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  1. page ,132
  2. ;/*
  3. ; * Microsoft Confidential
  4. ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991
  5. ; * All Rights Reserved.
  6. ; */
  7. ; SCCSID = @(#)path2.asm 1.1 85/05/14
  8. ; SCCSID = @(#)path2.asm 1.1 85/05/14
  9. .sall
  10. .xlist
  11. .xcref
  12. include dossym.inc
  13. include syscall.inc
  14. include find.inc
  15. include comsw.asm
  16. include comseg.asm
  17. include comequ.asm
  18. .list
  19. .cref
  23. break <Path.Asm>
  24. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. ; PATH.ASM contains the routines to perform pathname incovation. Path and
  26. ; Parse share a temporary buffer and argv[] definitions. <Path_Search>,
  27. ; given a pathname, attempts to find a corresponding executable or batch
  28. ; file on disk. Directories specified in the user's search path will be
  29. ; searched for a matching file, if a match is not found in the current
  30. ; directory and if the pathname is actually only an MSDOS filename.
  31. ; <Path_Search> assumes that the parsed command name can be found in
  32. ; argv[0] -- in other words, <Parseline> should be executed prior to
  33. ; <Path_Search>. Alternatively, the command name and appropriate
  34. ; information could be placed in argv[0], or <Path_Search> could be
  35. ; (easily) modified to make no assumptions about where its input is found.
  36. ; Please find enclosed yet another important routine, <Save_Args>, which
  37. ; places the entire arg/argv[]/argbuf structure on a piece of newly
  38. ; allocated memory. This is handy for for-loop processing, and anything
  39. ; else that wants to save the whole shebang and then process other command
  40. ; lines.
  41. ;
  42. ; Alan L, OS/MSDOS August 15, 1983
  43. ;
  44. ; ENTRY:
  45. ; <Path_Search>: argv[0].
  46. ; <Save_Args>: bytes to allocate in addition to arg structure
  47. ; EXIT:
  48. ; <Path_Search>: success flag, best pathname match in EXECPATH.
  49. ; <Save_Args>: success flag, segment address of new memory
  50. ; NOTE(S):
  51. ; * <Argv_calc> handily turns an array index into an absolute pointer.
  52. ; The computation depends on the size of an argv[] element (arg_ele).
  53. ; * <Parseline> calls <cparse> for chunks of the command line. <Cparse>
  54. ; does not function as specified; see <Parseline> for more details.
  55. ; * <Parseline> now knows about the flags the internals of COMMAND.COM
  56. ; need to know about. This extra information is stored in a switch_flag
  57. ; word with each command-line argument; the switches themselves will not
  58. ; appear in the resulting arg structure.
  59. ; * With the exception of CARRY, flags are generally preserved across calls.
  60. ;---------------
  61. ; CONSTANTS:
  62. ;---------------
  63. DEBUGx equ FALSE ; prints out debug info
  64. ;---------------
  65. ; DATA:
  66. ;---------------
  68. EXTRN arg:byte
  69. EXTRN BADPMES_ptr:word
  70. EXTRN curdrv:byte
  72. EXTRN ext_entered:byte ;AN005;
  73. EXTRN fbuf:byte
  74. EXTRN pathinfo:word
  75. EXTRN psep_char:byte
  76. EXTRN string_ptr_2:word
  77. EXTRN tpbuf:byte
  80. assume cs:trangroup, ds:trangroup, es:trangroup, ss:nothing
  81. break <Search>
  82. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. ; SEARCH, when given a pathname, attempts to find a file with
  84. ; one of the following extensions: .com, .exe, .bat (highest to
  85. ; lowest priority). Where conflicts arise, the extension with
  86. ; the highest priority is favored.
  87. ; ENTRY:
  88. ; DX -- pointer to null-terminated pathname
  89. ; fbuf -- dma buffer for findfirst/next
  90. ; EXIT:
  91. ; AX -- 8) file found with .com extension
  92. ; 4) file found with .exe extension
  93. ; 2) file found with .bat extension
  94. ; 0) no such file to be found
  95. ; (if AX is non-zero:)
  96. ; [search_best] identical to AX
  97. ; [search_best_buf] null-terminated filename
  98. ; NOTES:
  99. ; 1) Requires caller to have allocated a dma buffer and executed a setdma.
  100. ;---------------
  101. ; CONSTANTS:
  102. ;---------------
  103. search_file_not_found equ 0
  104. search_com equ 8
  105. search_exe equ 4
  106. search_bat equ 2
  107. fname_len equ 8
  108. fname_max_len equ 13
  109. dot equ '.'
  110. wildchar equ '?'
  111. ;---------------
  112. ; DATA:
  113. ;---------------
  115. EXTRN search_best:byte
  116. EXTRN search_best_buf:byte
  117. EXTRN search_curdir_buf:byte
  118. EXTRN search_error:word
  120. ;---------------
  121. Procedure Search,NEAR
  122. ;---------------
  123. assume ds:trangroup, es:trangroup
  124. push CX
  125. push DX
  126. push DI
  127. push SI
  128. pushf
  129. push DX ; check drivespec (save pname ptr)
  130. mov DI, DX ; working copy of pathname
  131. mov SI, OFFSET TRANGROUP:search_curdir_buf
  132. xor DX, DX ; zero means current drive
  133. cmp BYTE PTR [DI+1],':' ; is there a drive spec?
  134. jne search_dir_check
  135. mov DL, [DI] ; get the drive byte
  136. and DL, NOT 20H ; uppercase it
  137. sub DL, '@' ; and convert to drive number
  138. search_dir_check:
  139. trap Current_Dir ; can we get the drive's current
  140. pop DX ; directory? If we can't we'll
  141. jc search_invalid_drive ; assume it's a bad drive...
  142. mov CX, search_attr ; filetypes to search for
  143. trap Find_First ; request first match, if any
  144. jc search_no_file
  145. mov search_best, search_file_not_found
  146. mov [search_best_buf], ANULL ; nothing's been found, yet
  147. search_loop:
  148. call search_ftype ; determine if .com, &c...
  149. cmp AL, search_best ; better than what we've found so far?
  150. jle search_next ; no, look for another
  151. mov search_best, AL ; found something... save its code
  152. mov SI, OFFSET TRANGROUP:fbuf.find_buf_pname
  153. mov DI, OFFSET TRANGROUP:search_best_buf
  154. mov CX, fname_max_len
  155. cld
  156. rep movsb ; save complete pathname representation
  157. cmp AL, search_com ; have we found the best of all?
  158. je search_done
  159. search_next: ; keep on looking
  160. mov CX, search_attr
  161. trap Find_Next ; next match
  162. jnc search_loop
  163. search_done: ; it's all over with...
  164. mov AL, search_best ; pick best to return with
  165. cmp ext_entered,1 ;AN005; Did user request a specific ext?
  166. jz search_exit ;AN005; no - exit
  167. mov al,ext_entered ;AN005; yes - get the real file type back
  168. mov search_best,al ;AN005; save the real file type
  169. jmp short search_exit
  170. search_invalid_drive: ; Tell the user path/drive
  171. mov DX, [search_error] ; appropriate error message
  172. invoke std_printf ; and pretend no file found
  173. search_no_file: ; couldn't find a match
  174. mov AX, search_file_not_found
  175. search_exit:
  176. popf
  177. pop SI
  178. pop DI
  179. pop DX
  180. pop CX
  181. ret
  182. ;---------------
  183. EndProc Search
  184. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  185. break <Search_Ftype>
  186. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. ; SEARCH_FTYPE determines the type of a file by examining its extension.
  188. ; ENTRY:
  189. ; fbuf -- dma buffer containing filename
  190. ; EXIT:
  191. ; AX -- file code, as given in search header
  192. ; NOTE(S):
  193. ; * Implicit assumption that NULL == search_file_not_found
  194. ;---------------
  195. ; DATA:
  196. ;---------------
  198. extrn comext:byte,exeext:byte,batext:byte
  199. trandata ends
  200. ;---------------
  201. Procedure Search_Ftype,NEAR
  202. ;---------------
  203. assume ds:trangroup, es:trangroup
  204. push DI
  205. push si
  206. mov AX, ANULL ; find the end of the filename
  207. mov DI, OFFSET TRANGROUP:fbuf.find_buf_pname
  208. mov CX, fname_max_len
  209. cld
  210. repnz scasb ; search for the terminating null
  211. jnz ftype_exit ; weird... no null byte at end
  212. sub di,5 ; . + E + X + T + NULL
  213. ;
  214. ; Compare .COM
  215. ;
  216. mov si,offset trangroup:comext
  217. mov ax,di
  218. cmpsw
  219. jnz ftype_exe
  220. cmpsw
  221. jnz ftype_exe
  222. mov AX, search_com ; success!
  223. jmp short ftype_exit
  224. ;
  225. ; Compare .EXE
  226. ;
  227. ftype_exe: ; still looking... now for '.exe'
  228. mov di,ax
  229. mov si,offset trangroup:exeext
  230. cmpsw
  231. jnz ftype_bat
  232. cmpsw
  233. jnz ftype_bat
  234. mov AX, search_exe ; success!
  235. jmp short ftype_exit
  236. ;
  237. ; Compare .BAT
  238. ;
  239. ftype_bat: ; still looking... now for '.bat'
  240. mov di,ax
  241. mov si,offset trangroup:batext
  242. cmpsw
  243. jnz ftype_fail
  244. cmpsw
  245. jnz ftype_fail
  246. mov AX, search_bat ; success!
  247. jmp short ftype_exit
  248. ftype_fail: ; file doesn't match what we need
  249. mov ax,ANULL
  250. ftype_exit:
  251. cmp ext_entered,1 ;AN005; was an extension entered?
  252. jz ftype_done ;AN005; no - exit
  253. cmp ax,ANULL ;AN005; was any match found
  254. jz ftype_done ;AN005; no - exit
  255. mov ext_entered,al ;AN005; save the match type found
  256. mov AX, search_com ;AN005; send back best was found to stop search
  257. ftype_done: ;AN005;
  258. pop SI
  259. pop DI
  260. ret
  261. ;---------------
  262. EndProc Search_Ftype
  263. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. break <Strip>
  265. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. ; STRIP copies the source string (argv[0]) into the destination buffer,
  267. ; replacing any extension with wildcards.
  268. ; ENTRY:
  269. ; BX -- maximum length of destination buffer
  270. ; DS:SI -- address of destination buffer
  271. ; argv[0] -- command name to be stripped
  272. ; EXIT:
  273. ; CF -- set if failure, clear if successful
  274. ; NOTE(S):
  275. ;---------------
  276. Procedure Strip,NEAR
  277. ;---------------
  278. assume ds:trangroup, es:trangroup
  279. push AX
  280. push BX
  281. push CX
  282. push DX
  283. push DI
  284. push SI
  285. pushf
  286. mov ext_entered,1 ;AN005; assume no extension on file name
  287. mov DX, DS:arg.argv[0].argpointer ; save pointer to beginning of argstring
  288. mov DI, DS:arg.argv[0].argstartel ; beginning of last pathname element
  289. cmp BYTE PTR [DI], 0 ; *STARTEL == NULL means no command
  290. jz strip_error
  291. mov CX, DX ; compute where end of argstring lies
  292. add CX, DS:arg.argv[0].arglen
  293. sub CX, DI ; and then find length of last element
  294. inc CX ; include null as well
  295. mov AL, dot ; let's find the filetype extension
  296. cld
  297. repnz scasb ; wind up pointing to either null or dot
  298. jcxz process_ext ;AN005; if no extension found, just continue
  299. mov ext_entered,0 ;AN005; we found an extension
  300. mov al,ANULL ;AN005; continue scanning until the
  301. repnz scasb ;AN005; end of line is reached.
  302. process_ext: ;AN005;
  303. mov CX, DI ; pointer to end of argstring yields
  304. sub CX, DX ; number of bytes to be copied
  305. sub BX, 4 ; can argstring fit into dest. buffer?
  306. cmp CX, BX
  307. jg strip_error ; if not, we must have a bad pathname
  308. mov DI, SI ; destination buffer
  309. mov SI, DX ; source is beginning of pathname
  310. cld
  311. rep movsb ; SI=arg,DI=buffer,CX=argend-argbeg
  312. cmp ext_entered,1 ;AN005; if an extension was entered
  313. jnz skip_wilds ;AN005; don't set up wildcard ext.
  314. dec DI ; overwrite null or dot
  315. stosb ; with a dot
  316. mov AL, wildchar ; now add wildcards
  317. stosb
  318. stosb
  319. stosb
  320. mov AL, ANULL ; and a terminating null
  321. stosb
  322. skip_wilds: ;AN005;
  323. popf
  324. clc ; chill out...
  325. jmp short strip_exit
  326. strip_error:
  327. popf
  328. stc
  329. strip_exit:
  330. pop SI
  331. pop DI
  332. pop DX
  333. pop CX
  334. pop BX
  335. pop AX
  336. ret
  337. ;---------------
  338. EndProc Strip
  339. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340. break <Save_Args>
  341. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  342. ; SAVE_ARGS attempts to preserve the existing argv[]/argvcnt/argbuffer
  343. ; structure in newly allocated memory. The argv[] structure is found at the
  344. ; beginning of this area. The caller indicates how much extra space is
  345. ; needed in the resulting structure; Save_Args returns a segment number and
  346. ; an offset into that area, indicating where the caller may preserve its own
  347. ; data. Note that <argvcnt> can be found at <offset-2>.
  348. ; ENTRY:
  349. ; BX -- size (in bytes) of extra area to allocate
  350. ; EXIT:
  351. ; AX -- segment of new area.
  352. ; CF -- set if unable to save a copy.
  353. ; NOTE(S):
  354. ; 1) The allocated area will be AT LEAST the size requested -- since
  355. ; the underlying MSDOS call, <alloc> returns an integral number of
  356. ; paragraphs.
  357. ; 2) It is an error if MSDOS can't allocate AT LEAST as much memory
  358. ; as the caller of Save_Args requests.
  359. ; 3) AX is undefined if CF indicates an error.
  360. ;---------------
  361. Procedure Save_Args,NEAR
  362. ;---------------
  363. assume ds:trangroup, es:trangroup
  364. push BX
  365. push CX
  366. push DX
  367. push DI
  368. push SI
  369. push BP
  370. pushf
  371. add BX, SIZE arg_unit + 0FH ; space for arg structure, round up
  372. mov CL, 4 ; to paragraph size and convert
  373. shr BX, CL ; size in bytes to size in paragraphs
  374. trap Alloc
  375. jc save_error
  376. mov BP, AX ; save segment id
  377. push ES ; save TRANGROUP address
  378. mov ES, AX ; switch to new memory segment
  379. assume ES:nothing
  380. mov CX, SIZE arg_unit ; get back structure size
  381. xor DI, DI ; destination is new memory area
  382. mov SI, OFFSET TRANGROUP:arg ; source is arg structure
  383. rep movsb ; move it
  384. mov CX, arg.argvcnt ; adjust argv pointers
  385. xor AX, AX ; base address for argv_calc
  386. ; Bugbug: What did they mean by this?
  387. ; Note that the replacement line produces exactly the same code.
  388. ;; mov SI, OFFSET TRANGROUP:arg.argbuf - OFFSET arg_unit.argbuf
  389. mov SI, OFFSET TRANGROUP:arg
  390. save_ptr_loop:
  391. dec CX ; exhausted all args?
  392. jl save_done
  393. mov BX, CX ; get arg index and
  394. invoke argv_calc ; convert to a pointer
  395. mov DX, DS:arg.argv[BX].argpointer
  396. sub DX, SI ; adjust argpointer
  397. mov ES:argv[BX].argpointer, DX
  398. mov DX, DS:arg.argv[BX].argstartel
  399. sub DX, SI ; and adjust argstartel
  400. mov ES:argv[BX].argstartel, DX
  401. mov DX, DS:arg.argv[BX].arg_ocomptr
  402. sub DX, SI ; and adjust arg_ocomptr
  403. mov ES:argv[BX].arg_ocomptr, DX
  404. jmp save_ptr_loop
  405. save_done:
  406. pop ES ; back we go to TRANGROUP
  407. assume ES:trangroup
  408. mov AX, BP ; restore segment id
  409. jmp short save_ok
  410. save_error:
  411. popf
  412. stc
  413. jmp short save_exit
  414. save_ok:
  415. popf
  416. clc
  417. save_exit:
  418. pop BP
  419. pop SI
  420. pop DI
  421. pop DX
  422. pop CX
  423. pop BX
  424. ret
  425. ;---------------
  426. EndProc Save_Args
  427. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  428. trancode ends
  429. END