// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// File: DfsTrustedDomain.cxx
// Contents: implements the trusted domain
// Classes: DfsTrustedDomain
// History: Apr. 8 2000, Author: udayh
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <ntsam.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include "DfsReferralData.hxx"
#include "DfsTrustedDomain.hxx"
#include "DfsReplica.hxx"
// logging specific includes
#include "DfsTrustedDomain.tmh"
// Function: GetDcReferralData - get the referral data
// Arguments: ppReferralData - the referral data for this instance
// pCacheHit - did we find it already loaded?
// Returns: Status
// ERROR_SUCCESS if we could get the referral data
// error status otherwise.
// Description: This routine returns a reference DfsReferralDAta
// If one does not already exist in this class instance,
// we create a new one. If someone is in the process
// of loading the referral, we wait on the event in
// the referral data which gets signalled when the thread
// responsible for loading is done with the load.
DFSSTATUS DfsTrustedDomain::GetDcReferralData( OUT DfsReferralData **ppReferralData, OUT BOOLEAN *pCacheHit ) { DfsReferralData *pRefData = NULL; DFSSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (_DomainName.Length == 0) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*pCacheHit = FALSE;
Status = AcquireLock(); if ( Status != STATUS_SUCCESS ) { return Status; }
// First see if we may need to do a reload.
if (_LoadState == DfsTrustedDomainDcLoadFailed && IsTimeToRetry()) { ASSERT(_pDcReferralData == NULL); _LoadState = DfsTrustedDomainDcNotLoaded; } //
// WE take difference action depending on the load state.
switch ( _LoadState ) { case DfsTrustedDomainDcLoaded:
DFS_TRACE_LOW(REFERRAL_SERVER, " Get Referral Data: Cache hit\n"); //
// we are dealing with a loaded instance. Just acquire a reference
// and return the loaded referral data.
ASSERT (_pDcReferralData != NULL);
pRefData = _pDcReferralData; pRefData->AcquireReference(); ReleaseLock(); *pCacheHit = TRUE; *ppReferralData = pRefData;
case DfsTrustedDomainDcNotLoaded:
// The dc info is not loaded. Make sure that the referral data is
// indeed empty. Create a new instance of the referral data
// and set the state to load in progress.
ASSERT(_pDcReferralData == NULL); DFS_TRACE_NORM(REFERRAL_SERVER, " Get Referral Data: not loaded\n");
_pDcReferralData = new DfsReferralData( &Status );
if ( _pDcReferralData != NULL ) { if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
_LoadState = DfsTrustedDomainDcLoadInProgress;
// Acquire a reference on the new referral data, since we
// have to return a referenced referral data to the caller.
pRefData = _pDcReferralData; pRefData->AcquireReference(); } else { _pDcReferralData->ReleaseReference(); _pDcReferralData = NULL; } } else { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// We no longer need the lock. We have allocate the referral
// data and marked the state accordingly. No other thread can
// interfere with our load now.
// Now we load the referral data, and save the status of the
// load in both our load status as well as the load status
// in the referral data.
// If the load was successful, we add this to the loaded list
// of referral data that can be scavenged later. We set the load
// state to loaded, and signal the event so that all waiting
// threads can now be woken up.
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _pDcReferralData->DoSiteCosting = (BOOLEAN)DfsCheckSiteCostingEnabled();
Status = LoadDcReferralData( _pDcReferralData );
_LoadStatus = Status; _RetryFailedLoadTimeout = 0; _pDcReferralData->LoadStatus = Status;
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { _LoadState = DfsTrustedDomainDcLoaded; *ppReferralData = pRefData; pRefData->Signal(); } else { _LoadState = DfsTrustedDomainDcLoadFailed; _RetryFailedLoadTimeout = GetTickCount(); pRefData->Signal(); (VOID)RemoveDcReferralData( pRefData, NULL ); DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "DomainDC load failed for %wZ, LoadStatus %x, Status %x\n", GetDomainName(), _LoadStatus, Status ); } }
case DfsTrustedDomainDcLoadInProgress:
// The load is in progress. We acquire a reference on the
// referral data being loaded and wait for the event in the
// referral data to be signalled. The return status of the wait
// indicates if we can return the referral data or we fail
// this request with an error.
DFS_TRACE_NORM(REFERRAL_SERVER, " Get Referral Data: load in progress\n"); ASSERT(_pDcReferralData != NULL); pRefData = _pDcReferralData; pRefData->AcquireReference();
DFS_TRACE_NORM(REFERRAL_SERVER, "Thread: Waiting for referral load\n");
Status = pRefData->Wait();
if ( Status == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *ppReferralData = pRefData; } else { pRefData->ReleaseReference(); } DFS_TRACE_NORM(REFERRAL_SERVER, " Get Referral Data: load in progress done\n"); break;
case DfsTrustedDomainDcLoadFailed: //
// The Load failed. REturn error. We need to setup a time
// after which we need to reattempt the load.
Status = _LoadStatus; ReleaseLock(); *ppReferralData = NULL; break;
default: //
// We should never get here. Its an invalid state.
break; }
ASSERT((Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (*ppReferralData != NULL));
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsTrustedDomain::RemoveDcReferralData( DfsReferralData *pRemoveReferralData, PBOOLEAN pRemoved ) { DFSSTATUS Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DfsReferralData *pRefData = NULL;
// Get the exclusive lock on this instance
if (pRemoved != NULL) { *pRemoved = FALSE; }
// make sure _LoadState indicates that it is loaded.
// Set the referralData to null, and state to NotLoaded.
if (_LoadState == DfsTrustedDomainDcLoaded || _LoadState == DfsTrustedDomainDcLoadFailed) {
pRefData = _pDcReferralData; if ( (pRemoveReferralData == NULL) || (pRemoveReferralData == pRefData) ) { _pDcReferralData = NULL; _LoadState = (_LoadState == DfsTrustedDomainDcLoaded) ? DfsTrustedDomainDcNotLoaded : DfsTrustedDomainDcLoadFailed; } else { pRefData = NULL; } }
// Release reference on the referral data. This is the reference
// we had taken when we had cached the referral data here.
if (pRefData != NULL) { pRefData->ReleaseReference(); if (pRemoved != NULL) { *pRemoved = TRUE; } }
return Status; }
DFSSTATUS DfsTrustedDomain::LoadDcReferralData( IN DfsReferralData *pReferralData ) {
DFSSTATUS Status; PDS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1 pDsDomainControllerInfo1 = NULL; HANDLE HandleToDs = NULL; ULONG NameCount = 0, Index; ULONG DsDcCount = 0; ULONG UseIndex = 0; BOOLEAN CacheHit = FALSE; LPWSTR DomainController = NULL;
// we have a problem that DsBind fails when going across forests
// for netbios domains as local system.
// So we bind to the DNS domain name only for cross forest domains,
// this information is stored by UseBindDomain boolean.
Status = DsBind(DomainController, _UseBindDomain ? _BindDomainName.Buffer : _DomainName.Buffer, &HandleToDs);
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "DfsTrustedDomain DsBind Status %d\n", Status); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Status = DsGetDomainControllerInfo( HandleToDs, _DomainName.Buffer, 1, &NameCount, (PVOID *)(&pDsDomainControllerInfo1));
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "DfsTrustedDomain DsGetDomainControllerInfo Status %d\n", Status); DsUnBind( &HandleToDs); }
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for (Index = 0; Index < NameCount; Index++) { if (pDsDomainControllerInfo1[Index].fDsEnabled == TRUE) { DsDcCount++; } } if (DsDcCount > 0) { pReferralData->pReplicas = new DfsReplica[ DsDcCount ];
if (pReferralData->pReplicas == NULL) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { pReferralData->ReplicaCount = DsDcCount; } }
for (Index = 0; ((Index < NameCount) && (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS)); Index++) {
CacheHit = FALSE;
if (pDsDomainControllerInfo1[Index].fDsEnabled != TRUE) { continue; }
if (_Netbios == TRUE) { UseName = pDsDomainControllerInfo1[Index].NetbiosName; } else { UseName = pDsDomainControllerInfo1[Index].DnsHostName; if (UseName == NULL) { UseName = pDsDomainControllerInfo1[Index].NetbiosName;
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "DfsDomainInformation DNS Name is NULL. Using Netbios =%ws Status %d\n", UseName, Status); } }
if (UseName != NULL) { UNICODE_STRING TargetName;
Status = DfsRtlInitUnicodeStringEx(&TargetName, UseName); if(Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Status = (&pReferralData->pReplicas[ UseIndex ])->SetTargetServer( &TargetName, &CacheHit );
DFS_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, REFERRAL_SERVER, "DfsDomainInformation SetTargetServer=%wZ Status %d\n", &TargetName, Status); }
UseIndex++; } } DsFreeDomainControllerInfo( 1, NameCount, pDsDomainControllerInfo1); }
return Status; }