Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
SIS Groveler/registry interface
John Douceur, 1998
User Mode
Revision History:
#include "all.hxx"
bool Registry::read( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int num_entries, EntrySpec *entries) { WCHAR id_buffer[id_buffer_length];
ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_entries > 0); ASSERT(entries != 0); for (int index = 0; index < num_entries; index++) { load_string_into_value(entries[index].type, entries[index].default_value, entries[index].pointer); } HKEY path_key; long result = RegOpenKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &path_key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } ASSERT(path_key != 0); for (index = 0; index < num_entries; index++) { DWORD data_type; DWORD data_length = id_buffer_length; result = RegQueryValueEx(path_key, entries[index].identifier, 0, &data_type, (BYTE *)id_buffer, &data_length); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && data_type == REG_SZ) { load_string_into_value(entries[index].type, id_buffer, entries[index].pointer); } } ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
bool Registry::write( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int num_entries, EntrySpec *entries) { WCHAR id_buffer[id_buffer_length];
ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_entries > 0); ASSERT(entries != 0); HKEY path_key; DWORD disposition; long result = RegCreateKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &path_key, &disposition); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCreateKeyEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); return false; } ASSERT(path_key != 0); for (int index = 0; index < num_entries; index++) { DWORD data_type; DWORD data_length = id_buffer_length; result = RegQueryValueEx(path_key, entries[index].identifier, 0, &data_type, (BYTE *)id_buffer, &data_length); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS || data_type != REG_SZ) { store_value_in_string(entries[index].type, entries[index].pointer, id_buffer,sizeof(id_buffer)); result = RegSetValueEx(path_key, entries[index].identifier, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)id_buffer, (_tcslen(id_buffer) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR));
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegSetValueEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); } } } ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
bool Registry::overwrite( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int num_entries, EntrySpec *entries) { WCHAR id_buffer[id_buffer_length];
ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_entries > 0); ASSERT(entries != 0); HKEY path_key; DWORD disposition; long result = RegCreateKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &path_key, &disposition); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCreateKeyEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); return false; } ASSERT(path_key != 0); for (int index = 0; index < num_entries; index++) { store_value_in_string(entries[index].type, entries[index].pointer, id_buffer,sizeof(id_buffer)); result = RegSetValueEx(path_key, entries[index].identifier, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)id_buffer, (_tcslen(id_buffer) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegSetValueEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); } } ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
bool Registry::write_defaults( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int num_entries, EntrySpec *entries) { WCHAR id_buffer[id_buffer_length];
ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_entries > 0); ASSERT(entries != 0); HKEY path_key; DWORD disposition; long result = RegCreateKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &path_key, &disposition); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCreateKeyEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); return false; } ASSERT(path_key != 0); for (int index = 0; index < num_entries; index++) { DWORD data_type; DWORD data_length = id_buffer_length; result = RegQueryValueEx(path_key, entries[index].identifier, 0, &data_type, (BYTE *)id_buffer, &data_length); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { result = RegSetValueEx(path_key, entries[index].identifier, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)entries[index].default_value, (_tcslen(entries[index].default_value) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegSetValueEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); } } } ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
bool Registry::overwrite_defaults( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int num_entries, EntrySpec *entries) { ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_entries > 0); ASSERT(entries != 0); HKEY path_key; DWORD disposition; long result = RegCreateKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &path_key, &disposition); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCreateKeyEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); return false; } ASSERT(path_key != 0); for (int index = 0; index < num_entries; index++) { result = RegSetValueEx(path_key, entries[index].identifier, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)entries[index].default_value, (_tcslen(entries[index].default_value) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegSetValueEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); } } ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
bool Registry::read_string_set( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int *num_strings, _TCHAR ***strings, BYTE **buffer) { ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_strings != 0); ASSERT(strings != 0); ASSERT(buffer != 0); HKEY path_key; *num_strings = 0; *strings = 0; *buffer = 0; long result = RegOpenKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &path_key); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } unsigned long num_values; unsigned long max_value_length; unsigned long max_string_length; result = RegQueryInfoKey(path_key, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &num_values, &max_value_length, &max_string_length, 0, 0); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS || num_values == 0) { RegCloseKey(path_key); return true; } _TCHAR *value = new _TCHAR[max_value_length + 1]; _TCHAR **string_set = new _TCHAR *[num_values]; BYTE *string_buffer = new BYTE[num_values * max_string_length * sizeof(_TCHAR)]; int string_index = 0; int buffer_offset = 0; for (unsigned int index = 0; index < num_values; index++) { DWORD value_length = max_value_length + 1; DWORD string_length = max_string_length; DWORD data_type; result = RegEnumValue(path_key, index, value, &value_length, 0, &data_type, &string_buffer[buffer_offset], &string_length); if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && data_type == REG_SZ) { ASSERT(unsigned(string_index) < num_values); string_set[string_index] = (_TCHAR *)&string_buffer[buffer_offset]; string_index++; buffer_offset += string_length; } } *num_strings = string_index; ASSERT(value != 0); delete[] value; value = 0; *strings = string_set; *buffer = string_buffer;
ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
bool Registry::write_string_set( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int num_strings, _TCHAR **strings, _TCHAR **identifiers) { WCHAR id_buffer[id_buffer_length];
ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_strings > 0); ASSERT(strings != 0); ASSERT(identifiers != 0); HKEY path_key; DWORD disposition; long result = RegCreateKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &path_key, &disposition); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCreateKeyEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); return false; } ASSERT(path_key != 0); for (int index = 0; index < num_strings; index++) { DWORD data_type; DWORD data_length = id_buffer_length; result = RegQueryValueEx(path_key, identifiers[index], 0, &data_type, (BYTE *)id_buffer, &data_length); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS || data_type != REG_SZ) { result = RegSetValueEx( path_key, identifiers[index], 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)strings[index], (_tcslen(strings[index]) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegSetValueEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); } } } ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
bool Registry::overwrite_string_set( HKEY base_key, const _TCHAR *path, int num_strings, _TCHAR **strings, _TCHAR **identifiers) { ASSERT(base_key == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG || base_key == HKEY_CURRENT_USER || base_key == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE || base_key == HKEY_USERS); ASSERT(path != 0); ASSERT(num_strings > 0); ASSERT(strings != 0); ASSERT(identifiers != 0); HKEY path_key; DWORD disposition; long result = RegCreateKeyEx(base_key, path, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &path_key, &disposition); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCreateKeyEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); return false; } ASSERT(path_key != 0); for (int index = 0; index < num_strings; index++) { result = RegSetValueEx( path_key, identifiers[index], 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)strings[index], (_tcslen(strings[index]) + 1) * sizeof(_TCHAR)); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegSetValueEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); } } ASSERT(path_key != 0); RegCloseKey(path_key); path_key = 0; return true; }
void Registry::create_key_ex( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, DWORD Reserved, LPTSTR lpClass, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, PHKEY phkResult, LPDWORD lpdwDisposition) { DWORD result = RegCreateKeyEx(hKey, lpSubKey, Reserved, lpClass, dwOptions, samDesired, lpSecurityAttributes, phkResult, lpdwDisposition); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCreateKeyEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); throw result; } }
void Registry::open_key_ex( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey, DWORD ulOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult) { DWORD result = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, lpSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, phkResult); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { throw result; } }
void Registry::close_key( HKEY hKey) { DWORD result = RegCloseKey(hKey); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegCloseKey() failed with error %d\n"), result)); throw result; } }
void Registry::query_value_ex( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPDWORD lpReserved, LPDWORD lpType, LPBYTE lpData, LPDWORD lpcbData) { DWORD result = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpValueName, lpReserved, lpType, lpData, lpcbData); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { throw result; } }
void Registry::set_value_ex( HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpValueName, DWORD Reserved, DWORD dwType, CONST BYTE *lpData, DWORD cbData) { DWORD result = RegSetValueEx(hKey, lpValueName, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PRINT_DEBUG_MSG((_T("GROVELER: RegSetValueEx() failed with error %d\n"), result)); throw result; } }
void Registry::load_string_into_value( EntryType type, const _TCHAR *string, void *value) //
// This routine can safely ignore if stscanf fails because a default value
// has already been placed in value
{ ASSERT(string != 0); ASSERT(value != 0); switch (type) { case entry_bool: *((bool *)value) = _ttoi(string) != 0; break; case entry_char: *((_TCHAR *)value) = string[0]; break; case entry_int: (VOID)_stscanf(string, _T("%d"), (int *)value); break; case entry_int64: (VOID)_stscanf(string, _T("%I64d"), (__int64 *)value); break; case entry_double: (VOID)_stscanf(string, _T("%lf"), (double *)value); break; default: ASSERT(false); } }
void Registry::store_value_in_string( EntryType type, void *value, _TCHAR *string, int strSize) //in bytes
{ ASSERT(string != 0); ASSERT(value != 0); switch (type) { case entry_bool: (void)StringCbPrintf(string, strSize, *((bool *)value) ? _T("1") : _T("0")); break; case entry_char: (void)StringCbPrintf(string, strSize, _T("%c"), *((_TCHAR *)value)); break; case entry_int: (void)StringCbPrintf(string, strSize, _T("%d"), *((int *)value)); break; case entry_int64: (void)StringCbPrintf(string, strSize, _T("%I64d"), *((__int64 *)value)); break; case entry_double: (void)StringCbPrintf(string, strSize, _T("%g"), *((double *)value)); break; default: ASSERT(false); } }