Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Top level code to backup and restore information about the volumes on a system. This module handles the main application dialogue, including parsing the command-line, and updating the progress bar and UI status text.
Steve DeVos (Veritas) (v-stevde) 15-May-1998 Guhan Suriyanarayanan (guhans) 21-Aug-1999
User-mode only.
Revision History:
15-May-1998 v-stevde Initial creation 21-Aug-1999 guhans Cleaned up and re-wrote this module.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "asr_fmt.h"
#include "asr_dlg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
BOOLEAN g_bQuickFormat = FALSE;
// CAsr_fmtDlg dialog
CAsr_fmtDlg::CAsr_fmtDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CAsr_fmtDlg::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAsr_fmtDlg)
void CAsr_fmtDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAsr_fmtDlg)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROGRESS, m_Progress); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAsr_fmtDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAsr_fmtDlg)
// manually added message handlers (for user-defined messages) should be added OUTSIDE
// the AFX_MSG_MAP part above
// CAsr_fmtDlg message handlers
// ON_BN_CLICKED(IDOK, OnWorkerThreadDone)
BOOL CAsr_fmtDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog();
// initialize the progress range and start posiiton
m_Progress.SetRange(0, 100); m_Progress.SetPos(0); m_ProgressPosition = 0;
// Launch the worker thread.
CreateThread(NULL, // no sid
0, // no initial stack size
(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) CAsr_fmtDlg::DoWork, this, // parameter
0, // no flags
NULL // no thread ID
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
LRESULT CAsr_fmtDlg::OnWorkerThreadDone( WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) { EndDialog(m_dwEndStatus); return 0; }
LRESULT CAsr_fmtDlg::OnUpdateStatusText( WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam ) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS_TEXT, m_strStatusText); m_Progress.SetPos(m_ProgressPosition);
return 0; }
Name: DoWork()
Description: This function runs as a thread launched form the Init of the dialog. This function determines what needs to be done, then calls the appropraite function to do the work.
Modified: 8/31/1998
Returns: TRUE
Notes: If an error occurs EndDialog will be called with the exit status.
**/ long CAsr_fmtDlg::DoWork( CAsr_fmtDlg *_this ) { ASRFMT_CMD_OPTION cmdOption = cmdUndefined;
cmdOption = _this->ParseCommandLine(); ((CAsr_fmtDlg *)_this)->m_AsrState = NULL;
_this->m_dwEndStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
switch (cmdOption) {
case cmdBackup: {
if (!(_this->BackupState())) { _this->m_dwEndStatus = GetLastError(); }
break; }
case cmdRestore: { if (!(_this->RestoreState())) { _this->m_dwEndStatus = GetLastError(); } break; }
case cmdDisplayHelp: { _this->m_dwEndStatus = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; // display help ...
break; } }
if (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION != _this->m_dwEndStatus) { // display help ...
_this->PostMessage(WM_WORKER_THREAD_DONE, 0, 0); }
return 0; }
Name: BackupState()
Description: This function reads the current state file to get the current data for the sections to modify. It then updates [VOLUMES], [REMOVABLEMEDIA] and [COMMANDS] sections.
Notes: If an error occurs an Error message popup is provided to the user.
BOOL CAsr_fmtDlg::BackupState() { BOOL result = FALSE; HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); int i = 0;
CString strPleaseWait; strPleaseWait.LoadString(IDS_PLEASE_WAIT_BACKUP); SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT, strPleaseWait);
// The only purpose of the for loops below are to slow down the
// UI and make the progress bar proceed smoothly, so that the user
// can read the dialogue box on screen.
m_strStatusText.LoadString(IDS_QUERY_SYS_FOR_INFO); for (i = 3; i < 15; i++) {
m_ProgressPosition = i; PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT); Sleep(50);
if (m_AsrState) { result = BuildStateInfo(m_AsrState); } if (!result) { goto EXIT; }
// The only purpose of the for loops below are to slow down the
// UI and make the progress bar proceed smoothly, so that the user
// can read the dialogue box on screen.
m_strStatusText.LoadString(IDS_QUERY_SYS_FOR_INFO); for (i = 15; i < 45; i++) {
m_ProgressPosition = i; PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT); Sleep(50);
// Pretend we're doing something else (change UI text)
m_strStatusText.LoadString(IDS_BUILDING_VOL_LIST); for (i = 45; i < 80; i++) {
m_ProgressPosition = i; PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT); Sleep(50);
m_strStatusText.LoadString(IDS_WRITING_TO_SIF); for (i = 80; i < 90; i++) { m_ProgressPosition = i; PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT); Sleep(50); }
result = WriteStateInfo(m_dwpAsrContext, m_AsrState);
if (!result) { goto EXIT; } m_strStatusText.LoadString(IDS_WRITING_TO_SIF);
for (i = 90; i < 101; i++) { m_ProgressPosition = i; PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT); Sleep(50); }
EXIT: FreeStateInfo(&m_AsrState); return result; }
Name: RestoreState()
Description: This function restores the state found in the [VOLUMES] section of the asr.sif file. The state restored includs: the drive letter. If drive is inaccessible it is formated. the volume label.
Notes: If an error occurs an Error message popup is provided to the user.
**/ BOOL CAsr_fmtDlg::RestoreState() {
BOOL bErrorsEncountered = FALSE, result = TRUE;
CString strPleaseWait; strPleaseWait.LoadString(IDS_PLEASE_WAIT_RESTORE);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT, strPleaseWait);
m_ProgressPosition = 0; m_strStatusText.LoadString(IDS_READING_SIF); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT);
AsrfmtpInitialiseErrorFile(); // in case we need to log error messages
// 1. Read the state file
result = ReadStateInfo( (LPCTSTR)m_strSifPath, &m_AsrState); if (!result || !m_AsrState) { DWORD status = GetLastError();
CString strErrorTitle; CString strErrorMessage; CString strErrorFormat;
strErrorTitle.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_TITLE); strErrorFormat.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_NO_DRSTATE);
strErrorMessage.Format(strErrorFormat, (LPCTSTR)m_strSifPath, status);
AsrfmtpLogErrorMessage(_SeverityWarning, (LPCTSTR)strErrorMessage); AsrfmtpCloseErrorFile(); return FALSE; }
// 2. Loop through all the volumes listed in the state file.
PASRFMT_VOLUME_INFO pVolume = m_AsrState->pVolume; PASRFMT_REMOVABLE_MEDIA_INFO pMedia = m_AsrState->pRemovableMedia; UINT driveType = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; PWSTR lpDrive = NULL; // Display string, of the form \DosDevices\C: or \??\Volume{Guid}
DWORD cchVolumeGuid = 0; WCHAR szVolumeGuid[MAX_PATH + 1]; int sizeIncrement = 0, i = 0; BOOL first = TRUE, isIntact = FALSE, isLabelIntact = TRUE;
// We need to first set all the guids a volume has, then try setting the drive
// letters. Also, we need to go through the guid loop twice, to handle this case:
// Consider a sif where we had the entries
// ... \vol1, \vol2
// ... \vol1, \x:
// ... \vol1, \vol3
// where vol1, vol2 and vol3 are volume guids (\??\Volume{Guid}),
// and x: is the drive letter (\DosDevices\X:)
// Now, our list will contain three nodes:
// -->(vol1, vol3)-->(vol1, x:)-->(vol1, vol2)-->/
// The problem is, the partition could currently have the guid vol2. (since
// it is free to have any one of the three guids).
// If we only went through the loop once, we'll try to map vol1 to vol3, or
// vice-versa if vol1 doesn't exist. Since neither exist yet, we would've
// complained to the user.
// The advantage to doing it twice is this: the first time, since neither vol1
// nor vol3 exist yet, we'll skip that node. Then we'll skip the drive letter for
// now (since we're only doing guids), and eventually we'll map vol2 to vol1.
// The second time, we'll find vol1 exists (mapped to vol2), and we'll be
// able to map vol1 to vol3. In a later loop, vol1 will also get the drive
// letter X, and all's well.
// By the way, we could optimise this by creating a better data structure,
// but it's too late in the game now for that. If the performance is
// really bad, we could come back to this.
if (m_AsrState->countVolume > 1) { sizeIncrement = 50 / (m_AsrState->countVolume - 1); } else { sizeIncrement = 100; }
m_ProgressPosition = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
pVolume = m_AsrState->pVolume;
while (pVolume) {
m_ProgressPosition += sizeIncrement; m_strStatusText.Format(IDS_REST_SYM_LINKS, pVolume->szGuid); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT);
if ((!pVolume->IsDosPathAssigned) && ASRFMT_LOOKS_LIKE_VOLUME_GUID(pVolume->szDosPath, (wcslen(pVolume->szDosPath) * sizeof(WCHAR))) ) { pVolume->IsDosPathAssigned = SetDosName(pVolume->szGuid, pVolume->szDosPath);
if (!pVolume->IsDosPathAssigned) { pVolume->IsDosPathAssigned = SetDosName(pVolume->szDosPath, pVolume->szGuid); } }
pVolume = pVolume->pNext; } }
pVolume = m_AsrState->pVolume; FormatInitialise(); while (pVolume) { lpDrive = ((wcslen(pVolume->szDosPath) > 0) ? pVolume->szDosPath : pVolume->szGuid); //
// Check if the drive is accessible. If not, we log an error message
// and continue. GetDriveType requires the name in the DOS name space, so we
// convert our GUID (NT name space) to the required format first
cchVolumeGuid = wcslen(pVolume->szGuid); if (cchVolumeGuid >= MAX_PATH) { cchVolumeGuid = MAX_PATH - 1; } wcsncpy(szVolumeGuid, pVolume->szGuid, cchVolumeGuid);
szVolumeGuid[1] = L'\\'; szVolumeGuid[cchVolumeGuid] = L'\\'; // Trailing back-slash
szVolumeGuid[cchVolumeGuid+1] = L'\0';
driveType = GetDriveType(szVolumeGuid);
if (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR == driveType) { CString strErrorTitle; CString strErrorMessage; CString strErrorFormat;
strErrorTitle.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_TITLE); strErrorFormat.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_MISSING_VOL);
strErrorMessage.Format(strErrorFormat, (PWSTR) pVolume->szGuid); AsrfmtpLogErrorMessage(_SeverityWarning, (LPCTSTR)strErrorMessage);
bErrorsEncountered = TRUE; }
if (DRIVE_FIXED != driveType) { //
// Strange. The volumes section should have only listed the drives that
// were fixed (At backup time). This could probably mean that a volume that
// used to be on a fixed drive is now on a removable drive?!
pVolume = pVolume->pNext; continue; }
// Set the drive letter of the volume
result = TRUE; if (!pVolume->IsDosPathAssigned){ m_ProgressPosition = 0; m_strStatusText.Format(IDS_REST_DRIVE_LETTER, lpDrive); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT);
result = SetDosName(pVolume->szGuid, pVolume->szDosPath); }
if (!result) { CString strErrorTitle; CString strErrorMessage; CString strErrorFormat;
strErrorTitle.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_TITLE); strErrorFormat.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_MOUNTING);
strErrorMessage.Format(strErrorFormat, (PWSTR) pVolume->szDosPath, (PWSTR) pVolume->szGuid); AsrfmtpLogErrorMessage(_SeverityWarning, (LPCTSTR)strErrorMessage); bErrorsEncountered = TRUE;
pVolume = pVolume->pNext; continue; }
// Check if the volume needs to be formatted
m_ProgressPosition = 0; m_strStatusText.Format(IDS_CHECKING_VOLUME, lpDrive); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT);
isIntact = IsFsTypeOkay(pVolume, &isLabelIntact); if (isIntact) { isIntact = IsVolumeIntact(pVolume); }
// Format the volume if needed
if (!isIntact && FormatVolume(pVolume)) { isLabelIntact = FALSE; m_ProgressPosition = 0; m_strStatusText.Format(IDS_FORMATTING_VOLUME, lpDrive); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT); //
// FormatVolume is asynchronous.
first = TRUE; while (g_bFormatInProgress) {
if (g_iFormatPercentComplete >= 100) { if (first) { m_ProgressPosition = 100; m_strStatusText.Format(IDS_CREATING_FS_STRUCT, lpDrive); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT); first = FALSE; } } else { m_Progress.SetPos(g_iFormatPercentComplete); }
Sleep(100); }
if (!g_bFormatSuccessful) { CString strErrorTitle; CString strErrorMessage; CString strErrorFormat;
strErrorTitle.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_TITLE); strErrorFormat.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_FORMATTING);
strErrorMessage.Format(strErrorFormat, (PWSTR) lpDrive); AsrfmtpLogErrorMessage(_SeverityWarning, (LPCTSTR)strErrorMessage);
bErrorsEncountered = TRUE; pVolume = pVolume->pNext; continue; }
// Force the file-system to be mounted
// Set the volume label if it isn't intact
if (!isLabelIntact) { m_ProgressPosition = 0; m_strStatusText.Format(IDS_REST_VOL_LABEL, lpDrive); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT);
if ((wcslen(pVolume->szFsName) > 0) && !SetVolumeLabel(szVolumeGuid, pVolume->szLabel)) {
bErrorsEncountered = TRUE; pVolume = pVolume->pNext; continue; } }
pVolume = pVolume->pNext; } FormatCleanup();
while (pMedia) { lpDrive = ((wcslen(pMedia->szDosPath) > 0) ? pMedia->szDosPath : pMedia->szVolumeGuid);
// set the drive letter
m_ProgressPosition = 0; m_strStatusText.Format(IDS_REST_DRIVE_LETTER, lpDrive); PostMessage(WM_UPDATE_STATUS_TEXT);
result = SetRemovableMediaGuid(pMedia->szDevicePath, pMedia->szVolumeGuid); if (result) { result = SetDosName(pMedia->szVolumeGuid, pMedia->szDosPath); }
if (!result) { CString strErrorTitle; CString strErrorMessage; CString strErrorFormat;
strErrorTitle.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_TITLE); strErrorFormat.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_MOUNTING);
strErrorMessage.Format(IDS_ERROR_MOUNTING, (PWSTR) pMedia->szDosPath, (PWSTR) pMedia->szVolumeGuid); AsrfmtpLogErrorMessage(_SeverityWarning, (LPCTSTR)strErrorMessage);
// ignore failures setting drive letter on CD.
// bErrorsEncountered = TRUE;
pMedia = pMedia->pNext; }
AsrfmtpCloseErrorFile(); return (bErrorsEncountered ? FALSE : TRUE); }
inline BOOL IsGuiModeAsr() { WCHAR szAsrFlag[20];
// If (and only if) this is GUI-mode ASR, the ASR_C_CONTEXT
// environment variable is set to "AsrInProgress"
return (GetEnvironmentVariable(L"ASR_C_CONTEXT", szAsrFlag, 20) && !wcscmp(szAsrFlag, L"AsrInProgress")); }
Name: ParseCommandLine()
Description: This function reads the comand line and looks for the "backup" or "restore" options.
Modified: 8/31/1998
Returns: cmdBackup, cmdRestore, or cmdDisplayHelp.
Notes: If neither backup or restore are found, then the usage is displayed in the error box.
**/ ASRFMT_CMD_OPTION CAsr_fmtDlg::ParseCommandLine() { CString cmd; m_dwpAsrContext = 0;
cmd = GetCommandLine(); cmd.MakeLower(); if (cmd.Find(TEXT("/backup")) != -1) {
int pos = cmd.Find(TEXT("/context=")); if (pos > -1) { #ifdef _IA64_
_stscanf(cmd.Mid(pos, cmd.GetLength() - pos + 1), TEXT("/context=%I64u"), &m_dwpAsrContext); #else
_stscanf(cmd.Mid(pos, cmd.GetLength() - pos + 1), TEXT("/context=%lu"), &m_dwpAsrContext); #endif
return cmdBackup; }
} else if (cmd.Find(TEXT("/restore")) != -1) {
if (cmd.Find(TEXT("/full")) != -1) { g_bQuickFormat = FALSE; } else if (cmd.Find(TEXT("/quick")) != -1) { g_bQuickFormat = TRUE; } else if (IsGuiModeAsr()) { g_bQuickFormat = FALSE; } else { g_bQuickFormat = TRUE; }
int pos = cmd.Find(TEXT("/sifpath=")); if (pos > -1) { _stscanf(cmd.Mid(pos, cmd.GetLength() - pos + 1), TEXT("/sifpath=%ws"), m_strSifPath.GetBuffer(1024)); m_strSifPath.ReleaseBuffer(); return cmdRestore; } }
CString strErrorTitle; CString strErrorMessage; INT space_offset;
strErrorTitle.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_TITLE); strErrorMessage.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_USAGE);
space_offset = cmd.Find(' '); if (space_offset >0) { cmd = cmd.Left(cmd.Find(' ')); }
SetDlgItemText(IDC_PROGRESS_TEXT, strErrorMessage);
CWnd *pText = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS_TEXT); pText->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
CButton *pButton = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDOK); pButton->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); pButton->SetState(TRUE); pButton->SetCheck(TRUE);
CWnd *pBar = GetDlgItem(IDC_PROGRESS); pBar->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
return cmdDisplayHelp; }