page ,160 title bios system initialization ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Modification history ; ; 26-Feb-1991 sudeepb Ported for NT DOSEm ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
break macro ; dummy empty macro endm include version.inc include biosseg.inc ifdef NEC_98 include bpb.inc include dpb.inc endif ;NEC_98 include sysvar.inc include curdir.inc include pdb.inc include exe.inc include sf.inc include arena.inc include syscall.inc include devsym.inc include ioctl.inc include biostruc.inc include dossym.inc include dosmac.inc include mult.inc include dossvc.inc include dbgsvc.inc include cmdsvc.inc include xmssvc.inc include vint.inc
Bios_Code segment extrn BCode_start:near extrn BCode_end:near extrn seg_reinit:far
Bios_Code ends
include devmark.inc include cputype.inc
true equ 0ffffh false equ 0 cr equ 13 lf equ 10 tab equ 9
;multMULT equ 4ah multMULTGETHMAPTR equ 1 multMULTALLOCHMA equ 2
ifndef NEC_98 stacksw equ true ;include switchable hardware stacks else ;NEC_98 stacksw equ false ;include switchable hardware stacks endif ;NEC_98
ifdef JAPAN ; CDS structure has 88 bytes size each drive with Real DOS ; Ichitaro ver5 checks drive type of each drive ; It should be assigned to other bit mycds_size equ 88 ; size of curdir_list_jpn. else ; !JAPAN mycds_size equ 71 ; size of curdir_list. if it is not ;the same, then will generate compile error. endif ; !JAPAN
if DEBUG ; BUGBUG - Jeez, remove this! dossize equ 0b200h else dossize equ 0a000h endif
if ibmjapver noexec equ true else noexec equ false endif
; if mycds_size <> curdirlen,then force a compilatiaon error.
ifdef JAPAN if mycds_size ne curdirlen_JPN %out !!! sysinit1 compilation failed. different cds size !!!
.errne mycds_size eq curdirlen_JPN endif else if mycds_size ne curdirlen %out !!! sysinit1 compilation failed. different cds size !!!
.errne mycds_size eq curdirlen endif endif
if not ibmjapver extrn re_init:far endif
ifdef xxTAIWANxx ; no needed to TAIWAN, gchang 06/22/94 extrn cdosinit:near endif
Bios_Data segment
;equates for main stack and stack initialization program
if stacksw
extrn NextStack:dword ; Win386 Instance table stuff extrn IT_StackLoc:dword ; we have to plug in so that our extrn IT_StackSize:word ; stacks can be instanced
entrysize equ 8
mincount equ 8 defaultcount equ 9 maxcount equ 64
minsize equ 32 defaultsize equ 128 maxsize equ 512
allocbyte equ 0 intlevel equ 1 savedsp equ 2 savedss equ 4 newsp equ 6
free equ 0 allocated equ 1 overflowed equ 2 clobbered equ 3
; external variables in ibmbio for int19h handling rouitne.
extrn int19sem:byte
irp aa,<02,08,09,0a,0b,0c,0d,0e,70,72,73,74,76,77> extrn int19old&aa:dword endm endif
;--------------------------------------- ; external variable defined in ibmbio module for multi-track multrk_on equ 10000000b ;user spcified mutitrack=on,or system turns ; it on after handling config.sys file as a ; default value,if multrk_flag = multrk_off1. multrk_off1 equ 00000000b ;initial value. no "multitrack=" command entered. multrk_off2 equ 00000001b ;user specified multitrack=off.
extrn multrk_flag:word ; ;SR; Win386 present flag ; extrn IsWin386:BYTE ; ;SR; Added for SetFocus routine for WIN386 support ; extrn V86_Crit_SetFocus:far
extrn xms:dword ; entry point for xms driver extrn inHMA:byte ; flag meaning we're running high
extrn FreeHMAPtr:word extrn MoveDOSIntoHMA:dword extrn SysinitPresent:byte extrn DemInfoFlag:byte ifndef NEC_98 extrn spc_mse_int10:dword extrn int29Perf:dword
extrn outchr:near endif ;NEC_98 Bios_Data ends
ifndef NEC_98 ; NTVDM 16-Sep-1992 Jonle ; Softpc Kbd, mouse, emm drivers SpcKbdSeg segment extrn InstSpcKbd:near extrn SpcKbdBeg:byte extrn SpcKbdEnd:byte extrn int10h_vector:near SpcKbdSeg ends
SpcMseSeg segment extrn InstSpcMse:near extrn SpcMseBeg:byte extrn SpcMseEnd:byte SpcMseSeg ends endif ;NEC_98
SpcEmmSeg segment extrn InitSpcEmm:near extrn SpcEmmBeg:byte extrn SpcEmmEnd:byte extrn SI_end:byte SpcEmmSeg ends
sysinitseg segment assume cs:sysinitseg, ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing
extrn badcom:byte extrn condev:byte extrn auxdev:byte extrn prndev:byte extrn commnd:byte extrn devmark_addr:word extrn setdevmarkflag:byte extrn pathstring:byte
extrn print:near extrn int24:near extrn mem_err:near extrn doconf:near extrn multi_pass:near
extrn badload:near extrn error_line:near
extrn ShrinkUMB:near extrn UnlinkUMB:near ;M002 extrn AllocUMB:near extrn toomanydrivesmsg:byte ; M029
ifdef JAPAN extrn badcom2:byte,toomanydrivesmsg2:byte extrn IsDBCSCodePage:near endif ifdef NEC_98 extrn SI_end:byte extrn deviceparameters:byte endif ;NEC_98
;NTVDM extrn MseDev:byte ; internal mouse driver name extrn AllocUMBLow:near ; mem alloc for new internal drivers extrn bEchoConfig:byte extrn config:byte
public current_dos_location public device_list public sysi_country public memory_size public default_drive public buffers public files public num_cds public sysinit public cntryfilehandle public command_line
if stacksw ; internal stack information public stack_count public stack_size public stack_addr endif
public dosinfo public fcbs public keep public confbot public alloclim public zero public sepchr public count public chrptr public org_count public bufptr public memlo public prmblk public memhi public ldoff public area public packet public unitcount public break_addr public bpb_addr public drivenumber public config_size public install_flag public com_level public cmmt public cmmt1 public cmmt2 public cmd_indicator public linecount public showcount public buffer_linenum public donotshownum public h_buffers public configmsgflag public do_install_exec public multi_pass_id public temp_bcode_seg public seg_reinit_ptr
public toomanydrivesflag ; M029
sysinit$: if stacksw .sall
; interrupt level 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,(10, 11, 12, 14, 15 - at level) ; should follow the standard interrupt sharing scheme which has ; a standard header structure. ; fyi, the following shows the relations between ; the interrupt vector and interrupt level. ; vec(hex) 2 8 9 a b c d e 70 72 73 74 76 77 ; lvl(deci) 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 15 ; msstack module modifies the following interrupt vectors ; to meet the standard interrupt sharing standard; ; a, b, c, d, e, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77. ; also, for interrupt level 7 and 15, the firstflag in a standard header ; should be initialized to indicat whether this interrupt handler is ; the first (= 80h) or not. the firstflag entry of int77h's ; program header is initialized in this module. ; firstflag is only meaningful for interrupt level 7 and 15. ;
; user specifies the number of stack elements - default = 9 ; minimum = 8 ; maximum = 64 ; ; intercepts asynchronous hardware interrupts only ; ; picks a stack from pool of stacks and switches to it ; ; calls the previously saved interrupt vector after pushing flags ; ; on return, returns the stack to the stack pool ;
; this is a modification of stacks: ; 1. to fix a bug which was causing the program to take up too much space. ; 2. to dispense stack space from hi-mem first rather than low-mem first. ; . clobbers the stack that got too big instead of innocent stack ; . allows system to work if the only stack that got too big was the most ; deeply nested one ; 3. disables nmi interrupts while setting the nmi vector. ; 4. double checks that a nested interrupt didn't get the same stack. ; 5. intercepts ints 70, 72-77 for pc-ats and other future products
even dw 0 ; spare field but leave these in order stackcount dw 0 stackat dw 0 stacksize dw 0 stacks dw 0 dw 0
firstentry dw stacks lastentry dw stacks+(defaultcount*entrysize)-entrysize nextentry dw stacks+(defaultcount*entrysize)-entrysize
; these are the individual interrupt handlers
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing
public int02 public old02 old02 dd 0 int02 proc far
;; NTVDM support for pc convertable is NOT NEEDED 10-Aug-1992 Jonle ;; ;; ********************************************************************* ;; ;; this is special support for the pc convertible / nmi handler ;; ;; on the pc convertible, there is a situation where an nmi can be ;; caused by using the "out" instructions to certain ports. when this ;; occurs, the pc convertible hardware *guarantees* that **nothing** ;; can stop the nmi or interfere with getting to the nmi handler. this ;; includes other type of interrupts (hardware and software), and ;; also includes other type of nmi's. when any nmi has occured, ;; no other interrtupt (hardware, software or nmi) can occur until ;; the software takes specific steps to allow further interrupting. ;; ;; for pc convertible, the situation where the nmi is generated by the ;; "out" to a control port requires "fixing-up" and re-attempting. in ;; otherwords, it is actually a "restartable exception". in this ;; case, the software handler must be able to get to the stack in ;; order to figure out what instruction caused the problem, where ;; it was "out"ing to and what value it was "out"ing. therefore, ;; we will not switch stacks in this situation. this situation is ;; detected by interrogating port 62h, and checking for a bit value ;; of 80h. if set, *****do not switch stacks*****. ;; ;; ********************************************************************* ; ; push ax ; push es ; mov ax,0f000h ; mov es,ax ; cmp byte ptr es:[0fffeh],mdl_convert ;check if convertible ; pop es ; jne normal02 ; ; in al,62h ; test al,80h ; jz normal02 ; ;special02: ; pop ax ; jmp dword ptr old02 ; ;normal02: ; pop ax ;
call do_int_stacks dw old02
int02 endp
public int08 public old08 old08 dd 0 int08 proc far call do_int_stacks dw old08 int08 endp
public int09 public old09 old09 dd 0 int09 proc far
; keyboard interrupt must have a three byte jump, a nop and a zero byte ; as its first instruction for compatibility reasons
ifidn <09>,<09> jmp short keyboard_lbl nop db 0 keyboard_lbl label near endif
call do_int_stacks dw old09 int09 endp
public int70 public old70 old70 dd 0 int70 proc far call do_int_stacks dw old70 int70 endp
irp a,<0a,0b,0c,0d,0e,72,73,74,76,77> public int&a public old&a public firstflag&a int&a proc far jmp short entry_int&a&_stk old&a dd 0 ;forward pointer dw 424bh ;compatible signature for int. sharing firstflag&a db 0 ;the firstly hooked. jmp short intret_&a ;reset routine. we don't care this. db 7 dup (0) ;reserved for future. entry_int&a&_stk: call do_int_stacks dw old&a intret_&a: jmp DOIRET int&a endp endm
ifndef NEC_98 DOCLI: FCLI ret DOSTI: FSTI ret DOIRET: FIRET endif ;NEC_98
;******************************************************************** ;common routines
; do interrupt stack switching. the fake return address holds ; a pointer to the far-pointer of the actual interrupt ; service routine
do_int_stacks: push ax push bp push es mov es, cs:[stacks+2] ; get segment of stacks
mov bp,nextentry ; get most likely candidate mov al,allocated xchg es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],al ; grab the entry cmp al,free ; still avail? jne notfree02
sub nextentry,entrysize ; set for next interrupt
found02: mov es:word ptr savedsp[bp],sp ; save sp value mov es:word ptr savedss[bp],ss ; save ss also
mov ax,bp ; temp save of table offset
mov bp,es:word ptr newsp[bp] ; get new sp value cmp es:[bp],ax ; check for offset into table jne foundbad02
push bp mov bp,sp mov ax,8[bp] ; get offset of interrupt vector pop bp
push es ; ss:sp = new stack pop ss mov sp,bp
mov bp,ax ; get pointer to interrupt vector mov bp,cs:[bp] pushf ; go execute the real interrupt handler call cs:dword ptr [bp] ; call the old interrupt vector
mov bp,sp ; retrieve the table offset for us mov bp,es:[bp] ; but leave it on the stack mov ss,es:word ptr savedss[bp] ; get old stack back mov sp,es:word ptr savedsp[bp]
mov es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],free ; free the entry mov nextentry,bp ; setup to use next time
newerror02: pop es pop bp ; saved on entry pop ax ; saved on entry add sp,2 ; lose the fake return address
intret_02: jmp DOIRET ; done with this interrupt
notfree02: cmp al,allocated ; error flag je findnext02 ; no, continue xchg es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],al ; yes, restore error value
findnext02: call longpath jmp found02
foundbad02: cmp bp,firstentry jc findnext02 mov bp,ax ; flag this entry mov es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],clobbered jmp findnext02 ; keep looking longpath: mov bp,lastentry ; start with last entry in table
lploopp: cmp es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],free ; is entry free? jne inuse ; no, try next one
mov al,allocated xchg es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],al ; allocate entry cmp al,free ; is it still free? je found ; yes, go use it
cmp al,allocated ; is it other than allocated or free? je inuse ; no, check the next one
mov es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],al ; yes, put back the error state
inuse: cmp bp,firstentry je fatal sub bp,entrysize jmp lploopp
found: ret
fatal proc near
; NTVDM support for pc convertable is NOT NEEDED 10-Aug-1992 Jonle ; ; push ds ; mov ax, 0f000h ;look at the model byte ; mov ds, ax ; cmp ds:byte ptr [0fffeh], mdl_convert ;convertible? ; pop ds ; jne skip_nmis ; ; mov al,07h ; disable pc convertible nmis ; out 72h,al ; ;skip_nmis:
call DOCLI ; disable and mask mov al,0ffh ; all other ints out 021h,al out 0a1h,al
mov si,cs mov ds,si mov si,offset fatal_msg ifdef JAPAN call IsDBCSCodePage jz @f mov si,offset fatal_msg2 @@: endif
;SR; ; We set all foci to this VM to issue the stack failure message ; push ax push ds mov ax,Bios_Data mov ds,ax assume ds:Bios_Data
test ds:[IsWin386],1 pop ds pop ax assume ds:nothing jz fatal_loop ;win386 not present, continue
call V86_Crit_SetFocus ;set focus to this VM ; ;SR; We do not bother about the returned status of this call. ;
fatal_loop: lodsb cmp al,'$' je fatal_done
mov bl,7 mov ah,14 int 010h ; whoops, this enables ints jmp fatal_loop
fatal_done: jmp fatal_done fatal endp
include msbio.cl5 ;fatal stack error message .xall public endstackcode endstackcode label byte endif
sysinit: jmp goinit ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DDHighInfo struc ddhigh_CSegPtr dd ? ; pointer to code segment to be relocated ddhigh_CSegLen dw ? ; length of code segment to be relocated ddhigh_CallBak dd ? ; pointer to the call back routine DDHighInfo ends
public runhigh runhigh db 0h
dosinfo dd 0 ; address of the DOS Sysini Variables
dos_temp_location label dword dosinit dw 0 current_dos_location dw 0
device_list dd 0
sysi_country dd 0 ; pointer to country table in dos
dos_segreinit dw 0,0 ; room for dword
lo_doscod_size dw 0 ; dos code size when in low mem hi_doscod_size dw 0 ; dos code size when in HMA
def_php dw 0
; M022-- ; pointer for calling into Bios_Code for re-initializing segment values. ; call with ax = new segment for Bios_Code. Notice that we'll ; call it in its temporary home, cuz seg_reinit won't get moved to ; the new home.
seg_reinit_ptr label dword
dw offset Bios_Code:seg_reinit temp_bcode_seg dw Bios_Code
ifdef NEC_98 fake_floppy_drv db 0 ;set to 1 if this machine ;does not have any floppies!!! endif ;NEC_98
;variables for stack initialization program.
if stacksw stack_count dw defaultcount stack_size dw defaultsize stack_addr dd 0 endif
; various default values
memory_size dw 1 RPLMemTop dw 0 default_drive db 0 ;initialized by ibminit. buffers dw -1 ; initialized during buffer allocation h_buffers dw 0 ; # of the heuristic buffers. initially 0. singlebuffersize dw ? ; maximum sector size + buffer header
files db 8 ; enough files for pipe fcbs db 4 ; performance for recycling keep db 0 ; keep original set ifndef NEC_98 num_cds db 1 ; minimum needed is 1, so that initialization does'nt have a problem else ;NEC_98 num_cds db 5 ; 5 net drives endif ;NEC_98 confbot dw ? alloclim dw ? DirStrng db "A:\",0 ; string for the root directory of a drive command_line db 2,0,"P" ;default command.com args db 125 dup (0) zero db 0 sepchr db 0 linecount dw 0 ; line count in config.sys showcount db ' ',cr,lf,'$' ; used to convert linecount to ascii. buffer_linenum dw 0 ; line count for "buffers=" command if entered.
ifdef NEC_98 sys_model_byte db 0ffh ;model byte used in sysinit sys_scnd_model_byte db 0 ;secondary model byte used in sysinit endif ;NEC_98
buf_prev_off dw 0
if not noexec comexe exec0 <0,command_line,default_drive,zero> endif
;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; variables for install= command.
multi_pass_id db 0 ; parameter passed to multi_pass ; indicating the pass number ; 0 - do scan for DOS=HIGH/LOW ; 1 - load device drivers ; 2 - was to load IFS ; now it is unused ; 3 - do install= ; >3 - nop install_flag dw 0
have_install_cmd equ 00000001b ; config.sys has install= commands has_installed equ 00000010b ; sysinit_base installed.
config_size dw 0 ; size of config.sys file. set by sysconf.asm sysinit_base_ptr dd 0 ; pointer to sysinit_base sysinit_ptr dd 0 ; returning addr. from sysinit_base checksum dw 0 ; used by sum_up
ldexec_fcb db 20 dup (' ') ;big enough ldexec_line db 0 ;# of parm characters ldexec_start db ' ' ldexec_parm db 80 dup (0)
instexe exec0 <0,ldexec_line,ldexec_fcb,ldexec_fcb>
;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;variables for comment=
com_level db 0 ;level of " " in command line cmmt db 0 ;length of comment string token cmmt1 db 0 ;token cmmt2 db 0 ;token cmd_indicator db ? donotshownum db 0
;------------------------------------------------------------------ count dw 0 org_count dw 0 chrptr dw 0 cntryfilehandle dw 0 old_area dw 0 impossible_owner_size dw 0 ; paragraph ;------------------------------------------------------------------
bucketptr label dword bufptr label dword ;leave this stuff in order! memlo dw 0 prmblk label word memhi dw 0 ldoff dw 0 area dw 0
packet db 24 ; was 22 db 0 db 0 ;initialize code dw 0 db 8 dup (?)
unitcount db 0 break_addr dd 0 bpb_addr dd 0 drivenumber db 0 configmsgflag dw 0 ; used to control "error in config.sys line #" message
toomanydrivesflag db 0 ;>24 fixed disk partitions flag ; M029
BCodeSeg dw Bios_Code
;SR; ; This is the communication block between the DOS and the BIOS. It starts at ;the SysinitPresent flag. Any other data that needs to be communicated ;to the DOS should be added after SysinitPresent. The pointer to this block ;is passed to DOS as part of the DOSINIT call. ;
BiosComBlock dd Bios_Data:SysinitPresent
tempstack db 80h dup (?)
ifndef NEC_98 cld
;; Before we installed spckbd.asm (we hook a lot of vectors there), ;; we shouldn't invoke any interrupt calls directly to bios(they will ;; go directly to ROM bios). Since we do know what exactly those ROM ;; bios(s) do, a safer manner is to issue bop to our 32 bits side. ;; int 12h ; Get Memory in 1k BOP 12h mov cl,6 shl ax,cl ;convert to 16-byte blocks(segment no.) mov cx,ax dec cx ; one para for an arena at end of mem ; in case of UMBs mov memory_size,cx
push cs pop ds xor si,si mov di,si else ;NEC_98 move_myself: cld ; set up move xor si,si mov di,si
if msver mov cx,cs:[memory_size] cmp cx,1 ; 1 means do scan jnz noscan mov cx,2048 ; start scanning at 32k boundary xor bx,bx
memscan:inc cx jz setend mov ds,cx mov al,[bx] not al mov [bx],al cmp al,[bx] not al mov [bx],al jz memscan setend: mov cs:[memory_size],cx endif
if ibmver or ibmjapver mov cx,cs:[memory_size] endif
noscan: ; cx is mem size in para ; ; cas -- a) if we got our memory size from the ROM, we should test it ; before we try to run. ; b) in any case, we should check for sufficient memory and give ; an appropriate error diagnostic if there isn't enough ; push cs pop ds
; cas note: It would be better to put dos + bios_code BELOW sysinit ; that way it would be easier to slide them down home in a minimal ; memory system after sysinit. As it is, you need room to keep ; two full non-overlapping copies, since sysinit sits between the ; temporary home and the final one. the problem with doing that ; is that sys*.asm are filled with "mov ax,cs, sub ax,11h" type stuff.
dec cx ; one para for an arena at end of mem ; in case of UMBs endif ;NEC_98 mov ax, offset sysinitgrp:SI_end ; need this much room for sysinit call off_to_para sub cx,ax
; we need to leave room for the DOS and for the BIOS ; code above sysinit in memory ; sub cx,dossize/16 ; leave this much room for DOS
mov ax,offset BCode_end call off_to_para ; leave this much room for BIOS code sub cx,ax
mov es,cx ; offset where sysinit will be located mov cx,offset sysinitgrp:SI_end shr cx,1 ;divide by 2 to get words rep movsw ;relocate sysinit
push es ; push relocated segment mov ax,offset sysin push ax ; push relocated entry point
retf ; far jump to relocated sysinit
; move the dos to its proper location
sysin: assume ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing
mov ax, Bios_Data ; point DS to BIOS data mov ds, ax
assume ds:Bios_Data
mov word ptr MoveDOSIntoHMA+2, cs ; set seg of routine to move DOS mov SysinitPresent, 1 ; flag that MoveDOSIntoHMA can be called
SVC SVC_ISDEBUG mov DemInfoFlag, al
test al,ISDBG_DEBUGGEE je @f SAVEREG <bx,dx,es> mov bx, cs ; current base of BIOS xor cx, cx mov dx, current_dos_location; get offset of end of code sub dx, bios_data ; add in length of data segment REPT 4 shl dx, 1 rcl cx, 1 endm
mov bx, 1 ; bugbug: Hardcoded segment number mov ax, ds ; low segment location mov es, ax ; relocated segment
RESTOREREG <es,dx,bx> @@:
; first move the MSDOS.SYS image up to a harmless place ; on top of our new sysinitseg
mov ax,offset sysinitgrp:SI_end ; how big is sysinitseg? call off_to_para mov cx,cs ; pick a buffer for msdos above us add ax,cx mov es,ax xor si,si mov di,si
mov ds,[current_dos_location] ; where it is (set by msinit)
assume ds:nothing
mov cx,dossize/2 rep movsw mov [current_dos_location],es
; The DOS code is ORGed at a non-zero value to allow it to be located in ; HIMEM. Thus, the DOS segment location must be adjusted accordingly.
mov ax,ds:word ptr 3 ; get offset of dos mov [dosinit],ax ; that's the entry point offset call off_to_para ; subtract this much from segment sub [current_dos_location],ax
; BIOS code is moved to the top of memory ; until it is determined whether it will be running in HIMEM or not.
; now put Bios_Code up on top of that. Assume Bios_Code + dossize < 64k
mov ax,es add ax,dossize/16 ; get paragraph of end of dos mov es,ax xchg ax,temp_bcode_seg ; swap with original home of Bios_Code mov ds,ax ; point to loaded image of Bios_Code
assume ds:nothing
mov si,offset BCode_start mov di,si mov cx,offset BCode_end sub cx,si shr cx,1 rep movsw ; move Bios_Code into place
mov ax,es ; tell it what segment it's in call [seg_reinit_ptr] ; far call to seg_reinit in Bios_Code (M022)
; now call dosinit while it's in its temporary home
les di,cs:[BiosComBlock] ; ptr to BIOS communication block lds si,cs:[device_list] ; set for call to dosinit
assume ds:nothing, es:nothing
mov dx,cs:[memory_size] ; set for call to dosinit
call DOCLI mov ax,cs mov ss,ax ifndef NEC_98 align 2 ; assembler wouldn't let me do an "and 0fffeh" locstack label byte ; on the mov sp,offset locstack mov sp,offset locstack ; set stack else ;NEC_98 ;M069 start locstack = (offset $ - offset sysinit$) and 0FFFEh mov sp, locstack ; set stack ;M069 - ensure no NMI window exists here ; align 2 ; assembler wouldn't let me do an "and 0fffeh" ;locstack label byte ; on the mov sp,offset locstack ; mov sp,offset locstack ; set stack
endif ;NEC_98
call DOSTI
; This call to DOSINIT will relocate the DOS data from its present location ; at the top of memory, to its final location in low memory just above the ; BIOS data. It will then build important DOS data structures in low ; memory following the DOS data. It returns (among many other things) the ; new starting address of free memory.
call [dos_temp_location] ; call dosinit ;es:di -> sysinitvars_ext
mov [def_php],ds ; save pointer to PSP mov [hi_doscod_size],ax ; size of doscode (including exepatch) mov [lo_doscod_size],cx ; (not including exepatch) mov [dos_segreinit],dx ; save offset of segreinit
mov ax,word ptr es:[di.sysi_initvars] mov word ptr dosinfo,ax mov ax,word ptr es:[di.sysi_initvars+2] mov word ptr [dosinfo+2],ax ;set the sysvar pointer
mov ax,word ptr es:[di.sysi_country_tab] mov word ptr [sysi_country],ax mov ax,word ptr es:[di.sysi_country_tab+2] mov word ptr [sysi_country+2],ax ;set the sysi_country pointer
mov es,[current_dos_location] ; give dos its temporary loc. mov [dos_segreinit+2],es ; les di,dosinfo ;es:di -> dosinfo
clc ;get the extended memory size
; execute the get extended memory size subfunction in the bios int 15h ; if the function reports an error do nothing else store the extended ; memory size reported at the appropriate location in the dosinfo buffer ; currently pointed to by es:di. use the offsets specified in the ; definition of the sysinitvars struct in inc\sysvar.inc
ifndef NEC_98 mov ah,88h ;; IBM ps/2 90 int 15(ah = 88h) read a coms byte(0B6h) which we don't support. ;; it returns 0 on this query. ;; we issue a bop to 32bits to get the real extended memeory size ;; int 15h ;check extended memory size BOP 15h ;; jc no_ext_memory mov es:[di].sysi_ext_mem,ax ;save extended memory size ;; or ax, ax else ;NEC_98 ;----------------------------------------------------------- NEC 91/05/10 ----- push ds xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov al,byte ptr ds:[401h] pop ds shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 mov es:[di].sysi_ext_mem,ax ;save extended memory size endif ;NEC_98 no_ext_memory: mov ax,es:[di.sysi_maxsec] ; get the sector size add ax,bufinsiz ; size of buffer header mov [singlebuffersize],ax ; total size for a buffer
SVC SVC_DEMGETBOOTDRIVE mov [default_drive],al mov es:[di.sysi_boot_drive],al ; set sysi_boot_drive
; determine if 386 system... if 1 get_cpu_type ; macro to determine cpu type cmp ax,2 ; is it a 386? jne not_386_system ; no: don't mess with flag endif
mov es:[di.sysi_dwmove],1 not_386_system: mov al,es:[di.sysi_numio] mov drivenumber,al ; save start of installable block drvs
mov ax,cs sub ax,11h ; room for PSP we will copy shortly mov cx,[singlebuffersize] ; temporary single buffer area shr cx,1 shr cx,1 ; divide size by 16... shr cx,1 shr cx,1 ; ...to get paragraphs... inc cx ; ... and round up
; cas note: this unorthodox paragraph rounding scheme wastes a byte if ; [singlebuffersize] ever happens to be zero mod 16. Could this ; ever happen? Only if the buffer overhead was zero mod 16, since ; it is probably safe to assume that the sector size always will be. ; ; mohans also found a bug in CONFIG.SYS processing where it replaces ; EOF's with cr,lf's, without checking for collision with [confbot]. ; perhaps the extra byte this code guarantees is what has kept that ; other code from ever causing a problem???
sub ax,cx mov [confbot],ax ; temp "unsafe" location ifndef NEC_98 ; push es ; preserve pointer to DOSINFO data ; push di
; setup and initialize the temporary buffer
; les di,es:[di.sysi_buf] ;get the buffer chain entry pointer ; mov word ptr es:[di.Dirty_Buff_Count],0 ; mov word ptr es:[di.Buff_Queue],0 ; mov word ptr es:[di.Buff_Queue+2],ax ; mov es,ax ; xor ax,ax ; mov di,ax ;es:di -> single buffer
; mov es:[di.buf_next],ax ;points to itself ; mov es:[di.buf_prev],ax ;points to itself
; mov word ptr es:[di.buf_id],00ffh ;free buffer,clear flag ; mov word ptr es:[di.buf_sector],0 ; mov word ptr es:[di.buf_sector+2],0
; pop di ; restore pointer to DOSINFO data ; pop es else ;NEC_98 push es ; preserve pointer to DOSINFO data push di
; setup and initialize the temporary buffer
les di,es:[di.sysi_buf] ;get the buffer chain entry pointer mov word ptr es:[di.Dirty_Buff_Count],0 mov word ptr es:[di.Buff_Queue],0 mov word ptr es:[di.Buff_Queue+2],ax mov es,ax xor ax,ax mov di,ax ;es:di -> single buffer
mov es:[di.buf_next],ax ;points to itself mov es:[di.buf_prev],ax ;points to itself
mov word ptr es:[di.buf_id],00ffh ;free buffer,clear flag mov word ptr es:[di.buf_sector],0 mov word ptr es:[di.buf_sector+2],0
pop di ; restore pointer to DOSINFO data pop es endif ;NEC_98
push cs pop ds
assume ds:sysinitseg
call tempcds ; set up cdss so re_init and sysinit ; can make disk system calls assume ds:nothing ; tempcds trashes ds
mov ds,[def_php] ; retreive pointer to PSP returned by DOSINIT
if not ibmjapver call re_init ; re-call the bios endif
call DOSTI ; ints ok cld ; make sure
; dosinit has set up a default "process" (php) at ds:0. we will move it out ; of the way by putting it just below sysinit at end of memory.
mov bx,cs sub bx,10h mov es,bx xor si,si mov di,si mov cx,80h rep movsw
mov word ptr es:[pdb_jfn_pointer + 2],es ; relocate mov ah,set_current_pdb int 21h ; tell dos we moved it
push ds ; preserve DS returned by DOSINIT push cs pop ds ; point DS to sysinitseg
assume ds:sysinitseg
; set up temp. critical error handler mov dx,offset int24 ;set up int 24 handler mov ax,(set_interrupt_vector shl 8) or 24h int 21h
cmp byte ptr [TooManyDrivesFlag],0 ;Q: >24 partitions? M029 je no_err ; N: continue M029 mov dx,offset TooManyDrivesMsg ; Y: print error message M029 ifdef JAPAN call IsDBCSCodePage jz @f mov dx,offset TooManyDrivesMsg2 @@: endif call print ; M029 no_err: ; M029
pop ds ; start of free memory
assume ds:nothing
mov dl,[default_drive] or dl,dl jz nodrvset ; bios didn't say dec dl ; a = 0 mov ah,set_default_drive int 21h ;select the disk
; ; Process the CONFIG.SYS file ;
; ; NTVDM store temp file name for config.sys, 23-Nov-1992 Jonle ; push ds push cs pop ds assume ds:sysinitseg mov dx,offset config ; ds:dx points file description CMDSVC SVC_GETCONFIGSYS pop ds assume ds:nothing
ifndef xxTAIWANxx
call doconf ;do pre-scan for dos=high/low
else ; xxTAIWANxx ; no needed to TAIWAN, gchang 06/22/94
call chkoemlocaldrv mov cs:oemdriverinst,ax call cdosinit push es push bx
pop bx pop es call maketempvector ;make dummy int service routine
call doconf ;do pre-scan for dos=high/low
call chklocalexist ;check if local dev drv exist ;if not found,system halt call recovercsiint ;recover csi interrupt vector endif ; xxTAIWANxx ; no needed to TAIWAN, gchang 06/22/94
; Now, we decide what to do with the DOS code. ; It will either be relocated to low memory, above the DOS data structures, ; or else it will be located in HiMem, in which case a stub with the DOS ; code entry points will be located in low memory. Dos_segreinit is used ; to tell the DOS data where the code has been placed, and to install the ; low memory stub if necessary. If the DOS is going to go into HiMem, we ; must first initialize it in its present location and load the installable ; device drivers. Then, if a HiMem driver has been located, we can actually ; relocate the DOS code into HiMem. ;
; M025 begin
cmp runhigh, 0 ; Did user choose to run low ? je dont_install_stub ; yes, don't install dos low mem stub ; ;------ user chose to load high ;
mov es,[current_dos_location] ; give dos its temporary loc.
xor ax,ax ; ax = 00 ---> install stub call cs:dword ptr [dos_segreinit] ; call dos segreinit jmp short do_multi_pass ; ;------ User chose to load dos low ; dont_install_stub:
xor bx, bx ; M012 ; don't use int 21 call to alloc mem
call MovDOSLo ; move it !
mov ax, 1 ; dont install stub mov es, current_dos_location; set_dos_final_position set it up call dword ptr dos_segreinit ; inform dos about new seg
call AllocFreeMem ; allocate all the free mem ; & update [memhi] & [area] ; start of free memory.
; M025 end
; NTVDM ; Copy softpc keyboard driver resident code to start of free mem ; Install Softpc IVT hooks ifndef NEC_98 mov al,devmark_spc call setdevmark mov es, cs:[devmark_addr] mov word ptr es:[arena_name], 'BK' mov word ptr es:[arena_name+2], 'D'
cld mov ax,[memhi] push ds mov cx,Bios_Data mov ds,cx assume ds:Bios_Data mov word ptr spc_mse_int10,offset int10h_vector mov word ptr spc_mse_int10+2,ax mov word ptr int29Perf,offset outchr ; sudeepb 03-Nov-1992 mov word ptr int29Perf+2,ds ; added for int10 performance pop ds assume ds:nothing
mov es,ax ;es dest seg. for SpcKbd push es push cs pop ds ;ds src seg for SpcKbd mov si,offset sysinitgrp:SpcKbdBeg mov cx,offset sysinitgrp:SpcKbdEnd sub cx,si xor di,di mov [memlo],cx or [setdevmarkflag],for_devmark call round rep movsb pop ds call sysinitgrp:InstSpcKbd
; save value of int09 for int 09 hardware stack disable xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov si, 09h*4 lodsw mov word ptr cs:old09, ax lodsw mov word ptr cs:old09+2, ax
; save value of int08 for int 08 hardware stack disable mov si, 08h*4 lodsw mov word ptr cs:old08, ax lodsw mov word ptr cs:old08+2, ax else ;NEC_98 bop 5fh endif ;NEC_98
; NTVDM ; Attempt to init emm memory manager. if we have emm ; then load internal emm stub device driver. ; ; check if emm memory is available mov ax, [memhi] inc ax ;1 para for arena header mov ds, ax ;expected seg for emm drv call sysinitgrp:InitSpcEmm cmp ax, 0 jne NoEmmServices
; fill in the arena name mov al, devmark_device call setdevmark mov es, cs:[devmark_addr] mov word ptr es:[arena_name], 'ME' mov word ptr es:[arena_name+2], 'M'
; copy in emm stub driver code cld mov ax,[memhi] mov es,ax push es ;save for diddling devheader push cs pop ds mov si,offset sysinitgrp:SpcEmmBeg mov cx,offset sysinitgrp:SpcEmmEnd sub cx,si xor di,di mov [memlo],cx or [setdevmarkflag],for_devmark call round rep movsb
; link in emm stub driver ; so apps can find emm driver pop ds xor si, si ;ds:si = device header les di, cs:[dosinfo] ;es:di = to dos info mov cx,word ptr es:[di.sysi_dev] ;dx:cx = head of list mov dx,word ptr es:[di.sysi_dev+2] mov word ptr es:[di.sysi_dev],si ;set head of list in dos mov word ptr es:[di.sysi_dev+2],ds mov word ptr ds:[si], cx ;link in the driver mov word ptr ds:[si+2], dx
; Now, process config.sys some more. ; Load the device drivers and install programs inc cs:multi_pass_id ; multi_pass_id = 1 call multi_pass ; load device drivers
; NTVDM ; Install Softpc Mouse driver in UMB if can else in LOW memory ; This must be done after himem.sys is loaded for umb support ; ifndef NEC_98 mov cx, offset sysinitgrp:SpcMseEnd sub cx, offset sysinitgrp:SpcMseBeg ; cx, size of SpceMse mov di, offset MseDev push cs pop es ; es:di, dest push cx ; preserve cx call AllocUMBLow pop cx push es ; save to pass to InstSpcMse
mov si, offset sysinitgrp:SpcMseBeg push cs pop ds ; ds:si, Source of SpcMse code rep movsb
pop ds call sysinitgrp:InstSpcMse
endif ;NEC_98
call ShrinkUMB call UnlinkUMB ; unlink all UMBs ;M002 inc cs:multi_pass_id ; multi_pass_id = 2 call multi_pass ; was load ifs (now does nothing) call endfile ; setup fcbs, files, buffers etc
; ;Reset SysinitPresent flag here. This is needed for the special fix for lying ;to device drivers. This has been moved up to this point to avoid problems ;with overlays called from installed programs ; mov ax,Bios_Data mov es,ax ; point ES to bios data
assume es:Bios_Data
mov es:SysinitPresent,0 ; clear SysinitPresent flag
test install_flag,have_install_cmd ; are there install commands? jz dolast ; no, no need for further processing inc cs:multi_pass_id ; mult_pass_id = 3 call multi_pass ; execute install= commands dolast: assume es:nothing
; [area] has the segment address for the allocated memory of sysinit, confbot. ; free the confbot area used for config.sys and sysinit itself.
; Now if DOS is supposed to run high, we actually move it into high memory ; (if HiMem manager is available). ; ; There is also this little hack for CPM style DOS calls that needs to ; be done when A20 is set...
cmp runhigh, 0ffh ; are we still waiting to be moved? jne @f ; no, our job is over call LoadDOSHiOrLo @@:
cmp runhigh, 0 ; are we running low je @f ; yes, no CPM hack needed ifndef NEC_98 call CPMHack ; make ffff:d0 same as 0:c0 endif ;NEC_98 @@:
; We are now done with CONFIG.SYS processing
ConfigDone: ;; let NTVDM knows that we have done config.sys processing xor al, al ;config.sys done BOP BOP_NOTIFICATION ; call AllocUMB ; allocate remaining UMBs if there are any mov cs:[donotshownum],1 ; done with config.sys. do not show line number message. mov es,[area]
assume es:nothing
mov ah,49h ; free allocated memory for command.com int 21h
test cs:[install_flag],has_installed ; sysinit_base installed? jz skip_free_sysinitbase ; no.
;set block from the old_area with impossible_owner_size. ;this will free the unnecessary sysinit_base that had been put in memory to ;handle install= command.
push es push bx mov es,cs:[old_area] mov bx,cs:[impossible_owner_size] mov ah,setblock int 21h mov ax,es dec ax mov es,ax ;point to arena mov es:[arena_owner],8 ;set impossible owner mov word ptr es:[arena_name], 'DS' ; System Data pop bx pop es
ifdef NEC_98 cmp runhigh, 0 je @f ;----------------------------------------------------------- NEC 91/05/10 ----- ; call InstVDiskHeader ; Install VDISK header (allocates some mem from DOS) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @@: endif ;NEC_98 if noexec mov bp,ds ;save command.com segment push ds pop es mov bx,cs sub bx,10h ; point to current php mov ds,bx xor si,si mov di,si mov cx,80h rep movsw ; copy it to new location for shell mov word ptr es:[pdb_jfn_pointer + 2],es ; relocate mov bx,es mov ah,set_current_pdb int 21h ; tell dos we moved it mov es:[pdb_parent_pid],es ;we are the root endif ; noexec
push cs pop ds ; point DS to sysinitseg
assume ds:sysinitseg
; set up the parameters for command
mov si,offset command_line+1
if noexec mov di,81h else push ds pop es mov di,si endif
mov cl,-1 comtranlp: ;find length of command line inc cl lodsb stosb ;copy command line in or al,al jnz comtranlp dec di mov al,cr ; cr terminate stosb
if noexec mov es:[80h],cl ; set up header mov al,[default_drive] mov es:[5ch],al else mov [command_line],cl ;count endif
mov dx,offset commnd ;now pointing to file description
if noexec mov es,bp ;set load address mov bx,100h call dfil ;read in command jc comerr mov ds,bp mov dx,80h mov ah,set_dma ;set disk tranfer address int 21h call DOCLI mov ss,bp mov sp,dx call DOSTI xor ax,ax ;push a word of zeros push ax push bp ;set high part of jump address mov ax,100h push ax ;set low part of jump address retf ;crank up command!
else ; not noexec
; we are going to open the command interpreter and size it as is done in ; ldfil. the reason we must do this is that sysinit is in free memory. if ; there is not enough room for the command interpreter,exec will probably ; overlay our stack and code so when it returns with an error sysinit won't be ; here to catch it. this code is not perfect (for instance .exe command ; interpreters are possible) because it does its sizing based on the ; assumption that the file being loaded is a .com file. it is close enough to ; correctness to be usable.
push dx ; save pointer to name
; first, find out where the command interpreter is going to go.
mov bx,0ffffh mov ah,alloc int 21h ;get biggest piece mov ah,alloc int 21h ; second time gets it jc memerrjx ; oooops
mov es,ax mov ah,dealloc int 21h ; give it right back mov bp,bx
; es:0 points to block,and bp is the size of the block ; in para.
; we will now adjust the size in bp down by the size of sysinit. we ; need to do this because exec might get upset if some of the exec ; data in sysinit is overlayed during the exec.
mov bx,[memory_size] ; get location of end of memory mov ax,cs ; get location of beginning of sysinit sub bx,ax ; bx is size of sysinit in para add bx,11h ; add the sysinit php sub bp,bx ; sub sysinit size from amount of free memory jc memerrjx ; if there isn't even this much memory, give up
mov ax,(open shl 8) ;open the file being execed stc ;in case of int 24 int 21h jc comerr ; ooops
mov bx,ax ;handle in bx xor cx,cx xor dx,dx mov ax,(lseek shl 8) or 2 stc ;in case of int 24 int 21h ; get file size in dx:ax jc comerr ; convert size in dx:ax to para in ax add ax,15 ; round up size for conversion to para adc dx,0 call off_to_para mov cl,12 shl dx,cl ; low nibble of dx to high nibble or ax,dx ; ax is now # of para for file add ax,10h ; 100h byte php cmp ax,bp ; will command fit in available mem? jb okld ; jump if yes. memerrjx: jmp mem_err
okld: mov ah,close int 21h ; close file
pop dx ; recover pointer to name push cs ; point es to sysinitseg pop es mov bx,offset comexe ; point to exec block mov word ptr [bx.exec0_com_line+2],cs ; set segments mov word ptr [bx.exec0_5c_fcb+2],cs mov word ptr [bx.exec0_6c_fcb+2],cs xor ax,ax ;load and go mov ah,exec stc ;in case of int 24 int 21h ;go start up command endif
; note fall through if exec returns (an error)
comerr: mov dx,offset badcom ;want to print command error ifdef JAPAN call IsDBCSCodePage jz @f mov dx,offset badcom2 @@: endif extrn badfil:near call badfil public stall stall: SVC SVC_DEMEXITVDM ; Will Kill The VDM
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; procedure : AllocFreeMem ; ; Allocate Max memory from DOS to find out where to load DOS. ; DOS is at temporary location when this call is being made ; ; Inputs : None ; Outputs: The biggest chunk of memory is allocated (all mem at init time) ; [area] & [memhi] set to the para value of the start of the ; free memory. ; ; Uses : AX, BX ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AllocFreeMem proc near
assume es:nothing, ds:nothing mov bx,0ffffh mov ah,alloc int 21h ;first time fails mov ah,alloc int 21h ;second time gets it mov [area],ax mov [memhi],ax ; memhi:memlo now points to ret ; start of free memory AllocFreeMem endp
; start M000 include msbio.cl6 ; end M000
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : LoadDOSHiOrLo ; ; Tries to move DOS into HMA. If it fails then loads ; DOS into Low memory. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
LoadDOSHiOrLo proc near call TryToMovDOSHi ; Try moving it into HMA (M024) jc LdngLo ; If that don't work... ret LdngLo: push cs pop ds mov ah, 9 mov dx, offset DOSLOMSG ; inform user that we are ifdef JAPAN call IsDBCSCodePage jz @f mov dx, offset DOSLOMSG2 @@: endif int 21h ; loading low
; actually move the dos, and reinitialize it.
mov bx, 1 ; M012 ; use int 21 alloc for mem call MovDOSLo mov es,[current_dos_location] ; give dos its temporary loc. xor ax,ax ; ax = 00 ---> install stub call cs:dword ptr [dos_segreinit] ; call dos segreinit
mov runhigh, 0 ; mark that we are running lo ret LoadDOSHiOrLo endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : TryToMovDOSHi ; ; This tries to move DOS into HMA. ; Returns CY if it failed. ; If it succeeds returns with carry cleared. ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
public TryToMovDOSHi
TryToMovDOSHi proc near call MovDOSHi jc ttldhx
mov es,[current_dos_location] ; give dos its temporary loc.
xor ax,ax ; ax = 00 ---> install stub call cs:dword ptr [dos_segreinit] ; call dos segreinit
mov runhigh, 1 clc ttldhx: ret TryToMovDOSHi endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : MovDOSHi ; ; Tries to allocate HMA and Move DOS/BIOS code into HMA ; ; Returns : CY if it failed ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
MovDOSHi proc near call AllocHMA jc mdhx ; did we get HMA? mov ax, 0ffffh ; yes, HMA seg = 0ffffh mov es, ax
; actually move the BIOS and DOS
call MovBIOS ; First move BIOS into HMA
; ES:DI points to free HMA after BIOS
mov cx, hi_doscod_size ; pass the code size of DOS ; when it is in HMA call MovDOS ; and move it
; ES:DI points to free HMA after DOS
call SaveFreeHMAPtr ; Save the Free HMA ptr clc mdhx: ret MovDOSHi endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : MovDOSLo ; ; Allocates memory from DOS and moves BIOS/DOS code into it ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
MovDOSLo proc near call AllocMemForDOS ; mov es, ax ; pass the segment to MovBIOS call MovBIOS ; ;------ ES:DI points memory immediately after BIOS ; mov cx, lo_doscod_size ; DOS code size when loaded ; low call MovDOS ret MovDOSLo endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : MovBIOS ; ; Moves BIOS code into requested segment ; ; In : ES - segment to which BIOS is to be moved ; ( it moves always into offset BCode_Start) ; ; Out : ES:DI - pointer to memory immediately after BIOS ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
MovBIOS proc near mov ds, temp_bcode_seg ; current BIOS code seg mov si, offset BCode_Start mov di, si mov cx, offset BCode_End sub cx, si ; size of BIOS shr cx, 1 ; Both the labels are para ; aligned rep movsw push es push di ; save end of BIOS mov ax, es mov BCodeSeg, ax ; save it for later use call [seg_reinit_ptr] ; far call to seg_reinit (M022) pop di pop es ; get back end of BIOS ret MovBIOS endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : MovDOS ; ; Moves DOS code into requested area ; ; In : ES:DI - pointer to memory where DOS is to be moved ; CX - size of DOS code to be moved ; ; Out : ES:DI - pointer to memory immediately after DOS ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
MovDOS proc near push es push di lds si, dos_temp_location ; current location of DOS rep movsb pop bx ; get back offset into which ; DOS was moved mov ax, dosinit ; get the offset at which DOS ; wants to run sub ax, bx call off_to_para pop bx ; get the segment at which ; we moved DOS into sub bx, ax ; Adjust segment mov current_dos_location, bx ; and save it ret MovDOS endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : AllocMemForDOS ; ; Allocate memory for DOS/BIOS code from DOS !!! ; ; Out : AX - seg of allocated memoryblock ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
AllocMemForDOS proc near mov ax, offset BCode_end sub ax, offset BCode_start ; BIOS code size add ax, lo_doscod_size ; + DOS code size add ax, 15 call off_to_para ; convert to para or bx, bx ; M012 ; can we use int 21 for alloc mov bx, ax jz update_arena ; M012 mov ah, 48h ; request DOS int 21h jc FatalErr ; IF ERR WE ARE HOSED sub ax, 3 ; Take care ORG 30h of ; BIOS code mov es, ax mov word ptr es:[20h+arena_owner], 08h ; mark it as system mov word ptr es:[20h+arena_name], 'CS' ; code area ret
; ; M012 : BEGIN ; update_arena: push ds push di push cx push dx lds di, dosinfo ; get ptr to DOS var dec di dec di ; Arena head is immediately ; before sysvar mov es, ds:[di] ; es = arena head mov cx, es:[arena_size] ; cx = total low mem size cmp cx, bx ; is it sufficient ? jb FatalErr ; no, fatal error mov dl, es:[arena_signature] mov ax, es add ax, bx ; ax = new arena head mov ds:[di], ax ; store it in DOS data area mov ds, ax mov byte ptr ds:[arena_signature], dl ; type of arena mov word ptr ds:[arena_owner], 0 ; free sub cx, bx ; size of the new block mov word ptr ds:[arena_size], cx ; store it in the arena mov ax, es ; return seg to the caller sub ax, 3 ; Take care ORG 30h of ; BIOS code pop dx pop cx pop di pop ds ret ; ; M012 : END ; FatalErr: push cs pop ds mov dx, offset FEMsg ifdef JAPAN call IsDBCSCodePage jz @f ; if Kanji mode mov dx, offset FEMsg2 @@: endif mov ah, 9h int 21h cli hlt AllocMemForDOS endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : AllocHMA ; ; grab_the_hma tries to enable a20 and make sure there is memory ; up there. If it gets any sort of error, it will return with ; carry set so that we can resort to running low. ; ; It also returns ES: -> 0ffffh if it returns success ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
AllocHMA proc near assume ds:nothing,es:nothing ; ; cas note: The pre-286 check is no longer needed here since the ; presence of XMS is sufficient. However, this code hasn't ; been deleted because it can be recycled for skipping the ; extra pass of CONFIG.SYS and assuming we're running low ; in the case of a pre-286.
; ;; see if we're running on a pre-286. If not, force low. ; ; xor ax,ax ; pushf ; save flags (like int) ; push ax ; popf ; pushf ; pop ax ; popf ; restore original flags (like int) ; and ax,0f000h ; cmp ax,0f000h ; 8088/8086? ; jz grab_hma_error ; push ds mov ax,Bios_Data mov ds,ax assume ds:Bios_Data
call IsXMSLoaded jnz grabhma_error
mov ax,4310h int 2fh ; get the vector into es:bx mov word ptr xms,bx mov word ptr xms+2,es
mov ah,1 ; request HMA mov dx,0ffffh call xms dec ax jz @f ; error if not able to allocate HMA
ifndef NEC_98 ; ;------ Himem may be lying because it has allocated mem for int 15 ; mov ah, 88h int 15h else ;NEC_98 push ds xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov al,byte ptr ds:[401h] pop ds shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 shl ax,1 endif ;NEC_98 cmp ax, 64 ; less than 64 K of hma ? jb grabhma_error
@@: mov ah,5 ; localenableA20 call xms dec ax jnz grabhma_error ; error if couldn't enable A20
mov ax,0ffffh mov es,ax mov es:word ptr 10h,1234h ; see if we can really read/write there cmp es:word ptr 10h,1234h jnz grabhma_error ; don't try to load there if XMS lied
clc pop ds ret
grabhma_error: stc pop ds assume ds:nothing ret
AllocHMA endp
; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : IsXMSLoaded ; ; Checks whether a XMS driver is loaded ; ; Returns : Z flag set if XMS driver loaded ; Z flag reset if no XMS drivers are present ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; public IsXMSLoaded
IsXMSLoaded proc near mov ax,4300h int 2fh cmp al,80h ; XMS installed? ret IsXMSLoaded endp
; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; procedure : FTryToMovDOSHi ; ; Called from HMA suballoc calls ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;
public FTryToMovDOSHi FTryToMovDOSHi proc far
push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push ds push es cmp runhigh, 0ffh jne @f
call TryToMovDOSHi @@: pop es pop ds pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax
ret FTryToMovDOSHi endp
ifdef NEC_98 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; following piece of code will be moved into a para boundary. And the para ; address posted in seg of int 19h vector. Offset of int 19h will point to ; VDint19. This is to protect HMA from apps which use VDISK header method ; to determine free extended memory. ; ; For more details read "power programming" column by Ray Duncan in the ; May 30 1989 issue of PC Magazine (pp 377-388) [USING EXTENDED MEMORY,PART 1] ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; StartVDHead label byte ; ;-------------- what follows is a dummy device driver header (not used by DOS) ; dd 0 ; link to next device driver dw 8000h ; device attribute dw 0 ; strategy routine offset dw 0 ; interrupt routine offset db 1 ; number of units db 7 dup(0) ; reserved area VDiskSig1 db 'VDISK'
VLEN1 equ ($-offset VDiskSig1)
db ' V3.3' ; vdisk label db 15 dup (0) ; pad dw 0 ; bits 0-15 of free HMA db 11h ; bits 16-23 of free HMA (1M + 64K)
VDInt19: db 0eah ; jmp to old vector OldVDInt19 dd ? ; Saved int 19 vector
EndVDHead label byte ; ; VDiskHMAHead db 0,0,0 ; non-bootable disk VDiskSig2 db 'VDISK'
VLEN2 equ ($-offset VDiskSig2)
db '3.3' ; OEM - signature dw 128 ; number of bytes/sector db 1 ; sectors/cluster dw 1 ; reserved sectors db 1 ; number of FAT copies dw 64 ; number of root dir entries dw 512 ; number of sectors db 0feh ; media descriptor dw 6 ; number of sectors/FAT dw 8 ; sectors per track dw 1 ; number of heads dw 0 ; number of hodden sectors dw 440h ; Start of free HMA in K (1M+64K) EndVDiskHMAHead label byte ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : InstVDiskHeader ; ; Installs the VDISK header to reserve the 64k of HMA ; It puts a 32 byte header at 10000:0 and ; another header at (seg of int19):0 ; ; Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; USES : DS,SI,AX,CX,DX ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; assume ds:nothing
InstVDiskHeader proc near
xor ax, ax mov ds, ax ; seg of int vect table ; ;-------------- save old int 19 vector ; mov ax, word ptr ds:[19h*4] mov word ptr OldVDint19, ax mov ax, word ptr ds:[19h*4+2] mov word ptr OldVDint19+2, ax ; ;-------------- calculate seg of new int 19 handler ; mov ah, 48h ; allocate memory mov bx, (offset EndVDHead - offset StartVDHead + 15) shr 4 int 21h
; if carry, fatal hanging error!!!!!
dec ax ; point to arena mov es, ax mov word ptr es:[arena_owner], 8 ; owner = System mov word ptr es:[arena_name], 'CS' ; System Code inc ax mov es, ax ; get back to allocated memory ; ;-------------- install new int 19 vector ; cli ; no reboots at this time mov word ptr ds:[19h*4], (offset VDint19 - offset StartVDHead) mov word ptr ds:[19h*4+2], ax ; ;-------------- move the code into proper place ; mov cx, (offset EndVDHead - offset StartVDHead) mov si, offset StartVDHead xor di, di push cs pop ds cld rep movsb sti ; BUGBUG is sti OK now? ; ;-------------- mov the HMA VDisk head into HMA ; push di push es
mov ax, 0ffffh mov es, ax mov di, 10h mov cx, (offset EndVDiskHMAHead - offset VDiskHMAHead) mov si, offset VDiskHMAHead rep movsb ; ds already set to cs
pop di pop es
InstVDiskHeader endp endif ;NEC_98 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : SaveFreeHMAPtr ; ; Save the Free HMA pointer in BIOS variable for later use. ; (INT 2f ax==4a01 call returns pointer to free HMA) ; Normalizes the pointer to ffff:xxxx format and stores only ; the offset. ; ; Inputs : ES:DI - pointer to free HMA ; Output : FreeHMAPtr in BIOS data segment updated ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SaveFreeHMAPtr proc near mov bx, es mov ax, 0ffffh ; HMA segment sub ax, bx add di, 15 ; para round and di, 0fff0h mov cl, 4 shl ax, cl sub di, ax push ds mov ax, Bios_Data mov ds, ax assume ds:Bios_Data mov FreeHMAPtr, di mov inHMA, 0ffh pop ds assume ds:nothing ret SaveFreeHMAPtr endp ifdef NEC_98 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : IsVDiskInstalled ; ; Checks for the presence of VDISK header at 1MB boundary ; & INT 19 vector ; ; Inputs : A20 flag should be ON ; Outputs : Zero set if VDISK header found else Zero cleared ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IsVDiskInstalled proc near xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov ds, word ptr ds:[19*4+2] mov si, offset VDiskSig1 - offset StartVDHead mov cx, VLEN1 push cs pop es mov di, offset VDiskSig1 rep cmpsb je @f mov ax, 0ffffh mov ds, ax mov si, 10h+(offset VDiskSig2 - offset VDiskHMAHead) mov di, offset VDiskSig2 mov cx, VLEN2 rep cmpsb @@: ret ; returns the Zero flag IsVDiskInstalled endp endif ;NEC_98 ; ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : CPMHack ; ; Copies the code from 0:c0 into ffff:0d0h ; for CPM comatibilty ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CPMHack proc near push ds mov cx, 0ffffH mov es, cx ; ES = FFFF xor cx, cx mov ds, cx ; DS = 0 mov si, 0c0h mov di, 0d0h mov cx, 5 cld rep movsb ; move 5 bytes from 0:C0 to FFFF:D0 pop ds ret CPMHack endp ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : off_to_para ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
off_to_para proc near shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 ret off_to_para endp
;** TempCDS - Create (Temporary?) CDS ; ; ENTRY ?? BUGBUG ; (DS) = SysInitSeg ; EXIT ?? BUGBUG ; USES ?? BUGBUG
public tempcds Procedure TempCDS
assume ds:sysinitseg les di,dosinfo mov cl,byte ptr es:[di.sysi_numio] xor ch,ch ; (cx) = # of block devices mov es:[di.sysi_ncds],cl ; one CDS per device mov al,cl ifdef JAPAN mov ah,size curdir_list_JPN else mov ah,size curdir_list endif mul ah ; (ax) = byte size for those CDSs call pararound ; (ax) = paragraph size for CDSs mov si,[confbot] ; BUGBUG - we don't update confbot - won't someone else use it? sub si,ax mov [alloclim],si ; can't alloc past here! mov word ptr es:[di.sysi_cds + 2],si mov ax,si mov word ptr es:[di.sysi_cds],0 ; set address of CDS list ifdef NEC_98 lds si,es:[di.sysi_dpb] ; (ds:si) = address of first DPB endif ;NEC_98 assume ds:nothing mov es,ax xor di,di ; (es:di) = address of 1st CDS
;* Initialize our temporary CDSs. ; ; (cx) = count of CDSs left to process ; (si) = 0 based drive being processed ; (es:di) = address of next CDS
fooset: xor dx,dx ; indicator to stop removable checks foogo: mov ax,word ptr DirStrng .errnz CURDIR_TEXT ; setup the root as the curdir stosw mov ax,word ptr DirStrng+2 stosw xor ax,ax push cx .errnz CURDIR_FLAGS - CURDIR_TEXT - size CURDIR_TEXT mov cx,curdir_flags - 4 rep stosb ; zero out rest of CURDIR_TEXTs
; Here es:di points to CURDIR_FLAGS
or dx,dx ; have we found one fixed drive? jnz fixed_drv2 ; NZ -> yes dont do IOCTL check
ifndef NEC_98 cmp byte ptr DirStrng, 'B' jbe not_fixed ; 'A' and 'B' are always removable
endif ;NEC_98 push bx mov bl,byte ptr DirStrng sub bl,'A' inc bl ; C is 3 mov ax,4408h int 21h ; Is drive removable pop bx jc fixed_drv ; Could'nt find means NET hence fixed or ax,ax jnz fixed_drv
not_fixed: mov ax,CURDIR_LOCAL OR CURDIR_INUSE jmp short fill_in
fixed_drv: inc dx fixed_drv2: mov ax,CURDIR_LOCAL OR CURDIR_INUSE OR CURDIR_NT_FIX
mov ax,2 FOLLOWS CURDIR_END,CURDIR_FLAGS,2 stosw ; Save CURDIR_END ifdef JAPAN ; CDS structure has 88 bytes size each drive with Real DOS ; Ichitaro ver5 checks drive type of each drive ; It should be had the same size add di,size curdirJPN_reserve ; skip until next CDS endif ; !JAPAN
inc byte ptr DirStrng pop cx loop foogo mov byte ptr DirStrng,"A" ret
EndProc TempCDS
;** EndFile - Build DOS structures ; ; This procedure is called after the config.sys has been processed and ; installable device drivers have been loaded (but before "install=" ; programs are loaded) to create the dos structures such as SFTs, buffers, ; FCBs, CDSs, etc. It also loads the sysinit_base module in low memory ; to allow for the safe EXECing of "install=" programs. All memory ; above these structures is deallocated back to DOS. ; ; ENTRY ?? BUGBUG ; EXIT ?? BUGBUG ; USES ?? BUGBUG
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; allocate files ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; we are now setting up final cdss,buffers,files,fcss strings etc. we no ; longer need the space taken by the temp stuff below confbot,so set alloclim ; to confbot.
; if this procedure has been called to take care of install= command, ; then we have to save es,si registers.
push ds mov ax,Bios_Data mov ds,ax assume ds:Bios_Data
cmp multrk_flag,multrk_off1 ;=0,multrack= command entered? jne multrk_flag_done or multrk_flag,multrk_on ; default will be on. multrk_flag_done:
pop ds assume ds:nothing
mov ax,[confbot] mov [alloclim],ax
push cs pop ds extrn round:near call round mov al,[files] sub al,5 jbe dofcbs
push ax mov al,devmark_files call setdevmark ; set devmark for sfts (files) pop ax xor ah,ah ; do not use cbw instruction!!!!! ; it does sign extend. mov bx,[memlo] mov dx,[memhi] lds di,dosinfo ;get pointer to dos data lds di,[di+sysi_sft] ;ds:bp points to sft mov word ptr [di+sflink],bx mov word ptr [di+sflink+2],dx ;set pointer to new sft
push cs pop ds
les di,dword ptr [memlo] ;point to new sft mov word ptr es:[di+sflink],-1 mov es:[di+sfcount],ax mov bl,size sf_entry mul bl ;ax = number of bytes to clear mov cx,ax add [memlo],ax ;allocate memory mov ax,6 add [memlo],ax ;remember the header too or [setdevmarkflag],for_devmark call round ; check for mem error before the stosb add di,ax xor ax,ax rep stosb ;clean out the stuff
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; allocate fcbs ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dofcbs: push cs pop ds call round mov al,devmark_fcbs ;='x' call setdevmark mov al,[fcbs] xor ah,ah ; do not use cbw instruction!!!!! ; it does sign extend. mov bx,[memlo] mov dx,[memhi] lds di,dosinfo ;get pointer to dos data assume ds:nothing
mov word ptr [di+sysi_fcb],bx mov word ptr [di+sysi_fcb+2],dx ;set pointer to new table mov bl,cs:keep xor bh,bh mov [di+sysi_keep],bx
push cs pop ds assume ds:sysinitseg
les di,dword ptr [memlo] ;point to new table mov word ptr es:[di+sflink],-1 mov es:[di+sfcount],ax mov bl,size sf_entry mov cx,ax mul bl ;ax = number of bytes to clear add [memlo],ax ;allocate memory mov ax,size sf-2 add [memlo],ax ;remember the header too or [setdevmarkflag],for_devmark call round ; check for mem error before the stosb add di,ax ;skip over header mov al,"A" fillloop: push cx ; save count mov cx,size sf_entry ; number of bytes to fill cld rep stosb ; filled
mov word ptr es:[di-(size sf_entry)+sf_ref_count],0 mov word ptr es:[di-(size sf_entry)+sf_position],0 mov word ptr es:[di-(size sf_entry)+sf_position+2],0
pop cx loop fillloop
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; allocate cdss ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ buf1: call round
push ax mov ax,devmark_cds ;='l' call setdevmark pop ax
les di,dosinfo mov cl,byte ptr es:[di.sysi_numio]
;NTVDM Ignore the lastdrive command. There exists only one cds for all ; network drives and dos has already set sysi_numio to be ; num real drives + 1 for all network drives 17-Aug-1992 Jonle ; ; cmp cl,[num_cds] ; jae gotncds ; user setting must be at least numio ; mov cl,[num_cds] ;gotncds: ; xor ch,ch mov es:[di.sysi_ncds],cl mov ax,[memhi] mov word ptr es:[di.sysi_cds + 2],ax mov ax,[memlo] mov word ptr es:[di.sysi_cds],ax mov al,cl ifdef JAPAN mov ah,size curdir_list_JPN else mov ah,size curdir_list endif mul ah call pararound add [memhi],ax
or [setdevmarkflag],for_devmark call round ; check for mem error before initializing ifdef NEC_98 lds si,es:[di.sysi_dpb] endif ;NEC_98 assume ds:nothing les di,es:[di.sysi_cds] call fooset
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; allocate space for internal stack ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if stacksw
push cs pop ds assume ds:sysinitseg
ifdef NEC_98 cmp word ptr [stack_addr],-1 ;has the user entered "stacks=" command? je doinstallstack ;then install as specified by the user cmp [sys_scnd_model_byte],0 ;pc1,xt has the secondary model byte = 0 jne doinstallstack ;other model should have default stack of 9,128 cmp [sys_model_byte],0feh ;pc1, pc/xt or pc portable ? jae skipstack endif ;NEC_98 doinstallstack: mov ax,[stack_count] ; stack_count = 0? or ax,ax ;then,stack size must be 0 too. jz skipstack ;don't install stack.
; dynamic relocation of stack code.
call round ;[memhi] = seg. for stack code ;[memlo] = 0
; set devmark block into memory for mem command ; devmark_id = 's' for stack
mov al,devmark_stk ;='s' call setdevmark
mov ax,[memhi] mov es,ax ;es -> seg. the stack code is going to move. assume es:nothing push cs pop ds xor si,si ;!!we know that stack code is at the beginning of sysinit. xor di,di mov cx,offset endstackcode mov [memlo],cx call round ;have enough space for relocation? rep movsb
push ds ; stick the location of the NextStack entry mov ax,Bios_Data ; into the Win386 Instance Data tables mov ds,ax assume ds:Bios_Data mov word ptr NextStack,offset nextentry mov word ptr NextStack+2,es
mov ax,[memlo] mov word ptr [stack_addr],ax ;set for stack area initialization mov word ptr IT_StackLoc,ax ; pass it as Instance Data, too mov ax,[memhi] ;this will be used by stack_init routine. mov word ptr [stack_addr+2],ax mov word ptr IT_StackLoc+2,ax
; space for internal stack area = stack_count(entrysize + stack_size)
mov ax,entrysize add ax,[stack_size] mul [stack_count]
mov IT_StackSize,ax ; pass through to Instance Tables
pop ds ; no more need to access Instance Table assume ds:nothing
call pararound ; convert size to pargraphs add [memhi],ax or [setdevmarkflag],for_devmark ;to set the devmark_size for stack by round routine. call round ; check for memory error before ; continuing call stackinit ; initialize hardware stack. cs=ds=sysinitseg,es=relocated stack code & data
skipstack: endif
push cs pop ds assume ds:sysinitseg
mov al,[files] xor ah,ah ; do not use cbw instruction!!!!! ; it does sign extend. mov cx,ax xor bx,bx ;close standard input mov ah,close int 21h ;; go directly to the handle table; donot close any invalid handles push si mov ah, Get_Current_PDB ; int 21h les si, es:[pdb_jfn_pointer] mov bx, 2 rcclloop: cmp byte ptr es:[bx][si], 0FFh ;skip invalid handle je skip_the_handle mov ah,close ; need output so we can print message int 21h ; in case we can't get new one open. skip_the_handle: inc bx loop rcclloop pop si
mov dx,offset condev mov al,2 mov ah,open ;open con for read/write stc ; set for possible int 24 int 21h jnc goaux call badfil jmp short goaux2
goaux: push ax mov bx,1 ;close standard output mov ah,close int 21h pop ax
mov bx,ax ;new device handle mov ah,xdup int 21h ;dup to 1,stdout mov ah,xdup int 21h ;dup to 2,stderr
goaux2: mov dx,offset auxdev mov al,2 ;read/write access extrn open_dev:near call open_dev
mov dx,offset prndev mov al,1 ;write only call open_dev
;global rearm command for shared interrupt devices attached in the system; ;shared interrupt attachment has some problem when it issues interrupt ;during a warm reboot. once the interrupt is presented by the attachment, ;no further interrupts on that level will be presented until a global rearm ;is issued. by the request of the system architecture group, msbio will ;issue a global rearm after every device driver is loaded. ;to issue a global rearm: ;for pc1,xt,palace ; ; out 02f2h,xx ; interrupt level 2 ; out 02f3h,xx ; interrupt level 3 ; out 02f4h,xx ; interrupt level 4 ; out 02f5h,xx ; interrupt level 5 ; out 02f6h,xx ; interrupt level 6 ; out 02f7h,xx ; interrupt level 7 ; ; for pc at,in addition to the above commands, ; need to handle the secondary interrupt handler ; ; out 06f2h,xx ; interrupt level 10 ; out 06f3h,xx ; interrupt level 11 ; out 06f4h,xx ; interrupt level 12 ; out 06f6h,xx ; interrupt level 14 ; out 06f7h,xx ; interrupt level 15 ; ; for round-up machine ; ; none.
; where xx stands for any value. ; ; for your information,after naples level machine,the system service bios ; call (int 15h),function ah=0c0h returns the system configuration parameters ; ; ; Sudeepb 31-Dec-1991 Commented out for NT if 0 push ax push bx push dx push es
mov al,0ffh ;reset h/w by writing to port mov dx,2f2h ;get starting address out dx,al ; out 02f2h,0ffh inc dx out dx,al ; out 02f3h,0ffh inc dx out dx,al ; out 02f4h,0ffh inc dx out dx,al ; out 02f5h,0ffh inc dx out dx,al ; out 02f6h,0ffh inc dx out dx,al ; out 02f7h,0ffh
;sb secondary global rearm
mov ax,0f000h ;get machine type mov es,ax cmp byte ptr es:[0fffeh],0fch ;q:is it a at type machine je startrearm ; *if at no need to check
mov ah,0c0h ;get system configuration int 15h ; * jc finishrearm ; *jmp if old rom
; test feature byte for secondary interrupt controller
test es:[bx.bios_sd_featurebyte1],scndintcontroller je finishrearm ;jmp if it is there
startrearm: mov al,0ffh ;write any pattern to port mov dx,6f2h ;get starting address out dx,al ;out 06f2h,0ffh inc dx ;bump address out dx,al ;out 06f3h,0ffh inc dx ;bump address out dx,al ;out 06f4h,0ffh inc dx ;bump address inc dx ;bump address out dx,al ;out 06f6h,0ffh inc dx ;bump address out dx,al ;out 06f7h,0ffh
finishrearm: pop es pop dx pop bx pop ax endif
; global rearm end *******************
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; allocate sysinit_base for install= command ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; sysinit_base allocation. ; check if endfile has been called to handle install= command.
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;sysinit_base will be established in the secure area of ;lower memory when it handles the first install= command. ;sysinit_base is the place where the actual exec function will be called and ;will check sysinit module in high memory if it is damaged by the application ;program. if sysinit module has been broken,then "memory error..." message ;is displayed by sysinit_base. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
push ax ; set devmark for mem command mov ax,[memhi] sub ax,[area] mov [impossible_owner_size],ax ;remember the size in case. mov al,devmark_inst call setdevmark pop ax
mov di,[memhi] mov es,di assume es:nothing mov word ptr [sysinit_base_ptr+2],di ; save this entry for the next use. xor di,di mov word ptr [sysinit_base_ptr],di ; es:di -> destination. mov si,offset sysinit_base ;ds:si -> source code to be relocated. mov cx,(offset end_sysinit_base) - (offset sysinit_base) add [memlo],cx or cs:[setdevmarkflag],for_devmark call round ; check mem error. also,readjust memhi for the next use. rep movsb ; reallocate it.
mov word ptr [sysinit_ptr],offset sysinitptr ; returing address from mov word ptr [sysinit_ptr+2],cs ; sysinit_base back to sysinit. or [install_flag],has_installed ; set the flag.
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; free the rest of the memory from memhi to confbot. still from confbot to ; the top of the memory will be allocated for sysinit and config.sys if ; have_install_cmd. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
call round mov bx,[memhi] mov ax,[area] mov [old_area],ax ; save [area] mov es,ax ;calc what we needed sub bx,ax mov ah,setblock int 21h ;give the rest back
push es mov ax,es dec ax mov es,ax ;point to arena mov es:[arena_owner],8 ;set impossible owner mov word ptr es:[arena_name], 'DS' ; System Data pop es
mov bx,0ffffh mov ah,alloc int 21h mov ah,alloc int 21h ; allocate the rest of the memory
mov [memhi],ax ; start of the allocated memory mov [memlo],0 ; to be used next.
;;;; at this moment,memory from [memhi]:0 to top-of-the memory is ;;;; allocated. ;;;; to protect sysinit,confbot module (from confbot (or =alloclim at ;;;; this time) to the top-of-the memory),here we are going to ;;;; 1). "setblock" from memhi to confbot. ;;;; 2). "alloc" from confbot to the top of the memory. ;;;; 3). "free alloc memory" from memhi to confbot.
;memory allocation for sysinit,confbot module.
mov es,ax mov bx,[confbot] sub bx,ax ; confbot - memhi dec bx ; make a room for the memory block id. dec bx ; make sure!!!. mov ah,setblock int 21h ; this will free (confbot to top of memory) mov bx,0ffffh mov ah,alloc int 21h mov ah,alloc int 21h ; allocate (confbot to top of memory) mov [area],ax ; save allocated memory segment. ; need this to free this area for command.com. mov es,[memhi] mov ah,49h ; free allocated memory. int 21h ; free (memhi to confbot(=area))
endfile_ret: ret
; End of "EndFile" DOS structure configuration.
;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Do_Install_Exec ; ; This procedure is used to EXEC a program being loaded via the ; "install=" mechanism in config.sys. It does this by setting up ; the parameters, and then jumping to sysinit_base, which has been ; setup in low memory. When complete, sysinit_base will jump back ; up to this procedure (if sysinit remains uncorrupted by the installed ; program).
do_install_exec proc near ; now,handles install= command.
push si ; save si for config.sys again.
; we are going to call load/exec function. ; set es:bx to the parameter block here;;;;;;; ; set ds:dx to the asciiz string. remember that we already has 0 ; after the filename. so parameter starts after that. if next ; character is a line feed (i.e. 10),then assume that the 0 ; we already encountered used to be a carrage return. in this ; case,let's set the length to 0 which will be followed by ; carridge return.
; es:si -> command line in config.sys. points to the first non blank ;character after =.
push es push ds pop es pop ds ; es->sysinitseg,ds->confbot seg assume ds:nothing mov dx,si ; ds:dx->file name,0 in config.sys image.
xor cx,cx cld mov cs:ldexec_start,' ' ; clear out the parm area mov di,offset ldexec_parm installfilename: ; skip the file name lodsb ; al = ds:si; si++ cmp al,0 je got_installparm jmp installfilename got_installparm: ; copy the parameters to ldexec_parm lodsb mov es:[di],al cmp al,lf ; line feed? je done_installparm inc cl ; # of char. in the parm. inc di jmp got_installparm done_installparm: mov byte ptr cs:[ldexec_line],cl ; length of the parm. cmp cl,0 ;if no parm,then jne install_seg_set ; let the parm area mov byte ptr cs:[ldexec_start],cr ; starts with cr. install_seg_set: mov word ptr cs:0,0 ; make a null environment segment mov ax,cs ; by overlap jmp instruction of sysinitseg.
;hkn; the environment pointer is made 0. so the current environment ptr. ;hkn; will be the same as pdb_environ which after dosinit is 0.
ifndef NEC_98 mov cs:[instexe.exec0_environ],0 ; set the environment seg. else ;NEC_98 mov cs:[instexe.exec0_environ],ax ; set the environment seg. endif ;NEC_98
mov word ptr cs:[instexe.exec0_com_line+2],ax ; set the seg. mov word ptr cs:[instexe.exec0_5c_fcb+2],ax mov word ptr cs:[instexe.exec0_6c_fcb+2],ax call sum_up mov es:checksum,ax ; save the value of the sum xor ax,ax mov ah,exec ; load/exec mov bx,offset instexe ; es:bx -> parm block. push es ; save es,ds for load/exec push ds ; these registers will be restored in sysinit_base. jmp cs:dword ptr sysinit_base_ptr ; jmp to sysinit_base to execute ; load/exec function and check sum.
;j.k. this is the returning address from sysinit_base.
sysinitptr: ; returning far address from sysinit_base pop si ; restore si for config.sys file. push es push ds pop es pop ds ; now ds - sysinitseg,es - confbot jnc exec_exit_code
push si ; error in loading the file for install=. call badload ; es:si-> path,filename,0. pop si jmp short install_exit_ret
exec_exit_code: mov ah,4dh int 21h cmp ah,3 ;only accept "stay resident" prog. je install_exit_ret call error_line ;inform the user
install_exit_ret: ret
do_install_exec endp
;** ParaRound - Round Up length to paragraph multiple ; ; ParaRound rounds a byte count up to a multiple of 16, then divides ; by 16 yielding a "length in paragraphs" value. ; ; ENTRY (ax) = byte length ; EXIT (ax) = rounded up length in paragraphs ; USES ax, flags
Procedure ParaRound
add ax,15 rcr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 ret
EndProc ParaRound
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; sysinit_base module. ; ; This module is relocated by the routine EndFile to a location in low ; memory. It is then called by SYSINIT to perform the EXEC of programs ; that are being loaded by the "install=" command. After the EXEC call ; completes, this module performs a checksum on the SYSINIT code (at the ; top of memory) to be sure that the EXECed program did not damage it. ; If it did, then this module will print an error message and stop the ; system. Otherwise, it returns control to SYSINIT. ; ; ;in: after relocation, ; ax = 4b00h - load and execute the program dos function. ; ds = confbot. segment of config.sys file image ; es = sysinitseg. segment of sysinit module itself. ; ds:dx = pointer to asciiz string of the path,filename to be executed. ; es:bx = pointer to a parameter block for load. ; SI_end (byte) - offset vaule of end of sysinit module label ; bigsize (word) - # of word from confbot to SI_end. ; chksum (word) - sum of every byte from confbot to SI_end in a ; word boundary moduler form. ; sysinit_ptr (dword ptr) - return address to sysinit module. ; ;note: sysinit should save necessary registers and when the control is back
public sysinit_base sysinit_base: mov word ptr cs:sysinit_base_ss,ss ; save stack mov word ptr cs:sysinit_base_sp,sp int 21h ; load/exec dos call. mov ss,word ptr cs:sysinit_base_ss ; restore stack mov sp,word ptr cs:sysinit_base_sp pop ds ; restore confbot seg pop es ; restore sysinitseg jc sysinit_base_end ; load/exec function failed. ; at this time,i don't have to worry about ; that sysinit module has been broken or not. call sum_up ; otherwise,check if it is good. cmp es:checksum,ax je sysinit_base_end
; memory broken. show "memory allocation error" message and stall.
mov ah,9 push cs pop ds ifdef JAPAN call IsDBCSCodePage endif mov dx,offset mem_alloc_err_msgx - sysinit_base ifdef JAPAN jz sb_next ; if Kanji mode mov si,dx @@: lodsb or al,al jnz @b mov dx,si sb_next: endif int 21h jmp $ ; hang here!!!!
sysinit_base_end: jmp es:sysinit_ptr ;return back to sysinit module
;in: es - sysinitseg. ;out: ax - result ; ;remark: since this routine will only check starting from "locstack" to the end of ; sysinit segment,the data area, and the current stack area are not ; coverd. in this sense,this check sum routine only gives a minimal ; gaurantee to be safe. ; ;first sum up confbot seg.
push ds mov ax,es:confbot mov ds,ax xor si,si xor ax,ax mov cx,es:config_size ; if config_size has been broken,then this ;whole test better fail. shr cx,1 ; make it a word count jz sum_sys_code ; when config.sys file not exist. sum1: add ax,ds:word ptr [si] inc si inc si loop sum1 ;now,sum up sysinit module. sum_sys_code: ifndef NEC_98 mov si,offset locstack ; starting after the stack. else ;NEC_98 mov si, locstack ; starting after the stack. M069 endif ;NEC_98 ; this does not cover the possible stack code!!! mov cx,offset sysinitgrp:SI_end ; SI_end is the label at the end of sysinit sub cx,si ; from after_checksum to SI_end shr cx,1 sum2: add ax,es:word ptr [si] inc si inc si loop sum2 pop ds ret
sysinit_base_ss equ $-sysinit_base dw ? sysinit_base_sp equ $-sysinit_base dw ? mem_alloc_err_msgx:
include msbio.cl4 ; memory allocation error message
end_sysinit_base label byte
ifdef NEC_98 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set_Buffer ; ;function: set buffers in the real memory. ; lastly set the memhi,memlo for the next available free address. ; ;input: ds:bx -> buffinfo. ; [memhi]:[memlo = 0] = available space for the hash bucket. ; singlebuffersize = buffer header size + sector size ; ;output: buffers Queue established. ; [memhi]:[memlo] = address of the next available free space. ;
set_buffer proc near
assume ds:nothing xor dl, dl ; assume buffers not in HMA call GetBufferAddr je @f mov dl, 1 ; buffers in HMA @@: mov word ptr ds:[bx].Buff_Queue,di ; head of Buff Q mov word ptr ds:[bx].Buff_Queue[2],es mov word ptr ds:[bx.Dirty_Buff_Count],0 ;set dirty_count to 0.
mov ax, di mov cx, [buffers] push di ; remember first buffer
; for each buffer
nxt_buff: call set_buffer_info ;set buf_link,buf_id... mov di, ax loop nxt_buff
sub di, [singlebuffersize] ; point to last buffer
pop cx ; get first buffer mov word ptr es:[di].buf_next, cx ; last->next = first xchg cx, di mov word ptr es:[di].buf_prev, cx ; first->prev = last
or dl, dl ; In HMa ? jz @f ; no mov byte ptr ds:[bx].Buff_In_HMA, 1 mov ax, memhi ; seg of scratch buff mov word ptr ds:[bx].Lo_Mem_Buff, 0 ; offset of sctarch buff is 0 mov word ptr ds:[bx].Lo_Mem_Buff[2], ax mov ax, singlebuffersize ; size of scratch buff sub ax, bufinsiz ; buff head not reqd @@: add memlo, ax or [setdevmarkflag], for_devmark call round ret set_buffer endp
;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure : GetBufferAddr ; ; Gets the buffer address either in HMA or in Lo Mem ; ; returns in es:di the buffer adress ; returns NZ if allocated in HMA ; ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetBufferAddr proc near push bx push dx mov ax, singlebuffersize mul buffers add ax, 15 and ax, not 15 ; para round mov bx, ax mov ax, ((multMULT shl 8)+multMULTALLOCHMA) int 2fh cmp di, 0ffffh jne got_hma mov di, 0 ; dont xor di,di Z flag needed mov es, [memhi] got_hma: pop dx pop bx ret GetBufferAddr endp
set_buffer_info proc
;function: set buf_link,buf_id,buf_sector ; ;in: es:di -> buffer header to be set. ; ax = di ; ;out: ; above entries set.
push [buf_prev_off] pop es:[di.buf_prev] mov buf_prev_off,ax add ax,[singlebuffersize] ;adjust ax mov word ptr es:[di.buf_next],ax mov word ptr es:[di.buf_id],00ffh ;new buffer free mov word ptr es:[di.buf_sector],0 ;to compensate the masm 3 bug mov word ptr es:[di.buf_sector+2],0 ;to compensate the masm 3 bug ret set_buffer_info endp endif ;NEC_98 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ibmstack initialization routine. if stacksw .sall ; ; to follow the standard interrupt sharing scheme, msstack.asm ; has been modified. this initialization routine also has to ; be modified because for the interrupt level 7 and 15, firstflag ; should be set to signal that this interrupt handler is the ; first handler hooked to this interrupt vector. ; we determine this by looking at the instruction pointed by ; this vector. if it is iret, then this handler should be the ; first one. in our case, only the interrupt vector 77h is the ; interrupt level 15. (we don't hook interrupt level 7.) ; ; the followings are mainly due to m.r.t; ptm fix of p886 12/3/86 ; some design changes are needed to the above interrupt sharing ; method. the above sharing scheme assumes that 1). interrupt ; sharing is never done on levels that have bios support. 2). "phantom" ; interrupts would only be generated on levels 7 and 15. ; these assumptions are not true any more. we have to use the firstflag ; for every level of interrupt. we will set the firstflag on the following ; conditions: ; ; a. if the cs portion of the vector is 0000, then "first" ; b. else if cs:ip points to valid shared header, then not "first" ; c. else if cs:ip points to an iret, then "first" ; d. else if cs:ip points to dummy, then "first" ; ; where dummy is - the cs portion must be f000, and the ip portion must ; be equal to the value at f000:ff01. this location is the initial value ; from vector_table for interrupt 7, one of the preserved addresses in all ; the bioses for all of the machines. ; ; system design group requests bios to handle the phantom interrupts. ; ; the "phantom" interrupt is an illegal interrupt such as an interrupt ; produced by the bogus adapter card even without interrupt request is ; set. more specifically, 1). the 8259 has a feature when running in ; edge triggered mode to latch a pulse and present the interrupt when ; the processor indicates interrupt acknowledge (inta). the interrupt ; pulse was exist at the time of inta to get a "phantom" interrupt. ; 2). or, this is caused by adapter cards placing a glitch on the ; interrupt line. ; ; to handle those "phantom" interrupts, the main stack code will check ; the own firstflag, and if it is not "first" (which means the forward ; pointer points to the legal shared interrupt handler), then pass the ; control. if it is the first, then the following action should be ; taken. we don't have to implement skack logic in this case. ; ; to implement this logic, we rather choose a simple method. ; if ont of the above "firstflag" conditions is met, we are not ; going to hook this interrupt vector. the reason is if the original ; vector points to "iret" and do nothing, we don't need ; to implement the stack logic for it. this will simplify implementation ; while maintaining compatibility with the old version of dos. ; this implies that in the main stack code, there might be a stack code ; that will never be used, a dead code. ; ;in - cs, ds -> sysinitseg, es -> relocated stack code & data.
page assume ds:sysinitseg stackinit proc near
push ax push ds push es push bx push cx push dx push di push si push bp
;currently es -> stack code area
mov ax, cs:[stack_count] ;defined in cs mov es:[stackcount], ax ;defined in stack code area mov ax, [stack_size] ;in cs mov es:[stacksize], ax mov ax, word ptr cs:[stack_addr] ; offset mov word ptr es:[stacks], ax mov ax, word ptr cs:[stack_addr+word] ; segment mov word ptr es:[stacks+word], ax
; initialize the data fields with the parameters
; "firstentry" will always be at stacks
mov bp, word ptr es:stacks ; get offset of stack mov es:firstentry,bp
; the stacks will always immediately follow the table entries
mov ax,entrysize mov cx,es:stackcount mul cx add ax,bp mov es:stackat,ax mov bx,ax sub bx,2
; zero the entire stack area to start with
mov di,es:stackat mov ax,es:stacksize mul cx mov cx,ax xor ax,ax push es pop ds ;ds = relocated stack code seg. assume ds:nothing
;now, ds -> stack code area
mov es, word ptr ds:[stacks+2] ; get segment of stack area. cld rep stosb
mov cx, ds:stackcount
; loop for "count" times, building a table entry ; cs = sysinitseg, ds = relocated stack code seg , es = segment of stack space ; cx = number of entries ; es:bp => base of stacks - 2 ; es:bx => first table entry
buildloop: mov es:byte ptr allocbyte[bp],free mov es:byte ptr intlevel[bp],al ;ax = 0 mov es:word ptr savedsp[bp],ax mov es:word ptr savedss[bp],ax add bx,ds:stacksize mov es:word ptr newsp[bp],bx mov es:[bx],bp add bp,entrysize
loop buildloop
sub bp,entrysize mov ds:lastentry,bp mov ds:nextentry,bp
; NTVDM support for pc convertable is NOT NEEDED 10-Aug-1992 Jonle ; push ds ; mov ax, 0f000h ;look at the model byte ; mov ds, ax ; cmp ds:byte ptr [0fffeh], mdl_convert ;convertible? ; pop ds ; jne skip_disablenmis ; ; mov al,07h ; disable convertible nmis ; out 72h,al ; ;skip_disablenmis:
xor ax,ax mov es,ax ;es - segid of vector table at 0 assume es:nothing ;ds - relocated stack code segment
call DOCLI
irp aa,<02,70>
mov si,aa&h*4 ;pass where vector is to be adjusted mov di, offset int19old&aa ;we have to set old&aa for int19 handler too. mov bx,offset old&aa ;pass where to save original owner pointer mov dx,offset int&aa ;pass where new handler is call new_init_loop ;adjust the vector to new handler, ; saving pointer to original owner endm
; NTVDM int 08, 09, special handling 24-Jan-1993 Jonle ; ; These Ints are usually done in the macro above with int 02,70 ; However, we don't need stack swapping as long as no device ; driver has hooked it. These ints are also left alone so that ; softpc will know if they have been hooked by an app.
mov si, 09h*4 mov ax, word ptr es:[si+0] cmp word ptr old09, ax jne do_I9StkSwap mov ax, word ptr es:[si+2] cmp word ptr old09+2, ax je skip_I9StkSwap do_I9StkSwap: mov di, offset int19old09 mov bx,offset old09 mov dx,offset int09 call new_init_loop skip_I9StkSwap:
mov si, 08h*4 mov ax, word ptr es:[si+0] cmp word ptr old08, ax jne do_I8StkSwap mov ax, word ptr es:[si+2] cmp word ptr old08+2, ax je skip_I8StkSwap do_I8StkSwap: mov di, offset int19old08 mov bx,offset old08 mov dx,offset int08 call new_init_loop skip_I8StkSwap:
irp aa,<0a,0b,0c,0d,0e,72,73,74,76,77> ;shared interrupts
mov si,aa&h*4 ;pass where vector is to be adjusted push ds ;save relocated stack code segment lds bx, es:[si] ;ds:bx -> original interrupt handler push ds pop dx ;dx = segment value
cmp dx,0 jz int&aa&_first
cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],0cfh ;does vector point to an iret? jz int&aa&_first
cmp word ptr ds:[bx.6],424bh ;magic offset (see int&aa, msstack.inc) jz int&aa&_not_first
cmp dx,0f000h ;rom bios segment jnz int&aa&_not_first
push es push dx mov dx,0f000h mov es,dx cmp bx,word ptr es:0ff01h pop dx pop es jz int&aa&_first
int&aa&_not_first: ;not the first. we are going to hook vector. pop ds mov di, offset int19old&aa ;we have to set old&aa for int19 handler too. mov bx, offset old&aa ;pass where to save original owner pointer mov dx, offset int&aa ;pass where new handler is call new_init_loop ;adjust the vector to new handler, saving ;pointer to original owner. jmp short int&aa&_end int&aa&_first: ;the first. don't have to hook stack code. pop ds int&aa&_end:
; NTVDM support for pc convertable is NOT NEEDED 10-Aug-1992 Jonle ; push ds ; mov ax, 0f000h ;loook at the model byte ; mov ds, ax ; cmp ds:byte ptr [0fffeh], mdl_convert ;pc convertible? ; pop ds ; jne skip_enablenmis ; ; mov al,27h ; enable convertible nmis ; out 72h,al ; ; skip_enablenmis:
call DOSTI mov ax,Bios_Data mov ds,ax assume ds:Bios_Data
mov [int19sem],1 ; indicate that int 19 ; initialization is complete
pop bp ; restore all pop si pop di pop dx pop cx pop bx
pop es pop ds assume ds:sysinitseg
pop ax ret stackinit endp
new_init_loop proc near
;input: si=ofset into vector table of the particular int vector being adjusted ; bx=ds:offset of oldxx, where will be saved the pointer to original owner ; dx=ds:offset of intxx, the new interrupt handler ; di=offset value of int19old&aa variable in bios. ; es=zero, segid of vector table ; ds=relocated stack code segment
mov ax,es:[si+0] ;remember offset in vector mov word ptr ds:[bx],ax ; to original owner in ds mov ax,es:[si+2] ;remember segid in vector mov word ptr ds:[bx]+2,ax ; to original owner in ds
push ds mov ax,Bios_Data mov ds,ax ;set int19oldxx value in bios for mov ax,es:[si+0] ;int 19 handler mov word ptr ds:[di],ax mov ax,es:[si+2] mov word ptr ds:[di]+2,ax pop ds
mov word ptr es:[si+0],dx ;set vector to point to new int handler mov es:[si+2],ds ret new_init_loop endp
.xall endif ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public setdevmark setdevmark proc
;set the devmark for mem command. ;in: [memhi] - the address to place devmark ; [memlo] = 0 ; al = id for devmark_id ;out: devmark established. ; the address saved in cs:[devmark_addr] ; [memhi] increase by 1.
push es push cx
mov cx,cs:[memhi] mov cs:[devmark_addr],cx mov es,cx mov es:[devmark_id],al inc cx mov es:[devmark_seg],cx
pop cx pop es inc cs:[memhi] ret setdevmark endp
ifdef xxTAIWANxx ; no needed to TAIWAN, gchang 06/22/94
;--------------------- ; entry : none ; exit : ax = 0 --> oem local driver not found ; = 1 --> oem local driver found ; destore : ds,es,bx,cx,dx,si,di ; description : ; search config.sys to find oem local driver. ; oem local driver should in \csi\driver\ directory . ; if (found oem local driver in config.sys) ; ax=1; ; else ; ax=0; ; return; ; ps. please see state diagram for state description. ;---------------------
chkoemlocaldrv proc near push es push ds push bx push cx push dx push di push si call chkconfig pop si pop di pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ds pop es ret chkoemlocaldrv endp
ifndef NEC_98 config_sys db "C:\CONFIG.SYS",0 else ;NEC_98 config_sys db "\CONFIG.SYS",0 endif ;NEC_98 sizeofconfig dw 0 filehandle dw 0 workingmemptr dw 0 deviceid db "DEVICE" csidrvid db "CSI\DRIVER\" localdrvname dw 0 chkconfig proc near call preprocess jnc initstate jmp notfoundret
; ; processing config.sys ; ; state 0 ; ds:si --> current line ( end of line is oah or 0dh )
initstate: mov si,dx state_0: push cs pop es mov di,offset deviceid mov cx,3 repz cmpsw jz state_1 mov ax,0ffffh jmp state_10 state_1: lodsb cmp al,' ' jz state_1 cmp al,'=' jz state_2 state_10a: jmp state_10 state_2: lodsb cmp al,' ' jz state_2 cmp al,'\' jz state_5 cmp al,'A' jb state_10a cmp al,'z' ja state_10a state_3: dec si mov cs:[localdrvname],si inc si state_4: lodsb cmp al,':' jz state_6 jmp state_10 state_5: dec si mov cs:[localdrvname],si inc si jmp state_7 state_6: lodsb cmp al,'\' jz state_7 cmp al,'c' jne state_10a inc si state_7: mov di,offset csidrvid mov cx,11 repz cmpsb jnz state_10a state_8: lodsb cmp al,'1' jb state_10 cmp al,'z' ja state_10 state_9: tryopenlocaldrv: mov dx,cs:[localdrvname] mov si,dx chknextbyte: lodsb cmp al,0h jz openfile cmp al,' ' jne chknextbyte dec si mov byte ptr ds:[si],0 openfile: mov ax,3d00h ; open config.sys stc int 21h jc notfoundret mov bx,ax ; bx = file handle mov ah,3eh int 21h ; close local driver jc notfoundret jmp foundret
state_10: cmp al,1ah ; look current char. == eof ? jz notfoundret lodsb cmp al,0 jz newlinestate cmp al,1ah jz notfoundret jmp state_10 newlinestate: lodsb cmp al,1ah jz notfoundret cmp al,0 jz newlinestate dec si jmp state_0 notfoundret: mov ax,0 jmp freemem foundret: mov ax,1 freemem: push ax call freememory pop ax ret
chkconfig endp
preprocess proc near push cs pop ds mov dx,offset config_sys mov ax,3d00h ; open config.sys stc int 21h jc errorfile
; get size of config.sys
mov bx,ax ; bx = file handle mov cs:[filehandle],bx xor cx,cx xor dx,dx mov ax,4202h ; move file ptr int 21h mov cs:[sizeofconfig],ax ; ax == size of config.sys xor dx,dx ; ignore more than 64k of config mov ax,4200h ; mov file ptr to beginning of file int 21h
; allocate for config.sys
mov ax,cs:[sizeofconfig] add ax,15 ; change to para rcr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 add ax,20h mov bx,ax ; size of memory in para mov ah,48h int 21h jc memerr ; ax --> free memory mov cs:[workingmemptr],ax
; read config.sys
mov bx,cs:[filehandle] ; file handle mov cx,cs:[sizeofconfig] ; byte count of reading xor dx,dx mov ds,ax ; ds:dx --> buffer mov ah,3fh int 21h jc errorfile
; translate to upper case
call transtoupper clc ret errorfile: memerr: stc ret preprocess endp
; entry : ds:dx --> buffer ; exit : none ; description : translate all letter in buffer to upper type ; ps ,don't change ds:dx
transtoupper proc near cld mov cx,cs:[sizeofconfig] mov si,dx transnext: lodsb cmp al,'A' jb chklfcr cmp al,'z' ja chkcounter sub al,'a'-'A' mov ds:[si-1],al jmp chkcounter chklfcr: cmp al,0dh jz setzero cmp al,0ah jz setzero jmp chkcounter setzero: mov al,0 mov ds:[si-1],al chkcounter: loop transnext ret transtoupper endp
;entry : none ( free memory block ptr in [workingmem] ) ;exit : none
freememory proc near mov ax,cs:[workingmemptr] mov es,ax mov ah,49h int 21h ret freememory endp
; name : maketempvector ; entry : es:bx --> ; dd original int 9 vector ( offfset ,segment ) ; dd original int 10h vector ( offfset ,segment ) ; dd original int 16h vector ( offfset ,segment ) ; ; exit : none ; description : 1. save local driver table in static area ; 2. make temp. vector for int9 ,10h ,16h ; oemdriverinst dw 0 orgvectblptr dd 0
db 0eah dummyint9 dd 0 db 0eah dummyint10h dd 0 db 0eah dummyint16h dd 0
csiint9 dd 0 csiint10h dd 0 csiint16h dd 0
maketempvector proc near push ds push ax push di push si push cx
; save table ptr
mov word ptr cs:[orgvectblptr],bx mov word ptr cs:[orgvectblptr+2],es cmp cs:oemdriverinst,0 jnz ignoreint9
; make temp. vector for int 9 ,
mov bx,9 ; int # push cs pop es mov di,offset csiint9 ; es:di --> store area for csi vector push cs pop ds mov si,offset dummyint9 ; ds:si --> dummy int service call dummyvector
; make temp. vector for int 10h
mov bx,10h ; int # push cs pop es mov di,offset csiint10h ; es:di --> store area for csi vector push cs pop ds mov si,offset dummyint10h ; ds:si --> dummy int service call dummyvector
; make temp. vector for int 16h
mov bx,16h ; int # push cs pop es mov di,offset csiint16h ; es:di --> store area for csi vector push cs pop ds mov si,offset dummyint16h ; ds:si --> dummy int service call dummyvector pop cx pop si pop di pop ax pop ds ret
maketempvector endp
;name : dummyvector ; entey : ds:si --> dummy int sevice routine ; es:di --> point to csi vector store area ; bx == int number ; exit : none ; description : ; setting dummy vector of int 9 ,10h,16h ; for recover csi vector ; /* phase 1*/ ; [ds:si]=[0:bx*4] ; [ds:si+2]=[0:bx*4+2] ; /* phase 2*/ ; [es:di]=[0:bx*4] ; [es:di+2]=[0:bx*4+2] ; /* phase 2*/ ; [0:bx*4]=si-1; ; [0:bx*4+2]=ds;
dummyvector proc near shl bx,1 ; bx <- bx*4 shl bx,1 ; ie ,get offset of vector
; phase 1 ; es --> 0 ; es:bx --> cpu int vector table
xor ax,ax push es mov es,ax mov ax,es:[bx] ; get offset ds-->0 mov ds:[si],ax ; store offset mov ax,es:[bx+2] ; get offset ds-->0 mov ds:[si+2],ax ; store segment pop es
; phase 2 ; ds --> 0 ; ds:bx --> cpu int vector table
xor ax,ax push ds mov ds,ax mov ax,ds:[bx] ; get offset mov es:[di],ax ; store offset mov ax,ds:[bx+2] ; get offset mov es:[di+2],ax ; store segment pop ds
; phase 3 ; es --> 0 ; es:bx --> cpu int vector table
xor ax,ax push es mov es,ax dec si mov es:[bx],si mov ax,ds mov es:[bx+2],ax pop es ret dummyvector endp
; name : recovercsiint ; entry : none ; exit :none ; description : ; recover int 9 ,10h,16h ,for csi vector
recovercsiint proc near push es push ds push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di
;recover int 9
cmp cs:oemdriverinst,0 jnz ignoreint9recover
push cs pop ds mov si,offset dummyint9 push cs pop es
mov di,offset csiint9 mov bx,9 mov ax,0 call recoverint ignoreint9recover:
; recover int 10h
push cs pop ds mov si,offset dummyint10h push cs pop es mov di,offset csiint10h mov bx,10h mov ax,0+4 call recoverint
;recover int 16h
push cs pop ds mov si,offset dummyint16h push cs pop es mov di,offset csiint16h mov bx,16h mov ax,0+4+4 call recoverint pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax pop ds pop es ret recovercsiint endp
; name : recoverint ; entey : ds:si --> dummy int sevice routine ; es:di --> point to csi vector store area ; bx == int number ; ax == 0 ; int 9 ; 4 ; int 10h ; 4+4 ; int 16h ; exit : none ; description : ; 1. if( [0:bx*4] == si-1 .and. [es:bx*4+2] == ds ) ; { ; [0:bx*4] = [es:di]; ; [0:bx*4+2] = [es:di+2]; ; } ; else ; { ; /* phase 1 */ ; [ds:si] = [(*orgvectblptr)+ax] ; [ds:si+2]= [(*orgvectblptr)+ax+2]; ; /* phase 2 */ ; [orgvectblptr+ax) ]=[0:bx*4] ; ; [orgvectblptr+ax+2 ]=[0:bx*4+2] ; ; /* phase 3 */ ; [0:bx*4] = [es:di]; ; [0:bx*4+2] = [es:di+2]; ; ; ; }
recoverint proc near ;chek vector change ? ; es --> 0
push es mov cx,ax xor ax,ax mov es,ax shl bx,1 shl bx,1 ; es:bx --> cpu int vector mov ax,si dec ax cmp es:[bx],ax ; offset same ? jne vectorbechanged
mov ax,ds cmp es:[bx+2],ax ; segmnet same ? jne vectorbechanged pop es
; vector not be changed ; ds --> 0
xor ax,ax mov ds,ax ; ds:bx --> cpu int vector mov ax,es:[di] mov ds:[bx],ax mov ax,es:[di+2] mov ds:[bx+2],ax ret
;phase 1 ; di:es --> addres of local driver
pop es push di push es mov di,word ptr cs:[orgvectblptr] mov es,word ptr cs:[orgvectblptr+2] add di,cx mov ax,es:[di] mov ds:[si],ax mov ax,es:[di+2] mov ds:[si+2],ax
;phase2 ; di:es --> addres of local driver ; ds --> 0
push ds xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov ax,ds:[bx] ; ds:bx --> cpu int vector mov es:[di],ax mov ax,ds:[bx+2] mov es:[di+2],ax pop ds pop es pop di
;phase3 ; ds --> 0
xor ax,ax push ds mov ds,ax mov cx,es:[di] mov ds:[bx],cx ; ds:bx --> cpu int vector mov cx,es:[di+2] mov ds:[bx+2],cx pop ds ret
recoverint endp
;name : chklocalexist ;entry : none ;exit :none ; descriptin : check local driver exist ? ; if not exist system halt ! ; otherwise null return
chklocalexist proc near push ax push cx push dx mov ah,0dbh mov al,80h ; module_extsysutil mov cx,01 ; syscmd_extquerysysmode int 16h test ax,8000h ; bit 15 on jnz csisystemerror ; no,system halt ; yes ,dx == country id push dx ; save current id mov dx,58h mov ah,0dbh mov al,80h ; module_extsysutil mov cx,02 ; syscmd_extsetsysmode int 16h test ax,8000h ; bit 15 on jnz localdrvnotfound ; no ,local driver error
pop cx cmp cx,dx ; current id == previous id ? jnz localdrvnotfound ; no ,local driver error
pop dx pop cx pop ax ret
localdrvnotfound: csisystemerror: push cs pop ds mov dx,offset bootfailmsg ifdef JAPAN call IsDBCSCodePage jz @f ; if Kanji mode mov dx,offset bootfailmsg2 @@: endif mov ah,9 int 21h cli hlt ret
ifdef NEC_98 include msbio.cl7 ; bootfailmsg endif ;NEC_98 chklocalexist endp endif
ifdef NEC_98 DOCLI: FCLI ret DOSTI: FSTI ret DOIRET: FIRET endif ;NEC_98 sysinitseg ends end