/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: utils.c * * Purpose: Conatains all the utility routines * * Created: 1990 * * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation * * History: * Raor, Srinik (../../1990) Designed and coded * \***************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include "cmacs.h"
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "ole.h"
#include "dde.h"
#include "srvr.h"
#ifndef HUGE
#define HUGE huge
#define KB_64 65536
extern ATOM aTrue; extern ATOM aFalse; extern BOOL bWLO; extern BOOL bWin30;
extern ATOM aStdCreateFromTemplate; extern ATOM aStdCreate; extern ATOM aStdOpen; extern ATOM aStdEdit; extern ATOM aStdShowItem; extern ATOM aStdClose; extern ATOM aStdExit; extern ATOM aStdDoVerbItem;
extern BOOL (FAR PASCAL *lpfnIsTask) (HANDLE);
// MapToHexStr: Converts WORD to hex string.
void INTERNAL MapToHexStr (lpbuf, hdata) LPSTR lpbuf; HANDLE hdata; { int i; char ch;
*lpbuf++ = '@'; for ( i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
ch = (char) ((((WORD)hdata) >> (i * 4)) & 0x000f); if(ch > '9') ch += 'A' - 10; else ch += '0';
*lpbuf++ = ch; }
*lpbuf++ = NULL;
void INTERNAL UtilMemCpy (lpdst, lpsrc, dwCount) LPSTR lpdst; LPSTR lpsrc; DWORD dwCount; { WORD HUGE * hpdst; WORD HUGE * hpsrc; WORD FAR * lpwDst; WORD FAR * lpwSrc; DWORD words; DWORD bytes; bytes = dwCount % 2; words = dwCount >> 1; //* we should compare DWORDS
//* in the 32 bit version
if (dwCount <= KB_64) { lpwDst = (WORD FAR *) lpdst; lpwSrc = (WORD FAR *) lpsrc; while (words--) *lpwDst++ = *lpwSrc++;
if (bytes) * (char FAR *) lpwDst = * (char FAR *) lpwSrc; } else { hpdst = (WORD HUGE *) lpdst; hpsrc = (WORD HUGE *) lpsrc; while (words--) *hpdst++ = *hpsrc++;
if (bytes) *(char HUGE *) hpdst = * (char HUGE *) hpsrc; } }
//DuplicateData: Duplicates a given Global data handle.
HANDLE INTERNAL DuplicateData (hdata) HANDLE hdata; { LPSTR lpsrc = NULL; LPSTR lpdst = NULL; HANDLE hdup = NULL; DWORD size; BOOL err = TRUE; if(!(lpsrc = GlobalLock (hdata))) return NULL;
hdup = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, (size = GlobalSize(hdata)));
if(!(lpdst = GlobalLock (hdup))) goto errRtn;;
err = FALSE; UtilMemCpy (lpdst, lpsrc, size); errRtn: if(lpsrc) GlobalUnlock (hdata);
if(lpdst) GlobalUnlock (hdup);
if (err && hdup) GlobalFree (hdup);
return hdup; }
//ScanBoolArg: scans the argument which is not included in
//the quotes. These args could be only TRUE or FALSE for
//the time being. !!!The scanning routines should be
//merged and it should be generalized.
LPSTR INTERNAL ScanBoolArg (lpstr, lpflag) LPSTR lpstr; BOOL FAR *lpflag; {
LPSTR lpbool; ATOM aShow; char ch;
lpbool = lpstr;
// !!! These routines does not take care of quoted quotes.
while((ch = *lpstr) && (!(ch == ')' || ch == ','))) { //[J1]
#if defined(FE_SB) //[J1]
lpstr = AnsiNext( lpstr ); //[J1]
#else //[J1]
lpstr++; #endif //[J1]
} //[J1]
if(ch == NULL) return NULL;
*lpstr++ = NULL; // terminate the arg by null
// if terminated by paren, then check for end of command
// syntax.
// Check for the end of the command string.
if (ch == ')') { if (*lpstr++ != ']') return NULL;
if(*lpstr != NULL) return NULL; //finally should be terminated by null.
aShow = GlobalFindAtom (lpbool); if (aShow == aTrue) *lpflag = TRUE;
else { if (aShow ==aFalse) *lpflag = FALSE; else return NULL;; } return lpstr; }
//ScannumArg: Checks for the syntax of num arg in Execute and if
//the arg is syntactically correct, returns the ptr to the
//beginning of the next arg and also, returns the number
//Does not take care of the last num arg in the list.
LPSTR INTERNAL ScanNumArg (lpstr, lpnum) LPSTR lpstr; LPINT lpnum; {
WORD val = 0; char ch;
while((ch = *lpstr++) && (ch != ',')) { if (ch < '0' || ch >'9') return NULL; val += val * 10 + (ch - '0');
if(!ch) return NULL;
*lpnum = val; return lpstr; }
//ScanArg: Checks for the syntax of arg in Execute and if
//the arg is syntactically correct, returns the ptr to the
//beginning of the next arg or to the end of the excute string.
LPSTR INTERNAL ScanArg (lpstr) LPSTR lpstr; {
// !!! These routines does not take care of quoted quotes.
// first char should be quote.
if (*(lpstr-1) != '\"') return NULL;
while(*lpstr && *lpstr != '\"') { //[J1]
#if defined(FE_SB) //[J1]
lpstr = AnsiNext( lpstr ); //[J1]
#else //[J1]
lpstr++; #endif //[J1]
} //[J1]
if(*lpstr == NULL) return NULL;
*lpstr++ = NULL; // terminate the arg by null
if(!(*lpstr == ',' || *lpstr == ')')) return NULL;
if(*lpstr++ == ','){
if(*lpstr == '\"') return ++lpstr; // If it is not quote, leave the ptr on the first char
return lpstr; }
// terminated by paren
// already skiped right paren
// Check for the end of the command string.
if (*lpstr++ != ']') return NULL;
if(*lpstr != NULL) return NULL; //finally should be terminated by null.
return lpstr; }
// ScanCommand: scanns the command string for the syntax
// correctness. If syntactically correct, returns the ptr
// to the first arg or to the end of the string.
WORD INTERNAL ScanCommand (lpstr, wType, lplpnextcmd, lpAtom) LPSTR lpstr; WORD wType; LPSTR FAR * lplpnextcmd; ATOM FAR * lpAtom; { // !!! These routines does not take care of quoted quotes.
// and not taking care of blanks arround the operators
// !!! We are not allowing blanks after operators.
// Should be allright! since this is arestricted syntax.
char ch; LPSTR lptemp = lpstr;
while(*lpstr && (!(*lpstr == '(' || *lpstr == ']'))) { //[J1]
#if defined(FE_SB) //[J1]
lpstr = AnsiNext( lpstr ); //[J1]
#else //[J1]
lpstr++; #endif //[J1]
} //[J1]
if(*lpstr == NULL) return NULL;
ch = *lpstr; *lpstr++ = NULL; // set the end of command
*lpAtom = GlobalFindAtom (lptemp);
if (!IsOleCommand (*lpAtom, wType)) return NON_OLE_COMMAND; if (ch == '(') {
#if defined(FE_SB) //[J1]
ch = *lpstr; //[J1]
lpstr = AnsiNext( lpstr ); //[J1]
#else //[J1]
ch = *lpstr++; #endif //[J1]
if (ch == ')') { if (*lpstr++ != ']') return NULL; } else { if (ch != '\"') return NULL; } *lplpnextcmd = lpstr; return OLE_COMMAND; }
// terminated by ']'
if (*(*lplpnextcmd = lpstr)) // if no nul termination, then it is error.
return NULL;
return OLE_COMMAND; }
//MakeDataAtom: Creates a data atom from the item string
//and the item data otions.
ATOM INTERNAL MakeDataAtom (aItem, options) ATOM aItem; int options; { char buf[MAX_STR];
if (options == OLE_CHANGED) return DuplicateAtom (aItem);
if (!aItem) buf[0] = NULL; else GlobalGetAtomName (aItem, (LPSTR)buf, MAX_STR);
if (options == OLE_CLOSED) lstrcat ((LPSTR)buf, (LPSTR) "/Close"); else { if (options == OLE_SAVED) lstrcat ((LPSTR)buf, (LPSTR) "/Save"); }
if (buf[0]) return GlobalAddAtom ((LPSTR)buf); else return NULL; }
//DuplicateAtom: Duplicates an atom
ATOM INTERNAL DuplicateAtom (atom) ATOM atom; { char buf[MAX_STR];
Puts ("DuplicateAtom");
if (!atom) return NULL; GlobalGetAtomName (atom, buf, MAX_STR); return GlobalAddAtom (buf); }
// MakeGlobal: makes global out of strings.
// works only for << 64k
HANDLE INTERNAL MakeGlobal (lpstr) LPSTR lpstr; {
int len = 0; HANDLE hdata = NULL; LPSTR lpdata = NULL;
len = lstrlen (lpstr) + 1;
hdata = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, len); if (hdata == NULL || (lpdata = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hdata)) == NULL) goto errRtn;
UtilMemCpy (lpdata, lpstr, (DWORD)len); GlobalUnlock (hdata); return hdata;
if (lpdata) GlobalUnlock (hdata);
if (hdata) GlobalFree (hdata);
return NULL;
BOOL INTERNAL CheckServer (lpsrvr) LPSRVR lpsrvr; { if (!CheckPointer(lpsrvr, WRITE_ACCESS)) return FALSE;
if ((lpsrvr->sig[0] == 'S') && (lpsrvr->sig[1] == 'R')) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL INTERNAL CheckServerDoc (lpdoc) LPDOC lpdoc; { if (!CheckPointer(lpdoc, WRITE_ACCESS)) return FALSE;
if ((lpdoc->sig[0] == 'S') && (lpdoc->sig[1] == 'D')) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL INTERNAL PostMessageToClientWithBlock (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam) HWND hWnd; WORD wMsg; WORD wParam; DWORD lParam; { if (!IsWindowValid (hWnd)) { ASSERT(FALSE, "Client's window is missing"); return FALSE; } if (IsBlockQueueEmpty ((HWND)wParam) && PostMessage (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)) return TRUE;
BlockPostMsg (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam); return TRUE; }
BOOL INTERNAL PostMessageToClient (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam) HWND hWnd; WORD wMsg; WORD wParam; DWORD lParam; { if (!IsWindowValid (hWnd)) { ASSERT(FALSE, "Client's window is missing"); return FALSE; }
if (IsBlockQueueEmpty ((HWND)wParam) && PostMessage (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)) return TRUE;
BlockPostMsg (hWnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam); return TRUE; }
BOOL INTERNAL IsWindowValid (hwnd) HWND hwnd; {
#define TASK_OFFSET 0x00FA
LPSTR lptask; HANDLE htask;
if (!IsWindow (hwnd)) return FALSE;
if (bWLO) return TRUE;
// now get the task handle and find out it is valid.
htask = GetWindowTask (hwnd);
if (bWin30 || !lpfnIsTask) { lptask = (LPSTR)(MAKELONG (TASK_OFFSET, htask));
if (!CheckPointer(lptask, READ_ACCESS)) return FALSE;
// now check for the signature bytes of task block in kernel
if (*lptask++ == 'T' && *lptask == 'D') return TRUE; } else { // From win31 onwards the API IsTask() can be used for task validation
if ((*lpfnIsTask)(htask)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL INTERNAL UtilQueryProtocol (aClass, lpprotocol) ATOM aClass; LPSTR lpprotocol; { HKEY hKey; char key[MAX_STR]; char class[MAX_STR];
if (!aClass) return FALSE; if (!GlobalGetAtomName (aClass, class, MAX_STR)) return FALSE; lstrcpy (key, class); lstrcat (key, "\\protocol\\"); lstrcat (key, lpprotocol); lstrcat (key, "\\server");
if (RegOpenKey (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key, &hKey)) return FALSE; RegCloseKey (hKey); return TRUE; }
BOOL INTERNAL IsOleCommand (aCmd, wType) ATOM aCmd; WORD wType; { if (wType == WT_SRVR) { if ((aCmd == aStdCreateFromTemplate) || (aCmd == aStdCreate) || (aCmd == aStdOpen) || (aCmd == aStdEdit) || (aCmd == aStdShowItem) || (aCmd == aStdClose) || (aCmd == aStdExit)) return TRUE; } else { if ((aCmd == aStdClose) || (aCmd == aStdDoVerbItem) || (aCmd == aStdShowItem)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }