Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Monitor.c Abstract:
This module is the user mode portion of the x86 monitor
Dave Hastings (daveh) 16 Mar 1991
User mode only
Revision History: William Hsieh 10-10-1992 Added A20 wrapping support --*/
#define VDD_INTEG 1
#include "monitorp.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
// Tim Nov 92.
void sas_connect_memory( IN sys_addr Low, IN sys_addr High, IN int Type );
//BUGBUGBUGBUG Include file
// from base\inc\sas.h
/* memory types for sas */ #define SAS_RAM 0
#define SAS_VIDEO 1
#define SAS_ROM 2
#define SAS_WRAP 3
#define SIXTYFOURK 0x10000L
#define ONEMEGA 0x100000L
void rom_init(); void rom_checksum(); void copyROM();
USHORT get_lim_backfill_segment(void); BOOL HoldEMMBackFillMemory(ULONG Address, ULONG Size);
#if DBG
extern unsigned short get_emm_page_size(void); extern unsigned short get_intel_page_size(void); #endif
/* SYNC THESE DEFINITIONS WITH BASE\EMM.H, or sas_init will assert */ #define EMM_PAGE_SIZE 0x4000
#define INTEL_PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
typedef struct { ULONG (*b_read) (); ULONG (*w_read) (); VOID (*str_read) (); } READ_POINTERS;
// Internal Data
// External Data
extern READ_POINTERS read_pointers;
// M variables used by video.lib
host_addr Start_of_M_area; /* host addr (char *) of start of M */ sys_addr Length_of_M_area; /* sys addr (long) offset of end of M */
static HANDLE A20SectionHandle = NULL; static BOOL A20IsON = FALSE; static USHORT BackFillSegment;
EXPORT VOID sas_init( IN sys_addr Size )
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the SAS module, and allocates the linear address space for the VDM, and loads the ROM
Size - Supplies the size of the VDMs linear address space.
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS Status; ULONG ViewSize; PVOID BaseAddress; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES A20ObjAttr; LARGE_INTEGER SectionSize; USHORT Pages; ULONG BackFillBase;
InitializeObjectAttributes( &A20ObjAttr, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
SectionSize.HighPart = 0L; SectionSize.LowPart = 640 * 1024 + 64 * 1024;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // bugbug -williamh
// we should pop up an approiate message before we
// terminate the vdm.
#if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: can not create himem section, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); } VdmSize = Size;
// N.B. We expect that process creation has reserved the first 16 MB
// for us already. If not, then this won't work worth a darn
// free the first 640KB virtual address.
// This is done because it has been resevered before sas_init get called
BaseAddress = (PVOID)1; ViewSize = 640 * 1024 - 1; Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, &ViewSize, MEM_RELEASE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: cannot free 1st 640k virtual address, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); }
BaseAddress =(PVOID) ONEMEGA; ViewSize = SIXTYFOURK; Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, &ViewSize, MEM_RELEASE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: can not free himem virtual address, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); }
BaseAddress = (PVOID)VDM_BASE_ADDRESS; ViewSize = SIXTYFOURK - (ULONG)VDM_BASE_ADDRESS; SectionSize.HighPart = SectionSize.LowPart = 0;
Status = NtMapViewOfSection( A20SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, 0, ViewSize, &SectionSize, &ViewSize, ViewUnmap, MEM_DOS_LIM, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)){ #if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: can not map view of 1st 64K, status = %ls\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); } BaseAddress = (PVOID) ONEMEGA; ViewSize = SIXTYFOURK; Status = NtMapViewOfSection(A20SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, 0, ViewSize, &SectionSize, &ViewSize, ViewUnmap, MEM_DOS_LIM, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)){ #if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: can not map view of himem space, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); }
// get emm back fill segment address from softpc
// we cut the backfill memory area into pieces in EMM_PAGE_SIZE unit.
// this is done so that EMM manager can grab the address space
// as EMM page frame.
// note that if EMM is disabled, the backfill segment will be
// (640 * 1024 / 16).
BackFillSegment = get_lim_backfill_segment();
ASSERT(BackFillSegment <= 640 * 1024 / 16);
// Map the rest of conventional memory
// only map up to the emm backfill segment.
BaseAddress = (PVOID) (64 * 1024); ViewSize = BackFillSegment * 16 - 64 * 1024; SectionSize.LowPart = 64 * 1024; SectionSize.HighPart = 0; Status = NtMapViewOfSection(A20SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, 0, ViewSize, &SectionSize, &ViewSize, ViewUnmap, MEM_DOS_LIM, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)){ #if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: can not map view of himem space, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); }
// if there are any backfill memory, map it to our section initially
if (BackFillSegment < 640 * 1024 / 16) {
/* make sure our constants are in sync with emm.h */ #if DBG
ASSERT(EMM_PAGE_SIZE == get_emm_page_size()); ASSERT(INTEL_PAGE_SIZE == get_intel_page_size()); #endif
if (!HoldEMMBackFillMemory(BackFillSegment * 16, (640 * 1024) - BackFillSegment * 16) ) {
#if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: can not map backfill space, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); } }
// Allocate ROM area
BaseAddress = (PVOID)(640 * 1024); ViewSize = 384 * 1024; Status = NtAllocateVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, 0L, &ViewSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)){ #if DBG
DbgPrint("sas_init: can not map view of himem space, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); }
Start_of_M_area = 0; Length_of_M_area = VdmSize; sas_connect_memory(0, VdmSize + 2*SIXTYFOURK -1, SAS_RAM); }
EXPORT VOID sas_term( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free memory prior to reallocing it
Return Value:
None. --*/ { PVOID BaseAddress; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Size;
BaseAddress = (PVOID)VDM_BASE_ADDRESS; Size = VdmSize; Status = NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, &Size, MEM_DECOMMIT);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { VDprint(VDP_LEVEL_ERROR, ("SoftPc: NtDeCommitVirtualMemory failed !!!! Status = %lx\n", Status)); VDbreak(VDB_LEVEL_ERROR); } }
EXPORT sys_addr sas_memory_size( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the size of Intel memory
Return Value:
size of intel memory
--*/ { return(VdmSize); }
EXPORT VOID sas_connect_memory( IN sys_addr Low, IN sys_addr High, IN int Type ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sets up a type record for the specified address region. If the specified address region was a different type, it is changed to the new type.
Low -- the starting address of the region High -- the ending address of the region Type -- the type for the region, one of SAS_RAM, SAS_VIDEO, SAS_ROM, SAS_WRAP, SAS_INACCESSIBLE
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //bugbug do we handle new block contained in old block correctly?
PMEMTYPE Current, Previous, New, Temp;
if (!MemType) { MemType = (PMEMTYPE) ch_malloc(sizeof(MEMTYPE)); if ( NULL == MemType ) { goto ErrorSASC; }
MemType->Previous = NULL; MemType->Next = NULL; MemType->Start = Low; MemType->End = High; MemType->Type = (half_word)Type; return; }
Current = MemType; while (Current && (Low > Current->Start)) { Previous = Current; Current = Current->Next; }
if ((Current) && (Low == Current->Start) && (High == Current->End)) { Current->Type = (half_word)Type; return; }
New = (PMEMTYPE) ch_malloc(sizeof(MEMTYPE)); if ( NULL == New ) { goto ErrorSASC; }
if (!Current) { // Block goes at end of list
Previous->Next = New; New->Previous = Previous; New->Start = Low; New->End = High; New->Type = (half_word)Type; New->Next = NULL; } else { // Block goes in front of Current
New->Start = Low; New->Type = (half_word)Type; New->End = High; New->Previous = Current->Previous; New->Next = Current; Current->Previous = New; if (!New->Previous) { MemType = New; } else { New->Previous->Next = New; } }
// Block overlaps one or more existing blocks
if (New->Previous) { if (New->Previous->End > New->End) { // block contained in exising block
Temp = (PMEMTYPE) ch_malloc(sizeof(MEMTYPE)); if(NULL == Temp) { goto ErrorSASC; } Temp->Previous = New; Temp->Next = New->Next; New->Next = Temp; if (Temp->Next) { Temp->Next->Previous = Temp; } Temp->End = New->Previous->End; New->Previous->End = New->Start - 1; Temp->Start = New->End + 1; Temp->Type = New->Previous->Type; return; } else if (New->Previous->End >= New->Start){ // block overlaps end of exising block
New->Previous->End = New->Start - 1; } }
// remove all blocks entirely contained in new block
while ((New->Next) && (New->Next->End <= New->End)) { Temp = New->Next; New->Next = New->Next->Next; if (New->Next) { New->Next->Previous = New; } free(Temp); }
// remove portion of next block overlapping new block
if ((New->Next) && (New->Next->Start <= New->End)) { New->Next->Start = New->End + 1; } return; ErrorSASC: RcMessageBox(EG_MALLOC_FAILURE, NULL, NULL, RMB_ICON_BANG | RMB_ABORT); TerminateVDM(); }
EXPORT half_word sas_memory_type( IN sys_addr Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the type of memory at a specific address
Address -- linear address to return type for.
Return Value:
the type for the region, one of SAS_RAM, SAS_VIDEO, SAS_ROM, SAS_WRAP, SAS_INACCESSIBLE --*/ { PMEMTYPE Current;
if (Address > VdmSize) { return SAS_INACCESSIBLE; }
Current = MemType; while (Current && !((Address >= Current->Start) && (Address <= Current->End))) { Current = Current->Next; } if (!Current) { return SAS_INACCESSIBLE; } return Current->Type; }
EXPORT VOID sas_enable_20_bit_wrapping( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine causes memory addresses to wrap at 1MB
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG Size; LARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset; // if A20 line is off already do nothing
if (A20IsON == FALSE){ return; } BaseAddress = (PVOID)ONEMEGA; Size = SIXTYFOURK; Status = NtUnmapViewOfSection(NtCurrentProcess(), BaseAddress );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("A20OFF: Unable to unmap view of section, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); } SectionOffset.HighPart = SectionOffset.LowPart = 0; Status = NtMapViewOfSection(A20SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, 0, Size, &SectionOffset, &Size, ViewUnmap, MEM_DOS_LIM, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("A20OFF: Unable to map view of section, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); } A20IsON = FALSE; }
EXPORT VOID sas_disable_20_bit_wrapping( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine causes addressing to NOT wrap at 1MB
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG Size; LARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset;
// if A20 line is on already do nothing
if (A20IsON == TRUE){ return; } BaseAddress = (PVOID)ONEMEGA; Size = SIXTYFOURK;
Status = NtUnmapViewOfSection(NtCurrentProcess(), BaseAddress );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("A20ON: Unable to unmap view of section, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); } SectionOffset.HighPart = 0; SectionOffset.LowPart = 640 * 1024; Status = NtMapViewOfSection(A20SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), &BaseAddress, 0, Size, &SectionOffset, &Size, ViewUnmap, MEM_DOS_LIM, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { #if DBG
DbgPrint("A20ON: Unable to map view of section, status = %lx\n", Status); #endif
TerminateVDM(); } A20IsON = TRUE; }
EXPORT half_word sas_hw_at( IN sys_addr Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the byte at the specified address
Address -- address of byte to return
Return Value:
value of byte at specified address
--*/ { half_word RetVal;
if (Address > VdmSize) { return 0xFE; }
RetVal = *((half_word *)Address); return RetVal; }
EXPORT word sas_w_at( IN sys_addr Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the word at the specified address
Address -- address of word to return
Return Value:
value of word at specified address
--*/ { word RetVal;
// DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_w_at \n");
if (Address > VdmSize) { return 0xFEFE; }
RetVal = *((word *)Address); return RetVal; }
EXPORT double_word sas_dw_at( IN sys_addr Address ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the dword at the specified address
Address -- address of dword to return
Return Value:
value of dword at specified address
--*/ { double_word RetVal;
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_dw_at \n");
RetVal = (double_word)(((ULONG)sas_w_at(Address + 2) << 16) + sas_w_at(Address)); return RetVal; }
EXPORT VOID sas_load( IN sys_addr Address, IN half_word *Value ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine stores the byte at the specified address in the supplied variable
Address -- address of byte to return Value -- Variable to store the value in
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_load \n");
if (Address > VdmSize) { *Value = 0xFE; return; }
*Value = *((half_word *)Address); return; }
EXPORT VOID sas_loadw( IN sys_addr Address, IN word *Value ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine stores the word at the specified address in the supplied variable
Address -- address of word to return Value -- Variable to store the value in
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_loadw\n");
if (Address > VdmSize) { *Value = 0xFEFE; return; }
*Value = *((word *)Address); //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_loadw word at address %lx is %x (Not video)\n",Address,*Value);
return; }
EXPORT VOID sas_store( IN sys_addr Address, IN half_word Value ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine stores the specified byte at the specified address
Address -- address of word to return Value -- value to store
Return Value:
None. --*/ { half_word Type; //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_store\n");
if (Address <= VdmSize) { Type = sas_memory_type(Address); switch (Type) { case SAS_ROM: break;
default: *((half_word *)Address) = Value; //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_store put byte %x at address %lx\n",Value,Address);
break; } } }
EXPORT VOID sas_storew( IN sys_addr Address, IN word Value ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine stores the specified word at the specified address
Address -- address of word to return Value -- value to store at the specified address
Return Value:
None. --*/ {
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_storew\n");
if (Address + 1 <= VdmSize) { switch (sas_memory_type(Address)) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: *((word *)Address) = Value; //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_storew put word %x at address %lx\n",Value,Address);
break; } } }
EXPORT VOID sas_storedw( IN sys_addr Address, IN double_word Value ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine stores the specified dword at the specified address
Address -- address of word to return Value -- value to store at the specified address
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //_asm int 3;
sas_storew(Address, (word)(Value & 0xFFFF)); sas_storew(Address + 2, (word)((Value >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); }
EXPORT VOID sas_loads( IN sys_addr Source, IN host_addr Destination, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine copies the string from the specified intel address to the specified host address
Source -- Intel address to copy from Destination -- host address to copy the string to Length -- length of the string to copy
Return Value:
None. --*/ {
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_loads\n");
RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) Destination, (PVOID) Source, Length); }
EXPORT VOID sas_stores( IN sys_addr Destination, IN host_addr Source, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine copies the string from the specified host address to the specified intel address
Destination -- intel address to copy the string to Source -- host address to copy from Length -- length of the string to copy
Return Value:
None. --*/ {
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_stores\n");
switch (sas_memory_type(Destination)) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) Destination, (PVOID) Source, Length); break; } }
EXPORT VOID sas_move_bytes_forward( IN sys_addr Source, IN sys_addr Destination, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine copies one region of intel memory to another.
Source -- source intel address Destination -- destination intel address Length -- length of region to copy (in bytes)
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_move_bytes_forward\n");
switch (sas_memory_type(Destination)) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) Destination, (PVOID) Source, Length); break; } }
EXPORT VOID sas_move_words_forward( IN sys_addr Source, IN sys_addr Destination, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine copies one region of intel memory to another.
Source -- source intel address Destination -- destination intel address Length -- length of region to copy (in words)
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //_asm int 3;
Length <<= 1; switch (sas_memory_type(Destination)) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) Destination, (PVOID) Source, Length); break; } }
EXPORT VOID sas_move_bytes_backward( IN sys_addr Source, IN sys_addr Destination, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine copies one region of intel memory to another.
Source -- source intel address Destination -- destination intel address Length -- length of region to copy (in bytes)
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //_asm int 3;
switch (sas_memory_type(Destination)) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) (Destination - Length + 1), (PVOID) (Source - Length + 1), Length); break; } }
EXPORT VOID sas_move_words_backward( IN sys_addr Source, IN sys_addr Destination, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine copies one region of intel memory to another.
Source -- source intel address Destination -- destination intel address Length -- length of region to copy (in words)
Return Value:
None. --*/ { //_asm int 3;
Length <<= 1; switch (sas_memory_type(Destination)) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) (Destination - Length + 1), (PVOID) (Source - Length + 1), Length); break; } }
EXPORT VOID sas_fills( IN sys_addr Address, IN half_word Value, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine fills a specified region of intel memory with a byte value
Address -- address to fill at Value -- value to fill with Length -- length of region to fill
Return Value:
None. --*/ { half_word Type;
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_fills\n");
Type = sas_memory_type(Address); switch (Type) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: RtlFillMemory((PVOID) Address, Length, Value); break; } }
EXPORT VOID sas_fillsw( IN sys_addr Address, IN word Value, IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine fills a specified region of intel memory with a word value
Address -- address to fill at Value -- value to fill with Length -- length of region to fill
Return Value:
None. --*/ {
word *p; half_word Type;
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_fillsw\n");
Type = sas_memory_type(Address); switch (Type) {
case SAS_ROM: break;
default: p = (word *)Address; while (Length--) { *p++ = Value; } break; } }
host_addr scratch = NULL;
EXPORT host_addr sas_scratch_address( IN sys_addr Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine supplies a scratch buffer for short term use
Length -- length of buffer needed
Return Value:
NOTE: Sudeepb 31-Oct-1993 Converted scratch to be allocated dynamically rather than as a static array. --*/ { //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_scratch_address\n");
if (Length > 64 * 1024) { return NULL; }
if (scratch) return scratch;
if ((scratch = (host_addr) malloc (64 * 1024)) == NULL){ RcMessageBox(EG_MALLOC_FAILURE, NULL, NULL, RMB_ICON_BANG | RMB_ABORT); TerminateVDM(); return NULL; }
return scratch; }
EXPORT half_word sas_hw_at_no_check( sys_addr addr ) // bugbug comment
{ //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_hw_at_no_check\n");
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_hw_at_no_check byte at %lx is %x\n",addr,*((half_word *)addr));
return *((half_word *)addr); }
EXPORT word sas_w_at_no_check( sys_addr addr ) // bugbug comment
{ //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_w_at_no_check\n");
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_w_at_no_check word at %lx is %x\n",addr,*((word *)addr));
return *((word *)addr); } EXPORT double_word sas_dw_at_no_check( sys_addr addr ) // bugbug comment
{ //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_dw_at_no_check\n");
//DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_dw_at_no_check double word at %lx is %lx\n",addr,*((double_word *)addr));
return *((double_word *)addr); }
EXPORT VOID sas_store_no_check( sys_addr addr, half_word val ) // bugbug comment
{ //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_store_no_check\n");
*((half_word *)addr) = val; //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_store_no_check stored byte %x at %lx\n",val,addr);
EXPORT VOID sas_storew_no_check( sys_addr addr, word val ) // bugbug comment
{ //DbgPrint("NtVdm : sas_storew_no_check\n");
*((word *)addr) = val; } EXPORT double_word effective_addr( IN word Segment, IN word Offset ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine maps effective_addr to Sim32GetVdmPointer
Segment -- segment of address Offset -- offset of address
Return Value:
Actual Intel address corresponding to the address supplied --*/ { //DbgPrint("NtVdm : effective_addr\n");
return (ULONG)Sim32GetVDMPointer(((((ULONG)Segment) << 16) | Offset), 1, (UCHAR) (getMSW() & MSW_PE ? TRUE : FALSE)); }
typedef enum { RAM, VIDEO, ROM, IN_FRAGMENT, NEXT_FRAGMENT } mem_type;
typedef struct { VOID (*b_write)(); VOID (*w_write)(); VOID (*b_fill)(); VOID (*w_fill)(); VOID (*b_move)(); VOID (*w_move)(); } MEM_HANDLERS; #define TYPE_RANGE ((int)SAS_INACCESSIBLE)
#define write_b_write_ptrs( offset, func ) ( b_write_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define write_w_write_ptrs( offset, func ) ( w_write_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define write_b_page_ptrs( offset, func ) ( b_move_ptrs[(offset)] = b_fill_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define write_w_page_ptrs( offset, func ) ( w_move_ptrs[(offset)] = w_fill_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define init_b_write_ptrs( offset, func ) ( b_write_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define init_w_write_ptrs( offset, func ) ( w_write_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define init_b_page_ptrs( offset, func ) ( b_move_ptrs[(offset)] = b_fill_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define init_w_page_ptrs( offset, func ) ( w_move_ptrs[(offset)] = w_fill_ptrs[(offset)] = (func) )
#define read_b_write_ptrs( offset ) ( b_write_ptrs[(offset)] )
#define read_w_write_ptrs( offset ) ( w_write_ptrs[(offset)] )
#define read_b_page_ptrs( offset ) ( b_move_ptrs[(offset)] )
#define read_w_page_ptrs( offset ) ( w_move_ptrs[(offset)] )
#define read_b_move_ptrs( offset ) ( b_move_ptrs[(offset)] )
#define read_w_move_ptrs( offset ) ( w_move_ptrs[(offset)] )
#define read_b_fill_ptrs( offset ) ( b_fill_ptrs[(offset)] )
#define read_w_fill_ptrs( offset ) ( w_fill_ptrs[(offset)] )
* The main gmi data structures are defined here */ void (*(b_write_ptrs[TYPE_RANGE]))() ; /* byte write function */ void (*(w_write_ptrs[TYPE_RANGE]))() ; /* word write function */ void (*(b_fill_ptrs[TYPE_RANGE]))() ; /* byte str fill func */ void (*(w_fill_ptrs[TYPE_RANGE]))() ; /* word str fill func */ void (*(b_move_ptrs[TYPE_RANGE]))() ; /* byte str write func */ void (*(w_move_ptrs[TYPE_RANGE]))() ; /* word str write func */
void gmi_define_mem(type,handlers) mem_type type; MEM_HANDLERS *handlers; { int int_type = (int)(type); init_b_write_ptrs(int_type, (void(*)())(handlers->b_write)); init_w_write_ptrs(int_type, (void(*)())(handlers->w_write)); b_move_ptrs[int_type] = (void(*)())(handlers->b_move); w_move_ptrs[int_type] = (void(*)())(handlers->w_move); b_fill_ptrs[int_type] = (void(*)())(handlers->b_fill); w_fill_ptrs[int_type] = (void(*)())(handlers->w_fill); } #endif
BOOL sas_twenty_bit_wrapping_enabled() { return (!A20IsON); }
VOID sas_part_enable_20_bit_wrapping(){ } VOID sas_part_disable_20_bit_wrapping(){ }
* This function maps the given EMM backfill memory to DOS conventional * memory. The function is provided to EMM manager to put back * unmapped backfill memory(hold its contents while it is not mapped). * * NOTE: The very first caller will be sas_init. * * Input: ULONG BaseAddress -- the starting address, must be in INTEL page * boundary * ULONG Size -- size of the range, must be a multiple of * EMM_PAGE_SIZE. * * According to LouP, a view costs about 400 bytes of memory. This is why * I make these function strictly to work on EMM_PAGE_SIZE instead of 4KB. */
BOOL HoldEMMBackFillMemory(ULONG BaseAddress, ULONG Size) { ULONG NewBase, Pages, i; LARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset; ULONG ViewSize; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;;
/* this function can only be called if there is backfill at all */ ASSERT(BackFillSegment < 640 * 1024 / 16);
// size must be EMM_PAGE_SIZE multiple
ASSERT((Size % EMM_PAGE_SIZE) == 0);
// address must be on INTEL page boundary
ASSERT((BaseAddress & (INTEL_PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0);
for (Pages = Size / EMM_PAGE_SIZE; Pages; Pages--) { SectionOffset.LowPart = BaseAddress; SectionOffset.HighPart = 0; ViewSize = EMM_PAGE_SIZE; Status = NtMapViewOfSection(A20SectionHandle, NtCurrentProcess(), (PVOID *)&BaseAddress, 0, ViewSize, &SectionOffset, &ViewSize, ViewUnmap, MEM_DOS_LIM, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; BaseAddress += EMM_PAGE_SIZE; } return (NT_SUCCESS(Status)); }