#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "windows.h"
#define MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE "\tERROR: Value entry data has incorrect size \n\t\tValueName = %ls \n\t\tNameSize = %d \n\t\tValueType = %s \n\t\tValueSize = %d\n"
#define MSG_ERROR_VALUE_NOT_NUL_TERMINATED "\tERROR: Value entry data is not NUL terminated \n\t\tValueName = %ls \n\t\tNameSize = %d \n\t\tValueType = %s\n"
#define MSG_ERROR_VALUE_UNKNOWN_DATA "\tERROR: Value entry contains unknown data \n\t\tValueName = %ls \n\t\tNameSize = %d \n\t\tValueType = %#x \n\t\tValueSize = %d\n"
#define MSG_ERROR_REG_ENUM_VALUE "\tERROR: RegEnumValue() failed, iValue = %d, Status = %d \n"
#define MSG_ERROR_REG_OPEN_KEY_EX "\tERROR: RegOpenKeyEx() failed, Status = %d \n"
#define MSG_ERROR_REG_QUERY_INFO_KEY "\tERROR: RegQueryInfoKey() failed, Status = %d \n"
#define MSG_ERROR_REG_ENUM_KEY_EX "ERROR: RegEnumKeyEx() failed, \n\t Status = %d \n\t, SubKey = %d"
#define MSG_ERROR_REG_CONNECT_REGISTRY "ERROR: Unable to connect to %s, Status = %d \n"
#define MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME "%ls\\%ls \n"
VOID ExamineValueEntries( IN HKEY Key, IN LPCWSTR CompleteKeyName, IN DWORD cchMaxValueName, IN DWORD cbMaxValueData, IN DWORD cValues, IN LPCWSTR PredefinedKeyName )
{ LONG Status; DWORD iValue; LPWSTR lpszValue; DWORD cchValue; DWORD dwType; PBYTE lpbData; DWORD cbData; BOOLEAN KeyNameAlreadyPrinted;
// Allocate the buffers for the value name and value data
lpszValue = ( LPWSTR )malloc( (cchMaxValueName + 1)*sizeof( WCHAR ) ); lpbData = ( LPBYTE )malloc( cbMaxValueData ); if( ( lpszValue == NULL ) || ( lpbData == NULL ) ) { printf( "ERROR: Unable to allocate memory, cchMaxValueName = %d, cbMaxValuedata = %d \n", cchMaxValueName, cbMaxValueData ); if( lpszValue != NULL ) { free( lpszValue ); } if( lpbData != NULL ) { free( lpbData ); } return; }
// Examine all value entries
KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = FALSE; for( iValue = 0; iValue < cValues; iValue++ ) { cchValue = cchMaxValueName + 1; cbData = cbMaxValueData; Status = RegEnumValueW( Key, iValue, lpszValue, &cchValue, 0, &dwType, lpbData, &cbData );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_REG_ENUM_VALUE, iValue, Status ); continue; }
// For debugging only
// printf( "\tValueName = %ls \n", lpszValue );
switch( dwType ) {
if( cbData == 0 ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_BINARY", cbData ); } break;
if( cbData != sizeof( DWORD ) ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_DWORD", cbData ); } break;
if( cbData != sizeof( DWORD ) ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN", cbData ); } break;
if( ( cbData != 0 ) && ( ( cbData % sizeof( WCHAR ) ) == 0 )) { if( *( ( PWCHAR )( lpbData + cbData - sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ) != ( WCHAR )'\0' ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_NOT_NUL_TERMINATED, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_EXPAND_SZ" ); } } else { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_EXPAND_SZ", cbData ); } break;
case REG_LINK:
if( cbData == 0 ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_LINK", cbData ); } break;
if( ( cbData != 0 ) && ( ( cbData % sizeof( WCHAR ) ) == 0 )) { if( *( ( PWCHAR )( lpbData + cbData - sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ) != ( WCHAR )'\0' ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_NOT_NUL_TERMINATED, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_MULTI_SZ" ); } } else { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_MULTI_SZ", cbData ); } break;
case REG_NONE:
if( cbData != 0 ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_NONE", cbData ); } break;
if( cbData == 0 ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_RESOURCE_LIST", cbData ); } break;
case REG_SZ:
if( ( cbData != 0 ) && ( ( cbData % sizeof( WCHAR ) ) == 0 ) ) { if( *( ( PWCHAR )( lpbData + cbData - sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ) != ( WCHAR )'\0' ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_NOT_NUL_TERMINATED, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_SZ" ); } } else { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_SZ", cbData ); } break;
if( cbData == 0 ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_INCORRECT_SIZE, lpszValue, cchValue, "REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR", cbData ); } break;
if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_VALUE_UNKNOWN_DATA, lpszValue, cchValue, dwType, cbData ); break;
} }
// Free buffers for value name and value data
free( lpszValue ); free( lpbData ); }
VOID ExamineKey( IN HKEY PredefinedKey, IN LPCWSTR ParentName, IN LPCWSTR KeyName, IN LPCWSTR PredefinedKeyName )
{ LPWSTR CompleteKeyName;
LONG Status;
WCHAR szClass[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; DWORD cchClass; DWORD cSubKeys; DWORD cchMaxSubKey; DWORD cchMaxClass; DWORD cValues; DWORD cchMaxValueName; DWORD cbMaxValueData; DWORD cbSecurityDescriptor; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
WCHAR szSubKeyName[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; DWORD cchSubKeyNameLength;
DWORD iSubKey; BOOLEAN KeyNameAlreadyPrinted;
// Build the complete key name
if( wcslen( ParentName ) == 0 ) { CompleteKeyName = wcsdup( KeyName ); if( CompleteKeyName == NULL ) { printf( "ERROR: wcsdup( KeyName ) failed \n" ); return; } } else { CompleteKeyName = wcsdup( ParentName ); if( CompleteKeyName == NULL ) { printf( "ERROR: wcsdup( ParentName ) failed \n" ); return; } if( wcslen( KeyName ) != 0 ) { CompleteKeyName = realloc( CompleteKeyName, ( wcslen( CompleteKeyName ) + wcslen( L"\\" ) + wcslen( KeyName ) + 1 )*sizeof( WCHAR ) ); wcscat( CompleteKeyName, L"\\" ); wcscat( CompleteKeyName, KeyName ); } }
// For debugging only
// printf( "%ls\\%ls \n", PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName );
// Open the key
Status = RegOpenKeyExW( PredefinedKey, CompleteKeyName, 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &Key );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); printf( MSG_ERROR_REG_OPEN_KEY_EX, Status ); free( CompleteKeyName ); return; }
// Determine the number of value entries, the maximum length of a value
// entry name, the maximum data size, and the number of subkeys
cchClass = sizeof( szClass ) / sizeof( WCHAR ); Status = RegQueryInfoKeyW( Key, szClass, &cchClass, 0, &cSubKeys, &cchMaxSubKey, &cchMaxClass, &cValues, &cchMaxValueName, &cbMaxValueData, &cbSecurityDescriptor, &ftLastWriteTime );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); printf( MSG_ERROR_REG_QUERY_INFO_KEY, Status ); free( CompleteKeyName ); RegCloseKey( Key ); return; }
if( cValues != 0 ) {
// Examine the value entries
ExamineValueEntries( Key, CompleteKeyName, cchMaxValueName, cbMaxValueData, cValues, PredefinedKeyName );
// Traverse each subkey
if( cSubKeys != 0 ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = FALSE; for( iSubKey = 0; iSubKey < cSubKeys; iSubKey++ ) { cchSubKeyNameLength = sizeof( szSubKeyName )/sizeof( WCHAR ); cchClass = sizeof( szClass ) / sizeof( WCHAR ); Status = RegEnumKeyExW( Key, iSubKey, szSubKeyName, &cchSubKeyNameLength, 0, NULL, NULL, &ftLastWriteTime );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( !KeyNameAlreadyPrinted ) { KeyNameAlreadyPrinted = TRUE; printf( MSG_COMPLETE_KEY_NAME, PredefinedKeyName, CompleteKeyName ); } printf( MSG_ERROR_REG_ENUM_KEY_EX, Status, iSubKey ); continue; } ExamineKey( PredefinedKey, CompleteKeyName, szSubKeyName, PredefinedKeyName ); } } RegCloseKey( Key );
free( CompleteKeyName ); }
main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { DWORD i; HKEY RemoteUsers; HKEY RemoteLocalMachine; LONG Status;
if( argc <= 1 ) { printf( "\n******* Examining HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on local machine\n\n" ); ExamineKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"", L"", L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" );
printf( "\n******* Examining HKEY_USERS on local machine\n\n" ); ExamineKey( HKEY_USERS, L"", L"", L"HKEY_USERS" );
printf( "\n******* Examining HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT on local machine\n\n" ); ExamineKey( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, L"", L"", L"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" );
printf( "\n******* Examining HKEY_CURRENT_USER on local machine\n\n" ); ExamineKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"", L"", L"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ); } else { for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { //
// printf( "Machine name = %s \n", argv[ i ] );
Status = RegConnectRegistry( argv[ i ], HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &RemoteLocalMachine );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf( MSG_ERROR_REG_CONNECT_REGISTRY, argv[i], Status ); continue; }
Status = RegConnectRegistry( argv[ i ], HKEY_USERS, &RemoteUsers );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegCloseKey( RemoteLocalMachine ); printf( MSG_ERROR_REG_CONNECT_REGISTRY, argv[i], Status ); continue; }
printf( "\n******* Examining HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on %s \n\n", argv[i] ); ExamineKey( RemoteLocalMachine, L"", L"", L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" );
printf( "\n******* Examining HKEY_USERS on %s \n\n", argv[i] ); ExamineKey( RemoteUsers, L"", L"", L"HKEY_USERS" );
RegCloseKey( RemoteLocalMachine ); RegCloseKey( RemoteUsers ); } } }