Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements a program that filters text files to produce a product-specific output file.
See below for more information.
Ted Miller (tedm) 20-May-1995
Revision History:
The input file to this program consists of a series of lines. Each line may be prefixed with one or more directives that indicate which product the line is a part of. Lines that are not prefixed are part of all products.
The command line is as follows:
prodfilt <input file> <output file> +tag
For example,
[Files] @w:wksprog1.exe @w:wksprog2.exe @s:srvprog1.exe @s:srvprog2.exe comprog1.exe @@:comprog2.exe
The files wksprog1.exe and wksprog2.exe are part of product w and the files srvprog1.exe and srvprog2.exe are part of product s. Comprpg1.exe and comprog2.exe are part of both products.
Specifying +w on the command line produces
[Files] wksprog1.exe wksprog2.exe comprog1.ee comprog2.exe
in the output. */
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
// Define program result codes (returned from main()).
#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAILURE 1
// Tag definitions.
LPCTSTR TagPrefixStr = TEXT("@"); TCHAR TagPrefix = TEXT('@'); TCHAR EndTag = TEXT(':'); TCHAR ExcludeTag = TEXT('!'); TCHAR IncAllTag = TEXT('@'); TCHAR NoIncTag = TEXT('*');
#define MIN_TAG_LEN 3
#define EXCLUDE_PREFIX_LENGTH 2 // ! Prefix Length (!n)
// Here is the translation for the character symbols used in IncludeTag
// and SynonymTag.
// products:
// @w -> wks
// @s -> srv
// @p -> personal (NOT professional)
// @t -> tablet
// @b -> blade server
// @l -> small business server
// @e -> enterprise
// @d -> datacenter
// architectures:
// @i -> intel (i386)
// @n -> intel (nec98)
// @m -> intel (ia64)
// @a -> AMD64 (amd64)
// Note that @n is a subset of @i. If @i is specified then you also
// get the file include for @n unless you explicitly exclude them
// with a token like @i!n
// @3 -> 32 bit (i386+?)
// @6 -> 64 bit (ia64+amd64)
TCHAR IncludeTag[][3] = { { TEXT('i'), TEXT('n'), 0}, // @i -> i or n, @i!n -> only i
{ TEXT('s'), TEXT('e'), 0}, // @s -> s or e, @s!e -> only s
{ TEXT('s'), TEXT('b'), 0}, // @s -> s or b, @s!b -> only s
{ TEXT('s'), TEXT('d'), 0}, { TEXT('s'), TEXT('l'), 0}, { TEXT('e'), TEXT('d'), 0}, { TEXT('w'), TEXT('p'), 0}, { TEXT('w'), TEXT('t'), 0}, { 0 , 0 , 0} };
TCHAR SynonymTag[][2] = { { TEXT('3'), TEXT('i')}, { TEXT('6'), TEXT('a')}, { TEXT('6'), TEXT('m')}, { 0, 0} };
LPCTSTR InName,OutName; TCHAR Filter;
Routine Description:
Determine if a file exists and is accessible. Errormode is set (and then restored) so the user will not see any pop-ups.
FileName - supplies full path of file to check for existance.
FindData - if specified, receives find data for the file.
Return Value:
TRUE if the file exists and is accessible. FALSE if not. GetLastError() returns extended error info.
{ WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE FindHandle; UINT OldMode; DWORD Error;
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(FileName,&findData); if (FindHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Error = GetLastError(); } else { FindClose(FindHandle); if (FindData) { *FindData = findData; } Error = NO_ERROR; }
SetLastError(Error); return (Error == NO_ERROR); }
void StripCommentsFromLine( TCHAR *Line ) /*
Routine Description:
Strips comments (; Comment) from a line respecting ; inside quotes
Line - POinter to Line to process
*/ { PWSTR p;
BOOL Done = FALSE, InQuotes = FALSE;
// we need to insert a NULL at the first ';' we find,
// thereby stripping the comments
p = Line;
if ( !p ) return;
while (*p && !Done) {
switch (*p) { case TEXT(';'): if ( !InQuotes ) { *p=L'\r'; *(p+1)=L'\n'; *(p+2)=L'\0'; Done = TRUE; } break;
case TEXT('\"'): if ( *(p+1) && (*(p+1) == TEXT('\"'))) // Ignore double-quoting as inside quotes
p++; else InQuotes = !InQuotes;
default: ;
}// while
DWORD MakeSurePathExists( IN PCTSTR FullFilespec )
Routine Description:
This routine ensures that a multi-level path exists by creating individual levels one at a time. It is assumed that the caller will pass in a *filename* whose path needs to exist. Some examples:
c:\x - C:\ is assumes to always exist.
c:\x\y\z - Ensure that c:\x\y exists.
\x\y\z - \x\y on current drive
x\y - x in current directory
d:x\y - d:x
\\server\share\p\file - \\server\share\p
FullFilespec - supplies the *filename* of a file that the caller wants to create. This routine creates the *path* to that file, in other words, the final component is assumed to be a filename, and is not a directory name. (This routine doesn't actually create this file.) If this is invalid, then the results are undefined (for example, passing \\server\share, C:\, or C:).
Return Value:
Win32 error code indicating outcome. If FullFilespec is invalid, *may* return ERROR_INVALID_NAME.
// The first thing we do is locate and strip off the final component,
// which is assumed to be the filename. If there are no path separator
// chars then assume we have a filename in the current directory and
// that we have nothing to do.
// Note that if the caller passed an invalid FullFilespec then this might
// hose us up. For example, \\x\y will result in \\x. We rely on logic
// in the rest of the routine to catch this.
lstrcpyn(Buffer,FullFilespec,MAX_PATH); if (Buffer[0] && (p = _tcsrchr(Buffer,TEXT('\\'))) && (p != Buffer)) { *p = 0; } else { return (NO_ERROR); }
if (Buffer[0] == TEXT('\\')) { if (Buffer[1] == TEXT('\\')) { //
// UNC. Locate the second component, which is the share name.
// If there's no share name then the original FullFilespec
// was invalid. Finally locate the first path-sep char in the
// drive-relative part of the name. Note that there might not
// be such a char (when the file is in the root). Then skip
// the path-sep char.
if (!Buffer[2] || (Buffer[2] == TEXT('\\'))) { return (ERROR_INVALID_NAME); } p = _tcschr(&Buffer[3],TEXT('\\')); if (!p || (p[1] == 0) || (p[1] == TEXT('\\'))) { return (ERROR_INVALID_NAME); } if (q = _tcschr(p+2,TEXT('\\'))) { q++; } else { return (NO_ERROR); } } else { //
// Assume it's a local root-based local path like \x\y.
q = Buffer+1; } } else { if (Buffer[1] == TEXT(':')) { //
// Assume c:x\y or maybe c:\x\y
q = (Buffer[2] == TEXT('\\')) ? &Buffer[3] : &Buffer[2]; } else { //
// Assume path like x\y\z
q = Buffer; } }
// Ignore drive roots.
if (*q == 0) { return (NO_ERROR); }
// If it already exists do nothing.
if (FileExists(Buffer,&FindData)) { return ((FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? NO_ERROR : ERROR_DIRECTORY); }
Done = FALSE; do { //
// Locate the next path sep char. If there is none then
// this is the deepest level of the path.
if (p = _tcschr(q,TEXT('\\'))) { *p = 0; } else { Done = TRUE; }
// Create this portion of the path.
if (CreateDirectory(Buffer,NULL)) { d = NO_ERROR; } else { d = GetLastError(); if (d == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { d = NO_ERROR; } }
if (d == NO_ERROR) { //
// Put back the path sep and move to the next component.
if (!Done) { *p = TEXT('\\'); q = p+1; } } else { Done = TRUE; }
} while (!Done);
return (d); }
BOOL ParseArgs( IN int argc, IN TCHAR *argv[], OUT BOOL *Unicode, OUT BOOL *StripComments ) { int argoffset = 0; int loopcount;
*Unicode = FALSE; *StripComments = FALSE;
if (argc == 5) { //
// 1 switch possible
argoffset = 1; loopcount = 1; } else if (argc == 6) { //
// 2 switches possible
argoffset = 2; loopcount = 2; } else if (argc != 4) { return (FALSE); } else { argoffset = 0; }
if ((argc == 5) || (argc == 6)) { int i; for (i=0; i< loopcount; i++) { if (!_tcsicmp(argv[i+1],TEXT("/u")) || !_tcsicmp(argv[i+1],TEXT("-u"))) { *Unicode = TRUE; }
if (!_tcsicmp(argv[i+1],TEXT("/s")) || !_tcsicmp(argv[i+1],TEXT("-s"))) { *StripComments = TRUE; } }
InName = argv[1+argoffset]; OutName = argv[2+argoffset]; Filter = argv[3+argoffset][1];
if (argv[3+argoffset][0] != TEXT('+')) { return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL DoTagsMatch( IN TCHAR LineChar, IN TCHAR Tag ) { int i, j; BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE; BOOL TagIsInList = FALSE; BOOL LineCharIsInList = FALSE;
// If they match, we're done.
if ( LineChar == Tag ) { ReturnValue = TRUE; } else {
// Nope. See if we can match a synonym tag.
i = 0; while ( SynonymTag[i][0] ) {
TagIsInList = FALSE; LineCharIsInList = FALSE;
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { if ( Tag == SynonymTag[i][j] ) { TagIsInList = TRUE; }
if ( LineChar == SynonymTag[i][j] ) { LineCharIsInList = TRUE; } }
if ( TagIsInList && LineCharIsInList ) { ReturnValue = TRUE; }
i++; } }
return ReturnValue; }
BOOL DoFilter( IN FILE *InputFile, IN FILE *OutputFile, IN TCHAR Tag, IN BOOL UnicodeFileIO, IN BOOL StripComments ) { TCHAR Line[1024]; TCHAR *OutputLine; BOOL FirstLine=TRUE; BOOL WriteUnicodeHeader = TRUE;
while (!feof(InputFile)) { //
// read a line of data. if we're doing unicode IO, we just read the
// data and use it otherwise we need to read the data and
if (UnicodeFileIO) { if (!fgetws(Line,sizeof(Line)/sizeof(Line[0]),InputFile)) { if (ferror(InputFile)) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("Error reading from input file\n")); return (FALSE); } else { return (TRUE); } }
// Skip byte order mark if present
if (FirstLine) { if (Line[0] == 0xfeff) { MoveMemory(Line,Line+1,sizeof(Line)-sizeof(TCHAR)); } }
} else { char LineA[1024]; if (!fgets(LineA,sizeof(LineA),InputFile)) { if (ferror(InputFile)) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("Error reading from input file\n")); return (FALSE); } else { return (TRUE); } }
if (!MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, LineA, -1, Line, sizeof(Line)/sizeof(WCHAR) )) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("Error reading input file\n")); return (FALSE); }
// ok, we've retreived the line. now let's see if we want to output
// the line.
OutputLine = Line;
// if the line is too short, then we just want to include it no matter
// what.
if (_tcslen(Line) >= MIN_TAG_LEN) {
int i;
// if the line starts with our tag, then we need to look further
// to see if it should be filtered.
if (!_tcsncmp(Line,TagPrefixStr,TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH)) {
// is the symbol string an @<char>: combination?
if (Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH+1] == EndTag) {
OutputLine = NULL;
// Do we have @@: or @<char>:, where <char> matches the tag
// prodfilt was invoked with?
if ( (Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH] == IncAllTag) || DoTagsMatch(Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH],Tag) || (Tag == IncAllTag && (Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH] != NoIncTag)) ) {
// Yes. Include this line.
OutputLine = Line+MIN_TAG_LEN; } else {
// we don't have an explicit match, so let's look to
// see if we have a match by virtue of another tag
// including our tag
// To do this, we look at the include tag list to see
// if the line matches the head of an include tag
// entry. If we have a match, then we check if we have
// a match in the specified inclusion entry for our tag
// (or one if it's synonyms)
int j; i = 0; while (IncludeTag[i][0] && !OutputLine) { j = 1; if (DoTagsMatch(Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH], IncludeTag[i][0])) { //
// we found a match at the start of an include
// entry.
while (IncludeTag[i][j]) { if (DoTagsMatch( IncludeTag[i][j], Tag)) { //
// We found an included match for our
// tag. Include this line.
OutputLine = Line+MIN_TAG_LEN; break; }
} } i++; } }
// is the line long enough to have an @<char>!<char> sequence?
} else if (_tcslen(Line) >= (MIN_TAG_LEN+EXCLUDE_PREFIX_LENGTH)) {
// Does the line have @<char>!<char> syntax?
if (Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH+1] == ExcludeTag) { TCHAR * tmpPtr = &Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH+1];
OutputLine = NULL; //
// We have @<char_a>!<char_b> syntax. We first need to
// see if the line is included by virtue of <char_a>.
// If that succeeds, then we proceed onto reading the
// !<char>!<char> block, looking for another hit.
// do we have an explicit match?
if ( Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH] == IncAllTag || DoTagsMatch(Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH],Tag) || (Tag == IncAllTag && Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH] != NoIncTag) ) {
// Yes, we have an explicit match. Remember this
// so we can parse the !<char> sequence.
OutputLine = Line+MIN_TAG_LEN; } else {
// we don't have an explicit match, so let's look to
// see if we have a match by virtue of another tag
// including our tag
// To do this, we look at the include tag list to
// see if the line matches the head of an include
// tag entry. If we have a match, then we check if
// we have a match in the specified inclusion entry
// for our tag (or one if it's synonyms)
int j; i = 0; while (IncludeTag[i][0] && !OutputLine) { j = 1; if (DoTagsMatch(Line[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH], IncludeTag[i][0])) { //
// we found a match at the start of an
// include entry.
while (IncludeTag[i][j]) { if (DoTagsMatch( IncludeTag[i][j], Tag)) { //
// We found an included match for
// our tag. Include this line.
OutputLine = Line+MIN_TAG_LEN; break; }
} } i++; } }
if (!OutputLine) { //
// We didn't match teh initial @<char> sequence, so
// there is no need to check further. goto the
// next line.
goto ProcessNextLine;
// The line has !<char>[!<char>] combination
// Loop through the chain of exclude chars and see if
// we have any hits. if we do, then we go onto the
// next line.
while (tmpPtr[0] == ExcludeTag) {
// do we have an explicit match?
if ( (tmpPtr[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH] == IncAllTag) || DoTagsMatch(tmpPtr[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH],Tag) ) {
// We have an explicit match, so we know we
// do not want to include this line.
OutputLine = NULL; goto ProcessNextLine; } else {
// we don't have an explicit match, so let's
// look to see if we have a match by virtue
// of another tag including our tag
// To do this, we look at the include tag list
// to see if the line matches the head of an
// include tag entry. If we have a match, then
// we check if we have a match in the specified
// inclusion entry for our tag (or one if it's
// synonyms)
int j; i = 0; while (IncludeTag[i][0]) { j = 1; if (DoTagsMatch( tmpPtr[TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH], IncludeTag[i][0])) { //
// we found a match at the start of an
// include entry.
while (IncludeTag[i][j]) {
if (DoTagsMatch( IncludeTag[i][j], Tag)) { //
// We found an included match
// for our tag, so we know we
// do not want to include this
// line.
OutputLine = NULL; goto ProcessNextLine; }
} } i++; } }
tmpPtr += 2;
// Done parsing the @<char>!<char>!<char>!... tokens.
// Look for the terminator
if (tmpPtr[0] != EndTag) {
// Malformed tokens. Let's error on the
// conservative side and include the whole line.
OutputLine = Line;
} else {
// Didn't find any exclusions, so include the tag.
OutputLine = &tmpPtr[1]; } } } } }
// write out the line if we're supposed to. for unicode io we just
// write the file. for ansi i/o we have to convert back to ansi
if (OutputLine) {
if (StripComments) { StripCommentsFromLine( OutputLine ); }
if (UnicodeFileIO) {
if (WriteUnicodeHeader) { fputwc(0xfeff,OutputFile); WriteUnicodeHeader = FALSE; }
if (fputws(OutputLine,OutputFile) == EOF) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("Error writing to output file\n")); return (FALSE); } } else { CHAR OutputLineA[1024];
if (!WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, OutputLine, -1, OutputLineA, sizeof(OutputLineA)/sizeof(CHAR), NULL, NULL)) { _ftprintf( stderr, TEXT("Error translating string for output file\n") ); return (FALSE); }
if (!fputs(OutputLineA,OutputFile) == EOF) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("Error writing to output file\n")); return (FALSE); }
} }
if (ferror(InputFile)) { _ftprintf(stderr,TEXT("Error reading from input file\n")); return (FALSE); }
return (TRUE); }
int __cdecl _tmain( IN int argc, IN TCHAR *argv[] ) { FILE *InputFile; FILE *OutputFile; BOOL b; BOOL Unicode,StripComments;
// Assume failure.
b = FALSE;
if (ParseArgs(argc,argv,&Unicode,&StripComments)) {
// Open the files. Have to open in binary mode or else
// CRT converts unicode text to mbcs on way in and out.
if (InputFile = _tfopen(InName,TEXT("rb"))) {
if (MakeSurePathExists(OutName) == NO_ERROR) {
if (OutputFile = _tfopen(OutName,TEXT("wb"))) {
// Do the filtering operation.
_ftprintf(stdout, TEXT("%s: filtering %s to %s\n"), argv[0], InName, OutName);
b = DoFilter(InputFile, OutputFile, Filter, Unicode, StripComments);
} else { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("%s: Unable to create output file %s\n"), argv[0], OutName); }
} else { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("%s: Unable to create output path %s\n"), argv[0], OutName); }
} else { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("%s: Unable to open input file %s\n"), argv[0], InName); } } else { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("Usage: %s [-u (unicode IO)] [-s (strip comments)] <input file> <output file> +<prodtag>\n"), argv[0]); }
return (b ? SUCCESS : FAILURE); }