; ; ; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1986 ; ; This Module contains Proprietary Information of Microsoft ; Corporation and should be treated as Confidential. ; subttl emdisp.asm - Dispatch Tables page ;*********************************************************************; ; ; ; Dispatch Tables ; ; ; ;*********************************************************************;
; dispatch tables
; These tables are based upon the layout of the 8087 instructions ; ; 8087 instruction fields: |escape|MF|Arith|MOD|Op|r/m|disp1|disp2| ; field length in bits: 5 2 1 2 3 3 8 8 ; ; Disp1 and Disp2 are optional address bytes present only if MOD <> 11. ; When (MOD <> 11) r/m describes which regs (SI,DI,BX,BP) are added to ; Disp1 and Disp2 to calculate the effective address. This form ; (memory format) is used for Loads, Stores, Compares, and Arithmetic ; When using memory format MF determines the Type of the Memory operand ; i.e. Single Real, Double real, Single Integer, or Double Integer ; Arith is 0 for Arithmetic opetations (and compares), set to 1 otherwise ; Op mostly determines which type of operation to do though when not in ; memory format some of that is coded into MF and r/m ; All of the tables are set up to do a jump based upon one or more of the ; above fields. The outline for decoding instructions is: ; ; IF (memory format) THEN ; Assemble Effective Address (using MOD and r/m and EffectiveAddressTab) ; IF (Arith) THEN ; Load to the stack (using MF and FLDsdriTab) ; Do the Arithmetic Operation (using Op and ArithmeticOpTab) ; ELSE (memory format non- arithmetic) ; Do the operation (using Op and NonArithOpMemTab and ; depending on the case MF and one of the FLD or FST Tabs) ; ENDIF ; ELSE (Register format) ; IF (Arith) THEN ; Test r/m for legit Stack reference ; Do the Arithmetic Operation (using Op and ArithmeticOpTab) ; ELSE (non-arithmetic register format) ; Do the operation (using Op and NonArithOpRegTab and ; depending on the case r/m and one of: ; Constants, Miscellaneous, Transcendental, or Various Tabs)
glb <EA286Tab>
eWORD EA286Tab ; Uses |r/m|MOD| for indexing edw BXSI0D edw BXSI1D edw BXSI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress edw BXDI0D edw BXDI1D edw BXDI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress edw BPSI0D edw BPSI1D edw BPSI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress edw BPDI0D edw BPDI1D edw BPDI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress edw DSSI0D edw DSSI1D edw DSSI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress edw DSDI0D edw DSDI1D edw DSDI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress edw DSXI2D edw BPXI1D edw BPXI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress edw BXXI0D edw BXXI1D edw BXXI2D edw NoEffectiveAddress
ifdef i386
glb <EA386Tab>
eWORD EA386Tab ; Uses |r/m|MOD| for indexing
edw Exx00 ; eax edw Exx01 edw Exx10 edw NoEffectiveAddress edw Exx00 ; ecx edw Exx01 edw Exx10 edw NoEffectiveAddress edw Exx00 ; edx edw Exx01 edw Exx10 edw NoEffectiveAddress edw Exx00 ; ebx edw Exx01 edw Exx10 edw NoEffectiveAddress edw SIB00 ; esp (S-I-B follows) edw SIB01 edw SIB10 edw NoEffectiveAddress edw Direct386 ; ebp (00 = direct addressing) edw Exx01 edw Exx10 edw NoEffectiveAddress edw Exx00 ; esi edw Exx01 edw Exx10 edw NoEffectiveAddress edw Exx00 ; edi edw Exx01 edw Exx10 edw NoEffectiveAddress
endif ;i386
glb <ArithmeticOpTab>
eWORD ArithmeticOpTab ; Uses |Op| for indexing edw ADDRQQ ;FADD edw MUDRQQ ;FMUL edw eFCOM ;FCOM edw eFCOMP ;FCOMP edw SUDRQQ ;FSUB edw SVDRQQ ;FSUBR edw DIDRQQ ;FDIV edw DRDRQQ ;FDIVR
glb <NonArithOpMemTab>
eWORD NonArithOpMemTab ; Uses |Op| for indexing edw eFLDsdri ;load(single/double,real/integer) edw UNUSED ;reserved edw eFSTsdri ;Store(single/double,real/integer) edw eFSTPsdri ;Store and POP (single/double,real/integer) edw UNUSED ;reserved edw eFLDtempORcw ;Load(TempReal or LongInteger), FLDCW edw UNUSED ;reserved edw eFSTtempORcw ;Store(TempReal or LongInteger), FSTCW ,FSTSW
glb <NonArithOpRegTab>
eWORD NonArithOpRegTab ; Uses |Op| for indexing edw eFLDregOrFFREE ;load(register), FFREE edw eFXCHGreg ;FXCHG edw eFSTreg ;Store(register),FNOP edw eFSTPreg ;Store and POP (register) edw eMISCELANEOUS ;FCHS, FABS, FTST, FXAM, FINIT, FENI, FDISI, FCLEX edw eFLDconstants ;FLD1, FLDL2T, FLDL2E, FLDPI, FLDLG2, FLDLN2, FLDZ edw etranscendental ;F2XM1, FYL2X, FPTAN, FPATAN, FXTRACT, FDECSTP, FINCSTP edw eVARIOUS ;FPREM, FYL2XP1, FSQRT, FRNDINT, FSCALE
glb <FLDsdriTab>
eWORD FLDsdriTab ; Uses |MF| for indexing edw eFLDsr ;load single real edw eFLDdi ;load double integer edw eFLDdr ;load double real edw eFLDsi ;load single integer
glb <FSTsdriTab>
eWORD FSTsdriTab ; Uses |MF| for indexing edw eFSTsr ;store single real edw eFSTdi ;store double integer edw eFSTdr ;store double real edw eFSTsi ;store single integer
glb <FLDtempORcwTab>
eWORD FLDtempORcwTab ; Uses |MF| for indexing edw eFLDCW ;load control word edw eFLDtemp ;load temp real edw UNUSED ;reserved edw eFLDlongint ;load long integer
glb <FSTtempORcwTab>
eWORD FSTtempORcwTab ; Uses |MF| for indexing edw eFSTCW ;store control word edw eFSTtemp ;store temp real edw eFSTSW ;store status word edw eFSTlongint ;store long integer
glb <FLDconstantsTab>
eWORD FLDconstantsTab ; Uses |r/m| for indexing edw eFLD1 edw eFLDL2T edw eFLDL2E edw eFLDPI edw eFLDLG2 edw eFLDLN2 edw eFLDZ edw UNUSED ;reserved
glb <TranscendentalTab>
eWORD TranscendentalTab ; Uses |r/m| for indexing edw eF2XM1 edw eFYL2X edw eFPTAN edw eFPATAN edw eFXTRACT edw UNUSED ;reserved edw eFDECSTP edw eFINCSTP
glb <VariousTab>
eWORD VariousTab ; Uses |r/m| for indexing edw eFPREM edw eFYL2XP1 edw eFSQRT edw UNUSED ;reserved edw eFRNDINT edw eFSCALE edw UNUSED ;reserved edw UNUSED ;reserved
glb <COMtab>
eWORD COMtab ; SI DI edw COMvalidvalid ; valid valid edw COMsignSI ; valid zero edw COMincomprable ; valid NAN edw COMsignDIinf ; valid INF edw COMsignDI ; zero valid edw COMequal ; zero zero edw COMincomprable ; zero NAN edw COMsignDIinf ; zero INF edw COMincomprable ; NAN valid edw COMincomprable ; NAN zero edw COMincomprable ; NAN NAN edw COMincomprable ; NAN INF edw COMsignSIinf ; INF valid edw COMsignSIinf ; INF zero edw COMincomprable ; INF NAN edw COMinfinf ; INF INF
glb <TSTtab>
eWORD TSTtab edw COMsignSI ; valid edw COMequal ; zero edw COMincomprable ; NAN edw COMsignSIinf ; INF
eWORD ADDJMPTAB eWORD TAJRQQ edw RADRQQ ; 0000 D Valid non-0, S Valid non-0 edw DDD ; 0001 D Valid non-0, S 0 edw SSINV ; 0010 D Valid non-0, S NAN edw SSS ; 0011 D Valid non-0, S Inf edw SSS ; 0100 D 0, S Valid non-0 edw DDD ; 0101 D 0, S 0 edw SSINV ; 0110 D 0, S NAN edw SSS ; 0111 D 0, S Inf edw DDINV ; 1000 D NAN, S Valid non-0 edw DDINV ; 1001 D NAN, S 0 edw BIGNAN ; 1010 D NAN, S NAN edw DDINV ; 1011 D NAN, S Inf edw DDD ; 1100 D Inf, S Valid non-0 edw DDD ; 1101 D Inf, S 0 edw SSINV ; 1110 D Inf, S NAN edw INFINF ; 1111 D Inf, S Inf
eWORD MULJMPTAB eWORD TMJRQQ edw RMDRQQ ; 0000 D Valid non-0, S Valid non-0 edw ZEROS ; 0001 D Valid non-0, S 0 edw SSINV ; 0010 D Valid non-0, S NAN edw INFS ; 0011 D Valid non-0, S Inf edw ZEROS ; 0100 D 0, S Valid non-0 edw ZEROS ; 0101 D 0, S 0 edw SSINV ; 0110 D 0, S NAN edw INDINV ; 0111 D 0, S Inf edw DDINV ; 1000 D NAN, S Valid non-0 edw DDINV ; 1001 D NAN, S 0 edw BIGNAN ; 1010 D NAN, S NAN edw DDINV ; 1011 D NAN, S Inf edw INFS ; 1100 D Inf, S Valid non-0 edw INDINV ; 1101 D Inf, S 0 edw SSINV ; 1110 D Inf, S NAN edw INFS ; 1111 D Inf, S Inf
eWORD DIVJMPTAB eWORD TDJRQQ edw RDDRQQ ; 0000 D Valid non-0, S Valid non-0 edw ZEROS ; 0001 D Valid non-0, S 0 edw SSINV ; 0010 D Valid non-0, S NAN edw INFS ; 0011 D Valid non-0, S Inf edw DIV0 ; 0100 D 0, S Valid non-0 edw D0INDINV ; 0101 D 0, S 0 edw D0SSINV ; 0110 D 0, S NAN edw DIV0 ; 0111 D 0, S Inf edw DDINV ; 1000 D NAN, S Valid non-0 edw DDINV ; 1001 D NAN, S 0 edw BIGNAN ; 1010 D NAN, S NAN edw DDINV ; 1011 D NAN, S Inf edw ZEROS ; 1100 D Inf, S Valid non-0 edw ZEROS ; 1101 D Inf, S 0 edw SSINV ; 1110 D Inf, S NAN edw INDINV ; 1111 D Inf, S Inf
glb <XAMtab>
; Tag Flag C3 C2 C1 C0 meaning XAMtab DB 04H ; 00 0 0 1 0 0 Positive Normal DB 06H ; 00 1 0 1 1 0 Negative Normal DB 40H ; 01 0 1 0 0 0 Positive Zero DB 42H ; 01 1 1 0 1 0 Negative Zero DB 01H ; 10 0 0 0 0 1 Positive NAN DB 03H ; 10 1 0 0 1 1 Negative NAN DB 05H ; 11 0 0 1 0 1 Positive Infinity DB 07H ; 11 1 0 1 1 1 Negative Infinity