; /*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
;Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation ; ;Module Name: ; ; RunasMsg.mc ; ;Abstract: ; ; This file contains the message definitions for the Win32 runas ; utility. ; ;Author: ; ; Duncan Bryce [DuncanB] 19-Feb-2001 ; ;Revision History: ; ;--*/ ;
; /**++
; ; %1 represents the application created by runas ; %2 represents the user who's context the process has been created in ; %3 represents the privilege level of the user ; ; For example: ; ; cmd.exe (running as ntdev\duncanb with untrusted privileges) ; ; --**/ ; MessageId=8001 SymbolicName=RUNASP_STRING_TITLE_WITH_RESTRICTED Language=English %1 (running as %2 with %3 privileges)%0 .
; /**++
; ; %1 represents the application created by runas ; %2 represents the user who's context the process has been created in ; ; For example: ; ; cmd.exe (running as ntdev\duncanb) ; ; --**/ ; MessageId=8002 SymbolicName=RUNASP_STRING_TITLE Language=English %1 (running as %2)%0 .
MessageId=8003 SymbolicName=RUNASP_STRING_ERROR_INTERNAL Language=English RUNAS ERROR: An internal error occured: %1!d! .
MessageId=8004 SymbolicName=RUNASP_STRING_WAIT Language=English Attempting to start %1 as user "%2" ... .
; /**++
; ; %1 represents the application that runas couldn't start ; %2 represents the numeric error code ; %3 represents the formatted error text ; ; For example: ; ; RUNAS ERROR: Unable to run - cmd.exe ; 1326: Logon Failure: unknown username or bad password. ; ; --**/ ; MessageId=8005 SymbolicName=RUNASP_STRING_ERROR_OCCURED Language=English RUNAS ERROR: Unable to run - %1 %2!d!: %3 %0 .
MessageId=8006 SymbolicName=RUNASP_STRING_ERROR_ARG_TOO_LONG Language=English RUNAS ERROR: The following argument was too long: %1 .