TITLE KeyBoard Interrupt 09h 16h
;=======================================================================; ; (C)Copyright Qnix Computer Co. Ltd. 1992 ; ; This program contains proprietary and confidential information. ; ; All rights reserved. ; ;=======================================================================;
;=======================================================================; ; ; ; SPECIFICATION for keyboard ; ; ; ;=======================================================================; ; ; KBD service routine������ video routine�� ������ ���� video INT���� ; sub-routine�� �����ϰų� ���� data/flag���� ���������ؼ��� �ʵȴ�. ; ; KBD Spec. : KS C 5853 ; : KS C 5842 - 1991 ; ; Keyboard type : english 84 KBD ; : hangeul 86 KBD(none standard) ; : hangeul 86 KBD(KS C 5853) ; : 101 KBD ; : 103 KBD(KS C 5853) ; ; Etc. Spec. : user definable HE/HJ key scan code ; : Hot key detection & service
;=======================================================================; ; ; ; GLOBAL DATA & FLAG ; ; ; ;=======================================================================; ; ; �� �κп����� KBD main routine���� �����Ǵ� ���� ǥ���Ͽ� �̵��� ; �����̴� ���� �Ѵ��� ���� �ֵ����Ѵ�. ; ----------- EQUATION ----------- HanEngKey = 03800H HanjaKey = 01d00H BanJunKey = 08300H Upper2Low = 020H HjNumOf1Line = 10
EXTRN HanCardReset:near, pHanCardReset:near, EnvrChange:near EXTRN KbStat:byte, HjStat:byte, HjMenuStat:byte,TotalMenuCnt:byte EXTRN OldKbInt:dword, OldKbioInt:dword, CodeStat:byte,KbdType:byte EXTRN DisplayStat:byte, HanStat:byte, HjMenuLine:byte EXTRN MenuBuffer:word, MenuLineBuf:word, KbMisc:byte, HotStat:byte
EXTRN CompleteCharCnt:word, CompleteCharBuf:word, InterimCharCnt:word EXTRN InterimCharBuf:word, Auto:byte, TmpKbdType:byte EXTRN InterimCurPage:byte,InterimMaxCols:byte,InterimCurPos:word EXTRN SavedChar1:byte,SavedChar2:byte EXTRN MenuPtr:byte, CurrMenuCnt:byte, SaveCurrPage:byte, CrtMaxCols:byte EXTRN SaveCurPos:word, SaveCurType:word, prebufptr:word EXTRN DispIChar1:byte, DispIChar2:byte, InterimDispP:word EXTRN PreInCode:word, CurInCode:word, TmpBuf:word, PreTmpBuf:word EXTRN KsKbBuf:word, TmpBufCnt:byte if WINNT EXTRN ActiveCodePage:word endif
;=======================================================================; ; ; ; KEYBOARD INTERRUPT 9 ; ; ; ;=======================================================================; ; ; << Int9 >> ; FUNCTION = KBD hardware interrupt service routine ; Int9(-/-) ; { ; /* save AX, DS */ ; DS = KbSeg; ; AL = in port 60H; ; if (AL == DelKey) && ([rKbFlag] == (AltFlag || CtrlFlag)) ; { ; /* save DX */ ; HanCardReset(-/-); ; pHanCardReset(-/-); ; /* reset 3bf port */ ; /* Restore DX, DS, AX */ ; /* goto cs:[OldKbInt] */ ; } ; /* save BX, CX, DX */ ; BX = [rBufferTail]; ; AH = [rKbFlag3] ; DL = [rKbFlag] ; /* call cs:[OldKbInt] */ ; if (CheckHeHjKey(AL/CX,flag) == NC) ; { ; if (AX == HanjaKey) && ([rKbFlag] == 00000100) ; { ; CS:[KbStat] = CS:[KbStat] || ReqEnvrChg; ; [rBufferTail] = BX ; } ; else ; if (CS:[KbStat] == HanKeyinMode), PushKeyBuf(BX,CX/-); ; } ; else ; { ; if ((CS:[KbStat] == HanKeyinMode) && ([rKbFlag] == CapsFlag)&& ; (BX != [rBufferTail]) && ((A<=AL<=Z)||(a<=AL<=z)) ; XOR [rBufferTail],00100000b; ; } ; if ([rKbFlag3] == Ext10xKey) ; { ; cs:[KbStat] = cs:[KbStat] || Ext10xKey ; if (cs:[KbStat] != UserDefineKey) /* off right ALT+CTRL flag */ ; } ; /* restore DX, CX, BX, DS, AX */ ; iret; ; } ;
EXTRN MachineType:byte, HeKey:byte, HjKey:byte PUBLIC Int9, PushKeyBuf E0Flag db 0
Int9: ASSUME DS:KBSEG if Debug Extrn DebugData:word pushf cli push ax push bx mov ax,cs:[DebugData] mov bx,ax and bx,0f0h and ax,0ff0fh add bx,10h and bx,0f0h or ax,bx out 10h,ax mov cs:[DebugData],ax pop bx pop ax popf endif ; if Debug @push ax,ds mov ax,seg KbSeg mov ds,ax in al,60h cmp al,DelKey jnz @f mov ah,[rKbFlag] and ah,00001100b cmp ah,00001100b jnz @f push dx call HanCardReset call pHanCardReset mov dx,3bfh mov al,3 out dx,al mov dl,0b8h mov al,28h out dx,al xor al,al mov dl,0bfh out dx,al @pop dx,ds,ax jmp cs:[OldKbInt] @@: @push bx,cx,dx mov bx,[rBufferTail] mov dl,[rKbFlag] mov ah,[rKbFlag3] test cs:[E0Flag],00000001b jz @f or ah,00000010b ;e0flag mov [rKbFlag3],ah @@: and cs:[E0Flag],11111110b cmp al,0e0h jnz @f or cs:[E0Flag],00000001b @@: ;; cmp al,0e0h ;; jnz @f ;; or ah,00000010b ;e0flag ;; mov [rKbFlag3],ah @@: pushf call cs:[OldKbInt] ; mov al,ah ; out 21h,al ; pop ax call CheckHeHjKey jc NoneHeHjKey if HotKey cmp ax,HanjaKey jnz @f test dl,00000100b ; Ctrl + HanJa jz @f cmp cs:[HeKey], 1 je @f cmp cs:[HeKey], 2 je @f or cs:[KbStat],ReqEnvrChg mov [rBufferTail],bx jmp short Int9hExit @@: endif ; if HotKey if AltHotKey cmp ax,HanEngKey jnz @f test dl,00001000b ; Alt + HanEng jz @f cmp cs:[HeKey], 2 je @f or cs:[KbStat],ReqEnvrChg or cs:[HotStat],AltHotChg mov [rBufferTail],bx jmp short Int9hExit @@: endif ; if AltHotKey test cs:[KbStat],HanKeyinMode jz Int9hExit cmp ax,HanjaKey jnz @f test dl,00001000b ; Alt + HanJa jz @f mov [rBufferTail],bx jmp short Int9hExit @@: call PushKeyBuf jmp short Int9hExit NoneHeHjKey: test cs:[KbStat],HanKeyinMode jz Int9hExit test cs:[KbStat],HEStat jz Int9hExit test [rKbFlag],01000000B jz Int9hExit mov bx,cs:[PreBufPtr] ; get prev buffer pointer cmp bx,[rBufferTail] je Int9hExit mov al,byte ptr [bx] cmp al,'A' jb Int9hExit cmp al,'z' ja Int9hExit cmp al,'Z' jbe @f cmp al,'a' jb Int9hExit @@: xor byte ptr [bx],00100000b Int9hExit: mov ax,[rBufferTail] ; get ptr of ROM kb buffer tail mov cs:[PreBufPtr],ax test [rKbFlag3],Ext10xKey jz @f or cs:[KbStat],Ext10xKey if Kbd101On test cs:[KbStat],UserDefineKey jnz @f else test cs:[KbdType],SetKbd101 jz @f endif and [rKbFlag3],11110011b and [rKbFlag],11110011b mov ah,[rKbFlag1] and ah,3 shl ah,1 shl ah,1 or [rKbFlag],ah @@: @pop dx,cx,bx,ds,ax if Debug pushf cli push ax push bx mov ax,cs:[DebugData] mov bx,ax and bx,0f0h and ax,0ff0fh sub bx,10h and bx,0f0h or ax,bx out 10h,ax mov cs:[DebugData],ax pop bx pop ax popf endif ; if Debug iret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << PushKeyBuf >> ; FUNCTION = push �ѿ�/���� key to buffer ; INPUT : AX = han/eng or hanja key, BX = buffer pointer ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : ; PushKeyBuf(AX,BX/-) ; { ; CX = BX; ; if (CX == [rBufferTail]) ; { ; CX = CX + 2; ; if (CX == [rBufferEnd]) ; CX = [rBufferStart]; ; } ; if (CX == [rBufferHead]) ; Beep(-/-); ; else ; [BX] = AX; ; [rBufferTail] = CX; ; } ; PushKeyBuf: mov bx,[rBufferTail] mov cx,bx ; cmp [rBufferTail],cx ; jnz @f inc cx inc cx cmp cx,[rBufferEnd] jne @f mov cx,[rBufferStart] @@: cmp cx,[rBufferHead] je KbBufFull mov [bx],ax mov [rBufferTail],cx ret KbBufFull: call Beep ret
PopKeyQueue PROC Near push di cli mov di, rBufferHead cmp di, rBufferTail je @f inc di inc di cmp di, rBufferEnd jne @f mov di, rBufferStart @@: xchg rBufferHead, di mov di, [di] @pkqTerm: sti pop di ret PopKeyQueue ENDP
INCLUDE debug.inc ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << CheckHeHjKey >> ; FUNCTION = check Han/Eng and Hanja key ; INPUT : AL = raw code, AH = [rKbFlag3] ; OUTPUT : (NC)AX = Han/Eng or Hanja code ; (CY)AL = raw code ; PROTECT : BX ; CheckHeHjKey(AL/AX) ; { ; if ([KbStat] == UserDefineKey) ; { ; if (AL == [HeKey]), AX = HanEngKey, return(NC); ; if (AL == [HjKey]), AX = HanjaKey, return(NC); ; } ; else ; { ; if ([MachineType] == AtMachine) ; { ; if ((AL = 0f2h) || (AL == 0f1h)) ; { ; [HeKey] = 0f2h; ; [HjKey] = 0f1h; ; [KbStat] = [KbStat] || UserDefineKey; ; } ; } ; else ; } ; if ((AL = 0f0h) || (AL == 0f1h)) ; { ; [HeKey] = 0f0h; ; [HjKey] = 0f1h; ; [KbStat = [KbStat] || UserDefineKey; ; } ; } ; if ([KbStat] == UserDefineKey) ; { ; if (AL == [HeKey]), AX = HanEngKey, return(NC); ; if (AL == [HjKey]), AX = HanjaKey, return(NC); ; } ; else ; if ([rKbFlag3] == Ext10xKey) ; { ; if ([rKbFlag3] == /* E0 flag */) ; { ; if (AL == [HeKey]), AX = HanEngKey, return(NC); ; if (AL == [HjKey]), AX = HanjaKey, return(NC); ; } ; } ; else ; { ; if (AL == [HeKey]), AX = HanEngKey, return(NC); ; if (AL == [HjKey]), AX = HanjaKey, return(NC); ; } ; } ; return(CY); ; } ; EQUAL = 0Dh CTRL = 1Dh ALT = 38h SHIFT = 2Ah RSHIFT = 36h SPACE = 39h DEL = 53h
ASSUME DS:KBSEG CheckHeHjKey: cmp cs:[HeKey], 1 jne @checkNext cmp al, SPACE jne @noHotHe @@: test [rKbFlag], 00000010b ; Check Left-Shift Pressed (HE) ;jnz @HGHot jz @f call PopKeyQueue jmp @HGHot @@: test [rKbFlag1], 00000001b ; Check Left-Ctrl Pressed (HJ) ;jnz @HJHot jz @f call PopKeyQueue jmp @HJHot @@: jmp @noHotHj @checkNext: cmp cs:[HeKey], 2 jne @checkAltOrCtrl cmp al, SHIFT je @f cmp al, RSHIFT jne @noHotHj @@: test [rKbFlag], 00001000b ; Check Alt Pressed (HE) jnz @HGHot test [rKbFlag], 00000100b ; Check Ctrl Pressed (HJ) jnz @HJHot jmp SHORT @noHotHj
@checkAltOrCtrl: cmp al, ALT je @f cmp al, CTRL jne @noAltOrCtrl @@: test ah, 00000010b jz @noHotHj cmp al, cs:[HeKey] je @HGHot cmp al, cs:[HjKey] je @HjHot jmp @noHotHj
@noAltOrCtrl: cmp al, cs:[HeKey] je @HGHot cmp cs:[HeKey], 0F0h jne @noHotHe cmp al, 0F2h jne @noHotHe
@HGHot: mov cx, HanEngKey jmp @end @noHotHe: cmp al, 1 je @noHotHj cmp al, cs:[HjKey] jne @noHotHj @HjHot: mov cx, HanjaKey jmp @end @noHotHj: stc ret @end: mov ax, cx clc ret
if 0 ; 1993/7/21 skkhang if Kbd101On test cs:[KbStat],UserDefineKey jnz CompHeHjKey @@: test cs:[MachineType],AtMachine jnz AtHe103Cmp cmp al,0f0h je @f cmp al,0f1h jne AtCmpEo @@: mov cs:[HeKey],0f0h mov cs:[HjKey],0f1h or cs:[KbStat],UserDefineKey jmp AtCmpEo AtHe103Cmp: cmp al,0f2h je @f cmp al,0f1h jne AtCmpEo @@: mov cs:[HeKey],0f2h mov cs:[HjKey],0f1h or cs:[KbStat],UserDefineKey AtCmpEo: test cs:[KbStat],UserDefinekey jnz CompHeHjKey test [rKbFlag3],Ext10xKey jz CompHeHjKey test ah,00000010b jnz CompHeHjKey else test cs:[KbdType],SetKbd101 jz CompHeHjKey test ah,00000010b jnz CompHeHjKey endif stc ret CompHeHjKey: mov cx,HanEngKey cmp al,cs:[HeKey] jz CompHeHjKeyS mov cx,HanjaKey cmp al,cs:[HjKey] jz CompHeHjKeyS if VirtualKey test [rKbFlag3],Ext10xKey jnz @f mov ah,[rKbFlag] test ah,00000011b ; LRShift jz @f test ah,00001100b ; Alt+Ctrl jz @f test ah,00000100b ;Ctrl jnz CompHeHjKeyS mov cx,HanEngKey jmp CompHeHjKeyS @@: endif ; VirtualKey stc ret CompHeHjKeyS: mov ax,cx clc ret endif ;0
;************************************************************************ ;** ** ;** KEYBOARD INTERRUPT 16H ** ;** ** ;************************************************************************ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << Kbd16hInt >> ; FUNCTION = keyboard interrupt service routine ; Int16(*/*) ; { ; Save BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,ES,DS,BP; ; DS = ES = CS ; BP = SP; ; if ([KbStat] == ReqEnvrChg) ; { ; [KbStat] = [KbStat] || (not ReqEnvrChg) ; if ([KbMisc] != RunningHot) ; { ; [KbMisc] = [KbMisc] || RunningHot ; EnvrChange(-/-); ; [KbMisc] = [KbMisc] && (not RunningHot) ; } ; if ([KbStat] != HanKeyinMode), /* call OldKbioInt() */; ; else ; { ; switch(AH) ; { ; case 0 : GetCompleteCode(-/AX); ; break; ; case 1 : CheckCompleteCode(-/ZF,AX); ; break; ; case 2 : GetKbStatus(-/AX); ; break; ; case 5 : PushCompleteCode(CX/AL); ; break; ; case 10h : GetCompleteCode(-/AX); ; break; ; case 11h : CheckCompleteCode(-/ZF,AX); ; break; ; case 12h : /* call OldKbioInt() */; ; break; ; case 0f0h : GetInterimCode(-/AX); ; break; ; case 0f1h : CheckInterimCode(-/ZF,AX); ; break; ; case 0f2h : ChangeKbStatus(AL/AL); ; break; ; case 0f3h : FlushKbBuffer(-/-); ; break; ; case 0f4h : CtrlInterimDisplay(DX/-); ; break; ; case 0f8h : xGetInterimCode(-/AX); ; break; ; case 0f9h : xCheckInterimCode(-/ZF,AX); ; break; ; case 0feh : CtrlHanJa(AL,BX,DL/AL,DL); ; break; ; default : /* call OldKbioInt() */; ; } ; Restore BP,DS,ES,DI,SI,DX,CX,BX; ; iret; ; } ; } ;
Extrn EnvrChange:near, VideoActive:byte PUBLIC Int16
Int16: ASSUME DS:CODE, ES:CODE if Debug pushf cli push ax push bx mov ax,cs:[DebugData] mov bx,ax and bx,0f000h and ax,0fffh add bx,1000h and bx,0f000h or ax,bx out 10h,ax mov cs:[DebugData],ax pop bx pop ax popf endif ; if Debug sti cld @push bx,cx,dx,si,di,es,ds,bp mov bp,cs mov ds,bp mov es,bp mov bp,sp if HotKey test [KbStat],ReqEnvrChg jz @f test [KbMisc],RunningHot jnz @f or [KbMisc],RunningHot inc [VideoActive] call EnvrChange dec [VideoActive] if AltHotKey and [HotStat],not AltHotChg endif ; AltHotKey and [KbStat],not ReqEnvrChg and [KbMisc],not RunningHot @@: endif ; if HotKey sub bx,bx mov bl,ah add bl,10h cmp bl,21h ja OldInt16Call test cs:[KbStat],HanKeyinMode jz OldInt16Call cmp bl,15h jbe @f sub bl,10 @@: shl bx,1 call [bx+Int16Tbl] @pop bp,ds,es,di,si,dx,cx,bx if Debug pushf cli push ax push bx mov ax,cs:[DebugData] mov bx,ax and bx,0f000h and ax,0fffh sub bx,1000h and bx,0f000h or ax,bx out 10h,ax mov cs:[DebugData],ax pop bx pop ax popf endif ; if Debug iret
OldInt16jmp label word add sp,2 OldInt16Call: @pop bp,ds,es,di,si,dx,cx,bx cmp ah,0f8h jnz @f mov ah,010h @@: cmp ah,0f9h jnz @f mov ah,011h @@: cmp ah,0f0h jnz @f mov ah,000h @@: cmp ah,0f1h jnz @f mov ah,001h @@: if Debug pushf call cs:[OldKbioInt] pushf cli push ax push bx mov ax,cs:[DebugData] mov bx,ax and bx,0f000h and ax,0fffh sub bx,1000h and bx,0f000h or ax,bx out 10h,ax mov cs:[DebugData],ax pop bx pop ax popf iret else jmp cs:[OldKbioInt] endif ; if Debug
Int16Tbl label word dw offset GetInterimCode ;AH=F0H dw offset CheckInterimCode dw offset ChangeKbStatus dw offset FlushKbBuffer dw offset CtrlInterimDisplay dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset GetInterimCode dw offset CheckInterimCode dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset CtrlHanJa ;AH=FEH dw offset OldInt16jmp dw offset GetCompleteCode ;AH=00H dw offset CheckCompleteCode ;AH=01H dw offset GetKbStatus ;AH=02H dw offset OldInt16jmp ;AH=03H dw offset OldInt16jmp ;AH=04H dw offset PushCompleteCode ;AH=05H dw offset GetCompleteCode ;AH=10H dw offset CheckCompleteCode ;AH=11H
;======================================================================== ; << GetCompleteCode >> ; FUNCTION = get complete code ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : AX = KBD scan code & system scan code ; PROTECT : AX ; GetCompleteCode(AH/AX) ; { ; [TmpKbdType] = AH; ; while (![CompleteCharCnt]) ; { ; DispInterimChar(-/-); ; AH = [TmpKbdType]; ; /* call [OldKbioInt] */ ; Automata(AX/-); ; } ; ClearInterimChar(-/-); ; GetCompleteChar(-/AX,flag); ; }
GetCompleteCode: mov [TmpKbdType],ah WaitCompleteKeyin: cmp [CompleteCharCnt],0 jne @f call DispInterimChar call WaitKeyin call Automata jmp WaitCompleteKeyin @@: call ClearInterimChar call GetCompleteChar call Filter84 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ Filter84: pushf test [TmpKbdType],Ext10xKey jnz @f cmp ah,0f0h jae @f mov bx,ax mov al,0 cmp bl,0e0h jz @f mov ax,bx cmp bh,0e0h jnz @f mov ah,35h cmp bl,2fh jz @f mov ah,1ch cmp bl,0dh jz @f cmp bl,0ah jz @f mov ax,bx @@: popf ret
;======================================================================== ; << GetInterimCode >> ; FUNCTION = get interim code ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : AX = KBD scan code & system scan code ; PROTECT : AX ; GetInterimCode(AH/AX) ; { ; AH = AH && 00001000b; ; AH = AH shl 1; ; [TmpKbdType] = AH; ; while (![CompleteCharCnt]) || (![InterimCharCnt]) ; { ; AH = [TmpKbdType]; ; /* call [OldKbioInt] */ ; Automata(AX/-); ; } ; if ([CompleteCharCnt]) ; GetCompleteChar(-/AX,flag); ; else ; GetInterimChar(-/AX,flag); ; } GetInterimCode: and ah,00001000b shl ah,1 mov [TmpKbdType],ah WaitInterimKeyin: cmp [CompleteCharCnt],0 jne GetCompleteCharCall cmp [InterimCharCnt],0 jnz GetInterimCharCall call WaitKeyin call Automata jmp WaitInterimKeyin GetCompleteCharCall: call GetCompleteChar call Filter84 jmp @f GetInterimCharCall: call GetInterimChar @@: ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ WaitKeyin: if HotKey test [KbStat],ReqEnvrChg jz @f test [KbMisc],RunningHot jnz @f or [KbMisc],RunningHot inc [VideoActive] call EnvrChange dec [VideoActive] if AltHotKey and [HotStat],not AltHotChg endif ; AltHotKey and [KbStat],not ReqEnvrChg and [KbMisc],not RunningHot @@: endif ; if HotKey mov ah,[TmpKbdType] inc ah pushf call [OldKbioInt] jz WaitKeyin mov ah,[TmpKbdType] pushf call [OldKbioInt] ret
;======================================================================== ; << CheckCompleteCode >> ; FUNCTION = check complete code ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : if ZF = 0, AX = KBD scan code & system scan code ; PROTECT : AX ; CheckCompleteCode(AH/AX,zero-flag) ; { ; [TmpKbdType] = AH; ; while ((![CompleteCharCnt]) || ; (AH = [TmpKbdType], /* call [OldKbioInt] */ = NZ)) ; { ; DispInterimChar(-/-); ; AH = [TmpKbdType]; ; - AH; ; /* call [OldKbioInt] */ ; Automata(AX/-); ; } ; AX = [CompleteCharBuf]; ; if ([CompleteCharCnt]) ; /* reset zero-flag */ ; else ; /* set zero-flag */ ; Restore BP,BP,DS,ES,DI,SI,DX,CX,BX; /* include return addr */ ; far ret 2; ; }
CheckCompleteCode: dec ah mov [TmpKbdType],ah CheckCompleteKeyin: mov ax,[CompleteCharBuf] cmp [CompleteCharCnt],0 jne @f call DispInterimChar mov ah,[TmpKbdType] inc ah pushf call [OldKbioInt] jz @f mov ah,[TmpKbdType] pushf call [OldKbioInt] call Automata jmp CheckCompleteKeyin @@: call Filter84 pop bp @pop bp,ds,es,di,si,dx,cx,bx if Debug pushf cli push ax push bx mov ax,cs:[DebugData] mov bx,ax and bx,0f000h and ax,0fffh sub bx,1000h and bx,0f000h or ax,bx out 10h,ax mov cs:[DebugData],ax pop bx pop ax popf endif ; if Debug FarRet2 proc far ret 2 FarRet2 endp
;======================================================================== ; << CheckInterimCode >> ; FUNCTION = check interim code ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : if ZF = 0, AX = KBD scan code & system scan code ; PROTECT : AX ; CheckInterimCode(AH/AX,zero-flag) ; { ; AH = AH && 00001000b; ; AH = AH shl 1; ; + AH; ; [TmpKbdType] = AH; ; if !((![CompleteCharCnt]) || ([InterimCharCnt] == 1)) ; { ; while ((![CompleteCharCnt]) || (![InterimCharCnt]) || ; (AH = [TmpKbdType], /* call [OldKbioInt] */ = NZ)) ; { ; AH = [TmpKbdType]; ; - AH; ; /* call [OldKbioInt] */ ; Automata(AX/-); ; } ; } ; if ([CompleteCharCnt]) ; { ; AX = [CompleteCharBuf]; ; /* reset zero-flag */ ; } ; else ; { ; if ([InterimCharCnt] == 0) ; /* set zero-flag */ ; else ; { ; AX = [InterimCharBuf]; ; /* reset zero-flag */ ; } ; } ; Restore BP,BP,DS,ES,DI,SI,DX,CX,BX; ; far ret 2; ; }
CheckInterimCode: and ah,00001000b shl ah,1 mov [TmpKbdType],ah CheckInterimKeyin: mov ax,[CompleteCharBuf] cmp [CompleteCharCnt],0 jne CheckInterimCodeRet cmp [InterimCharCnt],1 jz CheckInterimCode2nd mov ah,[TmpKbdType] inc ah pushf call [OldKbioInt] jz CheckInterimCode1st mov ah,[TmpKbdType] pushf call [OldKbioInt] call Automata jmp CheckInterimKeyin CheckInterimCode2nd: mov ax,[InterimCharBuf+2] jmp short @f CheckInterimCode1st: mov ax,[InterimCharBuf] @@: cmp [InterimCharCnt],0 CheckInterimCodeRet: call Filter84 pop bp @pop bp,ds,es,di,si,dx,cx,bx if Debug pushf cli push ax push bx mov ax,cs:[DebugData] mov bx,ax and bx,0f000h and ax,0fffh sub bx,1000h and bx,0f000h or ax,bx out 10h,ax mov cs:[DebugData],ax pop bx pop ax popf endif ; if Debug FarRet proc far ret 2 FarRet endp
;======================================================================== ; << GetKbStatus >> ; FUNCTION = get keyboard status(84/86 KBD) ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : AX = 84/86 KBD status ; PROTECT : none ; GetKbStatus(AH/AX) ; { ; AH = [KbStat] ; AH = AH && Ext10xKey ; [TmpKbdType] = AH ; while (([CompleteCharCnt] < 16) && ; (AH = [TmpKbdType] || 1, /* call [OldKbioInt] */ = NZ)) ; { ; ClearInterimChar(-/-); ; AH = [TmpKbdType]; ; /* call [OldKbioInt] */ ; Automata(AX/-); ; } ; AH = 2; ; /* call [OldKbioInt] */ ; AH = [KbStat]; ; AH = AH && (JJStat || HEStat); ; }
GetKbStatus: mov ah,[KbStat] and ah,Ext10xKey mov [TmpKbdType],ah @@: cmp [InterimCharCnt],1 jz @f cmp [CompleteCharCnt],16 jae @f mov ah,[TmpKbdType] inc ah pushf call [OldKbioInt] jz @f ; call ClearInterimChar mov ah,[TmpKbdType] pushf call [OldKbioInt] call Automata jmp short @b @@: mov ah,2 pushf call [OldKbioInt] mov ah,[KbStat] and ah,(JJStat or HEStat) ret
;======================================================================== ; << PushCompleteCode >> ; FUNCTION = push complete code ; INPUT : CX = KBD scan code & system scan code ; OUTPUT : if error, AL = -1 ; PROTECT : none ; PushCompleteCode(-/-) ; { ; AutoReset(-/-); ; pushf ; /* call OldKbioInt() */ ; }
PushCompleteCode: call AutoReset pushf call [OldKbioInt] push ds ASSUME DS:KBSEG mov bx,seg KbSeg mov ds,bx mov bx,[rBufferTail] ; get ptr of ROM kb buffer tail mov cs:[PreBufPtr],bx ASSUME DS:CODE pop ds ret
;======================================================================== ; << FlushKbBuffer >> ; FUNCTION = flush kbd buffer & status flag without interim code ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : none ; FlushKbBuffer(-/-) ; { ; /* Save DS */ ; DS = KbSeg; ; BX = [rBufferStart]; ; [rBufferTail] = BX; ; [rBufferHead] = BX; ; /* Restore DS */ ; [CompleteCharCnt] = 0; ; AutoReset(-/-); ; }
FlushKbBuffer: push ds ASSUME DS:KBSEG mov bx,Seg KbSeg mov ds,bx mov bx,[rBufferStart] mov [rBufferTail],bx mov [rBufferHead],bx ASSUME DS:CODE pop ds mov [PreBufPtr],bx mov [CompleteCharCnt],0 call AutoReset ret
;======================================================================== ; << CtrlInterimDisplay >> ; FUNCTION = interim display control ; INPUT : DX = -1(interim display) or 0fefeh(interim not display) ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : none ; CtrlInterimDisplay(-/-) ; { ; if (DX == 0ffffh), [KbMisc] = [KbMisc] || InterimCtrlDisp; ; if (DX == 0fefeh), [KbMisc] = [KbMisc] && !(InterimCtrlDisp); ; }
CtrlInterimDisplay: cmp dx,0ffffh jne @f or [KbMisc],InterimCtrlDisp @@: cmp dx,0fefeh jne @f and [KbMisc],not InterimCtrlDisp @@: ret
;======================================================================== ; << ChangeKbStatus >> ; FUNCTION = change hangeul status ; INPUT : AL = Hangeul/Hanja/Junja status ; OUTPUT : if error, AL = -1 ; PROTECT : none ; ChangeKbStatus(AL/AL) ; { ; BH = AL; ; BL = AL && 00000011b /* junja flag */ ; switch(BL) ; case 0: SetBanja(-/AL) ; break; ; case 1: SetJunja(-/AL) ; break; ; case 2: ToggleBanJun(-/AL) ; break; ; case 3: ChangeError(-/AL) ; if (AL = 0) ; { ; BL = BL && 00001000b; /* han/eng flag */ ; switch(BL) ; case 0: ; if ([KbStat] == HEStat) ; { ; [KbSTat] = [KbStat] && !(HEStat); ; AutoReset(-/-); ; } ; else ; [KbSTat] = [KbStat] && !(HEStat); ; break; ; case 8: ; [KbSTat] = [KbStat] || HEStat; ; break; ; } ; } ; SetBanja(-/AL) ; { ; [KbStat] = [KbStat] && !(JJStat); ; AL = 0; ; } ; SetJunja(-/AL) ; { ; if ([HjStat] == HjLoaded) ; { ; [KbStat] = [KbStat] || JJStat; ; } ; else ; AL = -1; ; } ; ToggleBanJun(-/AL) ; { ; if ([KbStat] == JJStat) ; SetBanja(-/AL); ; else ; SetJunja(-/AL); ; } ; ChangeError(-/AL) ; { ; AL = -1, return; ; }
ChangeKbStatus: ifdef WINNT cmp cs:[ActiveCodePage], 949 ;For NT 5.0. 949=WanSungCP jz @f mov al,-1 jmp ChangeKbStatusRet @@: endif xor bx,bx mov bl,al and bl,00000011b shl bl,1 mov si,bx mov bh,al call [si+BanJunTbl] cmp al,0 jne ChangeError and bh,00001000b shr bh,1 mov bl,[KbStat] and [KbStat],11111011b or [KbStat],bh xor bl,bh test bl,00000100b jz ChangeKbStatusRet call AutoReset ChangeKbStatusRet: ret SetHanInStat: or [KbStat],HEStat ret
BanJunTbl label word dw offset SetBanja dw offset SetJunja dw offset ToggleBanJun dw offset ChangeError
SetBanja: and [KbStat],not JJStat xor al,al ret
SetJunja: mov al,-1 test [HjStat],HjLoaded jz @f or [KbStat],JJStat xor al,al @@: ret
ToggleBanJun: test [KbStat],JJStat jz @f jmp SetBanja @@: jmp SetJunja
ChangeError: mov al,-1 ret
;======================================================================== ; << CtrlHanJa >> ; FUNCTION : hanja function(see each sun-routines) ; INPUT : AL=0, DL=0/1 - ����ó������ ����/���� ; OUTPUT : AL=0/FFH - ���� �Ϸ�/�Ұ��� ; INPUT : AL=1 ; OUTPUT : DL=0/1 - ����ó�� ����/���� ���� ; INPUT : AL=2, BX - �ѱ۹����ڵ�(1st,2nd) ; OUTPUT : AL=0/1/2 - ���ں�ȯ�Ϸ�/����/�ش����ھ���. ; BX -���ڹ����ڵ�(1st,2nd) ; INPUT : AL=3, BX - �ѱ۹����ڵ�(1st,2nd) ; OUTPUT : AL=0/FFH - �б� �Ϸ�/�ش����ھ��� ; ES:BX - �ش����� ���ڿ��� ���¹���(����/1st/2nd/1st/...2nd/0) ; INPUT : AL=4, DL=���ڸ�ǥ���� ; OUTPUT : AL=0/FFH - ���� �Ϸ�/�Ұ��� ; PROTECT : none ; CtrlHanJa(*/*) ; { ; if ([HjStat] == HjLoaded) ; BX = [BP+rBX] ; { ; switch(AL) ; { ; case 0 : ; [HjStat] = [HjStat] && !(HjModeEnable); ; [HjStat] = [HjStat] || DL; ; break; ; case 1 : ; DL = [HjStat] && (HjModeEnable); ; [BP+rDX] = DL; ; break; ; case 2 : ChangeHangeul2Hanja(BX/AL,BX); ; break; ; case 3 : ; [BP + rKES] = CS; ; [BP + rKBX] = offset MenuBuffer; ; if (MakeHanjaList(BX/AL); AL == 0) ; { ; if ([TotalMenuCnt] > 1) ret(AL=FFh); ; -[TotalMenuCnt] ; DI = DI-4 ; ES:[DI] = 0 ; } ; break; ; case 4 : ; AH = 0Fh ; int 10h ; if DL < [MaxRows] ; [HjMenuLine] = DL; ; AL = 0; ; else ; AL = -1; ; break; ; default: AL = -1; ; } ; } ; else ; AL = -1; ; } ; ; ChangeHangeul2Hanja(BX/AL,BX) ; { ; MakeHanjaList(BX/AL) ; if ((!AL) && ([TotalMenuCnt] > 1)) ; { ; SaveMenuline(-/-); ; TrapLoop: ; AH = cs:[KbStat] && Ext10xKey ; /* call OldKbioInt */ ; if (TrapHjMenu(AX/flag,AL,BX) == NC && NZ), goto TrapLoop; ; if ( ; else CY RestoreMenuLine(-/-); ret(AL=1); ; [BP+rBX] = BX; ; RestoreMenuline(-/-); ; ret(AL=0); ; } ; else ; ret(AL=2); ; } ; ; MakeHanjaList(BX/AL,ES,BX) ; { ; [TotalMenuCnt] = 0; /* clear counter */ ; AX = BX; ; if [CodeStat] == Chab) ; if (ChgCh2Ks(AX/AX,BX,flag) == CY), return(AL = -1); ; DI = MenuBuffer; ; if (MakeHanjaListHg(AX,DI/AX,DI,flag) == NC) ; { ; MakeHanjaListUdc(AX,DI/AX,DI,flag); ; if ([CodeStat] == Chab) ; { ; DI = MenuBuffer; ; SI = DI; ; CL = [TotalMenuCnt]; ; while (CL) ; { ; AL = [SI+1]; ; AH = [SI]; ; if ((ChgKs2Ch(AX/AX,BX,flag) == NC) ; { ; [DI+1] = AL; ; [DI] = AH; ; DI = DI + 2; ; } ; SI = SI + 2; ; -CL; ; } ; AX = (DI - SI)/2; ; [TotalMenuCnt] = AL; ; } ; CL = [MenuBuffer]; ; SI = MenuBuffer; ; DI = SI; ; while (CL) ; { ; AX = [SI]; ; xchg AL,AH; ; [DI] = AX; ; DI = DI + 2; ; SI = SI + 2; ; -CL; ; } ; ES:[DI] = 0 ; AL = 0; ; } ; else ; AL = -1; ; }
EXTRN ChgCh2Ks:near,ChgKs2Ch:near
CtrlHanJa: mov byte ptr [bp+rDX],0 ; assume hanja disabled(DL) test [HjStat],HjLoaded jz CtrlHanJaErr cmp al,4 ja CtrlHanJaErr mov bx,[bp+rBX] mov cl,al xor ch,ch mov si,cx shl si,1 jmp [si+HanjaSupportTbl] CtrlHanJaErr: mov al,-1 ret
HanjaSupportTbl label word dw SetHjMode dw GetHjMode dw ChangeHangeul2Hanja dw Hg2HjList dw SetMenuLine
SetHjMode: and [HjStat],not HjModeEnable and dl,HjModeEnable or [HjStat],dl ret
GetHjMode: mov dl,[HjStat] and dl,HjModeEnable mov [bp+rDX],dl ret
ChangeHangeul2Hanja: call MakeHanjaList or al,al jnz NoHanjaCode cmp [TotalMenuCnt],1 jbe NoHanjaCode call SaveMenuline @@: mov ah,cs:[KbStat] and ah,Ext10xKey pushf call [OldKbioInt] call TrapHjMenu jc @f jz @b mov [bp+rBX],ax call RestoreMenuline xor al,al ret @@: call RestoreMenuline mov al,1 ret NoHanjaCode: mov al,2 ret
Hg2HjList: mov [bp + rES],cs mov ax,offset MenuBuffer dec ax mov [bp + rBX],ax call MakeHanjaList or al,al jnz @f cmp [TotalMenuCnt],1 jbe ReturnFail dec [TotalMenuCnt] sub di,4 stosw @@: ret
SetMenuLine: mov ah,0fh int 10h mov al,-1 cmp dl,ah jae @f mov [HjMenuLine],dl mov al,0 @@: ret
MakeHanjaList: mov [TotalMenuCnt],0 mov ax,bx test [CodeStat],chab jz @f call ChgCh2Ks jc ReturnFail @@: mov di,offset MenuBuffer call MakeHanjaListHg jc ReturnFail call MakeHanjaListUdc test [CodeStat],Chab jz MakeHjWan mov di,offset MenuBuffer mov si,di mov cl,[TotalMenuCnt] dec cl cmp cl,0 jz MakeHjcho MakeHJListLoop: lodsw call ChgKs2Ch jc @f stosw @@: dec cl jnz MakeHjListLoop MakeHjcho: lodsw call Ks2Ch stosw sub di,si shr di,1 mov ax,di sub [TotalMenuCnt],al MakeHjWan: mov cl,[TotalMenuCnt] mov si,offset MenuBuffer mov di,si @@: lodsw xchg al,ah stosw dec cl jnz @b xor ax,ax stosw ret ReturnFail: mov al,-1 ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << DisplayHanja >> ; FUNCTION = display Hj menu (end with null) ; INPUT : none ([MenuPtr], [MenuBuffer], [CurrMenuCnt]) ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : ax, bx, cx, dx, si ; DisplayHanja() ; { ; BH = [SaveCurrPage]; ; DX = CX = 0; ; DH = [HjMenuLine]; ; AH = 2; ; INT 10h; ; CL = [CrtMaxCols] ; BL = 70h; ; AH = 09; ; AL = ' '; ; INT 10h; ; DL = 15; ; AH = 2; ; INT 10h; ; BH = 0 ; BX = [MenuPtr] * 2; ; SI = BX+offset MenuBuffer; ; CX=[CurrMenuCnt]; ; BH = '0'; ; BL = 70h; ; if ([ModeId] == 6*2) ; bl = 0fh; ; while (CL != 0) ; { ; AL = BH; ; AH = 0Eh; ; INT 10h; ; AL = '.'; ; INT 10h; ; /* display [DS:SI];word */ ; /* display ' ' */ ; +BH; ; -CX; ; } ; if ( [DS:SI] != 0 ) ;the end of hanja list ; /* display NextMenuMsg */ ; return; ; } NextMenuMsg db '...',0 ModeVal db 0
DisplayHanja: mov bh,[SaveCurrPage] xor cx,cx mov dx,cx mov dh,[HjMenuLine] mov ah,2 int 10h mov cl,[CrtMaxCols] mov bl,70H mov ah,9 mov al,' ' int 10h cmp [ModeVal],6*2 jnz @f mov ax,00601h mov bh,0ffh mov cx,dx mov dl,[CrtMaxCols] dec dl int 10h mov bh,[SaveCurrPage] xor ch,ch @@: mov dl,15 mov ah,2 int 10h xor bh,bh mov bl,[MenuPtr] shl bx,1 mov si,offset MenuBuffer add si,bx mov cl,[CurrMenuCnt] mov bh,'0' mov bl,70h cmp [ModeVal],6*2 jnz @f mov bl,0ffh @@: mov al,bh mov ah,0Eh int 10h mov ah,0Eh mov al,'.' int 10h lodsw mov dx,ax mov ah,0Eh int 10h mov al,dh mov ah,0Eh int 10h mov al,' ' mov ah,0Eh int 10h mov al,' ' mov ah,0Eh int 10h inc bh loop @b lodsw or ax,ax jz DisplayHanjaRet mov si,offset NextMenuMsg @@: lodsb or al,al jz DisplayHanjaRet mov ah,0Eh int 10h jmp @b DisplayHanjaRet: ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << DispInterimChar >> ; FUNCTION = �̿ϼ� ���� DISPLAY ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX,BX,CX,DX ; DispInterimChar(-/-) ; { ; if !(([HjMenuStat] == HjMenuMode) || ([KbMisc] != HaveInterim) || ; ([KbMisc] != InterimCtrlDisp) || ([InterimCharCnt] < 2) || ; [HanStat] == Han1st)) ; { ; [DisplayStat] = [DisplayStat] && !(RunEsc); ; [KbMisc] == [KbMisc] && !(HaveInterim); ; AH = 0FH; ; Int 10h; ; [InterimCurPage] = BH; ; [InterimMaxCols] = AH-1; ; AH = 3; ; Int 10h; ; if (([KbMisc] == SavedInterim) && ; (([InterimCurPage] != bh) || ([InterimCurPos] != dx))) ; { ; [KbMisc] = [KbMISC] && !(SavedInterim); ; xchg BH,[InterimCurPage]; ; xchg DX,[InterimCurPos]; ; AH = 2; ; int 10h ; AH = 8; ; int 10h ; if ([DispIChar1] == al) ; { ; DL+ ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; AH = 8 ; int 10h ; if ([DispIChar2] == al) ; { ; CX = 1 ; DL- ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; AH = 8 ; int 10h ; BL = AH ; AL = [SavedChar1] ; AH = 9 ; int 10h ; DL+ ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; AH = 8 ; int 10h ; BL = AH ; AL = [SavedChar2] ; AH = 9 ; int 10h ; } ; } ; xchg BH,[InterimCurPage]; ; xchg DX,[InterimCurPos]; ; AH = 2; ; int 10h ; } ; if (DL >= [InterimMaxCols]) ; { ; AH = 8; ; Int 10h ; BL = AH; ; AX = 0e20h; ; Int 10h ; AH = 3 ; Int 10h ; } ; CX = 1; ; AH = 8 ; Int 10h ; if ([KbMisc] != SavedInterim) ; { ; [InterimCurPos] = DX; ; [SavedChar1] = AL ; } ; BL = AH; ; AL = [InterimCharBuf]; ; AH = 9; ; Int 10h ; +DL; ; AH = 2; ; Int 10h ; AH = 8; ; Int 10h ; if ([KbMisc] != SavedInterim) ; { ; [KbMisc] = [KbMisc] || SavedInterim; ; [SavedChar2] = AL ; } ; BL = AH; ; AL = [InterimCharBuf+2]; ; AH = 9; ; Int 10h ; -DL; ; AH = 2; ; Int 10h ; } ; }
DispInterimCharRet: ret DispInterimChar: test [HjMenuStat],HjMenuMode jnz DispInterimCharRet ; test [KbMisc],HaveInterim ; jz DispInterimCharRet test [KbMisc],InterimctrlDisp jz DispInterimCharRet cmp [InterimCharCnt],2 jb DispInterimCharRet test [HanStat],Han1st jnz DispInterimCharRet and [DisplayStat],not RunEsc ; and [KbMisc],not HaveInterim mov ah,0fh int 10h mov ah,3 int 10h cmp [InterimDispP],dx jnz @f mov al,byte ptr [InterimCharBuf+2] cmp al,[DispIChar2] jnz @f mov al,byte ptr [InterimCharBuf] cmp al,[DispIChar1] jnz @f jmp DispInterimCharRet @@:
mov ah,0fh int 10h dec ah mov [InterimMaxCols],ah mov ah,3 int 10h test [KbMisc],SavedInterim jz NormalAct cmp [InterimCurPage],bh jnz @f cmp [InterimCurPos],dx jz NormalAct @@: and [KbMisc],not SavedInterim NormalAct: mov [InterimCurPage],bh cmp dl,[InterimMaxCols] jb @f mov ah,8 int 10h mov bl,ah mov ax,0e20h int 10h mov ah,3 int 10h @@: mov cx,1 mov ah,8 int 10h test [KbMisc],SavedInterim jnz @f mov [InterimCurPos],dx mov [SavedChar1],al @@: mov bl,ah mov al,byte ptr [InterimCharBuf] mov [DispIChar1],al mov [InterimDispP],dx mov ah,9 int 10h inc dl mov ah,2 int 10h mov ah,8 int 10h test [KbMisc],SavedInterim jnz @f or [KbMisc],SavedInterim mov [SavedChar2],al @@: mov bl,ah mov al,byte ptr [InterimCharBuf+2] mov [DispIChar2],al mov ah,9 int 10h dec dl mov ah,2 int 10h ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << ClearInterimChar >> ; FUNCTION = �̿ϼ� ���� CLEAR ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX,BX,CX,DX ; ClearInterimChar(-/-) ; { ; if ([KbMisc] == SavedInterim) ; { ; [KbMisc] = [KbMisc] && !(SavedInterim); ; if ([HanStat] != Han1st) ; { ; [DisplayStat] = [DisplayStat] && !(RunEsc); ; AH = 0Fh ; Int 10h ; AH = 3 ; Int 10h ; CX = 1 ; if (([InterimCurPage] != bh) || ([InterimCurPos] != dx)) ; { ; xchg BH,[InterimCurPage]; ; xchg DX,[InterimCurPos]; ; AH = 2; ; int 10h ; AH = 8; ; int 10h ; if ([DispIChar1] == al) ; { ; DL+ ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; AH = 8 ; int 10h ; if ([DispIChar2] == al) ; { ; DL- ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; AH = 8 ; } ; else ; { ; xchg BH,[InterimCurPage]; ; xchg DX,[InterimCurPos]; ; AH = 2; ; int 10h; ; ret; ; } ; else ; { ; xchg BH,[InterimCurPage]; ; xchg DX,[InterimCurPos]; ; AH = 2; ; int 10h; ; ret; ; } ; } ; int 10h ; BL = AH ; AL = [SavedChar1] ; AH = 9 ; int 10h ; DL+ ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; AH = 8 ; int 10h ; BL = AH ; AL = [SavedChar2] ; AH = 9 ; int 10h ; xchg BH,[InterimCurPage]; ; xchg DX,[InterimCurPos]; ; AH = 2; ; int 10h; ; } ; } ; }
ClearInterimCharretj: ret ClearInterimChar: test [KbMisc],SavedInterim jz ClearInterimCharRetj and [KbMisc],not SavedInterim test [HanStat],Han1st jnz ClearInterimCharRet and [DisplayStat],not RunEsc mov ah,0fh int 10h mov ah,3 int 10h mov cx,1 cmp [InterimCurPage],bh jnz @f cmp [InterimCurPos],dx jz ClearAct @@: xchg bh,[InterimCurPage] xchg dx,[InterimCurPos] mov ah,2 int 10h mov ah,8 int 10h cmp [DispIChar1],al jnz @f inc dl mov ah,2 int 10h mov ah,8 int 10h cmp [DispIChar2],al jnz @f dec dl mov ah,2 int 10h ClearAct: mov ah,8 int 10h mov bl,ah mov al,[SavedChar1] mov ah,9 int 10h inc dl mov ah,2 int 10h mov ah,8 int 10h mov bl,ah mov al,[SavedChar2] mov ah,9 int 10h @@: xchg bh,[InterimCurPage] xchg dx,[InterimCurPos] mov ah,2 int 10h ClearInterimCharRet: ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << GetCompleteChar >> ; FUNCTION = get character from complete character buffer ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : NC = success ; get code(AX) ; CY = fail ; PROTECT : AX ; GetCompleteChar(-/AX,flag) ; { ; if ( CompleteCharCnt = 0 ) ret(CY); ; else ; { ; AX = [CompleteCharBuf]; ; CompleteCharCnt-- ; ; for (j=CompleteCharCnt;j=0;j--) ; [CompleteCharBuf]=[CompleteCharBuf+2]; ; ret(AX,NC); ; } ; } GetCompleteChar: cmp [CompleteCharCnt],0 je GetCompleteCharErr mov bx,offset CompleteCharBuf mov ax,[bx] mov cx,[CompletecharCnt] dec cx mov [CompletecharCnt],cx jcxz GetCompleteCharRet @@: mov dx,[bx+2] mov [bx],dx add bx,2 loop @b GetCompleteCharRet: clc ret GetCompleteCharErr: stc ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << GetInterimChar >> ; FUNCTION = get character from interim character buffer ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : NC = success ; get code(AX) ; CY = fail ; PROTECT : AX ; GetInterimChar(-/AX,flag) ; { ; if (InterimCharCnt = 0) ret(CY); ; else ; { ; AX = [InterimCharBuf]; ; InterimCharCnt--; ; [InterimCharBuf]=[InterimCharBuf+2]; ; ret(AX,NC); ; } ; } GetInterimChar: cmp [InterimCharCnt],0 je @f mov ax,[InterimCharBuf] dec [InterimCharCnt] mov dx,[InterimCharBuf+2] mov [InterimCharBuf],dx clc ret @@: stc ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << PutCompleteHg >> ; FUNCTION = put �ѱ� code into complete character buffer ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; PutCompleteHg(-/-) ; { ; DH=CompleteHgAttr ; DL=AH ; AH=DH ; PutCompleteBuf(DX,AX/-) ; ret ; } ; PutCompleteBuf(DX,AX/-) ; { ; BX = offset CompleteCharBuf ; SI = [CompleteCharCnt] * 2 ; [BX+SI] = DX ; [BX+SI+2] = AX ; [CompleteCharCnt]+2 ; ret; ; } CompleteHgAttr = 0f1H ; attr of complete Hangeul code PutCompleteHg: mov dh,CompleteHgAttr mov dl,ah mov ah,dh PutCompleteBuf: mov bx,offset CompleteCharBuf mov si,[CompleteCharCnt] shl si,1 mov [bx+si],dx add si,2 mov [bx+si],ax add [CompleteCharCnt],2 ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << PutInterimHg >> ; FUNCTION = put �ѱ� code into interim character buffer ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; PutInterimHg(-/-) ; { ; DH=InterimHgAttr ; DL=AL ; AH=DH ; [InterimCharBuf]=code; ; [InterimCharCnt]+2; ; [KbMisc]=[KbMisc]&&HaveInterim ; ret; ; } InterimHgAttr = 0f0H ; attr of interim Hangeul code PutInterimHg: mov dh,InterimHgAttr mov dl,ah mov ah,dh mov [InterimCharBuf],dx mov [InterimCharBuf+2],ax mov [InterimCharCnt],2 or [KbMisc],HaveInterim ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << PutHjJjChar >> ; FUNCTION = put Hanja/Junja characters into CcKbBuf ; INPUT : AX (Hj codes; ah-1st, al-2nd) ; OUTPUT : [CompleteCharBuf],[CompleteCharCnt] ; PROTECT : ; PutHjJjChar() ; { ; DH=HanjaAttr ; DL=AH ; AH=DH ; PutCompleteBuf(DX,AX/-) ; ret ; } HanjaAttr = 0f2H ; Hanja attr converted at CCP PutHjJjChar: mov dh,HanjaAttr mov dl,ah mov ah,dh call PutCompleteBuf ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << MakeHanjaListHg >> ; FUNCTION = make hanja list ; INPUT : AX = code,ES:DI = menubuffer ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; MakeHanjaListHg(AX,DI/AX,DI,flag) ; { ; if (AX is in code range) ; { ; CX = 0 ; DX = HjTblMax ; if (BinarySearch(AX,CX,DX/FLAG,SI) == NC) ; { ; SI = SI*2 + offset IndexTbl ; CX = [SI+2] ; SI = [SI] + offset SetTbl ; [TotalMenuCnt]= [TotalMenuCnt]+CL ; do loop CX ; [ES:DI] = [DS:SI] ;word unit ; ret(NC); ; } ; else ; ret(CY); ; } ; else ; ret(CY); ; }
HjTblMax = 473 + 18 - 1
MakeHanjaListHg: cmp ah,0a1h jb MakeHanjaListHgRet cmp ah,0feh ja MakeHanjaListHgRet cmp al,0a1h jb MakeHanjaListHgRet cmp al,0feh ja MakeHanjaListHgRet mov bx,offset MapTbl sub cx,cx mov dx,HjTblMax push ax call BinarySearch jc @f shl si,1 add si,offset IndexTbl mov ch,0 mov cl,[si+2] mov ah,[si+3] add [TotalMenuCnt],cl mov si,[si] add si,offset SetTbl cmp ah,0 jnz GetByteHj rep movsw jmp @f GetByteHj: lodsb stosw loop GetByteHj mov cl,[TotalMenuCnt] @@: pop ax clc ret MakeHanjaListHgRet: stc ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << MakeHanjaListUdc >> ; FUNCTION = make hanja list + udc ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; MakeHanjaListUdc(AX,DI/AX,DI,flag) ; { ; if ([HjStat] == UdcLoaded) ; { ; BX = [UdcTblPtr] ; CX = 0 ; DX = [BX+UdcMapTblSize] ; BX = BX + [BX+UdcMapTblPtr] ; if (BinarySearch(AX,BX,CX,DX/CY,SI)=NC) ; { ; BX = [UdctblPtr] ; SI = (SI*2 + [BX+UdcMapTblPtr] + BX) ; CX = [SI+2] ; SI = [SI] ; SI = (SI + [BX+UdcSetTblPtr] + BX) ; do loop CX ; [ES:DI] = [DS:SI] ;word unit ; ret(NC); ; } ; else ; ret(CY); ; } ; else ; ret(CY); ; }
EXTRN UdcTblPtr:word
MakeHanjaListUdc: test [HjStat],UdcLoaded jz @f mov bx,[UdcTblPtr] sub cx,cx mov dx,[bx+UdcMapTblSize] add bx,[bx+UdcMapTblPtr] call BinarySearch jc @f mov bx,[UdcTblPtr] shl si,1 add si,[bx+UdcIndexTblPtr] add si,bx mov cx,[si+2] mov si,[si] add si,[bx+UdcSetTblPtr] add si,bx add [TotalMenuCnt],cl rep movsw @@: inc [TotalMenuCnt] stosw ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << BinarySearch >> ; FUNCTION = search designated characters(word) in the given table ; in word unit (emulate recursive call) ; INPUT : AX (codes; ah-1st, al-2nd) ; BX (table start address) ; CX (low byte-index) ; DX (high byte-index = # of items - 1) ; OUTPUT : SI (word-index of matching code), if CC=0(NC) ; no found, if CC=1(CY) ; PROTECT : cx, dx, si ; BinarySearch() ; { ; while (CX <= DX) && (AX != [BX+SI]) ; { ; SI = (CX+DX) ; SI = SI && (not 1) ; if (AX > [BX+SI]) ; { ; SI = (SI/2)+1 ; CX = SI ; } ; if (AX < [BX+SI]) ; { ; SI = (SI/2)-1 ; DX = SI ; } ; } ; if (AX = [BX+SI]) ; ret(NC,SI); ; else ; ret(CY); BinarySearch: cmp cx,dx jg NotFound mov si,cx add si,dx and si,not 1 cmp ax,[bx+si] ja HighPart je Found LowPart: shr si,1 dec si mov dx,si jmp BinarySearch HighPart: shr si,1 inc si mov cx,si jmp BinarySearch NotFound: stc Found: ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << TrapHjMenu >> ; FUNCTION = ���� menu display�� ���� control ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : ZR = next / back or other key ; CY = escape key in flag ; NZ,NC= success flag, AX = hanja code ; PROTECT : AX ; TrapHjMenu(AX/flag,AL,BX) ; switch(AX) ; { ; case next menu key: /* right arrow */ ; { ; get maximum menu counter; ; if ( maximum menu counter > # of hanja menu 1 line ) ; { ; get menu pointer; ; add current menu counter to menu pointer; ; if ( menu pointer >= maximum menu counter ) ; set menu pointer to 0; ; set (MaximumMenuCounter-MenuPointer) to CurMenuCnt ; if ( not last menu ) ; set CurMenuCnt to # of hanja menu 1 line; ; DisplayHanja(); ; ret(ZR); ; } ; break; ; } ; case back menu key: /* left arrow */ ; { ; if (maximum menu counter > # of hanja menu 1 line) & ; menu pointer is not 0 ) ; { ; sub # of hanja menu 1 line from menu pointer; ; set current menu counter to # of hanja menu 1 line; ; DisplayHanja(); ; ret(ZR); ; } ; break; ; } ; case "esc": ; { ; ret(CY); ; } ; case "0" =< AX =< "9" ; { ; if (the code =< current menu counter) ; { ; get selected code; ; ret(NZ,NC,AX); ; } ; } ; default: ; { ; beep(); ; ret(ZR); ; }
TrapHjMenu: cmp al,030h jb @f cmp al,039h jbe TrapHjNum @@: cmp ah,04dh je TrapHjNextMenu cmp ah,04bh je TrapHjBackMenu cmp al,EscKey je TrapHjMenuAbort jmp TrapHjMenuErr TrapHjNum: sub al,030h cbw cmp al,[CurrMenuCnt] jae TrapHjMenuErr xor bh,bh mov bl,[MenuPtr] add bx,ax shl bx,1 mov ax,[bx+MenuBuffer] xchg ah,al or ax,ax ret TrapHjNextMenu: mov ah,[TotalMenuCnt] cmp ah,HjNumOf1Line jbe TrapHjMenuRet mov al,[MenuPtr] add al,[CurrMenuCnt] cmp al,ah jb @f sub al,al @@: mov [MenuPtr],al neg al add al,ah cmp al,HjNumOf1Line jbe @f mov al,HjNumOf1Line @@: mov [CurrMenuCnt],al call DisplayHanja jmp TrapHjMenuRet TrapHjBackMenu: cmp [TotalMenuCnt],HjNumOf1Line jbe TrapHjMenuErr cmp [MenuPtr],0 je TrapHjMenuErr sub [MenuPtr],HjNumOf1Line mov [CurrMenuCnt],HjNumOf1Line call DisplayHanja jmp TrapHjMenuRet TrapHjMenuAbort: stc ret TrapHjMenuErr: call Beep TrapHjMenuRet: sub ax,ax ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << SaveMenuLine >> ; FUNCTION = save ����menuǥ���� ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; SaveMenuLine(-/-) ; { ; AH = 0Fh; ; int 10h ; [SaveCurrPage] = bh; ; [CrtMaxCols] = ah; ; AH = 3; ; int 10h ; [SaveCurPos] = dx; ; [SaveCurType] = cx; ; CX = 2020h; ; AH = 1; ; int 10h ; DL = 0; ; DH = [HjMenuLine]; ; AH = 2; ; int 10h ; CL = [CrtMaxCols]; ; DI = offset MenuLineBuf ; loop(CL) ; { ; AH = 8 ; int 10h ; [ES:DI] = AX ; +DL ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; } ; if ([TotalMenuCnt] > HjNumOf1Line) ; [CurrMenuCnt] = HjNumOf1Line; ; else ; [CurrMenuCnt] = [TotalMenuCnt]; ; DisplayHanja(); ; ret;
SaveMenuLine: mov ah,0fh int 10h mov [SaveCurrPage],bh mov [CrtMaxCols],ah mov [ModeVal],6*2 cmp al,060h jz @f cmp al,011h jz @f cmp al,012h jz @f mov [ModeVal],0*2 @@: mov ah,3 int 10h mov [SaveCurPos],dx mov [SaveCurType],cx mov cx,2020h mov ah,1 int 10h xor dl,dl mov dh,[HjMenuLine] mov ah,2 int 10h xor ch,ch mov cl,[CrtMaxCols] mov di, offset MenuLineBuf @@: mov ah,8 int 10h stosw inc dl mov ah,2 int 10h loop @b mov al,[TotalMenuCnt] cmp al,HjNumOf1Line jbe @f mov al,HjNumOf1Line @@: mov [CurrMenuCnt],al call DisplayHanja ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << RestoreMenuline >> ; FUNCTION = restore ����menuǥ���� ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; RestoreMenuline(-/-) ; { ; BH = [SaveCurrPage] ; DL =0 ; DH = [HjMenuLine] ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; CL = [CrtMaxCols] ; SI = offset MenuLineBuf ; loop (CX) ; { ; DI = CX ; AX = [DS:SI] ; /* display the char */ ; /* set cursor position */ ; CX = DI ; } ; DX = [SaveCurPos] ; AH = 2 ; int 10h ; CX = [SaveCurType] ; AH = 1 ; int 10h ; } RestoreMenuline: xor dl,dl mov [MenuPtr],dl mov bh,[SaveCurrPage] mov dh,[HjMenuLine] mov ah,2 int 10h xor ch,ch mov cl,[CrtMaxCols] mov si,offset MenuLineBuf @@: mov di,cx lodsw mov cx,1 mov bl,ah mov ah,9 int 10h inc dl mov ah,2 int 10h mov cx,di loop @b mov dx,[SaveCurPos] mov ah,2 int 10h mov cx,[SaveCurType] mov ah,1 int 10h ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTRN ChgKs2Ch7:near
Ch2KsAuto: test [CodeStat],Chab jnz ChabAuto ; test [CodeStat],Wsung7 ; jnz @f jmp Ch2Ks @@: call Ch2Ks jc @f call ChgKs2Ch7 @@: ret ChabAuto: test [CodeStat],InstPatGen jnz @f push ax call Ch2Ks pop ax ret @@: clc ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << Ch2Ks >> ; FUNCTION = convert chohab code to wansung code ; INPUT : AX(XXYY) ; OUTPUT : NC ;AX=�ϼ��ڵ� ; CY ;fail ; PROTECT : AX ; Ch2Ks(AX/AX,flag) ; { ; AH = AH - 80h ; SI = offset ChHgIndexTbl ; /* get DX=# of (XX-1) list */ ; CL = # of XX list ; SI = offset XX list ; if (LinearByteSearch(SI,CX/CC,BX) == NC) ; { ; BL = 05Eh ; AX = SI + DX ; AH = AX/BL ...AL ; AX = AX + B0A1h ; ret(NC); ; } ; SI = offset ChHgCTbl ; CX = ChHgWLng-1 ; if (LinearWordSearch((SI,CX/CC,BX) == NC) ; { ; SI = SI/2 ; AH = 0A4h ; BX = offset ChHgWTbl ; AL = [SI+BX] ; ret(NC); ; } ; ret(CY); ; } PUBLIC ChHgWTbl, ChHgWLng, ChHgCTbl, ChHgIndexTbl, ah88h PUBLIC Ch2Ks, LinearWordSearch, LinearByteSearch
Ch2Ks: @push cx,dx,si,di,es,ds push ax mov bx,cs mov ds,bx mov es,bx cmp ax,08442h jb Ch2KsErr cmp ax,0845dh ja @f cmp ax,08452h je Ch2KsErr call Ch2Kscompn jmp Ch2KsSuccess @@: mov si,offset ChHgCTbl mov cx,ChHgWLng+1 call LinearWordSearch jc @f shr bx,1 mov ah,0a4h mov si,offset ChHgWTbl mov al,byte ptr [si+bx] jmp Ch2KsSuccess @@: cmp ah,088h jb Ch2KsErr sub ah,088h mov si,offset ChHgIndexTbl xor bx,bx mov cx,bx mov dx,bx mov bl,ah mov cl,bl shl bx,1 add bx,cx cmp ah,0 je @f mov dx,[si+bx+1] mov cx,[si+1] sub dx,cx @@: xor ch,ch mov cl,[si+bx] mov si,[si+bx+1] call LinearByteSearch jc Ch2KsErr mov ax,bx add ax,dx mov bl,05eh div bl xchg ah,al add ax,0B0A1h Ch2KsSuccess: clc pop bx @pop ds,es,di,si,dx,cx ret Ch2KsErr: stc pop ax @pop ds,es,di,si,dx,cx ret
Ch2Kscompn: mov ah,0a4h add al,05fh cmp al,0a8h jb @f add al,1 cmp al,0b2h jb @f sub al,1 cmp al,0b3h jb @f add al,1 cmp al,0b9h jb @f add al,1 @@: ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << Ks2Ch >> ; FUNCTION = convert chohab code to wansung code ; INPUT : AX(XXYY) PUBLIC Ks2Ch Ks2Ch: @push cx,dx,si,di,es,ds push ax mov bx,cs mov ds,bx mov es,bx cmp ah,0a4h jne Ks2ChHg mov si,offset ChHgWTbl mov cx,ChHgWLng+1 call LinearByteSearch jc Ks2ChHg shl bx,1 mov si,offset ChHgCTbl mov ax,word ptr [si+bx] jmp Ks2ChEnd Ks2ChHg: mov si,offset ah88h sub ax,0B0A1h mov bx,ax mov al,ah mov ah,0A2h mul ah sub bx,ax mov al,[bx+si] cmp al,0 je Ks2ChErr mov si,offset ChHgIndexTbl xor dx,dx mov cx,dx mov ah,dh @@: mov cl,[si] add dx,cx cmp bx,dx jb short @f add si,3 inc ah jmp short @b @@: add ah,088h Ks2ChEnd: clc pop bx @pop ds,es,di,si,dx,cx ret Ks2ChErr: pop ax @pop ds,es,di,si,dx,cx stc ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << linearWordSearch >> ; linearWordSearch() ; FUNCTION = linear search word unit ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : BX (index) , if CC=0(NC) ; not found , if CC=1(CY) ; PROTECT : AX ; linearWordSearch: xor bx,bx @@: cmp ax,[si+bx] je @f add bx,2 loop @b stc @@: ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << LinearByteSearch >> ; FUNCTION = linear search byte unit ; INPUT : SI = pointer of list ; CX = # of list ; OUTPUT : BX (index), if CC=0(NC) ; not found , if CC=1(CY) ; PROTECT : AX LinearByteSearch: xor bx,bx @@: cmp [si+bx],al je @f inc bx loop @b stc @@: ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << Ban2Jun >> ; FUNCTION = code conversion from Banja to Junja if needed ; INPUT : AX (English raw code) ; OUTPUT : none ([CcKbCnt], [CcKbBuf]) ; PROTECT : AX, BX, DX, SI ; Ban2Jun(AX/AX,flag) ; { ; BX = AX; ; if ((!BH) && (BL>=' ') && (BL <= '~')) ; { ; if (BL = ' ') ; AX = 0a1a1h; ; else ; { ; if (BL = '~') ; AX = 0a1adh; ; else ; { ; AH = 0a3h; ; AL = AL || 80h; ; } ; } ; if ([CodeStat] == Chab) ; ChgKs2Ch(AX/AX,BX,flag); ; /* reset carry */ ; } ; else ; AX = BX; ; /* set carry */ ; }
BlankChar = ' ' TildeChar = '~' JunjaBlankCode = 0a1a1H JunjaTildeCode = 0a1adH Junja1stCode = 0a3H
Ban2Jun: test [KbStat],JJStat jnz PutJunja PutBanja: mov bx,offset CompleteCharBuf mov si,[CompleteCharCnt] shl si,1 mov [bx+si],ax inc [CompleteCharCnt] ret PutJunja: or ah,ah jz PutBanja cmp al,BlankChar je PutJunjaBlank jb PutBanja cmp al,TildeChar je PutJunjaTilde ja PutBanja mov ah,Junja1stCode or al,80H call PutHjJjChar ret PutJunjaBlank: mov ax,JunjaBlankCode call PutHjJjChar ret PutJunjaTilde: mov ax,JunjaTildeCode call PutHjJjChar ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << InitHjMenu >> ; FUNCTION = prepare KS Hangeul code to Hanja code conversion ; INPUT : none ([KbStatus]) ; OUTPUT : none (prepare KS Hangeul to Hanja conversion) ; if there's no Hj for given Hg, beep & no action ; PROTECT : ax, bx, cx, dx, si ; InitHjMenu() ; { ; if ([HjStat] == HjModeEnable) ; { ; AH = 0Fh; ; int 10h; ; BL = AH; /* column */ ; AH = 3; ; int 10h; ; +DL ; if (DL < BL) ; AH = 8; ; int 10h /* read char/attr at current cursor pos */ ; CH = AL; ; +DL ; AH = 2; ; int 10h; ; AH = 8; ; int 10h; ; CL = AL; ; -DL ; AH = 2; ; int 10h; ; AX = CX; ; if (MakeHanjaList(AX/AL) == 0 ; { ; SaveMenuLine(); ; [HjMenuStat] = [HjMenuStat] || HjMenuMode; ; } ; else ; { ; Beep(); ; AutoReset(-/-); ; } ; } ; else ; { ; CX = AX; ; AutoReset(-/-); ; AX = CX; ; PutBanja(AX/-); ; } InitHjMenu: test [HjStat],HjModeEnable jz InitHjMenuQuit mov ah,0fh int 10h mov bl,ah inc bl mov ah,3 int 10h cmp dl,bl jae InitHjMenuErr mov ah,8 int 10h mov ch,al inc dl mov ah,2 int 10h mov ah,8 int 10h mov cl,al dec dl mov ah,2 int 10h mov bx,cx call MakeHanjaList or al,al jnz InitHjMenuErr call SaveMenuLine or [HjMenuStat],HjMenuMode ret InitHjMenuErr: call Beep call AutoReset ret InitHjMenuQuit: call AutoReset mov ax,0f100h call PutBanja ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << HjMenuSelect >> ; FUNCTION = select one from Hanja menu by numeric key('0'-'9') ; and put them into CcKbBuf & clear automata state, ; process next(right)/back(left) menu key & abort(Esc) ; INPUT : ax (English raw code), Hanja Menu List ; OUTPUT : [CcKbCnt], [CcKbBuf]<-(Hanja code), if selected ; and restore menu line & cursor position, ; no action(escape from this mode), if Esc, ; prepare next/prev menu, if NextMenuKey/BackMenuKey, ; no action, if any other key is pressed(ignore key-in) ; PROTECT : ax, bx, cx, dx, si ; HjMenuSelect() ; { ; if (TrapHjMenu(AX/CC,ZF,AX) == CY) ; { ; RestoreMenuLine(); ; [HjMenuStat] = [HjMenuStat] && !(HjMenuMode) ; } ; if (TrapHjMenu(AX/CC,ZF,AX) == NC && NZ) ; { ; PutHjJjChar(AX/-); ; InitHanState(-/-); ; RestoreMenuLine(); ; [HjMenuStat] = [HjMenuStat] && !(HjMenuMode) ; } ; }
HjMenuSelect: call TrapHjMenu jc AbortHjMenuSelect jz @f call PutHjJjChar call InitHanState AbortHjMenuSelect: call RestoreMenuLine and [HjMenuStat],not HjMenuMode @@: ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << Automata >> ; Automata(AX/-) ; FUNCTION = �ѱ� Automata ; INPUT : AX=code(english law code) ; OUTPUT : none,CompleteKbBuf,InterimKbBuf ; PROTECT : AX,BX ; ; { ; if ( HanVdMode ) ; { ; if ( SupportHj & HjMenuMode ) ; { ; if ( the code is HanjaKey ), Beep(); ret; ; HjMenuSelect(); ; ret; ; } ; if ( SupportHj ) ; if ( the code is HanjaKey ), InitHjMenu(); ret; ; else ; if ( the code is HanjaKey ), EngVdModeAuto(); ret; ; endif ; switch([CodeStat]) ; case BanJunKey: ToggleBanJun(); break; ; case HanEngKey: ToggleHanEng(); break; ; default: ; { ; if HanKinMode, HangeulAutomata(); Break; ; else Ban2Jun(); ; } ; } ; else ; { ; ResetAotomata(); ; CompleteKbBuf=AX ; } ; ret; ; }
fFillCode = 04h vFillCode = 40h lFillCode = 01h MsbCode = 80h
Automata: test [KbStat],HanKeyinMode jz EngVdModeAuto test [HjStat],HjLoaded jz NonSupportHj test [HjMenuStat],HjMenuMode jz @f cmp ax,HanjaKey jne HjMenuSelect call beep ret @@: cmp ax,HanjaKey jne NonSupportHj mov ax,0f100h jmp InitHjMenu NonSupportHj: cmp ax,HanjaKey jne @f mov ax,0f100h jmp EngVdModeAuto @@: cmp ax,BanJunKey je ToggleBanJunInMode cmp ax,HanEngKey je ToggleHanEngInMode cmp [HeKey],ah jne @f or al,al jnz @f ret @@: cmp [HjKey],ah jne @f or al,al jnz @f ret @@: test [KbStat],HEStat jnz HangeulAutomata jmp Ban2Jun EngVdModeAuto: call AutoReset call PutBanja ret
ToggleBanJunInMode: call ToggleBanJun ret ToggleHanEngInMode: xor [KbStat],HEStat
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << AutoReset >> ; AutoReset() ; FUNCTION = ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; { ; [HjMenuStat] = [HjMenuStat] && !(HjMenuMode) ; if ( Auto != 0 ) ; { ; AX = [KsKbBuf]; ; PutCompleteHg(AX); ; } ; InitHanState(); ; ret; ; } ; AutoReset: cmp [Auto],0 jz InitHanState push ax mov ax,[KsKbBuf] call PutCompleteHg pop ax ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << InitHanState >> ; InitHanState() ; FUNCTION = ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : AX ; { ; Auto = 0; ; InterimCharCnt = 0; ; TmpBufCnt = 0; ; ret; ; } InitHanState: mov [Auto],0 mov [InterimCharCnt],0 mov [TmpBufCnt],0 ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << HangeulAutomata >> ; HangeulAutomata() ; FUNCTION = ; INPUT : AX=english code ; OUTPUT : CompleteKbBuf,InterimKbBuf ; PROTECT : AX ; ; type0= DC (Double Consonant)-- ��,��,��,�� ; type1= SC (Single Consonant)-- ��,��,��,��,��,�� ; ��,��,��,��,��,�� ; type2= FC (First Consonant)--- ��,��,�� ; type3= SV (Single Vowel)------ ��,��,��,��,��,�� ; ��,��,��,��,�� ; type4= DV (Double Vowel)------ ��,��,�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; �� ��0 DC ��1 SC ��2 FC ��3 SV ��4 DV �� ; �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a0 �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� 1�� 2�� 2�� 4�� 5�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a1 DC �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� 3�� 3�� 2�� 7�� 8�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a2 SC,FC�� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� ��,���� 1�� 2�� 2�� 7�� 8�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a3 DC+C �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� 1�� 2�� 2�� 7�� 8�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a4 SV �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� 1�� 2�� 2�� 4�� 5�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a5 DV �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� 1�� 2�� 2�� 6�� 5�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a6 DV+SV �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� 1�� 2�� 2�� 4�� 5�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a7 C+SV �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� A�� B�� 2�� 4�� 5�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a8 C+DV �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� A�� B�� 2�� 9�� 5�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��a9 C+DV+SV �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� A�� B�� 2�� 4�� 5�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��aA C+V+DC �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� C�� C�� 2�� 7�� 8�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��aB C+V+SC �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� 1�� 2�� 2�� 7�� 8�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ; ��aC C+V+DC+C �� �� �� �� �� �� ; �� �� �� 1�� 2�� 2�� 7�� 8�� ; ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ HangeulAutomata: or ah,ah jz @f cmp al,041h jb @f cmp al,05ah jbe Eng2HanAuto cmp al,061h jb @f cmp al,07ah jbe Eng2HanAuto @@: cmp [Auto],0 je @f mov cx,ax mov ax,[KsKbBuf] call PutCompleteHg call InitHanState mov ax,cx @@: call Ban2Jun ret
Eng2HanAuto: mov bx,[CurInCode] mov [PreInCode],bx mov [CurInCode],ax mov bx,offset TypeTbl sub cx,cx mov cl,al sub cl,041h add bx,cx mov cl,[bx] sub bx,bx mov bl,[Auto] mov bh,bl shl bl,1 shl bl,1 add bl,bh xor bh,bh add bx,cx add bx,offset StateTbl mov bl,[bx] mov [Auto],bl sub bh,bh shl bx,1 jmp word ptr [bx+ActTbl]
TypeTbl: db 001h,003h,001h,001h,002h,000h,001h,004h,003h,003h,003h,003h,004h db 004h,003h,003h,002h,001h,000h,001h,003h,001h,002h,001h,003h,001h db 00,00,00,00,00,00 db 001h,003h,001h,001h,001h,000h,001h,004h,003h,003h,003h,003h,004h db 004h,003h,003h,000h,000h,000h,001h,003h,001h,001h,001h,003h,001h
StateTbl: ; 0 state db 01h,02h,02h,04h,05h ; 1 state db 03h,03h,02h,07h,08h ; 2 state db 01h,02h,02h,07h,08h ; 3 state db 01h,02h,02h,07h,08h ; 4 state db 01h,02h,02h,04h,05h ; 5 state db 01h,02h,02h,06h,05h ; 6 state db 01h,02h,02h,04h,05h ; 7 state db 0Ah,0Bh,02h,04h,05h ; 8 state db 0Ah,0Bh,02h,09h,05h ; 9 state db 0Ah,0Bh,02h,04h,05h ; A state db 0Ch,0Ch,02h,07h,08h ; B state db 01h,02h,02h,07h,08h ; C state db 01h,02h,02h,07h,08h
;action table ActTbl label word dw offset Act0 dw offset Act1 dw offset Act2 dw offset Act3 dw offset Act4 dw offset Act5 dw offset Act6 dw offset Act7 dw offset Act8 dw offset Act9 dw offset ActA dw offset ActB dw offset ActC
ConversionTbl: DCTbl: ; DC=������ db 051h,074h,014h ;�� ; db 052h,074h,004h ;�� ; db 053h,047h,007h ;�� db 053h,067h,007h ;�� db 053h,077h,006h ;�� ; db 046h,041h,00Bh ;�� db 046h,047h,010h ;�� db 046h,056h,00Fh ;�� db 046h,058h,00Eh ;�� db 046h,061h,00Bh ;�� db 046h,067h,010h ;�� db 046h,071h,00Ch ;�� db 046h,072h,00Ah ;�� db 046h,074h,00Dh ;�� db 046h,076h,00Fh ;�� db 046h,078h,00Eh ;�� DCTblLen = ( $ - offset DCTbl ) / 3 DVTbl: ; DV=������ db 048h,04Bh,01Ch ;�� db 048h,04Ch,024h ;�� db 048h,06Bh,01Ch ;�� db 048h,06Ch,024h ;�� db 048h,06Fh,01Eh ;�� ; db 04Eh,04Ah,02Ah ;�� db 04Eh,04Ch,02Eh ;�� db 04Eh,06Ah,02Ah ;�� db 04Eh,06Ch,02Eh ;�� db 04Eh,070h,02Ch ;�� ; db 04Dh,04Ch,038h ;�� db 04Dh,06Ch,038h ;�� DVTblLen = ( $ - offset DVTbl ) / 3 ConvTbl1: ;�ʼ�+����( �ʼ�+0+0, 0+����+0 ) ;+shift db 020h,034h,040h,034h,018h,01Ch,050h,01Ah,00Ah,00Eh,006h,03Ah,036h db 028h,00Ch,018h,028h,00Ch,010h,030h,016h,04Ch,03Ch,048h,026h,044h db 00,00,00,00,00,00 ;null db 020h,034h,040h,034h,014h,01Ch,050h,01Ah,00Ah,00Eh,006h,03Ah,036h db 028h,008h,014h,024h,008h,010h,02Ch,016h,04Ch,038h,048h,026h,044h ConvTbl2: ;����+��ħ( 0+����+0, 0+0+���� ) db 011h,034h,019h,017h,018h,009h,01Dh,01Ah,00Ah,00Eh,006h,03Ah,036h db 028h,00Ch,018h,028h,003h,005h,016h,016h,01Ch,03Ch,01Bh,026h,01Ah db 00,00,00,00,00,00 ;null db 011h,034h,019h,017h,008h,009h,01Dh,01Ah,00Ah,00Eh,006h,03Ah,036h db 028h,008h,014h,013h,002h,005h,015h,016h,01Ch,018h,01Bh,026h,01Ah
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << CompleteStart >> ; CompleteStart() ; FUNCTION = ; INPUT : AX = english code ; OUTPUT : AX = conversion code ; PROTECT : AX CompleteStart: mov cx,ax mov [TmpBufCnt],0 mov [InterimCharCnt],0 mov ax,[KsKbBuf] call PutCompleteHg mov ax,cx ret Act0: call CompleteStart mov [Auto],0 mov ax,[CurInCode] jmp Eng2HanAuto Act1: Act2: call act11 call PutInterimHg ret Act11: mov bl,[TmpBufCnt] cmp bl,0 je @f call CompleteStart @@: call GetCharCodeXX00 or al,vFillCode or al,lFillCode call GetKCode ret Act1Sub1: call GetKCode call PutInterimHg ret Act3: mov bx,offset DCTbl mov cx,DCTblLen call SearchCompound jc GoAct0 xor ah,ah or al,vFillCode or ah,fFillCode AutoProcess: or ah,MsbCode AutoProcess1: call PutTmpBuf call Ch2KsAuto jc GoAct0 mov [KsKbBuf],ax call PutInterimHg ret Act4: call GetVowelCode call GetKCode mov [Auto],0 jmp CompleteStart GoAct0: jmp Act0 Act5: call GetVowelCode jmp Act1Sub1 Act6: mov bx,offset DVTbl mov cx,DVTblLen call SearchCompound jc GoAct0 xor ah,ah shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 or ah,fFillCode or al,lFillCode or ah,MsbCode call PutTmpBuf call Ch2KsAuto jc GoAct0 mov [KsKbBuf],ax mov [Auto],0 jmp CompleteStart Act7: Act8: mov bl,[TmpBufCnt] cmp bl,3 jb @f mov ax,[PreTmpBuf] call Ch2KsAuto mov [KsKbBuf],ax mov [InterimCharCnt],0 call PutCompleteHg mov [TmpBufCnt],0 mov ax,[PreInCode] call Act11 mov ax,[CurInCode] @@: call GetCharCode0XX0 mov cl,not vFillCode call Or2Code jmp AutoProcess1 Act9: mov bx,offset DVTbl mov cx,DVTblLen call SearchCompound jc GoAct0 xor ah,ah shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 mov bx,[TmpBuf] and bx,not 03E0h or ax,bx jmp AutoProcess1 ActA: ActB: call GetCharCode00XX mov cl,not lFillCode call Or2Code jmp AutoProcess1 ActC: mov bx,offset DCTbl mov cx,DCTblLen call SearchCompound jnc @f jmp Act0 @@: xor ah,ah mov cl,not 01Fh call Or2Code jmp AutoProcess1
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetVowelCode: mov bl,[TmpBufCnt] cmp bl,0 je @f call CompleteStart @@: call GetCharCode0XX0 or ah,fFillCode or al,lFillCode ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetKCode: or ah,MsbCode call PutTmpBuf call Ch2KsAuto mov [KsKbBuf],ax ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetCharCodeXX00: mov bx, offset ConvTbl1 sub al,041h xlat mov ah,al xor al,al ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetCharCode0XX0: mov bx, offset ConvTbl1 sub al,041h xlat xor ah,ah shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetCharCode00XX: mov bx, offset ConvTbl2 sub al,041h xlat xor ah,ah ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ PutTmpBuf: mov bx,[TmpBuf] mov [PreTmpBuf],bx mov [TmpBuf],ax mov bl,[TmpBufCnt] inc bl mov [TmpBufCnt],bl ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << Or2Code >> Or2Code: mov bx,[TmpBuf] and bl,cl or ax,bx ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << SearchCompound >> ; SearchCompound() ; FUNCTION = �ش��ϴ� ������/�������� ã�´�. ; INPUT : BX=pointer of conversion table ; OUTPUT : CY=success --> AX=conversioned code ; NC=fail ; PROTECT : AX SearchCompound: mov ax,[PreInCode] and al,not Upper2Low mov dx,[CurInCode] SearchCompoundLoop: cmp al,[bx] jne @f cmp dl,[bx+1] jne @f mov al,[bx+2] clc ret @@: add bx,3 loop SearchCompoundLoop stc ret
;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; << Beep >> ; Beep() ; FUNCTION = beeping for a time ; INPUT : none ; OUTPUT : none ; PROTECT : ALL
Beep: mov ax,0e07h int 10h ret
public MapTbl, KbEnd, ChHgWTbl ; for .MAP file include CH2KS.TBL include HANJA.TBL KbEnd label byte