Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: Handle.CPP
Abstract: This module deals with Query functionality of OpenFiles.exe NT command line utility. This module will specifically query open files for local system. The code written in this file is mostly taken from sources of OH.exe utlity.
Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 25-APRIL-2001
Revision History:
Akhil Gokhale (akhil.gokhale@wipro.com) 25-APRIL-2001 : Created It.
*****************************************************************************/ #include "pch.h"
#include "OpenFiles.h"
// maximum possible drives are A,B....Y,Z
#define RTL_NEW( p ) RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), \
HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( *p ) )
#define MAX_TYPE_NAMES 128
struct DriveTypeInfo { TCHAR szDrive[4]; UINT uiDriveType; BOOL bDrivePresent; };
BOOLEAN fAnonymousToo; HANDLE ProcessId; WCHAR szTypeName[ MAX_TYPE_NAMES ]; WCHAR SearchName[ MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED * 2 ]; HKEY hKey; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO screenBufferInfo; HANDLE hStdHandle;
LIST_ENTRY ProcessListHead;
typedef struct _TYPE_COUNT { UNICODE_STRING TypeName ; ULONG HandleCount ; } TYPE_COUNT, * PTYPE_COUNT ;
UNICODE_STRING UnknownTypeIndex;
// Local function decleration
BOOL RtlQuerySystemDebugInformation( VOID );
BOOLEAN LoadSystemObjects(VOID);
BOOLEAN LoadSystemHandles(VOID);
BOOLEAN LoadSystemProcesses(VOID);
VOID DumpHandles( IN DWORD dwFormat, IN BOOL bShowNoHeader, IN BOOL bVerbose );
BOOL GetCompleteFileName( IN LPCTSTR pszSourceFile, OUT LPTSTR pszFinalPath, IN struct DriveTypeInfo *pdrvInfo, IN DWORD dwTotalDrives, IN LPCTSTR pszCurrentDirectory, IN LPCTSTR pszSystemDirectory, OUT PBOOL pAppendToCache );
VOID FormatFileName( IN OUT LPTSTR pFileName, IN DWORD dwFormat, IN LONG dwColWidth ); BOOLEAN AnsiToUnicode( IN LPCSTR Source, OUT PWSTR Destination, IN ULONG NumberOfChars )
Routine Description: This function will change an ansi string to UNICODE string
Arguments: [in] Source : Source string [out] Destination : Destination string [in] NumberOfChars : No of character in source string Return Value: BOOL TRUE : Successfully conversion FALSE: Unsuccessful --*/ { if ( 0 == NumberOfChars) { NumberOfChars = strlen( Source ); } if (MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, Source, NumberOfChars, Destination, NumberOfChars ) != (LONG)NumberOfChars) { SetLastError( ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION ); return FALSE; } else { Destination[ NumberOfChars ] = UNICODE_NULL; return TRUE; } }
DWORD GetSystemRegistryFlags( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Functin gets system registry key.
Arguments: none
Return Value: DWORD : Registry key value --*/ { DWORD cbKey; DWORD GFlags; DWORD type;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager"), 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey )) { return 0; }
cbKey = sizeof( GFlags ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hKey, _T("GlobalFlag"), 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&GFlags, &cbKey ) || REG_DWORD != type) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return 0; } return GFlags; }
BOOLEAN SetSystemRegistryFlags( IN DWORD GFlags ) /*++
Routine Description: Sets system registry Global Flag with given value.
Arguments: [in] GFlags : Key value
Return Value: BOOLEAN TRUE: success FALSE: FAIL --*/ { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, _T("GlobalFlag"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&GFlags, sizeof( GFlags ) )) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL DoLocalOpenFiles( IN DWORD dwFormat, IN BOOL bShowNoHeader, IN BOOL bVerbose, IN LPCTSTR pszLocalValue ) /*++
Routine Description: This function will show all locally opened open files. Arguments: [in] dwFormat : Format value for output e.g LIST, CSV or TABLE [in] bShowNoHeader : Whether to show header or not. [in] bVerbose : Verbose ouput or not. [in] pszLocalValue : To disable object type list; Return Value: BOOL --*/ { DWORD dwRegistryFlags = 0; dwRegistryFlags = GetSystemRegistryFlags();
// disabling the object typelist
if( 0 == StringCompare(pszLocalValue,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_OFF),TRUE,0)) { dwRegistryFlags &= ~FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST; if (!(NtCurrentPeb()->NtGlobalFlag & FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST)) { ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_FLG_ALREADY_RESET)); } else { SetSystemRegistryFlags(dwRegistryFlags); ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_FLG_RESET)); } RegCloseKey( hKey ); return TRUE; } else if( 0 == StringCompare(pszLocalValue,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_ON), TRUE,0)) { if (!(NtCurrentPeb()->NtGlobalFlag & FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST)) { // Enabling the OS to maintain the objects list flag
// The user help text calls this global flag 'maintain objects list'
// and enables it with "/local" switch.
SetSystemRegistryFlags( dwRegistryFlags | FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST ); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_FLG_SET)); } else { ShowMessage(stdout, GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_FLG_ALREADY_SET)); } RegCloseKey( hKey ); return TRUE; } // Language independent string comparision is required.
else if( CSTR_EQUAL == CompareString( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT), NORM_IGNORECASE, pszLocalValue, StringLength(pszLocalValue,0), L"SHOW_STATUS", StringLength(L"SHOW_STATUS",0) )) { dwRegistryFlags &= ~FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST; if (!(NtCurrentPeb()->NtGlobalFlag & FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST)) { ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_FLG_ALREADY_RESET)); } else { ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_FLG_ALREADY_SET)); } RegCloseKey( hKey ); return TRUE;
else { if (!(NtCurrentPeb()->NtGlobalFlag & FLG_MAINTAIN_OBJECT_TYPELIST)) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_NEEDS_TO_SET1)); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_NEEDS_TO_SET2)); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_NEEDS_TO_SET3)); return TRUE; } } // Not required Reg. key so close it
RegCloseKey( hKey ); hStdHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if(hStdHandle!=NULL) { GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdHandle,&screenBufferInfo); }
ProcessId = NULL; fAnonymousToo = FALSE;
StringCopy(szTypeName ,L"File",SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTypeName)); if( FALSE == RtlQuerySystemDebugInformation()) { return FALSE; }
DumpHandles(dwFormat,bShowNoHeader,bVerbose); return TRUE; }
BOOL RtlQuerySystemDebugInformation( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Query system for System object, System handles and system process
Arguments: none
Return Value: BOOL --*/ { if (!LoadSystemObjects( )) { return FALSE; }
if (!LoadSystemHandles( )) { return FALSE; }
if (!LoadSystemProcesses()) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
PVOID BufferAlloc( IN OUT SIZE_T *Length ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine will reserves or commits a region of pages in the virtual . address space of given size. Arguments: [in] [out] Lenght : Size of memory required Return Value: PVOID, Pointer to allocated buffer. --*/ { PVOID Buffer; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION MemoryInformation;
Buffer = VirtualAlloc( NULL, *Length, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if( NULL == Buffer) { return NULL; }
if ( NULL != Buffer&& VirtualQuery( Buffer, &MemoryInformation, sizeof( MemoryInformation ) ) ) { *Length = MemoryInformation.RegionSize; } return Buffer; }
VOID BufferFree( IN PVOID Buffer ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine will free buffer. Arguments: [in] Buffer : Buffer which is to be freed.
Return Value: none
--*/ { VirtualFree (Buffer,0, MEM_RELEASE) ; return; }
BOOLEAN LoadSystemObjects( ) /*++
Routine Description: Loads the system objects
Arguments: void
Return Value: TRUE: If function returns successful. --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; SYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION ObjectInfoBuffer; SIZE_T RequiredLength, NewLength=0; ULONG i; PSYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION TypeInfo;
BOOL bAlwaysTrue = TRUE;
ObjectInformation = &ObjectInfoBuffer; RequiredLength = sizeof( *ObjectInformation ); while (bAlwaysTrue) { Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemObjectInformation, ObjectInformation, (ULONG)RequiredLength, (ULONG *)&NewLength ); if ( STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH == Status && NewLength > RequiredLength) { if (ObjectInformation != &ObjectInfoBuffer) { BufferFree (ObjectInformation); } RequiredLength = NewLength + 4096; ObjectInformation = (PSYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION) BufferAlloc (&RequiredLength); if ( NULL == ObjectInformation) { return FALSE; } } else if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { if (ObjectInformation != &ObjectInfoBuffer) {
BufferFree (ObjectInformation); } return FALSE; } else { break; }
} TypeInfo = ObjectInformation; while (bAlwaysTrue) { if (TypeInfo->TypeIndex < MAX_TYPE_NAMES) { TypeCounts[ TypeInfo->TypeIndex ].TypeName = TypeInfo->TypeName; }
if ( 0 == TypeInfo->NextEntryOffset) { break; }
TypeInfo = (PSYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION) ((PCHAR)ObjectInformation + TypeInfo->NextEntryOffset); }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &UnknownTypeIndex, L"UnknownTypeIdx" ); for (i=0; i<=MAX_TYPE_NAMES; i++) { if (0 == TypeCounts[ i ].TypeName.Length) { TypeCounts[ i ].TypeName = UnknownTypeIndex; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN LoadSystemHandles(void) /*++
Routine Description: Loads the system handles
Arguments: void
Return Value: BOOLEAN
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX HandleInfoBuffer; SIZE_T RequiredLength, NewLength=0; PSYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION TypeInfo; PSYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION ObjectInfo; BOOL bAlwaysTrue = TRUE; HandleInformation = &HandleInfoBuffer; RequiredLength = sizeof( *HandleInformation ); while (bAlwaysTrue) { Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemExtendedHandleInformation, HandleInformation, (ULONG)RequiredLength, (ULONG *)&NewLength );
if ( STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH == Status && NewLength > RequiredLength) { if (HandleInformation != &HandleInfoBuffer) { BufferFree (HandleInformation); }
// slop, since we may trigger more handle creations.
RequiredLength = NewLength + 4096; HandleInformation = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX) BufferAlloc( &RequiredLength ); if ( NULL == HandleInformation) { return FALSE; } } else if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { if (HandleInformation != &HandleInfoBuffer) { BufferFree (HandleInformation); } return FALSE; } else { break; } }
TypeInfo = ObjectInformation; while (bAlwaysTrue) { ObjectInfo = (PSYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION) ((PCHAR)TypeInfo->TypeName.Buffer + TypeInfo->TypeName.MaximumLength); while (bAlwaysTrue) { if ( 0 != ObjectInfo->HandleCount) { PSYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX pHandleEntry; ULONG HandleNumber;
pHandleEntry = &HandleInformation->Handles[ 0 ]; HandleNumber = 0; while (HandleNumber++ < HandleInformation->NumberOfHandles) { if (!(pHandleEntry->HandleAttributes & 0x80) && pHandleEntry->Object == ObjectInfo->Object) { pHandleEntry->Object = ObjectInfo; pHandleEntry->HandleAttributes |= 0x80; } pHandleEntry++; } }
if ( 0 == ObjectInfo->NextEntryOffset) { break; }
ObjectInfo = (PSYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION) ((PCHAR)ObjectInformation + ObjectInfo->NextEntryOffset); }
if ( 0 == TypeInfo->NextEntryOffset) { break; }
TypeInfo = (PSYSTEM_OBJECTTYPE_INFORMATION) ((PCHAR)ObjectInformation + TypeInfo->NextEntryOffset);
} return TRUE; }
BOOLEAN LoadSystemProcesses( ) /*++
Routine Description: Loads the system process .
Arguments: void
Return Value: BOOLEAN --*/ { NTSTATUS Status; SIZE_T RequiredLength; ULONG i, TotalOffset; PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; PSYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION ThreadInfo; PPROCESS_INFO ProcessEntry; BOOL bAlwaysTrue = TRUE; //
// Always initialize the list head, so that a failed
// NtQuerySystemInformation call won't cause an AV later on.
InitializeListHead( &ProcessListHead );
RequiredLength = 64 * 1024; ProcessInformation = (PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION) BufferAlloc( &RequiredLength ); if ( NULL == ProcessInformation) { return FALSE; }
while (bAlwaysTrue) { Status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemProcessInformation, ProcessInformation, (ULONG)RequiredLength, NULL ); if ( STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH == Status) { if (!VirtualFree( ProcessInformation, 0, MEM_RELEASE )) { return FALSE; }
RequiredLength = RequiredLength * 2; ProcessInformation = (PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION) BufferAlloc( &RequiredLength ); if ( NULL == ProcessInformation) { return FALSE; } } else if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { return FALSE; } else { break; } }
ProcessInfo = ProcessInformation; TotalOffset = 0; while (bAlwaysTrue) { ProcessEntry =(PPROCESS_INFO) RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( *ProcessEntry ) + (sizeof( ThreadInfo ) * ProcessInfo->NumberOfThreads)); if ( NULL == ProcessEntry) { return FALSE; }
InitializeListHead( &ProcessEntry->Entry ); ProcessEntry->ProcessInfo = ProcessInfo; ThreadInfo = (PSYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION)(ProcessInfo + 1); for (i = 0; i < ProcessInfo->NumberOfThreads; i++) { ProcessEntry->ThreadInfo[ i ] = ThreadInfo++; }
InsertTailList( &ProcessListHead, &ProcessEntry->Entry );
if (0 == ProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset) { break; }
TotalOffset += ProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset; ProcessInfo = (PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION) ((PCHAR)ProcessInformation + TotalOffset); } return TRUE; }
PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION FindProcessInfoForCid( IN HANDLE UniqueProcessId ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine will get Process information. Arguments: [in] UniqueProcessId = Process ID.
Return Value: PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, Structure which hold information about process --*/ { PLIST_ENTRY Next, Head; PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; PPROCESS_INFO ProcessEntry;
Head = &ProcessListHead; Next = Head->Flink; while (Next != Head) { ProcessEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, PROCESS_INFO, Entry );
ProcessInfo = ProcessEntry->ProcessInfo; if (ProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId == UniqueProcessId) { return ProcessInfo; }
Next = Next->Flink; }
ProcessEntry =(PPROCESS_INFO) RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof( *ProcessEntry ) + sizeof( *ProcessInfo ) ); if ( NULL == ProcessEntry) { return NULL; } ProcessInfo = (PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION)(ProcessEntry+1);
ProcessEntry->ProcessInfo = ProcessInfo; ProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId = UniqueProcessId;
InitializeListHead( &ProcessEntry->Entry ); InsertTailList( &ProcessListHead, &ProcessEntry->Entry ); return ProcessInfo; }
VOID DumpHandles( IN DWORD dwFormat, IN BOOL bShowNoHeader, IN BOOL bVerbose ) /*++
Routine Description: This function will show local open files.
Arguments: [in] dwFormat : Format value for output e.g LIST, CSV or TABLE [in] bShowNoHeader : Whether to show header or not. [in] bVerbose : Verbose ouput or not.
Return Value: void
--*/ { HANDLE PreviousUniqueProcessId = NULL; PSYSTEM_HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO_EX pHandleEntry = NULL; ULONG HandleNumber = 0; PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo = NULL; PSYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION ObjectInfo = NULL; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName = NULL; WCHAR ObjectName[ MAX_RES_STRING ]; PVOID Object; CHString szFileType; PWSTR s; ULONG n; DWORD dwRow = 0; // no of rows
// Stores avalable logical drives info.
DWORD dwAvailableLogivalDrives = 0; // stores working directory.
TCHAR szWorkingDirectory[MAX_PATH+1]; // Stores the System (Active OS) directory
TCHAR szSystemDirectory[MAX_PATH+1]; struct DriveTypeInfo drvInfo[MAX_POSSIBLE_DRIVES]; // Stores no. of available drives
DWORD dwNoOfAvailableDrives = 0;
// "A" is First available driveDrive
TCHAR cDriveLater = 65; // "A" is First available driveDriveso mask pattern is 0x0001
DWORD dwDriveMaskPattern = 1; // variable used for _splitpath function...
TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING*2]; TCHAR szCompleteFileName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwHandle = 0; BOOL bAtLeastOne = FALSE; DWORD dwIndx = 0; // variable used for indexing
TCHAR szFileSystemNameBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szVolName[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwVolumeSerialNumber = 0; DWORD dwFileSystemFlags = 0; DWORD dwMaximumCompenentLength = 0; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bAppendToCache = FALSE; //Some column required to hide in non verbose mode query
LPTSTR pszAccessedby = new TCHAR[MAX_RES_STRING*2]; if(pszAccessedby==NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); return; }
TARRAY pColData = CreateDynamicArray();//array to stores
if( NULL == pColData) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); return; }
TARRAY pCacheData = CreateDynamicArray();//array to stores
if( NULL == pCacheData) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pCacheData); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); return; } // Initialize variables.
SecureZeroMemory(ObjectName,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(ObjectName)); SecureZeroMemory(szWorkingDirectory, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szWorkingDirectory)); SecureZeroMemory(szSystemDirectory, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSystemDirectory)); SecureZeroMemory(szDrive, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szDrive)); SecureZeroMemory(szDir, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szDir)); SecureZeroMemory(szFname,SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szFname)); SecureZeroMemory(szExt, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szExt)); SecureZeroMemory(szTemp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp)); SecureZeroMemory(szCompleteFileName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szCompleteFileName)); SecureZeroMemory(szFileSystemNameBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szFileSystemNameBuffer)); SecureZeroMemory(szVolName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szVolName));
StringCopy(pMainCols[LOF_ID].szColumn,GetResString(IDS_STRING_ID), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(pMainCols[LOF_ID].szColumn)); StringCopy(pMainCols[LOF_TYPE].szColumn,GetResString(IDS_FILE_TYPE), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(pMainCols[LOF_TYPE].szColumn)); StringCopy(pMainCols[LOF_ACCESSED_BY].szColumn, GetResString(IDS_STRING_ACCESSED_BY), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(pMainCols[LOF_ACCESSED_BY].szColumn)); StringCopy(pMainCols[LOF_PID].szColumn, GetResString(IDS_STRING_PID), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(pMainCols[LOF_PID].szColumn)); StringCopy(pMainCols[LOF_PROCESS_NAME].szColumn, GetResString(IDS_STRING_PROCESS_NAME), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(pMainCols[LOF_PROCESS_NAME].szColumn)); StringCopy(pMainCols[LOF_OPEN_FILENAME].szColumn, GetResString(IDS_STRING_OPEN_FILE), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(pMainCols[LOF_OPEN_FILENAME].szColumn));
dwAvailableLogivalDrives = GetLogicalDrives(); // Get logical drives.
// Store current working direcory.
if(NULL == _wgetcwd(szWorkingDirectory,MAX_PATH)) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pCacheData); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); return ; }
// Get System Active (OS) directory
if( NULL == GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDirectory,MAX_PATH)) { ShowMessage(stderr,GetResString(IDS_ID_SHOW_ERROR)); ShowLastError(stderr); // Shows the error string set by API function.
SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pCacheData); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); return ; }
// Check each drive and set its info.
for(dwIndx=0;dwIndx<MAX_POSSIBLE_DRIVES;dwIndx++,cDriveLater++) { // dwAvailableLogivalDrives contains drive information in bit wise
// 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 01101 means A C and D drives are
// logical drives.
if(dwAvailableLogivalDrives & dwDriveMaskPattern) { // means we catch a drive latter.
// copy drive latter (line c:\ or a: for example).
StringCchPrintfW(drvInfo[dwNoOfAvailableDrives].szDrive, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(drvInfo[dwNoOfAvailableDrives].szDrive), _T("%c:"),cDriveLater); // Check type of the drive .
drvInfo[dwNoOfAvailableDrives].uiDriveType = GetDriveType(drvInfo[dwNoOfAvailableDrives].szDrive); // Check if drive is ready or not.
StringCchPrintfW(szTemp,(2*MAX_RES_STRING)-1,_T("%s\\"), drvInfo[dwNoOfAvailableDrives].szDrive); bReturn = GetVolumeInformation((LPCWSTR)szTemp, szVolName, MAX_PATH, &dwVolumeSerialNumber, &dwMaximumCompenentLength, &dwFileSystemFlags, szFileSystemNameBuffer, MAX_PATH); drvInfo[dwNoOfAvailableDrives].bDrivePresent = bReturn; dwNoOfAvailableDrives++; } dwDriveMaskPattern = dwDriveMaskPattern << 1; // Left shift 1
} pHandleEntry = &HandleInformation->Handles[ 0 ]; HandleNumber = 0; PreviousUniqueProcessId = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; for (HandleNumber = 0;HandleNumber < HandleInformation->NumberOfHandles; HandleNumber++, pHandleEntry++) { if (PreviousUniqueProcessId != (HANDLE)pHandleEntry->UniqueProcessId) { PreviousUniqueProcessId = (HANDLE)pHandleEntry->UniqueProcessId; ProcessInfo = FindProcessInfoForCid( PreviousUniqueProcessId );
ObjectName[ 0 ] = UNICODE_NULL; if (pHandleEntry->HandleAttributes & 0x80) { ObjectInfo = (PSYSTEM_OBJECT_INFORMATION)pHandleEntry->Object; Object = ObjectInfo->Object; if ( 0 != ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Length && UNICODE_NULL == *(ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Buffer)) { ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Length = 0;
} n = ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ); if( NULL != ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Buffer) { StringCopy( ObjectName,ObjectInfo->NameInfo.Name.Buffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(ObjectName)); ObjectName[ n ] = UNICODE_NULL; } else { ObjectName[ 0 ] = UNICODE_NULL; } } else { ObjectInfo = NULL; Object = pHandleEntry->Object; }
if ( 0 != ProcessId && ProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId != ProcessId) { continue; }
ObjectTypeName = &TypeCounts[ pHandleEntry->ObjectTypeIndex < MAX_TYPE_NAMES ? pHandleEntry->ObjectTypeIndex : MAX_TYPE_NAMES ].TypeName;
TypeCounts[ pHandleEntry->ObjectTypeIndex < MAX_TYPE_NAMES ? pHandleEntry->ObjectTypeIndex : MAX_TYPE_NAMES ].HandleCount++;
if (szTypeName[0]) { if (StringCompare( szTypeName, ObjectTypeName->Buffer,TRUE,0 )) { continue; } }
if (!*ObjectName) { if (!fAnonymousToo) { continue; } } else if (SearchName[0]) { if (!FindString( ObjectName, SearchName,0 )) { s = ObjectName; n = StringLength( SearchName,0 ); while (*s) { if (!StringCompare( s, SearchName, TRUE,n )) { break; } s += 1; } if (!*s) { continue; } } } //pHandleEntry->HandleValue;
dwHandle = PtrToUlong( ProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId );
// Blocking the display of files that were opened by system
// accounts ( NT AUTHORITY )
if ( FALSE == GetProcessOwner( pszAccessedby, dwHandle )) continue;// As user is "SYSTEM" related....
// Get File name ..
StringCchPrintfW(szTemp,(2*MAX_RES_STRING)-1, _T("%ws"),*ObjectName ? ObjectName : L"\0"); // Search this file in cache, if it is there skip this file
// for further processing. As this is already processed and
// was found invalid.
if( TRUE == IsValidArray(pCacheData)) { if ( -1 != DynArrayFindString( pCacheData, szTemp, TRUE, 0 )) continue; } StringCopy(szCompleteFileName, L"\0",SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szCompleteFileName)); if( FALSE == GetCompleteFileName(szTemp,szCompleteFileName, &drvInfo[0],dwNoOfAvailableDrives,szWorkingDirectory, szSystemDirectory,&bAppendToCache)) { // szTemp contains a directory which is not physicaly exist
// so add this to cache to skip it in future for checking
// of its existance
if( TRUE == bAppendToCache) {
if( TRUE == IsValidArray(pCacheData)) { DynArrayAppendString(pCacheData, (LPCWSTR)szTemp,0); } } continue; } // Now fill the result to dynamic array "pColData"
DynArrayAppendRow( pColData, 0 ); // File id
StringCchPrintfW(szTemp,(2*MAX_RES_STRING)-1, _T("%ld"),pHandleEntry->HandleValue); DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow,szTemp,0); // Type
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow,(LPCWSTR)szFileType,0); // Accessed by
// PID
StringCchPrintfW(szTemp,(2*MAX_RES_STRING)-1, _T("%ld"),dwHandle); DynArrayAppendString2(pColData,dwRow,szTemp,0);
// Process Name
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow, ProcessInfo->ImageName.Buffer,0);
if( FALSE == bVerbose) // Formate file name only in non verbose mode.
{ FormatFileName(szCompleteFileName,dwFormat,COL_L_OPEN_FILENAME); } // Open File name
DynArrayAppendString2(pColData ,dwRow,szCompleteFileName,0); dwRow++; bAtLeastOne = TRUE;
if( TRUE == bVerbose) { pMainCols[LOF_OPEN_FILENAME].dwWidth = 80; } if(bAtLeastOne==FALSE)// if not a single open file found, show info
// as - INFO: No open file found.
{ ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_NO_OPENFILES)); } else { ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_OPEN_FILES)); ShowMessage(stdout,GetResString(IDS_LOCAL_OPEN_FILES_SP1)); if( SR_FORMAT_CSV != dwFormat) { ShowMessage(stdout,BLANK_LINE); } // Display output result.
if(bShowNoHeader==TRUE) { dwFormat |=SR_NOHEADER; } ShowResults(NO_OF_COL_LOCAL_OPENFILE,pMainCols,dwFormat,pColData); } SAFERELDYNARRAY(pColData); SAFERELDYNARRAY(pCacheData); SAFEDELETE(pszAccessedby); return; }
BOOL GetCompleteFileName( IN LPCTSTR pszSourceFile, OUT LPTSTR pszFinalPath, IN struct DriveTypeInfo *pdrvInfo, IN DWORD dwTotalDrives, IN LPCTSTR pszCurrentDirectory, IN LPCTSTR pszSystemDirectory, OUT PBOOL pAppendToCache ) /*++
Routine Description: This function will accept a path (with out drive letter), and returns the path with drive letter.
Following is the procedure for getting full path name .. 1. First check if the first character in pszSourceFile is '\' . 2. If first character of pszSourceFile is '\' then check for the second character... 3. If second character is ';' then than take 3 rd character as drive letter and find rest of string for 3rd "\" (Or 4th from first). String after 3rd character will be final path. for example let the source string is \;Z:00000000000774c8\sanny\c$\nt\base\fs\OpenFiles\Changed\obj\i386 then final path is z:\nt\base\fs\OpenFiles\Changed\obj\i386 4. If second character is not ';' then try to find pszSourceFile for its existance by first prefixing the available drive letter one by one. The first occurence of file existance will be the final valid path. Appending of file letter has a rule. First append FIXED DRIVES then try to append MOVABLE DRIVES. Here there is a known limitation. Let there exists two files with same name like... c:\document\abc.doc and d:\documet\abc.doc and actual file opened is d:\documet\abc.doc then this will show final path as c:\documet\abc.doc as it starts with A:....Z:(also preference will be given to FIXED TYPE DRIVE). 5. If first character is not '\' then prefix Current working directory path to file name. And check it for its existance. IF this not exits then search this path by prefixing logical drive letter to it. Arguments: [in] pszSourceFile = Source path [out] pszFinalPath = Final path [in] DriveTypeInfo = Logical drive information structure pointer [in] pszCurrentDirectory = Current woking directory path [in] pszSystemDirectory = Current Active (OS) System directory [out] pAppendToCache = whether to pszSourceFile to cache
Return Value: BOOL: TRUE: if fuction successfuly returns pszFinalPath FALSE: otherwise --*/ { // Temp string
CHString szTemp(pszSourceFile); DWORD dwTemp = 0;// Temp variable
LONG lTemp = 0; LONG lCount = 0; TCHAR szTempStr[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hHandle = NULL; DWORD dwFoundCount = 0;
// data buffer for FindFirstFile function.
WIN32_FIND_DATA win32FindData;
// Hold the head position.
DriveTypeInfo *pHeadPosition = pdrvInfo;
// Make it false by default.
*pAppendToCache = FALSE;
TCHAR szSystemDrive[5]; SecureZeroMemory( szSystemDrive, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSystemDrive)); if(NULL == pszSourceFile ) { return FALSE; } SecureZeroMemory(szTempStr, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTempStr));
// First two character will be system drive (a:).
StringCopy(szSystemDrive,pszSystemDirectory,3); if( _T('\\') == pszSourceFile[0]) { // Check if second character if it is ';'
if( _T(';') == pszSourceFile[1]) { // make 3rd character as drive letter
pszFinalPath[0] = pszSourceFile[2]; // make 2nd character ':'
pszFinalPath[1] = ':'; // make 3nd character NULL
pszFinalPath[2] = '\0'; dwFoundCount = 0; // search for 3rd '\'
for (lTemp = 0;lTemp <5;lTemp++) { lCount = szTemp.Find(_T("\\")); if( -1 != lCount) { dwFoundCount++; // this should always (if any)after 4rd character from start
if( 4 == dwFoundCount) { StringConcat( pszFinalPath, (LPCWSTR)szTemp.Mid(lCount), MAX_PATH-3); return TRUE; } szTemp = szTemp.Mid(lCount+1); continue; } *pAppendToCache = TRUE; return FALSE; } } else {
// check first of all for system drive
szTemp = szSystemDrive; szTemp+=pszSourceFile; // now check for its existance....
hHandle = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)szTemp,&win32FindData); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hHandle) { // closed opened find handle
FindClose(hHandle); StringCopy(pszFinalPath,(LPCWSTR)szTemp,MAX_PATH-3); return TRUE; } // check file for each FIXED drive
for (dwTemp=0;dwTemp<dwTotalDrives;dwTemp++,pdrvInfo++) { if(0 == StringCompare(szSystemDrive,pdrvInfo->szDrive,TRUE,0)) { // as system drive is already checked
continue; } if( DRIVE_FIXED == pdrvInfo->uiDriveType) { szTemp = pdrvInfo->szDrive; szTemp+=pszSourceFile;
// now check for its existance....
hHandle = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)szTemp,&win32FindData);
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hHandle) { continue; } else { // closed opened find handle
FindClose(hHandle); StringCopy(pszFinalPath,(LPCWSTR)szTemp,MAX_PATH-3); return TRUE; } } // end if
} // End for loop
// retore original position.
pdrvInfo = pHeadPosition ; // check file for other drive which is present...
for (dwTemp=0;dwTemp<dwTotalDrives;dwTemp++,pdrvInfo++) { // Check for NON_FIXED drive only if it is physicaly present
if((DRIVE_FIXED != pdrvInfo->uiDriveType) && (TRUE == pdrvInfo->bDrivePresent)) { szTemp = pdrvInfo->szDrive; szTemp+=pszSourceFile; // now check for its existance....
hHandle = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)szTemp,&win32FindData); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hHandle) { continue; } else { // closed opened find handle
FindClose(hHandle); StringCopy(pszFinalPath,(LPCWSTR)szTemp,MAX_PATH-3); return TRUE; }
} // end if
} // End for loop
// Now try if file is opend on remote system without
// having drive map. in this we are assuming that file name
// is containing atleast 3 '\' characters.
szTemp = pszSourceFile;
// make 3rd character '\'
pszFinalPath[0] = '\\';
// make 2nd character '\o'
pszFinalPath[1] = '\0'; dwFoundCount = 0; for (lTemp = 0;lTemp <4;lTemp++) // search for 3rd '\'
{ lCount = szTemp.Find(_T("\\")); if( -1 != lCount) { szTemp = szTemp.Mid(lCount+1); dwFoundCount++; } else { break; } if ( 3 == dwFoundCount) { StringConcat(pszFinalPath,pszSourceFile,MAX_PATH-3); // Now try to check its physical existance
hHandle = FindFirstFile(pszFinalPath,&win32FindData);
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hHandle) { // Now try to append \* to it...(this will check if
// if pszFinalPath is a directory or not)
StringCopy(szTempStr,pszFinalPath,MAX_PATH); StringConcat(szTempStr,L"\\*",MAX_PATH); hHandle = FindFirstFile(szTempStr,&win32FindData);
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hHandle) { // now its sure this is not a valid directory or
// file so append it to chache.
*pAppendToCache = TRUE; return FALSE; } FindClose(hHandle); return TRUE; } FindClose(hHandle); return TRUE; } } // End for
}// End else
} // end if
else // means string not started with '\'
StringCopy(pszFinalPath,pszCurrentDirectory,MAX_PATH-3); StringConcat(pszFinalPath,L"\\",MAX_PATH-3); StringConcat(pszFinalPath,pszSourceFile,MAX_PATH-3); hHandle = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)szTemp,&win32FindData); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hHandle) { FindClose(hHandle); // closed opened find handle
return TRUE;
} // check first of all for system drive
szTemp = szSystemDrive; szTemp+=pszSourceFile; // now check for its existance....
hHandle = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)szTemp,&win32FindData); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hHandle) { FindClose(hHandle); // closed opened find handle
StringCopy(pszFinalPath,(LPCWSTR)szTemp,MAX_PATH-3); return TRUE; } // restores the head position for the pointer.
pdrvInfo = pHeadPosition ; // check file for each FIXED drive
for (dwTemp=0;dwTemp<dwTotalDrives;dwTemp++,pdrvInfo++) { if( 0 == StringCompare(szSystemDrive,pdrvInfo->szDrive,TRUE,0)) { // as system drive is already checked
continue; }
if( DRIVE_FIXED == pdrvInfo->uiDriveType) { szTemp = pdrvInfo->szDrive; szTemp += L"\\"; szTemp+=pszSourceFile; // now check for its existance....
hHandle = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)szTemp,&win32FindData);
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hHandle) { continue; } else { // closed opened find handle
FindClose(hHandle); StringCopy(pszFinalPath,(LPCWSTR)szTemp,MAX_PATH-3); return TRUE; } } // end if
} // End for loop
pdrvInfo = pHeadPosition ; // retore original position.
// check file for other drive (Like Floppy or CD-ROM etc. )
// which is present...
for (dwTemp=0;dwTemp<dwTotalDrives;dwTemp++,pdrvInfo++) { if(( DRIVE_FIXED != pdrvInfo->uiDriveType) && ( TRUE == pdrvInfo->bDrivePresent)) { szTemp = pdrvInfo->szDrive; szTemp += L"\\"; szTemp+=pszSourceFile; // now check for its existance....
hHandle = FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)szTemp,&win32FindData); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hHandle) { continue; } else { // closed opened find handle
FindClose(hHandle); StringCopy(pszFinalPath,(LPCWSTR)szTemp,MAX_PATH-3); return TRUE; } } // end if
} // End for loop
} *pAppendToCache = TRUE; return FALSE; }
VOID FormatFileName( IN OUT LPTSTR pFileName, IN DWORD dwFormat, IN LONG dwColWidth ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine will format the pFileName according to column width
Arguments: [in/out] pFileName : path to be formatted [in] dwFormat : Format given [in] dwColWidth : Column width Return Value: none --*/ { CHString szCHString(pFileName); if((szCHString.GetLength()>(dwColWidth))&& ( SR_FORMAT_TABLE == dwFormat)) { // If file path is too big to fit in column width
// then it is cut like..
// c:\..\rest_of_the_path.
CHString szTemp = szCHString.Right(dwColWidth-6);; DWORD dwTemp = szTemp.GetLength(); szTemp = szTemp.Mid(szTemp.Find(SINGLE_SLASH), dwTemp); szCHString.Format(L"%s%s%s",szCHString.Mid(0,3), DOT_DOT, szTemp); } StringCopy(pFileName,(LPCWSTR)szCHString,MIN_MEMORY_REQUIRED); return; }