;; ;; (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1987-1990 ;; MS-DOS 5.00 - NLS Support - KEYB Command ;;
ACT_KEYB DB 'Current keyboard code: ','$' ;; ACT_KEYB_CP DB ' code page: ','$' ;; ACT_CON_CP DB 'Current CON code page: ','$' ;; INV_L DB 'Invalid keyboard code specified',10,13,'$' ;; INV_I DB 'Invalid keyboard ID specified',10,13,'$' ;; INV_CP DB 'Invalid code page specified',10,13,'$' ;; INV_S DB 'Invalid syntax',10,13,'$' ;; INV_FN DB 'Bad or missing Keyboard Definition File',10,13,'$' ;; INV_KEYB_Q DB 'KEYB has not been installed',10,13,'$' ;; INV_CON_Q DB 'Active code page not available from CON device',10,13,'$' ;; NOT_DESIG DB 'Code page specified has not been prepared',10,13,'$' ;; NOT_SUPP DB 'One or more CON code pages invalid for given keyboard code',10,13,'$' ;; NOT_VALID1 DB 'Code page requested (','$' ;; NOT_VALID2 DB ') is not valid for given keyboard code',10,13,'$' ;; WARNING_1 DB 'Code page specified is inconsistent with the selected code page',10,13,'$' ;; INV_COMBO DB 'ID code specified is inconsistent with the selected keyboard code',13,'$' ;; MEMORY_OVERF DB 'Unable to create KEYB table in resident memory',10,13,'$' ;; CR_LF DB 10,13,'$' ;; ;;