#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <spapip.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <excppkg.h>
#define MYPACKAGE_GUID L"{0e25c565-2fcc-4dcb-8e3e-4378a024c50e}"
#define PACKAGE_DIRECTORY L"%windir%\\RegisteredPackages\\"
#define PACKAGE_CAT L"exception.cat"
#define PACKAGE_INF L"exception.inf"
#define PACKAGE_CAB L"exception.cab"
BOOL CALLBACK pComponentLister( IN const PSETUP_OS_COMPONENT_DATA SetupOsComponentData, IN const PSETUP_OS_EXCEPTION_DATA SetupOsExceptionData, IN OUT DWORD_PTR Context ) { PDWORD Count = (PDWORD) Context; PWSTR GuidString;
StringFromIID(&SetupOsComponentData->ComponentGuid, &GuidString);
wprintf( L"Component Data\n\tName: %ws\n\tGuid: %ws\n\tVersionMajor: %d\n\tVersionMinor: %d\n", SetupOsComponentData->FriendlyName, GuidString, SetupOsComponentData->VersionMajor, SetupOsComponentData->VersionMinor);
wprintf( L"ExceptionData\n\tInf: %ws\n\tCatalog: %ws\n", SetupOsExceptionData->ExceptionInfName, SetupOsExceptionData->CatalogFileName);
*Count += 1;
CoTaskMemFree( GuidString );
return(TRUE); }
int __cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char *argv[] ) { WCHAR Path[MAX_PATH]; SETUP_OS_COMPONENT_DATA ComponentData,cd; SETUP_OS_EXCEPTION_DATA ExceptionData,ed; PWSTR s,t; GUID MyGuid; PWSTR GuidString;
WCHAR SourcePath[MAX_PATH]; PCWSTR FileList[] = {PACKAGE_INF,PACKAGE_CAT,PACKAGE_CAB}; #define FileListCount (sizeof(FileList)/sizeof(PCWSTR))
// 1. Make sure my package isn't already installed.
ComponentData.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SETUP_OS_COMPONENT_DATA); ExceptionData.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SETUP_OS_EXCEPTION_DATA); IIDFromString( MYPACKAGE_GUID, &MyGuid); if (SetupQueryRegisteredOsComponent( &MyGuid, &ComponentData, &ExceptionData)) { wprintf(L"My component is already registered with the OS, removing it!\n"); if (!SetupUnRegisterOsComponent(&MyGuid)) { wprintf(L"couldn't remove my component, ec = %d\n", GetLastError()); return 1;
} } //
// 2. unregister any packages that are superceded by my package
// 3. Install my package
// 3a. copy my exception package to the appropriate location
// 3a.1 make sure the main package directory exists
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( PACKAGE_DIRECTORY, Path, sizeof(Path)/sizeof(WCHAR));
CreateDirectory( Path, NULL );
// 3a.2 now create my package directory
wcscat( Path, MYPACKAGE_GUID );
CreateDirectory( Path, NULL );
// 3a.3 now copy the bits to this location
wcscat( Path, L"\\" ); t = wcsrchr( Path, L'\\' ); t += 1;
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( L"%temp%\\mypackagesource\\", SourcePath, sizeof(SourcePath)/sizeof(WCHAR));
s = wcsrchr( SourcePath, L'\\' ); s += 1;
for (i = 0; i < FileListCount; i++) { *s = '\0'; *t = '\0'; wcscat(s,FileList[i]); wcscat(t,FileList[i]); CopyFile(SourcePath, Path ,FALSE); }
// 3b. register the package
ComponentData.VersionMajor = 2; ComponentData.VersionMinor = 5; RtlMoveMemory(&ComponentData.ComponentGuid, &MyGuid,sizeof(GUID)); wcscpy(ComponentData.FriendlyName, L"My Exception Package");
wcscpy( Path, PACKAGE_DIRECTORY ); wcscat( Path, MYPACKAGE_GUID ); wcscat( Path, L"\\" ); t = wcsrchr( Path, L'\\' ); t += 1; *t = '\0'; wcscat( t, PACKAGE_INF ); wcscpy(ExceptionData.ExceptionInfName, Path);
*t = '\0'; wcscat( t, PACKAGE_CAT ); wcscpy(ExceptionData.CatalogFileName, Path);
if (!SetupRegisterOsComponent(&ComponentData, &ExceptionData)) { wprintf( L"Failed to register component, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() ); return 1; }
// 4. retrieve my package
cd.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SETUP_OS_COMPONENT_DATA); ed.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SETUP_OS_EXCEPTION_DATA); if (!SetupQueryRegisteredOsComponent( &MyGuid, &cd, &ed)) { wprintf( L"Failed to register component, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() ); return 1; }
StringFromIID(&cd.ComponentGuid, &GuidString);
wprintf( L"Component Data\n\tName: %ws\n\tGuid: %ws\n\tVersionMajor: %d\n\tVersionMinor: %d\n", cd.FriendlyName,GuidString,cd.VersionMajor,cd.VersionMinor);
wprintf( L"ExceptionData\n\tInf: %ws\n\tCatalog: %ws\n", ed.ExceptionInfName,ed.CatalogFileName);
CoTaskMemFree( GuidString );
// enumerate packages
i = 0; if (!SetupEnumerateRegisteredOsComponents( pComponentLister, (DWORD_PTR)&i)) { wprintf( L"Failed to enumerate components, ec = %d\n", GetLastError() ); return 1; }
wprintf( L"Done (%d enumerated components)!!!\n", i ); return 0;