* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name : * utils.c * * Contains all the work needed to present the console * * * Sadagopan Rajaram -- Dec 20, 1999 * */
#include "tcadmin.h"
BOOL AnsiStatus = (sizeof(TCHAR) == sizeof(CHAR));
BOOL Browse( ) { int index,j; LONG retVal; DWORD len; TCHAR name[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; LPTSTR message[NUMBER_FIELDS + 1]; TCHAR device[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int nameLen, deviceLen; UINT baudRate; LPTSTR temp; UCHAR stopBits, parity, wordLen; BOOL cont = TRUE; TCHAR key; LPTSTR confirm; BOOL readRet;
for(index = 0; index < NUMBER_FIELDS; index ++){ message[index] = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_NAME_PROMPT+index); if (!message[index]) { for(j=index-1; j>=0;j--){ TCFree(message[j]); } _tprintf(_T("Cannot find Resources\n")); return FALSE; } temp = message[index]; while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; } message[index] = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_NAME_PROMPT+index); if (!message[index]) { for(j=index-1; j>=0;j--){ TCFree(message[j]); } _tprintf(_T("Cannot find Resources\n")); index ++; return FALSE; } confirm = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_CONFIRM_PROMPT); if (!confirm) { for(j=index-1; j>=0;j--){ TCFree(message[j]); } _tprintf(_T("Cannot find Resources\n")); index ++; return FALSE; } confirm[_tcslen(confirm) - 2] = _T('\0'); index = 0; do{ parity = NO_PARITY; baudRate = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE; stopBits = 0; wordLen = 8; nameLen = deviceLen =MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; name[0] = device[0] = (TCHAR) 0; retVal = (LONG) (getparams)(index, name, &nameLen, device, &deviceLen, &stopBits, &parity, &baudRate, &wordLen ); if(retVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ if (retVal == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS){ index --; if(index < 0 ) { cont=FALSE; continue; } goto input; } else{ _tprintf(_T("%d\n"),retVal); cont=FALSE; } continue; } DisplayParameters(message, name, device, baudRate, wordLen, parity, stopBits ); _tprintf(_T("%s"),message[6]); input: readRet = ReadFile(hConsoleInput, &key, sizeof(TCHAR), &len, NULL ); if(!readRet || !len){ exit(1); } if(lastChar == _T('\r') && key == _T('\n')){ lastChar = key; goto input; }
lastChar = key; switch(key){ case _T('p'): case _T('P'): if(index == 0){ goto input; } index --; break; case _T('n'): case _T('N'): index ++; break; case _T('m'): case _T('M'): cont=FALSE; break; case _T('d'): case _T('D'): retVal = (LONG) (deletekey)(name); if(index > 0){ index --; } break; case _T('e'): case _T('E'): retVal = DisplayEditMenu(name, _tcslen(name), device, _tcslen(device), &baudRate, &wordLen, &parity, &stopBits );
if(retVal == ERROR_SUCCESS){ DisplayParameters(message, name, device, baudRate, wordLen, parity, stopBits ); _tprintf(_T("%s"),confirm); do{ readRet = ReadFile(hConsoleInput, &key, sizeof(TCHAR), &len, NULL ); if(!readRet || !len){ exit(1); } if(lastChar != _T('\r') || key != _T('\n')){ lastChar = key; break; } lastChar = key; }while(1);
if((key == _T('y')) || (key == _T('Y'))){ retVal = (LONG) (setparams)(name, device, &stopBits, &parity, &baudRate, &wordLen ); if(retVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_ERROR_SET); temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2 ] = _T('\0'); if(temp){ _tprintf(_T("%s %d"),temp,retVal); } TCFree(temp); } } } break; default: goto input; }
for(index = 0; index <= NUMBER_FIELDS; index ++){ TCFree(message[index]); }
return TRUE; }
VOID DisplayScreen( UINT MessageID ) { LPTSTR Message; DWORD len;
Message = RetreiveMessageText(MessageID); if (!Message) { _tprintf(_T("Cannot retreive message\n")); return; } _tprintf(_T("%s"),Message); TCFree(Message); return; }
int DisplayEditMenu( TCHAR *name, int nameLen, TCHAR *device, int deviceLen, UINT *BaudRate, UCHAR *WordLen, UCHAR *Parity, UCHAR *StopBits ) {
LPTSTR message,temp,curr; int i; DWORD len; BOOL ret; TCHAR buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int dat;
message = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_NAME_PROMPT); if(! message){ return -1; } temp = message; while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"),message); TCFree(message); while(!GetLine(name, nameLen, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)); message = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_DEVICE_PROMPT); if(! message){ return -1; } temp = message; while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"),message); TCFree(message); while(!GetLine(device, deviceLen, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)); message = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_BAUD_PROMPT); if(! message){ return -1; } temp = message; while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"),message); TCFree(message); _stprintf(buffer,_T("%d"),*BaudRate); while(!GetLine(buffer,_tcslen(buffer) , MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)); _stscanf(buffer,_T("%d"),BaudRate); message = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_WORD_PROMPT); if(! message){ return -1; } temp = message; while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"),message); TCFree(message); _stprintf(buffer,_T("%d"),*WordLen); while(!GetLine(buffer,_tcslen(buffer) , MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)); _stscanf(buffer,_T("%d"),&dat); *WordLen = (UCHAR) dat; message = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_PARITY_PROMPT2); if(! message){ return -1; } temp = curr = message; while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,NO_PARITY); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,ODD_PARITY); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,EVEN_PARITY); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,MARK_PARITY); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,SPACE_PARITY); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"),curr); TCFree(message); _stprintf(buffer,_T("%d"),*Parity); while(!GetLine(buffer,_tcslen(buffer) , MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)); _stscanf(buffer,_T("%d"),&dat); *Parity = (UCHAR) dat; message = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_STOP_PROMPT2); if(! message){ return -1; } temp = curr = message; while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,STOP_BIT_1); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,STOP_BITS_1_5); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s%d"),curr,STOP_BITS_2); curr = &(temp[1]); while(*temp != _T('%')){ temp ++; } *temp = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"),curr); TCFree(message); _stprintf(buffer,_T("%d"),*StopBits); while(!GetLine(buffer,_tcslen(buffer) , MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)); _stscanf(buffer,_T("%d"),&dat); *StopBits = (UCHAR) dat;
LPTSTR RetreiveMessageText( IN ULONG MessageId ) { ULONG LenBytes; PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY MessageEntry; BOOLEAN IsUnicode; ANSI_STRING AnsiString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; NTSTATUS Status; LPTSTR MessageText;
Status = RtlFindMessage( ResourceImageBase, (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)RT_MESSAGETABLE, 0, MessageId, &MessageEntry );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { _tprintf(_T("TCADMIN: Can't find message 0x%lx\n"),MessageId); return(NULL); }
IsUnicode = (BOOLEAN)((MessageEntry->Flags & MESSAGE_RESOURCE_UNICODE) != 0);
// Get the size in bytes of a buffer large enough to hold the
// message and its terminating nul wchar. If the message is
// unicode, then this value is equal to the size of the message.
// If the message is not unicode, then we have to calculate this value.
if(IsUnicode) { #ifdef UNICODE
LenBytes = (wcslen((PWSTR)MessageEntry->Text) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR); #else
LenBytes = wcstombs(NULL,(PWSTR)MessageEntry->Text, 0); #endif
} else {
// RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize includes an implied wide-nul terminator
// in the count it returns.
#ifdef UNICODE
AnsiString.Buffer = MessageEntry->Text; AnsiString.Length = (USHORT)strlen(MessageEntry->Text); AnsiString.MaximumLength = AnsiString.Length;
LenBytes = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(&AnsiString); #else
LenBytes = strlen((PCHAR) MessageEntry->Text); #endif
LenBytes += sizeof(TCHAR); //
// allocate a buffer.
MessageText = (LPTSTR) TCAlloc(LenBytes); if(MessageText == NULL) { return(NULL); } memset(MessageText,0,LenBytes); if(IsUnicode) {
// Message is already unicode; just copy it into the buffer.
#ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy(MessageText,(PWSTR)MessageEntry->Text); #else
LenBytes = wcstombs((PCHAR) MessageText, (PWCHAR) MessageEntry->Text, LenBytes); #endif
} else {
// Message is not unicode; convert in into the buffer.
#ifdef UNICODE
UnicodeString.Buffer = MessageText; UnicodeString.Length = 0; UnicodeString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)LenBytes;
RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &AnsiString, FALSE ); #else
strcpy((PCHAR) MessageText, (PCHAR) MessageEntry->Text); #endif
return(MessageText); }
LONG GetLine( LPTSTR str, int index, int MaxLength ) { DWORD len; DWORD size; TCHAR buffer[3]; BOOL ret;
str[index] = (TCHAR) 0; FlushConsoleInputBuffer(hConsoleInput); _tprintf(_T("%s"),str); buffer[0] = buffer[2] = (TCHAR) 0x8; buffer[1] = (TCHAR) 0; do{ if (index == MaxLength) { index--; }
// Read a (possibly) partial command line.
do{ ret = ReadFile(hConsoleInput, &(str[index]), sizeof(TCHAR), &len, NULL ); if(!ret || !len){ exit(1); } if(lastChar != _T('\r') || str[index] != _T('\n')){ //ignore \r\n combinations
lastChar = str[index]; break; } lastChar = str[index]; }while(1); lastChar = str[index]; if ((str[index] == (TCHAR) 0x8) || // backspace (^h)
(str[index] == (TCHAR) 0x7F)) { // delete
if (index > 0) { WriteConsole(hConsoleOutput, buffer, 3, &len, NULL ); index--; } } else { WriteConsole(hConsoleOutput, &(str[index]), 1, &len, NULL ); index++; } } while ((index == 0) || ((str[index - 1] != _T('\n')) &&(str[index-1] != _T('\r'))));
if(str[index-1] == _T('\r')){ buffer[0] = '\n'; str[index - 1] = '\0'; } else{ buffer[0] = _T('\r'); str[index-1] ='\0'; }
WriteConsole(hConsoleOutput, buffer, 1, &len, NULL ); FlushConsoleInputBuffer(hConsoleInput); return index; }
VOID DisplayParameters( LPCTSTR *message, LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR device, UINT baudRate, UCHAR wordLen, UCHAR parity, UCHAR stopBits ) { _tprintf(_T("%s "),message[0]); _tprintf(_T("%s\n"),name); _tprintf(_T("%s "),message[1]); _tprintf(_T("%s\n"),device); _tprintf(_T("%s "),message[2]); _tprintf(_T("%d\n"),baudRate); _tprintf(_T("%s "),message[3]); _tprintf(_T("%d\n"),wordLen); _tprintf(_T("%s "),message[4]); switch(parity){ case NO_PARITY: _tprintf(_T("NONE\n")); break; case ODD_PARITY: _tprintf(_T("ODD\n")); break; case EVEN_PARITY: _tprintf(_T("EVEN\n")); break; case MARK_PARITY: _tprintf(_T("MARK\n")); break; case SPACE_PARITY: _tprintf(_T("SPACE\n")); break; default: _tprintf(_T("NONE\n")); break; } _tprintf(_T("%s "),message[5]); switch(stopBits){ case STOP_BIT_1: _tprintf(_T("1\n")); break; case STOP_BITS_1_5: _tprintf(_T("1.5\n")); break; case STOP_BITS_2: _tprintf(_T("2\n")); break; default: _tprintf(_T("1\n")); break; }
VOID SendParameterChange( ) { SC_HANDLE sc_handle; SC_HANDLE tc_handle; LPTSTR temp; BOOL ret; SERVICE_STATUS status;
sc_handle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ ); if (sc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE_MANAGER); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); return; } } tc_handle = OpenService(sc_handle, TCSERV_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (tc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp,GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } ret = ControlService(tc_handle, SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE, &status ); if(ret == FALSE){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_SEND_PARAMETER_CHANGE); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp, GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } temp = RetreiveMessageText(SUCCESSFULLY_SENT_PARAMETER_CHANGE); if(temp){ _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); TCFree(temp); } CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return;
sc_handle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ ); if (sc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE_MANAGER); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); return; } } tc_handle = OpenService(sc_handle, TCSERV_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (tc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp,GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } ret = QueryServiceStatusEx(tc_handle, SC_STATUS_PROCESS_INFO, (LPBYTE) &status, sizeof(status), &len ); if(ret == FALSE){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_QUERY_STATUS); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp, GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } temp = RetreiveMessageText(QUERY_STATUS_SUCCESS); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) -2 ] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); TCFree(temp); for(i = 0 ; i<NUMBER_OF_STATES; i++){ if(val[i] == status.dwCurrentState) break; } temp = RetreiveMessageText(SERVICE_STOPPED_MESSAGE + i); if(temp){ _tprintf(_T("%s"),temp); TCFree(temp); }
} CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; }
VOID StopTCService( ) { SC_HANDLE sc_handle; SC_HANDLE tc_handle; LPTSTR temp; BOOL ret; SERVICE_STATUS status;
sc_handle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ ); if (sc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE_MANAGER); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); return; } } tc_handle = OpenService(sc_handle, TCSERV_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (tc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp,GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } ret = ControlService(tc_handle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &status ); if(ret == FALSE){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_SEND_STOP); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp, GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } temp = RetreiveMessageText(SUCCESSFULLY_SENT_STOP); if(temp){ _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); TCFree(temp); } CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return;
VOID StartTCService( ) { SC_HANDLE sc_handle; SC_HANDLE tc_handle; LPTSTR temp; BOOL ret; SERVICE_STATUS status;
sc_handle = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ ); if (sc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE_MANAGER); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); return; } } tc_handle = OpenService(sc_handle, TCSERV_NAME, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS );
if (tc_handle == NULL){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_OPEN_SERVICE); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp,GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } ret = StartService(tc_handle, 0, NULL ); if(ret == FALSE){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(CANNOT_SEND_START); if(temp){ temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2] = (TCHAR) 0; _tprintf(_T("%s %d"), temp, GetLastError()); TCFree(temp); CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return; } } temp = RetreiveMessageText(SUCCESSFULLY_SENT_START); if(temp){ _tprintf(_T("%s"), temp); TCFree(temp); } CloseServiceHandle(tc_handle); CloseServiceHandle(sc_handle); return;
VOID AddAllComPorts( ) /*
* Adds all the Com ports in the system as parameters to bridge * Reads key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM * Each value name is a com device name. The friendly name is the * value data * */ { DWORD index; HKEY m_hkey; ULONG retVal; LPTSTR temp; TCHAR device[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE*2]; TCHAR name[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; UINT baudRate; DWORD type; DWORD deviceLen,nameLen; UCHAR stopBits, parity, wordLen; index = 0;
retVal = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SERIAL_DEVICE_KEY, &m_hkey ); if(retVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ _tprintf(_T("%d\n"),retVal); return; }
index = 0; while(1){ deviceLen = nameLen = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE; retVal = RegEnumValue(m_hkey, index, device, &deviceLen, NULL, &type, name, &nameLen ); if(retVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ if(retVal != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS){ _tprintf(_T("%d\n"),retVal); } break; } stopBits = STOP_BIT_1; parity = NO_PARITY; baudRate = DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE; wordLen = SERIAL_DATABITS_8; _stprintf(device, "\\??\\%s",name); retVal = (ULONG) (setparams)(name, device, &stopBits, &parity, &baudRate, &wordLen ); if(retVal != ERROR_SUCCESS){ temp = RetreiveMessageText(MSG_ERROR_SET); temp[_tcslen(temp) - 2 ] = _T('\0'); if(temp){ _tprintf(_T("%s %d"),temp,retVal); } TCFree(temp); break; } index ++;
} retVal = RegCloseKey(m_hkey);