// File: save.cpp
// Created: March 1997
// By: Martin Holladay (a-martih)
// Purpose: Registry Save Support for REG.CPP
// Modification History:
// Copied from Copy.cpp and modificd - May 1997 (a-martih)
// Aug 1997 - MartinHo
// Fixed bug which didn't allow you to specify a ROOT key.
// Example REG SAVE HKLM\Software didn't work - but should have
// April 1999 Zeyong Xu: re-design, revision -> version 2.0
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "reg.h"
// function prototypes
LONG RegAdjustTokenPrivileges( LPCWSTR pwszMachine, LPCWSTR pwszPrivilege, LONG lAttribute ); BOOL ParseSaveCmdLine( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[], LPCWSTR pwszOption, PTREG_PARAMS pParams, BOOL* pbUsage ); BOOL ParseUnLoadCmdLine( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[], PTREG_PARAMS pParams, BOOL* pbUsage );
// implementation
// SaveHive()
LONG SaveHive( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[] ) { // local variables
LONG lResult = 0; BOOL bResult = TRUE; HKEY hKey = NULL; BOOL bUsage = FALSE; TREG_PARAMS params; LPCWSTR pwszList = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszFormat = NULL;
if ( argc == 0 || argv == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); ShowLastError( stderr ); return 1; }
// initialize the global data structure
InitGlobalData( REG_SAVE, ¶ms );
// Parse the cmd-line
bResult = ParseSaveCmdLine( argc, argv, L"SAVE", ¶ms, &bUsage ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// check whether we need to display the usage
if ( bUsage == TRUE ) { Usage( REG_SAVE ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 0; }
// Connect to the Remote Machine - if applicable
bResult = RegConnectMachine( ¶ms ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { SaveErrorMessage( -1 ); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// Open the key
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( params.hRootKey, params.pwszSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ); if( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Acquire the necessary privilages and call the API
lResult = RegAdjustTokenPrivileges( params.pwszMachineName, SE_BACKUP_NAME, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED); if( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = RegSaveKeyEx( hKey, params.pwszValueName, NULL, REG_NO_COMPRESSION ); if ( lResult == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { // load the format strings
pwszFormat = GetResString2( IDS_SAVE_OVERWRITE_CONFIRM, 0 ); pwszList = GetResString2( IDS_CONFIRM_CHOICE_LIST, 1 );
// ...
do { lResult = Prompt( pwszFormat, params.pwszValueName, pwszList, params.bForce ); } while ( lResult > 2 );
if( lResult != 1 ) { lResult = ERROR_CANCELLED; } else { // since there are chances of getting access problems --
// instead of deleting the existing file, we will try to
// save the data using temporary file name and then transfer
// the contents to the orignal filename
params.pwszValue = params.pwszValueName; params.pwszValueName = GetTemporaryFileName( params.pwszValueName ); if ( params.pwszValueName == NULL ) { lResult = GetLastError(); } else { // try to save
lResult = RegSaveKey( hKey, params.pwszValueName, NULL );
// check the result of the operation
if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { bResult = CopyFile( params.pwszValueName, params.pwszValue, FALSE ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { lResult = GetLastError(); } }
// ...
DeleteFile( params.pwszValueName ); } } } else { switch( lResult ) { case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: { lResult = ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE; break; }
default: break; } } }
SafeCloseKey( &hKey ); }
// display the result
SaveErrorMessage( lResult ); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS || lResult == ERROR_CANCELLED ) { lResult = 0; ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_INTERNAL ); } else { lResult = 1; ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); }
// return
FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return lResult; }
// RestoreHive()
LONG RestoreHive( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[] ) { // local variables
LONG lResult = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL; BOOL bUsage = FALSE; TREG_PARAMS params;
if ( argc == 0 || argv == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); ShowLastError( stderr ); return 1; }
// initialize the global data structure
InitGlobalData( REG_RESTORE, ¶ms );
// Parse the cmd-line
bResult = ParseSaveCmdLine( argc, argv, L"RESTORE", ¶ms, &bUsage ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// check whether we need to display the usage
if ( bUsage == TRUE ) { Usage( REG_RESTORE ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 0; }
// Connect to the Remote Machine - if applicable
bResult = RegConnectMachine( ¶ms ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { SaveErrorMessage( -1 ); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// Open the key
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( params.hRootKey, params.pwszSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey ); if( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Acquire the necessary privilages and call the API
lResult = RegAdjustTokenPrivileges( params.pwszMachineName, SE_RESTORE_NAME, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ); if( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = RegRestoreKey( hKey, params.pwszValueName, REG_FORCE_RESTORE );
// check the return error code
switch( lResult ) { case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: { lResult = ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE; break; }
default: break; } }
SafeCloseKey( &hKey ); }
// display the result
SaveErrorMessage( lResult ); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_INTERNAL ); } else { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); }
// return
FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? 0 : 1); }
// LoadHive()
LONG LoadHive( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[] ) { // local variables
LONG lResult = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bUsage = FALSE; TREG_PARAMS params;
if ( argc == 0 || argv == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); ShowLastError( stderr ); return 1; }
// initialize the global data structure
InitGlobalData( REG_LOAD, ¶ms );
// Parse the cmd-line
bResult = ParseSaveCmdLine( argc, argv, L"LOAD", ¶ms, &bUsage ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// check whether we need to display the usage
if ( bUsage == TRUE ) { Usage( REG_LOAD ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 0; }
// Connect to the Remote Machine - if applicable
bResult = RegConnectMachine( ¶ms ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { SaveErrorMessage( -1 ); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// Acquire the necessary privilages and call the API
lResult = RegAdjustTokenPrivileges( params.pwszMachineName, SE_RESTORE_NAME, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ); if( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = RegLoadKey( params.hRootKey, params.pwszSubKey, params.pwszValueName );
// check the return error code
switch( lResult ) { case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: { lResult = ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE; break; }
default: break; } }
// display the result
SaveErrorMessage( lResult ); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_INTERNAL ); } else { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); }
// return
FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? 0 : 1); }
// UnLoadHive()
LONG UnLoadHive( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[] ) { // local variables
LONG lResult = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; BOOL bUsage = FALSE; TREG_PARAMS params;
if ( argc == 0 || argv == NULL ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); ShowLastError( stderr ); return 1; }
// initialize the global data structure
InitGlobalData( REG_UNLOAD, ¶ms );
// Parse the cmd-line
bResult = ParseUnLoadCmdLine( argc, argv, ¶ms, &bUsage ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// check whether we need to display the usage
if ( bUsage == TRUE ) { Usage( REG_UNLOAD ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 0; }
// Connect to the Remote Machine(s) - if applicable
bResult = RegConnectMachine( ¶ms ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { SaveErrorMessage( -1 ); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return 1; }
// Acquire the necessary privilages and call the API
lResult = RegAdjustTokenPrivileges( params.pwszMachineName, SE_RESTORE_NAME, SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED ); if( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { lResult = RegUnLoadKey( params.hRootKey, params.pwszSubKey ); }
// display the result
SaveErrorMessage( lResult ); if ( lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { ShowLastErrorEx( stdout, SLE_INTERNAL ); } else { ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); }
// return
FreeGlobalData( ¶ms ); return ((lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? 0 : 1); }
// ParseSaveCmdLine()
BOOL ParseSaveCmdLine( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[], LPCWSTR pwszOption, PTREG_PARAMS pParams, BOOL* pbUsage ) { // local variables
DWORD dwLength = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// check the input
if ( argc == 0 || argv == NULL || pwszOption == NULL || pParams == NULL || pbUsage == NULL ) { SaveErrorMessage( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// check whether this function is being called for
// valid operation or not
if ( pParams->lOperation < 0 || pParams->lOperation >= REG_OPTIONS_COUNT ) { SaveErrorMessage( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// Do we have a *valid* number of cmd-line params
if ( argc >= 3 && InString( argv[ 2 ], L"-?|/?|-h|/h", TRUE ) == TRUE ) { if ( argc == 3 ) { *pbUsage = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { SetLastError( (DWORD) MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason2( 1, ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX_WITHOPT, g_wszOptions[ pParams->lOperation ] ); return FALSE; } } else if( (pParams->lOperation != REG_SAVE && argc != 4) || (pParams->lOperation == REG_SAVE && (argc < 4 || argc > 5)) ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason2( 1, ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX_WITHOPT, g_wszOptions[ pParams->lOperation ] ); return FALSE; } else if ( StringCompareEx( argv[ 1 ], pwszOption, TRUE, 0 ) != 0 ) { SaveErrorMessage( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// Machine Name and Registry key
bResult = BreakDownKeyString( argv[ 2 ], pParams ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// for "LOAD" subkey should be present
if ( pParams->lOperation == REG_LOAD ) { if ( pParams->pwszSubKey == NULL || StringLength( pParams->pwszSubKey, 0 ) == 0 ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason2( 1, ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX_WITHOPT, g_wszOptions[ pParams->lOperation ] ); return FALSE; } }
// Get the FileName - using the szValueName string field to hold it
dwLength = StringLength( argv[ 3 ], 0 ) + 1; pParams->pwszValueName = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory( dwLength * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if( pParams->pwszValueName == NULL ) { SaveErrorMessage( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); return FALSE; }
// ...
StringCopy( pParams->pwszValueName, argv[ 3 ], dwLength );
// validate the file name -- it should not be empty
TrimString( pParams->pwszValueName, TRIM_ALL ); if ( StringLength( pParams->pwszValueName, 0 ) == 0 ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason2( 1, ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX_WITHOPT, g_wszOptions[ pParams->lOperation ] ); return FALSE; }
// check if user specified overwrite flag or not -- this is only for REG SAVE
if ( argc == 5 && pParams->lOperation == REG_SAVE ) { pParams->bForce = FALSE; if ( StringCompareEx( argv[ 4 ], L"/y", TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { pParams->bForce = TRUE; } else { SetLastError( (DWORD) MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason2( 1, ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX_WITHOPT, g_wszOptions[ pParams->lOperation ] ); return FALSE; } }
// return
return TRUE; }
// ParseUnLoadCmdLine()
BOOL ParseUnLoadCmdLine( DWORD argc, LPCWSTR argv[], PTREG_PARAMS pParams, BOOL* pbUsage ) { // local variables
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// check the input
if ( argc == 0 || argv == NULL || pParams == NULL || pbUsage == NULL ) { SaveErrorMessage( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// check whether this function is being called for
// valid operation or not
if ( pParams->lOperation < 0 || pParams->lOperation >= REG_OPTIONS_COUNT ) { SaveErrorMessage( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// Do we have a *valid* number of cmd-line params
if( argc != 3 ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason2( 1, ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX_WITHOPT, g_wszOptions[ REG_UNLOAD ] ); return FALSE; } else if ( InString( argv[ 2 ], L"-?|/?|-h|/h", TRUE ) == TRUE ) { *pbUsage = TRUE; return TRUE; } else if ( StringCompareEx( argv[ 1 ], L"UNLOAD", TRUE, 0 ) != 0 ) { SaveErrorMessage( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
// Machine Name and Registry key
bResult = BreakDownKeyString( argv[ 2 ], pParams ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
if ( pParams->pwszSubKey == NULL || StringLength( pParams->pwszSubKey, 0 ) == 0 ) { SetLastError( (DWORD) MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason2( 1, ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX_WITHOPT, g_wszOptions[ REG_UNLOAD ] ); return FALSE; }
// return
return TRUE; }
// AdjustTokenPrivileges()
LONG RegAdjustTokenPrivileges( LPCWSTR pwszMachine, LPCWSTR pwszPrivilege, LONG lAttribute ) { // local variables
bResult = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { return GetLastError(); }
bResult = LookupPrivilegeValue( pwszMachine, pwszPrivilege, &tkp.Privileges[0].Luid ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { return GetLastError(); }
tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = lAttribute; bResult = AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tkp, 0, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, NULL ); if( bResult == FALSE ) { return GetLastError(); }