;---------------------------Module-Header-------------------------------; ; Module Name: IBMCOM1.ASM ; ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1985-1990. All Rights Reserved. ; ;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; DoLPT - Do Function To LPT port ; ; The given function (output or reset) is performed to the ; passed LPT port. ; ; Before a character is sent, a check is made to see if the device ; will be able to accept the character. If it can, then the character ; will be sent. If not, then an error will be returned. If the ; printer is selected and busy and no error, then the code returned ; will be CE_TXFULL and the handshake bits will be set in HSFlag ; to simulate that a handshake was received. ; ; If the BIOS ROM code is examined, you will note that they wait for ; the busy character from the last charcater to be cleared before ; they strobe in the current character. This can take a long time ; on the standard EPSON class printer (1 mSec to greater than ; 300 mSec if the last character actually caused printing). ; ; Because of this, several status read retrys will be made before ; declaring that the device is actually busy. If only one status ; read is performed, the spooler will yeild, take a while to get ; back here, and things will be really slow. What difference does ; it really make if we or the BIOS does the delay, at least we can ; break out of it at some point when it seems hopeless. ; ; The OKIHACK: Okidata reports a 50 ns. 2.2 volt pulse on the paper ; out signal on the trailing edge of the Busy signal. If we see this ; glitch then we report paper out. So we try to get the status twice... ; if it changes between the two tries we keep getting the status. ; ; ; Entry: ; AH = cid ; AL = character to output ; CH = Function request. 0 = Output, 1 = Initialize, 2 = Status ; DS:SI -> DEB for the port ; Returns: ; AX = 0 if no errors occured ; Error Returns: ; AX = error code ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ; sudeepb 10-Jan-1993 changed the costly cli/sti with non-trapping ; FCLI/FSTI macros ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
include vint.inc
externFP OutputDebugString
dbmsg macro msg .286 push cs push offset $ + 3 + 5 + 2 ; push + far call + short jump call OutputDebugString jmp short @F db msg,13,10,0 @@: endm
iodelay macro jmp $+2 jmp $+2 endm
public DoLPT ;Publics for debugging public LPT_Reset public LPT_Outchar public LPT_Strobe public LPT_GetStatus public DoLPT40
; status bit defines
L_BITS equ 0F8h ; the status bits we want L_BITS_INVERT equ 048h ; must invert to match BIOS L_DEVBUSY equ 080h ; device busy bit L_TIMEOUT equ 001h ; timeout bit
; control bit defines
L_NORMAL equ 00Ch ; normal state: selected, no reset L_RESET equ 008h ; reset state L_STROBE equ 00Dh ; tell printer we have char
DoLPT proc near
mov dx,Port[si] ;Get port address
; DX = port address ; CH = operation: 0 = write, 1 = init, 2 = status ; AL = character
or ch, ch jz LPT_OutChar cmp ch, 1 jz LPT_Reset jmp LPT_GetStatus ret
inc dx inc dx mov al, L_RESET iodelay out dx, al
push dx
cCall GetSystemMsecCount mov bx, ax
LPT_ResetDelay: push bx cCall GetSystemMsecCount pop bx sub ax, bx cmp ax, 300 ; 1/3 sec as good as any jbe LPT_ResetDelay
pop dx
mov al, L_NORMAL iodelay iodelay out dx, al dec dx dec dx jmp LPT_GetStatus
LPT_OutChar: push ax ; save character to be written
; first check to see if printer is ready for us push di
push dx call GetSystemMSecCount mov di, ax pop dx
inc dx ; point to status port iodelay in al, dx ; get status bits and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple xchg al, ah
ifndef NOOKIHACK iodelay in al, dx
dec dx
and al, L_BITS xor al, L_BITS_INVERT cmp al, ah ; did any bits change? jnz LPT_WaitReady else dec dx endif
test ah, PS_PaperOut or PS_IOError jnz LPT_PrinterNotReady test ah, PS_Select jz LPT_PrinterNotReady test ah, PS_NotBusy jnz LPT_PrinterReady
push ax push dx call GetSystemMSecCount pop dx pop bx sub ax, di cmp ax, 300 ; 1/3 sec timeout
jbe LPT_WaitReady
; The device seems to be selected and powered up, but is just ; busy (some printers seem to show selected but busy when they ; are taken offline). Show that the transmit queue is full and ; that the hold handshakes are set. This is so the windows ; spooler will retry (and do yields so that other apps may run).
or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ;Show queue full mov ah,bh or ah, L_TIMEOUT
pop di pop cx ; throw away character jmp LPT_ReturnStatus
LPT_PrinterReady: pop di ; get di back pop ax ; get character back
iodelay out dx, al ; write character to port
inc dx ; access status port
LPT_Strobe: inc dx ; control port mov al, L_STROBE ; set strobe high iodelay iodelay iodelay iodelay out dx, al ; ...
mov al, L_NORMAL ; iodelay iodelay iodelay iodelay out dx, al ; set strobe low
sub dx, 2 ; point back to port base
LPT_GetStatus: inc dx ; point to status port LPT_GS1: iodelay iodelay in al, dx ; get status bits and al, L_BITS ; mask unused ones xor al, L_BITS_INVERT ; flip a couple mov ah, al
ifndef NOOKIHACK in al, dx and al, L_BITS xor al, L_BITS_INVERT cmp al, ah jnz LPT_GS1 ; if they changed try again... endif
assumes ds,Data and ax,(PS_PaperOut+PS_Select+PS_IOError+PS_Timeout)*256 shr ah,1 adc ah,al ;Get back Timeout bit xor ah,HIGH CE_DNS ;Invert selected bit .errnz LOW CE_DNS or by ComErr+1[si],ah ;Save comm error ret
.errnz CE_PTO-0200h .errnz CE_IOE-0400h .errnz CE_DNS-0800h .errnz CE_OOP-1000h
DoLPT40: assumes ds,Data or ComErr[si],CE_TXFULL ;Show queue full ret
DoLPT endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; TXI - Transmit A Character Immediately ; ; Set up a character to be transmitted "immediately". ; by placing the character in a location that guarantees ; it to be the next character transmitted. ; ; The check to see if the immediate character can be placed has ; already been made prior to entry. ; ; Interrupts must be disabled before entering this code ; ; Entry: ; AH = Character ; DS:SI --> DEB ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BX,CX,SI,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; AL,DX,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public TXI ;Public for debugging TXI proc near
; FCLI ;Must be done by caller! or EFlags[si],fTxImmed ;Show char to xmit mov ImmedChar[si],ah ;Set character to transmit next ; jmp short KickTx ;Kick Xmit just in case errn$ KickTx
TXI endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; KickTx - Kick Transmitter ; ; "Kick" the transmitter interrupt routine into operation. ; If the Transmitter Holding Register isn't empty, then ; nothing needs to be done. If it is empty, then the xmit ; interrupt needs to enabled in the IER. ; ; Entry: ; DS:SI --> DEB ; INTERRUPTS DISABLED! ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; BX,CX,SI,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,DX,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public KickTx ;Public for debugging KickTx proc near
; FCLI ;Done by caller mov dx,Port[si] ;Get device I/O address add dl,ACE_LSR ;Point at the line status reg pin al,dx ;And get it and al,ACE_THRE ;Check transmitter holding reg status jz KickTx10 ;Busy, interrupt will hit soon enough
sub dl,ACE_LSR-ACE_IER ;--> Interrupt enable register pin al,dx ;Get current IER state test al,ACE_THREI ;Interrupt already enabled? jnz KickTx10 ; Yes, don't reenable it or al,ACE_THREI ; No, enable it pout dx,al pause ;8250, 8250-B bug requires pout dx,al ; writting register twice
KickTx10: ; FSTI ;Done by caller ret
KickTx endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; GetDEB - Get Pointer To Device's DEB ; ; Returns a pointer to appropriate DEB, based on device number. ; ; Entry: ; AH = cid ; Returns: ; 'C' clear ; 'S' set if LPT device ; DS:SI --> DEB is valid cid ; AH = cid ; Error Returns: ; 'C' set if error (cid is invalid) ; AX = 8000h ; Registers Preserved: ; BX,CX,DX,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,SI,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public GetDEB ;Public for debugging GetDEB proc near
cmp ah,LPTx+MAXLPT ;Within range? ja GetDEB30 ;No, return invalid ID mov si,DataOFFSET LPT3 ;Assume LPT3 je GetDEB10 ;It's LPT3 cmp ah,MAXCOM ;Is cid within range for a com port? ja GetDEB20 ; No, check for a LPT port 1 and 2 mov si,DataOFFSET Comm4 ;Assume COM4 [rkh] ... je GetDEB10 ;It was COM4 mov si,DataOFFSET Comm3 ;Assume COM3 cmp ah,MAXCOM-1 ;Is cid within range for a com port? je GetDEB10 ;It was COM3 mov si,DataOFFSET Comm2 ;Assume COM2 cmp ah,MAXCOM-2 ;Is cid within range for a com port? je GetDEB10 ;It was COM2 mov si,DataOFFSET Comm1 ;It was COM1
GetDEB10: or ah,ah ;Set 'S' if LPT, clear 'C' ret .errnz LPTx-10000000b
GetDEB20: mov si,DataOFFSET LPT1 ;Assume LPT1 cmp ah,LPTx je GetDEB10 ;Its LPT1 mov si,DataOFFSET LPT2 ;Assume LPT2 ja GetDEB10 ;Its LPT2
GetDEB30: mov ax,8000h ;Set error code stc ;Set 'C' to show error ret
GetDEB endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $SETQUE - Set up Queue Pointers ; ; Sets pointers to Receive and Transmit Queues, as provided by the ; caller, and initializes those queues to be empty. ; ; Queues must be set before $INICOM is called! ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; ES:BX --> Queue Definition Block ; Returns: ; AX = 0 if no errors occured ; Error Returns: ; AX = error code ; Registers Preserved: ; BX,DX,SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,CX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $SETQUE $SETQUE proc near
push si ;These will be used push di call GetDEB ;Get DEB jc SetQue10 ;Invalid, ignore the call js SetQue10 ;Ignore call for LPT ports push ds ;Set ds:si --> QDB push es ;Set es:di --> to ComDCB.QInAddr pop ds assumes ds,nothing pop es assumes es,Data lea di,QInAddr[si] mov si,bx mov cx,(SIZE QDB)/2 .errnz (SIZE QDB) AND 1 xor ax,ax ;Will do some zero filling cld FCLI ;No one else can play with queues rep movsw mov cl,(EFlags-QInCount)/2 .errnz (EFlags-QInCount) AND 0FE01h rep stosw FSTI push es ;Restore the data segment pop ds assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
SetQue10: pop di ;Restore saved registers pop si ret
; The above code made a few assumptions about how memory ; was allocated within the structures:
.errnz (QueueRxSize-QueueRxAddr)-(QInSize-QInAddr) .errnz (QueueTxAddr-QueueRxSize)-(QOutAddr-QInSize) .errnz (QueueTxSize-QueueTxAddr)-(QOutSize-QOutAddr)
.errnz QueueRxSize-QueueRxAddr-4 .errnz QueueTxAddr-QueueRxSize-2 .errnz QueueTxSize-QueueTxAddr-4
.errnz QInSize-QInAddr-4 .errnz QOutAddr-QInSize-2 .errnz QOutSize-QOutAddr-4
.errnz QInCount-QOutSize-2 .errnz QInGet-QInCount-2 .errnz QInPut-QInGet-2 .errnz QOutCount-QInPut-2 .errnz QOutGet-QOutCount-2 .errnz QOutPut-QOutGet-2 .errnz EFlags-QOutPut-2 ;First non-queue item
$SETQUE endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $EVT - Set Event Mask ; ; Set up event word and mask. Returns a pointer to a word in which ; certain bits, as enabled by the mask, will be set when certain ; events occur. ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; BX = Event enable mask ; Returns: ; DX:AX --> event word. ; Error Returns: ; AX = 0 if error ; Registers Preserved: ; BX,CX,SI,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,DX,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $EVT $EVT proc near
push si xor dx,dx ;In case of error call GetDEB ;Get pointer to DEB mov ax,dx ;Finish setting error return value jc Evt10 ;Illegal id, return error js Evt10 ;LPTx, return error mov EvtMask[si],bx ;Save the new event mask lea ax,EvtWord[si] ;Get address of event word mov dx,ds ; into dx:ax
Evt10: pop si ret
$EVT endp page
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $EVTGET - Get Event Word ; ; Return and clear fields in the event word. This routine MUST be used ; by applications to read the event word, as it is the ONLY way they ; can be assured that an event is not lost between reading the flags ; and resetting some. ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; BX = Event clear mask ; Returns: ; AX = event word ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; AX,CX,SI,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; BX,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $EVTGET $EVTGET proc near
push si call GetDEB mov ah,0 ;In case of error (AL already 0) jc EvtGet10 ;Illegal ID js EvtGet10 ;Illegal ID FCLI ;No interrupts allowed mov ax,EvtWord[si] ;Get the current event word not bx ;Convert mask for our purposes and bx,ax ;Clear events that user wants us to mov EvtWord[si],bx ;And save those results FSTI ;Magic over
EvtGet10: pop si ret
$EVTGET endp page
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $STACOM - Return Status Information ; ; Returns the number of bytes in both queues. ; ; LPT ports will show both queues empty. ; and resetting some. ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; ES:BX = Pointer to status structure to be updated. ; = Null if not to update ; Returns: ; AX = comm error word ; Status Structure Updated. ; Error Returns: ; AX = error code ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $STACOM $STACOM proc near
push si call GetDEB ;Get DEB pointer in SI jc StaCom30 ;Invalid ID mov cx,es ;Is the pointer NULL? or cx,bx jz StaCom25 ; Yes, just return error code xor cx,cx xor dx,dx or ah,ah ;Set 'S' if LPT port mov ax,cx ;For LPTs, everything is zero js StaCom20 ;LPT port
; Need to get the status for a com port. Since not all the ; status is contained within EFlags, it has to be assembled. ; Also note that currently there is no way to specify RLSD ; as a handshaking line, so fRLSDHold is always returned false.
mov al,MSRShadow[si] ;Get state of hardware lines and al,OutHHSLines[si] ;Mask off required bits xor al,OutHHSLines[si] ;1 = line low mov cl,4 ;Align bits shr al,cl ;al = fCTSHold + fDSRHold .errnz ACE_CTS-00010000b .errnz ACE_DSR-00100000b .errnz fCTSHold-00000001b .errnz fDSRHold-00000010b
mov ah,HSFlag[si] ;Get fXOffHold+fXOffSent and ah,XOffReceived+XOffSent or al,ah
.errnz XOffReceived-fXOFFHold .errnz XOffSent-fXOFFSent
mov ah,EFlags[si] ;Get fEOF+fTxImmed and ah,fEOF+fTxImmed or al,ah
mov cx,QInCount[si] ;Get input queue count mov dx,QOutCount[si] ;Get tx queue count
StaCom20: mov es:StatFlags[bx],al mov es:StatRxCount[bx],cx mov es:StatTxCount[bx],dx
StaCom25: xor ax,ax ;Return old com error xchg ax,ComErr[si] ; and clear it out
StaCom30: pop si ret
$STACOM endp page
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $SetBrk - Set Break ; ; Clamp the Tx data line low. Does not wait for the ; transmitter holding register and shift registers to empty. ; ; LPT ports will just return the comm error word ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; Returns: ; AX = comm error word ; Error Returns: ; AX = error code ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $SETBRK $SETBRK proc near
mov cx,0FF00h+ACE_SB ;Will be setting break jmp short ClrBrk10 .errnz BreakSet-ACE_SB ;Must be same bits
$SETBRK endp page
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $CLRBRK - Clear Break ; ; Release any BREAK clamp on the Tx data line. ; ; LPT ports will just return the comm error word ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; Returns: ; AX = comm error word ; Error Returns: ; AX = error code ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS,ES ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $CLRBRK $CLRBRK proc near
mov cx,(NOT ACE_SB) SHL 8 .errnz BreakSet-ACE_SB ;Must be same bits
ClrBrk10: push si call GetDEB ;Get DEB address jc ClrBrk30 ;Invalid ID js ClrBrk20 ;Ignored for LPT ports FCLI and HSFlag[si],ch ;Set or clear the BreakSet bit or HSFlag[si],cl
; ch = mask to remove bits in the Line Control Register ; cl = mask to turn bits on in the Line Control Register
mov dx,Port[si] ;Get comm device base I/O port add dl,ACE_LCR ;Point at the Line Control Regieter pin al,dx ;Get old line control value and al,ch ;Turn off desired bits or al,cl ;Turn on desired bits pause pout dx,al ;Output New LCR. FSTI
ClrBrk20: mov ax,ComErr[si] ;Return Status Word
ClrBrk30: pop si ret
$CLRBRK endp
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $EXTCOM - Extended Comm Functions ; ; A number of extended functions are routed through this entry point. ; ; Functions currently implemented: ; ; 0: Ignored ; 1: SETXOFF - Exactly as if X-OFF character has been received. ; 2: SETXON - Exactly as if X-ON character has been received. ; 3: SETRTS - Set the RTS signal ; 4: CLRRTS - Clear the RTS signal ; 5: SETDTR - Set the DTR signal ; 6: CLRDTR - Clear the DTR signal ; 7: RESET - Yank on reset line if available (LPT devices) ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; BL = Function Code ; (0-127 are MS-defined, 128-255 are OEM defined) ; Returns: ; AX = comm error word ; Error Returns: ; AX = error code ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
; Dispatch table for the extended functions
ExtTab dw ExtComDummy ;Function 0: Never Mind dw ExtCom_FN1 ;1: Set X-Off dw ExtCom_FN2 ;2: Clear X-Off dw ExtCom_FN3 ;3: Set RTS dw ExtCom_FN4 ;4: Clear RTS dw ExtCom_FN5 ;5: Set DSR dw ExtCom_FN6 ;6: Clear DSR dw ExtCom_FN7 ;7: Reset printer
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $EXTCOM $EXTCOM proc near
push si call GetDEB ;Get DEB pointer jc ExtCom40 ;Invalid ID, return error mov dx,Port[si] ; get port address jns ExtCom10 ;Its a COM port cmp bl,7 ;RESET extended function? jne ExtCom30 ; No, return error word jmp short ExtCom20 ; Yes, invoke the function
ExtCom10: cmp bl,7 ;Last fcn supported +1 jnc ExtCom30 ;Not an implemented function.
ExtCom20: xor bh,bh add bx,bx ;Shift for the call FCLI ;Consider as critical sections call ExtTab[bx] ; and perform the function FSTI
ExtCom30: mov ax,ComErr[si] ;Return standard error word
ExtCom40: pop si
ExtComDummy: ret
$EXTCOM endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; ExtCom_FN1 - Extended Function Set X-Off ; ; Analagous to receiving an X-OFF character. Bufferred transmision of ; characters is halted until an X-ON character is received, or until ; we fake that with a Clear X-Off call. ; ; Entry: ; interrupts disabled ; dx = port base address ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public ExtCom_FN1 ExtCom_FN1 proc near
or HSFlag[si],XOffReceived ret
ExtCom_FN1 endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; ExtCom_FN2 - Extended Function Clear X-Off ; ; Analagous to receiving an X-ON character. Buffered ; transmission of characters is restarted. ; ; Entry: ; interrupts disabled ; dx = port base address ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public ExtCom_FN2 ExtCom_FN2 proc near
and HSFlag[si],NOT XOffReceived jmp KickTx ;Kick transmitter interrupts on
ExtCom_FN2 endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; ExtCom_FN3 - Extended Function Set RTS ; ; Set the RTS signal active. ; ; Entry: ; interrupts disabled ; dx = port base address ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public ExtCom_FN3 ExtCom_FN3 proc near
add dl,ACE_MCR ;Point at Modem Control Register pin al,dx ;Get current settings or al,ACE_RTS ;Set RTS pause pout dx,al ;And update ret
ExtCom_FN3 endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; ExtCom_FN4 - Extended Function Clear RTS ; ; Set the RTS signal inactive. ; ; Entry: ; interrupts disabled ; dx = port base address ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public ExtCom_FN4 ExtCom_FN4 proc near
add dl,ACE_MCR ;Point at Modem Control Register pin al,dx ;Get current settings and al,NOT ACE_RTS ;Clear RTS pause pout dx,al ;And update ret
ExtCom_FN4 endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; ExtCom_FN5 - Extended Function Set DTR ; ; Set the DTR signal active. ; ; Entry: ; interrupts disabled ; dx = port base address ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public ExtCom_FN5 ExtCom_FN5 proc near
add dl,ACE_MCR ;Point at Modem Control Register pin al,dx ;Get current settings or al,ACE_DTR ;Set DTR pause pout dx,al ;And update ret
ExtCom_FN5 endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; ExtCom_FN6 - Extended Function Clear DTR ; ; Set the DTR signal inactive. ; ; Entry: ; interrupts disabled ; dx = port base address ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public ExtCom_FN6 ExtCom_FN6 proc near
add dl,ACE_MCR ;Point at Modem Control Register pin al,dx ;Get current settings and al,NOT ACE_DTR ;Clear DTR pause pout dx,al ;And update ret
ExtCom_FN6 endp page
;----------------------------Private-Routine----------------------------; ; ; ExtCom_FN7 - Extended Function Reset Printer ; ; Assert the RESET line on an LPT port ; ; Entry: ; interrupts disabled ; dx = port base address ; Returns: ; None ; Error Returns: ; None ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public ExtCom_FN7 ExtCom_FN7 proc near
FSTI ;Not called at interrupt time mov ch,1 ;ROM BIOS Reset Port call DoLPT ;Perform the function ret
ExtCom_FN7 endp page
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $DCBPtr - Return Pointer To DCB ; ; Returns a long pointer to the DCB for the requested device. ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; Returns: ; DX:AX = pointer to DCB. ; Error Returns: ; DX:AX = 0 ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; BX,CX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $DCBPTR $DCBPTR proc near
push si xor dx,dx call GetDEB ;Get pointer to DEB mov ax,dx jc DCBPtr10 ;Jump if invalid device mov ax,si ;else return value here mov dx,ds
DCBPtr10: pop si ret
$DCBPTR endp page
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $RECCOM - Receive Characters From Device ; ; Read Byte From RS232 Input Queue If Data Is Ready ; ; LPT ports will return with an indication that no characters are ; available. ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; Returns: ; 'Z' clear if data available ; AL = byte ; Error Returns: ; 'Z' Set if error or no data ; AX = error code ; AX = 0 if no data ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $RECCOM $RECCOM proc near
push si ;Once again, save some registers push di call GetDEB ;Get DEB pointer in SI jc RecCom10 ;Invalid Port [rkh] ... js RecCom20 ;LPT port, return no characters jmp short RecCom30
RecCom10: jmp RecCom100 ; Invalid Port
RecCom20: jmp RecCom95 ;LPT port, return no characters
; Before removing any charcters from the input queue, check to see ; if XON needs to be issued. If it needs to be issued, set the ; flag that will force it and arm transmit interrupts.
RecCom30: test Flags[si],fEnqAck+fEtxAck ;Enq or Etx Ack? jz RecCom32 ; No test HSFlag[si],EnqReceived+HHSDropped ;Enq recvd or lines dropped? jz RecCom60 ; No Enq recvd & no lines dropped jmp short RecCom34
RecCom32: test HSFlag[si],HSSent ;Handshake sent? jz RecCom60 ; No XOFF sent & no lines dropped
RecCom34: mov ax,QInCount[si] ;Get current count of input chars cmp ax,XONLim[si] ;See if at XOn limit ja RecCom60 ;Not at XOn limit yet
; If any hardware lines are down, then raise them. Then see ; about sending XON.
mov dx,Port[si] ;Get the port mov ah,HHSLines[si] ;Get hardware lines mask FCLI ;Handle this as a critical section mov cl,HSFlag[si] ;Get handshaking flags or ah,ah ;Any hardware lines to play with? jz RecCom40 ; No add dl,ACE_MCR ;--> Modem control register pin al,dx or al,ah ;Turn on the hardware bits pause pout dx,al and cl,NOT HHSDropped ;Show hardware lines back up
RecCom40: test Flags[si],fEnqAck+fEtxAck ;Enq or Etx Ack? jz RecCom47 ; No test cl,EnqReceived ;Did we receive Enq? jz RecCom55 ; No and cl,NOT EnqReceived jmp short RecCom50
RecCom47: test cl,XOffSent ;Did we send XOFF? jz RecCom55 ; No and cl,NOT XOffSent ;Remove XOFF sent flag
RecCom50: or cl,XOnPending ;Show XON or ACK must be sent call KickTx ;Kick xmit if needed
RecCom55: mov HSFlag[si],cl ;Store handshake flag FSTI ;Can allow interrupts now
; Now we can get down to the business at hand, and remove a character ; from the receive queue. If a communications error exists, we return ; that, and nothing else.
RecCom60: xor ax,ax or ax,ComErr[si] ;Any Errors? jnz RecCom100 ; Yes, return the error code or ax,QInCount[si] ;Get current input char count jz RecCom90 ;No characters in the queue les di,QInAddr[si] ;Get queue pointer assumes es,nothing
mov bx,QInGet[si] ;Also get the index to head mov al,es:[bx][di] ;Finally, get byte from queue inc bx ;Update queue index cmp bx,QInSize[si] ;See if time for wrap-around jc RecCom70 ;Jump if no wrap xor bx,bx ;wrap by zeroing the index
RecCom70: mov QInGet[si],bx ;Save new head pointer dec QInCount[si] ;Dec # of bytes in queue
RecCom80: or sp,sp ;Reset PSW.Z pop di pop si ret
; No characters in the input queue. Check to see if EOF ; was received, and return it if it was. Otherwise show ; no characters.
RecCom90: test Flags[si],fBinary ;Are we doing binary stuff? jnz RecCom95 ; Yes, show no characters mov al,EOFChar[si] ;Assume EOF test EFlags[si],fEOF ;Has end of file char been received? jnz RecCom80 ; Yes, show end of file
RecCom95: xor ax,ax ;Show no more characters
; Return with 'Z' to show error or no characters
RecCom100: xor cx,cx ;Set PSW.Z pop di pop si ret
$RECCOM endp page
;----------------------------Public Routine-----------------------------; ; ; $FLUSH - Flush The Input and Output Queues ; ; This is a hard initialization of the transmit and receive queue's, ; which immediately empties the given queue. ; ; LPT ports will just return the device error word ; ; Entry: ; AH = Device ID ; BH = Queue # to clear (0=Tx, 1=Rx) ; Returns: ; AX = Device Error Word. (Not reset) ; Error Returns: ; AX = error code ; Registers Preserved: ; SI,DI,DS ; Registers Destroyed: ; AX,BX,CX,DX,ES,FLAGS ; History: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
;------------------------------Pseudo-Code------------------------------; ; { ; } ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------;
assumes ds,Data assumes es,nothing
public $FLUSH $FLUSH proc near
push si push di call GetDEB ;si --> DEB jc Flush40 ;Invalid ID js Flush30 ;LPT port, return any error
mov cx,QOutCount-QInCount ;# of bytes to zero lea di,QInCount[si] ;--> receive queue data or bh,bh ;Transmit queue? jnz Flush10 ; No, input queue add di,cx ; Yes, --> xmit queue data
Flush10: cld push ds pop es assumes es,nothing
xor al,al FCLI ;Time to worry about critical sections rep stosb FSTI .errnz QInGet-QInCount-2 .errnz QInPut-QInGet-2 .errnz QOutCount-QInPut-2 .errnz QOutGet-QOutCount-2 .errnz QOutPut-QOutGet-2
or bh,bh ;Rx queue? jz Flush30 ; No, xmit queue
; If the queue to be cleared is the receive queue, any ; hardware handshake must be cleared to prevent a possible ; deadlock situation. Since we just zeroed the queue count, ; a quick call to $RecCom should do wonders to clear any ; receive handshake (i.e. send XON if needed).
Flush20: call $RECCOM ;Take care of handshakes here
Flush30: mov ax,ComErr[si] ;And return the error word.
Flush40: pop di pop si ret
$FLUSH endp
ifdef DEBUG public KickTx10 public GetDEB10 public GetDEB20 public GetDEB30 public SetQue10 public Evt10 public EvtGet10 public StaCom20 public StaCom25 public StaCom30 public ClrBrk10 public ClrBrk20 public ClrBrk30 public ExtCom10 public ExtCom20 public ExtCom30 public ExtCom40 public ExtComDummy public DCBPtr10 public RecCom30 public RecCom40 public RecCom50 public RecCom60 public RecCom70 public RecCom80 public RecCom90 public RecCom95 public RecCom100 public Flush10 public Flush20 public Flush30 public Flush40 endif