// Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation.
// File: registry.cxx
// Contents: implementations for CRegKey member Members
// Members: CRegKey::CRegKey - constructor for registry key object
// CRegKey::CRegKey - constructor for registry key object
// CRegKey::CreateKey - real worker for constructors
// CRegKey::~CRegKey - destructor for registry key object
// CRegKey::Delete - delete a registry key
// CRegKey::EnumValues - enumerate values of a registry key
// CRegKey::EnumKeys - enumerate subkeys of a registry key
// CRegKey::NotifyChange - setup change notification for a key
// CRegValue::GetValue - sets a registry value
// CRegValue::SetValue - retrieves a registry value
// CRegValue::Delete - deletes a registry value
// CRegValue::GetTypeCode - returns the type code of the value
// CRegMSZ::SetStrings - sets a multi-string registry value
// CRegMSZ::GetStrings - retrieves a multi-string registry value
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// 09/22/93 AlokS Took out exception throwing code
// and added proper return code for
// each method.
// 07/26/94 AlokS Made it real light weight for simple
// registry set/get operations
// Notes: see notes in registry.hxx
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <registry.hxx>
// Member: CRegKey::CRegKey
// Synopsis: Constructor for registry key object, using HKEY for parent
// Arguments: [hkParent] - handle to parent key
// [pwszPath] - pathname to key
// [samDesiredAccess] - desired access rights to the key
// [pwszClass] - class for the key
// [dwOptions] - options for the key eg volatile or not
// [pdwDisposition] - to find out if key was opened or created
// [pSecurityAttributes] - used only if the key is created
// [fThrowExceptionOnError] - Constructor throw exception on error
// Signals: Internal error state is set if construction fails.
// Returns: -none-
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: All except the hkParent and pwszPath are optional parameters.
CRegKey::CRegKey ( HKEY hkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess, const LPWSTR pwszClass, DWORD dwOptions, DWORD *pdwDisposition, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes ) :_hkParent(hkParent), _hkThis(NULL), _dwErr (ERROR_SUCCESS) { _dwErr = CreateKey( _hkParent, pwszPath, samDesiredAccess, pwszClass, dwOptions, pdwDisposition, pSecurityAttributes ); }
// Member: CRegKey::CRegKey
// Synopsis: Constructor for registry key object, using CRegKey for parent
// Arguments: [prkParent] - ptr to Parent CRegKey
// [pwszPath] - pathname to key
// [samDesiredAccess] - desired access rights to the key
// [pwszClass] - class for the key
// [dwOptions] - options for the key eg volatile or not
// [pdwDisposition] - to find out if key was opened or created
// [pSecurityAttributes] - used only if the key is created
// [fThrowExceptionOnError] - Constructor throw exception on error
// Signals: Internal Error state is set if error occures during construction.
// Returns: nothing
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: All except the prkParent and pwszPath are optional parameters.
CRegKey::CRegKey ( const CRegKey &crkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess, const LPWSTR pwszClass, DWORD dwOptions, DWORD *pdwDisposition, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes ) :_hkParent(crkParent.GetHandle()), _hkThis(NULL), _dwErr(ERROR_SUCCESS) { _dwErr = CreateKey ( _hkParent, pwszPath, samDesiredAccess, pwszClass, dwOptions, pdwDisposition, pSecurityAttributes ); }
// Member: CRegKey::CRegKey
// Synopsis: Constructor for registry key object, using HKEY for parent
// Merely opens the key, if exist
// Arguments: [hkParent] - HKEY to Parent
// [dwErr] - Error code returned here
// [pwszPath] - pathname to key
// [samDesiredAccess] - desired access rights to the key
// Signals: Internal Error state is set if error occures during construction
// Returns: nothing
// History: 09/22/93 AlokS Created
// Notes: Check error status to determine if constructor succeeded
CRegKey::CRegKey ( HKEY hkParent, DWORD *pdwErr, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess ) :_hkParent(hkParent), _hkThis(NULL), _dwErr(ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pdwErr = _dwErr = OpenKey ( _hkParent, pwszPath, samDesiredAccess ); }
// Member: CRegKey::CRegKey
// Synopsis: Constructor for registry key object, using CRegKey for parent
// Merely opens the key, if exist
// Arguments: [prkParent] - ptr to Parent CRegKey
// [dwErr] - Error code returned here.
// [pwszPath] - pathname to key
// [samDesiredAccess] - desired access rights to the key
// Signals: Internal Error state is set if error occures during construction
// Returns: nothing
// History: 09/22/93 AlokS Created
// Notes: Check error status to determine if constructor succeeded
CRegKey::CRegKey ( const CRegKey &crkParent, DWORD *pdwErr, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess ) :_hkParent(crkParent.GetHandle()), _hkThis(NULL), _dwErr(ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pdwErr = _dwErr = OpenKey ( _hkParent, pwszPath, samDesiredAccess ); }
// Member: CRegKey::~CRegKey, public
// Synopsis: Destructor for registry key object
// Arguments: none
// Signals: nothing
// Returns: nothing
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
CRegKey::~CRegKey() { if (_hkThis != NULL) RegCloseKey(_hkThis); }
// Member: CRegKey::CreateKey, private
// Synopsis: This method does the real work of the constructors.
// Arguments: [hkParent] - handle to parent key
// [pwszPath] - pathname to key
// [samDesiredAccess] - desired access rights to the key
// [pwszClass] - class for the key
// [dwOptions] - options for the key eg volatile or not
// [pdwDisposition] - to find out if key was opened or created
// [pSecurityAttributes] - used only if the key is created
// Signals: -none-
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success. Else error from either Registry APIs
// or from Memory allocation
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes: All parameters are required.
DWORD CRegKey::CreateKey ( HKEY hkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess, const LPWSTR pwszClass, DWORD dwOptions, DWORD *pdwDisposition, const LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttributes ) { DWORD dwDisposition; DWORD dwRc; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsec = pSecurityAttributes;
// create/open the key
if ((dwRc = RegCreateKeyEx(hkParent, pwszPath, // path to key
0, // title index
pwszClass, // class of key
dwOptions, // key options
samDesiredAccess, // desired access
lpsec, // if created
&_hkThis, // handle
&dwDisposition) // opened/created
)==ERROR_SUCCESS) { // save away the name
// setup the return parameters
if (pdwDisposition != NULL) *pdwDisposition = dwDisposition;
} else dwErr = Creg_ERROR(dwRc);
return(dwErr); }
// Member: CRegKey::OpenKey, private
// Synopsis: This method does the real work of the constructors.
// Arguments: [hkParent] - handle to parent key
// [pwszPath] - pathname to key
// [samDesiredAccess] - desired access rights to the key
// Signals: -none-
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success. Else error from either Registry APIs
// or from Memory allocation
// History: 09/22/93 AlokS Created
// Notes: All parameters are required.
DWORD CRegKey::OpenKey ( HKEY hkParent, const LPWSTR pwszPath, REGSAM samDesiredAccess ) { DWORD dwRc; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// open the key
if ((dwRc = RegOpenKeyEx(hkParent, pwszPath, // path to key
0, // reserved
samDesiredAccess, // desired access
&_hkThis // handle
))==ERROR_SUCCESS) { // save away the name
} else dwErr = Creg_ERROR(dwRc);
return(dwErr); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CRegValue::GetValue, public
// Purpose: Returns the data associated with a registry value.
// Arguements: [pbData] - ptr to buffer supplied by caller.
// [cbData] - size of data buffer supplied.
// [pdwTypeCode] - type of data returned.
// Signals:
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success. Else error from either Registry APIs
// or from Memory allocation
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
DWORD CRegValue::GetValue(LPBYTE pbData, ULONG* pcbData, DWORD *pdwTypeCode) { DWORD dwRc = RegQueryValueEx(GetParentHandle(), (LPWSTR)_cwszValueID, // value id
NULL, // title index
pdwTypeCode, // type of data returned
pbData, // data
pcbData); // size of data
return(dwRc); }
// Member: CRegValue::SetValue
// Purpose: Writes the data associated with a registry value.
// Arguements: [pbData] - ptr to data to write.
// [cbData] - size of data to write.
// [dwTypeCode] - type of data to write.
// Signals: -none-
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS on success. Else error from either Registry APIs
// or from Memory allocation
// History: 09/30/92 Rickhi Created
// Notes:
DWORD CRegValue::SetValue(const LPBYTE pbData, ULONG cbData, DWORD dwTypeCode) { DWORD dwRc; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ((dwRc = RegSetValueEx(GetParentHandle(), // key handle
(LPWSTR)_cwszValueID, // value id
NULL, // title index
dwTypeCode, // type of info in buffer
pbData, // data
cbData) // size of data
)!= ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = Creg_ERROR(dwRc); } return(dwErr); }