Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Dumps various statistics on hv (low) level structures in a hive. (See regstat for higher level stuff.)
Short: # of bins average bin size max bin size # of cells
# of free cells
# of allocated cells
average free cell size total free size max free cell size average allocated size total allocated size max allocated cell size overhead summary (header, bin headers, cell headers)
Long: bin#, offset, size cell offset, size, allocated cell offset, size, free
Usage: {[+|-][<option>]} <filename> (+ = on by default, - = off by default) +s = summary - all of the short statistics -t[bafc] = trace, line per entry, bin, allocated, free, all cells (+tbc == +tbaf) -c = cell type summary -a[kvs] = Access Export (key nodes, values, SDs)
Bryan M. Willman (bryanwi) 2-Sep-1992
Revision History:
NOTE: Unlike other hive/registry tools, this one will not read the entire hive into memory, but will instead read it in via file I/O. This makes it faster/easier to apply to very large hives.
*/ #include "regutil.h"
#include "edithive.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
UCHAR *helptext[] = { "hivestat: ", "Statistics: ", " Short: # of bins ", " average bin size ", " max bin size ", " # of cells ", " # of free cells ", " # of allocated cells ", " average free cell size ", " total free size ", " max free cell size ", " average allocated size ", " total allocated size ", " max allocated cell size ", " overhead summary (header, bin headers, cell headers) ", " Long: bin#, offset, size ", " cell offset, size, allocated ", " cell offset, size, free ", "Usage: {[+|-][<option>]} <filename> ", " (+ = on by default, - = off by default) ", " +s = summary - all of the short statistics ", " -t[bafc] = trace, line per entry, bin, allocated, free, all cells", " (+tbc == +tbaf) ", " -c = cell type summary ", " -a[kvs] = Access Export (key nodes, values, SDs) ", NULL };
VOID ParseArgs( int argc, char *argv[] );
VOID ScanHive( VOID );
VOID ScanCell( PHCELL Cell, ULONG CellSize );
VOID ScanKeyNode( IN PCM_KEY_NODE Node, IN ULONG CellSize );
VOID ScanKeyValue( IN PCM_KEY_VALUE Value, IN ULONG CellSize );
VOID ScanKeyIndex( IN PCM_KEY_INDEX Index, IN ULONG CellSize );
VOID ScanUnknown( IN PCELL_DATA Data, IN ULONG CellSize );
ULONG HiveVersion;
ULONG SizeKeyData=0; ULONG SizeValueData=0; ULONG SizeSDData=0; ULONG SizeIndexData=0; ULONG SizeUnknownData=0;
ULONG NumKeyData=0; ULONG NumValueData=0; ULONG NumSDData=0; ULONG NumIndexData=0; ULONG NumUnknownData=0;
void main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { ParseArgs(argc, argv); ScanHive(); exit(0); }
VOID ParseArgs( int argc, char *argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
Read arguments and set control arguments and file name from them.
argc, argv, standard meaning
Return Value:
--*/ { char *p; int i; BOOLEAN command;
if (argc == 1) { for (i = 0; helptext[i] != NULL; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", helptext[i]); } exit(1); }
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { p = argv[i];
if (*p == '+') { // switch something on
command = TRUE;
} else if (*p == '-') { // switch something off
command = FALSE;
} else { FileName = p; continue; }
p++; if (*p == '\0') continue;
switch (*p) { case 's': case 'S': DoSummary = command; break;
case 'c': case 'C': DoCellType = command; break;
case 'a': case 'A': p++; while (*p != '\0') { switch (*p) { case 'k': case 'K': AccessKeys = command; break;
case 's': case 'S': AccessSD = command; break;
case 'v': case 'V': AccessValues = command; break;
default: break; } p++; } break;
case 't': case 'T': p++; while (*p != '\0') {
switch (*p) { case 'b': case 'B': DoTraceBin = command; break;
case 'a': case 'A': DoTraceAlloc = command; break;
case 'f': case 'F': DoTraceFree = command; break;
case 'c': case 'C': DoTraceAlloc = command; DoTraceFree = command; break;
default: break; }
p++; } break;
default: break; } } return; }
VOID ScanHive( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Scan the hive, report what we see, based on control arguments.
--*/ { static char buffer[HBLOCK_SIZE]; PHBASE_BLOCK bbp; HANDLE filehandle; BOOL rf; ULONG readcount; ULONG hivelength; ULONG hiveposition; PHCELL cp; PHCELL guard; PHBIN hbp; ULONG hoff; ULONG StatBinCount = 0; ULONG StatBinTotal = 0; ULONG StatBinMax = 0; ULONG StatFreeCount = 0; ULONG StatFreeTotal = 0; ULONG StatFreeMax = 0; ULONG StatAllocCount = 0; ULONG StatAllocTotal = 0; ULONG StatAllocMax = 0; ULONG binread; ULONG binsize; ULONG cellsize; ULONG boff; ULONG lboff; ULONG SizeTotal;
// open the file
if (filehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: Could not open file '%s' error = %08lx\n", FileName, GetLastError() ); exit(1); }
// read the header
rf = ReadFile(filehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &readcount, NULL); if ( ( ! rf ) || (readcount != HBLOCK_SIZE) ) { fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: '%s' - cannot read base block!\n", FileName); exit(1); }
bbp = (PHBASE_BLOCK)(&(buffer[0]));
if ((bbp->Major != HSYS_MAJOR) || (bbp->Minor > HSYS_MINOR)) { fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: major/minor != %d/%d get newer hivestat\n", HSYS_MAJOR, HSYS_MINOR ); exit(1); }
HiveVersion = bbp->Minor;
hivelength = bbp->Length + HBLOCK_SIZE; hiveposition = HBLOCK_SIZE; hoff = 0;
printf("hivestat: '%s'\n", FileName); if (DoTraceBin || DoTraceFree || DoTraceAlloc) { printf("\nTrace\n"); printf("bi=bin, fr=free, al=allocated\n"); printf("offset is file offset, sub HBLOCK to get HCELL\n"); printf("type,offset,size\n"); printf("\n"); }
// scan the hive
guard = (PHCELL)(&(buffer[0]) + HBLOCK_SIZE);
// hiveposition is file relative offset of next block we will read
// hoff is the file relative offset of the last block we read
// hivelength is actual length of file (header's recorded length plus
// the size of the header.
// cp is pointer into memory, within range of buffer, it's a cell pointer
while (hiveposition < hivelength) {
// read in first block of bin, check signature, get bin stats
rf = ReadFile(filehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &readcount, NULL); if ( ( ! rf ) || (readcount != HBLOCK_SIZE) ) { fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: '%s' read error @%08lx\n", FileName, hiveposition); exit(1); } hbp = (PHBIN)(&(buffer[0]));
if (hbp->Signature != HBIN_SIGNATURE) { fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: '%s' bad bin sign. @%08lx\n", FileName, hiveposition); exit(1); } hiveposition += HBLOCK_SIZE; hoff += HBLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT(hoff+HBLOCK_SIZE == hiveposition);
StatBinCount++; binsize = hbp->Size; StatBinTotal += binsize; if (binsize > StatBinMax) { StatBinMax = binsize; }
if (DoTraceBin) { printf("bi,x%08lx,%ld\n", hoff, binsize); }
// scan the bin
// cp = pointer to cell we are looking at
// boff = offset within bin
// lboff = last offset within bin, used only for consistency checks
// binread = number of bytes of bin we've read so far
cp = (PHCELL)((PUCHAR)hbp + sizeof(HBIN)); boff = sizeof(HBIN); lboff = -1; binread = HBLOCK_SIZE;
while (binread <= binsize) {
// if free, do free stuff
// else do alloc stuff
// do full stuff
if (cp->Size > 0) { //
// free
cellsize = cp->Size; StatFreeCount++; StatFreeTotal += cellsize; if (cellsize > StatFreeMax) { StatFreeMax = cellsize; }
if (DoTraceFree) { printf("fr,x%08lx,%ld\n", hoff+((PUCHAR)cp - &(buffer[0])), cellsize); }
} else { //
// alloc
cellsize = -1 * cp->Size; StatAllocCount++; StatAllocTotal += cellsize; if (cellsize > StatAllocMax) { StatAllocMax = cellsize; }
if (DoTraceAlloc) { printf("al,x%08lx,%ld\n", hoff+((PUCHAR)cp - &(buffer[0])), cellsize); }
// do basic consistency check
#if 0
if (cp->Last != lboff) { printf("e!,x%08lx bad LAST pointer %08lx\n", hoff+((PUCHAR)cp - &(buffer[0])), cp->Last); } #endif
// advance to next cell
lboff = boff; cp = (PHCELL)((PUCHAR)cp + cellsize); boff += cellsize;
// scan ahead in bin, if cp has reached off end of block,
// AND there's bin left to read.
// do this BEFORE breaking out for boff at end.
while ( (cp >= guard) && (binread < binsize) ) {
rf = ReadFile(filehandle, buffer, HBLOCK_SIZE, &readcount, NULL); if ( ( ! rf ) || (readcount != HBLOCK_SIZE) ) { fprintf(stderr, "hivestat: '%s' read error @%08lx\n", FileName, hiveposition); exit(1); } cp = (PHCELL)((PUCHAR)cp - HBLOCK_SIZE); hiveposition += HBLOCK_SIZE; hoff += HBLOCK_SIZE; binread += HBLOCK_SIZE; ASSERT(hoff+HBLOCK_SIZE == hiveposition); }
if (boff >= binsize) { break; // we are done with this bin
} } }
// Traces are done, stats gathered, print summary
if (DoSummary) {
printf("\nSummary:\n"); printf("type\tcount/max single/total space\n"); printf("%s\t%7ld\t%7ld\t%7ld\n", "bin", StatBinCount, StatBinMax, StatBinTotal); printf("%s\t%7ld\t%7ld\t%7ld\n", "free", StatFreeCount, StatFreeMax, StatFreeTotal); printf("%s\t%7ld\t%7ld\t%7ld\n", "alloc", StatAllocCount, StatAllocMax, StatAllocTotal);
if (DoSummary && DoCellType) {
SizeTotal = SizeKeyData + SizeValueData + SizeSDData + SizeIndexData + SizeUnknownData;
printf("Total Key Data %7d (%5.2f %%)\n", SizeKeyData, (float)SizeKeyData*100/SizeTotal); printf("Total Value Data %7d (%5.2f %%)\n", SizeValueData, (float)SizeValueData*100/SizeTotal); printf("Total SD Data %7d (%5.2f %%)\n", SizeSDData, (float)SizeSDData*100/SizeTotal); printf("Total Index Data %7d (%5.2f %%)\n", SizeIndexData, (float)SizeIndexData*100/SizeTotal); printf("Total Unknown Data %7d (%5.2f %%)\n", SizeUnknownData, (float)SizeUnknownData*100/SizeTotal);
printf("\n"); printf("Average Key Data %8.2f (%d cells)\n", (float)SizeKeyData/NumKeyData, NumKeyData); printf("Average Value Data %8.2f (%d cells)\n", (float)SizeValueData/NumValueData, NumValueData); printf("Average SD Data %8.2f (%d cells)\n", (float)SizeSDData/NumSDData, NumSDData); printf("Average Index Data %8.2f (%d cells)\n", (float)SizeIndexData/NumIndexData, NumIndexData); printf("Average Unknown Data %8.2f (%d cells)\n", (float)SizeUnknownData/NumUnknownData, NumUnknownData); } return; }
VOID ScanCell( IN PHCELL Cell, IN ULONG CellSize )
Routine Description:
Given a pointer to an HCELL, this tries to figure out what type of data is in it (key, value, SD, etc.) and gather interesting statistics about it.
Cell - Supplies a pointer to the HCELL
CellSize - Supplies the size of the HCELL
Return Value:
None, sets some global statistics depending on content of the cell.
if (!DoCellType) { return; }
if (HiveVersion==1) { Data = (PCELL_DATA)&Cell->u.OldCell.u.UserData; } else { Data = (PCELL_DATA)&Cell->u.NewCell.u.UserData; }
// grovel through the data, see if we can figure out what it looks like
if ((Data->u.KeyNode.Signature == CM_KEY_NODE_SIGNATURE) && (CellSize > sizeof(CM_KEY_NODE))) {
// probably a key node
ScanKeyNode(&Data->u.KeyNode, CellSize);
} else if ((Data->u.KeyValue.Signature == CM_KEY_VALUE_SIGNATURE) && (CellSize > sizeof(CM_KEY_VALUE))) {
// probably a key value
ScanKeyValue(&Data->u.KeyValue, CellSize);
} else if ((Data->u.KeySecurity.Signature == CM_KEY_SECURITY_SIGNATURE) && (CellSize > sizeof(CM_KEY_SECURITY))) {
// probably a security descriptor
ScanKeySD(&Data->u.KeySecurity, CellSize);
} else if ((Data->u.KeyIndex.Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT) || (Data->u.KeyIndex.Signature == CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF)) { //
// probably a key index
ScanKeyIndex(&Data->u.KeyIndex, CellSize);
} else { //
// Nothing with a signature, could be either
// name
// key list
// value data
ScanUnknown(Data, CellSize);
} }
VOID ScanKeyNode( IN PCM_KEY_NODE Node, IN ULONG CellSize ) { int i;
SizeKeyData += CellSize; NumKeyData++;
if (AccessKeys) { printf("%d, %d, %d, %d, \"", Node->SubKeyCounts[Stable], Node->ValueList.Count, Node->NameLength, Node->ClassLength);
for (i=0; i < Node->NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR); i++) { printf("%c",(CHAR)Node->Name[i]); } printf("\"\n"); }
} VOID ScanKeyValue( IN PCM_KEY_VALUE Value, IN ULONG CellSize ) { int i; int DataLength;
SizeValueData += CellSize; NumValueData++; if (AccessValues) { DataLength = Value->DataLength; if (DataLength >= CM_KEY_VALUE_SPECIAL_SIZE) { DataLength -= CM_KEY_VALUE_SPECIAL_SIZE; } printf("%d, %d, \"", DataLength, Value->NameLength);
for (i=0; i < Value->NameLength/sizeof(WCHAR); i++) { printf("%c",(CHAR)Value->Name[i]); } printf("\"\n"); }
} VOID ScanKeySD( IN PCM_KEY_SECURITY Security, IN ULONG CellSize ) { SizeSDData += CellSize; NumSDData++;
if (AccessSD) { printf("%d,%d\n", Security->ReferenceCount, Security->DescriptorLength); }
} VOID ScanKeyIndex( IN PCM_KEY_INDEX Index, IN ULONG CellSize ) { SizeIndexData += CellSize; NumIndexData++;
} VOID ScanUnknown( IN PCELL_DATA Data, IN ULONG CellSize ) { SizeUnknownData += CellSize; NumUnknownData++;