Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the app layer of the v1 compatibility app.
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 14-Mar-2000
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
// Includes
#include "pch.h"
#include "ism.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "trans.h"
#include "v2app.h"
#include <lm.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "logmsg.h"
#include "common.h"
#define DBG_SCANSTATE "ScanState"
// Strings
// None
// Constants
#define LOG_VERBOSE_BIT 0x01
#define LOG_UNUSED_BIT 0x02 // for v1 compatibility, do not use
#define LOG_STATUS_BIT 0x04
#define LOG_DEBUGGER_BIT 0x08
#define LOG_UPDATE_BIT 0x10
#define SCANSTATE_SAVE 0x00000001
#define SCANSTATE_COMPLETED 0x00000002
#define RETURN_ERROR 2
// Macros
// None
// Types
// Globals
BOOL g_OverwriteImage = FALSE; BOOL g_ContinueOnError = FALSE; DWORD g_ReturnCode = RETURN_SUCCESS; TCHAR g_JournalPath[MAX_PATH_PLUS_NUL]; BOOL g_Break; BOOL g_TestMode;
// Macro expansion list
// Private function prototypes
MESSAGECALLBACK pSaveMsgCallback; #endif
// Macro expansion definition
// This is the structure used for required infs
// Declare a global array of required infs
#define DEFMAC(infid,infname) {TEXT(#infid),infname},
static REQUIREDINF_STRUCT g_RequiredInfs[] = { REQUIRED_INFS {NULL, NULL} }; #undef DEFMAC
// Code
VOID pHelpAndExit ( VOID ) { PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_HELP);
printf ("\nAdditional PRERELEASE options:\n\n" "/tf Uses full transport instead of v1 transport\n" "/tc Enable compression\n" "/ta Enable automatic capability (for homenet transport)\n" "/ti:<tag> Specify an identity tag for the homenet transport\n" " Default is user name\n" "/t:<name> Specifies transport to use\n" ); #endif
TerminateAppCommon(); UtTerminate (); exit (1); }
VOID pCleanUpApp ( VOID ) { IsmTerminate();
if (g_JournalPath[0]) { DeleteFile (g_JournalPath); g_JournalPath[0] = 0; } }
BOOL WINAPI CtrlCRoutine ( IN DWORD ControlSignal ) { PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_EXITING);
g_Break = TRUE;
IsmSetCancel(); while (IsmCurrentlyExecuting()) { Sleep (1000); }
printf ("\n"); exit (1); }
ULONG_PTR pSaveMsgCallback ( UINT Message, ULONG_PTR Arg ) { PTRANSCOPY_ERROR transCopyError; #ifdef PRERELEASE
PRMEDIA_EXTRADATA extraData; #endif
switch (Message) {
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_IMAGE_EXISTS: return g_OverwriteImage;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_SRC_COPY_ERROR: transCopyError = (PTRANSCOPY_ERROR) Arg; if (transCopyError) { if (StringIMatch (transCopyError->ObjectType, TEXT("File"))) { if ((transCopyError->Error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (transCopyError->Error == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) || (transCopyError->Error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) || (transCopyError->Error == ERROR_INVALID_NAME) ) { return APPRESPONSE_IGNORE; } if ((transCopyError->Error == ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE) && g_ContinueOnError) { return APPRESPONSE_IGNORE; } } } return APPRESPONSE_FAIL;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_RMEDIA_SAVE: extraData = (PRMEDIA_EXTRADATA) Arg; if (!extraData) { return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("Please insert the next media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); } if (extraData->MediaNumber == 1) { switch (extraData->LastError) { case RMEDIA_ERR_NOERROR: return TRUE; case RMEDIA_ERR_WRONGMEDIA: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("You have inserted the wrong media.\n\nPlease insert the first media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_DISKFULL: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("The media you inserted does not have enough free space.\n\nPlease insert the first media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_WRITEPROTECT: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("The media you inserted is write protected.\n\nPlease insert the first media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_NOTREADY: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("The drive is not ready for use. Please check the drive and make sure that a disk is inserted and that the drive door is closed."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_CRITICAL: return FALSE; default: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("Your media is toast.\n\nPlease insert the first media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); } } else { switch (extraData->LastError) { case RMEDIA_ERR_NOERROR: return TRUE; case RMEDIA_ERR_WRONGMEDIA: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("You have inserted the wrong media.\n\nPlease insert the next media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_DISKFULL: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("The media you inserted does not have enough free space.\n\nPlease insert the next media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_WRITEPROTECT: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("The media you inserted is write protected.\n\nPlease insert the next media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_NOTREADY: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("The drive is not ready for use. Please check the drive and make sure that a disk is inserted and that the drive door is closed."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); case RMEDIA_ERR_CRITICAL: return FALSE; default: return (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("Your media is toast.\n\nPlease insert the next media in your drive."), TEXT("ScanState"), MB_OKCANCEL ) == IDOK); } } #endif
} return FALSE; }
VOID pMyLogCallback ( IN PLOGARG LogArg ) { if (LogArg->Debug) { DEBUGDIRECT (LogArg->Type, LogArg->FormattedMessage); } else { if (StringIMatchA (LogArg->Type, LOG_ERROR)) { if (g_ReturnCode == RETURN_SUCCESS) { g_ReturnCode = g_ContinueOnError?RETURN_IGNORED_ERROR:RETURN_ERROR; } if (g_ReturnCode == RETURN_IGNORED_ERROR) { g_ReturnCode = g_ContinueOnError?RETURN_IGNORED_ERROR:RETURN_ERROR; } if (!g_ContinueOnError) { IsmSetCancel(); } } else if (StringIMatchA (LogArg->Type, LOG_FATAL_ERROR) || StringIMatchA (LogArg->Type, LOG_MODULE_ERROR)) { g_ReturnCode = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; } LOGDIRECT (LogArg->Type, LogArg->FormattedMessage); } }
#ifdef DEBUG
VOID pStopAndDisplayInfs ( IN PGROWBUFFER InputInfs, IN BOOL Begin ) { MULTISZ_ENUM infEnum;
if (MessageBox ( NULL, TEXT("ScanState stopped. Do you want to display all loaded INFs?"), Begin?TEXT("ScanState-Begin"):TEXT("ScanState-End"), MB_YESNO ) == IDYES) { //
// now let's open append all INF files and pass the HINF to
// everybody.
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&infEnum, (PCTSTR)InputInfs->Buf)) { do { ShellExecute (NULL, TEXT("open"), infEnum.CurrentString, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&infEnum)); } MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("Press OK to continue..."), TEXT("ScanState-Begin"), MB_OK); } } #endif
BOOL pIsIE4Installed ( VOID ) { LONG hResult; REGSAM prevMode; HKEY ieKey = NULL; DWORD valueType = REG_SZ; DWORD valueSize = 0; PTSTR valueData = NULL; PTSTR numPtr = NULL; PTSTR dotPtr = NULL; INT major = 0; INT minor = 0; TCHAR saved; BOOL result = FALSE;
prevMode = SetRegOpenAccessMode (KEY_READ);
ieKey = OpenRegKeyStr (TEXT("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer"));
SetRegOpenAccessMode (prevMode);
if (ieKey) { hResult = RegQueryValueEx (ieKey, TEXT("Version"), NULL, &valueType, NULL, &valueSize); if ((hResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (hResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { valueData = (PTSTR)HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, valueSize * 2); if (valueData) { hResult = RegQueryValueEx (ieKey, TEXT("Version"), NULL, &valueType, (PBYTE)valueData, &valueSize); if ((hResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (valueType == REG_SZ)) { // let's see if it the version is the correct one
numPtr = valueData; dotPtr = _tcschr (numPtr, TEXT('.')); if (dotPtr) { saved = *dotPtr; *dotPtr = 0; major = _ttoi (numPtr); *dotPtr = saved; } else { major = _ttoi (numPtr); } if (dotPtr) { numPtr = _tcsinc (dotPtr); dotPtr = _tcschr (numPtr, TEXT('.')); if (dotPtr) { saved = *dotPtr; *dotPtr = 0; minor = _ttoi (numPtr); *dotPtr = saved; } else { minor = _ttoi (numPtr); } } if ((major >= 5) || ((major == 4) && (minor >= 71)) ) { result = TRUE; } } HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, valueData); valueData = NULL; } } CloseRegKey (ieKey); } return result; }
BOOL pCheckSystemRequirements ( VOID ) { HKEY domainLogonKey; PDWORD data; BOOL result = TRUE; TCHAR userName[MAX_USER_NAME]; DWORD size; NET_API_STATUS rc; PWKSTA_INFO_102 buffer; HANDLE netApi32Lib; PNETWKSTAGETINFO netWkstaGetInfo; PNETAPIBUFFERFREE netApiBufferFree; BYTE sid[256]; DWORD sidSize = 256; WCHAR domain[256]; DWORD domainSize = 256; SID_NAME_USE use;
if (!ISNT()) { //
// Require the Log On To Domain setting to be checked
domainLogonKey = OpenRegKeyStr (TEXT("HKLM\\Network\\Logon")); if (!domainLogonKey) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_NETWORK_LOGON_KEY)); return FALSE; }
data = (PDWORD) GetRegValueBinary (domainLogonKey, TEXT("LMLogon")); if (!data) { data = (PDWORD) GetRegValueDword (domainLogonKey, TEXT("LMLogon")); if (!data) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_NETWORK_LMLOGON_KEY)); result = FALSE; } else { if (!(*data)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_NO_DOMAIN_LOGON)); result = FALSE; } FreeAlloc (data); } } else { if (!(*data)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_NO_DOMAIN_LOGON)); result = FALSE; } FreeAlloc (data); }
CloseRegKey (domainLogonKey);
} else { //
// Require domain membership
netApi32Lib = LoadLibrary (TEXT("netapi32.dll")); if (netApi32Lib) { netWkstaGetInfo = (PNETWKSTAGETINFO) GetProcAddress (netApi32Lib, "NetWkstaGetInfo"); netApiBufferFree = (PNETAPIBUFFERFREE) GetProcAddress (netApi32Lib, "NetApiBufferFree"); } else { netWkstaGetInfo = NULL; netApiBufferFree = NULL; }
if (!netWkstaGetInfo || !netApiBufferFree) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_LOAD_NETAPI32)); result = FALSE; } else {
rc = netWkstaGetInfo (NULL, 102, (PBYTE *) &buffer);
if (rc == NO_ERROR) { result = buffer->wki102_langroup && (buffer->wki102_langroup[0] != 0); if (result) { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_SCANSTATE, "Getting account type of %s", buffer->wki102_langroup));
sidSize = ARRAYSIZE(sid); domainSize = ARRAYSIZE(domain);
result = LookupAccountNameW ( NULL, buffer->wki102_langroup, sid, &sidSize, domain, &domainSize, &use ); DEBUGMSG ((DBG_SCANSTATE, "Account type result is %u (use=%u)", result, use));
} ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_SCANSTATE, "No langroup specified"));
netApiBufferFree (buffer); } else { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_GET_WORKSTATION_PROPS)); result = FALSE; } }
if (netApi32Lib) { FreeLibrary (netApi32Lib); } }
// let's check to see if IE4 is installed on this machine
if (result && !pIsIE4Installed ()) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_NEED_IE4)); return FALSE; }
// Make sure a user name is specified
if (result) { size = ARRAYSIZE(userName); if (!GetUserName (userName, &size)) { result = FALSE; } else if (*userName == 0) { result = FALSE; }
return result; }
VOID __cdecl _tmain ( IN INT Argc, IN PCTSTR Argv[] ) { TCHAR appPath[MAX_PATH_PLUS_NUL]; TCHAR ismPath[MAX_PATH_PLUS_NUL]; PCTSTR commandLine = NULL; PTSTR p; MIG_TRANSPORTID transportId; MIG_TRANSPORTSTORAGEID transportStorageId; MULTISZ_ENUM infEnum; HINF infHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ENVENTRY_STRUCT infHandleStruct; INT numInfs = 0; PTSTR buffer; MULTISZ_ENUM e; DWORD appStatus; BOOL skipExecute = FALSE; BOOL storagePathIsValid = FALSE; BOOL imageExists = FALSE; BOOL terminateIsm = FALSE; BOOL logEnabled = FALSE; PCTSTR msg; #ifdef UNICODE
PCSTR ansimsg; #endif
PCTSTR argArray[1]; TOOLARGS args; BOOL fail;
ZeroMemory (&args, sizeof (args));
SET_RESETLOG(); UtInitialize (NULL); InitAppCommon();
SuppressAllLogPopups (TRUE);
// this part is for matching thread's locale to the console code page
CallSetThreadUILanguage ();
PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_RUNNING);
// initialize app journal path
g_JournalPath[0] = 0; if (GetWindowsDirectory (g_JournalPath, ARRAYSIZE (g_JournalPath))) { StringCopy (AppendWack (g_JournalPath), TEXT("SCANSTATE.JRN")); }
GetModuleFileName (NULL, appPath, ARRAYSIZE(appPath)); p = _tcsrchr (appPath, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { *p = 0; }
// Parse the command line
fail = TRUE;
switch (ParseToolCmdLine (TRUE, &args, Argc, Argv)) {
case PARSE_SUCCESS: fail = FALSE; break;
case PARSE_MULTI_LOG: PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_MULTI_LOG); g_ReturnCode = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto END;
case PARSE_BAD_LOG: argArray[0] = args.LogFile; msg = ParseMessageID (MSG_CANT_OPEN_LOG, argArray); if (msg) { #ifdef UNICODE
ansimsg = ConvertWtoA (msg); printf ("%s", ansimsg); FreeConvertedStr (ansimsg); #else
printf ("%s", msg); #endif
FreeStringResource (msg); }
g_ReturnCode = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto END;
default: break; }
if (fail) { pHelpAndExit(); }
g_TestMode = args.TestMode; g_OverwriteImage = args.OverwriteImage; g_ContinueOnError = args.ContinueOnError;
#ifdef DEBUG
{ if (DoesFileExist (TEXT("C:\\SCANSTATE.BEGIN"))) { pStopAndDisplayInfs (&args.InputInf, TRUE); } } #endif
LogReInit (NULL, NULL, (args.LogFile ? args.LogFile : TEXT("scanstate.log")), NULL); logEnabled = TRUE;
// Let's log the command line that was used
commandLine = GetCommandLine (); if (commandLine) { LOG ((LOG_INFORMATION, (PCSTR)MSG_COMMAND_LINE_USED, commandLine)); }
// Check requirements
if (args.BadInfs.End || args.MultiInfs.End) { SetLastError (ERROR_BAD_COMMAND);
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, (PCTSTR) args.BadInfs.Buf)) { do { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_INF_FILE_NOT_FOUND, e.CurrentString)); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); }
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, (PCTSTR) args.MultiInfs.Buf)) { do { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_INF_SPECIFIED_MORE_THAN_ONE, e.CurrentString)); } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); }
if (!GetFilePath (TEXT("migism.inf"), ismPath, ARRAYSIZE(ismPath))) { g_ReturnCode = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_ISM_INF_MISSING)); goto END; }
if (!g_TestMode) { if (!pCheckSystemRequirements()) { g_ReturnCode = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto END; } }
// Initialize ISM
if (!IsmInitialize (ismPath, pSaveMsgCallback, pMyLogCallback)) { g_ReturnCode = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_START_ISM)); goto END; }
terminateIsm = TRUE; SetLogVerbosity (args.VerboseLevel);
SetConsoleCtrlHandler (CtrlCRoutine, TRUE);
// upload environment variables
infHandle = InitRequiredInfs (appPath, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_OPEN_REQUIRED_FILE);
if (args.InputInf.Buf) { IsmSetEnvironmentData ( PLATFORM_SOURCE, NULL, S_INF_FILE_MULTISZ, args.InputInf.Buf, (WORD) args.InputInf.End );
// now let's open append all INF files and pass the HINF to
// everybody.
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&infEnum, (PCTSTR)args.InputInf.Buf)) { buffer = DuplicateTextEx (NULL, S_INF_OBJECT_NAME, 2, &p); // Up to 2 digits of numbers
do { if (infHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { infHandle = SetupOpenInfFile (infEnum.CurrentString, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4 | INF_STYLE_OLDNT, NULL); if (infHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_OPEN_FILE, infEnum.CurrentString)); } } else { if (!SetupOpenAppendInfFile (infEnum.CurrentString, infHandle, NULL)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_OPEN_FILE, infEnum.CurrentString)); } }
// Save Inf for right side use
if (numInfs < 100) { numInfs++; _stprintf(p, TEXT("%d"), numInfs); IsmAddControlFile (buffer, infEnum.CurrentString); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&infEnum)); FreeText (buffer); } }
if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { infHandleStruct.Type = ENVENTRY_BINARY; infHandleStruct.EnvBinaryData = (PVOID)(&infHandle); infHandleStruct.EnvBinaryDataSize = sizeof (HINF); IsmSetEnvironmentValue (PLATFORM_SOURCE, NULL, S_GLOBAL_INF_HANDLE, &infHandleStruct); }
if (args.UserOn) { IsmSetEnvironmentFlag (PLATFORM_SOURCE, NULL, S_ENV_HKCU_V1); IsmSetEnvironmentFlag (PLATFORM_SOURCE, NULL, S_ENV_HKCU_ON); }
if (args.FilesOn) { IsmSetEnvironmentFlag (PLATFORM_SOURCE, NULL, S_ENV_ALL_FILES); }
// Start ETM modules
if (!IsmStartEtmModules ()) { if (!IsmCheckCancel()) { LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_START_ETMS)); } goto END; }
// Initialize transport
if (!IsmStartTransport ()) { if (!IsmCheckCancel()) { LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, "Can't start the transport.")); } goto END; }
transportStorageId = IsmRegisterTransport (args.TransportName);
if (args.FullTransport) { transportId = IsmSelectTransport (transportStorageId, TRANSPORTTYPE_FULL, args.Capabilities); } else { transportId = IsmSelectTransport (transportStorageId, TRANSPORTTYPE_LIGHT, args.Capabilities); }
if (!args.TransportNameSpecified) { BfCreateDirectory (args.StoragePath); }
if (!IsmSetTransportStorage ( PLATFORM_SOURCE, transportId, transportStorageId, args.Capabilities, args.StoragePath, &storagePathIsValid, &imageExists ) || storagePathIsValid == FALSE ) {
if (!IsmCheckCancel()) { LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_TRANSPORT_STORAGE_INVALID, args.StoragePath)); }
goto END; }
if (args.Capabilities & CAPABILITY_AUTOMATED) { if (!imageExists) { LOG (( LOG_FATAL_ERROR, "Can't select %s as the transport; need to run loadstate first.", args.TransportName )); goto END; } } #endif
appStatus = ReadAppStatus (g_JournalPath);
if (appStatus == SCANSTATE_SAVE) { skipExecute = IsmResumeSave (); }
if (!skipExecute) {
// Execute the preparsing to populate the components
IsmSelectMasterGroup (MASTERGROUP_ALL, TRUE);
if (!args.SystemOn) { IsmSelectMasterGroup (MASTERGROUP_SYSTEM, FALSE); IsmSelectMasterGroup (MASTERGROUP_USER, FALSE); IsmSelectMasterGroup (MASTERGROUP_APP, FALSE); }
SelectComponentsViaInf (infHandle);
// Enumerate the system, gather data and analyze
// Display report
// Save the state
// write the app status
WriteAppStatus (g_JournalPath, SCANSTATE_SAVE);
// before we save, let's see if we wanted to change the user name and/or domain
if (args.NewDomainName) { IsmSetEnvironmentString (PLATFORM_SOURCE, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, TEXT("ALTUSERDOMAIN"), args.NewDomainName); } if (args.NewUserName) { IsmSetEnvironmentString (PLATFORM_SOURCE, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, TEXT("ALTUSERNAME"), args.NewUserName); }
if (!IsmSave ()) { if (!IsmCheckCancel()) { LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_SAVE)); } }
// write the app status
WriteAppStatus (g_JournalPath, SCANSTATE_COMPLETED);
} else { if (!IsmCheckCancel()) { LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_EXECUTE_SOURCE)); } }
} else { if (!IsmCheckCancel()) { LOG ((LOG_FATAL_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_CANT_EXECUTE_SOURCE)); } } }
// We're done!
SetupCloseInfFile (infHandle);
#ifdef DEBUG
{ if (DoesFileExist (TEXT("C:\\SCANSTATE.END"))) { pStopAndDisplayInfs (&args.InputInf, FALSE); } } #endif
END: if (terminateIsm) { if (!g_Break) { pCleanUpApp(); } }
GbFree (&args.BadInfs); GbFree (&args.MultiInfs); GbFree (&args.InputInf);
if (!g_Break) { if (g_ReturnCode == RETURN_SUCCESS) { PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_SUCCESS); } else if (g_ReturnCode == RETURN_IGNORED_ERROR) { if (logEnabled) { PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_IGNORE_FAILED_WITH_LOG); } else { PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_IGNORE_FAILED_NO_LOG); } g_ReturnCode = RETURN_SUCCESS; } else { if (logEnabled) { PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_FAILED_WITH_LOG); } else { PrintMsgOnConsole (MSG_FAILED_NO_LOG); } } }
TerminateAppCommon(); UtTerminate ();
while (g_Break) { // infinite loop, because we'll get terminated in the ctrl+c handler
Sleep (50); }
exit (g_ReturnCode); }