocked( NULL, &VisibleNameContext );
Status = GetMetadataStore()->GenerateMetadataLogicalName( &VisibleNameContext, pLogicalName, &UseName );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { GetMetadataStore()->StoreInitializeNameInformation( &NameInfo, &UseName, &NewUid, Comment ); if (DfsIsThisARealDfsName(ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath, &IsDomainDfs) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NameInfo.Type |= (PKT_ENTRY_TYPE_OUTSIDE_MY_DOM);
GetMetadataStore()->StoreInitializeReplicaInformation( &ReplicaListInfo, &ReplicaInfo, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath );
Status = GetMetadataStore()->AddChild( RootHandle, &NameInfo, &ReplicaListInfo, &LinkMetadataName );
// if we failed add child, we need to reset the
// internal state to wipe out any work we did when
// we were adding the child.
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::AddMetadataLink path %wZ, %ws, %ws: Status %x\n", pLogicalName, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath, Status ); ReSynchronize(TRUE); }
GetMetadataStore()->ReleaseMetadataLogicalName(&UseName );
// if we successfully added the link, update the link information
// so that we can pass this out in referrals, and create the appropriate
// directories.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Status = UpdateLinkInformation( RootHandle, LinkMetadataName.Buffer, TRUE );
if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::AddMetadataLink (2) path %wZ, %ws, %ws: Status %x\n", pLogicalName, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath, Status ); }
} }
// Finally, release the root handle we acquired earlier.
ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootHandle ); } GetMetadataStore()->ReleaseLinkMetadataName( &LinkMetadataName ); }
ReleaseRootLock(); return Status;
// Function: RemoveMetadataLink
// Arguments:
// pLogicalName: the link name relative to root share
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine removes a link from the the metadata.
// Assumptions: the caller is responsible for mutual exclusion.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::RemoveMetadataLink( PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR LinkMetadataName = NULL; DfsFolder *pFolder = NULL; DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootHandle; UNICODE_STRING Remaining; Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; } //
// First, look this link up in our local data structures.
Status = LookupFolderByLogicalName( pLinkName, &Remaining, &pFolder );
// if an EXACT match was not found, we are done.
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Remaining.Length != 0) ) { pFolder->ReleaseReference(); Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::RemoveMetadataLink (1) path %wZ: Status %x\n", pLinkName, Status ); }
// we found the child folder. Now work on removing the metadata
// and our local structures associated with this link.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Get a handle to our metadata.
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle );
//Now, look up the metadata name and remove it from the store.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LinkMetadataName = pFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString(); Status = GetMetadataStore()->RemoveChild( RootHandle, LinkMetadataName );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::RemoveMetadataLink path %wZ: Status %x\n", pLinkName, Status ); ReSynchronize(TRUE); }
ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootHandle );
// If we successfully removed the child from the metadata,
// remove the link folder associated with this child. This will
// get rid of our data structure and related directory for that child.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFSSTATUS RemoveStatus;
RemoveStatus = RemoveLinkFolder( pFolder, TRUE ); // permanent removal
} } pFolder->ReleaseReference(); }
ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
// Function: AddMetadataLinkReplica
// Arguments:
// pLinkName: the link name relative to root share
// ReplicaServer : the target server to add
// ReplicaPath : the target path on the server.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine adds a target to an existing link.
// Assumptions: the caller is responsible for mutual exclusion.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::AddMetadataLinkReplica( PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, LPWSTR ReplicaServer, LPWSTR ReplicaPath ) { DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootHandle; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DfsFolder *pFolder = NULL; BOOLEAN IsDomainDfs = FALSE; LPWSTR LinkMetadataName = NULL; UNICODE_STRING Remaining;
// If either the target server or the path is null, reject the request.
if ((ReplicaServer == NULL) || (ReplicaPath == NULL)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; } //
// Find the link folder associated with this logical name.
Status = LookupFolderByLogicalName( pLinkName, &Remaining, &pFolder );
// If we did not find an EXACT match on the logical name, we are done.
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Remaining.Length != 0) ) { pFolder->ReleaseReference(); Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (I_NetDfsIsThisADomainName(ReplicaServer) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { //
//dfsdev: include in this check nameinfo->type == OUTSIDE_MY_DOM.
pFolder->ReleaseReference(); Status = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::AddMetadataLinkReplica (1) path %wZ, %ws, %ws: Status %x\n", pLinkName, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath, Status ); } //
// if we are successful so far, call the store with a handle to
// the metadata to add this target.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// get the metadata name for this link from the root folder.
LinkMetadataName = pFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString();
// Get a handle to the root metadata this root folder.
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->AddChildReplica( RootHandle, LinkMetadataName, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::AddMetadataLinkReplica path %wZ, %ws, %ws: Status %x\n", pLinkName, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath, Status ); ReSynchronize(TRUE); } //
// Release the metadata handle we acquired earlier.
ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootHandle ); }
// If we successfully added the target in the metadata, update the
// link folder so that the next referral request will pick up the
// new target.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFSSTATUS UpdateStatus;
UpdateStatus = UpdateLinkFolder( LinkMetadataName, pLinkName, pFolder ); //
// dfsdev: log the update state.
// we are done with this link folder: release thre reference we got
// when we looked it up.
pFolder->ReleaseReference(); }
ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
// Function: RemoveMetadataLinkReplica
// Arguments:
// pLinkName: the link name relative to root share
// ReplicaServer : the target server to remove
// ReplicaPath : the target path on the server.
// pLastReplica: pointer to boolean, returns true if the last
// target on this link is being deleted.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine removes the target of an existing link.
// Assumptions: the caller is responsible for mutual exclusion.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::RemoveMetadataLinkReplica( PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, LPWSTR ReplicaServer, LPWSTR ReplicaPath, PBOOLEAN pLastReplica ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPWSTR LinkMetadataName = NULL; DfsFolder *pFolder = NULL; DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootHandle; UNICODE_STRING Remaining;
// if either the target server or target path is empty, return error.
if ((ReplicaServer == NULL) || (ReplicaPath == NULL)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
//find the link folder associated with this logical name.
Status = LookupFolderByLogicalName( pLinkName, &Remaining, &pFolder );
// if we did not find an EXACT match on the logical name, we are done.
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Remaining.Length != 0) ) { pFolder->ReleaseReference(); Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
// Call the store to remove the target from this child.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Get the link metadata name from the folder.
LinkMetadataName = pFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString();
// Get the handle to the root metadata for this root folder.
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->RemoveChildReplica( RootHandle, LinkMetadataName, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath, pLastReplica );
if( (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Status != ERROR_LAST_ADMIN)) {
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::RemoveMetadataLinkReplica path %wZ, %ws, %ws: Status %x\n", pLinkName, ReplicaServer, ReplicaPath, Status ); ReSynchronize(TRUE); } //
// release the metadata handle we acquired a little bit earlier.
ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootHandle ); } //
// if we are successful in removing the target, update the link
// folder so that future referrals will no longer see the target
// we just deleted.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFSSTATUS UpdateStatus; UpdateStatus = UpdateLinkFolder( LinkMetadataName, pLinkName, pFolder );
pFolder->ReleaseReference(); } ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
// Function: EnumerateApiLinks
// Arguments:
// LPWSTR DfsPathName : the dfs root to enumerate.
// DWORD Level : the enumeration level
// LPBYTE pBuffer : buffer to hold results.
// LONG BufferSize, : buffer size
// LPDWORD pEntriesRead : number of entries to read.
// LPDWORD pResumeHandle : the starting child to read.
// PLONG pNextSizeRequired : return value to hold size required in case of overflow.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine enumerates the dfs metadata information.
// Assumptions: the caller is responsible for mutual exclusion.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::EnumerateApiLinks( LPWSTR DfsPathName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pBuffer, LONG BufferSize, LPDWORD pEntriesRead, LPDWORD pResumeHandle, PLONG pNextSizeRequired ) {
Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &DfsPath, DfsPathName ); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Get the name context for this call.
// do not use the user passed in name context within the path
// for this call: if the user comes in with an ip address, we want
// to return back the correct server/domain info to the caller
// so the dfsapi results will not show the ip address etc.
GetVisibleNameContextLocked( NULL, &VisibleNameContext ); //
// Get the handle to the metadata for this root folder, and call
// the store to enumerate the links.
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->EnumerateApiLinks( RootHandle, &VisibleNameContext, Level, pBuffer, BufferSize, pEntriesRead, pResumeHandle, pNextSizeRequired);
// Release the metadata handle.
ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootHandle ); } }
ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
// Function: GetApiInformation
// Arguments:
// PUNICODE DfsPathName : the dfs root name
// PUNICODE pLinkName : the link within the root.
// DWORD Level : the info level.
// LPBYTE pBuffer : buffer to hold results.
// LONG BufferSize, : buffer size
// PLONG pSizeRequired : return value to hold size required in case of overflow.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine gets the required information for a given root or link
// Assumptions: the caller is responsible for mutual exclusion.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::GetApiInformation( PUNICODE_STRING pDfsName, PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pBuffer, LONG BufferSize, PLONG pSizeRequired ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pDfsName);
DFSSTATUS Status; DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootHandle; LPWSTR MetadataName; DfsFolder *pFolder; UNICODE_STRING VisibleNameContext; UNICODE_STRING Remaining;
Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; } //
// Do not base the context to use on the passed in dfsname:
// it is important to pass back our correct information
// in the api call.
GetVisibleNameContextLocked( NULL, &VisibleNameContext );
// If the link name is empty, we are dealing with the root.
// so set the metadata name to null.
if (pLinkName->Length == 0) { MetadataName = NULL; Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } //
// otherwise, lookup the link folder and get the metadataname for that link.
else { Status = LookupFolderByLogicalName( pLinkName, &Remaining, &pFolder ); //
// if we did not find an EXACT match on the logical name, we are done.
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Remaining.Length != 0) ) { pFolder->ReleaseReference(); Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
// we had an exact match, so lookup the metadata name and release the
// the reference on the folder.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MetadataName = pFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString(); pFolder->ReleaseReference(); } }
// we got the metadata name: now call into the store to get the
// required information for the metadata name.
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Get the handle to the metadata for this root folder.
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->GetStoreApiInformation( RootHandle, &VisibleNameContext, MetadataName, Level, pBuffer, BufferSize, pSizeRequired);
ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootHandle ); } } ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::ExtendedRootAttributes( PULONG pAttr, PUNICODE_STRING pRemainingName, BOOLEAN Set) { DFSSTATUS Status; DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootHandle; LPWSTR MetadataName = NULL;
we get RESETs too (Set == TRUE). INSITE_ONLY flag is masked out in those. So there's no way to easily do this check. BUG 603118 if (Set && !IsEmptyUnicodeString(pRemainingName) && (*pAttr != PKT_ENTRY_TYPE_INSITE_ONLY)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } */ Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; } Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!IsEmptyUnicodeString(pRemainingName)) { PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName = pRemainingName; UNICODE_STRING Remaining; DfsFolder *pFolder = NULL;
Status = LookupFolderByLogicalName( pLinkName, &Remaining, &pFolder ); //
// if we did not find an EXACT match on the logical name, we are done.
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Remaining.Length != 0) ) { pFolder->ReleaseReference(); Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MetadataName = pFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString();
// if we got the metadataname, call the store with the
// details so that it can associate the information
// with this root or link.
} } }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (Set) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->SetExtendedAttributes( RootHandle, MetadataName, *pAttr);
} else { Status = GetMetadataStore()->GetExtendedAttributes( RootHandle, MetadataName, pAttr); } }
return Status; }
// Function: SetApiInformation
// Arguments:
// PUNICODE pLinkName : the name of link relative to root share
// LPWSTR Server, : the target server.
// LPWSTR Share, : the target path within the server.
// DWORD Level : the info level.
// LPBYTE pBuffer : buffer that has the information to be set.
// Returns: SUCCESS or error
// Description: This routine sets the required information for a given root or link
// Assumptions: the caller is responsible for mutual exclusion.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::SetApiInformation( PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, LPWSTR Server, LPWSTR Share, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pBuffer ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootHandle = NULL; LPWSTR MetadataName = NULL; DfsFolder *pFolder = NULL;
UNICODE_STRING Remaining; Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; } //
// if the link name is empty we are dealing with
// the root itself.
// dfsdev: we need to set the root metadata appropriately!
if (pLinkName->Length == 0) { MetadataName = NULL; } //
// else get to the link folder, and get
// the link metadata name.
else { Status = LookupFolderByLogicalName( pLinkName, &Remaining, &pFolder ); //
// if we did not find an EXACT match on the logical name, we are done.
if ( (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (Remaining.Length != 0) ) { pFolder->ReleaseReference(); Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MetadataName = pFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString();
// if we got the metadataname, call the store with the
// details so that it can associate the information
// with this root or link.
} }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((Level == 101) && (MetadataName == NULL)) { Status = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { //
// Get the handle to the root of this metadata
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootHandle );
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->SetStoreApiInformation( RootHandle, MetadataName, Server, Share, Level, pBuffer );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::SetApiInformation path %wZ, %ws, %ws: Status %x\n", pLinkName, Server, Share, Status ); ReSynchronize(TRUE); } else {
Status = UpdateFolderInformation(RootHandle, MetadataName, pFolder); } ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootHandle );
} //
// If we successfully updated the metadata, update the
// link folder so that the next referral request will pick up the
// changes
if ((Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (MetadataName != NULL)) { DFSSTATUS UpdateStatus;
UpdateStatus = UpdateLinkFolder( MetadataName, pLinkName, pFolder ); //
// dfsdev: log the update state.
} }
if (pFolder != NULL) { pFolder->ReleaseReference(); } } ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
// Function: LoadReferralData - Loads the referral data.
// Arguments: pReferralData - the referral data to load
// Returns: Status: Success or error code
// Description: This routine sets up the ReferralData instance to have
// all the information necessary to create a referral.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::LoadReferralData( DfsFolderReferralData *pReferralData ) { DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootMetadataHandle; DFSSTATUS Status; DfsFolder *pFolder; //
// Get the Root key for this root folder.
DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "LoadReferralData called, %p\n", pReferralData); Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootMetadataHandle );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Now get the owning folder of the referralDAta. Note that
// this does not give us a new reference on the Folder.
// however, the folder is guaranteed to be around till
// we return from this call, since the pReferralData that
// was passed in to us cannot go away.
pFolder = pReferralData->GetOwningFolder();
DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "Load referral data, Got Owning Folder %p\n", pFolder );
// Now load the replica referral data for the passed in folder.
Status = LoadReplicaReferralData( RootMetadataHandle, pFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString(), pReferralData ); DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "LoadReferralData for %p replica data loaded %x\n", pReferralData, Status );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Load the policy referrral data for the passedin folder.
Status = LoadPolicyReferralData( RootMetadataHandle );
} ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootMetadataHandle ); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Done load referral data %p, Status %x\n", pReferralData, Status); return Status; }
// Function: UnloadReferralData - Unload the referral data.
// Arguments: pReferralData - the ReferralData instance to unload.
// Returns: Status: Success or Error status code.
// Description: This routine Unloads the referral data. It undoes what
// the corresponding load routine did.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::UnloadReferralData( DfsFolderReferralData *pReferralData )
DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "Unload referral data %p\n", pReferralData); Status = UnloadReplicaReferralData( pReferralData ); if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = UnloadPolicyReferralData( pReferralData ); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Unload referral data %p, Status %x\n", pReferralData, Status); return Status; }
// Function: LoadReplicaReferralData - load the replica information.
// Arguments: RegKey - the registry key of the root folder,
// RegistryName - Name of the registry key relative to to Root Key
// pReferralData - the referral data to load.
// Returns: Status - Success or error status code.
// Description: This routine loads the replica referral data for the
// the passed in ReferralData instance.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::LoadReplicaReferralData( DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootMetadataHandle, LPWSTR MetadataName, DfsFolderReferralData *pReferralData) { PDFS_REPLICA_LIST_INFORMATION pReplicaListInfo = NULL; PDFS_REPLICA_INFORMATION pReplicaInfo = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING pServerName = NULL; DfsReplica *pReplica = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG Replica = 0; ULONG NumReplicas = 0; BOOLEAN CacheHit = FALSE;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "Load Replica Referral Data %ws, for %p\n", MetadataName, pReferralData); pReferralData->pReplicas = NULL; //
// Get the replica information.
if(!pReferralData->FolderOffLine) { Status = GetMetadataStore()->GetMetadataReplicaInformation(RootMetadataHandle, MetadataName, &pReplicaListInfo ); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NumReplicas = pReplicaListInfo->ReplicaCount; } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// Set the appropriate count, and allocate the replicas
// required.
pReferralData->ReplicaCount = NumReplicas; if (pReferralData->ReplicaCount > 0) { pReferralData->pReplicas = new DfsReplica [ NumReplicas ]; if ( pReferralData->pReplicas == NULL ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } }
// Now, for each replica, set the replicas server name, the target
// folder and the replica state.
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { for ( Replica = 0; (Replica < NumReplicas) && (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS); Replica++ ) { UNICODE_STRING UseName;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UseName, NULL);
pReplicaInfo = &pReplicaListInfo->pReplicas[Replica]; pReplica = &pReferralData->pReplicas[ Replica ];
pServerName = &pReplicaInfo->ServerName;
// If the servername is a ., this is a special case where
// the servername is the root itself. In this case,
// set the server name to the name of this machine.
if (IsLocalName(pServerName)) { Status = GetVisibleNameContext( NULL, &UseName); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pServerName = UseName; } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = pReplica->SetTargetServer( pServerName, &CacheHit ); } if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { pStatistics->UpdateServerSiteStat(CacheHit); Status = pReplica->SetTargetFolder( &pReplicaInfo->ShareName ); } if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( pReplicaInfo->ReplicaState & REPLICA_STORAGE_STATE_OFFLINE ) { pReplica->SetTargetOffline(); } }
if (UseName.Length != 0) { DfsFreeUnicodeString(&UseName); RtlInitUnicodeString(&UseName, NULL); } }
// Now release the replica information that was allocated
// by the store.
if(pReplicaListInfo) {
GetMetadataStore()->ReleaseMetadataReplicaInformation( RootMetadataHandle, pReplicaListInfo ); }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Done with Load Replica Referral Data %ws, for %p, Status %x\n", MetadataName, pReferralData, Status); return Status; }
// Function: UnloadReplicaReferralData - Unload the replicas
// Arguments: pReferralData - the DfsFolderReferralData to unload
// Returns: Status: Success always.
// Description: This routine gets rid of the allocate replicas in the
// folder's referral data.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::UnloadReplicaReferralData( DfsFolderReferralData *pReferralData ) { if (pReferralData->pReplicas != NULL) { delete [] pReferralData->pReplicas; pReferralData->pReplicas = NULL; }
// Function: SetRootStandby - set the root in a standby mode.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: Status: Success always for now.
// Description: This routine checks if we are already in standby mode.
// If not, it releases the root share directory, removes
// all the link folders and set the root in a standby mode
// DFSDEV: need to take into consideration synchronization
// with other threads.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::SetRootStandby() { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; } DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Root %p being set to standby\n", this); if (IsRootFolderStandby() == FALSE) { //
// dfsdev:: ignore error returns from these calls?
DFSSTATUS ReleaseStatus;
RemoveAllLinkFolders( TRUE ); // permanent removal
ReleaseStatus = ReleaseRootShareDirectory(); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( ReleaseStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Release root share status %x\n", ReleaseStatus);
SetRootFolderStandby(); } else { DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Root %p was already standby\n", this); }
ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
// Function: SetRootResynchronize - set the root in a ready mode.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: Status: Success always for now.
// Description: This routine checks if we are already in ready mode.
// If not, it acquires the root share directory, calls
// synchronize to add all the links back
// DFSDEV: need to take into consideration synchronization
// with other threads.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::SetRootResynchronize() { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS RootStatus;
Status = AcquireRootLock(); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
DFS_TRACE_LOW( REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Root %p being resynced\n", this); //
// if the root folder is already marked available, we are done
// otherwise, clear the standby mode, and try to bring this
// root into a useable state.
if (!IsRootFolderAvailable()) { ClearRootFolderStandby();
// need to take appropriate locks.
RootStatus = Synchronize(); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( RootStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Set root resync: Synchronize status for %p is %x\n", this, RootStatus); } else { //
// Synchronize without the FORCE flag here, because we don't want to
// get the entire blob unless the GUID has changed. This will still result in
// a minimum of one network call to get the GUID.
RootStatus = ReSynchronize(); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( RootStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!]Set root resync: Synchronize status for %p is %x\n", this, RootStatus); }
ReleaseRootLock(); return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::UpdateFolderInformation( IN DFS_METADATA_HANDLE DfsHandle, LPWSTR ChildName, DfsFolder *pChildFolder) {
DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG Timeout = 0; PDFS_NAME_INFORMATION pChild = NULL; ULONG ChildType = 0; ULONG ChildState = 0; FILETIME LastModifiedTime;
Status = GetMetadataStore()->GetMetadataNameInformation( DfsHandle, ChildName, &pChild); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
ChildType = pChild->Type; ChildState = pChild->State;
Timeout = pChild->Timeout;
LastModifiedTime = pChild->LastModifiedTime;
if( pChildFolder != NULL) { if (ChildType & PKT_ENTRY_TYPE_OUTSIDE_MY_DOM) { pChildFolder->SetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OUT_OF_DOMAIN ); } else { pChildFolder->ResetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OUT_OF_DOMAIN ); }
if((ChildState & DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OFFLINE) == DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OFFLINE) { pChildFolder->SetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OFFLINE ); } else { pChildFolder->ResetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OFFLINE ); }
pChildFolder->SetTimeout(Timeout); pChildFolder->SetUSN( FILETIMETO64(LastModifiedTime) );
} else {
SetTimeout(Timeout); SetUSN( FILETIMETO64(LastModifiedTime) ); }
GetMetadataStore()->ReleaseMetadataNameInformation( DfsHandle, pChild ); }
// Now that we have the child name, get the name information
// for this child. This is the logical namespace information
// for this child.
return Status; }
// Function: UpdateLinkInformation
// Arguments:
// DfsMetadataHandle - the parent handle
// LPWSTR ChildName - the child name
// Returns: Status: Success or Error status code
// Description: This routine reads the metadata for the child and, updates
// the child folder if necessary. This includes adding
// the folder if it does not exist, or if the folder exists
// but the metadata is newer, ensuring that all future
// request use the most upto date data.
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::UpdateLinkInformation( IN DFS_METADATA_HANDLE DfsHandle, LPWSTR ChildName, BOOLEAN CalledByApi ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG Timeout = 0; PDFS_NAME_INFORMATION pChild = NULL; DfsFolder *pChildFolder = NULL; FILETIME LastModifiedTime;
ULONG ChildType = 0; ULONG ChildState = 0;
// Now that we have the child name, get the name information
// for this child. This is the logical namespace information
// for this child.
Status = GetMetadataStore()->GetMetadataNameInformation( DfsHandle, ChildName, &pChild);
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
ChildType = pChild->Type; ChildState = pChild->State;
Timeout = pChild->Timeout;
// If site-costing is turned on for this root, mark it so.
if (ChildType & PKT_ENTRY_TYPE_ROOT_SCALABILITY) { SetRootScalabilityMode(); } else { ResetRootScalabilityMode(); }
GetMetadataStore()->ReleaseMetadataNameInformation( DfsHandle, pChild ); return Status; } }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LastModifiedTime = pChild->LastModifiedTime;
// Now translate the metadata logical name to a relative
// link name: each store has its own behavior, so
// the getlinkname function is implemented by each store.
Status = GetMetadataLogicalToLinkName(&pChild->Prefix, &LinkName); if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = LookupFolderByMetadataName( ChildName, &pChildFolder );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// IF we already know this child, check if the child
// has been updated since we last visited it.
// If so, we need to update the child.
if ( pChildFolder->UpdateRequired( FILETIMETO64(LastModifiedTime) ) ) { Status = UpdateLinkFolder( ChildName, &LinkName, pChildFolder ); }
// we now check if we need to create root directories for even
// those folders that we already know about. This may be true
// when we had one or more errors creating the
// directory when we initially created this folder or it may
// be true when we are going from standby to master.
if (IsRootDirectoriesCreated() == FALSE) { DFSSTATUS CreateStatus;
CreateStatus = SetupLinkReparsePoint(pChildFolder->GetFolderLogicalNameString()); } } else if ( Status == ERROR_NOT_FOUND ) { //
// We have not seen this child before: create
// a new one.
Status = CreateLinkFolder( ChildName, &LinkName, &pChildFolder, CalledByApi );
if(CalledByApi) { if(Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFSSTATUS RemoveStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::UpdateLinkInformation (1) %ws: Status %x\n", ChildName, Status );
RemoveStatus = RemoveMetadataLink(&LinkName); if(RemoveStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, API, "DfsRootFolder::UpdateLinkInformation (2)%ws: Status %x\n", ChildName, Status ); ReSynchronize(TRUE); } } } }
ReleaseMetadataLogicalToLinkName( &LinkName ); } //
// Now release the name information of the child.
GetMetadataStore()->ReleaseMetadataNameInformation( DfsHandle, pChild ); }
// We were successful. We have a child folder that is
// returned to us with a valid reference. Set the Last
// modified time in the folder, and release our reference
// on the child folder.
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if (ChildType & PKT_ENTRY_TYPE_OUTSIDE_MY_DOM) { pChildFolder->SetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OUT_OF_DOMAIN ); } else { pChildFolder->ResetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OUT_OF_DOMAIN ); }
if (ChildType & PKT_ENTRY_TYPE_INSITE_ONLY) { pChildFolder->SetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_INSITE_REFERRALS ); } else { pChildFolder->ResetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_INSITE_REFERRALS ); }
if((ChildState & DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OFFLINE) == DFS_VOLUME_STATE_OFFLINE) { pChildFolder->SetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OFFLINE ); } else { pChildFolder->ResetFlag( DFS_FOLDER_OFFLINE ); }
pChildFolder->SetTimeout(Timeout); pChildFolder->SetUSN( FILETIMETO64(LastModifiedTime) ); pChildFolder->ReleaseReference(); }
return Status; }
void DfsRootFolder::GenerateEventLog(DWORD EventMsg, WORD Substrings, const TCHAR * apszSubStrings[], DWORD Errorcode) { LONG RetVal = FEWERRORS_ON_ROOT;
if(InterlockedIncrement(&_CurrentErrors) < DFS_MAX_ROOT_ERRORS) { DfsLogDfsEvent(EventMsg, Substrings, apszSubStrings, Errorcode); } else { const TCHAR * apszErrSubStrings[1];
RetVal = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_TooManyEventLogErrors, TOOMANY_ERRORS_ON_ROOT, FEWERRORS_ON_ROOT);
if(RetVal == FEWERRORS_ON_ROOT) { apszErrSubStrings[0] = GetLogicalShare()->Buffer; DfsLogDfsEvent(DFS_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ERRORS, 1, apszErrSubStrings, 0);
} }
NTSTATUS DfsRootFolder::IsDirectoryMountPoint( IN HANDLE DirHandle, OUT PBOOLEAN pDfsMountPoint ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION BasicInfo; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
//we assume these are not reparse points.
*pDfsMountPoint = FALSE;
// Query for the basic information, which has the attributes.
NtStatus = NtQueryInformationFile( DirHandle, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)&BasicInfo, sizeof(BasicInfo), FileBasicInformation );
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// If the attributes indicate reparse point, we have a reparse
// point directory on our hands.
if ( BasicInfo.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT ) { FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFORMATION FileTagInformation; NtStatus = NtQueryInformationFile( DirHandle, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)&FileTagInformation, sizeof(FileTagInformation), FileAttributeTagInformation );
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Checkif the tag indicates its a mount point,
// and setup the return accordingly.
if (FileTagInformation.ReparseTag == IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT) { *pDfsMountPoint = TRUE; } } } }
return NtStatus; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::PrefetchReplicaData(DfsFolder *pChildFolder) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootMetadataHandle;
Status = GetMetadataHandle( &RootMetadataHandle ); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = LoadCachedServerSiteData(RootMetadataHandle, pChildFolder->GetFolderMetadataNameString());
ReleaseMetadataHandle( RootMetadataHandle ); }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::LoadServerSiteData(DfsFolder *pChildFolder) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if(DfsServerGlobalData.IsStartupProcessingDone) { if(_PrefetchNeeded == FALSE) { _PrefetchNeeded = TRUE; } }
if(!_PrefetchNeeded) { return Status; }
Status = PrefetchReplicaData(pChildFolder);
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::LoadCachedServerSiteData( DFS_METADATA_HANDLE RootMetadataHandle, LPWSTR MetadataName) { PDFS_REPLICA_LIST_INFORMATION pReplicaListInfo = NULL; PDFS_REPLICA_INFORMATION pReplicaInfo = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING pServerName = NULL; DfsReplica *pReplica = NULL; DfsReplica *pReplicaList = NULL; DfsServerSiteInfo *pInfo = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG Replica = 0; ULONG NumLocalReplicas = 0; BOOLEAN CacheHit = FALSE;
DFS_TRACE_LOW( SITE, "LoadCachedServerSiteData %ws\n", MetadataName);
// Get the replica information.
Status = GetMetadataStore()->GetMetadataReplicaInformation(RootMetadataHandle, MetadataName, &pReplicaListInfo );
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// Set the appropriate count, and allocate the replicas
// required.
NumLocalReplicas = pReplicaListInfo->ReplicaCount; if (NumLocalReplicas > 0) { pReplicaList = new DfsReplica [ pReplicaListInfo->ReplicaCount ]; if ( pReplicaList == NULL ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } }
// Now, for each replica, set the replicas server name, the target
// folder and the replica state.
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { for ( Replica = 0; (Replica < pReplicaListInfo->ReplicaCount) && (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS); Replica++ ) {
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UseName, NULL);
pReplicaInfo = &pReplicaListInfo->pReplicas[Replica]; pReplica = &pReplicaList[ Replica ];
pServerName = &pReplicaInfo->ServerName;
// If the servername is a ., this is a special case where
// the servername is the root itself. In this case,
// set the server name to the name of this machine.
if (IsLocalName(pServerName)) { Status = GetVisibleNameContext( NULL, &UseName); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pServerName = UseName; } }
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Status = DfsGetServerInfo (pServerName, &pInfo, &CacheHit, TRUE); } if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DFS_TRACE_LOW( SITE, "LoadCachedServerSiteData: Server %wZ <->Site %ws\n", pServerName, pInfo->GetSiteNameString()); pInfo->ReleaseReference(); }
if (UseName.Length != 0) { DfsFreeUnicodeString(&UseName); RtlInitUnicodeString(&UseName, NULL); } }
// Now release the replica information that was allocated
// by the store.
if(pReplicaListInfo != NULL) { GetMetadataStore()->ReleaseMetadataReplicaInformation( RootMetadataHandle, pReplicaListInfo ); }
if(pReplicaList) { delete []pReplicaList; } DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW( Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "Done with LoadCachedServerSiteData %ws, Status %x\n", MetadataName, Status); return Status; }
//this callback should not hold any child folder locks
void PrefetchCallBack(LPVOID pEntry, LPVOID pContext) { DfsFolder *pFolder = (DfsFolder *) pEntry; DfsRootFolder * pRootFolder = (DfsRootFolder *) pContext;
if (!DfsIsShuttingDown()) { if(pFolder != NULL) { pRootFolder->PrefetchReplicaData(pFolder); } } }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::PreloadServerSiteData(void) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
NtStatus = DfsPrefixTableAcquireWriteLock( _pLogicalPrefixTable ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { DfsEnumeratePrefixTableLocked(_pLogicalPrefixTable, PrefetchCallBack, this);
DfsPrefixTableReleaseLock( _pLogicalPrefixTable ); }
_PrefetchNeeded = TRUE;
return NtStatus; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::ValidateAPiShortName(PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE DirectoryHandle = NULL; DWORD NumComponentsExpanded = 0; UNICODE_STRING NewLinkName;
NewLinkName.Buffer = NULL; NewLinkName.Length = NewLinkName.MaximumLength = 0;
if(IsAShortName(pLinkName)) { NtStatus = DfsOpenDirectory ( GetDirectoryCreatePathName(), FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, &DirectoryHandle, NULL );
if(NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = ExpandLinkDirectories(pLinkName, &NewLinkName, DirectoryHandle, TRUE, &NumComponentsExpanded);
if(NtStatus == STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG) { Status = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
CloseHandle (DirectoryHandle); }
if(NewLinkName.Buffer) { delete [] NewLinkName.Buffer; }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsRootFolder::ExpandShortName(PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, PUNICODE_STRING pNewPath, PUNICODE_STRING pRemainingName) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; HANDLE DirectoryHandle = NULL; DWORD NumComponentsExpanded = 0;
pNewPath->Length = 0; pNewPath->MaximumLength = 0; pNewPath->Buffer = NULL;
if(IsAShortName(pLinkName)) { NtStatus = DfsOpenDirectory ( GetDirectoryCreatePathName(), FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, &DirectoryHandle, NULL );
if(NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = ExpandLinkDirectories(pLinkName, pNewPath, DirectoryHandle, FALSE, &NumComponentsExpanded);
CloseHandle (DirectoryHandle); }
Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus);
if((Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) && NumComponentsExpanded && pRemainingName) { NtStatus = FindRemaingName(pLinkName, pRemainingName, NumComponentsExpanded);
Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); } }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS DfsRootFolder::FindRemaingName(PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, PUNICODE_STRING pRemainingName, DWORD NumComponentsExpanded) { DWORD LoopVar = 0; NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING RemainingName; UNICODE_STRING RemPath; UNICODE_STRING TempString;
RemainingName = *pLinkName;
for (LoopVar = 0; LoopVar < NumComponentsExpanded; LoopVar++) {
NtStatus = DfsGetNextComponent(&RemainingName, &RemPath, &TempString);
RemainingName = TempString; }
*pRemainingName = RemainingName;
return NtStatus; }
NTSTATUS DfsRootFolder::ExpandLinkDirectories( PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName, PUNICODE_STRING pNewPath, HANDLE RelativeHandle, BOOLEAN FailOnExpand, DWORD * NumComponentsExpanded) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE CurrentDirectory = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE LocalRelativeHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ULONG ShareMode = 0; DWORD NumExpanded = 0; BOOLEAN Expanded = FALSE; BOOLEAN NewlyCreated = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING RemainingName; UNICODE_STRING TempString; UNICODE_STRING DirectoryToCreate;
*NumComponentsExpanded = 0;
ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; LocalRelativeHandle = RelativeHandle;
RemainingName = *pLinkName; while ( NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = DfsGetNextComponent(&RemainingName, &DirectoryToCreate, &TempString); RemainingName = TempString;
Expanded = FALSE; NtStatus = GetAShortName(LocalRelativeHandle, &Expanded, &DirectoryToCreate, pNewPath);
if (NtStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
if( FailOnExpand && Expanded) {
NtStatus = STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG; break; }
NtStatus = DfsOpenDirectory( &DirectoryToCreate, ShareMode, LocalRelativeHandle, &CurrentDirectory, &NewlyCreated ); if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
if(LocalRelativeHandle != RelativeHandle) { DfsCloseDirectory( LocalRelativeHandle ); }
LocalRelativeHandle = CurrentDirectory; CurrentDirectory = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if(RemainingName.Length == 0) { break; } } }
*NumComponentsExpanded = NumExpanded;
if(LocalRelativeHandle != RelativeHandle) { if(LocalRelativeHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DfsCloseDirectory( LocalRelativeHandle ); LocalRelativeHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(NtStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "ExpandLinkDirectory: %wZ: Status %x\n", pLinkName, NtStatus ); return NtStatus; }
BOOLEAN DfsRootFolder::IsAShortName(PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName) { ULONG idx = 0; ULONG nameLen = 0; BOOLEAN RetVal = FALSE;
if(pLinkName->Length == 0) { return FALSE; }
nameLen = pLinkName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR);
for (idx = 0; idx < nameLen; idx++) { if (pLinkName->Buffer[idx] == L'~') { RetVal = TRUE; break; } }
return RetVal; }
*Expanded = FALSE;
PathSep.Length = sizeof(UNICODE_PATH_SEP); PathSep.MaximumLength = sizeof(UNICODE_PATH_SEP); PathSep.Buffer = L"\\";
NameInformationSize = sizeof(FILE_NAMES_INFORMATION) + DFS_SHORTNAME_EXPANSION_SIZE; pFileEntry = (PFILE_NAMES_INFORMATION) new BYTE [NameInformationSize]; if (pFileEntry != NULL) { NtStatus = NtQueryDirectoryFile( ParentHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, pFileEntry, NameInformationSize, FileNamesInformation, TRUE, // ReturnSingleEntry
pLinkName, TRUE ); // RestartScan
if(NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { LongName.Buffer = pFileEntry->FileName; LongName.Length = LongName.MaximumLength = (USHORT) pFileEntry->FileNameLength;
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(NtStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "GetShortName: %wZ expanded to %wZ: Status %x\n", pLinkName, &LongName, NtStatus );
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&LongName, pLinkName, TRUE) != 0) { *Expanded = TRUE; NtStatus = CopyShortName(&LongName, pNewPath);
} else {
*Expanded = FALSE; NtStatus = CopyShortName(pLinkName, pNewPath);
// A previous CopyShortName may have failed because
// we were out of resources.
if (NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { NtStatus = CopyShortName(&PathSep, pNewPath); } }
delete [] pFileEntry; pFileEntry = NULL; } else { NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(NtStatus, REFERRAL_SERVER, "GetShortName: Status %x\n", NtStatus ); return NtStatus; }
NTSTATUS DfsRootFolder::CopyShortName(PUNICODE_STRING pNewName, PUNICODE_STRING pNewPath) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG NewMaxLength = 0; PWSTR pNewBuffer = NULL;
do { NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(pNewPath, pNewName);
// If the append succeeded then we are done.
if (NtStatus != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { break; } NewMaxLength = pNewPath->MaximumLength + pNewName->Length + (DFS_SHORTNAME_EXPANSION_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
// unicode strings can't go beyond a ushort
if (NewMaxLength > MAXUSHORT) { NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } pNewBuffer = (PWSTR) new BYTE [NewMaxLength]; if (pNewBuffer == NULL) { NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } if (pNewPath->Buffer) { RtlMoveMemory( pNewBuffer, pNewPath->Buffer, pNewPath->Length ); delete [] pNewPath->Buffer; pNewPath->Buffer = NULL; }
pNewPath->Buffer = pNewBuffer; pNewPath->MaximumLength = (USHORT) NewMaxLength;
NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(pNewPath, pNewName);
} while (FALSE);
return NtStatus; }
void DfsRootFolder::FreeShortNameData(PUNICODE_STRING pLinkName) { if(pLinkName->Buffer != NULL) { delete [] pLinkName->Buffer; pLinkName->Buffer = NULL; } }
Status = UuidCreate(&NewUid); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = UuidToString( &NewUid, &String ); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = DfsCreateUnicodePathString ( pNewName, 0, // no leading path sep
NULL, String );
RpcStringFree(&String ); } }
return Status; }
pRootDir = GetDirectoryCreatePathName();
DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &NewFileName, NULL); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &OldFileName, NULL); DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &PartialName, NULL);
PathSep.Length = sizeof(UNICODE_PATH_SEP); PathSep.MaximumLength = sizeof(UNICODE_PATH_SEP); PathSep.Buffer = L"\\";
UniNull.Length = sizeof(WCHAR); UniNull.MaximumLength = sizeof(WCHAR); UniNull.Buffer = L"\0";
DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &DfsPrefix, DFSRENAMEPREFIX);
Status = CreateRenameName(&PartialName); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NewdirectoryNameSize = pRootDir->Length + ParentDirectory->Length + DirectoryToRename->Length + PartialName.Length + (3 *PathSep.Length) + DfsPrefix.Length+UniNull.Length;
NewBuffer = (PWSTR) new BYTE[NewdirectoryNameSize]; if(NewBuffer) { NewFileName.Buffer = NewBuffer; NewFileName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)NewdirectoryNameSize;
NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&NewFileName, pRootDir); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&NewFileName, &PathSep); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&NewFileName, ParentDirectory); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&NewFileName, &PathSep); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&NewFileName, &DfsPrefix); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeToString(&NewFileName, &PartialName.Buffer[1]); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&NewFileName, DirectoryToRename); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&NewFileName, &UniNull); } else { NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
if(NtStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
OlddirectoryNameSize = pRootDir->Length + ParentDirectory->Length + (2*PathSep.Length) + DirectoryToRename->Length + UniNull.Length; NewBuffer2 = (PWSTR) new BYTE[OlddirectoryNameSize]; if(NewBuffer2) { OldFileName.Buffer = NewBuffer2; OldFileName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)OlddirectoryNameSize;
NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&OldFileName, pRootDir); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&OldFileName, &PathSep); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&OldFileName, ParentDirectory); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&OldFileName, &PathSep); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&OldFileName, DirectoryToRename); NtStatus = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&OldFileName, &UniNull); } else { NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError(NtStatus); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { OldName = &OldFileName.Buffer[DFSDIRWHACKQOFFSET]; NewName = &NewFileName.Buffer[DFSDIRWHACKQOFFSET]; fMoved = MoveFileW(OldName, NewName); if(fMoved == FALSE) { Status = GetLastError(); } } }
if(PartialName.Buffer) { DfsFreeUnicodeString( &PartialName ); }
if(OldFileName.Buffer) { delete [] OldFileName.Buffer; }
if(NewFileName.Buffer) { delete [] NewFileName.Buffer; }
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_LOW(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "RenamePath, link %wZ, Status %x\n", ParentDirectory, Status); return Status; }
NTSTATUS StripAndReturnLastPathComponent( PUNICODE_STRING pPath, PUNICODE_STRING pLeaf) { USHORT i = 0, j = 0; USHORT OriginalLength = 0;
if (pPath->Length == 0) { return Status; }
OriginalLength = pPath->Length;
for( i = (pPath->Length - 1)/ sizeof(WCHAR); i != 0; i--) { if (pPath->Buffer[i] != UNICODE_PATH_SEP) { break; } }
for (j = i; j != 0; j--) { if (pPath->Buffer[j] == UNICODE_PATH_SEP) { break; } }
//change the length of the orignal buffer to reflect
//that the last component was stripped off
pPath->Length = (j) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if(j > 0 ) { Src = &pPath->Buffer[((pPath->Length + sizeof( WCHAR)) /sizeof( WCHAR ))];
pLeaf->Buffer = Src; pLeaf->Length = OriginalLength - (pPath->Length + sizeof( WCHAR)); pLeaf->MaximumLength = pLeaf->Length; } else //didn't find any //s
{ Src = &pPath->Buffer[pPath->Length /sizeof( WCHAR )];
pLeaf->Buffer = Src; pLeaf->Length = OriginalLength - (pPath->Length); pLeaf->MaximumLength = pLeaf->Length; }
return Status;
NTSTATUS SendDataToSrv(PBYTE Buffer, ULONG BUfferLength, DWORD IoCtl) { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; HANDLE hMrxSmbHandle = NULL; UNICODE_STRING unicodeServerName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock;
// Open the server device.
DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx( &unicodeServerName, SERVER_DEVICE_NAME );
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &unicodeServerName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
// Opening the server with desired access = SYNCHRONIZE and open
// options = FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT means that we don't have
// to worry about waiting for the NtFsControlFile to complete--this
// makes all IO system calls that use this handle synchronous.
status = NtOpenFile( &hMrxSmbHandle, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, &objectAttributes, &ioStatusBlock, 0, 0 );
if ( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = NtFsControlFile( hMrxSmbHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, IoCtl, Buffer, BUfferLength, NULL, 0 );
NtClose( hMrxSmbHandle ); }
return status; }
if((pShareName == NULL) || (pShareName->Buffer == NULL) || (pShareName->Length == 0)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
SizeToAllocate = pShareName->Length + sizeof(DFS_ATTACH_SHARE_BUFFER);
pBuffer = (PDFS_ATTACH_SHARE_BUFFER) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, SizeToAllocate); if(pBuffer != NULL) { pBuffer->ShareNameLength = pShareName->Length ; pBuffer->fAttach = fAttach;
RtlCopyMemory( &pBuffer->ShareName[0], pShareName->Buffer, pBuffer->ShareNameLength);
Status = SendDataToSrv((PBYTE) pBuffer, SizeToAllocate, FSCTL_DFS_UPDATE_SHARE_TABLE);
DosStatus = RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status);
if(pBuffer) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer); }
if(DosStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!] (1) %wZ status %x DosStatus %x\n", pShareName, Status, DosStatus); } } else { DosStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "[%!FUNC!] %wZ status %x\n", pShareName, DosStatus); }
return DosStatus; }